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Stealth, stackable [discuss]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


What if stealth was a stackable effect/boon? And every time you’re cleaved/hit in stealth removes a stack. If you think about it, you should be able to tell when you hit something regardless of stealth or not.

You can still have it, when you attack in stealth you gain the revealed.

Just a thought, nothing to serious.

hiding exp bar in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


This is a change that makes more since when HoT comes out. XP will cap at 80, all XP u acquire after that will something completely different, in PvE its “mastery” xp and in wvw it’ll be WXP.

skillpoints will be removed completely for a new currency, so don’t worry about all that much.

how fight vs s/d thief?

in PvP

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


range them.

Auto-Upgrades Overpowered-Countering?

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Well, you know.

They are adding a new PVE dinosaur-fueled god gun to the new map that breaks down all outer gates. Maybe this is Anet’s way of balancing one unnecessary garbage mechanic with another?

oh gawd! that wasn’t a terrible nightmare i had? that was real?

Pls make upgrades depended on dollies

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


auto-UPgrades should mean they add in auto-DOWNgrades too.

Maybe some way to sabotage yaks or camps, so supplies downgrade instead of upgrade.

Auto-Upgrades Overpowered-Countering?

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Auto-upgrade, means they should add in auto-downgrade to the game too.

Auto-Upgrades Overpowered-Countering?

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Yeah. It was mentioned on the BG forums that lower tier servers’ NA players would probably log into everything waypointed due to a low player presence outside of prime time. That would suck donkey balls.

Even in Tier 1, we have 2-5 hours between certain time zone prime times where almost nothing goes on.

I think auto-upgrades is a step in the right direction, but a step too far.

Yeah, I definitely think this update was geared towards the lower tiers and smaller populated servers. I used to be on a low tiered server and the reason I moved was because it was nearly impossible to get anything done when we were just bouncing around focused on defending, there wasn’t much time or resources you can invest in upgrading. So this will help those servers out.

This week's special surprise

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


I’m all for the new WvW changes, but I’m seriously bummed that the surprise was this.

I’m currently a little over rank 500 in WvW, so I’m not a WvW novice but not a hardcore WvW’er. And anything that adds too me wanting to WvW more is appreciated. But I may have been a little over-hyped about this weeks reveal…

I wasn’t expecting nor wanting a WvW reveal, I was honestly thinking it was going to be some new event/festival in game. Something that would give me a reason to play PvE, because all I do right now is my dailies and a little bit of crafting and log off.

What do you think of this weeks surprise? Did you guess correctly?

Auto-Upgrades Overpowered-Countering?

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Currently, there’s two ways to stop an enemy from upgrading, that’s to stop their supply (ie capture camps) or to just capture the tower/keep.

With the update to the upgrading system, there’s now only one way to stop a world from upgrading and that’s capturing the tower/keep. Capturing camps only delays your enemies’ upgrades.

I think they should, at the very least, add another mechanic to completely stop an enemy’s upgrade.

What do you guys think? If you agree, what other mechanic could you see them implementing?

edit: changed the title to something more suiting, imo

(edited by ChoChoBo.6503)

Pls make upgrades depended on dollies

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Hmm, I kind of feel the same way, but at the same time I kind of like this.

I used to be on a lower tiered/smaller WvW server, and the toughest thing was to upgrade your realstate, especially if you’re bouncing from BL to BL to defend or attack. You don’t really have the man power to dedicate to scouting or upgrading. So this update seems very nice from that point of view, it just helps smaller WvW servers or even smaller groups play and feel like they’re actually making a difference.

The real problem, is now that its automatic, they need to add a new mechanic to actually stop the upgrades, not just delay it. The only counter play now to stopping an enemy from upgrading their points is to capture it. Where right now (pre-update) you could take out its camps or capture the point.

TA UP, unable to continue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Entered Fyonna’s room, cut scene and dialogue doesn’t start. So Fyonna stays neutral and can’t continue with the dungeon.

Anyone else having this problem? Only done it this one time, not going to spend anymore time trying to figure out if this was just this one case or not.

Lots of roll backs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


repaired my armor, then client crashed and was naked again.

