Showing Highly Rated Posts By Karizee.8076:

I personally feel that there is a lack of competition

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Lol. Carebears in GW2…. amazing MMOS like EQ2 and WoW CONTINUE to run for what? almost 10 years? as PAY to PLAY… because they realized that its hardcore gamers are the ones sticking around.

They make end game for them, because they know the hardcore gamer, the best of the population, is the one spending more time and effort than everyone else.

GW2 endgame is a joke. You hit 80, LITERALLY buy the best gear in the game for 20 gold, complete every dungeon half asleep,complete the map and then what? Make an alt? For what? to do the same thing again? GTFO.

Add some gear rewards for people that want them, its not gonna make a casuals gameplay any worse.

I crush FotM 30? Gimme better gear, so I can go and clear CoE 1-3 in 30 minutes. How does that affect a casual players game play? You can go still fail at dungeons, you can still craft, you can still do DE’s… Ill just be doing more.


Out of WoW’s supposed 10 million subscribers, less than 1/2 a million raid.

GW2 made a wise choice in not chasing that crowd.

A weekend about loot... what did we learn?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Today’s event was about discovering a new zone.

We held the enemy at bay while NPCs cleared forests, erected defenses, built new bases and waypoints before our very eyes. We saw bridges being constructed to new areas while we held off wave after wave of enemies, pushing the line of scrimmage deeper into this untamed wild land.

We had to actively help create this new zone, it was not just sitting there waiting for us.

Those whose focus is loot only will only see loot from the event.
The rest of us partook in an epic adventure and saw Tyria change in front of our very eyes.

About playing with friends

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Yes, if you delete all of your characters you can choose a new home world free of charge.

Just make sure to put any items you want in your bank as that won’t be deleted.

Is this game worth coming back to?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Flame & Frost: The Razing – March 2013

New Living Story Progress
New Open World content
New instanced story content
New Living Story Achievements
Monthly Achievements are now selectable
Leaderboards are now active at
WvW World Ranks are now in game, World XP unlocks new ranks which get you passive skill unlocks, new titles, and more
Culling has been removed from WvW, you can actually see everyone you’re fighting now
A new mission type, Guild Bounty Training, is available in Tier 3 of the Art of War line. Completing guild bounty training earns influence for your guild.
Three new Guild Bounty targets have been added.
Added new weapon skins to the Guild Commendation vendor and sorted the vendor’s available items into tabs.
Guild mission activations, completions, and failures are now logged in the Guild History tab.
The maximum number of Guild Merits that a single guild can store is 250. This is now displayed alongside the current count.
Mega bosses have had the way they award Rares changed. The current chests will stay lootable once per day per character, but each boss’s guaranteed rare item drop will be moved to a separate chest (visually similar to daily achievement reward chests) that can only be acquired once per day across an account.
General World Polish
General Dungeon Polish
General Fractal Polish
General Skill Balance
General sPvP changes and balances
Laurels can now be gained through either PvE or sPvP
Updated World vs. World UI screen to include a new ranking system and score breakdowns by map.
Updated Outmanned bonus to increase World XP, receive no armor damage on death, and increase experience.
New Black Lion items
Name Change Contract is in the gem store
Communal Boost Bonfire
Fused Weapon Skins
General BLTC UI changes

Lovestruck weapons: questionable symbolism

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


How about the dolyak abuse by using them as transports in WvW?

So jaded by this forum community..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


This pretty much tells the story of these forums:

I think the most wackadoodle post I saw was this player who told a story about getting his sisters to buy the game by showing them some prelaunch concept art of some NPCs. They were so taken with the outfits the NPCs wore that they spent months planning what they were going to wear and poring over dyes, they even went out and bought fabric and created the outfits IRL (handstitched of course) and then when the game launched and those outfits weren’t available to players their dreams were dashed, their hopes destroyed, their hearts broken and of course they don’t play the game any more and now ANet is the devil and they were going to post on every fan forum to destroy the game and the whole time I’m reading it I’m like bwuh?

(edited by Karizee.8076)

In my opinion: multi-guild system is a problem (social issues)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


My main guild is a large active guild and we require 100% repping so that we can keep up all buffs 24/7 for our members. I like this guild a lot so I don’t mind.

