Showing Posts For Bloodstealer.5978:

Latency Tuning Experiments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


THe – GW2 has experience a serious error crash is now a prominent issue for me this past few days as well as random disconnects when opening things like bank tabs or crafting stations. However more noticeable when swapping mps.. you get into map go to move then get a dc or a serious crash.

Add to this soup bowl the dreaded 1 File remaining issue is hitting quite a few players in the past few days including myself after reinstalling everything in an effort to cure the other issues… seems mighty coincidental that this thread is pooped into the general domain right around the same time all these issues start to become prevalent.

Client Updating Crashes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


I feel ya pain…. its not just the updater that crashes, when your in game the client just randomly crashes anyway.
You can be in the middle of a 3HW that you have been patiently waiting to start for an hour to ensure you get a spot on an organised map and bam.. insta serious client crash to desktop.. or like for me a moment ago – in middle of a Karka event and bam crashed.. loose all ya loot and waste all ya time…. the latest invasion event was a mockery for many players cos of all the game crash/dc issues .. but its all met with deafening silence.

Simply put this game is performing so shockingly bad now its wearing thin on most of the players I run with and nothing seems to be getting done even with the countless numbers of complaints and error reports sent into the ANET trash can.

Silverwaste Chest Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


Your reply is what makes no sense.. never since SW was patched from the original buried chest spawn has there ever been 10x more event maps than there are CF maps…

Event maps are hard to find most days unless your prepared to sit and wait a whiles for one to pop, or try to get lucky jumping maps to hit an empty copy where you can start your own.

Chest farm maps are a poor lazy game design aimed at trying to retain as many players in game for as long as possible in the hope that more gem sales will happen to buy the latest re-skinned, re-themed item in the store. But ANET like it that way, they like all the failtrain and chest farms because it does just what they want… keeps players logged in longer meaning they don’t have to take more time than necessary actually developing meaningful content that has a lot better replay value.

You are a funny guy. I do every day around 5 eventmaps/vw per hour. After I have done one it takes around 1 min. in average until I have aa lfg group with SW events 70%+.

I can underatand that it seems hard to NOT get a sw 70%+. So if you want todo full event map from 0-100% then I have an awesome solution for you: Just relog! You will get an empty 0% SW like 99% of the times.
Ther you can grind solo these events up to ~80% and for the Rest people will join ‘automatically’!

Your rant against cf is out of place. It is really hard to find a cf map during primetime and it takes alot time and effort to get one. So if you are lucky to find a cf map, then you should embrace the farm, so you have at least a little bit fun ingame

Ooh rubbish every map I ever land in is a chest farm lazy kitten copy… the reason SW chest farm was allowed to exist is to keep numbers in game.
You think the cf is fun content – any other MMO developer looking at it must be laughing their socks off at such innovative development ideas.
But your last comment has at least some merit… the events within the game hold very little replay value and the fun is sucked right out of them pretty fast, which added to some of the grind aspects of the game only serve to make SW cf an easy, if not braindead option.

Personally I don’t care which option players take, that’s not my issue – both events and cf have merit to the game…. but don’t try making out its a cf map that’s hard to find.. they fill up in under a minute and 3 more appear on the LFG… everyday all day it is littered with them.. open event maps are much fewer and far between and once one event map is completed 99% of the time it turns straight into a cf map.

Do I hate chest farming – nope, whatever floats ya boat, I even join one maybe a few times a week for a circuit before dieing of boredom… but they hugely outnumber event maps for sure. Creating your own event map, as I already said in my original post isn’t hard if that’s what you want…. I merely said it was harder to find an open event LFG compared to an open CF.

Silverwaste Chest Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


Silverwaste was supposed to be a map to do the events and fight multiple bosses, NOT a chest farming map. If GW2 wants to keep chest farming in, make it for a limited time, so that those of us that like doing the events can. It is unfair that those of us who like doing the events have to wait until the chest farming group deems it the right time to do so. I also refuse to jump from map to map to map just to find some people to do events with. Keep the chest farming in, just limit it.

Make no sense. There is like 10 times more LFG for event maps than chest farm map. Don’t be lazy and use the LFG. Right now everybody can do what they want, either chest farm or event map, so let’s keep it that way.

Your reply is what makes no sense.. never since SW was patched from the original buried chest spawn has there ever been 10x more event maps than there are CF maps…

Event maps are hard to find most days unless your prepared to sit and wait a whiles for one to pop, or try to get lucky jumping maps to hit an empty copy where you can start your own.

Chest farm maps are a poor lazy game design aimed at trying to retain as many players in game for as long as possible in the hope that more gem sales will happen to buy the latest re-skinned, re-themed item in the store. But ANET like it that way, they like all the failtrain and chest farms because it does just what they want… keeps players logged in longer meaning they don’t have to take more time than necessary actually developing meaningful content that has a lot better replay value.

f2p ruining dungeon selling

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


Its not only about dungeon selling, its about people in general not respecting the demands of a LFG.
Anet should implement certain filters to the LFG tool, that would make this game a lot more enjoyable for a lot of people.

Title of your thread and main issue is dungeon selling and how f2p ruin it so it seem to you it is most about dungeon selling and reason for your post.