Little help with deciding a profession.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Mesmers are great, but in my opinion a little harder to level. For Mesmers, its all about traiting your shatters and clones, and traits don’t become available till later levels.

Is this a Bug?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


So after today’s patch, 2015 Mar 19, when you go into the Trading Post window and sort your items to sell by price. It doesn’t sort via individual/unit prices, but sorts via total price in bag.

I don’t know if this is happening with out people, or if its just me.

I don’t know if this was intentional.

I don’t even know if I hate it, I kind of actually like it.

What are your thoughts?

Suggestion: Signet of Vampirism

in Necromancer

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Signet of Vampirism’s active is fine, it is a possible 10k additional damage to a single target.

The mark caps at 25 hits, this caps the damage @L80 to 5250 extra damage. Not 10k dmg. Marks’ base siphon damage is 200/hit, with 25 might and bloodlust, Max Power (with exotics) that scales siphon to 210/hit, times 25 hits, that’s at most 5250 total. If you go ascended calculations, that’s 255/hit so a total of 6375 damage. Again, not 10k dmg.

If you’re looking at active effect, the heal isn’t so great either, it’s between 10k to 14k hp across your party. So roughly 2k hp if you divide it up evenly. With a 35 sec cooldown, that’ll average 6k hp/party-memeber every minute or so. Pales to a traited Warrior banner for regen, gives 24k/party-member every minute. Pales to just about anyone with regen on.

Ya, the active sucks. No question.

And its passive is out shined by protection boon. Don’t get me started on the calculations.

So ya, in conclusion, the signet sucks completely.

Condition duration mechanics

in Necromancer

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Firt off as i know condition duration cant go over 100% and its calculated first ur duration lets say on bleeding skill what has 5s duration vanilla you add 100% duration you get 10s if enemy has 70% reductiom he will get 3s bleeding

Firstly, yes, condition duration can go over 100%.

With a Necromancer, the Spite Trait-line will add 30% condi duration. With Giver’s WEAPON, 10%. With Lich or Nightmare runes another 15%. That’s 55% total. Add on food for 40% that’s 95% easy. With your scepter (untraited) bleeding does 11.75 sec duration. Now, tack on scepter condition trait for 33% more duration and watch scepter bleed go to 13.75 sec duration. Then tack on Sigil of Agony for 20% bleed duration, you get a flat 16 sec bleeding duration with the scepter. More than 100% bleeding duration. Easy.

Everything else said is true though, your condition and its duration is applied to your target first. Then the targets condition mitigation is applied (subtracted).

Banner love

in Warrior

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Banners are just way to overpowered already. They are, by far, the best support skills in the game. One-two clicks, constant AoE buff/support, no second thought to it, just constant support.

Not to mention the Inspiring Battle Standard trait for regen, constant regen for 94 secs. That’s a 36660 hp with no Healing Power investment.

I can only see them adding this if they nerf’d banners in some way.

This week's special surprise

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


I don’t know what they’re planning, but I do know what they need.

They need to stop with the HoT hype and news.

They need to add content and/or feature patches to the base game to keep us occupied while waiting for HoT to finally drop. There is very little to actually do in game that is new or exciting (at least in PvE, lately I find myself only in PvP/WvW)

We get it Anet, we’re hyped for HoT. But what do you want me to do, stop playing GW2 and play some other game while we wait of it to drop? What happens when I’m away and lose that hype? What if I don’t come back? Please, bring in something that’ll keep me in the game just a bit longer.

- GW2 player since launch.

Old player Ranger lv 80 need help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


That’s a total preference question there.

Got to first figure out which game mode you want to play, just 1, 2 or all 3.

If its PvE and WvW, then the only thing you NEED to do is get all your pets.

After that, its a question of how casual you want to play the game or how competitive you want to play. To all the nay sayers, yes there is a competitive PvE community. Just compare a competitive Dungeon/Fractal run to your meta run and be blown away.

Join up with people, its a MMO, and all about the community. You’ll have no problems finding things to do or having fun once you put in just a bit of effort in getting started.

[Bug?] Received two Daily Login Chests

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


8pm central time zone is server reset. Looks like you logged into character select for yesterday and loaded into a zone for today’s log-in. Or you just didn’t open a previous box and it popped up.

