Great job on everything so far, looking forward to the new events today
Thank you ArenaNet for the Guesting feature, we’ve been looking forward to this!
Great job and keep up the good work
I’ve got all available armors so far (that’s 3 weights of both the shoulders and the gloves in both carapace and luminenscent – all 12 pieces) and there is no horrific grind.
In fact, I have 2 extra shoulder boxes since they pretty much drop like rain in the new underground labyrinth and I have another 3k bandit crests I don’t know what to do with since you also get those in most ridiculous amounts. In total I only spent 1k crests for a pair of gloves since I was impatient to get it done
I can tell you haven’t even tried to play through this content and are just parroting what you heard some other scamp say because there is no grind to speak of here. I’ve only played the new zone maybe 7 or 8 hours since the patch launched Tuesday – if you think this is grind you need to try any other MMO on the market.
So, you were both lucky with the drops (and i mean really lucky – in my whole guild we had only one carapace chest drop so far), and were farming the crests 2h/daily on average (if those 7-8 hours include tuesday and friday – and friday is not finished yet. so, most likely at least 3h/daily). Now, put yourself in a position of someone trying for 10k (gloves, helmet, boots, legs, chest) while not being so lucky and not actually liking this grind. Such a person will end up hating this zone. I know that i am already starting to.
No, hate is playing WoW for 6 months waiting for a trinket drop, grinding the same raid on as many difficulties as you can, over and over and over, week in and week out, because you need that trinket to play the next content. Then one day finally it does drop but some ninja looter swipes it and shards it in front of you. That sir, is a grind.
This is nothing.
The massive drop-offs seemed to happen around the time the Halloween events started,
There’s a glut of content right now – tons of players are running the Tower, finishing up their Season 1 achieves or playing WvW, getting ready for the Fractals update by getting their levels up and collecting Fractal relics, playing on the Edge of the Mists PTR map, plus still running dungeons or champ trains for gold.
I know I haven’t had much time to run open world meta events lately, I’m sure it’s the same for many players. Although I still try to make some time for a Tequatl kill everyday now that he’s on a regular timer
Thanks for the feedback everyone and please keep it coming. Personally, I find that one of the hardest parts of being a desginer on GW2 Live is coming to terms with the fact that not every update will please every player. We do our best to deliver appealing content with enough variety to keep as many people as satisfied as possible. And If there’s one thing we can do consistently, it’s improving the experience of said content each time. I think we made some great strides with the Jubilee. I think we have a lot of room to keep growing. But our team isn’t done yet. We’ve got some exciting things coming later this month. Things you’ve never seen in this game before.
But in the mean time, please keep telling us what you’re thinking. We are listening. Not only to what you’re saying but also to what you’re not. The very first living world team actually did the thing some of you have called for. Some 40 or so permanent events were added around the game in our very first content update. They were met with little interest or fanfare. Granted, Halloween may have stolen the show. But those events are still in the game today. I’ve seen very little reaction to them, however, positive or negative. Despite this, there are many events I would still like to add. Many zones and bosses I would love to revisit. As we get better at the living world, I strongly suspect we’ll have room to get around to them as well. Assuming that’s what our players really want. You are all the second half of the collaborative process, so thanks for helping!
Dear Anthony~
Every update will not please every player. Just looking at the wide range of time available, skillsets, preference for group or solo play or instanced or open world content, etc. of your players and you can see that is an impossible expectation and one you should get out of your cute but silly little head immediately.
All you can strive for is to please the most amount of people by providing a good spread of activities. I think you guys are hitting it out of the ballpark with your constant attention to the game and frequent updates and I am appreciative of your innovative approach to the “stale endgame” issue that faces all MMOs.
Also, I am quite intrigued by this “things you’ve never seen in this game before” comment. I love that this game keeps surprising me and look forward to each update. Thanks for all the hard work and keeping things interesting for us
I think it’s been really fun! They just keep building on a solid foundation, I’m delighted and constantly surprised with where they are taking the game.
<——happy gamer
(Just went out and bought 250 of them)
You might be interested in some other fun/useful consumables:
An unlock system for permanent, reusable runes and sigils.
I wonder why we need an AMA since we have a whole forum dedicated to GW2 and it’s fans / people who play the game. Couldn’t they just answer questions here in the forums in the time they would do the AMA? Or is it the kind of “upvoting” a question thing that is important for the devs? Then I would ask: wouldn’t it be possible to include such a option in the forums here?
Reddit is a better option for an AMA, each question has a reply directly underneath it rather than a question being asked on page 2 and the answer being on page 5 of a thread. If they tried to do an AMA on a forum thread it would be a disorganized mess. To turn the whole forum into an AMA defeats the purpose of the forum.