My main issue is the dungeon selling part, since I have a guild and friendslist I do dungeons with and therefore never have to pug something.
But a lot of people complain about people that aren’t asked for joining a LFG that has certain demands, and I feel like Anet should do something about this.

If you go to a restaurant and order a steak, would you like it if you get brought fish instead?

You have a guild and a friends list and therefore never need to PUG…

Yet your own post blows that theory out of the water .. of course you PUG, how else would you sell dungeon paths… at least get the facts of your story right and then blow thw the smoke away from your own eyes…
We get it, your mad cos your not making enough coin out of the new influx of F2P accounts wanting to run a dungeon… sure it’s allowed on the LFG but it is not supported so deal with your losses or find something else to come to the forums and whine about.
Personally I think ANET should quit muddying their own LFG abuse rules and stop dungeon selling all together but they like to have one rule for one but allow it to be circumvented by others.

Mordrem Invasion Update 10 September

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


All the events would have to give loot and EXP, though.

Here’s my problem. The INSTANT you do that, at least half of the player base isn’t going to give one tenth of one kitten about the later events in the chain. You’re going to have the Aetherblade Captains of the Scarlet Invasion all over again.

You remember that? The sheer bullkitten toxicity that flooded the forums AND in-game? Screaming and harrassing people that if they complete events, other players will find them and arson their homes? Threatening bullkitten reports to try and get players banned for not killing critical event mobs?

THAT’S the issue. At the core, this event we have now is a cause of entirely player-side problems. Our own behaviors have indirectly caused this mess of a event we have now. We’re the reason we can’t have nice things.

Don’t make me laugh.. that has nothing to do with how this event was pushed out.. it has everything to do with keeping players logged in as long as possible in order to coin sink as much from it as possible, whilst trying even harder to entice both new and old players to buy gems to convert to gold to buy sale items.
Why else have these kinds of zergfest brainless events and on low level maps at that.
If this is the kind of state of the art game development were going to see more of in HoT… I think many more players will start to look elsewhere for their fun fix, cos this isn’t cutting it for many of us any more.

Mordrem Invasion Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


boring like silver waste


Silverwaste is pure gold compared to this. It can actually be quite fun and requires at least some players who know what they are doing rather than defeated meta-zerkers who don’t waypoint out.

This however…

Absolutely…. I definitely required someone to show me how to dig 30-40 holes in the sand every 20mins all day long every day…

Oooh you meant Vinewrath my apologies… couldn’t agree more AFK’ing through the event after tagging a mob or two takes a lot of coordinated effort and balls of steel to master that.

Wasteofsilver sure is a 10/10 for map/content development – - heck I would prefer having Trinity and Gear treadmills to this hamster wheel mullarkey.

Mega Server, Disconnects and Event Design

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


The DC’s are one thing.. game client crashes are beginning to be even more of a problem than DC’s ever were for me.. and only since the last major patch a few weeks back – but yeah, grindy zergfest unrewarding and boring content is one thing – putting the effort into do it then finding you get crashed/DC’ed out for no fault of your own and loosing not just your map place but and kind of reward is something that leaves a bad taste in ya mouth.

Mordrem Invasion Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


You forget players who just started having to cough up several gold for rewards that offfer noting to gameplay..

After 14 days the casual has 2 maybe 5 gold? having nop clue what top do and trying to grab WP’s in area’s where he /she should do events..

I can’t recall what event it was but this was the same thing last time, when the event occured it was a gold sink a new players back then were pretty much left out. I wonder which event it was. maybe it was when the Moa gambling racing was around…

The difference here being that GW2 just went F2P. There is a reason this event only happens in some low level zones.

Really.. and of course those “new” low level players really enjoy being insta zapped by a vet mordy, or enjoy spending all their coin trying to WP across the map repeatedly trying to keep pace with events that they see spawn… only to find when they get there that they are already finished or have to hope someone revives them before the event ends so they can tag a kill .
Even if they do tag a kill they have to grind endlessly for 4 days to even hope to sniff one of the rewards… ooh wait, of course ANET maybe are banking that the F2P players will dip into their credit card balances and buy some gems in order to convert to gold and be able to afford the skins…. that’s the real reason they have been situated on these maps.

Hey guys, can I have a word?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


IMHO the reason why the community was nicer in the past was that the
content was so easy and mostly couldn’t fail. Nobody is calling people names
when a Worldboss takes a little longer .. but if it fails .. then i begins.

So in the end, the more ANet listens to the “make it harder, give us more fails” croud
the more toxic the map chat will get.

Difficulty is not a problem, TTW isn’t toxic. This event isn’t hard, if anything it is super easy. There are no rewards, that is the problem.

What is TTW ? I know that there are at least a lot of discussions about people
wanting to kick other players out of SW because they are AFK or even want
to report them or whatever.

Never heared anything like that for example at Shatterer or Clawmag and
especially never before the fail timers where introduced.

Also i wouldn’t say that SW is hard .. but it has a decent failchance, and if it
fails then people always seek someone to blame for.

