Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
I can partially understand why every class wants us sandbagged now, if this is the general view warriors have of their place in the profession balance.
It’s disappointing, but at the very least understandable.
Yeah Anet lie they sad it was gonna be 100% more damage on foes with 50% or less HP,so much for the executor style promise :I
I dont think they ever said this, your fault if you believed that “bonus” damage had to be 100%
Hi guys , iv never posted on gw forums before but since I have time now and saw this post with a lot of interesting post from experience warrior players I thought I would input my ideas . A little bit about me iv been a warrior since day one of guild wars a norn at that love it I look real af like a true warrior.
Here’s my thoughts , I got on read the patch and played I love running gs\hammer always have I love dps an smacking all weak classes so hard their dresses come off. I see my gs not bursting those beautiful crits all over the place and my whirl wind not leaving Mesmers on the floor with feathers scattered . So I decide to go hambow and it’s my first time running this and I was doing awesome doin good burst damage what I didn’t like was my waste of adrenal when I didn’t hit any thing with a burst. Why would you take a warriors main purpose “destruction” now you got rangers and other classes who can hold and evade bunch of stuff. It feels kinda clumsy because I some times use my f1 hammer to get away from a necros circle skill or Mesmers or ele don’t ask me their weak classes skill names cause iv never played them never will . I do like the brawlers trait better now works good versus condi thiefs . Warriors should be super op cause we r warriors with heavy armor made for war forget the rest . I still whoop that kitten tho =D
This mentality is partially the reason they nerfed us this hard in the first place.
I cant tell if trolling or sincere.
So people who make mistakes should just be fired? Hey, next time you mess up at your job, no need to come back? Really?
This is a video game, not a life and death business. As such, do you guys prefer having regular updates, possibly containing bugs (then quickly fixed and learnt from), or indigent/sparse updates, possibly bug-free?
Developers and managers are real humans, doing their best like many of us, and the hate of players can only induce frustration and weariness, thus more bugs and less confidence in the product to be delivered (meaning longer timelines).
1st big-time mess up, sure, it happens.
2nd big-time mess up, well were all human, but dont let it happen again
3rd mess up. Dude, last time or youre out!
4th I’d fire you, for sureDo you really let people make mistakes OVER and OVER again and just say: well bugs happen, no matter how big they are and could be prevent by doing some normal testing.
I agree bugs happen (im a programmer myself) but come on… They shoudlnt occur on this rate
Please point out at least 1 (relatively) big patch where there wasnt a huge/game-breaking bug and I will take back my words. (I’m not calling this bug huge, but it is semi-gamebreaking, and please know that this aint the only game-breaking bug that came with this patch)
There are rarely any big patches where there -aren’t- at least one game breaking bug.
Yes. bugs happen. especially when adding new modules or mechanics to an existing system. the problem isnt with releasing a flawless system (aint gonna happen, dunno why you think its possible), it’s being quick to fix any issues that are reported. sometimes things get by testing.
No sane manager would fire his developer for not realizing downed state would not be interrupted until the patch went live.
It’s about time ANet’s pet was forced to put some thought into their mashing without relying on the passive healing/cleansing of Healing Signet and Cleansing Ire, running around spamming burst skills and cycling through their carry-me-stances.
Well done, ANet. Took you long enough.
Waits patiently for the -warrior is still op pls nerf- QQ
I’m so happy because now, a warrior MUST use the 110% of their skill to fight someone that uses the 110% of his skill.
The 123345123511345 days have been ended. You all were used to win fights doing nothing.
Your argument makes absolute no sense what so ever.
You say the “123345123511345 days have been ended” which implies people (warriors) are using their skills in a specific order, the same as every single other class in the game. Then you say “You all were used to win fights doing nothing.” which directly contradicts the first part of your sentence.
So which is it, were they using skills in a specific order to achieve results? Or doing nothing to achieve results?
I mean thay they were facerolling the keyboard, without even taking care of his hp because of passive regen.
Facerolling the keyboard is nothing but an assumption you made about someone’s skill level to help justify your already shaky point.
Frankly, if you can’t out-dps 380 hp a second while someone is -doing nothing-, something is wrong.
