Showing Posts For CMM.6712:

How many people are working on GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Thank you Karizee.

I really wonder what all those ppl do all day

This thread should be deleted as it is likely just another bashing thread in disguise going by this last post.

Precursors, huh.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


“Precursor crafting by the end of 2013”

Are you held to the same standard of accountability for everything you say and do? Have you ever said something you thought to be true, but then for whatever reason it wasn’t? Just wondered…

How to write, so as to not get removed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Anyone have any suggestions on how to write a forum thread on the topic of wanting more playable content in game, in such a way that it wont be sent to the trashcan?

Don’t call people out. Don’t be toxic. Conduct yourself in an adult manner. State what you like about the game, and the content you do enjoy and would like to see more of and some ideas how to make the content you don’t better.

Bashing other posters and Anet serves no purpose other than to annoy everyone involved.

Crest Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Protect all dolyaks, do all defenses, pick up rubble and turn in, open every chest you see, do every Breach, always uses extractor and sell parts to cryptobotanist. I have had no issues getting crests.

Precursors, huh.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


2,500 hours of gametime on all my chars..
Amount of legendaries: 0!
Amount of precursors: 0!
Amount of kittens I give: -9999999999

This. Highest gold value drop around 10g. I still survive and do what I need/want to do.

GW2 Sneak Peek @ PAX South.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Guys this thread is about PAX South not traits.

GW2 Sneak Peek @ PAX South.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


I really hope we’re not going to space, dabble in other universes ( aside from those currently known from GW1 and 2 ), and travel back and forward in time.

I agree I would like to stay in “our” time or our ancestors in GW1.

GW2 Sneak Peek @ PAX South.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


‘Grow its universe’ Asuras invented stargates now? ;-) That would be something: Guildwars 2 Planet of the gods, guildwars 2 Battle beyond the stars (love those sf references, 2 in one post hehe).

Well, there were space and planets in the PC’s vision in the Living Story, so who knows. An Asura gate looks exactly like what you would think a stargate would.

Nothing on the Gem Store?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


We’ll see, i doubt they ll release anything after today, it will be a while.

Couple of tips: add the Facebook page for Black Lion Trading Company, and second, the items change (if they are going to) at midnight PST. I waited and waited for the infinite harvesting tools I wanted to go on sale, and I finally got them.

Any plan for mor/better water combat?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


I love underwater combat, I often solo the fractal just for fun. I love how engi’s grenade kit skill 1 works underwater.

GW2 Sneak Peek @ PAX South.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Lack of new content? 3 new maps, Fractals, dungeon path, EoTM, armor/weapon skins, new gemstore items, LS1 & 2, festivals and new crafting levels are what I can think of off the top of my head.

MMO’s typically don’t put out much content within their first couple of years as it’s spent smoothing over the game and putting in things that were promised but missed at launch. Yet we got all of the above for free!

Maybe you’re new to the MMO world but your expectations need to be checked. Now if the current pace of content continues than next year I might be joining you.

Also, check message boards and forums for spare tickets. You can usually find them as people’s plans change and what not.

It’s sad that I actually took the time to make a “thank you” thread rather than the usual complaining, and still get accused of “being new to mmos”. Is this where we compare who’s older and who’s been playing online games the longest? Kudos if you win, but I don’t think I’d bet on it.

Do we need to bring up GW1 and the amount of content and features it saw added in this same time frame? That’s my preferred example anyway; others like to use other games like FFXIV. Heck, even the original EQ has seen 21 xpacs in 15yrs. True, not all themepark games get lots of content added, some do. The ones that do tend to be more well regarded for it, and that used to include GW.

Maybe next time you shouldn’t lead your “positive” thread with the first paragraph filled with negativity. Comparing an MMO to an online-RPG is apples to oranges as well.

Plenty of new content has been released for a 2 year old MMO. Of course we want more because we all enjoy this game and I would be more than happy to see an XPac in late 2015;-)

Happy New Year!

Sure, lot’s of content has been released. That’s good. But the bad part? Not the right kind of content, the stuff we the community have been begging for since the launch of the game. We want new maps, we want new classes, we want new skills, new weapons. What do we get? Gem shop after gem shop crap. There is a limit. The content was also released using the worst possible medium. After the first few living story updates, the community already complained relentlessly about it. Only after a whole season they decided to change it, but still it the amount of permanent and repayable content out of living world is nothing but atrocious. There is only one way to save the game now from it’s very foreseeable demise. That is an expansion, or an overhaul of the current game adding in “real” content for the players, or else more and more veteran players will quit from the complete lack of things to do.

Got a mouse in your pocket? Your liberal usage of we, suggests that you do. You really seem sure of yourself with your predictions, got a score for the Superbowl? Get so tired of mouthy players thinking they speak for everyone.