My other guilds I think of like extended friend’s lists. I can always peek in to see what they are up to and party up with them for anything if I want.


in Living World

Posted by: Karizee.8076


I like Dabnia! That whole line about loving a man that was too good for her – I’m wildly curious about her story!

Help support this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Don’t think the game needs too much support since it’s exploding worldwide in popularity

But I will say it’s hands down the best MMO I’ve ever played.
Thanks for the awesome!

How are population caps calculated?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


I think it’s a combination of the two. For instance, Tarnished Coast has coordinated blackouts to allow other guilds to transfer to their server.

Do you spend more on gems than a sub?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


I’ve spent about 1/2 what a sub would have cost. Not that I needed the gems – I’ve always been able to convert ingame gold to gems for anything I wanted from the gem store, but because I want to show my support to the devs for making such a great game and updating it so often.

Newbie....looking for some advice

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


You can roll one of each and take it into the PvP lobby (the crossed sword icon) where you will be boosted to 80 and can play with all the traits, weapons, runes, sigils, etc. to get a feel on how your toon will play at max level. Practice on the dummies or jump into a hot join pvp match.

Swapping weapons makes a HUGE difference on how a profession plays

Playerbase declining?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


This is not true. The time when this game lost the most players is the month or two following release. People that came to GW2 expecting a WoW competitor started realizing this game was not a gear treadmill and didn’t have raiding so they started leaving in droves. We are now left with the small percentage of the mmo community that doesn’t need raiding or a gear treadmill in their MMO’s.

This game will never compete with the BIG MMO’s out there that have raids and gear treadmills. Are there enough gamers in the MMO community that don’t mind the absence of raids, the gear treadmill and the trinity? I don’t know as only ArenaNet knows how many people they need to be playing this game and spending money in the gem shop to make it a profitable success.

If this game ever wants to achieve massive major success they would have to institute a gear treadmill, raiding and the trinity system. This game is a niche MMO as it stands.

Hah, less than 5% of WoW’s playerbase raids. That is a fact.

There’s a reason this game is so popular, maybe NOT having gear treadmills and raids is part of that reason

Stats in armor inactive?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Karizee.8076


It sounds like you are talking about runes.

When a piece of gear has an upgrade slot, you have the option of putting a rune in it. Each rune of the same type in additional gear adds another stat bonus.

Minor runes – 2 stat bonus
Major runes – 4 stat bonus
Superior runes – 6 stat bonus

Any official word in population?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076



Due to a number of servers approaching full with a recent influx of new players from the sale on Gw2 that just ended, the server capacity was recently increased for a number of servers yes.

Sneaky sneaky devs - TP Preview

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


So then it wasn’t really snuck in period.

Yes it was comma, this feature wasn’t on the Flame & Frost page a couple days ago.

Why are we talking in punctuation question mark?

So how is GW2 these days?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Karizee.8076


In addition to the things others have mentioned, they also added Guild Missions, Fractals, a major change to the Tequatl encounter (it’s a 80+ person outdoor raid now), Leaderboards, custom arena and spectator mode, Guesting, a progression system for WvW, culling was removed and most all of the reward systems were reworked.

Here is a vid of the some of the major changes you’ll see right away when you enter:

And here is one on WvW changes:

Game releases splash page is here:

The look of Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


I have taken about ten times more screenshots in the few months since Guild Wars 2 released than I took in WoW over the course of four years. Tyria is gorgeous.

Haha, same. I have over 700 screenshots so far, this is the most beautiful game I’ve ever played.

It’s like playing in a painting. A true work of art.

Guesting / Overflows & Desolation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Home server players are prioritized over guests already. Your server is just full, it’s generating it’s own overflows.

Concerns with Population Calculation

in WvW

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Here’s Samuel Loretan’s post on the population calculations.

If I had to guess, they are looking at any number or combination of factors which may or may not include the following:
Number of players
Number of player hours
Hours in queue
Amount of Exp rewarded

I would guess that they use a rolling average since Mr. Loretan said, “The goal is a better balance, but not a too sudden disruption either” and I imagine they would want to smooth out any momentary/temporary spikes.

