Showing Posts Upvoted By anzenketh.3759:

Legendaries tradeable, Ascended are not

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: tolunart.2095


Legendaries should have been account bound from the beginning. Anet can’t go back and change it now, but that doesn’t mean they have to continue making the same mistake going forward.

Nerf the amount of bloodstone dust

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


You have three options:

1) stop farming champs
2) destroy excess
3) make it into bloodstone bricks, one 14s gold sink at a time

"My Story" Expanded - Living Story Concept

in Suggestions

Posted by: Outlaw.3421


I was told to forward this on to the Suggestions forum, but the original post can be found in the Last Stand at Southsun forum –

I would like to see the posts from the GW2 website fed into the “My Story” tab. It can show a red " ! " when there is a new story entry like when you level and have a new trait point to use. You can even add little conclusion text for each event that transpires that may not appear on the website.

Each update that has story posts can have the content thrown into the “My Story” tab. We click on each event as a form of a drop down. I guess it works a lot like the wiki, but this is just another alternative of displaying information.

Attached an example I created real quick in Photoshop.


Tequatl and conditions...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Randulf.7614


Its not ignored, they’ve stated why many times. I know it sucks (having a condition toon myself), but its a major technical/bandwidth issue which cant just be solved at this time.

I agree it’s a flaw, but I suspect we wont see any changes until they can work round the stated technical limitations

Tequatl and conditions...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Maybe this was covered in the preview but are you assuming they will still allow people to just ignore the adds?

How GW1 Devs would've designed end-game gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bad Decision Dino.1386

Bad Decision Dino.1386

Disclaimer: I suppose to be more accurate, what I really meant was “How GW1 Devs would’ve designed end-game gear had they been called in when ANet had already decided that Exotics were ‘too easy’ to obtain, and the game needed to give players a reason to grind.”

Obviously, if they’d been in charge of the game from the start, everything would look much different and we’d probably have been walking around in maxed out gear somewhere around level 40. This is not a “Let’s time travel all the way back to GW1” thread, but rather, a look at where we could realistically go from where the game already is now. It’s a direction that we could progress towards that would bring GW2 back into line with the original manifesto, GW1’s core theme of horizontal progression and experimentation, and the promises that were made to players in the run-up to the game’s launch, while still respecting the integrity of GW2 as a separate and distinct game from GW1.

Exotic Tier – Character bound, end-game ready gear. Not Best in Slot but good enough to get you through nearly all content.

Fabled Tier – Character Bound Best in Slot gear. Craftable at 450 using a similar amount of mats as Ascended, minus Time-Gated materials. Buyable on Trading Post. “Bridge” between Exotic and Ascended. All tiers beyond this are arguably unnecessary to pursue.

Ascended Tier – Character Bound. Craftable at 500 using the same mats required right now, including Time-Gated components. Not buyable on Trading Post, but available through alternate ways of playing the game such as WvW. Ascended has the Mutable property, which allows the player to switch the Prefix stats at an NPC (similar to respeccing at a Skills Trainer), though you will still have to switch out Infusions or Sigils. Essentially makes your character “Patch-Proof”, if a future change to your class changes the PVE and WvW meta away from all the time you’ve invested in your specific set of gear. Allows you the freedom to pursue alternate characters. Promotes horizontal progression in players, experimentation in builds, and while it encourages a heavy time investment in acquiring it, giving the hardcore players something to achieve, it saves many players a lot of time in the long run by not requiring months of grinding to try a different build.

Legendary Tier – Account Bound. Best in Slot. Storable in your Achievement panel similar to the Achievement Skins. Mutable stats. As a reward for your insane amount of grinding, if you have a Legendary 2-handed sword, you’re forever freed from having to bother with obtaining another end-game 2-handed sword ever again. You’re the master of 2-Handed Swords on all your characters, and are free to devote your time to unlocking other less-common legendaries like underwater weapons. If you’re really crazy and you already unlocked two of the same Legendary on different characters, congratulations, you can refund your second weapon for a different Legendary of your choice. Again, promotes horizontal progression, and arguably saves certain players time as a reward for the grind, though the grind is completely unnecessary.

Plaid Tier – Same as Legendaries, but simply more rare skins to go in your achievement panel that you can use to coat your Legendary items. Caters to the Crazy-Hardcore grinders who only do it for the prestige. Some Plaid items only available in WvW to differentiate that crowd, while other cosmetically different ones are only available in the deepest levels of FoTM.

