North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill
- Yes, there are crafting stations in cities. There are also 25 uses salvage kits, or limited uses gathering tools, yet no one uses them.
- Don’t assume things you don’t know: yes, I’m spending 80% of my time in WvW – where did I say I was spending it sitting at the WP?
Shrug I still use the 25 salvage kits and limited oricalcum gathering tools, seriously, I have never bought any of the gem store tools since gathering tools are a pain to keep moving around, and no I’m not buying 30 of them to cover for my 10 level 80’s.
Removing the crafting stations changes one thing in your routine of having to stop by a city to do your crafting dailies, which you do anyways when you visit your home instance. Then you can pop into wvw as usual.
I just think some people are blowing this out of proportion is all.
Go to graphics option and turn postprocessing off.
Turn off dialog volume if you need to.
Turn on a transformation potion if you want to get out of the broken animation I guess.
This is seriously the dumbest aprils fool joke I’ve seen in a game, please don’t do something like this again unless it comes with an off switch.
(edited by Xenesis.6389)
Let’s keep two things in mind for these dragons.
1. Shatterer is a lower level boss than the other two dragons, I don’t think his difficulty should be as high as Teq. He definitely should be harder than standing on the rock to his right and afk attacking him.
2. If you are going to make something harder make sure you reward it properly, I personally won’t spend an hour prepping for a fight so I can get a couple greens and a rare. I can just as well spend that hour at 5 other world bosses and get like 8-10 rares.
I don’t agree with Teq being as hard as he is currently either, without it being in a closed and organized environment like normal raids would be. Too many variables to mess up the fight and it’s the reason why TTS has to spend an hour before trying to organize the fight, including hopping maps to make sure all their people in TS are in the instance.
Now the difference for me between these gw2 open world bosses as opposed to the closed raid bosses of a game like wow is, in wow if I or a guild mate gets something off the raids I or the guild would be happy, in gw2 if someone I don’t know gets rewarded for my contribution over and over again I’m not going to be happy nor care to continue doing that encounter in the long run. (yes I know loot tables are tied to everyone)
To this day I don’t think I’ve run into anyone with a Teq weapon.
P.S how many have figured out to use the shield on the charzookas to avoid the fear from Coj? Next to none as I saw on my last encounter with him.
(edited by Xenesis.6389)
WvW is dying because:
1. New map – many different issues that have been stated over and over for the past 6 months (yes all the way back into beta), not going to restate them just going to say it’s not as good as the alpine map.
2. Guildhalls – partly killed small guilds because of the upgrade costs, all guild upgrades have been ripped out of vanilla and placed back into HoT guildhalls with massive upgrade cost. Guild arenas have partly pulled guilds out of wvw.
3. Guild catas – a staple to small groups had it’s cost doubled, which effectively killed small group havocing.
4. Scribing – that came with guildhalls, massive cost and mats, need it to create schematics for all the upgrades to claimable structures, except auras which you also have to upgrade in the guildhall war room. +5 not until guild level 37.
5. Banners – the ultimate pay off for upgrading your hall and scribing, the new dragon and turtle banners are now throwing imbalance into fights.
6. Class balance – op specs have changed the balance of fights, pirate ship meta.
7. Bugs – numerous wall bugs, invulnerable walls, shoot through walls, too much hitpoint walls, heck even graphical wall bugs, I sure did enjoy having that oil pot on the 3rd floor of smc. Fixes have been slow coming…
8. Auto upgrades – mostly killed the reason for scouts to check on structures regularly, at least that’s being changed a bit in killing the definite timer to upgrade, now scouts and roamers will sorta be needed again for dolyak runs.
9. Friday night reset night – killed “the” night to do wvw, moved it a day forward to Saturday, which killed a day of meaningful wvw for everyone. Reset still gets it’s fights on, just doesn’t seem to last as long as friday resets use to.
10. Last but not least, new wvw format in whatever form, is not expected for maybe 6+ months from now, after being worked on for over a year already, after we’ve been strung along in this old dying format for 3 years already.
