I have severe arachnophobia… many of the pictures here made me feel physical responses of fear. I also use a necro. I would be ok with a spider mount as long as it isn’t too realistic. Unrealistic spiders don’t bother me, personally. However, I do think some people with this issue may not be able to play if they had to look at spiders all the time. So, I’m actually against this for that reason.
I agree they should keep up to you. What’s the point of having the mini if it’s always 20 yards away from you?
I personally don’t like the hats at all but it seems like there’s a market for them. If others like them, so be it!
I think the reason I don’t like them is that I never have a helm showing, because I have usually used a makeover or hair kit so want to show my toons’ faces and hair.
Thanks. I had to do a lot of reading but it finally worked to start with skill 2 then glide then skill 2 again. It’s counter-intuitive since Ruka asks you if you can glide, but ANet isn’t really known for making anything intuitive.
I’m trying to complete Prized Possessions. While following Ruka, there’s a point where you have to glide (after getting past the exploding mushrooms). I die EVERY SINGLE TIME at this point. It doesn’t matter where I jump from or to. I glide, then skill 2 kicks in automatically, then I hit the lower rocks and die. Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. I’ve tried this SO MANY TIMES. What is going on? I’ve tried re-engaging skill 2. I’ve tried using skill 3. I’ve tried everything I can think of. Nothing works. Is this a bug????
I ran around naked for some time because I didn’t know that your armor got “broken”. I had no idea why I was naked.
Honestly though I’d never played an MMO or any video game other than the Sims so I had no idea what I was doing at all. I don’t think I discovered the trading post for at least a few months. I didn’t even know what the “scary” portals were between maps. I stayed in Queensdale for a very, very, very long time LOL
I have to say, I was excited about HOT. But, the experience has been dismal. I still haven’t even completed one map. There is at least one map I haven’t even made it to yet. I keep going around in circles. I can’t find one spot I need to get to even in the personal story, so my progress has halted on that. I’m so incredibly lost in HoT maps, and then I just get swarmed and killed. I literally HATE the expansion. I play for maybe 20 minutes then just give up and go map the old maps for the 20th time.
I completely admit I haven’t had a lot of time to play over the last many months, but still, when I do play, it isn’t going to be on the new maps where all I get is frustrated.
One. /15chars
And I already have 3 world completions and all the hero points so what have I not earned????
how can you get 635,000 exp in an hour? i mean if 2500 hours if play gets me nothing…. I don’t understand how you can get 635k in an hour?!?
Oh… so in over 2500 hours of gameplay, I’ve collected enough exp for about 1 centimeter of the first mastery bar?? Really? Serves me right for purchasing in advance. When will I learn?
Thanks for the replies. Who wants my stuff?
OK, how do I fill up the bar?
I think I have 25 mastery points in the regular Tyria section. I have no clue how to use them. I’ve looked on the wiki. It’s completely useless. Please help
And still an issue for me.
I have liked a lot of the outfits and armor, but this is just a big no for me. There is not one thing I like about it. However, just my personal taste talking.
Killing yellow mobs is a GREAT way to gain lots of XP if you’re leveling. I pop some good extra XP food and one of my many XP boosters and go exploring and kill lots of yellow mobs. Around Mt Mealstrom last night I was killing yellows that gave 2500 XP each. I can gain a level in about 10-15 mins just by doing that. Don’t knock it til you try it!
As to the OP, they are everywhere, but I find the mid-higher level maps give the best XP; probably because higher level players are almost completely single-minded to ignore everything except champs. You don’t have to ignore red mobs but for sure, the most out of the way yellow mobs will be your best bet.
Thanks for the outfit! I’m currently leveling a new Asura warrior and it is perfect for her. I like it better than any other outfit in the gem shop at the moment!
I don’t understand. It’s not a gear treadmill. Legendary armor will have the same stats as ascended. The only difference being, as with weapons, that you can change stats on the legendary armor. This is not going to be any BETTER than the gear we have now. Just a different look. However, you may save some gold by making legendary over ascended so you never have to change your gear. That’s not a treadmill. Stop the hyperbole!!