Norn Animation/Movement

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


They seem a bit plodding movement-wise I don’t enjoy playing them much.

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


If the character already unlocked a certain trait book, then that character will not get that trait book ever again.

Why not still get it, but make them account bound so you can give them to your alts?

To help reduce inventory clutter. It would get annoying to farm an area and keep getting these trait books when you don’t need them.

Maybe once there is a complete account unlock they don’t drop anymore?

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


I like this idea, and that it has roots in GW1 too!! +1

Feedback on Item Drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Funny post. I mostly agree. I do like being able to let another character open some things so I can get different salvage mats/etc. though.

The problem with this game!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Here we go again…

Happy New Year!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Happy New Year gamers, forumites, and Anet, wish you health and happiness and that elusive drop you didn’t get last year!


Boy, Anet must be really taking a vacation...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Too bad the grumpies don’t have a vacation >.>

Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


The reason I feel that an expansion is needed is because the living story hasn’t been able to deliver the common features that people are asking for.

If you review recent changes you will find it has, in fact, been able to deliver features that people asked for. I think what you mean is “it hasn’t delivered features that a handful of very vocal individuals have been fruitlessly demanding for years.”

Players have asked for new skills - can you point them out?

Players have asked for at least one new class to play - can you point this out?

Players have asked to play a new race - Can you point this out?

Players have asked for new dungeons - can you show me the way? I can’t seem to find it.

Players have asked for new crafting disciplines - Can you point this out?

Players have asked for new weapons to use - Can you point this out?

Players have asked for precursor crafting - Have you made any yet?

Players have asked for a new continent to experience - Can you give us directions?

Your turn to bestow on us, the “very vocal individuals” the features we have all asked for which were delivered.

You got a mouse in your pocket? The word we is used (abused) on this forum WAY too much.

Does anyone actually want a Season 3?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


I just want to point out that factions and nightfall were standalone games, much bigger than a typical expansion, and anet produced those in 12 months each with less staff than they have now…

Completely different games. This comparison has been made several times and I do not feel it as valid. I have to say I would love to see a Factions and a Nightfall GW2 style though!

Does anyone actually want a Season 3?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


If Vayne’s the white knight, can I be Batman?

I don’t know why Anet allows the use of the term “White Knight” It’s an exclusively derogatory term in the context of this forum and adds nothing to the conversation.

Completely agree, I don’t understand why the off topic personal attacks are allowed. Typically they come from posters who never have anything positive or constructive to say. The little jabs everywhere are just ridiculous and I think those should also be moderated.

On topic: looking forward to the next episode of LS. I am also looking forward to April to see what it brings.

WvW Map Completion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Another tip: Once the area is open (Stonemist for one lol) get it on all the characters you have right then.

Does anyone actually want a Season 3?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Season 3 would be ok with much more regular updates and content. If it’s like the current one, this game will die from lack of content.

The current one brought 2 new maps, new types of enemies, 2 new armor sets, 2 types of currencies, the Skritt holes to move around the map, and other stuff. Free. How is this lack of content???? Just stop.

And is this the type of content people have been asking for years now? Anet can pump out tons of content in a year, but if it keeps on being the same type of content over and over again that just doesn’t even change the way the game can be played even slightly people will get bored with it real quick. The 2 maps you speak off are only grind fest, the majority of the new type of enemies are only available in those particular maps, the 2 armor sets are only skins that have no additional value and I just can’t see what’s positive about having even more currencies. Skritt holes to move around the map? How is this considered content?

Yes it may be free (for the people who log on during the updates), but the quality of these content are really sub-par to what the people actually want.

That’s just like your opinion, man…

Does anyone actually want a Season 3?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Season 3 would be ok with much more regular updates and content. If it’s like the current one, this game will die from lack of content.

The current one brought 2 new maps, new types of enemies, 2 new armor sets, 2 types of currencies, the Skritt holes to move around the map, and other stuff. Free. How is this lack of content???? Just stop.

What Anet does *right*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Anet’s customer service has been spot on for me. This includes spending over a week emailing with me to try to get a dying computer to continue working for a bit longer. They have also helped me when I have done various stupid things I couldn’t fix.

Another specific and unexpected thing was the odd, quirky humor of the game. Most games have humor but this game has it tucked in the oddest places and generally strange. They also tuck odd bits in strange places where there is no reason to go, like the cat war council and the turkeys in AC. Oh… strawberry patch.

Super Adventure Box! Never, ever seen anything like it in any MMO. Please bring it back.

JPs! I don’t care that the rewards suck, I run them just for fun.

