- no one would respect you
- no one would enjoy it
- you would try to run as soon as anyone got close to you
- after the first time, someone would use Wall of Reflection on you
with the exception of the last item, whats the diference from the curernt AoE condi meta?
On a related note, there are trolls on every server that will complain about everything and anything a commander does, whether its an experienced one or not. Your best bet is to put those fools on ignore. If your on BG, there is a specific individual that makes it his life’s mission to whine constantly in map/team chat. 95% of all BG comms and a good 75% of the regular folks have this clown on ignore.
how can anyone really get a feel for these elite classes with just 1 weekend of playtime? I mean, i played scourge quite a bit, and was rocking with it, but alot of my success (and maybe even most) was due to other people either not having a clue what a scourge does, or they were on a elite class where they were testing stuff out on.
Once this goes live and people get to play with this more only then can we have an informed opinion on these specs.
I soloed everything in HoT on dagger/wh. I too am a d/d disciple, and while the mobility is nice, there just isnt enough defense on there for some of the champ/elites mobs.
I play mostly fresh air, air/stone/tempest. Stone for the protect on auras. I sometimes switch out stone for water, but mostly run that. equip is zerk+scholar runes. Although i do have a zerk+durability runes set which i swap to for soloing champs like the stupid mush queen..
Its not about camping, its about proper rotations. The nerf on vital persistence ruined the synergy with a lot of traits therefore delivering a big hit on a lot of builds. VP is also necessary to keep up with the current meta.
The Speed of Shadows nerf-to-end-all-nerfs was delivered quietly at the end of the Necro section.
This is what it used to do:
Increases movement speed while in shroud. Reduces recharge on shroud.
Miscellaneous effect.png Movement speed increase: 25%
Count Recharge.png Recharge Reduced: 30%WHAT A MESS! Where’s the petition? Fire the balance team!
This nerf was worse than the VP nerf imho. Or rather, the nerf to SoS WITH the nerf to VP is just ridiculus. Not only do we have less shroud time, we lose the ability to access it more often.
The synergy with SoS and the other skills is what really hurts my playstyle.
Honestly, unless they remove about 50-75% of the waypoints in this game, I can’t take mounts seriously. Why would you EVER need them besides to get pass some cheesy mechanic that will be in the new zones? (Hint: you won’t)
I think people are forgetting the mechanics of the newest map that was just released. Anet tends to develop in a linear fashion. Which means that the new map, Siren’s Landing, is most likely the norm for the expac zones. which means there will likely be very few waypoints, and the wps that are there will have to be unlocked.
Being an Anet customer for many, many years, if they spent time developing mounts, you can be sure there will be some gimmick where they will be needed, such as no waypoints or an absurd cost to use them, or places you cannot get to easily without them, etc.
i use axe/horn and GS in everything (wvw, pve, etc). I roam solo in wvw though. if i do run with the zerg, i swap GS for staff
Speaking from experience, more than one guild leader never works, and only creates alot of guild drama. It is best to pick the most trustworthy person for the highest rank, and make new ranks for other members that need different permissions.
Better than PoS i guess
It heavily taxes the game mode. I thought you finally gave WvW some love and then you pull this crap.
Sorry I cant follow your Zerg, I have to go tag something, don’t care what it is or where it is, I’m losing my participation.
Change the AFK timer so if your not constantly playing you get logged out. Don’t punish 98% of the playerbase to combat 2% that isn’t playing as intended.what is amusing is it was the dedicated wvwers that were asking for this change. They complained about not being able to get into full maps due to afk pip farmers. When I saw the problem a few weeks ago due to the new skirmish system, I said to a few other friends that “They won’t be able to fix this problem, unless they change how pips are awarded.” Well here is there solution, and it looks like I was right.
Guess what it’s a great change, all the afkers are punished active players easily maintain the max participation which only takes 10 to 20 minutes of activity to do.
All I am seeing is leechers complaining, since it’s not hard to maintain Participation in between objectives.
Well, you have your opinion, and I have mine. What i see in this thread are the ‘sheep’ that follow the zerg around pressing ‘1’) all liking this change, as the changes promote non stop zerging. The majority of the folks that are against this change are the roamers. Leechers, to me, are the sheep that wont step outside the spawn area unless they had their 50-man zerg to hide in.
