Eh i find a lot of the instabilities unfun. Last laugh is ok…but it makes it real painful to pug harder fractals.
Imo it’d be nicer to have mechanics changes specific to fractals so they actual make sense and make the content harder, not more annoying.
Anet is so kitten at making fun adventures. Like seriously legendary weapons were boring before and now it’s worse because the one possible change in course has been ruined. Anet makes games for grinders not for people who enjoy challenges and fun
The electro dyes are some of the best in the game so we’re discovering just what the market is willing to bear – and it’s quite a lot.
Anet is also absurdly bad at bringing things back. I understand it’s good to make things special and let them be exclusive for a couple months, but they wait wayyyy too long…
Probably on purpose to make more money from the dye pack hype.
He has another video as well. Both are a bit older but they are a general idea of how mesmer’s will play. Mainly watch out for mirror blade and if a phantasm pops right next to you. Usually people will use mirrorblade and shatter as it hits, or they will use sword 3 which creates a phantasm next to you which gives them an ability to teleport to that location immobilize you and they will follow with blurred frenzy and a shatter. The best way I have found to kill mesmers is to just practice fighting them. Like a thief a lot of it comes down to timing in terms of stealth shattering and cooldowns on shatters and skills. Since update you need to be wary of different stealth times between regular shatters and PU shatters (which have longer stealth durations). Also the lockdown mesmer popular at the moment uses a mantra of distraction which you can’t really avoid unless you are already dodging or LOSing. But theyre timing is similar to regular mesmers so when you anticipate a burst just dodge and you will most likely miss the lockdown.
Without all this depth, the general idea would be too pressure them once they blow theyre skills. Go at them like you will not back down and play close attention to the skills they use. Once they have exhausted shatter, blurred frenzy, etc.. then go in for the kill. If its a staff mesmer you should be wary of their teleports backwards and just play it safer when they retreat because they will anticipate a rush.
Edit: Also when they have their arm in the air with their greatsword they are calling in a berserker. So make sure to dodge backwards as it will hit you for a lot. Good mesmers however use berserker to waste your dodges in order to land a shatter so pay attention for that.
What I wish would happen with Mai Trin is that when you remove all of her stacks and push her to 75% 50% and 25% hp she will either get stronger or new skills, and regain her stacks along with the cannons firing periodically throughout the fight, but just way less often. After each phase, the cannons would increase in frequency.
This is a good idea and along with this they should get rid of maw
Mai trin is pretty easy honestly it’s just painful in bad groups. What I do nowadays is tell people to stay as close as possible to her and then call out when the electric field will come next, every third shot, and have everyone stack then. Makes it a lot simpler and lets people be chickens for a bit.
Canon phase is utter kitten tho
Concerning the daily changes from fractal end reward to daily achieves does this mean you can do multiple fractals from a range i.e. 50’s 40’s 30’s etc and still get a reward for all of them? Love this change if so
I dont understand the problem with 3 fractals and a boss. It made it so that smooth runs actually felt satisfying like I had accomplished something, and bad runs make me want to get better or just rage i didnt even get a skin. My best fractal runs even with bad rolls were around 30 mins long which honestly isnt that bad. Why should casuals suddenly be able to have easy access to skins -_-
Are they keeping instabilities? Because I find those rather stupid, even the less annoying ones like 50 and 40 are still a pain because you basically are forced to maintain full ar the whole time, stopping you from swapping sets, etc….
Personally I hate how many times i get cliffside and grawl so its not a totally bad change that they are making them static, but i do think having to do 3 fractals and a boss made fractals actually hard, compared to dungeons. I wish they would just give us an option to do static fractal, static set of 3-boss fractal, or totally random set of fractal with different tiers of rewards at the higher levels.
(edited by champ.7021)
Lower fractals will remove more stacks per second when she is standing in the lightning field, as opposed to higher level fractals which will remove fewer.
Are you sure you weren’t just in a high level fractal and weren’t used to the Mai Trin fight at that level?
no lol it wasnt that. maybe it was just bugging out in that instance but at least 4-5 times horrick would shoot a lightning field and she would be inside the aoe and right when it hit it would go away, just like the fire field. she would lose no stacks.
dreamthistle skins are back why not bunny ears too!!!
