You are progressing, you gained 2.5 levels while grinding money for something you need. Are you selling materials you gather on the TP? Are you looking at what low lvl blue items will sell for on the tp? Some lvl 10 equipment alone sells for silver. Are you salvaging the white chain items that vendor for 5-10 copper? Because that’s guaranteed copper ore at 20cp per.
The other dude posted it. No one who goes through the trouble of getting a keylogger on your machine is going to post your weird ERP fantasies on 4-chan.
Edited to add: And with how dead my server seems….I don’t think posting on AH will help me get money faster. Pretty sure with the crickets I heard there this morning that if I did post stuff it would be a day or 2 before I saw a return on it. Is there a way (with out paying for it) to xfer to another server that might be higher populated?
The trading post is game wide, not server specific. Everyone will see what you have to sell.
And yes you can switch servers for free still.
Conditions apply damage per tick (each second). The damage number you see in tooltips is basically that damage added up over the duration of the condition. Adding more duration increases the number of ticks and so the damage as well. It’s not spreading the same damage out over more time.
Yes it will affect weakness and vuln.
I don’t think boon duration affects quickness. Quickness actually takes one of the environmental effect slots on your UI rather than a boon slot which might have something to do with it.
The increased drop rate on items, as well as buffed certain items in the most recent patches.
Increased drop rates just mean more terrible drops.
Glad to hear that. And thank you for your service.
Gonna be really sad if anet expects us to shell out 1050 gems to get the 3 other toys. I thought the 4 minis from the boxes were going to cover their bases on that front.
I have been told that refining works for the achievement.
No. There is no flag for good and bad loot. It is just RNG.
Are you saying there is no diminished return(DR) on loot drops? That my reduced loot drops only after a few minutes, and my increased junk drops are nothing but RNG, no DR at all?
No he’s saying that your account doesn’t have a flag that automatically gives you worse drops than others. I suspect that was just you being intentionally obtuse though.
Solo it and I will be impressed.
“I farmed the materials myself so they’re free!”
Lots of people also grind that chain. I’ve seen people asking for events like it in higher level zones they can grind.
So if you move to another server you will still see and be able to talk to your guild mates on the old server like normal. Any influence they earn while still on the old server will count towards that total (on the old server) and any influence you earn on the new server will count towards the new total. If one of you goes to a third server you would start earning influence there too. The number of people on old/new server doesn’t matter.
Increase the cap on the final tier to like 1k+ wins and add a Master Brawler title to it.
I feel like the system works better at lower levels. A port costs like half of an event reward rather than 1.5x more than one at higher levels.
The Mesmer is so fun, but try to keep up with my buddies thief sucks since no perma-speed and feel like dead weight
You are comparing the least mobile class to one of the most mobile classes. You will never be able to keep up with a thief who wants to outrun you on a mes. You are not dead weight though. Portal is one of the most valuable skills in the game. Feedback is amazing. Time warp, mass invis, pulling people with curtain… you are worth more than 5 thieves tbh.
If you have fun playing the mes don’t worry about keeping up with your friend. He should worry about sticking with you and having your back.
“Is there any class I could play that doesn’t feel like repetitive or dull combat, that can support?”
d/d ele
Can trahearne be assassinated?
that’s what i meant tsukasa…that i can’t imagine you don’t have ANY of the mats needed. so that price is unrealistic unless your collection bank is depleted of all mats.
Gathering my own materials makes them free, right?
So crafting and salvaging are exploits now? LOL.
Cooking and selling the resulting items to a vendor was deemed an exploit so why not?
e: not to say anything here is an exploit. Just that your argument is dumb.
be careful that you don’t trip over your kitten after posting this.
So lets say a legendary takes 1000 hours to make (just a random number) and you have 10 people working on it. It would take 100 hours to complete. You need to make 10 of them though, taking 1000 hours.
You might say that farming in a group will speed things up and I agree, but it would speed things up equally if everyone was working on their own items and farming together.