Oh .. and the “no reward” idea is also someting that came from the community
i think .. so that only people who “work hard” are worthy to get loot and that
it is not “just another farmfest where you only spam #1”

Sadly Anet don’t do "effort/risk/reward content they prefer players to run like an angry swarm of headless chickens around a map in the hope they can tag something quick enough before having to follow the zerg to the next blip on the mini map…
Maybe that’s what they see as work hard with the added twist of making the rewards almost only achievable if you deprive your self of sleep and sanity for the length of the whole event, whilst holding out hope that such rubbish can hold players interest long enough to be able to sink enough gold from them and promote gemstore bling for a few extra day to boost gem sales.

This is often why maps turn toxic because the game isn’t functioning well enough to encourage players to play it rather than AFK it or "tag and run it

(edited by Bloodstealer.5978)

Hey guys, can I have a word?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


Ive played for the 3 years and I havent seen all of this broken content lol Maybe I am dumb. Ive seen a few bugs here and there like most MMOs.

Lols.. a few bugs here and there… hmmm

Admirable attempt at least though

This is the worst PVE event ever for GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


I am thinking Anniversary gem sales didn’t go as well as they hoped for and rushed poorly thought out zergfest in an attempt to squeeze the sale extension excuse just that bit longer.

Mordrem Invasion Update 10 September

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


Fixed my kitten… another 20mins wasted running around like a headless chicken for no reward!

is legendary armour a new tier or not ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


It’s something you want but don’t need. It’s not a new tier

many players would argue the same thing about ascended in fact i know quite a few players who haven’t even bothered to make ascended yet coz its stat gain benefit is so insignificant
so anyone who made it didn’t relay need it they wanted it coz i think we can all agree that you can manage just as well without it using exotic armours
i think too many players are hung up on the fact that theres no better stats on it and compleatly missing the fact that this armour IS better than ascended simply because of the option to change stats
no matter how i look at it i see this as an upgrade and the next step up on armour quality

Way to go.. you answered your own question and then argued with yourself over your own answer…
Do you do much debating in real life, maybe politics would be a good line for you

Its a cosmetics and convenience feature, it’s not a gear power creep .. in fact, as you rightly said you don’t even need to have it if you don’t feel you want it.. how much more simple can that be for you.

BETA weekend achievements [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


The beta achievements can’t be added to your main account anymore than doing daily achievements on your beta characters can be added to your main account. The normal account and the beta account are two separate entities.

Actually I am pretty sure the achieve points I got whilst in beta this evening were added to my game account achievement points…. then taken off again after crashing out of game/logging out of game.

I only just hit my 18500 point yesterday and done nothing since… prior to crashing earlier I had cleared another few points from the kills, events….

BETA weekend achievements [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


Yeah the achievement points , like everything else is cancelled back off your account it seems.
I got crashed out as the beta turned to night time.. finally managed to log back in to game and found the achievs had been reset – so no real point in having them in the first place tbh imo

Guild World Maps

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


I’ll be honest..
I think the way GW2 is approaching raids is a good and in an interesting way. But it is instanced. GW2 (and many other games) pretend to be an MMO (a massive multiplayer online game), but the endgame keeps revolving around instanced content.
It is obvious that it is a community wish, but why?

Is it time to change the term, cause the definition doesnt fit it anymore?
I think that “ipwpylane” is a better term. (it stands for “instanced play with people you like and nobody else”). It is what all endgame revolves around in all games in the genre.

GW2 is proud of a social community. And I give them credit for having a game that brings the best of us out. But no game ever has been a true MMO.
on that point GW2 has failed as well it seems.

Enough rant bout how human nature works but back on topic.

Why would you want guild only (aka instanced) maps. Why do you want to be “just” with guildies? what is wrong with other players? are they really that bad? or does your guild has some pricks as well? why do you forgive them and not complete strangers?
Why is it impossible to have a true MMO?

I know these questions are harsh, but they have been troubling my mind a lot lately. I got nothing against guild only maps. But why do you want me (and a lot of others) out of “your” instance??


Are you seriously saying that you wouldn’t give a hoot if you and your friends (that is if you have any in GW2) cant get into the same event or raid etc together because the map cap means someone gets left behind each time.

Openworld is fun, I agree but its also plagued with issues of world event megaserver caps, stupidly scaled (or lack of scaling) encounters where a hundred or more players beat down on a single target and is the whole thing is over in a matter of minutes.

TEQ and Wurm are the best examples of a little more organised openworld events but how many times have you been dc’ed and missed out on ya loot cos you cant get back into map.
Add to that, some of us would actually like to see what we are hitting and not have to dull down our systems in order to get through the particle effects of a hundred hungry asurans.

Instanced content is a way of ensuring that guilds/ friends can enjoy things together without having to necessarily spend time advertising for specific classes, builds and now potentially specific roles within their groups.
Pugging is fun but many of us learnt a long time ago to always expect the unexpected when running raids that have coordinated specifics built within them and instanced content allows a lot better organisation than openworld ever could.
Additionally such instanced content can likely be better balanced/controlled and maybe even scaleable later on for things like hardmode etc to cater for other players who enjoy that… openworld has already proven a complete mess in this regards imo.

It’s not personal, its just that some players like to play within their own groups.. it doesn’t stop you enjoying the same content within a PUG group if that’s your preference.