No daily log in rewards, no access to guild banks, and restricted TP sell and buy. Tons of restrictions on those free accounts. I’m pretty sure ANet is just doing this to entice people to purchase. I don’t see that gold sellers could possibly profit from this.
I tried this again and this time got it to work. There are two risen mobs far to the right of the path. So far off that they weren’t engaged by Efut and the party. However, once I ran over and killed them, the two risen on the path were no longer invulnerable.
There are other areas of the story where some mobs are way out of the way and don’t engage. Maybe ANet should have a look at the story steps and attempt to get the mobs in the correct areas, especially since they hold up the entire thing.
I am trying to complete the story step “Under Seige” but I can’t because mobs are invulnerable. As I follow Efut to the keep, about halfway up the path, we engage two risen mobs. They cannot be killed because they are both totally invulnerable. So the story does not progress. Please fix. I am using my character Rhage The Berserker, an Asuran. I found this step bugged on a different toon a long time ago with the same problem, although it had been a different mob at the keep.
I hope the rifle precursor tanks, so I can finally get it. Yeah, rifle sucks, but I still love it for PvE on my warrior. Cause sometimes, you just need to shoot stuff from really, really far away :p
I agree with the OP, which is why I did not BUY the dress. I think it looks fantastic on all other races, but since 99% of my toons are human female, it’s simply not worth 1000 gems to me, so I just won’t buy it.
Agree with #5 wholeheartedly.
Well sorry man. But try not to feel too bad. We’ve all made errors along the way. I know I have made a few!
Sounds like a bug. Maybe you would be better to post in the bug forum.
Put in a ticket. If you do it within 24 hours you have a chance for ANet to help you.
Yes well, I knew this kind of post would pop up as soon as a guildie told me they got the electro blue. You can’t please everyone. When the dyes first came out I sold one for around 30g. Now worth around 500g. Should I cry? No. I had use of the 30g which I obviously wanted at the time. It was my lack of patience that caused me to “lose” a probable investment gain. Live and learn. Or be reconciled to the choices you make. But don’t cry afterward. Thank you.
Well since no one answered… it was my HDD. Have since replaced it with a 250GB Samsung 850 EVO SSD and it’s perfect.
While I’ve never had a laptop fail from heat, I’ve tried using an HP “typical” (non-gaming) laptop for GW2 and it got so hot where my hand rested on the computer that it burned me. I now use an actual gaming laptop and have no problems with heat.
I agree with OP as well. Aquabreathers and underwater combat in general has been all but abandoned by ANet. Might as well just cut the chord.
This is still happening for me.
Can we not talk about how the human female wedding dress makes it look like it’s a shotgun wedding? She looks preggers. It doesn’t look that way on any other female race. So disappointed. And the garter is fine. Every wedding I’ve been to, the garter is used as to throw out to the single guys. Not used to hold up stockings at all. No, not the original intent of a garter, but definitely used for wedding dresses in this manner.
If I don’t get my laptop back from the repair shop… my plan is to cry. If I manage to get it back, then will definitely try my current 80s and make a new beta revenant to check out weapon swapping and stuffs.
Hey all, I have an Alienware M14X R2 laptop. I’ve been having issues for several months now. First, is that the computer freezes one time after startup, for maybe 20-30 seconds. This will happen no matter what I’m doing (in GW2, on internet, whatever). Timing of the freeze is random but it often happens very shortly after starting up the computer. I had heard a while ago that perhaps my mouse could be the issue. I did find I had a sticky mouse button and replaced my mouse, but computer is still freezing.
Second issue are lots of DCs while playing GW2. I have a tower computer (not AW) running off of a wireless extender and I never get DC’d when using it. I get DCs on my laptop all the time. Does anyone know of specific AW issues with GW2? Anyone else have this issue? Any advice would be helpful before I throw my laptop through a window… or take it in to the repair shop Actually, I had it in for repair for the freezing issue some time ago but they couldn’t figure it out. The DC issue is “new”.
ETA: Please refrain from commenting in this thread if you’re just here to bash Alienware. If you don’t like the brand, that doesn’t matter to me. I’m asking for assistance, not brand opinions.