(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)
Necros are VERY strong. Healing through DS on any significant scale would be OP if not accompanied by some other kind of nerf like life force reduction. But then all youve accomplished is hurting the necros that dont want to trait for regen.
Asking for unholy sanctuary to be comparable to warriors healing signet is a freaking joke. Healing signet is OP and needs to be nerfed. Giving necros, who have 2+ lifebars, healing signet quality heals through unholy sanctuary would be absolutely game breaking.
Calm down. HS is required for Warr sustain now.
I don’t think Necros should be able to heal that much while in death shroud. They’d just keep resetting their lifebar, especially with auto-shroud now being a thing.
Personally, I didn’t generate 100% fury uptime in combat before, but now I do.
That’s my only buff.
and it doesn’t compensate for the mechanic nerfs.
plus the arcing slice is ugly. where’s the animation on the Ready up Vid?
I’m glad Anet is attempting to balance things, but they listened to too much of the QQ and became convinced that we had it too easy before.
I’ll admit, when I first read the changes on dulfy I thought it was going to break my warrior, but after playing a lot of games I found something strange, my “nerfed” warrior played just fine.
He was still building adrenaline just as fast, hits just as hard, could still kill most threats just like before, in fact, endure pain had another second added to it so he has another second of invulnerability. I barely noticed the “adrenaline loss” because I was already used to it draining after combat, and when I do 1v1s I never enter a fight with full adrenaline.
The changes sounded way more extreme in text rather than in game, I thought I was going to be having a difficult time building adrenaline but so far it hasn’t been much different.Maybe I’m missing something here idk
for the people that like to enter combat with a burst skill, the nerf turns their strategy on its head.
Berserker’s power is now affected on burst whiff.
Adrenal health is now affected on burst whiff.
Cleansing Ire is now affected on burst whiff
Greatsword has had majorly nerfs and cleave added to the old arcing slice.
In combat, using a burst sacrifices both zerker power and adrenal health immediately, whether you hit or not. for builds centered around those traits or that rely heavily upon those traits, Warriors are forced to give up spike damage and cleaning ire to maintain adrenal and zerkpwr, because whiffs will kitten all four of those burst aspects.
at the same time. (Referring to: spike damage, cleaning ire, zerker power, adrenal health)
You may not be using a build that focuses on any of those traits for sustain (which is hard to believe), but there are lots of warriors that expect the spike damage to put pressure on their opponents, and suddenly losing it renders them a sitting duck, whereas refusing to use it would cause a loss as well.
but hey. In the name of balance, let’s sandbag warriors. My playstyle hasn’t been affected, and I now get perma fury on top of it, so this was an overall buff for me (notwithstanding the fact that I cant enter a fight with a fire field). I understand why the moaning is happening though; not everyone plays like me.
(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)
Mhm, I am still scratching my head over why they nerfed the greatsword burst skill. Its a low damage attack that was only used for its buff at the start of combat….now we wont have the adrenaline to use it at the start of combat and it gets reduced damage till the enemy is almost dead anyhow.
You know, I never mention warcraft, but for the first time in two years I am going to say it – my warrior back then had execute….and execute actually hurt people when it hit, without hindering any of my other attacks.
Warriors were flat out lied to this patch – the announced buffs were nerfs.
Keep in mind that prior to this patch everything we heard was that Arcing Slice was going to be completely different than what we got. Remember in the Ready Up when a developer was describing that it was going to become a execute style skill? Yea, apparently at the last minute all that was scrapped and we got a worse version of already one of the worst skills in the game.
I mean it completely blows me away that after 2+ years of knowing Arcing Slice is reviled and unused when ArenaNet FINALLY takes the time to revamp the skill they fall on their faces this hard. I mean you’d think that after all this time they’d exert a modicum of effort to make sure what they’re releasing is something that’s actually something warriors are going to enjoy and be excited about. But that’s clearly not what we got, Arcing Slice hits for little more than a normal crit even sub 50%, we have never needed it to generate fury, we don’t need the endurance restoration, hell we don’t need IT at all. As I’ve said before it’s like it was just randomly cobbled together to fit a role that doesn’t exist for warriors and as such will remain a lame duck just as it’s always been.