The current Anet staff that is responsible for WvW, The staff does not have the sufficient resources or the capability to fix WvW, and they will never be able too.
If they have insufficient resources or capabilities to fix the current wvw model, what makes you think they will have enough to rebuild the game mode?
Most of their developers are working on the expansion or living story, wvw is not a priority for them and probably never will be, it’s back on maintenance mode.
Ya it’s so bad in wvw,
You just play the game mode and occasionally you get an acended box drop that you can then choose what piece of gear to get. Then use a cheap mystic forge recipe and roll whatever stat on it you want. So much worse than over 60g in crafting materials and time gates for the cheaper pieces (wvw boxes don’t care if you pick chest or gloves, 2hander or offhand), assuming you have 500 crafting of course.
Except like 75% of the drops are rings, got like 20 rings sitting in my inventory. Spent most of my time 3+ years in wvw and have not collected enough boxes to even make a full set yet from drops (rng is rng I’m sure there are those that have been lucky too), and nevermind that you can get drops not for your class too.
Oh yeah great system, there’s no possible way they could bring in a vendor system on par with the other current ones, oh no, not possible at all. Those k-training plebs in wvw need to keep suffering.
The current plan is to rotate the borderlands maps each quarterly update. That said, now that we are actively polling the community, perhaps we can start exploring other options.
For instance, nothing is really stopping us from having a combination of ABL and DBL maps running simultaneously. 2 of one and 1 of the other. If we polled that, and players approved it, then there’d be no need for the rotation, and players on both sides of the issue could play on their preferred map. The downside of course, would be any perception of imbalance that may arise from one map being considered the stronger “Home” map, but we could always give the more defensible map to Red/Blue and leave the less defensible map to Green.
TYLER YES! DBL for redbl and Alpine on blue and green bl.
Give it a shot and see how it goes!
The options for the poll should have been more simple.
Reevaluate match-ups every month.
Reevaluate match-ups every 2 months.
Reevaluate match-ups every 3 months, (current quarterly schedule).
4 or 6 months is not needed.
I think players are more on to community or guild loyalty than server loyalty at this point. Too many servers have already been destroyed by players moving away, and sometimes multiple guilds will move together to another server because they like playing with each other. Just like what we saw when some T1 guilds moved to YB to ride them to T1.
Megaserver tech definitely hurt recruitment and defense call outs for wvw, which is why they should have left LA as a server based city and not put every single zone on megaserver.
The eotm system could work, it’s just a matter of whether or Anet wants to put the work into making it work properly. What they need to provide is something else to rally behind instead of server identities made by the players. Besides guilds, players need a bigger purpose to rally behind, the other games that do this actually make it a war with distinct sides, which GW2 just makes it a war with servers.
I’ll use examples that they could use, world of warcraft alliance and horde sides. Both sides are distinct, they have lore to back it up, and there are players who are fiercely loyal to either side. Warhammer online, also 2 distinct sides that players were fiercely loyal to. Remember Dark age of camelot? the game that wvw was insipred by, same concept with 3 sides. Same thing another game called Planetside features, 3 distinct sides in lore to fight behind.
What Anet needs to do is create 3 new alliances, let’s just use this as a quick example say Durmand Priory, Order of Whispers, and the Vigil. There’s a lot of lore in game to back it up, there’s distinction between all 3 sides that players can support and rally behind, the rewards for them could also be unique as well.
Let’s take it further and use the Gods as sides instead:
6 gods that players are matched to from their character creation, Balthazar Dwayna Grenth Kormir Lyssa Melandru. (Option to change one time upon implementation).
So basically 6 separate pools of players (instead of 24-27 servers).
3 sides of 2 gods alliances, so 2 gods randomly matched into alliances every week.
You want to transfer? pay 1800 gems to transfer and get a prayer book back piece as a blessing to your new god, lol.
Offer new wvw season rewards with art/fashion that match the sides you’re playing for, such as the lyssa balthazar and dwayna outfits.
