Showing Posts For Barnabus Stinson.1409:

Formal complain on POF Deluxe, Ultimate ED

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

Such Sensible complaints, truely so reasonable.

Or the other thing…

What Reaper Changes Do you want to see?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

I would Like to see a Reapers Onslaught that can be as is, but also applies to GS. It would give a decent damage bump to a class that is meant to hit hard, and would be a decent selfish option. Then Blighters Boon could be the selfish tanky option with a slight change for potential Condi Cleanse. Then a team damage bump to replace Chill Bleeds…But this is probably too much to ask. Just Make power semi decent please Anet, it sucks playing such a power focused spec then having to be Condi

Welp, sticking for reaper for another 2 years

in Necromancer

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

You realise GS and Reaper is currently more of a condi spec than a power spec, I have recently swapped to Condi, It is far more effective. But I agree with you its less fun, although condi spec the greatsword is actually decent(ish) unlike power where its lack luster.

August 8th Update, Pre-PoF balance patch?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

Does anyone know exactly whats in the upcoming update, I know about WvW gliding and Armour but is it also going to be the big upcoming balance patch or is that later? Any one know more?

What Reaper Changes Do you want to see?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

With Scourge looking like it may actually be able to out tank reaper through high condi damage good amounts of barrier and Parasitic contagion never turning off as it doesnt have a shroud I would like to see some more damage focus on reaper.

Evade fram on GD would be nice but would have to lose its reset (which i have no problem with as GD spam is terrible anyway)

A block shout would also be Incredibly nice but I doubt we will ever see it.

Most of all I want a reaper specific boon/buff to give to its team
I like the idea of, Nearby Allies Critical hits deal a bonus X% damage, this is doubled for the reaper itself. There isnt really a Crit damage boon in the game and it would really place reaper in the power mindset.

Is Shroud getting a full rework?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

I doubt it will be Shroud getting a full rework, more the traits. Bring on a full overhaul to make reaper a power spec primary and fingers crossed one that is actually decent. Although thinking about it, Scourge will have parasitic contagion actually work for it as it never enters shroud so never gets turned off. It may well be the tankiest necro yet with better condi potential than current reaper and some team support…..

Potential Mastery Options for PoF and beyond

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

Because its gating optional content, you dont need this skin but you can go for it. And the Mastery Tracks are not exclusively a gating system, the one that allows you to fight the champion exalted for example. This just gives a better reason to have them. And if you dont want the skin you dont have to farm achievements to get the points for it. The true gameplay is availible to all without sitting and grinding for hours, but those who want to grind can be given something for that.

Potential Mastery Options for PoF and beyond

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

I beleive this is the correct place for this, but if not I do appologise.

While looking through the release information for PoF I noted that there seems to only be mount based masteries. While I agree with the idea of removing the less impactful masteries that HoT had I still see room for more than just the mounts. Below is a quick look into a set of tracks I think would have a good place in the game in future, and would have fit incredibly well into PoF.

In PoF there seem to be 3 main factions of foes: Balthazars Forged Legions, The Branded and the Undead.

I would propose a fairly short mastery track for each of these groups. With the main stages of these Masteries being the ability to gather more from your foes. The first tier being a chance to get a consumable item, which gives a specific short term buff relating the to creature it came from. The next would allow for the chance to find weapon parts that can later being made after collecting enough into a weapon skin designed like the foe the parts came from. The third would then be armour scraps, similiar to weapon parts but for armour. Then finally a very rare chance to get a tonic or infusion in the style of this specific faction.

I see this having value as it doesnt gate content behind masteries but means those who wish can work to get specific skins by fighting these groups regularly. Each of these factions have a very unique look and would make a fantastic skin option. I know I would love to get a branded style sword etc.

Plus the system doesnt stop there with each future expansion there could be a new faction or group we could work towards. But no player would have to work towards to experience all the content, it would be entirely option and provide those who want to make sure they get every mastery point and want to farm this certain faction can.

Again I hope this is the right place for this suggestion, I am aware it is a little to late for a PoF release but I do think it would have value in GW2. Please give thoughts below.

What Reaper Changes Do you want to see?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

Only issue is it doesnt work for Power, which for a spec designed for Power is a little depressing. Also Yeah I also dislike Gravedigger its my least favourite GS skill, only worth using when foe is below 50% then you just spam it….