Speak for yourself on the fury part, but I was sorely disappointed to see the pretty arcing slice displayed in the Ready Up Vid turn out to actually be a silly looking hammer #4 skill, that does about the same damage as my auto attack.
If you were trying to get me to use the burst more, Anet, you failed. just going to dump it after combat for free might.
The one thing that placated me regarding the nerfs to Greatsword and adrenaline, and you copped out on it.
Or at the very least, forgot to swap out a placeholder.
I like your motivation toward wanting balance, but I feel cheated.
(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)
While it’s incredibly unfortunate that we have to actually try to land our very strong abilities, I think it’s a good change.
Most aren’t QQing about losing adrenaline on a missed bursts. They are QQing about the ridiculous rate of adrenaline loss when our of combat. I walked through and entire map last night testing this out. I never got to fire a full burst since most mobs die before I reach full adrenaline and my adrenaline is lost by the time I get to the next mob which is not far away at all. Going through the entire leveling processing without ever being able to use a full burst seems pretty game breaking.
This. in pvp, can’t even make it to keep from svanir/chief to lay a level 1 fire field on anyone capping.
Its alright though.
And for a good year the Warrior pretty much was at the bottom of the barrel of sPvP and pretty much a free kill 1v1.
Even in the recent tourney’s you mostly saw only 1 warrior, some teams had no warriors. Most of the teams that featured 2 warriors lost. If they were far more superior than any other class then why don’t we see a 5 man warrior team at the highest level? Why are guardians and eles more represented?
Stop QQing about Warriors in general.
Warriors were never ‘bad’ in SPvP.
They were a mid tier class at the highest levels of coordination and individual skill at launch. But they completely dominated the metagame for the average player since release.
Just like they have in PvE and WvW.
After the nerfs Warriors will be one of the strongest classes in the game, probably still the strongest.
Before the old buffs to Warrior healing, the entire class was nothing but sandbags in pvp.
this is the patch that took them from low-tier pvp to high-tier.
So much happened at that time for Warrior that they jumped the entire middle tier. The community has never really recovered from that revamp, and now those changes are slowly being cut back, due to qq as shallow as the OPs.
At launch, anything with CC ate warriors. Namely, everything.
have you ever played a necro?
I am well aware of the necro plight. as support vs a warrior you guys were and are a death sentence.
1v1, I’m sorry for your loss, unless best minion master.
Point is, I know underpowered. that doesn’t mean nerf everyone else when you guys could just get a mobility buff on top of what you just got.
I agree. Finally I don’t get discredited for dominating noobs just cos of the fact I played warrior
I don’t even consider it a big nerf but if people think it is … i welcome it
thanks anet!
I started using Greatsword in pvp. It’s barely viable.
I don’t mind struggling to use it, for now.
the deathly qq silence/sympathy from thieves is the best part.
Please site one source where Anet claims that mobility is supposed to the the staple of the warrior class.
When others are trying to discuss balance, “L2P” is not a useful comment.
Challenge accepted.
lol at all people saying mobility is a staple of the warrior class, or to use soft cc’s. mobility is not a staple of a heavy. its bad design, just like giving all classes nearly equal damage but vastly different starting stats is bad design.
Warriors are masters of weaponry who rely on speed, strength, toughness, and heavy armor to survive in battle. Adrenaline fuels their offensive power—the longer warriors stay in a fight, the more dangerous they become.
— Warrior
Warriors are masters of weaponry who rely on speed, strength, toughness, and heavy armor to survive in battle. Adrenaline fuels their offensive power—the longer warriors stay in a fight, the more dangerous they become.
— Warrior
Good form.
But how about:
Warriors are masters of weaponry who rely on speed, strength, toughness, and heavy armor to survive in battle. Adrenaline fuels their offensive power—the longer warriors stay in a fight, the more dangerous they become.