Just as in GW1, there would be plenty of grind to do, motivated by concrete advantages, but none of it provides direct power increases. It simply enhances your versatility, encourages you to explore how different classes and builds work, and allows you to bring different types of power to different situations.

(edited by Bad Decision Dino.1386)

Non-Zerker specs...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: panzer.6034


Since this is permanent and not a temp LS, upscalling isn’t really an issue since you’ll get to the appropriate level needed to do the event someday, just like every other piece of permanent content in the game.

Everyone stop complaining about ascended

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


OP, you don’t understand the concept of reverse psychology very well, do you. Telling angry people not to complain as the subject of a discussion is like hanging out a sign saying “come here to complain.” That’s why a lot of “complaints about complaining” threads get closed, it’s an invitation to a group kitten session, not a true discussion about an issue.

How do Asura view mental disability?

in Asura

Posted by: Myrix.6347


One of the Asura in the jail at the bottom floor of Rata Sum was jailed for that reason. The plaque besides his cell warns you to stay away or you might “catch his stupid.” It’s cruel but funny.

Holy Grind Wars 2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rens.9870


I don’t even mind the mats gathering, what bothers me is that we’re being forced to craft

Why can’t we just gather the mats and use the mystic forge to make our ascended weapons? That would satisfy me so much more.

man I gotta vent

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: daragoz.4137


man do gw2 players whine! almost every forum is people complaining about every possible thing in game! everytime something new comes out if the player base doesnt get it for free everyone whine and threatens to quit/sue. anytime theres something new in the gemstore the playerbase just crys and whines that they didnt get it for a free, whats that a new tier of conten? which is what most have been asking for? entire playerbase crys/whines that new tier is to grindy and will take to much time so their going to quit. its just ridiculous!! honestly!! ive been playing MMO’s now for a little over a decade i played wow gw1 rift this game and still own almost every evercrack expansion.

all i would like to do no is give credit where credit is due: to Anet.
You’ve all made a GREAT game. i play this game happily for ahours a day and love i dont have to pay a dime to play as much and as long as i want.
i unlike most apparently love the living story and look forward to all the aweseom patches and changes.
It isnt my goal to sound facetious by anymeans if i do, i seriously am a fan of this game and wish everyone at ANET well and wish for all of you to continue to bring improvements to the game that i am going to KEEP PLAYING…..everyday

Thank You-Jonas

Empyreal Fragments are absurd

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


This is more like Complain on the Forum Wars 2 at this point.

Because its more satisfying than, uh, playing the game. Duh.

Empyreal Fragments are absurd

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Have No Faith In Me.1840

Have No Faith In Me.1840

Seriously, stop with the drama. Your false perception of what really is, is really wrong. Play the game and you will see why.

Empyreal Fragments are absurd

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olba.5376


@OP: Did you forget to consider that maybe Ascended weapons aren’t something that they intended for you to have on every single slot? Kinda like how you’re not expected to have 1-4 Legendaries on your character?

ANet fell a long way from their time of GW1 then.

“Sorry guys, we don’t expect people to have BiS items any time soon. GW1 was too fair and skill based you see? We want it to be about who is the biggest farmer”

Looking at the OP, I think people are rushing a bit too much to the Ascended stuff.

Colin has literally gone on record saying that Exotics were too easy to get, which ended up not matching their idea for BiS stuff.

Looking at the OP’s numbers, he’s got a total of 5 weapons and 32-52 hours of gameplay for the Empyreal Fragments. If he doesn’t buy Empyreal Fragments and Deldrimor Steel Ingots from the TP, he’s looking at a minimum of 6 days per weapon, for a total of 30 days. Getting 32-52 hours of gameplay within 30 days amounts to 1-2 hours a day.

Compared to various other games, being able to get BiS gear within a month and by playing as little as 1-2 hours a day is amazingly low.

(edited by Olba.5376)

Empyreal Fragments are absurd

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


This is more like Complain on the Forum Wars 2 at this point.

Karma Boosters *POOF*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sungam.9204


But they did warn you and even reverted the original patch 19 days ago that implemented that change.

Please get in the habit of reading release notes every time you get a patch. It will save you a lot of grief and give you a heads up on changes.