I also think that it re-calculates on a weekly basis, since I have been checking it on a daily basis and only seeing server status changes once per week. Btw, here are my findings so far:

Week 1
Dzagonur Medium→High

Week 2
Piken Square Full→Very High
Dzagonur High→Medium

Week 3
Ehmry Bay High→Medium
Gates of Madness High→Medium
Gandara Full→Very High
Far Shiverpeaks Full→Very High
Jade Sea Full→Very High
Riverside Full→Very High
Augury Rock Very High→High
Dzagonur Medium→High

Just my guesses, ramblings and findings, make of it what you will!

3 simple yet genius ideas

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


1. Keep on doing Living Story but make it permanent.
2. Make ascended gear stat-switchable
3. Expand PvP with GvG, random arenas, deathmatch ….

If you do that GW2 will be king.


Just to address your first point, I would like to point out that if they left all the content permanent it would be the most confusing clusterbomb of a game ever created.

From beginning to end – can you imagine a world where we are simultaneously building road signs for the refugees Wayfarer Hills while the refugees have already arrived and are camping in Lion’s Arch AND have already moved on to Southsun where they are being exploited by the Consortium? All the while we have Queen’s Pavilion balloons everywhere taking players to the Jubilee while Molten Portals spawn everywhere plus we have started to open Southsun yet The Ancient Karka has already been defeated but karka are still invading Lion’s Arch?

Or how about Evon Gnashblade politicking for votes at the same time he’s bemoaning his loss while election banners are hanging everywhere and Ellen is already in the Council? Or what about Kessex Hills with the Tower of Nightmares both up and down at the same time?

Those concepts work well within a linear game where you are working your way through the story via quests and such but it simply doesn’t make sense here.

I do think the 2 week tempo feels a bit pressured and I’m happy they’ve moved towards letting the content overlap in one month chunks, but I simply don’t see how everything could be left in game within the freeform/nonlinear/multiple layers of content in zones way this game is designed.

I also like that they are bringing back some components of Living World through Fractals such as Molten Facility and Aetherblade Retreat and think that there is a great opportunity there to bring back more – I’d love to see the Tower of Nightmares return in the Mists.

As for your other points I like them! I’ve seen some developer discussion on their plans to add GvG and different PvP modes, so those things are on their way

gf left me coz of ladderboard

in PvP

Posted by: Karizee.8076


so beauty much loves


Thinking about returning, got some questions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Karizee.8076


WvW is still massively popular. They added a new map called Edge of the Mists, many of the more casual players have drifted over there and WvW proper now has more tactical and strategic play.

Players are still encouraged to play in all open world areas, for instance our last chapter in the Living Story took us to The Grove, Iron Marches, Hoelbrak, Dry Top (a new zone) and Plains of Ashford.

Not really a massive grind at all. There is some level 80 only content (all new Living Story and a few dungeons) and quite a bit that is generally only played by level 80 characters (most dungeons and Fractals), but most of the open world is available according to your level. Without the gear treadmill grind form of endgame that most MMOs offer, it’s easy to jump back in feeling just as powerful as when you left.

(edited by Karizee.8076)

Rata sum jail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


They always claim they’re innocent.

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Dusty Moon, it’s the way they phrased the answer that’s most disappointing.

GuildMag: But will it come back after the current season?

Matt Wuerffel: We can’t really comment about what our long term plans are for the game, and so, you know, it is a similar answer if you ask me what was gonna happen in the upcoming episodes of season 2. Like, I really can’t say. But it is a very much different game in a lot of ways than Guild Wars 2 – a game within a game – and we’re trying to focus already in World v. World and PvP and PvE and Fractals. There are lots of systems that we have and we want to focus first on getting those to a state where we’re really happy with them and we’re fully supporting them and then we could look into… ‘All right, now that we have those up to a quality that we’re really happy with and fans are really happy with, what other projects can we take on, and what things can we look at doing?

It sounds like it’s last on the list AFTER they and the fans are happy with everything else, then maybe they will look at doing other things which may or may not include reintroducing SAB.

I am just crushed

GW2 releases Story Journals: Feedback/Questions [Merged]

in Living World

Posted by: Karizee.8076


This is actually quite…..brilliant! Looking forward to Season 2!

Haven't played for a few months.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


1) Log in
2) Talk to a Herald in any major city

You’re welcome

Guild Wars 2 and The Secret World

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Isn’t that an MMO about urban legends?
I’m only interested in medevial/fantasy MMOs

Electrified pillars ?