I am listing these because I am picking one general department and a few things that most people don’t mention. Most of that quirky humor is in what I consider “vanilla GW2” but it still pops up, like on the Labyrinthine Cliffs. Psst… Anet… more of that please. I still do things like talk to the Charr who are not too sure that there are cows falling out of the sky.

A lot of people mention it but I still will… the art. That’s what got my attention in the first place and I still wander around gawping at stuff.

I wonder how many people have spoken with the random NPC in Lion’s Arch about cats. He loves them and will chat a bit about it.

This. Exactly this, when I hear people whine about no new content, I think to myself I bet you never saw x, or y or z and stopped and looked around and had a conversation, read flavor text, or just enjoyed the beautiful scenery. One of the things I like best about Guild Wars 2 is that it rewards exploration.

Does anyone actually want a Season 3?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Yes, I do want a Season 3.

Why?! There is nothing to do in the game besides farming skins!

This game is just horrible now! Why? Because there is not much of a game left here! And LS is not helping.

No it isn’t. Why bother to even post this garbage? Go back to wow.

It’s really sad that so many gw2 white knights explain to themselves this way why people criticize the game…

No! I don’t play WoW! I played gw1 hundreds of hours! And I hate this game! And I hate that it was so promising(had a lot of fun with the original release) and now it became that boring and pointless skin grind. There is no gameplay, challenge, reward or fun in here anymore. Just farming… For a new dress for your doll. No thanks!

Then leave the forums behind too and stop wasting people’s time with your hatred! This negativism gets SO OLD. You guys should be lucky I’m not a mod. Call me a white knight all you want I am tired of the kitten.

Does anyone actually want a Season 3?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Yes, I do want a Season 3.

Why?! There is nothing to do in the game besides farming skins!

This game is just horrible now! Why? Because there is not much of a game left here! And LS is not helping.

No it isn’t. Why bother to even post this garbage? Go back to wow.

Suggest a New Daily Task!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


I love this thread and I hope that some of the suggestions are actually implemented.

Does anyone actually want a Season 3?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


This doesnt’ need to be seen as an expansion thread. Perhaps there are more possibilities than a boxed expansion or a living story. The question is having experienced 2 years of living story, almost exactly 2 years considering it started january 2013, do you really want a 3rd go at this?

Except that is exactly what it is starting from the OP. Yes, I want to see more of a LS, in an expanded and meatier version. I also would buy an expansion, but it is not end of the world critically urgent like some players are making it out to be around here.

Does anyone actually want a Season 3?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Please merge or delete.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Consensus says rewards are good, less (restricted) PVE choices are bad.

all i can do is /sigh these days at ANet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Is this going to turn into a mount thread?

I'm quitting gw2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


When people get all huffy and leave and make a post about it, it is called flouncing. e.g. We have a flounce thread, a flouncer.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


You can call it what you like. It’s yet to take me more than 10 minutes to complete the daily and get 10 AP since the patch, a feat which took much longer previously. If all it takes is a quick visit to WvW to make that happen, why the heck not?

Some people don’t want to go to WvW. Given how the behavior is there sometimes, it’s understandable. (Some commanders do not like rogue agents doing stuff on a map which was not explicitly approved of.)

This made me laugh. I’d love to see a commander try to tell me that it’s his map and I can’t do something on it.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


As much as I like and have liked the new changes, I think 2 fractal dailies are a little bit much. Please give us better choices. Otherwise I like the new system and rewards. Luckily I don’t mind doing some WvW so I can get it done when the PVE choices are restrictive.

Upon further review, I did try fractals that night, I got double the rewards and now I just need one more pristine relic and I can get the Mists stone for the backpiece and Mawdrey. It wasn’t bad at all, got two good parties by lfg and even though I had not tried the newer fractals it was fun and there were not many deaths or wtf moments :P. I got an infusion now so +5 AR and I will try it again if it comes up.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


As much as I like and have liked the new changes, I think 2 fractal dailies are a little bit much. Please give us better choices. Otherwise I like the new system and rewards. Luckily I don’t mind doing some WvW so I can get it done when the PVE choices are restrictive.

Star of Gratitude gave me.......

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


I got the exotic staff Deathwish from the Star the other day.

To All The Naysayers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


deadhorse.gif /15

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


There is a person who used it to gain experience for her low level alts. Now the Daily doesn’t given experience and a number of them aren’t doable in all zones.

Writ of Experience, a new daily reward is an accountbound consumable that you can give to an alt.

Some used it as a list of goals to do today. Before they could choose to do their to do list anywhere. Now it’s set zones/regions and they aren’t always near each other.

Is it really that much of a difficulty to use a waypoint or two? Seriously, people act like this is a huge chore or inconvenience.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Once again, you can still do the activities and get the rewards the exact same way as the old dailies, which means that even if you somehow did enjoy them only as a combination of factors rather than as the individual action or reward (which, again, is completely irrational) you can still combine those factors and achieve your same level of enjoyment which makes your entire complaint INVALID.

