Showing Posts For CMM.6712:

If there was a new gear tier....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Adding different stats and sigil/runes to ascended gear, which will be selectable out of combat would be horizontal progress, i guess.

Yes please! Mystic Forge recipe including Ascended weapon/armor along with ingredient x, y, and z = new item of same type with different stats.

Well, can't do daily again.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Problem with fractals is the teaming requirement. Dungeons are also PvE and we don’t get them as PvE dailies so why is it okay with Fractals?.

GW2 is a MMO right? I think that the first M stand for Multiplayer right? Just checking.

Post of the day.

Thoughts on open world pvp?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


The grand majority Gw2 community are afraid of PvP.

More like allergic to toxicity.

Dueling, where is it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Still do not want.
dead horse.gif

Well, can't do daily again.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Should change title to “won’t” instead of “can’t”

Mystic Forging Lodestones hurts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Not sure how to fix it or what the answer is, but some QoL improvements to using the Mystic Forge would be very well received by me.

Hobo Sacks: A Terrible Fashion Statement

in Engineer

Posted by: CMM.6712


Engi support bump

So I thought about coming back...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Wait, so they completely botched the game with the trait system (among other things) and now you guys are all paying for an expansion to have that stuff fixed?


They didn’t completely botch the game as you put it, they made a design choice a lot of people don’t like/agree with. No, I am not buying the expansion specifically for them to fix that.

Being inflammatory just to be inflammatory should be moderated.

would you like PVP in PVE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


No. Definitely would not want this.

Gliders just a worse version of flying mount

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CMM.6712


I have never once seen OP make a positive post about Guild Wars 2.

On topic: I am looking forward to hang gliding a lot.

What was promised in the manifesto?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


No one, apart from a handful of soapbox-toting forum warriors, gives two kittens about the manifesto. They promised stuff. We got some, didn’t get others and quite a lot is open to debate. It’s all behind us now.

Heart of Thorns, baby!


Please make content role friendly.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Another trinity post. No thanks, lack of trinity is one of the big reasons WHY I play this game. Seems like another complain to complain post too.

Why cant I mute NPC ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


I would be happy to see a check box or something to mute them at times I don’t want to hear them. In GW1 99% of the time the dialog slider is set to 0.

What is the game for the casual player?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Also, posting from my phone is a pain in the bum. Lol

I agree especially when I’m driving.

Might help if you set down the can of beer! JUST KIDDING!

What is the game for the casual player?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


I’d be happy to help anyone with the have to have help stuff just ask.

Trade Box-trading alternative suggestion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


You aren’t getting the point. This game doesn’t and won’t have trading outside of the trading post.

Trade Box-trading alternative suggestion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Where is that dead horse.gif

Ascended gear grind is OTT ridiculous

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


I’ve accepted that getting ascended armor is way too grindy and time consuming for me to ever get. I will deal with never having the best armor in the game.

Why not just think of it as a long term goal, and work on it in the background, without really trying? (as I have)

Crafting in this fashion without trying much I have a set of medium armor, a rifle, 2 pistols, and a short bow.

Will The Mastery System Have Impact on WvW?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


It would be a bit funny to experience a zerg on gliders swooping down on an enemy zerg and on TS someone screaming “DEATH FROM ABOVE!!!”

Funny yes, but trying to imagine it in a wvw sense is kinda epic sounding too lol

Policy on the LFG Tool

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Thank you Gaile for the clarification and not having to feel bad about reporting people now as it was the proper thing to do in the first place.

Why craft old precursor in new expasion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


The designers admited it was a problem about a year ago, and said that solutions were on the way for free.

I must’ve missed that part where they said a) it is a problem and b) solutions on the way for free. I will stand corrected if I am wrong, but what I have read is that they wanted to implement crafting or a scavenger hunt or at least different ways for precursors to be gained. Nothing else.