I haven’t even logged in yet, but I’m sick of the complaints about scouting. If you really are scouting, then you should be in a squad and get participation sharing. You literally don’t have to do anything and you get participation. If you don’t want to join a squad, and don’t want participation because you want to flip camps/sentries, then you’re not scouting. If you don’t want to join a squad, really scout, get the squad participation, then you’re just not even being a team player. There’s a big difference between actually scouting an roaming.
Um, i believe you do not know how squads work, at least indirectly. Most roamers are thieves and rangers nowadays. And these classes are kicked so fast from squads that there is no hope of getting participation. Roaming is the ONLY thing thieves and rangers can do nowadays in wvw, unless your in a guild-only squad and short handed of course.
I understand “adjusting” the decay timer for participation but wow, can’t even get from one camp to another without losing a tier. If you wait for a timer, rip pips. It’s decays far too fast. There I said it.
Anet doesn’t want roaming. They want you to be in the 50+ zerg pressing ‘1’ at each other.
Seriously, anyone tried roaming in the Desert BL? cant even get from one camp to another without losing a tier. And god forbid there is a timer on the camp you are waiting for. And if you die and try to run back to the zerg that’s across the map? Mind as well log out cause by the time you get there, you’ll drop 3+ tiers..
man difference between PvP and WvW is that you can get ‘carried’ in WvW very very easily. In PvP, if you don’t pull your weight, all folks in the match know it. In WvW you can hide in the zerg, spam AoEs and condis, leech heals/buffs from other people and collect your bags. If your feeling particularly ‘lazy’ one day, you can do the ‘1’ routine in WvW and still be productive, whereas if you only use ‘1’ in pvp you would be complettely useless.
Just do all t4 fractal dailies. I have a whole bank tab of ascended chests that I have no use for because fotm has already given me all the gear I need.
Recently? Fractals use to drop alot of ascended armor in the past, up to about a year ago, but since the last fractal patch i’m lucky to get one ascended drop in 3-4 weeks now.
When you switch maps (including leaving WvW altogether), you should lose ALL participation, right back to Tier 1. This would make participation map based, rather than WvW based. You want to switch maps to get pips, avoid enemy zergs, help another map etc? That should be the cost. Only takes capturing a camp and a couple of kills to get participation back up to T3 anyway. Heck. this is already implemented in HoT PvE zones.
That would leave only the afk issue. I would be in favor of a multiple step solution here:
1. when you have the determined buff for 2 minutes, participation drops to T1 (eg. no pips). This would prevent afkers at spawn.
2. when you use a waypoint, including from a death, participation drops to T2. This would prevent immediate pips, but force people to make a kill/capture or two to get it above the T3 threshold to get the pips going again.
3. Make idling more damaging to participation levels. If, in the 5-minute pip interval you did not do anything to get anything to boost particpation (eg. no kills, no captures, etc), you get the normal amount of pips for that interval and immediately drop down to T1 participation. This would, at most, force people to not afk for longer than 5 minutes or get the pips for that one interval with no pip generation after that until they build back up to T3 participation. this would help with the afkers in captured keeps/towers without the determined buff.
Maybe not perfect, but would promote a more active method of getting pips rather than getting to T6 then sitting in spawn or tower for 10 minutes getting free pips and being useless and taking up space in the queue.
would like to see the ritualist concept from gw1, perhaps with a new ranger elite and spirits reworked.
If you can’t beat them, join them. Sadly, condi is the meta and will probably stay for a while.
Meta is meta. If it weren’t condi, it would be something else. At some point players are just going to have to accept whatever the meta is and deal.
I do find it cathartic to discuss various specific OP aspects of the current meta (skills, traits, builds) but general QQ often reads as LTP or at least “Adapt To Play”.
I do not think that that is the issue people have with the condi meta. When zerk was meta, you could at least still kill them. It was a high risk, high reward meta. If you didnt have skill, you’d die quick.
With this condi meta, its now people spamming aoe condis with tank-type gear (eg. dire/tb) and running around like chickens with their heads cut off while condis tick away. Low risk, , low skill, high reward.
If you want more evidence, I was in a zerg last night in EB, with 50 people. Out of those 50 people, 34 of them were reapers (dunno builds, but you can assume the majority of them were condi, if not all). that will eventually be an issue Anet will have to deal with. When people flock to a class like there, it’s usually an indication that something is not quite balanced with that class.
I’ve soloed my way through HoT on all classes.