3 Years for 1 Expansion.....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Living World Season 1: Twenty-five (25) content releases, which included a variety of dynamic events, dungeons, new enemies, armor, weapons and even a new zone.

Featured Packs: Two (2) of them, so far… Freaking game changing. Enough said.

Living World Season 2: Nine (9) content releases, with 2 new zones, new enemies, new items, personal ‘dungeon’ story instances, and new dynamic events.

What is an expansion? New story content? New regions to explore? New items and gear to discover and use? New mechanical features?

Let’s see, the last 2-3 years… New story content, check. New regions, check. New gear, check. New features, check.

It’s not, 3 years and finally an expansion. It’s 3 years and finally they’re gonna charge us for an expansion.

So, no support for SB in trait revamp?

in Thief

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Just like how some weapons are good for control, physical damage, and condition damage, there are, and should be, weapons made solely for utility. I think the SB is perfect as a utility weapon/tool and purposefully designed that way. Not all weapons are designed for damage and I like that.

what kind of buff/support do you want added to the SB? reduced initiative used for SB skills? increased dmg to SB skills? grants additional effects to specific skills? aren’t all the SB skills already OP in a utility point of view?

What do you want? completely rework all the SB skills for more offensive approach, why don’t you just ask for a more offensive range option? oh wait, we’re getting that already, the rifle.

Spear of justice = Anti Stealth ?

in Thief

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Spear of Justice’s tether is the same as Necromancer’s Deathshroud’s Tainted Shackles. You just need to move away to break it. No biggie.

The real issue will be how much ‘Revealed’ debuff they’re giving to all the professions to counter Thief’s stealth. Though I think they should of added more counter to stealth ages ago, so I’m rooting for it. The real question should be how thieves are going to counter all the added ‘revealed’ debuff.

Returning Player after advice

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Engineer is probably a good start to get back into the game with. Engineers don’t really have a specific role to play in group play like other classes (ie. Warrior, Guardian, Elementalist, and Thief)

The beauty is that Engineers are pretty versatile because of all their utilities, which means that no one would say no to an Engineer in their party. They are a very good source of burst/stable damage, a source of AoE stealth, source of spamable blast-finishers, and source of AoE support/pressure.

Their only downside is that they have a high skill cap to them. Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t take much to learn and play the profession and have fun. But to “master” the class, takes a bit of dedication and tears of unrelenting pain. But that’s not a problem if you’re only going play it casually.

If you do go for a different profession, I’d strongly recommend NOT one of the classes that are expected to fill a specific role in group play (even with casual play) like the Warrior, Guardian, Elementalist and Thief. It can be daunting when everyone expects you to fill those roles and you just want to lounge around and auto-attack.

And I’m not to sure about the latency for Aussies. Your best bet to find an answer IS to go into WvW during oceanic peak hours (which should be 7pm-10pm your time) and ask in map chat. You can also ask, in WvW for an active-casual PvE OXC guild to join, someone will respond. OXC stands for ocanic time zone, which is when Aussies play (normally)

Necromancer and minion summons?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Minions are a great way to start off. Minion-Mancers (MM Necros) even have a small niche in lower tiered PvP. And you know its good when you see it used in a competitive setting.

Their only real drawback is the very little control you have over them. If you’re not careful, they’ll aggro things that just shouldn’t be aggro’d and wipe your entire party.

When that happens and your party rages, just tell them “minions are undead and therefore brainless, can’t do nothing about it so just deals with it” (that normally gets a few chuckles and keeps the party moving)

Opening champ bags

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


The loot table for bags depends MORE on the target/enemy you got it off of. This is why sometimes you can’t stack the same time of bags/boxes even though they’re the same named boxes/bags and same rarity (i.e. exotic champion boxes from SEp1 and 3 don’t stack-up)

Boxes from a L50 champion will give you loot starting around L50 (you won’t be able to get loot lower than that from that box) but those boxes loot table will cap around the level of the player opening it. So if you open a box from a L50 champion with a L60 character, you’re likely to get gear/loot between L50-60, if you open it with a L80 character then L50-80 loot. Exotics USED to be an exception, but a while back they made low level exotics more prevalent, when they used to always be at L75+ now they’ll start as low as the champion you got the drop from. L80 Exotics are available in every champion box, regardless of the box’s rarity, these exotics are the ones you find the the exotic collection and precursors.