(edited by Bloodstealer.5978)

Policy on the LFG Tool

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


Of course.. I have even taken the time to whisper a few just in case they didn’t realise… but well its just the same outcome as with players that continually lay out verbal abuse to players cos they don’t wanna do as they say or play the way that he/she wants… same players, reported often, to no avail… nothing new.

As I said I guess its something we are going to have to get used to seeing.

And how do you know that they aren’t being punished?

Oh c’mon.. some of us have been round the block many times… when you add players to lists, and continually see them doing the same thng time and again over long periods of time.. like certain players in PvP lobby who purposely go out of their way every day to abuse others in chat in order to get their fun fix, or the “LEET” puzzle portal sellers who advertise every single day often for long periods during each day.
The only thing that seems to have reduced of late is the selling of items via the LFG… I wonder why

In the end its all well and good saying don’t do this and don’t do that… but until proper actions are taken against those players it will be looked at as nothing more than empty words.

(edited by Bloodstealer.5978)

Policy on the LFG Tool

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


Of course.. I have even taken the time to whisper a few just in case they didn’t realise… but well its just the same outcome as with players that continually lay out verbal abuse to players cos they don’t wanna do as they say or play the way that he/she wants… same players, reported often, to no avail… nothing new.

As I said I guess its something we are going to have to get used to seeing.

Policy on the LFG Tool

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


What is the point of this Sticky when its pretty clear that ANET don’t even police their own policy making… the LFG is still constantly full of portals to jump puzzles, home instances, guild recruitment.. and today its rife since F2P went live with all manner of desperado guilds abusing it.

No matter how many reports are sent in, the same players / guilds are abusing it daily ,… might as well get used to it I say.

Doubloons and mat storage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


Why have doubloons not been given their own slots in the mat storage yet?

Because they are categorised as upgrade components and not crafting materials.

Yes, but things such as opal orbs, ruby shards, sapphire crystals, etc. are also upgrade components (as well as being crafting materials). Surely they could find a way to have doubloons work the same as those.

I never said the3y shouldnt be put into the mat storage, i just said why they arent.

Give them a slot in the mat storage for all i care.
However, this will raise their price on the tp, as people will simply deposit and forget about them instead of selling/listing them immediately. so new supply listed on the tp will dry up for quite some time.

Don’t talk nonsense.. that is a flat out silly theory for price inflation.
Doubloons fall under the same category as jewels and other dual purpose items, but I don’t see those items being affected because they have a storage slot… other factors within the game itself affect price fluctuations not where they are stored.

I would hazard a guess most players will of tried to max out their storage of materials before pushing everything to the TP anyways especially the more useful stuff.

Simple fact is it’s just another example of lazy coding that could and should be altered.

How can I get spirit shards?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


Dear OP, I feel your pain. Now it’s very hard to get them, the only viable way is to do chest farm at silverwaste. Dungeon and fractals are also a good source if you like hard content but chest farm is the fastest afaik.

Before the specialization patch, we were able to get this currency from leveling up. Someone even told me they have 4k spirit shards now because they got a lot before the patch.

Currently I have 3750 but I have also spent a fare few already since the change buying MF materials from Miyani.

Personally I don’t seem to have an issue getting a few more each day, but only after completing my daily.. maybe something or nothing though as trash drops/champ drops/bags etc are of course all clouded by the RNG smokescreen like everything else in GW2.

Most mobile classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


Mesmer slowest for me… Necro slow as well but I find the passive 25% spped boost + spec walk make it more mobile than my clunky Mesmers.
Sure they have a blink with a 30sec cooldown and a small speed boost every 10secs, which make it a little less “throw something at the monitor cos its sooo slow !” effect.

But what I am finding really annoying about my Mesmers is the fact that I have gotten used to being a little limited mobility wise on my Sylvari Mesmer as I don’t choose to waste upgrades slots with speed upgrades all over it, or use a focus, however when building my second Mesmer (Norn race) identically to my Syvari it seems to run soo much slower – yes it’s an identical build, but only because if it runs even slower without those minor upgrades to speed via signet/blink.

As for fastest… I have found it hard to best thief mobility on my other classes unless I try to make them as max mobile as possible at the expense of other requirements.

How can I get spirit shards?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


I got about 80 in just one day, since they automatically add to you wallet now I can’t be to sure exactly where I got them from. So they seem to be rather easy to get. Just occasionally check your wallet you may be getting them faster than you think.

No, not that easy as you have to kill champs/bosses, you can’t get them otherwise – so it’s not “play as you like” which is what people could do before this patch.

Pretty sure this is incorrect.. the shards drop from any mob you kill just like porous bones etc.. just a lot less often.
Killing champs/bosses gives that same chance of trash drop but also within the champ bags, bit its not limited to just killing champs/bosses.

I’ve had a few drop from trash mobs in low level maps over the last few days for sure.
It would be nice if they didn’t just fall into the inventory like they do so that we can actually show what and where we killed to get them.

Personally I am not sure what difference this change is aiming for .. the old system worked just fine, I am more inclined it was to try and kill the amount of easy levelling that the tomes were providing for things like key running etc or maybe its to get players to jump into PvP more as the game expands… one thing I have noticed though is that I am getting less tomes now than before which in turn will eventually slow up my ability to level alts and gain shards readily… time will tell though I guess.