Anyone notice after todays patch that the lightning fields used to strip away her stacks are not working as well. This may have started happening for longer and i just havent done mai enough but today it seemed especially hard to take off her stacks because even when we had her in the field it would go away immediately. Thought it might be a bug.
Would also be nice if they brought it back my character needs a halo!
Elementalist is probably the best class in the game. Then i would argue engineer and guardian, engineer becuase it has so much utility and damage, however because it’s difficult to pull off not many play it and guardian because it carries. Warrior is a lot better than it was before and ofc thief is still top in terms of single target dps, stealth and blinds although engineer can cover both of those. Mesmer is a lot better than prepatch however still not as strong in casual runs and with pug groups. necro and ranger are still meh, neither got buffed very much and if anything ranger is a bit worse now that warrior dps has increased.
If i were to choose a class it would be ele. Insanely strong dps if you play it correctly with a great amount of cc for trash and for bosses, Ice bow is amazing altho a bit boring. With earth elemental you can give a good tank for harder bosses and with sandstorm you can keep up blinds. Swapping to s/f or d/f lets you get reflects and invulns also LH will help with blinds. Overall a strong class.
My favorite class however is mesmer because it’s incredibly fun and portal tricks are great, but it’s a lot harder class to play in pugs and to bring out its full potential especailly when compared to guardian. Other good classes i would recommend are guardian and thief especially if you are new. I would say warrior too but i hate people who only roll warrior, because everyone has a warrior and any more than 1 warrior in a party is useless.
(edited by champ.7021)
It seems to me that EU players are always more hardcore than NA players in many of the games I’ve played. May be a cultural difference or something? Even in pvp and wvw EU players are a lot stronger. I’ve heard the general skill level is higher in pugs (pvp and pve) and people are nicer and less kitten (although i doubt the last part).
Too bad i get bad connection and ping on eu servers :/
Cos it’s not sexy
:o I think Amber Rose is pretty!
There aren’t any ‘chubby’ characters because our heroes walk everywhere. They fight things. They are in shape (that’s why there are some thicker shaped women, but no muffin tops). It doesn’t make any sense to have a character with that body type unless they opened up the world to play bartenders or mayors or others that aren’t running around fighting dragons.
Unless they were on the diet sumo wrestlers are, anything that would make them chubby would be burned off just by participating in the world.
Maybe I’m a bit harsh but some of the body types looked chubby to me…
I agree i think there are a couple ‘chubby’ body types for humans and for norns.
Anet brings back things, and often its hard to predict when just off what’s told in game. But you can always check out dulfy or the reddit for gw2 because both of those will have datamined gem store items a week or two before they are released. Helps to know when exactly you can expect to lose some gold or 10$ :p
Nah I just have a disease were when someone says PU and Lockdown in the same sentence I stop reading. Since you know the two can’t be taken at the same time.
That and whenever PU is taken in a PvP setting and people complain after the entire Mesmer community has pretty much reached a consensus something needs to be done about it is rather silly. If you’re fighting a PU Mesmer they gave up a lot of potential burst so it’s just a troll way to go in PvP. It’s nothing that’s necessarily OP.
one mesmer was Pu the other was lockdown…so you dont read? I’m pretty sure i made that clear.
again its not Op its just something i think is bad for the class. I don’t want mesmer to be nerfed into the ground which is why im specifically talking about certain traits and how they give the appearance that mesmer is OP. CS PU and Blind are all very powerful and while I hope they stay in the game I think they should be toned down a bit. If these three were to be balanced out, not to be made obsolete but to make it so that mesmer’s actually have to risk something in order to land a burst I think complaints of Op’ness would go away for the most part. Pre patch mesmer was not great, it needed buffs for sure, but a good thing about the class was that being bad at it had real consequences if you were playing shatter. Now you can use Pu or Cs and blind and manage to stay alive even when you are playing poorly. Personally i don’t mind PU because I just think of it like fighting a thief, and thank god not many in pvp run condi pu, and CS is ok without mantra, with mantra its just annoying and I hate how spammy it makes mesmers. The one i really think needs to be toned down is the blind because it makes everything easy mode especially when paired with PU.