What Reaper Changes Do you want to see?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

Grave Digger Life Steal Trait needs redoing, Would like to see reapers onslaught also proc for GS

What Reaper Changes Do you want to see?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

Its fairly common knowledge and, atleast in my opinion, incredibly sensible for Reaper to recieve changes so it is viable as a power spec instead of being a Chill Whirl based Condi.

But what would be on your wish list for these changes?

My first would be a trait like Reapers Presence – Nearby Foes take additional Damage, this is doubled for damage done by the Reaper.

Give the Reaper a unique buff that gives it a reason to be in High end Content.

Ascended gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

Are there any non crafting ways to get up to full ascended gear, I hate crafting in any MMO and unfortunately GW2 is no different. Is there a way to get stat cap or will I have to grind out and use crafting?

Weapon skill updates

in Suggestions

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

One of the largest problems I find with the current skill system in Guildwars 2 is that weapon skill seem to get ‘old’ quite fast. I would like to see a system where the 3rd and 5th Skill (these two so a 2h and a 1h/off hand combo both work) are changeable.
This would give a player further customization with there skill sets and would allow for new combinations, giving more damaging weapons the potential to pick a utility skill, and giving utility weapons the potential for a more damaging skill.

New Armour set

in Guardian

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

I think there needs to be a Precision Toughness Vitality set. Prec being the primary stat.
I can go into reasoning behind this set type but would like opinions of its pro’s and con’s first.

Zealous Blade

in Guardian

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

I think it could be fixed by Making it a life steal instead of a standard heal. This means it would still only give 26 healing, which isnt that noticeable but would also damage for 26, making an effect change of 52 split between the two parties.

New Amour Set

in Suggestions

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

There needs to be a new armour set based on
Precision, Vitality, Healing power.
Basically, for many sets you have to take power, but power scales so poorly it makes it less worthwhile traiting into the top tree. This set with give all players more freedom in the traits and class build up without being too powerful for any singular class as it costs damage compared to berserkers and survivability compared to Knights/Valk

Attack Speed

in Guardian

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

True maybe seen as a little too good, although it has no impact on cooldowns just animation times, so it wouldnt actually give a 10% buff as it would seem. For GS lost of the damage comes from symbol and WW which this would not benefit in terms of DPS as it would still be on same cool down. It would really only be a 10% buff on the Auto. Which in the case of staff isnt overly powerful as staff isnt great dps wise anyway. For hammer would be helpful and would tie in with the symbol trait line as would allow for Hammer ‘1’ skill to be executed slightly faster.

Attack Speed

in Guardian

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

Zeal is pretty poor I would say. It is a fairly poor skill as well doesnt give much or help in anyway, combined with being possibly the worst tree makes it seem a little pointless. However with a possible speed increase trait it may make Zeal an appealing tree.

Zealous Blade

in Suggestions

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

Please fix Zealous Blade to scale well at 80, or make it scale with healing power. In its current state it is a worthless trait in terrible tree. If it was worth while it may make the tree worth suffering to get a good bonus at the end.

Attack Speed

in Guardian

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

This in many ways is a double suggestion. So Lets begin with agreeing zealous blade is terrible? I would really like to know if anyone actually uses it in a primary build. But as this has been said for ages and no changes have come I would like to see it replaced. With an increased attack speed trait. Go 30 into Zeal and get a 10% increase in attack speed with two handed weapons. Means that Zeal has benefit for Hammer and GS users that isnt more powerful that a 10% dps increase through Firey Wrath but allows long cast skills to go off a little quicker with this set of weapons.
Obviously just a thought but would like to hear opinions.

Can Warrior beat a Guardian 1vs1?

in Warrior

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

Yes, I play both warrior and guardian and both can kill each other fairly well. Warrior just needs to wear off the guardians defensive skills then jump in and pop a 100blades and you will have the guardian on the back foot. Just make sure to keep up the pressure.
If its a bunker guardian just leave him, he wont kill you….ever.

Need Guardian Help with Traits.

in Guardian

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

Try A 20,25,0,25,0 Build. The reason this gives good dps is it has access to 30% damage incrase through Fiery Wrath, Radiant power and elusive power. It also can give 5% Gs dam and dodge heals. Needs a bit of Power Tough Vit armour. But I can hit a 9k WW and have 20k health. Crit chance of 35. and toughness 2500

Change of race?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

I like many I know have realised the race we chose wasnt the one We would like to be. But with Hundreds of hours spent on a character which is the profession I would like to be I cant justify starting again to change race, I would love there to be a gem based option for this, No reason why it couldn’t be in game. Any issues with personal story just label it as a disguise potion so I am still the same race deep down you just cant see it and i now can use different cultural armor

new weapons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

2h axe, Polearms including halberd, bill or out of water spear. Hand weapons like knuckle dusters or claws (zhang he if you play DN). Or have hand held things for magic like a power stone or something. Or just let each class use a new existing weapon?