What we don’t need is 3 faceless sides, green blue red to fight for, or the stupidity of putting all the green ranked servers (usually the top server of the tier) player pools together. Nor do we need player made mercenary alliances filled with 3 guilds and 300 players to fill maps for a week.
(edited by Xenesis.6389)
Full – Closed
Blackgate = Full
Tarnished Coast = Full
Very High – 1800 gems
Jade Quarry
Yak’s Bend
High – 1000 gems
Fort Aspenwood = High
Maguuma = High
Stormbluff Isle = High
Sea of Sorrows = High
Medium – 500 gems
Isle of Janthir
Anvil Rock
Sanctum of Rall
Devona’s Rest
Henge of Denravi
Northern Shiverpeaks
Crystal Desert
Borlis Pass
Sorrow’s Furnace
Ferguson’s Crossing
Gate of Madness
Ehmry Bay
Because my guild already had +5 for years before the expansion, how’s that for a counter argument?
My guild also use to +5 to all three keeps regularly, we had alt guilds to provide the extra buffs. Large guilds tend to not claim any structures unless they really need to. Alt or bank guilds maintained their buffs by buying influence while some even spent more on upgrading structures, was that not a fair trade off?
P.S not everyone is in T1 or 2 where you have 6+ zerg guilds running around, a lot of smaller guilds operate in the lower tiers.
If I wanted vertical progression I would have stuck to WoW, their game was built for vertical progression and is a much more rewarding experience. I came to GW2 to play wvw and the happy thoughts that I wouldn’t have to upgrade my pvp gear every season, like you need to do in WoW every 6 months, but two months into release and that illusion wkittentered.
Now every time I step into wvw I always have to think about obtaining ascended gear, because sooner or later enough people are going to have enough pieces to make a difference in battles. Why oh why was this game not build with spvp and wvw systems separate from pve.
That about sums up the importance of wvw.
Dunno what you all going on about, wvw is pve, so legendaries are coming to wvw, go kill a raid boss instead of smc lord.
UMM WRONG!!!!! WvW is much different than Pew Pew PvE crap.
Delight us MO said wvw players are really into pve! and wvw uses pve systems! so wvw is pve! so legendaries coming to pve means they are coming to wvw! killing raid boss is the same as smc lord! they both npcs!
I guess I should start adding /s
Been wondering if it’s possible for them to run ebg or alpine or desert along with eotm map, so you give players a choice of map to play while they’re waiting in queue or just want to play eotm style on a different map.
The points don’t matter in eotm, you’re just running it for zerg fights but mostly ktraining anyways, so it shouldn’t matter if a map is fair like eotm or ebg, or uneven like alpine or desert. I haven’t been in eotm in a long while so I dunno what’s the population like in there now, and I know this would split up the population for eotm as well.
But if they keep shrinking the tiers, and increase queues it would give eotm section more bodies. Roamers can take to alpines if they want, hell even gvg teams could use ebg or alpines for flat open places to gvg.
If I get on prime time and I see ebg queued, maybe I’ll just run into eotm ebg instead until I get into the prime wvw ebg. Dunno just a thought.
Golem week wouldn’t have been too bad if the bugs/exploits weren’t present, or fixed on the first couple hours or even first day it was done. But you know anet, last minute friday release, left to itself for the weekend, by monday it was a clusterf and no dev replied for the entire week. It was turned off and left to be swept under the rug. I mean we even had maguuma players enjoying the exploits and bragging about it on the forums and nothing was done. /shrug
Man there was a game that came out with multiple difficulty in raids, even a lower difficulty so that casuals could run it and get to see and experience all the end game raids, even the lfg for it was easy. Man, what game was that again, I can’t quite remember. Was about seven years ago they did it, even before gw2 came out. /snaps fingers, man what game was it, it’s at the tip of my tongue.
Meh happened to me months ago, no one cared and it won’t change. Was down before I could react, basically only an auto skill would have saved me. Wasn’t even full zerk either.
Good luck with the balance crusade, I don’t see anet giving two figs about it.