I don’t care too much about them nerfing or not nerfing mesmer it can stay the same i won’t pvp much anyways, but i fear that Anet will end up nerfing mesmer burst which they should not do at all.
(edited by champ.7021)
There is also a short hairstyle option for humans in the hairkit although it’s probably not what you are looking for
Arah p1 is pretty much the most newbie-unfriendly path in the game.
I’d rather do p4 with first timers than p1Seriously? I can braindead run P1 with PUGs just because they’re live bodies that can help rally or add slight dps (notably on locusts). I don’t do P4 because I’m lazy and it takes so long.
P1 sucks for pugs because of the lack of wp at the crystaline entities. I remember the first time i did that path with pugs -_- it was like waiting for 5 old people to cross a road one at a time.
So…. You’re complaining about playing against two obviously crap Mesmers that couldn’t burst a zerk warrior? And saying they op because you couldn’t kill them due to traits you think they were running… Wow
So serious question…do you have a disease where when someone criticizes your class your eyes immediately glass over and you cant read anymore? Should get that checked out
First of all that isn’t my first encounter with mesmer post patch, it was my most jarring experience in pvp. I’ve had more annoying fights in wvw some i won and the ones against condi i lost bc no stance and i suck against condi.
Nowhere did i say it is OP. I said that I can understand why people believe it is. I play mesmer in every game mode and it’s my favorite class. I want it to be the best it can be, and personally i think some of these traits are dumbing down the class. I’m pointing out that the traits like PU and like blind on shatter and like lockdown with mantra are giving too much spammable survivability to mesmer. Mesmer is a glassy class and should have to position itself properly in order to burst and survive. It should not be about how many times they can spam distract or shatter whenever someone comes close to them.
I don’t think these traits should be removed, I think they should be toned down. I like the burst mesmer has gotten from this patch, because prepatch the burst was not strong enough for the amount of preparation it took and how easily it could be avoided. Now the power is in a good place but they have way too much survival. I was comparing it to shoutbow because it was that kind of build to fight against. Not fun, boring and at the end of the day just stupid.
(edited by champ.7021)
I’d say later focus on getting to know eventually : (values difficulty out of 5 )
- COF 1+2 ( 1 , 2 ) ( lvl 75 )
- AC full ( 2 , 3 , 2 ) ( lvl 35 ) (good money)
- COE full ( 3 , 3 , 4 ) ( lvl 80 )
- SE 1,3 ( 2 , 3 ) ( lvl 65 )
- TA FW and UP ( 3 , 3 ) ( lvl 55 )
- Arah 1,3,4 ( 4 , 4 , 3 ) ( lvl 80 ) (nice armor)
Wait, what? CoE P3 is harder than Arah 4? What? WHAT?
From a perspective of a new player, especially when running with pugs, Arah would be an order of magnitude more difficult than most of the paths you named. Also, P2 is much more worthwhile learning than P4.
I don’t really get why Arah p3 is considered easier than p2. The mechanics of the end boss, the orbs and the first two bosses can be difficult for pugs, especially if you have no reliable reflects/ the guardian or mesmer in you group sucks. Whereas P2 is much more straightforward in terms of bosses it’s just the skips that are hard for pugs which can easily be alleviated with a thief, or a mesmer. OFC arah isn’t a good place to start running dungeons, but it’s the best place to learn your class and practice to get better.
I responded too soon to this thread.
Today I played against mesmers when not on mesmer, and I have to say i totally get why people think it is OP. Now this isnt to say that the qq about bursting is correct, because i think mesmer bursts are in the perfect place rn, however it’s more about PU and the blind on shatter traits.
I was playing warrior, some man mode zerker gs axe/shield and encountered two mesmers in stronghold both running the same build of staff gs blind on shatter and PU (well one was lockdown). They were honestly the least fun thing to fight against. They reminded me of cele ele and shoutbow, things that just would not die no matter how stupidly they were played. One of the mesmers actually landed some bursts on me, but the other one I fought for a full minute 1v1 and he never landed a full burst. I kept trying to kill him but somehow he managed to stay alive at around 25-50% health while i was just getting bored sitting with 90% health. The blind on shatter trait just makes mesmer a spammy class that just shatter everytime someone comes close to them instead of actually paying attention and dodging when it is right. He was also using mantra of distraction and still couldn’t burst on me, yet i couldn’t kill him and eventually had to disengage because it was just a stupid fight.