— Warrior
Hambow warrior in sPVP was so freaking faceroll easy. I main a guardian and i decided to start a warrior 2 days ago. I literally bought a hammer and bow from TP (never fired the bow before my first sPVP match). Specced the Meta Hambow build. Walked into arena and was immediately killing players and lasting way longer than i ever did as my Medi guardian which ive been playing for 2 months now. So yeah, it was kinda OP in pvp.
Dont worry i have my flame kittenant suit on.
That has nothing to do with why Anet just didnt nerf hammer and bow as opposed to the entire class.
Just sayin.
MAN thieves look in a good spot right now
They sad they were buffing this skill and end up nerfing it in 1vs1 Oo
Dang, and it was in the patch notes that 1v1 was the new balance metric too. Geez, someone sure dropped the ball there.
That’s fine by me. The other classes are next
So let me get this correct please cause i have a feeling i may be confused. Warrior was so op, this class was so strong, this mighty class was so epic, that they had to nerf its adrenaline when everything (dmg/regen/burst skills) is tied to it?
Also this mighty class had all elite skills so epic, so strong, so monumental that they had to nerf the one which was 99% warriors using so that it reaches epicness of the other elite skills? Ok then i guess i have no more questions then.
Exactly. Enjoy your “warrior”.
On the plus side, at least we’re not “Gods Walking Among Mere Mortals” now. That title now goes to thieves/anything with stealth.
Played my warrior. I felt some of the changes were good. Now that I’ve seen how they are applied, disappointed. The decay on adrenaline is rapid to say the least, a number of the stun break on rousing don’t work and GS burst is nicer to use at the expense it does basically what a puffed up auto attack critical hit would do.
It’s their game, but disappointed i waited over 6 months for some very, very average updates to warrior.
Lets update
Engie now.
Because not even burst mastery should proc upon spending adrenaline, and giving up swiftness for adrenaline gain when fight resets drop gain to 0 in -seconds- is still op.
So we need to be kite bait, not get any adrenaline for a trait that says we get it, and suffer not having adrenaline due to fight resets when our utils are on cooldown.
Nobody has fed the wolves I see. Someone should get on that.
How about thieves?
Casual ThiefReset 2014
(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)
So… OP is complaining that he’s winning fights, but just not getting the kill?
If warriors get mobility nerfs, then they should get DPS or damage mitigation buffs to compensate for the inability to escape from a fight. Then we can have other complain about how warriors are OP and start the cycle all over again.
Not exactly. Rather, I’m complaining that there’s a playstyle that isn’t fun for anyone that is quickly coming to dominate roaming in WvW. It probably isn’t even fun for these warriors, because they just keep losing fights and running away. No one is saying that warriors should be “unable to escape from a fight”, just that they shouldn’t have weapon skills that allow them to escape any enemy under any circumstances.
being targetable 100% while running away hardly lends itself to escape “under any circumstances.”
With thieves being able to reset Warrior adrenaline at will now, we are going to need those dashes I LOVE BEING UNDERDOG.
Lemme just…
Can we talk about the new Brawler’s Recovery? Kitten seems cash, yo.
And also, have you guys heard that there’s gonna be some sigil that removes condis on weapon swap? That’s also pretty awesome sounding.
So nobody wants to talk about these tidbits, eh? Lets look at that list of builds that warriors have a good bit of difficulty with…
Condi and power thief
Condi and power mesmer
Condi engineer
Condi Necro
Condi Ranger
DPS/Meditation Guardian
D/D EleAlright, so you’ve got issues with condis. Got it.
First Step: Stop using Healing Signet.
Second Step: Use Healing Surge, as it hits several birds with one stone if you’ve got Cleansing Ire still.
Third Step: Take Signet of Rage
Fourth Step: Grab Brawler’s Recovery and that new sigil I mentioned on both weapons.
With this, you build up to a burst quickly, pop it, swap weapons, heal if wanted, burst again, build a little adrenaline, change once the sigil is off cd then rinse repeat, adding in whatever weapons or utilities you want.
tldr; Warriors are condi rubber, you’re the training dummy. What you throw on them bounces off and look here comes another burst.
[I agree with you, I am just pretending to be drunk on the power that comes with being an “underdog” class.]