With a basic necro minion build i don’t think i ever died solo. And I can solo most champs and all but 1 or 2 of the HoT champ HPs (one being that stupid queen mushroom, which i’ve soloed once after dying about 50 times trying to solo it).
Ranger is easy to solo, but champs can be tricky as the pet can die and alot of bosses are mobile. I’ve done my fair share of soloing champs on it, but there are more bosses i could not solo as easily as the necro.
Thief is fun when i’m in ‘far mode’ , doing treks, map completion, etc. Basically anything where i’m in a rush.
Other classes can solo stuff, just not as easily as the above, mainly due to the pets/minions.
until anet fixes the ‘issue’ with the top level folks farming their secondary accounts, these rewards should be next to nothing.
I don’t have logged yet but with double class daily you could earn one more potion to speed up the process of skins gain by finishing rewards track.
But if this can help to mitigate the class stacking I’ll be glad to don’t get the extra potion.
I have a feeling this will make the class stacking worse, as more people will roll out the FoTM builds/classes to steam roll, or try to. I hope i’m wrong, we’ll see though.
I think toggle-able boosters would be too open to abuse. Having a karma booster up, but keeping it disabled until four seconds prior to an award of karma, feels exploitive. Turning any booster off when not applicable just feels wrong to me, though it would be nice to not waste them.
They could make it so the toggle only works in cities/guild hall/pvp hub/fractal hub/raid hub. That way you could turn them on before entering the main zones (wvw, raid, fractal, pvp match, non-city open world, etc) that would apply their affects and then turn them off when you exit those zones.
Unless you are a very specific class, like Mesmer, where a comm may call out a portal/veil/etc, TS is not needed by most WvW knowledgeable people. You stick to the tag, be map aware, etc.
I have never been ‘forced’ into TS, and rarely do i go in as it is 99.9% of the time people yapping/laughing/etc about non=game stuff anyway, which i have no interest in. 75% of the time is talk about childish/teenage crap i can live without. I do jump in though when on a Mez if we have to coordinate veils/portals (both of which are rarely even used anymore anyway) or quickness coordinate.
I can see TS being helpful for the new WvW folks though, which can be talk through different things that they have not experienced. But for vets, TS is mainly only useful for shooting the ‘bleep’ anyway…
While i see your point, being an alt-a-holic myself, this is very, very unfair to the folks who are stuck in the queue and get even get in for the first time.
The system is fair. Yes, rank helps them get more pips per tick. But, they now have to go to the borderlands and farm there to get tickets, and those require a massive time investment. The so-called eotm folks that you claim are the scum of society (which i disagree with) will not get the armor any quicker due to their rank, unless they farm the tickets. And then of course comes the argument that if the EotM folks can spend that much time in the borderlands farming tickets and being productive for their server, maybe the EoTM folks are not all that bad after all…
So looking at this objectively, Anet has put in a mechanism that rewards everyone, from people who comm, to server score, to active borderland participation.
Most of the EotM bashing is coming from jealous eliteness WvWers who either never stepped foot in there, or did and got owned.
The Borderlands has just as much, if not more, blob mentality than EotM. The server with the bigger blob wins. Its a race to see how much Aoe/condi each team can lay down.
The ONLY differences between EoTM and WvW are that folks tend to use more expensive armor like TB and nomads, and guilds in TS coordinate in the BLs. Oh, and the gates/walls are tougher. Yes, you can capture a keep faster in EoTM than WvW, but its not for some super-skilled people defending. Its due to gates/walls having more health and the ability to call in blobs from the other BLs to defend.
So people need to stop with this EoTM bashing. I have just as many, if not more, quality fights in EoTM, both in gvg and roaming, than the borderlands.
Wouldn’t work as the pps are based on your server’s performance, and EoTM is a mishmash of servers.
However, even if they could do something for EotM, that would be nice. Rightnow you have a choice to sit in the queue and do nothing/gain nothing, or you can log off. If they implement a modified pip system, like half the rate or something, that would at least be something to do while waiting for the queue to pop. Right now, i just log off, not worth my time to sit there idle while folks in BLs go afk cause they they get their pips while afk and they know if they leave the zone, they are not getting in soon.
I like the fact, that we now get our own legendary backpack and new rewards. The update seems good so far.
The only problematic idea is this point:
“Whether you’re commanding a squad with at least five people in it.”Anet, you know how people behave: Hey there is something to abuse! Let’s do that even if it annoys the others!