Guardian DPS

in Guardian

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

Not the higest dps build as armour for the screen was part Pwr Prec critdam and part Pwr Tough Vit. But if you get Fiery wrath, Radiant power and elusive power. It can be a massive damage boaster (30%)


Guardian Bugs compilation.

in Guardian

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

Absolute resolution – Increase in passive regen is shown on tool tip but wasnt actually giving that much

Just saw that I didnt catch it with the tool tip up, But it was meant to be 266.

Virtue of Resolve
When improved with Absolute Resolution the tooltip indicates an erroneous healing number, showing a 97% increase instead of the correct 25%.

Oh right noted, sorry didnt know this. Kinda makes the trait a bit useless but thanks for the info.

Suggestion: Virtue of Determination

in Guardian

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

Yes Please! Yes there are boons for that, but a passive speed boast would be well received. Also it wouldn’t overly change combat. Obviously the swiftness could be seen as A too bigger increase for PVP. And I would think it would have a 60 second cool down, not 30. But other than that, Love this idea!

Guardians vs Warriors

in Guardian

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

let me put this into perspective

Warriors have roughly 20k more HP then a Guardian.

A thief does a burst combo on both classes with a 4 hit combo that does around 20k damage

Warrior absorbs the damage with its vitality and left with 15K health with no way to fully heal back up to 35K hp

Guardians block the first hit with aegis, blocked the second hit with another aegis, third attack missed with VoJ traited for blind, blocks last hit with a shield or focus or mace. If not block the last hit, the guardian can heal it back by just passive regen and symbol as well as AH giving health for using Virtues.

Damage mitigation is hugely powerful. Warriors are under powered. This is why they have been buffed recently.

Im sad to say, its another issue of L2P

So in you example a warrior sits there and lets himself get hit?
I hate finding this in these forums, if you have a massive hard on for a class please just write it somewhere else. Maybe get a tattoo saying I <3 Warrior. Warriors to have damage mitigation. And please provide the video where you manage to block all of a thief’s attacks. If you reflexes are really quick enough to not take a single hit after a thief jumps you from no where I will retract all ill perceptions of you.

It’s actually easy, see Thief, get into range, pop shield 3 second blocks, with the right spec stacks might, and pop 5 second invulnerability right before you knock him down, or stun him with Mace long duration stun, and kill him becuase most Thieves don’t run stun removal abilities.

Yes if you see him running at you sure, easy…cant remember the last time a thief tried to just wander up to me. I am not saying its not possible, I am just saying its not that common that you can block all of a thief’s first burst. and again this is based on the idea that the thief doesnt notice or react either….he has a block up i will fall back and wait for it to go down.

Guardian's tomes (elites)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

Totally agree with this, Tome of Courage is good in a team environment, but otherwise is rubbish, wrath is just rubbish. I would like to see a elite summon, have it like a relic that damages blinds heals whatever. New elites please Anet!

Balance Professions - Dmg Comparison

in Suggestions

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

Right so first…You have a pet….that is kinda a big deal as the pet can hit fairly hard. I have been hit for a 2.5k crit with a pet and when being shot by the ranger too than can be rather damaging. Also thief is all about burst damage, and well damage in general. Compare your survivability.

Moba game mode

in Suggestions

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

I know it has been brought up before by fans and devs, But I would really like to see Guild wars Include a moba lane push style pvp. The idea of it in all ways appeals to me, I like Dota 2 but think a 3rd person more action orientated version would be amazing. and now that WoW is rumoured to have a mode similar I think it would be a shame for GW2 not to use such an interesting Idea

Are you happy with our elite skills?

in Guardian

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

Our Elites are great in a team, but a bit lacking in solo. Renewed focus is helpful (now that you can move) but isnt exactly what I look for in an elite. Most others give a good summon, a interesting state change or increased damage.

Guardians vs Warriors

in Guardian

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

let me put this into perspective

Warriors have roughly 20k more HP then a Guardian.