I don’t get it other than as a scheme of some sort.
That said, you should already be able to put your pet in an invisible bag so they don’t get deposited when you deposit all collectables.
This is the correct answer.
They are not tied to your level. They are tied to how many trait points you currently have spent. If you respec and then just spend like 5 points it’s much cheaper to respec again. I believe it’s 5cp per point.
You will not be able to kill things fast enough to keep up with the respawn timers no matter what you play.
This is not true at all. Orr is mostly easy on my warrior and I can still outpace respawn on my engi. That’s basically the entire spectrum of classes in pve from top shelf to bottom of the barrel. I promise I’m not some elite player either.
So lets say a legendary takes 400 hours to make (just a random number) and you have 10 people working on it. It would take 40 hours to complete. You need to make 10 of them though, taking 400 hours.
You might say that farming in a group will speed things up and I agree, but it would speed things up equally if everyone was working on their own items and farming together.
I don’t get it other than as a scheme of some sort.
My main is an engi. I’m saying that no one in their right mind is using their swap slots as extra inventory space. Eles and engies are not hurt because we don’t have two extra inventory slots.
So have fun doing the things that don’t require grinding?
Please remove the hearts/Skillpoints/vista when completed a zone
in Suggestions
Posted by: Awesome.6120
You can turn them off yourself. Open your map and look in the bottom left corner.
“what class should I play” gets asked in this forum multiple times a day. Try looking back a few pages or searching and see what you can find on the topic.
1) you didn’t specify what variety of sylvari t3 (heavy, medium light)
2) Not knowing the real answer I would just guess yes since everything seems to clip through everything else.
OP, roll an engineer. Support is important, which I found out quickly by playing my shout heal hammer control warrior.
The problem is engi support isn’t any better than your warrior or an ele for example but brings way less dmg.
Scroll to the bottom of the keybindings page in options.
The ridiculous thing is you actually spending 4 hours and 700k karma to do this.
I’m hoping for something similar at christmas time. Maybe a sack of presents.
So you want utility skills (like crippling shot) to do more damage in addition to providing that utility?
a fight thats over because i dint have awareness of another character while im fighting a mob
Working as intended. Pay attention to your surroundings while you’re killing mobs in a pvp zone.
Token systems are infinitely superior to RNG boss drops. It would be kind of cool to have a shot at unique boss skins on top of the current tokens I suppose but I normally don’t feel unrewarded at the end of a dungeon in any sense.
Yea one mes and 4 heavies seems to be the flavor of the month. Time warp is sweet.
Because the vocal minority on the forums keeps yelling until they get what they want, the most dumbed down and casual game ever where you get your monthlies by sitting in LA and you get through your dungeons by killing a series of critters.
And you are definitely not yelling on the forum trying to get what you want.
Which one of you is paying off anet devs? patch after patch of nerfs to other, weaker classes (even engies now) and warriors always walk away unscathed. I want to know what the going rate for a complete class is.
I really miss everything about GW1.
I would go back in play it, except people are what made it fun with out a community there really is no game.
I feel like these two sentences contradict each other.
“If you’re not scaled down you get no experience or loot from enemies outside your level range.”
Yes lets make finding people in low level zones an even more rare phenomenon.
This is like your third thread begging for materials here.
Just pitiful.
Single recipe is less risky because less variance.
Correct. The 1x recipe will get you closer to the estimated return rate while the 10x recipe will allow for wider swings in luck.
But in 1500+ hours of play time
Good lord, go outside!
It should all be there when you switch back.
oooOOOoo…SoooOOOooo sick.
You spoke about real work and how much time you spend there and here it is same. I think that you will not be happy if you worker A spend 8 hours/per day on work and get for example 50 euro and worker B spend only 30 minuts per day on work and get same 50 euro. I think that you want better reward for your work and time.
This is really funny because it’s exactly how real work is except the other guys are often making even more than you, not just the same. Runcore, be honest, are you like 14 years old?