As for consumable karma boosters of which I also have a lot of, you can use them to boost the Karma you get from completing events. It’s obvious they are shifting to have Karma be a more scarce currency so every bit will help once your current pool of Karma is used up.

Limit Champion Boxes to 20 per day

in Suggestions

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


There is no easy solution to the problem posed here.

There has been (since basically the launch of the game) the general complaint that veteran and champion mobs were not rewarding enough for the effort they required. (Especially after the general loot issues in November). They first attempted to fix this by making sure these mob types had some type of guaranteed drop for anyone that qualified (ie enough dmg). However, a guaranteed blue or green drop was not good enough for most people. As such, the majority of all champs were simply not killed. People just ran passed them, as they deemed that they still “weren’t worth the effort.” There was still the outcry that they weren’t worth it, something more needed to be done. Anet, again tried to ‘fix’ the issue, listening to their player base, and adjusting some of the loot rewards – enter champion loot bags. These bags now made the champs worth killing, and as an added bonus, to help appease some of those asking for skins to farm and additional ways to gather high end materials, they threw those into the rng champs bags as well. Should have been a win-win all around.

Now; however, we are faced with the issue of massive zergs rushing from champ to champ, seeking the fastest possible route with the least resistance. While Anet is pleased that people are playing together in the open world (Colin day say as much), I (personal opinion incoming) don’t think they really intended for such massive groups to all on the same foe, the way we are with the champion farming. This is semi-supported by the fact that they simply don’t scale (presently) quite the way they should.

Simply scaling the champs for the larger groups may alleviate some of the complaints about not being able to get your hits in to qualify for the loot tables, but that will only work for so long. We are already getting the complaints (and honestly have been for a while) that simple ‘zerg play’ isn’t fun. People just aren’t happy with it, and feel like they are being forced into it.

I feel that champs need to not only scale better, but when they hit a certain number of people, their mechanics need to adjust as well, to make them more interesting and potentially more fun. This way you can’t just stand there and let your auto attack do the work for you. In addition to this, we need incentive to not simply ‘run the zerg loop’ like mindless hamsters. I get that some people enjoy this, and that’s fine; however, some people are only doing it because it’s lucrative. They’d prefer to be doing other things but feel locked into this zerg gameplay. They need something else to entice them back out into the other things they enjoy, instead of feeling like they need to be on the choo choo train in order to make money.

Hopefully, as they continue to overhaul their world bosses, dungeons, etc we will start seeing other part of the game become more lucrative and “worth doing,” which might help break up some of the zerg-i-ness. We will simply have to have some patience and see what develops.

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

Limit Champion Boxes to 20 per day

in Suggestions

Posted by: LadyRhonwyn.2501


There’s no need to limit Champion Boxes to 20 per day. What they should do is implement diminishing returns on individual Champions so that subsequent kills will give inferior versions of Champ bags until they stop dropping altogether (around kill #3 or 4, perhaps). That will encourage people to move on to different maps rather than just staying in the same map for hours and hours.

Or simply increase the scaling on champs. I’ve run with the zerg one round in Frostgorge (I was at the WP near the fish to unlock it and decided to see what it was all about). By the time we got to the Wurm, the thing was already at 50% health when I arrived. And the next one (no idea what it was) was dead by the time I reached it (and I knew what WP to use). If it takes, let’s say, 3 minutes to kill a champ with a group of max 5, it should take 3 minutes to kill a champ with a group of 50. And not 30 seconds.

Limit Champion Boxes to 20 per day

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lambent.6375


There’s no need to limit Champion Boxes to 20 per day. What they should do is implement diminishing returns on individual Champions so that subsequent kills will give inferior versions of Champ bags until they stop dropping altogether (around kill #3 or 4, perhaps). That will encourage people to move on to different maps rather than just staying in the same map for hours and hours.

Or simply increase the scaling on champs. I’ve run with the zerg one round in Frostgorge (I was at the WP near the fish to unlock it and decided to see what it was all about). By the time we got to the Wurm, the thing was already at 50% health when I arrived. And the next one (no idea what it was) was dead by the time I reached it (and I knew what WP to use). If it takes, let’s say, 3 minutes to kill a champ with a group of max 5, it should take 3 minutes to kill a champ with a group of 50. And not 30 seconds.

^ I agree with this.

“Caithe, someday you’ll see, Tyria needs me. -Scarlet”

Limit Champion Boxes to 20 per day

in Suggestions

Posted by: azurrei.5691


You people are so stupid. Its about balancing the economy. More money in the game makes prices go up. altough it seems that youre richer than before, you are not. What 100g was worth is what 200g is now.