GL hunting

GEM FX crashing

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


what version are you running? this might be a better topic over at twcenter on gemfx’s thread

GEM FX crashing

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


have you used gemfx before? it could be trying to load presets that don’t exist in GW2.

i don’t really know, never had this issue before.

Shouldn't Retaliation scale with Toughness?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


The only way I can really see them adding this mechanic to Retaliation is if they made Retaliation into a stacking boon, like they did for stability.

Every time you gain Retaliation from a light field or from another player, its only 1 stack of Retaliation. That way, Retaliation only mitigates and reflects the damage of one attack.

Shouldn't Retaliation scale with Toughness?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Light fields are available to 4 professions (Guardian, Necromancer, Mesmer, Engineer). That makes Retaliation one of the most easiest boons for players to get a hold of.

Adding this mechanic would make Retaliation way to powerful, even more than it is already.

Retaliation is used heavily in some WvW groups as an anti-Ranged approach. This allows groups in WvW to deal damage to the back-line while they focus on front-line players. This is added to the additional damage dealt to enemies that cleave at the front-line. Cleaving melee attacks and piercing/bouncing projectile users down themselves when attacking a group of 10-ish players with Retaliation.

Retaliation’s real power comes from the fact that its damage that isn’t effected by armor/toughness of their targets and can’t be blocked, dodged or mitigated. Its the perfect weapon for smaller skillful groups to use against much larger groups.

Retaliation is like confusion, torment and crowd control skills. Way too overpowered in PvP/WvW. And way too under powered in PvE. But that’s what makes it balanced.

[Suggestion] Enemy types & condition immunity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Lots of responses, only read the OP.

This would only work if you added immune/resistance to physical/regular damage and power. (They already have mobs immune to critical hits)

And added mobs weak or strongly affected by said conditions or only able to die to certain conditions.

I don’t see that happening, that’d turn this game into a very hardcore rpg, and we all know, no one wants that.

[Suggestion] Banker for Home Instance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


i think the reason why they don’t add these features to the home instance, is because they don’t want you spending all that time in an instance, GW2 is a MMO, and a MMO is all about the community spending all that time in your home instance by yourself isn’t what a MMO is all about.

and the TP/Bank are right outside the instances, you’ve got to be lazy on a different level if you find that inconvenient

Looking for a specific heavy armor skin

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


gem store stag helm

few questions need answering please :)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


if your trying to figure out PvE ‘meta’ roles for each professions, check out

its a great site for competitive dungeon/fractal running and a great site to figure out what roles each profession plays

Looking for a specific type of build

in PvP

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


No, I’m looking for something with even higher burst than that. The panic strike build is amazing and I’m not expect to discover some build that’s better than it. However, I think it’s possible to make a build that does manage to burst harder than it.

Revealed Training instead of panic strike, it adds 200 power for 3 secs (while revealed) with executioner’s 20% extra damage this is huge.

Backstab > get that drop below 50% to toggle executioner. be revealed at same time for the 200 extra power. and cleave them down from 50% or heartseeker.

How do we report match manipulation?

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Match manipulation is a no-no.

Taken from

If its a “no-no” how do we go about reporting/recording this?

Is cross-world spying against the ToS?

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Match manipulation is a no-no.

Have you been to EotM?

And how do we report match manipulation?

PvP Unranked Too Easy...?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Personal Score is NO direct influence over TEAM score.

TEAM score is the win condition.

Also, currently, matching prioritizes group/party-size then rank/player-skill. 2-man parties will be matched with other 2-man parties then pugs are used to fill the remainder. This is because groups/parties are more likely to be more organized so they’re paired together as a priority. It’d be really unfair if a 4-manned party with 1 pug is put up against a team of 5 pugs (normally)

Which build would you pick?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t Trapper Rangers also condition spec’d?