Gem Cards

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


Last I checked, were doing 2000 gens for £15.25 + charge for paypal etc, which I detest using and paying for :d

Gem Cards

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978

Bloodstealer.5978 and do GW2 gem cards I believe.. digital of course.. not that I have bought any but they were there last time I looked… think they might only be one gem amount tho iirc.

No active guilds anywhere! help?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


Gees you must have your map chat turned off or one heck of a lot of players on your block list cos desperado guilds are spamming chat in every map of the game, every few minutes of every single day.

Can we swap chat systems pleazzzzz

Gold made in the Silverwastes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


Income is usually RNG based so it runs in ranges. Even if someone was to post a 10g/h avg your personal results may vary.

Yes, but has anyone done any math or data on it? At all?

Hmm That doesn’t really help since they don’t say how long it took. I guess I’ll just have to do some testing myself once I get a little more time to play. Thanks anyway.

And no doubt your test will reveal something else.. which is why RNG is RNG.

So if your test only yields 11G/hour does that mean you wont be joining the braindeads?

Love The Sliverwastes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


Silver Wastes is an interesting map. I do like the mobs there. But Vinewrath is too easy for my taste. The fight was sort of like a take on Marionette, but Marionette is far, far superior.

And one thing I hate about SW is the chest farm. I’m baffled as to why the hell Anet decided to add such an abomination to the game. Running around ignoring events and digging up chests like a braindead monkey gives you the best loot. It’s ridiculous. I really hope they’ve learned their lesson and refrain from adding anything like that in HoT.

Why have they introduced such a mind numbing map farm .. player retention.

ANET knew there was going to be a big drought of new playable content for a long period of time and knew players would be heading out to sniff other MMO’s etc.. so what better than to introduce something that requires no effort and guaranteed returns… LOOT A PLENTY FARMFEST is the only thing they could come up with otherwise even Wasteofsilver would of simply festered away until the xpac lands.

But your not forced to go there and feel obligated to join the braindeads just find an event map or start your own… although you may find you start to land a few overly aggressive insults from some of the more chest pumped self entitled chestfarmers who start to feel “THEIR” map is under threat…. just have to report/block them and carry on trying to get others to join your efforts.

(edited by Bloodstealer.5978)

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


This is a classic example of players evolving and thinking outside the box, min maxing the most effective way to obtain high quantities of rewards.

It was never the intentional design of the Developers who created those events to have level 80’s ritualistically rotate through each event, while leaving most other level 80 content abandoned.

On top of the toxicity it created by our own community it got escalated to a level where Devs had to step in and nerf it.

Basically the devs did not intend us to play Queens dale in this manner and squashed it.

The toxicity was overblown, it’s like any train even in SW. The reason it was nerf because a few whiny posters thinks they know whats best for every new players. I ran across the rain when I first bought this game and I thought it was awesome. It didn’t changed how I played the game.

It wasn’t overblown. I was in that zone doing the train some time and there was plenty of it. It gave a bad impression of the game to new people, when only a few people by percentage were being nasty. But it was enough of a problem to move it, that much I’m sure of.

This is an MMO, I’ve have seen people get nasty with each in Lion’s Arch…should we shut it down too?

First impressions are the strongest and Lion’s Arch isn’t the first zone you go into. First impressions are for a reason.

Even the dailies in low level zones are bad for new players as far as I’m concerned, because it’s hard for them to get stuff done when other people are calling out events and porting all over the place. The number of 80s in the zone killing stuff before new players is just bad.

Also, Lion’s Arch has no mobs or events, it’s just people in map chat talking. There’s not much you can do wrong in LA to get yourself yelled at, even if people yell at each other in map chat. But a new person killing something out of order and getting yelled at? lol

No comparison. This is why I said no champ trains in LOW LEVEL ZONES.

Honestly, what low level had ANY clue about how to beat a champ???
You just said a new person would kill a champ and get yelled at… umm unless its a big group of new ppl, they aren’t going to solo a freaking champ when they are new to the game and have majority of their weapons/skills/traits missing…

The ppl that were doing it were more often than not, trolls. Not newbies…

And how long is a new player even going to stay in queensdale? its not like you are spending a week there to see that much toxicity… couple hours at most and than onto the next map to continue leveling up…

Think before you jump in.. I don’t normally see much room to agree with Vayne on things, but on this he is spot on correct… its not about new players actually killing the champs its about new players haphazardly triggering a champ before the train could stake its ownership… other players see the champ up and run to it and so QD train became a toxic waste ground and for new players to have to walk into that cesspool of dissent was reason enough to get rid of it. Players never had to move around the game they just planted root on the map and did nothing else, even levelling new toons by way of nothing more than the champ train.. new players get hooked into that as well.
Add to that yeah there were trolls, normally players that have had the abusive crud thrown at them previously and go back for a little levelling of the score… just like what happens on any farming map.. BLIX anti failtrain was a prime example… they grew tired of the abuse and behaviour of the so self entitled ones who thought they owned maps.. and so the anti fail train emerged to scupper that event whenever they could.. Coil event was a the next.. trolls maybe but the question is why were they trolling… both sides provoked each other and still do and the toxic Geiger counter begins to steadily move up the scale each time.
Silverwastes is no different to QD when players start doing events and capture the forts, the chest pumped chest farmers begin to shout out the abuse… but at least that map is a lvl 80 not a starter zone..