Now I main mesmer but im not that great and I don’t play pvp much anymore because it’s just too boring, so it may be an l2p issue, but I feel like some of the new traits are really dumbing down the class. Mesmer should be more of a risk and reward class. I mean Anet got rid of celestial (thank god) and then went ahead and added insane survival to some classes to basically make it the same thing, where people just won’t die. They also got rid of the whole phantasm death builds to prevent that kind of gameplay, and yet its the same thing I’m seeing from these blind on shatter mesmers.
And don’t get me started on the condi aids that is mesmer in wvw O.o.
I don’t think mesmer is that Op because they lose a lot when they run builds like this, but i do think these traits are not good for the class and will carry people just like celestial carried shoutbows and eles who just spammed their buttons.
I’m always asking people to pull bloomhunger to the water…why won’t they ever listen and do easy mode!?!?
Mesmer’s still have longish cds, still have less stealth and reliable ports than thief, theyre burst is still entirely possible dodge if you are somewhat experienced. They are still squishy and die quickly under condi pressure. After they distort / blurred frenzy they have little defense.
I do kinda hate lockdown mesmer with mantra of distraction because people just spam that and it also means they don’t take their own condi clear or more importantly their most powerful skill portal. However, this still doesn’t make them OP. Not knowing how to fight a class and then suddenly having them be a real threat does not make them OP, it means you need to learn a bit more about the class and how to fight it. I feel like most of this mesmer hate comes from the fact that no one really had to worry about mesmers until this patch and now that they are serious contenders in pug matches people think they are somehow OP.
All this started when I said the looking at the revenant and other professions masteries that it seems like PvE was going to shift away from the current DPS meta and that support roles, whether it be healing, CC, or agro management might get a little more spotlight. As it is now they are overshadowed by DPS. I hope it does change.
Personally when i think about support builds that rely on aggro/healing i either think about those super tanky guardian builds that some people use that absolutely neuters content like mossman, or i think of content that cheesily requires a certain build in order to complete, yet requires little skill.
I feel like PvE shouldn’t shift away from dps rather that content should require more support. By this I don’t mean support builds but rather support skills. Besides fractals i rarely find it a requirement to use the support skills that classes have. I don’t mean that there is no use for them but rather, a pug ele that only presses 2 and 1 on staff can do most content in this game, even when using proper rotations using blinds reflects ccs are useful.
Idk that much about the traits but i feel like revenant doesn’t have much of a place in the game. It seems to be an amalgamation of other classes that just doesn’t bring much to the table. I personally wish it would be a class focussed on changing group’s damage and support output, kind of like channeling a certain hero would affect your whole group. For example if a certain boss is weak to condition damage, the rev could channel that hero and the whole groups condi damage would be increased, same with other heros and physical damage, and support boons and skills. Ofc sounds kind of OP but imagine how interesting group interplay could be.
I’ve seen multiple precursors linked in chat, probably a glitch or something
I think it’s a L2P issue
… he says to Purple Miku. Dude, that takes some serious guts.
(or ignorance)
He’s crazy good at this game, mainly pve. I think if there’s anyone whose opinion you would take under serious consideration it would be Miku’s. Not to say his opinion is always right, but i do agree rev looks boring and a bit bad
When anyone sees an advertisement to sell last boss of FoTM, please join this group and keep abandoning them till they give up and try to recruit a proper team member to complete the instance or 4 man it themselves.
So lets just generally kitten up the instances of anyone who is selling even those who put time and effort into 4/3 manning a fractal?
Yes people do this, but a lot of people also legitimately sell. Don’t be kitten and ruin selling altogether.
Hopefully you got the whole playlist. I haven’t seem them all but I’d say the first video on mesmer and the last two would be helpful.