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: Karizee.8076


What if you find that you are "that guy"....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Hey Priam, I’m an ex WoW high end raider myself and I can assure you it’s just the combat and the way skills work together that’s so different in GW2 that is making you feel like “that guy”.

I don’t even want to look at how many times I died on my first toon, an elementalist, before I got the hang of things lol. It’s hard until you get it, but once it all clicks you’ll love it

Damage mitigation, positioning and CCs are much more important. There’s no rotations, it’s much more situational and combo skills and cross profession combos add another element to gameplay.

Here’s a pretty good basic guide.

Ascalonian Catacombs dungeon

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Here is another good resource for dungeons

AFK Players: Identifying Them More Easily?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Makes me think of this video that I ran across a couple days ago

Enough with the gem store

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Karizee.8076


My onliest wish is that for the new hats we have HAIR.

Cursed Shores Completion - Bad Reward

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


That’s weird, what level is your character? I’ve always received 2 exotics from Frostgorge, Mt. Maelstrom and the 3 Orr maps.

If guildwars 2 had monthly fee

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


^ Angry Joe is spot-on in that review

If GW2 had a subscription I wouldn’t be here playing. The sole reason I bought GW2 (and GW1+expansions) was because it was B2P.

After SWTOR I swore never to play a subscription based game ever again; no matter how ‘awesome’ it may be.

Having to pay $60 for nothing more than a login screen and then forcing you to pay $15/month in order to actually access the game (basically renting your account) is nothing more than a scam these days in my opinion.

Exactly. I will never fall into the trap of a sub fee game again.

In Game name change?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Not yet, but they posted recently that it’s coming soon and the name change contract is in the database.

Dragon Bash on June 11th Update!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Bash the Dragon! Smash the Dragon! Drive it right back into its den! Bash the Dragon! Smash the Dragon! May it never rise again!


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


You might want to check out the Tequatl Terror Squad family of guilds, they are nine guilds strong now, over 4000+ players killing Tequatl every day. They only require you to rep during a raid, I can highly recommend

Fight Fire With Fire..Say No to Warriors

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Out of the 110 listings on the front page of there are only 16 asking for warrior.

You are making a problem where one does not exist.

This game is great and so are you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Adding my support and kudos to the peeps at ANet!

I remember reading a dev blog awhile back, it said you guys had thick skins and were ready for launch. I was thinking hoo boy, I hope they do have thick skins because we’ve all seen what happens when any game launches these days.

Overall I’ve had a stellar experience playing this game, have played it more than any other game (sleep, I miss you so!), have met some of the greatest people and had some of the most unique, fun, surprising, thoughtful and memorable experiences than any other MMORPG. I always walk away from my game sessions smiling

The people who understand what you’re doing here, the ones that “get it” are ecstatic with this gem of game – it truly is a work of art.

I’m impressed with the hardworking dedication and steadfast vision of the ANet team, keep up the good work and know you have our support!

Best Class Overall?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


There’s a great thread on reddit that gives a good summary of the strengths and weaknesses of every class:

SoR-EtherealGuardians[EG]says goodbye to LA!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Sanctum of Rall represent!

Now if one of you would kindly move your cute tushies off the bank steps I might be able to get out of overflow

WoW indirectly killing GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Pass that on for me, wouldja OP?

Thanks for the free trials

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


I gave out 3 and 2 of my friends have already purchased the game.

Thanks, ArenaNet! Excellent idea!

Somebody explain The Wastes to me, thnx.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Dark dyes

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Karizee.8076


You can preview dyes from the Trading Post now
Just right click and hit preview. It doesn’t give you all the dye channels on your gear – just fully colors each piece, but it should give you an idea of what it will look like on your gear.

World Fastest Guild Bounty Hunt - T3?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Nicely done!

(we oneshotted all 3 tiers on Wednesday but we barely beat the timer – Prisoner 1411 Y U reset?)

Coming back after nearly a year.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Here’s a great video that shows what changes you’ll see right away (applies to everyone)

And another video that highlights changes to WvW

Fractal changes:

You can see the release splash pages here:

And here is a searchable patch notes:

(edited by Karizee.8076)

Why isn't there any server forums?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Some servers have set up independent web sites and teamspeaks, but I agree – it would be nice to have official forums

don't you hate it when

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Poor Champion Cave Troll. I remember the days when he use to run freely around the fields and farms of Shaemoor, slinging cattle around like so much dirty laundry.