I personally believe all the issues we see in game today around farm maps is borne from the mess created from the Queensdale train… problem is ANET don’t know how to fix their own problem of poor player retention so they resort to allowing entire maps to be drawn down to farm levels in order to sustain numbers.
When players tire of Wasteofsilver I hazard a guess a new farm will be brought into game in the hope that phat loot can keep numbers high enough whilst tweaking their heavy RNG system and heavily weighted Ecto gambling NPC’s even more in an effort to try and keep the economy from overload and players hungry enough to have to keep farming for mats etc.

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


SW chest/shovel farm is essentially the same thing as champ train….

You run in circles pressing two buttons and the reward is a champ bag…

Whoosh. O for two for you so far today.

Well. I went throught Queensdale the other day with a friend and we were not in the same maps, meaning that at least one instance of the map was near full. So the map isn’t empty, that’s just not true.

New players don’t give a crap that 4-5 bosses are veteran and not champion. They won’t even notice it. So in the end I think that new players are liking it.

It doesn’t matter that new players were in minority. We can find ways to satify most people. That’s where I disagree with Anet decision to simply change QD Bosses from champion to veteran. They should had make sure that we had good champion train in other map. It would have been a great way to improve some map where nobody go normally like Brisband Widlands, Field of Ruins, etc.

Dailies, friend. Dailies made a map full. With the train, the map was full at any given time all the time. Apples and oranges. But regardless, that bolt of lightning isn’t striking twice.

Fun times though.

Rubbish.. I was on QD levelling a new toon with a few guildies not 2 hrs ago and we were placed on different map copies for a while.
The maps are not under populated, there are always players on them doing a variety of things.
There is still a World Boss there on an egg timer, there are still vet players levelling, there are new players levelling and exploring, there are certain quests that need to be done in order to unlock/obtain items for collections and there are some players that just like to flip maps and do openworld stuff or farm supply bags.
The champ train in a low level starter map was not just a toxic playing field it was also a bad way to introduce players to the game.
You think players spent max 10 level sthere… errr wrong. Players were literally camping new toons there and doing nothing but levelling 0-80 from the champ train… great advertisement for the GW2 Openwold ideas.. not.

Personally I am glad it got nerfed, it was a toxic nightmare caused not just by overly entitled players whining and cos they lost out on a champ bag after someone else killed outta a champ rotation , but also by the players that started to purposely try to disrupt it or new players being abused for not following the Tags and trespassing on their champ zones.

The game already had a plethora of farming zones like CS or Frosty combined with the WB egg timer show… now sadly even those maps have been spoiled by the same toxic breeds and then came ANET’s lightbulb moment and the brain dead SW map was developed … thus allowing another map to be spoiled by farming, like CS has become and Frosty was before they acted on the Coil event .

However Frosty and CS are at least at end level maps and provide something to do.. even though I the fact that my favourite map has been reduced to nothing more than an endless farm of Shelter def, Jofast failtrain all day long on almost every map copy.

But the fault is not of the player, its the fault of lame content quality and lazy player retention farm mechanics that have been implemented.

Silverwastes. 80g a day you say? Uhhh...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


After earning my keys throughout the day I just followed a chest train for a few hours :s

I made around 60-110(lucky!) each time. I salvage and sell the materials and things I get which is how i get all the gold. I hope that helps.

Yeah of course you did.. a few hours – more like a whole day.

Even with salvaging everything and selling everything you wouldn’t even come close to half what your claiming in few hours.
Wakey, wakey, rise and shine time to come back to reality for a whiles

Ping Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


Its not just on world events… finally getting some game time after the map hanging and random game crashes last night… nothing happened yet except load screens seem to act weird almost likeits loading then stops then reloads with a small intermission of a black screen.

But more frustrating is that just running around maps and firing off skills seems to be a little laborious.. almost as if everything has been put into a slow down mode and skills don’t always fire off when they should, it’s only small delays though currently.
In fact taking falling damage is the funniest thing.. I can jump from a high point take no damage run on and a second later I am dead… something isn’t 100% still, but at least I haven’t been crashed or hung in the 30 mins I have been in game… that’s a small victory

Stolen Karma

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


The fact it was 2:1 conversion is irrelevant.. that is a decision individuals take in order to a) reduce amount of bank space it took to store them and b) have the convenience of booster choice when running around .

The fact that this change has been forced upon players with no prior warnings (at least none that I have seen) is just plain poor bait and switch tact.. but then again I think we have seen this happen a few times now with things they brought into game.. so why am I not surprised, as I am also not surprised its being defended by the few…

Ping Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


This is no internet issue.. too many players in different maps, whole groups from differing locations and differing ISP’s all getting the same issue.
Logging in for me was never an issue.. swapping maps and hanging or simply having the game crash at random points most definitely was/is the issue.
After playing BARWARS for a few hours last night I returned home had same issue so just loaded up other MMO’s and updated/played them instead.. hassle free and not a single disconnect… sure some may of had internet issues, but mine was working fine up to the point it gained entry onto an ANET server .. but hopefully it has been resolved, I have yet to bother logging in to find out though to be honest.