There is no need for tons of commandertags as it is not hard to find 5 people… That’ll be annoying as f*** for the actual commanders…
If I had to guess, this modification is Anet’s attempt to stop, or at least limit, the main complaint of Wvw ‘blobbing’. But I see this as a massive abuse mechanism. Like guilds who will ‘rotate’ tags within a group to get their folks the pips, etc.
You are forgetting the entire reason there was a “zerk or gtfo” meta in the first place. It had nothing to do with diversity, it had nothing to do with anti-condition sentiment. The entire reason for a zerk meta was the poor implementation that condition damage originally had in this game.
During the early years of this game condition damage was 1) limited in stacks and 2) did not always scale with the appliers condition damage stat. If someone else put bleeding on the target and they had a low condition damage stat, when you applied your bleeding and your condition damage was maxed out you would still only tick at the condition damage of the original application.
This lead to the zerk meta since the bosses in pve are hit point sinks and any more than one condition using class became redundant and greatly slowed the overall progress of the dungeon, fractal, whatever. People desired the ability to finish the desired objective faster which is the same as to why you drive at or over the speed limit on the way home from work, you could drive at 1 mph and still make it home but why waste the time? Same thing was happening in dungeons, etc. At the time zerker gear was the highest damaging stat combination that was not influenced by anyone else except their application of vulnerability unlike condition damage so people advertised for “zerk only”
Anet listened to the feedback (and rightfully so) and proceeded to change the way condition damage worked in the game. They made condition damage have unlimited stacks (or virtually so) and made it so that each person’s condition damage was based on their condition damage stat in other words making condition damage viable in group based situations.
During the time since the change to the working of condition damage Anet has consisitantly reduced the damage output of power based (or zerk builds) and increased not only the damage but also the application rate of condition damage.
The overall problem and the reason for most of these complaint threads is that for every build type there should be a risk/reward in using that particular stat combination. Zerk always emphasized this in the fact that to get the most damage you had to forgo vitality and toughness to achieve the higher levels of damage. If you didn’t dodge right or postion yourself right you paid the price and were downed (hence the risk) while the reward was the quicker killing of the target.
With the introduction of new stat combinations over the time since the condition change Anet has continually lowered the risk in running a condition build thereby increasing the reward. Since the reward is increasing more people are gravitating to these condition builds.
In PvE it really makes no difference which type of build you run now days except for high level fractals and raids but in pvp and wvw there is a big difference in what build you run due to the increasing viability of condition builds and the fact that more and more people are using condition builds. You only have so many cleanses and the rate of condition application far outpaces these cleanses.
Both types of builds need to be viable but each one needs to have some risk/reward in using that particular build. Currently the risk/reward gap between the two types of builds greatly favors condition damage. Anet needs to figure out how to close that gap so that both types are closer in their risk/reward.
Good Summary. I’d also like to add how damage is applied in both Zerk and Condi. In Zerk, most of the high damage skills, with a few exceptions, are applied in close range. In Condi, most of the damage is applied from range and worse, most of the AoE is condi.
This fosters a different play style for condi where you can safely bomb from a distance and run around like a chicken with your head cut off letting your dots do their work. In most cases, you don’t even need to target your opponent as you can just Aoe large areas and it will usually hit. Whereas in Zerk, you have to actively engage your target consistently to do damage.
When you take this ‘feature’ with the mechanisms Bunter described where condi does not need to sacrifice survivability for max damage like Zerk has too, you end up with a very lazy play style. Low Risk, High Reward = Condi. High Risk, High Reward=Zerk.
And human nature has folks gravitating to the Highest reward with the least amount of risk. Hence the lazy condi world we now live in.
Seems like its a nerf on power dmg over all and over all a nerf on ele skills the hell is anet thinking?
Side note this is what i been talking about all this time on these forms the reason why the wvw / ele community not been in a complete uproar is comply beyond me.
my guess would be because 95% of the WvW community is running a condi cancer build nowadays..
The problem with Take Root is the fact that it outclasses every single elite for a condi spec when dealing damage. This goes against the fact that race should not matter for game play concerns and I have met people who have rolled new rangers just to have take root for the extra 2k DPS it provides. Now if you’re using it for the invuln part of the skill, I wouldn’t worry about it.
Edit: It is a raid problem, not a WvW one (though it could be, I don’t really play WvW).
It’s also a WvW problem.