The up and down voting is an added bonus as well, questions that the most people care about get the most upvotes, superfluous or trolling posts get downvoted and things people don’t care about one way or another don’t garner any votes.
They just kicked off an event in a high level zone, everyone has dropped their alts and is out doing that. Last month’s event took place in low level zones and there were people everywhere.
If you are looking for a group, PM me and I’ll see if I round up some guildies and come over.
Speaking of this event in the shores, it actually upscales your level. I would suggest porting there from LA.
Don’t send a new person to his death!
Blu is currently streaming and playing it with devs watching.
I just imagined Blu talking as fast as he does but in Chinese and my mind asploded xD
Turn the screenshake and sound off. It’s on your options menu
If you purchase a skin like the Toxic Mantle skin, you can apply it to one piece of armor. You can then use Transmutation Stones or Crystals to transfer that look to other pieces of armor as you level or change your stats.
Costumes are account bound. They are town clothes only which just means you cannot wear them while you are in combat. If you are wearing them in the open world and a mob hits you, the game will automatically equip your combat/stat gear.
Since Costumes are account bound even after you equip them, you can put them in your bank for your other characters to use. When you equip them you can toggle the town clothes look on and off on your Hero panel but they can only be used on one character at a time.
Happy Patch Day \o/
I personally am still 100% loving Guild wars 2 even with my lvl 80 fully geared out and seeing updates like this really puts a smile on my face. I was just expecting some f/f retribution update but WOW guild banners, new guild missions, a new dungeon, custom arena’s, spectator mode and more WvW abilities. Anet is doing quite a fantastic job at keeping me into guild wars 2!
Big thumbs up, I’m excited!
If they are OPTIONAL, then remove them from wvw as they have no part in it, block real wvw players from getting in and are the cause of a lot of friction between JP2 fans and wvw players.
Noooooo, we love the Murderpit!
Thank you Karizee.
I really wonder what all those ppl do all day
My wife and I flew out to Seattle, Washington, last weekend (for personal reasons, on our own dime!). It was a great trip, in large part because I was invited to visit ArenaNet’s Bellevue headquarters and had the privilege of meeting some of the greatest video game heroes in the industry. I took only one photo — from the roof — because Elder Dragons are notoriously camera shy and I didn’t want to risk catching one of them on film. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.
Although I’m bound by blood oath not to discuss any specifics (it’s a Necromancer thing), I can say with certainty that, yes, ArenaNet is working on stuff. It is working very kitten stuff. There is no internal catastrophe or barren office lurking behind the studio’s policy of limited communication as some fans have feared. There are a lot of highly organized developers there doing things I was mostly not allowed to see up close because there are probably nuclear fallout shelters less secure than ANet HQ. But it’s safe to say that they didn’t pull together hundreds of people and tell them to look very busy and enthusiastic and excited about their game just because I happened to be in the vicinity.
I’d like to thank ArenaNet for inviting me to tour the studio, as well as the folks who took time out of their schedules to chat with me, show me around, and say hello. It was truly an awesome experience.
It may be they just uploaded 118 videos to the playlist since it now says there are 5,000 winners.
Along with the 5,000 contest winners who received free copies of the Guild Wars 2 Heroic Edition, new citizens are flocking to Tyria from all over! Join the movement!
Roman numerals are cleaner, easier to remember and significantly easier to communicate.
If I’m sharing a build with someone I can quickly tell them the numbers. If I was describing icons however it would take longer (“2” vs. “The one that kinda looks like a pair of lungs”) or I could give them the name of the trait and they would have to read through all of them to find it.
Making traits with icons is a dumb idea and when it dies it will leave a dumb corpse.
(edited by Karizee.8076)
Why didnt anyone posted the video of the “airplane emote” during BWE. That was hilarious.
ArenaNet has a strict no tolerance policy on verbal abuse. If you see anyone abusing in map or whispers, right click and report them. They will clean that right up.
I’ve tried trinity games and I fail to see how a tank taunting does anything but put the game on ez mode.
Take off those trinity training wheels and play a real game.
Best of luck in your future endeavors, Chap. Thanks for helping create one of the best games I’ve ever played
And never forget
(edited by Karizee.8076)
Waiting up to 2 hours trying to find a tank or healer? No thanks ! ! !
I like the instant grouping of GW2 much, MUCH better than those trinity games.
Mama! I’m scared -hold me!!
Nope, don’t miss it one bit.
Combat feels much more fun and immersive without it. I like the hybrid nature of GW2’s professions and I love that parties form instantly.
Used mostly for legendary and ascended crafting, I guess you could estimate the value based on what other currencies are used to buy them.