Okay, so nerfs to Necro. Obviously, less condis. Which leaves them with a now nerfed elite skill with also nerfed(?) damage on said skill, and about…. 2 builds that can actually do anything?
sounds about right, 1 more than [insert longbow here].
Make it happen.
RIP warrior time to QQ about necros or eles now
This. So much this.
And Thieves.
And Engies.
See my above post.
to a thief that can understand audio cues, zerker stance is useless. reset as soon as warr pops it = sitting duck.
If you lost once you lost all your Adrenaline and the fight got reset, how’d you manage to not get rekt while building it up in the first place?
EDIT: And don’t Thieves kinda hardcounter Warriors? Isn’t that like, their job?
No. If you get one pushed your bad. Yah all you have to do now is reset the fight and GG you beat a warrior.
Still doesn’t explain my question.
If his utilities were used to stay alive and he exhausted them, a reset would render him a sitting duck.
Thieves can pretty much hard reset fights by pulling away as soon as adrene is full. once it’s insta-decayed, pop back in while utils are on cooldown and warrior is easy bag.
who has passive play now?
Gg, Anet.
Thanks for the “refinement”.
+1 Vote for “coward build” with new Warrior nerfs
Are you really whining about warrior mobility? That’s the staple of the class! Thieves have stealth, mesmers have clones, ranger has a pet, and so on warriors have mobility and high damage that is the point of the class, your argument is invalid, learn to play the game and then you won’t complain about these things.
Please site one source where Anet claims that mobility is supposed to the the staple of the warrior class.
When others are trying to discuss balance, “L2P” is not a useful comment.
Challenge accepted.
lol at all people saying mobility is a staple of the warrior class, or to use soft cc’s. mobility is not a staple of a heavy. its bad design, just like giving all classes nearly equal damage but vastly different starting stats is bad design.
Warriors are masters of weaponry who rely on speed, strength, toughness, and heavy armor to survive in battle. Adrenaline fuels their offensive power—the longer warriors stay in a fight, the more dangerous they become.
— Warrior
None of the points you made are true. Produce proof that:
- every battle is a dps race zerg fest
- every dungeon requires you to be zerker
- there are only three desired classes for the entire game
- The original vision is off track
Zerker gear and skill spam if the most efficient way to play, thus it is the most desired. World bosses are defeated with little strategy and no skill. Even the big bad Tequatl is a joke with the smallest amount of organization.
Are you arguing that it would be more efficient to use a different build? Or that someone who makes a build that focuses on support rather than damage is more desirable? The reason the meta exists is because it is the best way to do things.
I am arguing that the meta is not the only way to do things, and that if you are dissatisfied with the meta, you do not need to fit the meta.
Like how every battle is a dps-race zerg-fest.
Or how you’re usually required to have zerker gear to join dungeons.
Or how the only wanted classes are Guardians, Warriors and Elementalists?
For example, this video is over a year old and the problems are still relevant today.
UI improvements are nice, but should be secondary objectives when the main gameplay is this off track from what their original vision was.
None of the points you made are true. Produce proof that:
(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)
The mobility on warrior is suppose to be for gap closing. Being able to escape is more of a a side effect
Says who?
I must have missed the dev note that says using rush to move in any direction that isn’t directly toward an enemy is a bug.
(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)
The problem is not the nerf.
The problem is the nerfs will continue to happen because people cannot accept that “good” and “warrior” can exist in the same sentence, and every domination by a warrior is not due to skill, but due to [ insert intrinsic class mechanic here] that is such a large crutch that the losing player would not have done any better if the warrior controller was a monkey; even though we have to gear specifically just to stay alive now, and are generally at a huge disadvantage against a condition-specced anything.
I’m fine with the adrenaline change. it won’t stop the qq though. bad players that encounter warrior will just move on to [mobility/armor/melandru/condiclear/bleeds/hammer/health/ire] OP until the class is just as sandbag as it was at launch.
(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)
What does League of Legends have to do with GW2? The devs already said that they aren’t working on it.
Even more, what does Super Adventure Box have to do with GW2…yeah, now you know why they are not wasting developer resources on an elaborate april fools joke that should of never been iterated on. Leave it as is and just put it the game as an activity to quiet all the people **** bent on playing a platform game in our MMORPG.
you seem to be confused as to who the MMORPG is for.