Edit.. just logged into game… and surprise, surprise I did miss the TEQ I was trying to map change too last night …..
Interesting to note when changing maps (first success in like 12 hours) there is a pause when it loads and a black screen for a couple of seconds until the game begins to be playable… almost as if the light adaption settings are struggling to initiate.

(edited by Bloodstealer.5978)

Information On Pre-Purchasing H.O.T

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


Well if your buying now (you must of just won the login lottery) you may still have to wait to get to play with that friend tonight and beyond

What do you plan to do in GW2 today?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


put in username
put in password
enter 2-verification
wait a loooong time for splash screen and PLAY button to appear
Hit Play
Begin loading my favourite toon only to get a server crash message
Rinse repeat all previous steps for 20mins
Find new use for my desktop fan
Pull plug and give in to temptation and go to the pub to play BARWARS2,3,4,5,6,7…..

Ping Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


Ooh well I guess I will have to spend the evening in the pub instead.. shame there was going to be a few more HoT purchases from the guild tonight, but meeeh can’t be kitted to play the log in lottery again. At least the pub is guaranteed to service at least one of my addictions hassle free.

Ping Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


99.9% of theses issues are Internet related the game runs fine if there is an issue with the game than EVERYONE would have the same issues and that’s just not the case here good luck.

Obvious response is … just obvious.

Some of us actually check the obvious before we post, but thanks for your genius.

Ping Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


No ANET.. please do more than just look at them… actually fix them then stand back and look at them all you like

Ping Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


Not just login issues.. trying to change maps is now taking a lifetime and longer.

I would hazard a guess its more behind the scenes tweaking without checking what the knock on effects are.

Server performance has nose dived lately.. skill lags are back, game lags on most maps, load times getting longer and longer, frequent serious error crashes at certain world bosses, logging in issues, mass DC’s and now game hands during load screens.. beginning to feel like this is being run on a shoestring maintenance budget, except someone forgot to hire the maintenance team

Forum Log In

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


As always, the forums still ask me to log in once per day. The new log-in window only requires me to type the first letter of my Account Name (the rest of the Account Name and password is filled in automatically), the window closes, the Account Page shows for just a second, and then the forums come back up. (No need to provide authentication details, as my IP address is saved.)

Are you experiencing something different?

Very different yes

If I logout of the forums out “my account” then log back in say in a few days, weeks etc – I put everything back in as it should be asking me to do.. no issue there. Just that when clicking the Login button nothing happens the screen stays exactly the same and I am not logged in… even though technically I am, it just doesn’t do anything or show anything to say I am unless I click onto the my account or forum/login… then all of a sudden a little bit of magic happens and I am suddenly logged in.

Just a poor way of front end management imo.

Forum Log In

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


Well cant argue there.. what I find weird now is that since the login screen was changed you never actually get told your logged in ..
I put my username/password in, then put in 2-step verification passcode, hit login and … nothing screen stays exactly as it was , the internet loading page animation is silent – nada.
It just simply looks like it has stalled in time and is still waiting for a new passcode, which if you put in and try again simply say an error has occurred…. I hit the forums page, click login again and tada I am logged .

Just another “we didn’t bother to check what we actually did” thing I guess.

Do Troll Guilds exist? (Teq)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


This is just more of the same. People who don’t want to take the time to organize their own events whining because the people who do take their own time to do it want to play with who they want to play with. Get over it, quit whining like little girls and organize your own map. This is the same crap as the people who whine that there are zerker only LFGs instead of just making their own non-zerker LFGs.

talk about being blind as a bat . you sure do not get this post and points made in this post at all that is very clear

I get them, they’re just meaningless whining. If I spend a bunch of time organizing a map and then my own friends can’t get in because it is full I am taking my organized map with me to a new map where my friends can get in. Anybody that got left behind was a lazy afker or too self-important to join any of the parties/teamspeak and don’t deserve to come along.

Well.. I guess you didn’t organise it very well then if your own friends/guildies cant even get in… that speaks volumes and is one of the indicators for players not to come within a country mile of one of your organised events.. just like the guilds were speaking of in this thread… thanks for the heads up.

Do Troll Guilds exist? (Teq)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


This is just more of the same. People who don’t want to take the time to organize their own events whining because the people who do take their own time to do it want to play with who they want to play with. Get over it, quit whining like little girls and organize your own map. This is the same crap as the people who whine that there are zerker only LFGs instead of just making their own non-zerker LFGs.

How to completely miss the whole point of the thread…. give yourself a pat on the back and….. thanks for coming.

Do Troll Guilds exist? (Teq)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


if Anet does not wish to do something about this problem with there game. then maybe it is time we stand up and let Anet know we are not happy with this problem and want it fixed

First, we have to agree that there’s a problem; I don’t think there is.

well that is your option and only one of how many people play this game ??? millions . and there is a problem here but the rest need to speak up about this and let it get pushed under the rug like some others would like to see. just saying and that is my honest thoughts on this .

How is that you get to speak for those millions? I’m just saying and that is my honest thought about it, too. You claim there is a problem and yet lots of people don’t see this:

  • I show up for Tequatl 5-10 min before it spawns and it always succeeds.
  • I have friends who show up 25 min before it spawns and it always succeeds.