OP’s main argument, as far as I can tell, is that polls are skewed because non-serious players cause poll responses to be non-representative of the real wvw population. The alleged non-serious players include: those who use wvw for crafting, laurel vendors, mystic forge, practicing emotes, chat rooms (specifically discussing game of thrones), trading posts/merchant, dailies, etc.
He doesn’t have to worry then cause the notifications only goes to those that have at least 10 ranks and gained a rank that week. It was purposely done like that to avoid notifying the casuals who only pop in for dailies and crafting.
I doubt there’s that many of those players around to make that significant of a swing in the votes.
I will vigilantly stand by the point that ascended gear should not be easily accessible, i highly disapprove of the actions of Anet for allowing Ascended gear to be so easily gained through PvP ranked. is was an entirely dumb way to entice people to play PvP ranked and it set a bad precedent for people in WvW wanting the same thing
yes, im for people leaving wvw getting ascended gear, im not for those game modes making it so easy to the point that it impacts other game modes heavily. purely because how badly anet set the currency to be cheap and easy to obtain in PvP. heck, im sure there a good way to time gate/use currency to buy ascended gear in WvW, but i really dont trust Anet to put in a good way, to implement a system in gaining ascended gear with WvW currency.
Fair enough, I do agree with your opinions in those areas.
Unfortunately the door for ascended earned in spvp has already been opened…
Thieves in the eyes of every other class will always be seen as broken(stealth off walls anyone?) or overpowered simply because Anet designed it entirely on stealth, and not as a tool to just enter or exit combat like most other games do. So much so that they’ve had to design stealth revealers to help with the problem.
If the class was designed with more focused on stealing and evading as their main combat abilities than stealth, I’m sure there wouldn’t be as much complaining. The life of a gw2 thief will always be under the call for nerfs for that mistake in design.
We were bored one day on homebl, decided to spend some extra supply…
Ahem… You shall not pass! XD
You still level up with tomes of knowledge which they hand out in the rewards tracks, and wvw dailies. Takes about 8-9 hours to do a track, faster with the potions. You get 8 tomes per track that’s about a level per hour.
That’s for a brand new player which it’s ok for them to take that time to level and learn wvw, if that’s truly what they want to play. Veteran players have tomes stock piled at this point, there’s always people complaining about them in here, plus the 20/30 level birthday boosters.
Brand new players don’t even get the notice for wvw until level 60 now, not to mention the level 80 boost they get with the expansion. It was even slower leveling in wvw over eotm as a ktrain isn’t always present, it’s about even out now with the reward tracks granting the tomes for leveling instead.
Finally the intention of eotm was suppose to be a place to play for players stuck in a queue on the wvw maps, not as a speedy leveling/reward area which many including myself took to instead of pveing to level alts.
Necromancer: Minion master is insane. That is all.
Who the hell runs around wvw as a minionmancer?
How about, just let BG have as many as they can fit on the maps. For instance, if the other servers have few players, just give the excess spots, to BG, so BG can have , oh lets say 200-300 per map, seems legit. Or every time someone logs off from a different server, or DC’s , just add a BG player………(please don’t think I am serious…lol)
Why? it’s a brilliant idea, BG will need extra spots for their growing population. No one deserves to sit in a queue. They’ll need to have enough room to fit all the roamers that can scout the entire map and keep it safe, trump wvw wall 2016.
You bunch of ingrates!
How about… They create a regular expansion like every other MMO out there including their own GW1, and I hand over my $40 to buy that expansion when it’s ready?
They had money to waste on redesigning the entry levels of the game, and open it up in Asia, I’m sure they would have the monetary backing to create an expansion if they needed it.
Beast Gate Legendary backpack.
1 Blackgate tear.
1 Tarnished Coast tear.
1 Jade Quarry tear.
250 Packet of salt.
To create Gift of Ocean.
250 Gift of Battle.
1 Ascalon Ghost Potion.
1 Collectible Spoon Box.
1 Mistforged Hero’s weapon
To create Gift of WvWvW.