It’s a 3 second invuln with absurdly high damage. No other elite has this kind of overtunned offense and defense in one and is also restricted to race specifics.
Take root isn’t a problem in any mode it’s the god awful class elites. Look at Mesmer we used to spread conditions through glamours but it was removed and now we have no condition based elite and necros with their lich nerfed and the other classes. Mobs need to die quickly and so many of our elites are group based fone tuned for raids in the prelaunch balance patch. When your class elites don’t do anything to speed up your killing people will grab something that will. The topic has been discussed to death and merging take root isn’t going to make people use their class skills again. Same goes for utilities because some classes are taking racial utilities over their class skills too.
Balance in the game needs to be more than merely raid meta there are too many useless and broken skills and skills turned useless through balancing. The reason for the surge of racial skill usage is because racial shave been exempt from class balance over the years. We didn’t have so many people using racial s to this degree in the earlier years . Not in dungeons fractals or WVW heck I used TW to cap camps back then because of the old condi spread when roaming.
^^This. I just wish Anet would change it so the elite slot can be populated with any skill. The only elite that is useful is headbutt for warrior (low cooldown). Others are just too situational with way too long cooldowns.
I find it extremely strange, and somewhat insulting that the devs flock to reddit time and time again and aside from Gail of course, completely ignore the OFFICIAL forum.
i use to want housing myself. But seeing how Anet implements anything nowadays, I reckon it would involve massive amounts of materials, require high level fractals, high level raids, legendary status on PvP and, well, they don’t care about wvw some at least thats something.
Probably like 50k leather, 100k ancient wood planks, etc. Then some gem purchase for about 3k gems..
It’s not healthy for the discussion to be deliberately obtuse. -_-
Insignias are a part of the armor-crafting process to get to 500, making Ascended gear available. Even for crafting Ascended gear, the Ascended insignia requires the Exotic one. Even getting a loot box from a fractal, conversion through the Forge requires an exotic insignia.
Kuu’s statement happens to drive home the point that the leather component is entirely too costly and affects the entire playerbase.
Too costly for whom?
Almost everyone, barring the top few percenters.
Every couple of months I sell 100-150g worth of leather I get from playing wvw to players with no patience. I have 5 characters in full ascended and have max all crafting, some even duplicates. I’m really not sure why leather is so expensive but it’s kind of nice for me to make some easy gold.
This is one the issues i have with this argument of leather prices. I’m not singling Justine out, as many many more folks have this opinion, myself included. But GW2 has been out for awhile, and many vets have their characters already geared out (with medium chars geared out during the leather-cheap days).
So in the current environment, these players, myself included, can make tons of money selling everything to the less fortunate players that are struggling to gear out their toons.
So while the vets see this as a cash cow, new players, or players still trying to gear are feeling the pain. And if you are still trying to gear out characters nowadays, chances are you don’t have the funds like these vets do. So its a case of the rich preying on the poor. They vets/rich don’t want the leather cheap as it would kill their cash cow.
They need to stabilize the prices to fall within line with the other tier mats like cloth. There is a post on here that details the cost difference between the tiered cloth/leather/metal users, and leather was like 3x as more expensive if memory serves (i can find that post later if needed)..
I don’t have access to 2h sword yet and I only have “of the Necromancer” gear and only 90 gold on my account. Should I just stick with the gear or buy something with power and vitality?
90 gold should get you a full zerk set in exotic, including all weapons and runes.
As for power/vitality: unless you are doing WvW, vitality on a necro is borderline useless. You already have a high hit point pool. Plus you have a second health bar with shroud. In Open world Pve and fractals/dungeons, go zerk. You shouldn’t really die in full zerk in open world pve.
Borderline useless, vs precision, which is always useless.
Do you even play necro man? Why should anyone buy a full zerk exotic set when you can basically get one for free?
Also shroud isn’t a ‘second health bar’. Anyone that truly plays necro knows that this is a misunderstanding of how shroud works, which is why the vitality, on a class with no blocks, isn’t useless.
Especially when you say things like “Too slow and outperformed by dagger.” In regards to GS, which is patently false.
we will agree to disagree. And yes, i main a necro. I have 4 of them in fact. And we are talking about OPEN WORLD PVE here. vitality is useless. If you go death line, you have more than enough toughness to take hits with base hps. If you go soul, you have more than enough shroud gen/sustain to take a full hit bar.