Really? 100g used to buy me just shy of an entire T3 cultural outfit. 200g today buys me…almost two full T3 cultural outfits. Abyss dye is still 25ish g…Celestial dye is still 16-18g…Powerful Bloods are still 30ish silver… Lodestones are 30-50% cheaper…etc, etc.

More fun = gold easier to acquire offset by more gold sinks to balance out the economy

I’m sorry that former CoF Path 1 farmers and TP heroes are having to deal with a little inflation…so sad.

Everyone stop complaining about ascended

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


Everyone, including casual gamers, by level 80 should have the best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base. The rare stuff becomes the really awesome looking armours. It’s all about collecting the unique looking stuff and collecting all the other rare collectable items in the game: armour pieces, potentially different potions – a lot of that is still up in the air and we’ll finalise a lot of those reward systems as we get closer to release. And those come off of things like the bosses at the end of dungeons – the raids.”

Colin, Eurogamer, September 2011. So in a grand total of 2 years they did a 180° turn on this important game design choice. I wonder what’s in store for 2014.

The main “issue” we have now is that Ascended Weapons weren’t here at release. Fortunately, the Ascended Materials are available at the lowest levels, by the time you reach 80 (on a post-patch character) it is reasonable to have enough materials to craft an Ascended Weapon.

Let’s take a look at the materials needed to craft an Ascended Greatsword and how hard it is to get them before you even reach level 80:
Normal Materials are rather easy to come by if you actually play the game, and not fast level using crafting, it’s not unreasonable to have all the mats below shortly after you reach 80. Even the 450 Mithril Ingots are easy to get, Mithril is everywhere. It might appear that the required are loads if you start collecting them now, but as I see it, even a fresh player can actually have most of these while only playing the game normally.

60 Softwood Plank
30 Seasoned Wood Plank
20 Hard Wood Plank
150 Elder Wood Plank
10 Ancient Wood Plank
180 Iron Ingot
90 Steel Ingot
60 Darksteel Ingot
450 Mithril Ingot
15 Orichalcum Ingot

Rare Materials:
20 Crystalline Dust
5 T6 Materials
17 Globs of Ectoplasm
Not a very unreasonable amount there now, isn’t it? The “only” hard part here are the Globs of Ectoplasm, but due to our beloved World Bosses, starting at level 60 you can get your Globs without issues.

“Special” Mats
30 Obsidian Shards
20 Skill Points
5 Laurels
21k Karma
3 gold
Once again, make a new character and by level 80 (if done “properly”) you will probably have all those easily.

And now the Ascended Materials:
270 Thermocatalytic Reagent, that’s around 80g might be expensive for fresh 80s
500 Pile of Bloodstone Dust, that’s very easy to come by, at level 10 you can go around in Queensdale and get some Champion kills for these
500 Empyreal Fragment, that’s indeed a tough one, but dungeons give 20 per path, that’s 60 per dungeon. If you do all dungeons as you level up, there’s a total of 25 Paths for exactly 500 Empyreal Fragments. In other words, if you run each dungeon ONCE (while leveling from 1 to 80 preferably) you will get all your Fragments. Do some Jumping Puzzles on the way to cover some paths you might not do.
500 Dragonite Ore, you can start getting these at level 15, killing the Shadow Behemoth, Frozen Maw, Fire Elemental and Jungle Wurm. If you kill all the World Bosses ONCE, and assuming average drop in Dragonite Ore, you will get a grand total of 308 Dragonite Ore. They should make Dragonite Ore more readily available for sure, it’s the most rare of the 3 (requires more Grind).

So, unless you consider a “grind”, running all world bosses and dungeon paths ONCE, then I don’t see any kind of mindless grind required for the Ascended mats. It’s your choice if you choose to “grind” some of the bosses or some of the dungeon paths over and over again, but you certainly don’t have to at all. If you want you can get all the Ascended Materials for a Weapon in a single day, if you can run all the paths in one day of course.

To me, getting to 400 Weaponsmithing is a lot more time consuming / grindy than crafting an Ascended Weapon. If you can get to 400 in a crafting discipline, there shouldn’t be any problem in crafting your weapon of choice.