You could just make asc’d condition set with a neutral rune set and move them from condi engi to your trapper ranger.

drop stats when salvaging weapons/armor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


There are 6 tiers for mats. wiki ‘crafting material’ and you can get the list of what mat is in which tier.

t1 : lvl 1 – 15
t2 : lvl 15 – 35
t3 : lvl 30 – 45
t4 : lvl 45 – 60
t5 : lvl 60+
t6 : lvl 75+

You’re more likely to get drops from zones at those levels too. Don’t forget drops also scale to your level, so farming a lvl 25 zone will still net you a majority of lvl 75+ drops when you’re on your level 80. So if you’re really into efficient/hardcore farming, you’ll be farming those zones with a character at that tier’s level.

Feeling underwhelmed by my main (theif)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Wow, so didn’t read anyone else’s response to OP cuz everyone has lots to say. Here’s my 2cents:

for PvP: D/D is a no go. Go D/P (pistol 5 then dagger 2 immediately after>>go for backstab)

for PvE: S/P all the way. Pull, LoS and stack your targets. then spam 3. ezpz.

Short-bow is only for mainly for utility purposes (maybe some aoe pressure in PvP)

S/D in PvP can be fun and an experience if you want to spice things up.

in WvW: its all about knowing when to disengage and reengage (though this is also true in PvP) stealth, re-position, attack. WvW is huge, nothing wrong with running, don’t give up that bag so easily.

Questions about the necromancer class

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


[Well of Suffering] and [Well of Corruption] do much more AoE damage than your staff. The downside is their longer cool-downs.

I’d focus on power more than condition (especially early on). Condition isn’t really viable until you’re level 80. you need ~800 condition damage to double your condition damage form 200 to 400 (@ level 80) so it’s nearly impossible to get to unless you’re level 80.

Please explain joined too many parties.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Party suppression only affects you when you’re using the LFG. This is to stop players form spamming LFG with “buy gold from xxxx site” and stops spammers and trolls from entering LFG parties left and right and spamming.

From my experiences, you get the party suppression when you try to join a party the same time as someone else and get booted for the last spot. you enter and exit the party so fast that the system thinks you’re a bot on the lfg and automatically gives you the lfg/party suppression. And from the last time I had this happen to me, I was locked out for around 15 mins.

[Suggestion] Joined msg and birthday date

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


“XXX joins the guild” = same as “hi, i’m XXX, and I just joined” by XXX in chat or “everyone welcome XXX, i just invited him” by the invitee

If you’re looking for a recorded time/date of the time a member joined your guild. Guild panel>History tab>Roster tab.

skill type [suggestion]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


in pvp, matching players with players of similar skill levels as an option might make pvp more appealing to more people, instead of just random matching.

The beta leaderboard system they’re implementing is a way to match players better. Before that, they matched players based on their PvP rank (ie. Dolyak, Tiger, Dragon) but this isn’t working as well (probably because they made it easier for players to rank-up when they introduced the reward-track)

The match-up system is a little wonky, but at least its something you know they’re actively working on.

And as for your topic of Hexes, its already a pain for them to balance all the professions, if you add that onto everything they’re trying to balance (you know, with the revenant and elite specializations coming in Hot), their heads may just explode.

Personally, I’d like to see it, but only if they can insure that its properly balanced (which I don’t think will happen)

General term and game mechanic question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


  1. In PvE, Power builds are the same as your Zerk/Glass builds (just like everyone said above) But in PvP/WvW Power builds are just builds that prioritize Power as their main stat, the other two minor stats can be anything else. In WvW, soldiers and knights tend to be the way to go for your power builds (not zerk) some players will mix and match, as long as the priority/main stat is Power, they can be considered power builds.
  2. Other types of builds besides the traditional power, glass, condi builds depend on the profession. You have bunkers(generic for tanks), turrets(engi), minions(necro), terror(necro), shatters(mesmer), PU(mesmer), bearbow(ranger), etc.
  3. Cleanses are a priority in PvP (players have a low hp in general, so dot dmg is huge). Stun-breaks are a second priority (some cleanses are also stun-breaks so this is secondary to cleanses in general). Most teleports are used as stun-breaks so these aren’t a priority much. You may also want to invest in a source of Stability and/or vigor if you plan on PvP’n much.