I’m not trying to push anything under a rug, I just don’t see the evidence that this affects the vast majority of the community. I see that a few people have encountered something maps that haven’t succeeded and that some of those believe that it is due to a group deliberately leaving the map to cause a failure. I don’t see evidence that it’s actually intended (rather than people deciding to head elsewhere for other reasons). I don’t see evidence that this happens frequently or that it affects huge portions of the community.

I get that if it even happens once it would be very frustrating to deal with. I just haven’t see anyone make the case as to why ANet should consider this to be more important than any of a number of other issues impacting the game, such as collections stalled by frequently-bugged event chains, glitched traits/skills, real money traders, etc.

Stop being pedantic.

He was merely saying in an openfaced way that there are players… more than one, some, maybe lots that see this as a problem. Some of us, a few, some, lots perhaps don’t see it as a problem. That doesn’t mean the issue isn’t there to affect others.. I have seen it first hand on many occasions, but as TEQ in no way needs such precise organisation these days, I simply enjoy the comedy show until said guild and organisers run out of abusive remarks and leave map.. does it complete .. well I would hazard a guess that 90% of the time it does for maps I am on.. but for some it may be a hard loss and a waste of time/effort.. hence this type of post emerges here in.

Personally I am more on the “it’s a annoyance to some for sure” side of things, but a simple blocking of the protagonists and a look down the LFG for alternative taxi’s is a simple solution.

I do agree though that ANET should be focused on dealing with more pressing issues like you have stated.. fixing broken event chains, collections, bugged personal story etc… though it doesn’t seem like they even consider such core issues as problems either… so who knows.

(edited by Bloodstealer.5978)

Do Troll Guilds exist? (Teq)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


Most organized groups prepare well in advance and if they do leave maps, most do with plenty of time for the map to organize themselves. Teq is easy folks. You need very little time for set up these days. Triple trouble was intended by Anet to be for large organized groups. It makes sense that large guilds want to get as many of the people on teamspeak on a map to better ensure a triple decap. They have every kitten right to be on the map as you do. If you want to place blame, place blame on Anet for not giving us instanced content. Even so, most of these guilds that run TT gladly accept non-members to join in and openly give their teamspeak out for people to hop on. These aren’t troll guilds at all and there is no problem for Anet to “fix.” That is unless you’ve run into a real troll guild who is badgering and being rude to you. Because that is unacceptable. But simple organized groups that kill teq or TT? Sorry, not an issue.

Your mixing up two different things.
TT normally has an organised approach by a handful of community guilds that prep, organise and run thro the event before a designated jump – which is always announced in chat and via teamspeak etc…. that is not the issue the OP is talking about.
What is the issue is certain small guilds who continuously map flip for an hour or more to try and entice pugs to come to their “organised” TEQ even though their idea of organisation leaves a lot to be desired, then spend 20 mins berating players for daring to turn up asking questions, placing their own guild banners, their own selection of foods etc etc… then that said guild runs out of insults and just jump off the map they originally jumped to in order to run the event… and yes one of those guilds did the very same thing last night.

I will say one things tho, if your in need of some comedy in your gaming.. join one of this guilds “organised” TEQ’s… guaranteed to make you not wanna come back again if you happen to get their focused attention.

Do Troll Guilds exist? (Teq)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


if Anet does not wish to do something about this problem with there game. then maybe it is time we stand up and let Anet know we are not happy with this problem and want it fixed

First, we have to agree that there’s a problem; I don’t think there is.

Problem – perhaps not for all.
Annoyance for perhaps more – yeah I could go along with that

What ANET perhaps need to finally put some effort into is scaling and balancing such events so that lower pop maps are less reliant on having to pull everyone and anyone into it in order to achieve completion.
Then of course you can add into this the map lottery your left with when you get dc’ed or the game crashes… all that time and effort wasted cos you cant get back into the map you just spent a fare amount of time and effort in helping get the event to within a gnats whisker of completion.

So yeah problem for some not all I would say, but frustrating to many more I think for sure imo.

Do Troll Guilds exist? (Teq)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


Ha I am guessing its that spamalot desperado guild that floods every map chat channel with their "we are going to organise TEQ and we a jump at xx:xx.

They clearly can’t do the event without the need to pull in a pug force, but then fail to understand that pugs bring their own special brands of fun and include a whole mix of unguilded and smaller guilded players who likely have their own buffs to pull up..

Then the organising desperado begins to get upset over silly things … more down to the fact they aren’t really that good at organising the event anyways and forget to mention they will be placing banners, food etc and that they need X people on turrets etc…. as it gets closer to the start they simply run out of insults to throw at any other tags, banner placers etc and simply re-jump or rage quit.

I found them to be tiresome after a few days – the spoilt child attitude wears thin on me these days so I tend to map jump as soon as they land into my map with their “gimmee my sweets” attitude

graphic shaders high turns ground black

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


Was in dry top last night and had something similar during the sandstorm.. all the cliff faces, structures etc were a hazy shade of black.. looked kind of arty at first but then things began to just look black and ugly.. I am thinking something is up with the shaders and ambient occlusion combinations still