Why craft old precursor in new expasion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


I am not seeing how this is a bad thing, and something that would leave anyone disgusted… expanding the game is a good thing. Really don’t understand your complaint.

disgusted because it seems like new methods of aquisition for old precursors may be put behind a paywall, when it was a problem and issue the were supposed to solved a year ago.
Essentially he fears they the solution to the core games problem will only be available to those who buy the expansion

I assume 95% or more of the people that play this game are going to get the expansion, so the point is kinda moot. They never said how it would be implemented. Just that they wanted to, and they are, and here’s how.

so if you bought a car, which was had issues accelerating, they company agreed it was a problem and told you they would fix it for free, then after a bunch of time went by, they said they would be fixing it, as part of an upgrade to the car that they are selling, you would have no problems with that?

Its not even fair for you to bring it up as feeling dirty?

Sounds like you are intending to buy teh expansion, so you just dont care much about problems for people who dont buy it.

They said they would like to add a feature, weren’t able to as they maybe first intended to, things change that’s life. Here is how it is being implemented now, have it or don’t the choice is yours. Of course I am going to buy it as most people are.

come on add capes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Don’t really miss having capes much.

Why craft old precursor in new expasion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


I am not seeing how this is a bad thing, and something that would leave anyone disgusted… expanding the game is a good thing. Really don’t understand your complaint.

disgusted because it seems like new methods of aquisition for old precursors may be put behind a paywall, when it was a problem and issue the were supposed to solved a year ago.
Essentially he fears they the solution to the core games problem will only be available to those who buy the expansion

I assume 95% or more of the people that play this game are going to get the expansion, so the point is kinda moot. They never said how it would be implemented. Just that they wanted to, and they are, and here’s how.

Ascended gear grind is OTT ridiculous

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


The lack of agreement might have something to do with the attitude/tone of the OP. If you come onto the forum and start bashing, throwing out swears and negativism, and putting people on the defensive, be prepared to be met with resistance.

Why craft old precursor in new expasion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


I am not seeing how this is a bad thing, and something that would leave anyone disgusted… expanding the game is a good thing. Really don’t understand your complaint.

Selling on the LFG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


I have been and will continue to report them for lfg abuse until something is done about it or a stance is presented by a red post.

Ascended gear grind is OTT ridiculous

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


I agree with every reply so far!

I can only play a few hours a week after work, and making my ascended gear was what kept me busy for a long time, every piece I made was a story of countless kills, events, world exploration, wvw… etc. I felt accomplished for every piece I crafted. (thanks Anet for turning crafting into something viable and worth every minute of my gameplay)

I really enjoy going out to gather wood, metal and plants…. found a few hidden events (like that creepy strange old man in a lost graveyard), jumping puzzles, player in need of some help and odd NPC’s all around Tyria during my journeys.

It’s all about the journey right?
(Anet could you add crafting animations btw? )

Oh look a saving grace for this troll post, I feel like you do , and am also thankful ascended armor is account bound now, so I can share with my other characters if I want, only having to make 3 weights to pass around… OH you can do that with weapons too? /thread

Ascended gear grind is OTT ridiculous

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


wow… as in go back… 0/10 non epic troll post

"Suggestion" GW2 Dueling updated

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


I would rather see dueling open to just about anywhere in the game world. It’s typically when I’m waiting for an event to start that I would benefit most from dueling. As of now I just tab out and forget all about the game and miss the event I just waited 30 mins for. Dueling would give me a reason to have the game up when waiting.

Keeping you from alt + tabbing is not a valid reason to add something to a game.

"Suggestion" GW2 Dueling updated

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


My wife, who’ll never post on this forum but games with me regularly, just said in respect to this topic "How many times in how many of these games have you and I had to deal with some jerk spamming duel requests? I still remember that idiot in Champions that used to troll around RP spots, trying to start RP fights with people only to bully them into dueling. I don’t remember a single occasion in which dueling was ever useful or necessary though.