- 2100 karma
- 3 laurels
- 15 fractal relics
Going with Kodan for their philosophy and culture. The juxtaposition of fierce violence when necessary coupled with peaceful balance and tribal nature appeals to me.
takes a drink If you didn’t leave it for last, you wouldn’t have nearly the issue with it.
The only person with any right to gripe about this is someone on a server that never wins in WvW. In all other cases, you’re looking at this from the wrong perspective. Mapping anyplace in PvE is a job for an hour. Mapping in WvW is something you should PLAN on spending a few weeks on. Week to week, your server’s color and starting position should change. This will give you better access to different areas, often ones you couldn’t get into the week before.
The color your server is assigned is based on how well it did the previous week. So if you’r server always wins or always loses… well, you’re stuck if you can’t get a group to knock in doors with. Otherwise, go do something else until the weekend rolls through.
Good advice except for the part about needing to be on a winning server
Reset night is a good night to play WvW for map completion since there is a lot of "flipping* going on back and forth, supply is very limited then since it hasn’t had a chance to build up and you’ll even see keeps changing hands many times over the course of a few hours until servers have a chance to build up defenses.
Also, do not limit yourself to your server’s “third” of EBG – there is always a tug and pull for the towers and camps along the edges with big “pushes” for more strategic locations as your server builds up resources.
I’m thinking of writing a guide on WvW map completion for the uninitiated since there is a lot of misconceptions floating about. I’ll put something up later this week.
The first thing I’d suggest they do is open a PTR so they can do proper testing on pvp.
PTR’s are worse than useless. Just look at WoW – it’s last expac was on PTR for 6 months and launched with the buggiest mess you ever saw. They still have not cleaned up those bugs, the balance is out of control and when they opened the first raid, a low level paladin solo’d the raid boss LOL.
Complete waste of time and resources. All it does is give players that have the time to play it an inside peek to manipulate their AH.
Please make sure to throw food in the Mystic Forge when you can.
Today I found my long lost sister who it seems fell into the forge 8 years ago. Trapped and helpless, she lived offf the meager offerings of food being tossed into the forge.
She said there were others there. They are probably hungry.
There is a 5% listing fee, then when the item sells there is another 10% transaction fee deducted.
Open your achievement panel, any skins you’ve unlocked will be at the top and you can use them as many times as you like on as many characters as you like
It’s like asking “Which is better, sugar or salt?” or “Which is better, movies or television series?”
They are different games in different genres. I like MMOs so I like GW2 better.
I think it’s great that they are continuing to support GW1 for those who prefer it even though very few people are playing it these days.
The 5% listing fee you paid when you listed the items will not be returned. This is to encourage people to make reasonable listings.
Now, if you cancel a buy order all your gold will be returned.
I was delightfully surprised to run across this event a few weeks after launch
As far as wondering how many players understand the reference I saw one video of it where they thought it was a nod to Mass Effect
Here’s a great video that shows what changes you’ll see right away (applies to everyone)
And another video that highlights changes to WvW
You can see the release pages here:
And here is a searchable patch notes:
There are like 5 people playing right now, its very hard to do a dungeon.
Heh, I wish. If that were the case I wouldn’t spend most of my time in overflow :-P
Didn’t see Lion’s Arch on my home server all weekend last week. 3+ hour queue to get into WvW on reset night.
They lifted culling at Claw of Jormag a couple weeks ago and this is what we saw:
People really want this game to tank? I thought they would want the game to do well so they can get what they want in the game.
Some people do. The over 300+ milion dollars this game has earned came straight out of some other MMO’s pocket. They post here a lot
I think a new PvP map with capture the flag AND Guild Missions is a pretty darn big update for a game with no subscription fee.
Free monthly updates, love it!
I’ve never seen that before, looks amazing!
My experience is the same as yours – everyone in game loving it, then a vocal minority bashing on the forums.
It’s called forum sabatoge.
Thirty people can really make a mess of a forum. Or 3 people with 10 accounts each
A certain big name game that is feeling very threatened by GW2’s popularity certainly has the budget to buy a few games and pay a couple peeps to go gamebashing on their forums.
My advice is to ignore it and focus on the game you love with the other millions of people loving it.
Pick your race, armor type (light, medium, heavy) – you can even play around on a very limited basis with dye selection.
When you find something you like, check the wiki to see where to get it.
It’s aliiiiiive!
WvW in the jungle!
Just remembe, if you ever decide to come back, all you have to do is step through the portal and you’re there, in a magical land of glory, victory, and triumph.
I have to agree on this one. The “Skill recharging” spam is not needed.
The serial code will be mailed to whatever email is used to purchase the game. At that point you could use it or give it to your brother to set up an account with that serial code.
Hope that helps!