People that liked the SAB are no less players than you are.
JokeShould of stayed that way – it was ridiculous then (hence a joke) and should of never returned – glad it is gone. There are plenty of other platform games out there – go play one. I’m sure it will be back because of collections…just hope they don’t waste time adding to it (again.)
the bobbleheads were an april fools joke and returned as an item. The origin of the content has no bearing on its validity or how well received it is by the players.
april fools or not, some people genuinely liked it. That does not have any impact on their place as part of the community as well.
And anet already caters to the platformer lovers. hence jumping puzzles.
Well, OP, look at it from the perspective of the cup being half full: ANet’s telling you you’re smarter than the average gamer.
Small victories, take ’em where you get ’em.
This. I guess.
Point being that OP is just calling for a nerf of warrior mobility skills for no other reason than because he doesn’t like it. This isn’t a balance issue where warriors are doing too much damage, taking too little damage, or being unbeatable due to overpowered skill combination, it’s just some personal dislike for a build that’s specced for mobility being able to run away (which generally happens when they’re about to lose, so clearly doesn’t fall under the “unbeatable OP skill combo” category).
If the OP wants warrior mobility to be nerfed for personal reasons, then warrior staying power has to be buffed for balance reasons.
that is false logic. getting nerfed in one area doesnt necessarily justify the buff.
what keeps GS/S+X builds from being OP is a lack of CC compared to hammer or mace, and a lack of burst compared to axe.
saying that a mobility nerf justifies a staying power buff is rediculous. what about warriors that dont use those weapons, do they have poor staying power? not with healing signet, the highest health and armor in the game they dont.
lets just accept that the OP is wrong without coming up with crazyness about giving a class with brokenly strong sustain even more staying power.
I’m just saying if something gets nerfed for non-balancing reasons, that’s going to leave a class unbalanced, therefore something else has to be buffed to compensate; in this case if the OP wants warriors who are specced for mobility to be nerfed to not have that mobility just because he’s annoyed about his victories, then their staying power has to be buffed to compensate.
And yes, that’s going to make the builds that don’t spec for mobility overpowered. Such is the result of calling for shortsighted nerfs.
This is my view.
And while overpowered staying power would be the result of this, that is pretty much the point.
You don’t want -any- warrior to spec for running away? then the logical counterbalance is to make their close combat fight more effective.
do you really wanna do that?
Or are you going to say “No running, no hard hitting”?
Cause guardian is right over there.
LOL! I guess CC IS dead in PvP/WvW!
CC was dead on Warriors AGES ago.
Fact is warriors can spec for so much CC removal that trying to keep on in any given place with CC or conditions is laughable. This is all while still decked out in Zerk gear for supreme facerolling.
All that being said, there are still ways to get them to go down. If all they are set to do is run away though, then you can go all Jason Voorhees on them and just whittle them down until you spike them or make them go to a different map. Anet isn’t going to fix these issues with Warriors since they have been around since launch. Sure the adrenaline thing will be nice, but given how quickly you can get it back as a warrior it really won’t matter in the long run.
Just a note, Warriors were sandbags at launch. They got good around April last year.
that’s the kicker. According to the players, it was broken.
And that is the part that is beyond my comprehension.
I cannot believe there are people that call themselves gamers that cannot handle 5 skills at a time.
But then again…
Lol! Want to talk about Heavy Armor class with mobility? As illogical as it seems… I’ll counter you with female characters that wear what seems to be completely nothing being able to tank more than male characters that look like they can hold back a moving train. This is a game. Logic isn’t here, sadly.
When it affects base stats, they should carry the logic through. A heavy armor class has higher base stats, therefore there should be a con to counteract that.
Male or female does not affect base stats, neither does how much flesh the armor shows, so that doesn’t bother me.
If you’re going to argue logic, you cannot just cherry pick the logic that benefits your arguments.
if there is to be a con to heavy armor class, there should be a con to light armor class vs. heavy class weapons, and a con to the type of armor you choose to wear as well.