1 Gift of War.
1 Gift of Fortune.
1 Gift of Misery.
1 Gift of Maguuma Mastery.
To create Gift of Gold.
1 Zephyr Rucksack. – Precursor.
I know you got excited seeing the name maguuma in there, but you need the mastery not the tear.
Please make concurrent resets that keep happening every hour on Friday started at 5pm PST.
That way the score will continually go back to zero every hour so that perpetually people can get their fair chance to play when they want.
That’s kinda going to happen with time slice scoring. XD
Boy I sure do hope they can move reset to stardate -306608.048630085
It’ll fix all our problems.
had some scouts say “50 people inner hills. lord 10%”
Unless reports of that fat blob were coming in for the past 5 mins, I don’t see a problem with someone reporting it late. They may have been the first person to get eyes on that blob and their numbers, yes hills is lost in that scenario but at least you got enemy numbers to work with.
This is kinda why scouting is a thankless job in this game, much like playing a healer in other games.
Not before they solve the population imbalance issues.
What’s the point of playing the seasons when for 10+ hours the pop of my server in the WvW maps is less than 30 players,while our enemies have multiple blobs covering at least two maps.
Starting day of the tournament: here you go BG here’s your gold trophy!
Now we all can play the season just for fun!
This sounds like an excellent 20 year future plan for wvw.
Actually, it’s everyone’s problem.
Actually no it isn’t. It’s that person’s problem not willing to adapt and be a better commander if that’s what they want to do. Pin sniping will exist no matter how many abilities they remove to deal with it. No different than trying to go roam with a blob spec, how long will does one last with that? are they not willing to switch to a roam spec in order to make it a better experience?
The same goes for commanding, build your commander toon for better survivability and use some tactics in trying to deter pin sniping, there’s like a dozen suggestions in here already.
If that commander gives up because they can’t deal with it, that’s their servers problem if they came to rely on him, although personally that’s not a commander I would care to follow anyways.
Some of the other stuff you listed are issues we have no control over, it’s up to anet to fix those whenever.
In the end it’s a game, no one cares about rules of war, red is dead, or colored dot is dead if that’s your preference.
So uh for the people saying they wanted a new map but don’t want dbl.
What happens if we vote for a new map, they make it, and you don’t like it, gonna ask them to delete that too?
Hi WvWers,
Today in EotM I finished my reward track, and almost simultaneously got the 250 badges I wanted for a discount on an ascended amulet. This has left me in in a reflective mood. I wonder should I go back and do it again? Should I try proper WvW? And it left me wondering what Anet should do to make WvW more attractive to PvEers.
If you had fun, sure why not?
So, a few thoughts:
Don’t try to force us. If you do, we will teach you the meaning of “beware of unintended consequences” by e.g. mostly-afking and repairing a wall every few minutes while we watch sitcoms in another window and the queue fro EB goes over 50.
Nobody is forcing you to? unless this is another gift of battle complaint. But no need for the threat. Of course I have to mention how much more wvw players are “forced” to do pve to get the things they want to function in wvw, but another argument for somewhere else.
Don’t try to bribe us. If WvW ever becomes genuinely lucrative, then the minds that brought you Tarir multiloot with disguised IP addresses will apply themselves to farming WvW. Believe me, you WvW guys are better off with it as the worst paying game mode than with that.
It needs to pay OK, like the Cursed Shore or whatever. If I can say “it’s not quite as good money as the Silverwastes, but you don’t have to do chest farms” then we’re cooking.
Fine by me, the reward tracks are perfect and that’s about as far they should go for rewarding play, we don’t need it to be as rewarding like the tarir meta. We just need enough gold to be able to maintain our gear, oils food, etc and a lil something something for a rainy day, like a transfer.
But the first thing WvW needs is to look fun. I think what you need is real marketing. Not by devs, by advertising professionals. Show us videos of cool fights, with voice overs by real commentators saying “now the neat thing about this is…” And make it assuming no prior knowledge of WvW, and put a link on the load screen which clearly flags it as intended for people with no WvW experience.