A thief does a burst combo on both classes with a 4 hit combo that does around 20k damage

Warrior absorbs the damage with its vitality and left with 15K health with no way to fully heal back up to 35K hp

Guardians block the first hit with aegis, blocked the second hit with another aegis, third attack missed with VoJ traited for blind, blocks last hit with a shield or focus or mace. If not block the last hit, the guardian can heal it back by just passive regen and symbol as well as AH giving health for using Virtues.

Damage mitigation is hugely powerful. Warriors are under powered. This is why they have been buffed recently.

Im sad to say, its another issue of L2P

So in you example a warrior sits there and lets himself get hit?
I hate finding this in these forums, if you have a massive hard on for a class please just write it somewhere else. Maybe get a tattoo saying I <3 Warrior. Warriors to have damage mitigation. And please provide the video where you manage to block all of a thief’s attacks. If you reflexes are really quick enough to not take a single hit after a thief jumps you from no where I will retract all ill perceptions of you.

Changes to aegis

in Guardian

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

sorry, but if you eat a full duration, frenzied 100 Blades to the face you deserve to die. (and if you had retaliation on, so does the warrior).

Aegis is our burst negation tool, protection is our multihit tool (not counting dodge, which you really SHOULD be using). We also have a 2s block in our heal. If between 30% less damage, all our sources of regen, two dodges and a 2s block you can’t handle multihits…. sorry, this is now a L2P thread.

An L2P thread, No its not an L2P Thread. Its a thread questioning a change to a mechanic that; punishes some professions more than others, has use in certain situations when in others is ‘cute’ and was just a suggestion.
I was unaware it was now, and excuse the language, ‘noobish’ to question a mechanic that is innately biased towards multihit attacks.

Guardian Sword skills

in Guardian

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

I do understand the 1 Chain is for Justice, and that is good, but the second two skills are so poor in pvp and pve. In pve zealots hits one person. and doesnt do as much as WW on that one. Flashing is a bit of a joke really, it give a miss, thats it.
In pvp the same problem applies apart from the enemy and you will be moving making zealots even worse.

Changes to aegis

in Guardian

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

Or indeed as said earlier blocks one hit and gives a 1 or tow second protection. I just find it very inconsistent. And do think it has been a little overrated its a single hit in a fight. thats 1 of the 9 hits of 100 blades, 1 of the 8 of zealots. One pluse on some ground targets, others doesnt seem to proc.

Changes to aegis

in Guardian

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

Okay I get that 1 second could be over-powered, and obviously I haven’t spent ages crunching numbers to work out what would be fair. But if we look up someone says it is powerful in pve against big hiters. Its effectiveness against these mobs wouldnt change. They hit a slow hard hit, it blocks that anyway. My concern was with a multi hit based attack. Take the final boss to CoF path 1. His flamethrower move also hits very hard, but does it in low increments hitting rapidly. Aegis blocks on of these hits. Comparing this to any hard hitting single hit boss and it makes aegis so unbalance on bosses. So this change to a time based block wouldn’t change against big hits, but would make aegis against multi hit attacks useful.

If we now consider PVP. Up in the chat there was a mesmer saying it does block a summon which is a fairly large reduction in damage. It will block a Warriors kill shot or evis. But does nothing against 100 blades. This again is very unbalanced. It penalises single hits. This is not to say it penalises spike damage, as 100blades is pretty spikey. But it has an unfair effect on those who do slower large attacks. Hammer based especially.

If you consider it, a time based block would only change it to be fairer against all classes. As it would block one large hit as it would a lot of quick small hits.

Also you have to consider it is on a 90 second cooldown. How often in Pvp do fights last over 90 seconds. as for pve the only mobs that take more than this amount of time are champs. And as said above it wouldnt change their mechanics much as you block one hard hit anyway, Why not block 3 small?

Legendary armour

in Suggestions

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

Not if they added a new mob in areas of the map and make the armour all need lots of a drop from said mob

Why Lock out threads about bots? (suspicious)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

They lock out the threads cause there is no point suggesting no bots. Everyone agrees no bots. Its not a suggestion. They are working on it. Yes there are bots, there are also lots of people who arent bots doing event runs too. They cant ban a non bot so it may take a while to ensure that the banned player is a bot.