(edited by maddoctor.2738)

Everyone stop complaining about ascended

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Have No Faith In Me.1840

Have No Faith In Me.1840

Tunnel vision is a bad thing to have. Being open minded will allow you to see clearly. There is nothing wrong with ascended gear.

Everyone stop complaining about ascended

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Have No Faith In Me.1840

Have No Faith In Me.1840

You don’t even need to grind to get ascended gear.

You will get the materials to make it by playing the game at any speed, in any way.

You and all of the other complainers are over dramatizing the entire issue.

Look at what is required to make them, and look at all the options of obtaining them. You get all of the materials without trying. Now relax.

[POLL] Feelings on Ascended weapons.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quick Mouse.7635

Quick Mouse.7635

Considering that someone already crafted an ascended weapon 3 days after release:
It’s a lot less of a grind than people think. Less QQ more pewpew.

Tactical Fury [TF] – Late NA/early OCX driver (SoS)
Spirit of Faith [HOPE] – RIP

Worth coming back?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


Before taking a break, I ended up leveling 8 characters to level 80, and getting them all decked out in exotic gear. I heard they added a new tier of gear now, does that new tier mean my old exotic gear is now worthless in WvW, and I’ll have to regrind all new gear?

No. Player skill still matters 90% more than gear does. If you were 1v1 with a player with the exact same skill as you and they had ascended weapon and you exotic, it would be a tight fight but you would lose obviously.

But how often would that happen in WvW? Not a lot…

As far returning to GW2, it depends wether you like living story or not? The next Living story is a BIG WvW update, LFG tool and the Tequal dragon event as been remade to be a 80 player minium raid.

Living World makes me sad

in Living World

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Thanks for the response, Bobby.

I think my ideal solution would be as follows:

1. Put in a Herald NPC (yes, that guy!) in your Home District, that like the replay NPCs during Flame & Frost, allows you to revisit past content. This NPC allows you to do dungeons like the Molten Facility or the Aetherblade Retreat, or any story-related content that takes place in an instance. You can bring a party into this instance by forming a party then going into your Home District as normal.

2. All achievements related to these dungeons can be completed as normal via the Herald. Rare rewards from these dungeons can still be obtained this way as normal.

3. Mini-games are added to the rotation as offered by Kiel/Evon. Achievements for these mini-games can be completed as normal even after the Living Story chapter is concluded.

4. Living Story content affecting the open world disappears at the conclusion of the Chapter (so no more Effigies or Periscopes littering the world), but to make up for this, increase the amount of time between Chapters to 1 month. Obviously, content linked to seasonal events like Wintersday will return next year and can be completed if they were missed the first time.

Tyria needs its newspaper.

in Living World

Posted by: minbariguy.7504


You know what? This idea is actually pretty good.

I still think it would be better to get the information in-game in a more natural, cinematic fashion rather than a text-heavy infodump, but…OP’s idea is a lot better than what they’re doing now.

GW2 dating service LFG

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kraag Deadsoul.2789

Kraag Deadsoul.2789

Race: Charr
Gender: Male
Height: 7’ 2"
Weight: 350 lbs.
Class: Necromancer
Age: Age is irrelevant when you’re a practitioner of the undead arts.
Eyes: Blue
Fur: Brown

Professional Interests:

  • To crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and hear their lamentations.
  • I’m also an outspoken advocate for improving the neglected field of Blood Magic.


  • Long, moonlit strolls through cemeteries.
  • Sharpening my dagger.
  • Sharpening my claws.
  • Sharpening my fangs.
  • Sharpening my dagger, claws, and fangs.
  • Introducing baby Quaggans to the joys of carnage on the fields of World versus World.

Favorite Vacation Destination: Orr

Looking for like-minded humanoid feline. The bushier the tail, the better. Let’s raise the dead, baby!


Call me…


So many souls, so little time. ~ Kraag Deadsoul

(edited by Kraag Deadsoul.2789)

The flaw of Ascended Weapon Boxes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


why the hell didnt they just let us choose both the weapon and the stats !

Because that’s a feature unique to legendaries

Not really. Legendary weapons let you swap stats on the fly. Allowing someone to select the weapon and the stat once when they manage to get that super rare drop isent asking to much as any crafter could do the exact same when they make it.

The flaw of Ascended Weapon Boxes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


why the hell didnt they just let us choose both the weapon and the stats !

Because that’s a feature unique to legendaries

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Magic find works.