And once it looks like it could eventually be fun, it needs for people a way to get involved starting from “I know very little except that I’m a bit confused”.
True that, the marketing department seemed to ignore wvw for almost it’s entire time, meanwhile the notices we get about spvp and it’s tournaments, courtesy of the marketing department. Tons of wvw videos on youtube though.
Most of all, what I’d need is a place to start. There maybe good places to start, but I don’t know about them. Instead people jabber on assuming I already know what “push” or “max participation” mean.
I believe there’s suppose to be a tutorial npc in citadel, right at the portals. Terms like “push” are used by commanders, that will come with experience of running with them.
There are also practical barriers. Say I like the sound of havoc groups (I do). To try that will I need a set of e.g. rabid gear? If so, that’s on the order of 100g just to try something out. Free level 76 exotic gear, that’s only usable in WvW and disintegrates after 30 hours, would be more like it.
What? As mentioned already the wvw gear is cheaper than normal gear on the trading post since it cost badges too. You go rabid gear if you want to play a condition spec. But that’s up to you, havoc groups doesn’t require you to get that, unless a specific group you’re running with wants it for group synergy.
Anyways you can run normal exotics, build ascended trinkets/rings first which you can get in numerous ways. Gearing for wvw specifically really isn’t any different than gearing for raids. There’s tons of roles to play in wvw, gear towards what you want to play.
One thing I will say for WvW, BTW… The only obnoxious WvWer I’ve encountered was in guild chat in my PvE farming guild. WvWers seem pretty chill, so much better than the dungeon commnity. Stay cool guys, maybe I’ll see you around some time.
Thanks, don’t mind us clowns in here.
(edited by Xenesis.6389)
At least Wow handles stealth in a more sensible way, if a stealth walks in front of you there’s a chance you can see their outline and hear the noise that a stealth person is around you. They also pop out of stealth for any attack, well other than sap which breaks on damage anyways. No need to carry around stealth traps.
(edited by Xenesis.6389)
kitten went and posted in the wrong skill balance thread, moving my post here..
Patch summary…
02/21/2017 – February 21st Release Notes
Profession Skills
I guess we weren’t killing fast enough.
The important stuff.
World vs. World
Alpine Borderlands
Desert Borderlands
Dat ghost thief buff lol.
(edited by Xenesis.6389)
They were also asking for terrain that favored havoc over zerg and maps that required players to break into smaller groups to cover. And they were asking for more vertical maps, even if not in the sense that DBL delivered.
We do agree, more maps though mean more options and keeps the game fresher which will retain people.
They went overboard on what players were asking for. More chokes probably would have been ok, but larger map to force groups to break up while making it a pain for everyone else? while making structures more worthless? gimmicks galore all over to tie in with HoT that no one wanted, giant laser in the middle that was a lag failure.
I want new maps, but geez, maps designed for wvw like the originals not the HoT adventure bullfrog.
Mckennna 16 days agoThe WvW team is currently working on Scoring Improvements Phase 2, which was determined in the last priority poll. This involves adding rewards to Skirmishes and improving the Skirmish UI. A goal for these scoring improvements is to give WvW players a reason to play and win WvW Skirmishes.
Population and bandwagoning issues are something the WvW team is constantly discussing and working on. Currently there are plans to help discourage bandwagoning coming with Phase 2, but we aren’t ready to announce details for everything in that system yet.
Isn’t that the same copypasta they’ve been using for the past 4 months?
Hey man, the wvw team is made up of McKenna and…. her chihuahua Scruffy.
There’s only so much they can do, these things take time and permission from Mo.
I wouldn’t use the first and probably the second week after the tough seven weeks of the first season, as a good reading of servers being balanced. I would imagine a lot of servers and players are taking a break, plus there is going to be some movement of guilds again. So wait a couple weeks for things to settle and back to normal again.
I’m in a small guild and maybe about 30 that regularly do events with us and we wrecked the GH fee/claiming with about 20-25 people.
I consider that a small guild, and it was really no trouble for us. 100G for 25 people is like 2 of the easiest dungeon runs a day for 3 days. Favors idk how we got, and I contributed 0 to that so they still accomplished it with 1 less person.