Legendary armour

in Suggestions

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

I like the idea of dungeon sets being a precursor to legendary armour that could work really well. As each armour has its own feel to it it would make each legendary have that feel but even more so

Please no repair and no map travel cost.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

Its like 5 silver for an average repair and like 3 to travel a long map distance. The only thing i find annoying is that you have to pay 2silver to move to a waypoint in same region. Make same region travel a bit cheaper or keep the same I dont mind enough for it to be a massive problem. And would say increase long range travel to account for the decrease in short range.

The daunting grind of GW2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

I dont understand why you are complaining…you have 1008 hours of playtime. Do you expect this from any other game…Went into skyrim and thought all i am doing past completion is searching some kittenty caves and killing dragons what a grind. Yes you grind to get the coolest stuff…thats a given you have to work for it otherwise there is less point having it. I am on 300 hours and still havent finished the map yet, yes i have full exotics for everything my character can carry but i still have a lot left to do. And getting a legendary which i do want is going to be a while off (mainly as i am not sure about my class) But the game itself isnt a grind. At no point during my exploration was I like oh man i just had to kill a kitten load of these risen what a grind. The end game is a grind its what endgame actually means really isnt it. Something to waste your time.

Changes to aegis

in Guardian

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

That would be overpowered, and is the exact reason why it only blocks one hit.

Aegis is already extremely powerful as it is, it doesn’t need any boost.

Please explain how it is over powered. I mean seriously how do you think that? Please explain your answer before posting. Aegis Blocks a single hit, Take any ground target…you get 1 tick of protection on a 90 second cooldown. As i said above 100 blades will now hit for 600 less. It is Powerful against single big hits like evis…but not on multi hits. If it was given a time of blocking then it would still be the same against hard hits, but actually useful against multi hit attacks.

Guardian Bugs compilation.

in Guardian

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

Absolute resolution – Increase in passive regen is shown on tool tip but wasnt actually giving that much

Just saw that I didnt catch it with the tool tip up, But it was meant to be 266.


Guardian Bugs compilation.

in Guardian

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

Wave of Light (Downed 2) Often fails push back, either if enemy is standing on you, or in the middle of a finisher.

If the enemy has stability, then they won’t be affected by any push back skills.

I check every time for stability and rarely find that did have it.

Guardians vs Warriors

in Guardian

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

Full DPS warrior is much, much more fragile than full DPS guardian. HPs mean nothing if you don’t have damage mitigation…
Actually guardian is the most powerful class in the game arguably on par with mesmer, I really can’t see how it needs a buff, more changes are that there will be a nerf…
Sorry to bring the bad news guys

I am guessing you dont play guardian. I have a almost full dps speced warrior apart from using shouts not sigils. I have a 24k health pool with many heals and a passive regen. On shield I have good mitigation, combined with mace it gives a little more mitigation too. Granted not as much as my Guardian which is also spec towrads dps but not fully. So yes My guard can mitigate better but has a lower dps and has a much smaller health pool (8k)

Ele's and weapon swapping

in Elementalist

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

if they do that now, the other prof will scream their lungs out! :P

I am Guardian Primary and I am screaming my lungs out in favour

Ele's and weapon swapping

in Elementalist

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

Give ele weapon swap it makes no sense not to. With other classes it allows to stack up power of prec on a secondary and then use a different sigil on a primary. The staff and DD as a combo is not that different to a Warrior with GS rifle. It seems unfair that Ele doesnt have it. Although would need a cool down that is impacted by attunement. So you can not swap when attunes are on cool down. (To stop Nuking through all daggers and then all scepter etc)

Blindness functionality change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

I have found this to be a problem to, It should give a half second or 1 second of misses when activated. So If I put blindness on a warrior when he then swings he misses for a second. Meaning it will stop a single 1 attack, But would also stop 100blades (partially).
This would make it far more useful as currently it is terrible at multi hit based attacks

Possible new class idea's

in Suggestions

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

Obviously the game is still fairly new and new classes wont be introduced until expansions come out. But I have been thinking of possible new classes as currently I don’t have one that I feel matches what I want.

1) A death knight style class, focusing on chills and bleeds and melee dps. Not to compare to WoW but I did love the death knight in wow and think it is one of the few possibilities of a 3rd heavy armour profession. Similar to a dervish but with differences. In many ways I imagine it to be an anti Guardian.

Idea’s for its Profession skill.
Have it build up soul charges that can either be consumed (f1) for a damaging swing or something. I was imagining an icy ghostly scythe that attacks near by enemies.
and then (f2) consume souls for a mini heal.