I’m understanding the issue quite well. People irrationally dislike change because stasis is familiar and things that are not familiar generate an irrational fear impulse (as a survival mechanic). In order to justify their irrational fear of change, people come up with ridiculous statements (such as “I enjoy only the specific combination of task and reward, and only when it is presented on the screen.”).

Don’t worry, after a few weeks the new system will become familiar and your irrational fear will subside (at least until the next patch causes change).

People are incredibly predictable, and you are no exception.

You win the thread with that one.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Again, I ask, why do you do those achievements if you do not find them fun? The achievements are to get players to experience other content and they are rewarded for it. Sometimes this content may be things that they normally do anyway and other times not. Sometimes these may be things they end up enjoying and other times not. However, players have a choice as to whether they want to go for these achievements or not.

Great post, sums things up nicely.

Wintersday... really?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


I’m still at work, is it that bad?

No, just the regular whiners whining.

And the regular fanboi white-knighting :/

I’d prefer to be referred to as “non- full time – complainer”, thanks though.

Wintersday... really?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


I’m still at work, is it that bad?

No, just the regular whiners whining.

Except OP’s not really whining, and has little-to-no past history of doing it either. Go white knight elsewhere, please.

I agree, OP. Guild Wars has a history of decorating their main cities up nicely; even some that are way out in the boonies, like Droknar’s Forge ( which I never understood, but it was welcomed! ). To have such a small portion dedicated to Wintersday this year really is kind of a bummer. I really hope next years will be better should it return to DR, as Wintersday and, to a lesser extend Halloween, is something I personally look forward to a lot due to it being a “tradition” of sorts given how long I’ve been with the universe.

Or something like that.

I never said the OP was. I was more referring to the temper tantrums being thrown about the daily changes. LA not being decorated is a very very minor thing. Would I have liked to see it sure, is it that big of a deal? No.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


I definitely agree that the choices feel restrictive, hopefully they tweak them a bit for future dailies. Overall I think players will be satisfied, as this change is exactly what a lot of us asked for.

I sure as kitten didn’t ask for this change. And I was too busy playing the game to lurk on the forums everyday to even see if they asked us. Because I would have been thoroughly against this change.

+1 Halthur, if anything I asked for MORE choices, not less. Ironically, I have spent more time on the forums lately over this latest kittenup than I have playing.

I don’t think any 1 ask for this, they just sit on toilet and poop it out of the blue. Just like traits and NPE.
Here is what i am asking : FIX CONDITION DAMAGE PROBLEM.

Instead of a childish poop analogy why not make a constructive post about what changes you would make to the condition issue?

And as for the other guy about to burst a blood vessel… take a break you are getting way too worked up here about a game, little scary actually.

Wintersday... really?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


I’m still at work, is it that bad?

No, just the regular whiners whining.

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


12/16th’s update was embarrassingly bad. It was littered with excruciatingly annoying bugs and the new dailies feature is extremely controversial. In my opinion it didn’t honestly improve anything and was a gigantic waste of developer time.

Completely disagree with this ridiculous post.

Pretty obvious you must not have any legendaries, care about doing any of the wintersday things, or ever play fractals then. How lucky for you!

Pretty obvious you are not a mind reader. No idea how you attempt to reply to my post with this, as it doesn’t make any sense at all. I have done all of the above AND I love the changes. Some people just complain to hear/see their selves complain. Do you think you are getting back at Anet because you don’t like a change that was made? You could win a million dollars and complain because it isn’t 2 million. How do you endure such a negative outlook on everything in life?

I predict PvE Player Rage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


12/16th’s update was embarrassingly bad. It was littered with excruciatingly annoying bugs and the new dailies feature is extremely controversial. In my opinion it didn’t honestly improve anything and was a gigantic waste of developer time.

Completely disagree with this ridiculous post.

Why Anet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


I think most who suggested hunting for traits just wanted the highest tier traits to be hunted for. Not every single trait.

However, I don’t have much sympathy for him complaining about the particular character he leveled up to level 80 expecting them to have all their traits given how long the traits unlocking has been around.

This X 2. The Grandmaster traits being similar to Elite skills in GW1 and having to capture them. This is how things should have been or at least have a task/quest similar in levels to the trait and the character level.

Quoted the rest just because I agree, just another complaint thread for the pitchfork crew to circle around.

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


If I may be so bold as to leave an image which may sum up the general public opinion on Mounts within Guild Wars 2?

I agree with the sentiment, but don’t get yourself banned or infracted for posting people’s names.

Why Anet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


inb4 deletion of