You’re also speaking like heavy armor classes being perpetually visible and having crippled downed states are not cons.
I honestly think you guys need to calm down. Its not that big of deal, almost every MMO I’ve every played Level/Skill Point gates off their skills to help with NEW players learning the game giving them time to adapt, etc. They have tested this in China, they KNOW how their game plays to new people. As a player you only have one side of the experience, they have both ends. Why don’t you just let the people do their jobs? Its not even that big of a deal really.
It is not a big deal for you. And what people do here is called feedback, which is necessary for a game’s development. I complain about the game because I care, if I didn’t care I would simply play something else.
I’m all for feedback, and I understand that. Complaining without offering anything of a solution, however is NOT feedback it is whining. There are ways (a stickied thread even) about how to give constructive, proper feedback. That’s why I stated people needed to calm down. The world isn’t going down in flames because they are trying to make their game a little easier to play.
The solution is: Don’t change something that isn’t broken.
that’s the kicker. According to the players, it was broken.
Don’t blame Anet. blame the people who can’t learn skills.
1. They tested it in China. Works great for them.
2. Do NOT place your knowledge base/experience on others in shoddy “Everyone Knows” science.
3. ANet has more metrics and more information than you ever will about the over-all feeling of the start of the early game.
4. I am sorry you don’t like this change/idea but its already coming, adapt or move on is all I can tell ya.
This ^ specifically number 2.
Apparently people are dumb, like it or not.
lol at all people saying mobility is a staple of the warrior class, or to use soft cc’s. mobility is not a staple of a heavy. its bad design, just like giving all classes nearly equal damage but vastly different starting stats is bad design.
Warriors are masters of weaponry who rely on speed, strength, toughness, and heavy armor to survive in battle. Adrenaline fuels their offensive power—the longer warriors stay in a fight, the more dangerous they become.
— Warrior
Sup. It makes sense that a person trained specifically to carry heavy armor and multiple weapons would be able to sprint at short intervals with it, rather than someone who has conditioned the mind for spells, etc.
meanwhile you can hack away at an elementalist in a skirt all day and not do a kitten thing.
As a warrior I would fight you all day like a rockhead if I had the sustain to do it. that seemed like it was the forte of my class. Now, since I need to use my head a bit more, I’m going to shamelessly retreat if the battle is not going my way, just like everyone else would. That’s not cowardice, that’s strategy.
A wise old guy with a cool mustache once said: "He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight”.
Winning for me is not losing my bloodlust. If I cannot stomp you, Lol, reset.
It’s like people are implying "Wow, warriors sure need to use their brain once in a while, but if they’re clever or reasonable and decide to run away because they’re going to lose, they’re op! "
(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)
Tbh i dont see much people crying about warriors. They are pretty much in a bad place when it comes to pvp right now compared to other classes. If you are crying about warriors then clearly you will cry about every class you will encounter.
I think I love you.
If warrior is supposed to stick where they are, then they need guardian level sustain or ridiculous damage to compensate.
However, builds that enforce the latter are OP, and builds that enforce the former are OP.
Now being able to retreat is OP too?
If you want a free bag, just come out and say it.
(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)
the game is already easy enough for new players, they dont need this and its a huge disservice to existing players who want to level alts.
At this rate, Anet will be forcing everyone to level a warrior first before unlocking other classes, just so casuals arent overburdened by accidentally picking a class that requires a functioning nervous system.
That warrior hate is deeply ingrained.
I can almost feel the resentment oozing from this post.
can we have some hard and challenging content please.
after all this Dumbing down the whole game, i would like the option to play as i want to play ( like it was advertised 2 years ago)
i like to play hardcore, challenging things.
i dont want butterflys and unicorns prancing around giving me an easy time.
i want demons keyboard smashing my dead corpse 1000 times before i kill them.
sort yourself out Anet, lets have some actual real MMO action
While I agree with you, we are not the majority.
people came on the forums thinking shadow of the dragon was too hard.
what you’re seeing now is not Anet having difficulty sorting themselves out, its them making content that can be played by the current gamer generation.
Another little thing I would like to add Heriophant.