(edited by ozmaniandevil.6805)
You haven’t lost anything. To be honest, you have the skins. If you wait another year or two they’ll once again be worth what you paid. It’s all timing. You can only lose if you paid gold and got nothing. But that’s not what happened.
If you bought the skin to speculate, well, sometimes you speculate on the wrong thing. Your fault, no one else’s. If you bought the skin cause you wanted it, and you managed to save up 1000g to get it, you obviously really wanted it, and you got what you wanted. No one can say when or if any skin will be re-released. We all take that chance. If you didn’t want to pay 1000g for it, you would not have done so.
And before you think I have no empathy, I bought a precursor two days before the announcement of the new way to make precursors. I lost some gold selling it back on the TP. That’s the way it goes. I also could have kept it, and lo and behold, it ended up going over the price I paid for it. So again, I panicked, and I lost the money.
Patience is KEY to investing in anything. Learn from the loss and move on.
Even if you buy of the TP, the skins are going to be a good investment. Buy low and sell high.
In terms of revenues, we probably don’t “exist” to any extent worth worrying about in the eyes of big business. Consider in our entire country there are as many people as in the STATE of California. Sad but true. We often get shafted because we are just too small on the economic scale.
I’m in Canada and I purchased from the gw2 official site. I think you’d be hard pressed to find any deals right now considering that our dollar has taken a nose dive recently. That combined with the fact that ANet usually won’t help you out if you bought from a 3rd party, should there be any problems, and it was obvious for me that buying direct from ANet was the best way to get HoT.
He’s invulnerable until you throw burning stones into him while he’s sucking up stuff. Then you lay it on!
It’s not a punch in the gut. The beta characters come with free exotics. Tons of them. An infinite number. People are using free exotics to get precursors.
Why is anyone in the beta test using the forge in the first place? You will not be allowed to keep your loot, because you’re stuff isn’t being stored to a server. It’s a copy of your bank, not your actual bank, when you log in on a beta slot.
Agree 100%. People with beta access know they can’t keep what they got on the beta character. If you go ahead and use your FREE exotics in the forge that’s your own fault. I won’t be doing that with mine!
Hi all,
I had a level 80 mesmer a long time ago but deleted her as I never played the class enough. I concentrated on necro, ranger and warrior, but started getting bored with all of them as of late. Now with the new trait system I’ve recently leveled a new mes to 50 and I’m loving it. However, I’m trying to plan a build for 80 and I’m just not good at figuring out what my overall stats should be or in particular critical chance and critical damage. So I go to gw2skills.net and pick what I like, but I have no idea if my crit chance is high enough, etc. Can anyone help explain it? This is for PvE and eventually WvW roaming. I would like to finish up map completion and get to 80 and play around with all the weapons before I go to WvW, since I’m not a PvPer. Right now I’m using scepter/pistol and staff with a mix of skills. I like using shatter quite a lot as well.
TL;DR: What % of stats should I go for, in particular for crit chance and crit damage. Seems like 150% crit damage is base?
May not be a good idea to spend lots if gold on any build right now since there are OBVIOUS bugs fixes and balancing that has to happen. Wait until everything is sorted out.
My issue is that levelling takes too long if you DON’T do the hearts. If you try to organically level without them you’ll be “outlevelled” and will get one shotted by mobs. And yes, hearts are so so so BORING and take too long. At least increase the XP for them so each takes a couple mins rather than 10 minutes. Don’t force people to power level due to sheer boredom!!
(edited by ozmaniandevil.6805)
Not me. The infamous Apr 23 trait fiasco signalled death to my alts. Since the new update I’ve made three new alts and other than the tedium of mapping for the umpteenth time I’m liking that ai can actually obtain traits and skills simply by levelling as normal instead of that horrid horrid jump through hoops or pay us all your gold system. Finally I can start to have alts! With traits! Oh the joy!!! Anet I how you realize how truly awful that last system was!!!!!!!
Yes, soloable since June 23 patch!
bother bother bother
I didn’t have much time to play around, sadly, but I was using a power well build before, and am still using it. I’ll have to hold off on commenting though until I can get into WvW and really use it.
I’d be interested in trying a MM build now. Have they fixed the uselessness of minions? When I tried those before they mostly just stood around looking dumb.