Just keep in mind that the lupicus part is out of date because of the bug meaning you will probably want some reflects and you will have to dodge more. As far as Abom goes, he’s pretty easy. I dodge when he’s at the highest point of his leap thing, about a second after the aoe appears. For when he goes berserk he will slow down and do a massive step. The step will knock you back so either dodge or stand against something so you won’t get pushed too far back, he transforms right after the step. If you have interrupts you can stop him if you cc during the step animation. Alphard is fairly difficult, not really sure because haven’t solo’d it in a while, but if I remember correctly you can just kite him around one of the stacks of hay or farther away from his spawn and just los when he rapid fires and when the adds appear.
3 ele’s Myself included
1 engi
1 thiefJust a snippet of the ego boosts they gave each other.
Meanwhile only one who even saw might/glyph of storms etc etc
Engi talked of nades but camped flamethrower.
Love people who think that damage inherently comes from class, not rotations, skills, etc…
Asura ele or engie idr named lana del rye bread LOL
This is from the sw farm right….i have like 5 stacks of dragonite ore max
I got 100 of those stacks from Halloween from opened 27k Trick or Treat bags to get the mini Gwyn. Any other stacks since then have come from everywhere else.
Oh geez wow!
I was thinking of trying to open bags since its such a cute mini, but 27k O.o
Same with fractal focus!
Anet seems to not like light classes
Scepter and staff are both used by guardian as well …
Staff will also be used by a medium class.
guardians also get focus, i was being sarcastic kind of :p
Same with fractal focus!
Anet seems to not like light classes
I’m not one of them. In fact I often find myself more unhappy with the game after winning than losing.
I hate having games where my team wins after just steamrolling the other side. I hate winning when people on my team trash talk others even though the fact the other side isn’t as good has more to do with matchmaking than the players fault. Same reason why i hate losing when my team gets steam rolled or i get matched against premades. Not all games have to be fair, but when you consistently get matches where you get destroyed or you destroy the other side, somethings obviously wrong with matchmaking/ queues.
Another reason why gw2’s pvp isn’t as great as it can be is because of the maps and game modes. There are few maps so that ruins the variation, but even more than that the game mode itself is extremely complicated. Rotations are probably the hardest thing for new players to understand which is discouraging, especially if they are trying to learn their class at the same time. Having a complex game mode with very complicated classes does not cater itself to growing a community. Not saying they need to dumb down the game but they need a couple more maps with better designs than the kitten in unranked and a gamemode that is simpler for newer players. Also maybe some more support for newer players coming into pvp and intermediate players who are trying to get better. This could also make for more variation in streams and tournaments.
This is from the sw farm right….i have like 5 stacks of dragonite ore max
I like miku’s comment on that video. A lot of people hate on ele staff, but its equally as involved and difficult as other ele rotations. Its just bad ele’s dont use the utilities, or easy content doesn’t require them.
Mah frands! The reason why i keep playing daily!
(also fractal sword)
For PvE:
In your face classes and builds. This includes thieves, warriors, and kind of guardians. I enjoy having to know boss attacks and when to dodge. I also love hitting really high numbers which is why teef is my favorite.
Complex classes with hard roles. This includes engineers, elementalists, and guardians. The first two are my favorite classes in the game (besides teef) since they have hard rotations, (even staff ele has rotations when you need utility) and they deal a ton of damage. They also have a lot of things to be mindful of, knowing what utility to bring and when to use what. Guardians I am ambivalent of because in dungeons they are boring as heck but in fractals they are extremely fun to play because of how much work they do.
Playstyles i dont like: condi, healer, tank. I used to like condi, but i now enjoy seeing my damage upfront in one large number. Also condi fields are a nightmare for stacking might….. Healer’s and tank’s bore me, i like challenges where i am in a disadvantage, and even though there isn’t that much opportunity for this in group settings in gw2 i feel like glass is as close as you can get.
For PvP:
I really only like mesmer at the moment. It’s complex, it’s hard and you are almost always at a disadvantage. It requires map knowledge, enemy knowledge, and the ability to land a difficult burst. I am extremely rusty but i learn a little bit every match and the kiting aspect is just amazing.
The only other playstyle i am partial to is s/d thief. It also requires a ton of knowledge and even though it has a lot of fail safes, it is not nearly as easy as meta d/p. Crit strikes is a close second but s/d animations are so sick.