And yes, if the target sits in front of you, GS is more DPS. But d/wh generates more LF, cleaves well, and the third hit on auto attack hits like a truck. Not to mention wh 4 breakbar ability. But i use d/wh with GS on switch and ditched staff, unless range is absolutely needed, like soloing the mushroom queen HP in TD for example.
As pointed out by Blaeys and OriOri, Anet has been extremely adamant on not implementing a gear treadmill, and this I applaud them for adding a gear treadmill will alienate almost every player, all that is needed is to provide Ascended vendors in WvW and to have each gamemode access to its own Legendary Armor, New Stat combos should always be released but not have bigger stat totals than what is already in game.
End game progression in this game has been, cosmetic skins, Legendaries and story progression, not gear progression as such.
correct me if i’m wrong, but I seem to remember a short time ago that Anet was talking about releasing Legendary Armor with higher stats than Ascended. The uproar on the forums was immense and they pulled it, but it is something they have considered in the recent past. And knowing Anet, i would wager we’ll see it at some point..
I don’t have access to 2h sword yet and I only have “of the Necromancer” gear and only 90 gold on my account. Should I just stick with the gear or buy something with power and vitality?
90 gold should get you a full zerk set in exotic, including all weapons and runes.
As for power/vitality: unless you are doing WvW, vitality on a necro is borderline useless. You already have a high hit point pool. Plus you have a second health bar with shroud. In Open world Pve and fractals/dungeons, go zerk. You shouldn’t really die in full zerk in open world pve.
condi really is only good for soloing champs, high level fractals/raids, etc. Bosses that take some time to kill. Everything else dies too quick.
PVE-wise, i usually go full zerk with scholar runes, with death/blood/Reaper skills (d/wh, gs). Why death? I like to solo champs and basically solo everything, plus i can walk into fractals without changing anything and rofl stomp through (gotta love condi clear trait on minions). Death helps keep the bonus up on scholar runes as well. Blood is a must for me personally. I cannot live without Movement speed and the heals and well cooldowns are just a plus.
I cannot remember the last time i died to be honest, and i solo just about everything under legendary status. Here’s my normal build :
I switch out GS for staff when i need some range, but thats rare now a days.
I do tend to drop Death line and take spite and go full dps when in a zerg:
You can drop the blood line for even more dps (pick up soul line), but i personally cannot live without the movement speed in blood, plus the heals/well cooldowns are really nice the way i play.
In WvW, i regret to say i have joined the dark side and play condi. But thats a whole other conversation.
Now if they would allow the ranger to throw traps like in the old days, this conversation would be taking a different route.
Is there really a 5 page thread of a build that does nothing buy annoyance or troll people? Come on there are far greater things in wvw that needs to be looked at and people cry at this. It does nothing game breaking, it can’t do anything apart from kill people with no stun breaks/condi clear. I managed to run away from 2 of them on my power reaper.
Most of the folks that say this don’t reveal they are actually Ghost thieves in their signature. But nice try there buddy.
on a condi build if i’m running druid rather than BM, i go double birds (eagle/hawk). There bleed is on 7s cd and i tend to only swap when they are low. I can get insane amount of bleeding/condis with them on champs and whatnot when soloing.
If i take BM, i go lynx/wyvern. Power is a whole other story, tiger with either wyvern or smokey or something else when i’m bored.
I like how folks blame everything on EoTM. Obviously you havent been out there in at least a year. Since Anet removed XP gain, most folks are out there with their 80 characters. And as for you comment on ‘avoiding fights’, I’ve seen more fights in EotM in one 4-hour match than you can potentially see in a 1-day fight in WvW.
And don’t try to say that WvW takes more skill. I play both, and WvW involves trying to ‘stealth’ siege structures, jump maps to avoid enemy zergs so you can back cap, among other questionable tactics. Yes, the fights are more ‘epic’, but WvW, regardless of what the ‘pros’ say, is based on numbers. The zergs with the most numbers will usually win.
Regardless of what zone you like, each involves spamming autoattack and AoEs.
People don’t use Greatsword because its autoattack is terrible DPS, only better than mainhand axe auto which is the worst auto in the game.
And they did nothing that would make greatsword desirable to use in PvE. Greatsword was already being used in PvP for its mobility/block.