I have been playing this game for over 2 years now, and I STILL run into little things I have never noticed before. Whether it be a funny conversation by a couple of npcs, or a little corner of the world I passed by so many times but never knew was there. Recently I noticed this lady in the graveyard in Shaemoor… had NO IDEA she even had a mini event associated with her! I have been in that graveyard tons of times.
This game was made for exploration. I hope that is your cup of tea, because you will have found the right game for that.
the enjoyment is in the details. the devs put a lot of forethought into hiding little chuckles, drama, and the like in the AI around the world. seek it out.
read the gravestones, for instance.
Just wanted to say hello as I’m new to GuildWars2 and GuildWars as a whole, I’m Heriophant (Not my real name lul) and I love playing games, have done for nearly 20 years anyways!
With all new games I buy, My first stop is the forums while I download the game.
And Boy ‘o Boy, I have honestly never seen so much Q.Q going into one forum as I did this one, I’m unsure at the moment now if brought the right game for me, and I hope the game-play is better than the forum community/trolls, Or I may have just wasted a ton of time and money.
I want someone to give their view on the game, in its current state, I will give a cookie (If I cooking is a skill and/or I find a vendor that sells them), To the person I feel is most truthful about their experience.
HAHA, Well any tips on race/class I would be best of trying first, I’m not talking end game overpowered ness, but more something new player friendly? I normally drift towards healing end game.
I kinda like the sound of “hunter” and the engineer class but I’m unsure about the different races etc.
Don’t judge the game by the forums.
the forums are full of disgruntled people that have nothing better to do than whine about how “the game isn’t getting content” and “omfg unbalanced please nerf” and “where the kitten are mounts”, mixed in with valid complaints about the state of the game and reasonable requests for solutions to those complaints.
The in game community is much nicer because they’re actually having fun.
My experience in game for the past…half a year, has been the following (consolidated):
witnessed a hub world get destroyed and besieged for upwards of a month
before that, huge world bosses dropped and freaked out the map
after the siege, giant server vs server tournament
after that, festival for a month
after that, the festival got blown up too
Currently hanging out in the desert
world completion still not done
wish there were a few more dungeons
Another tournament for World vs. World this week
Coming from someone who plays this on his downtime, I’m still incredibly happy with the game. My advice is don’t blow through it at the speed of light and then join the crowd of people who are tapping their feet at the edge of the story, waiting for new content that they honestly don’t want to play. Stop and smell the roses along the way. Do jumping puzzles. Farm and buy an instrument. Help some newbies. get immersed.
It’ll keep your plate full.
All in all, welcome to the game. We’re nice in game, honestly. Add me, send me a mail if you need help/ a party.
you are certainly going to get your money’s worth of entertainment. If you want -more- than that, make sure you take your time.
(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)
Also, did you miss this?
They gave away free charges just for logging in.
charges are technically free now, I kind of fail to see why Anet has to apologize because stones used to apply transmutations to non level 80 armor were converted at a 3-1 rate.
As I stated in a post in the Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits feedback thread, the exchange rate they implemented for transmutation stones to charges left me feeling cheated. I am not happy about it.
So, you left because Anet was silent on responding to a thread about consolidated transmutation charges, when the update that provided them:
allowed you to keep all skins you obtained
Allowed you to project these skins onto any item of the same type, as many times as you wanted
because the exchange rate wasn’t good enough, and anet wouldn’t say sorry?
I am having difficulty not finding that silly. I will mail you transmutation charges if your problem is that simple.
they’re not expensive, and for the system we have now, the revamp was worth it. Sometimes changes happen that don’t benefit you, though. Why you’d cast an entire game off for a minor setback that benefits you long term is beyond me, though.
As for Anet’s silence, maybe they just don’t see it as a problem, especially considering the work they put into the system as a whole.
For what it’s worth though, they are speaking to the community via forums a bit more, and the CDI is up, so.. there’s that.
(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)
The current Gemstore gives no competitive advantage for paying players over ‘free’ players, and that is exactly how it should stay.
Lest we give the players that try to complain “everything is cash sho-” and then bite their tongue an actual valid point.
Current gamer generation can’t handle Gw2, too hard pls nerf
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