The claiming itself was easy also. 3 groups of 8 or 4 groups of 6 roaming around an area and you’re good.
Not trying to be rude but if you couldn’t do this that means you are either in a smaller guild or not trying at all. That being said, how small is your guild for you to find this hard?
The upgrades themselves are a bit tougher as they require more gold and farming, but we’re grinding them as we speak so no complaints here.
News flash 30 isn’t a “small” guild, that’s a normal mid sized guild, or what would be considered a big guild in wvw 25+, 5-10 people is a small guild. The cost or effort to claim is not the problem with guild halls, it’s the massive grind for upgrades that’s obviously much easier on bigger guilds.
Please glicko boost SBI they sound like they’re tier 1 ready!
I’m surprised I’m not seeing more rage over this than there should be too, then again they came out fairly early and stated they’re aware of the high damage now and will be balancing. But how long is that going to take? burning obviously needs to be toned down, guard boons need to have their cap put on.
The pve people are obviously loving the damage because all they want to do is kill npcs as soon as possible, so they’re not going to complain.
For the competitive side it’s a different story, who wants to get melted before even having time to react and counter?
One way or another damage is going to be normalized and once that happens the pve people will complain, only other solution is to give more toughness and vitality to deal with the increased damage. Resistance was suppose to help with condition damage but they’re not exactly on the best skills or traits, might as well not even be in the game.
In any case was expecting this mess, was expecting more of an uproar, but I guess people don’t really care, just abuse the damage as much as you can now.
That’s funny I put up a post asking about the rise of gold sellers two months ago and it got removed and I got infracted for it. This one gets to stay up with a response from Gaile.
/thumbs up for fair and even moderation Anet.
/rolls eyes
Turn off damage, everyone can run at 60fps again.
BTW I love how Ehmry bay is listed as Very High, when it sure as heck never was before the links and they lost regular wvw guilds and players after the links, and if you played on there you would definitely see a lot less Ehmry players around. So something screwy is definitely going on with the system.
We should clearly get rid of all the BLs, get rid of EotM, and just have EBG by this argument. Which would just be silly. We need maps that are different, even maps that are less popular. Nothing would be more boring than having four identical maps to play on.
Would it be silly though?
Yes it would be, because not everyone likes ebg, or alpines, or desert, or eotm. Makes no sense trying to lock players for weeks or months at a time out of the map they do enjoy, however many that might be, that’s forcing people not to play. Taking alpines out for 6 months was a very damaging mistake to wvw.
And yes designing borderlands was a terrible mistake in the first place, gives them little option these days having 2 borderland maps. Every map should have been ebg in design.
On the flip side if links never happened, we probably would be here with people complaining how dead their servers are every day. Let’s not forget the major downward spiral wvw was on after the expansion released, it still is, but links were a minor stop gap from people leaving and may have brought back some players, like myself. It certainly has it’s problems, but it helped revive wvw for a moment.
If you don’t like links fine, but just think what the alternative could have been, your server absolutely dead during the last 6 months. That’s not to excuse anet, been about year since the expansion and things still aren’t looking that well for wvw’s future. Question is, are there even any long term solutions on the table right now.
We’ll see I guess, haven’t touched my t4 alts in over a month. Last time a t3 was in t4 it stomped them, SBI+ 417k DH+ 273k NSP+ 263k, but that was just one week back in april, the t3 match that week FA+ 396k SoS+ 317k HoD+ 252k. I know, a lot of population have moved around since then.
This a temporary solution, if they have to do this every time they relink might as well reset the ratings when they do.
You would get players taking all their supply from keeps and towers, and it would take a much longer time to upgrade towers and keeps if that happened. Commanders always try to get players to take supply from camps only and leave the supply in keeps and towers for upgrades and siege, unless it’s maxed out on upgrades.
You’re going to end up with a lot more screaming over /map about taking supply. Leave the zerg to taking supply from camps, especially camps in enemy territory.
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