I disagree, at least so far in my limited amounts of testing. In a remorseless build (marks/beast/druid) with hit bash refreshing maul, MoC and AS with quickness from BM, the GS is become extremely deadly and can really pump out the ccs/dps with GS/LB/pet (moa/smoke) and the remorseless traits
However, this is the ranger we are talking about, so i’ll curb my enthuisasm for a bit. I’m sure we’ll see a patch tomorrow by Anet that puts an internal CD on MoC of 10 secs and ups Hit Bash to 30s cd.
The meteor shower nerf is extremely painful to say the least. Well, on the bright side, armor of earth, arcane shield, and ride the lightning has their cooldowns reduced. Ridethe lighting is back to it’s pre-nerf days and if you hit a target, the cooldown should be less than its initial release version’s cooldown (15 seconds if you hit a target as opposed to initial release’s 20 seconds).
The nerf to meteor shower makes me wonder if meteor shower was the major culprit or if it was a combination of meteor shower + pre nerf lava font.
Staff is becoming a liability now. No flow in fire what so ever with the LF nerf from the last patch. Read through these changes and was a bit perplexed. Until i read that they INCREASED the dps on both guard and warrior. Now i just don’t care about any of it anymore…
For every type of content there will be one class that can do more dps than other classes, and when it comes to large hit boxes that class is Ele.
For aoe with multiple enemies, that is necro.
For single target dps, its a tie between ele, thief and ranger.
If they nerf ele, then the class won’t be used for single target dps and the ones of the remaining two classes will be used instead if they evade the nerfs. Large hit box will likely still be ele, even with a 20% nerf, through the two raid bosses which will be effected by this is going to be significant harder for those already struggling with them.
Any yet they massively increased necro dps and nerfed ele’s dmg (in pve anyway).
Not seeing to logic with that change, among a few others..
increased the damage on guards to. And then nerfed ele’s damage in pve… Even I am now beginning to lose hope here…
Are you jumping through all the pillars or using the ledge after the first one? jump on the first pillar, then jump over to the ledge (it looks like it is too steep, but it isnt). From this ledge, jump easily to the second pillar, then then third.
Only thing i can think of here is you are trying to jump from pillar to pillar without the use of that ledge.
Or use the other method, which also works (but the jumps are easier on the pillars, plus you can get the unbound magic for the other daily along the way)
wait til they roll out the WvW vendor. Given Anet’s track record with sledge hammer nerfs, I can’t wait to see them release a new WvW currency because too many people have hoarded up the medals of Honor already. I’m sure the WvW folks will implode. Then they will cry that they don’t what the EotM folks to earn ascended due to the ‘real’ WvW folks jealously over that map. And Anet will listen to these folks, since they did the same for WvW missions and release yet another stupid currency, one where you have to be in a zerg with a minimium of 20 people to earn 1 token per hour.
i must be missing something here. Are you talking about the peach daily or the POI in the camp? If its the peach daily, I’m not sure what ‘jump’ or mobs you are talking about. There’s a narrow cave you can enter just east of the little town (cave entrance is on a narrow ledge around a corner). There are no hostiles in there. Walk around the mesa in there til you find the place to jump up, and its 3 easy jumps (have to glide on two of them but its a very easy/short glide/jump). No hostiles there at all.
Now if your talking about the POI in the NE corner, you go to the peach guy using the back entrance. Theres a short run through a few elites/champs, but all classes can do it easily. Warrior is the easiest class to do it on, using SoR and Last Stand. Plan to die though once you get the POI if that kb herd is in that cave, getting out is the more difficult part due to having few coolsdowns left usually.
To be fair, when MM was a thing, it was nigh-impossible to find a meta map sometimes because people had entry fees for squads.
To reiterate: Entry fees for their MM squads.
I don’t want to pay your lazy bum to get onto a meta map, swindlers. Seen people charge anywhere from two to ten gold for a place in their squad and that…that’s just stupid. Maybe now that all the toxicity around multimap has gone away, AB meta will be enjoyable again.
God, you never saw “SW VW 10g entry fee plz”
Or “Teq Taxi plz pay 5g”
Or if you did, it was hella rare.
^^This. Anet tends to leave these ‘features’ along as long as it doesn’t affect their economy or if players, particularly new players, are getting griefed. Anet finally had to step in when players started griefing the MM map with the stupid entry fees like 2gold to join squad then boot them.
They did the same thing to the queensdale/kessex champ trains. They were fine with it until players started getting griefed for finishing the quests as opposed to letting it fail for bigger reward.