Every other class i have tried and just don’t enjoy in pvp. Sometimes i go s/f ele and warrior but that’s it.
Ive played hours of pvp without running into any of these, so either this guy is incredibly unlucky, or he doesnt understand thief or scepter ele and is qqing.
So what about this makes it unrestricted? seems pretty legit to me
Yeah the exploit is an exploit. But before the exploit everyone said lets stop having time gates in dungeons, the most prolific example being the burrows in p3, and bascially everything in p2 from flooded temple to the final boss kill. They didn’t change these mechanics to make them better or more fun, and so now players use exploits to get around the honestly, tremendously boring content.
Im not saying i necessarily agree or disagree with exploits, just that this content needs fixing, not to address the exploit but to address the poor design in the first place.
I am 99% sure getting hit by cannons mid air is caused by people jumping which causes the AoE rings to be displayed incorrectly. If no one jumps, I never had an issue where I got hit standing outside of the circle.
Miku is banned from the forums but he asked me to reply with this
“”maybe the warrior in the party jumped? Its hard to tell in that video but its a possibility.
O.o? you mean that other people jumping is getting me killed? I used to think it was my own fault for jumping away from circles, but i’ve been hit 3+ times this week when i was standing still in a safe spot.
I always love to read arguments like these about my spec and class in the PvP section.
Makes me want to Long Range Shot people even more.
Guys! Your qqing is just contributing to their 2000 range smugness
I guess its an exploit but…..
I’ve been hit so many times by the canons mid air when im not even in the aoe, or they land somewhere outside where the aoe shows they will land. Its not really that the canon phase is hard, it’s just so annoying and often times it depends on what the rest of your group does. i.e. When im with frands it goes fine because we all know to move as little as possible and spread out, or to stealth in the corner and have one person kite. When im with pugs they don’t understand how to blast, or all of them run into stealth and mai rests, and they don’t understand how to not run like a chicken.
I mean outside of the dying in the canon phase, when else do people relog? My group always makes an active effort to rez anyone who goes down when mai is actually fighting us, its only the canon phase where we can’t.
(edited by champ.7021)
Vee Wee how can you give suggestions when you don’t play the game anymore? And why are all of your post ALWAYS negative? If your grumpy because of lack of sleep you should read it helps your eyes to get fatigued and can help you fall asleep. Don’t write because since your exhausted people tend to write nonsense and I say that from experience. Only thing I agree with you is leaderboards can be a bit better. Everything else idk man I think you should take a nap…..
Probably because changes can only be made through negative criticisms. If you think something should be changed would you say, Its the best thing ever but it needs to be changed. Also Vee wee said that the combat system is fantastic which we all agree with.
Honestly everything he/(she?) said is what basically all my pvp friends say, just more fleshed out. I doubt anyone seriously into pvp will argue that vee wee is off the mark. Maybe some things he/(she?) said arent 100% accurate or not everyone agrees with them, but the whole gist of the write up was pretty dam true.
Really good write up. You missed some of the good things about PvE, the fact that it can be crazy hard, but only when players make it so (i.e. low manning, speed runs, records).
But your analysis of PvP is spot on. I would say more but i already responded on reddit. I hope Anet actually listens to people like you and realizes with all these veterans leaving, or just not being as interested anymore there is clearly something wrong with the game that needs fixing.
So a couple friends and I want to switch to a new server in order to roam in wvw. Im atm in BG, the other three are in SOS, YB, and FA (lol). We were gunna switch on alt accounts so we could roam together on the same server. The ones who are into wvw thought that T2 roaming wouldn’t be that great especially with FA blobs, so we were looking into T3 and T4. Basically just asking if anyone on those servers can tell me whether roaming is good and if the wvw scene is active? (sorry pretty new to wuvs) We were leaning towards HoD or Storm btw.
Id rather they made it so you could bind weapons to offhand slots i.e. If i want a certain dagger to only go into the offhand slot i just have to double click it. It would make might stack easier, especially since usually i don’t swap one weapon to another, i swap between 5 weapons in total (staff, scepter, focus, and two daggers).
But yeah it would be nice if they would at least let us have a weapon set on swap so we could at least start our might stacking rotation faster, or rotate faster between weapons while running