And I think anyone trying to say ‘oh, but it’ll let people get better at pvp’ are very likely nothing more than trollfaced little monsters that desperately hope ArenaNet is stupid enough to give them their favorite tool to bully and harass other people and demand attention from total strangers.

God, I hope they never include dueling in this game, or I’m sorry, but the first time I see some little pop-up about how ‘Wangberry Juggs wants to duel you- Accept or Decline’ when I’m trying to effing sell my crap and put things in the bank will be the day I delete this game from my computers and never look at it again. I have had it with that bullkitten. No more. And I do not care if they include some opt-out button. No. Effing. More.’

And that, she and I are in utterly blissful agreement on. Cheerio.

100% in agreement, wish we had some kind of forum controls for those trollfaced forum monsters nearby too cough

Relist Candy Corn Gobbler Pack briefly?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


They have brought items back out of season several times before. It can certainly come back sooner, my friend. Like I said, I know it will come back during Halloween, but there is no need to tell me not to hope for sooner.

That’s great and I want to buy it too, but thread necroing and spamming about it isn’t going to help either of us.

Laurels and Daily log in reward?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


You do not lose your progression. It starts again at 1 after 28th day reward received. +1 for spelling laurels correctly.

Suggestion: static FOV to Prevent Sickness

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


I just want the camera not to zoom out or change fov in world bosses. During the last LS episode with that jungle dragon boss, i had to stop playing because i was getting ready to get sick because of the weird camera angles it forces you into.

Personally I like this. /shrug

Seeking the Holy Gaile

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


blank stare at the monitor

"Suggestion" GW2 Dueling updated

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Just imagine if you could set up dueling teams of up to 10, or 20 people. Anywhere outside the main cities. One team is the bandits and the other are the seraphs, or people protecting a convoy that goes from point a to b, or whatever, and they start spanking kitten till one team wins. Then they all go and have a beer in The Beginning of the End.

That would be awesome.

Sounds almost exactly like attacking/defending a dolyak in wvw… A mode we already have, kept separate from people who do not want to pvp.

(edited by CMM.6712)

"Suggestion" GW2 Dueling updated

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Because that’s worked in other games. lol

It totally worked in WoW.

And I was in a pvp server, which should mean constant testosterone overflow.

And no, thanks, i will not pay 15€ a month to duel here and there, I am not going back.

It is not ok to try to change this game into that one because you don’t wanna shell out the cash (or can’t have a glitter pony or all the other litter threads we see spammed by those that have left). Play how you want does not mean leave wow and try to fundamentally change GW2 into it.

Personal Trading.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Person to person trading is only asked for by the uninformed (who shouldn’t be that way after reading this thread) and those who seek to scam others.

It has no place in modern gaming as it is a horribly-inefficient and crime-rife antique.

Well said.

"Suggestion" GW2 Dueling updated

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


That’s what the Mists are for. Otherwise? Still Do not want.

if there is DPS/Tank/Healer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Do not want. /15 characters

I'll donate money for cape development

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Do you think that Anet isn’t creating capes because of lack of money?

This. Enough with the “I’ll donate money to Anet to do X,” stuff. It is silly and pointless.

This. This. This.

The 'I'd Pay for Dungeons' Thread

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CMM.6712


Well covered comments above – All things in a game should be available to the whole community – No – I would not pay -

I am Sylvari! I am not Zombari!

in Living World

Posted by: CMM.6712


Would you like to be a Sylvari on a zamboni? I know a dude in Toronto.

haha this is what I thought of when I saw the title

Personal Trading.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


I strongly oppose the introduction of any personal trading system.


Waypoint alternatives: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Merge or flush?

Bound waypoints to the account ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


I like walking around and getting wps to level up an alt. I see no reason to make a change.

Selling on the LFG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Please nip this in the bud before it gets hard to find anything but these type of posts.

Combat is terrible....still

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Double EXP and Birthday Boosters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Confirmed. EOTM trains are really nice this weekend.

Communicating with you?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Lame to post this the day before a big announcement… why troll the forum?