What competitive PvE feature do you want?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


I don’t think that this game needs competition in PvE. One of the great things is how supportive the community is and I believe that is due in large part to not having to compete for nodes or loot. When the game gets toxic is when people feel they are being asked to compete: the queensdale champ train sometimes pitted vets vs newbies, there have been several fail-vs-succeed-at-event conflagrations, and let us not forget that pre-megaserver Tyria produced a lot of hostility of “native” vs “foreigners” competing for spots in instances for boss events.

tl;dr I would like to see more challenging content; I don’t think adding any sort of competition will have the desired effect.

Currently, we get the same rewards for doing dungeons, fractals or world bosses regardless of how much we contribute. So many players in GW2 only stand in place and 11111 world bosses instead of actively doing pre-events or the in between events like the SB portals or Mega veterans. Or simply stack-up in dungeons and 11111 instead of learning or doing a proper skill rotation for maximum damage or support.

Competitive content isn’t just player vs player, fighting over loot/nodes/events.

Say they introduced a leader/scoreboard system to dungeons. And depending on how much damage you do, how much boons you applied, how many interrupts/dodges/evades you perform, you earn a score at the very end of the dungeon. And that score influenced the rewards you are eligible to get at the end. A competitive reward system like that would promote players from not just 11111 throughout a dungeon. Players would help other players by teaching them optimal builds/play-styles to score higher. It’d only be toxic if individual score/ranks affected the entire party’s rewards.

There is such a thing as friendly competition, and GW2 is really lacking in it.

I’d really like it, if they added a way for guilds to challenge other guilds in activities such as Sanctum’s Sprint or Keg Brawl. Competition like that sounds fun and not toxic at all.

What competitive PvE feature do you want?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


GW2 PvE has always been uber casual. But with HoT coming and dev’s specifically saying that its targeting more challenging/veteran level content. I can’t help but hope for a more competitive PvE.

Players actively seeking for the best looking gear or going for the best dungeon runs. Remember, competitive doesn’t mean PvP/GvG/WvW. I’m hoping for PvE features where guilds have more meaning than just a way to sort your friends.

Do you think they’ll add leader boards to dungeons?

I’m hoping for a merit-based reward system, where you get better/more rewards depending on how much you contribute or how well you performed in events. I think a system that rewards based on merit would give players a reason to better their play style instead of sticking to the meta 1,1,1,1,1 to win. Gawd knows there are tons of elite/good players in PvE but pale to the number of meta 1,1,1,1,1 players.

I’m also not saying get rid of the current Daily/11111 to win reward system in place, I’m just hoping they’ll add a merit based system on top of it.

What do you guys think about a more competitive/challenging PvE? What features do you think they should add that would make PvE more challenging/competitive other than more difficult content?

Sugg. Shout mechanics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


I should also start a post suggesting Ranger Shouts be reclassified as Pet/Tamer Orders or something along those lines since they don’t really fit the whole shout mechanic of supporting allies

Sugg. Shout mechanics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Not a bad idea, but there are just a couple of problems that would need to be addressed. For effectiveness, it’s hard to say what is 100/75/50% of baseline. If something just gives base boons/conditions you can just reduce the duration, easy enough. Would you also reduce the stacks of boons too though?

Warrior shout healing: does it gives less healing further out (I’d assume so, so that’s doable). Same goes for the Ranger shout trait, but this trait has it’s own, smaller range, should it be increased as well?
Guards shout condi —> boon: How do you change that to make it less effective? Removing 25 stacks of bleeds from someone 1200 units away is really strong, even if it only gave them 50% duration of vigor. Same goes for the runes.

Not saying I don’t like the idea, but it may be stronger than you realize.

I was thinking, when i said ‘effectiveness’, something along the lines of duration and/or number of stacks. Since most shouts apply boons to allies, with a few exceptions.

example. Guardian [Stand Your Ground!] @ <600 range 5 stacks of stability for 5 secs; 600-900 range 4 stacks, 4 secs; 900-1200 3 stacks for 3 secs.

And I guess shouts that have healing aspects to them, like the Rangers’ [Search & Rescue] you could have the pet heal less the further the target is away from the caster. Now that you mention it, the Ranger shouts don’t really work with this mechanic.

But I don’t see a problem with a 1200 range cleanse, since there are plenty of skills that do that already (i.e. Healing Rain, Ray of Judgement, Purifying Ribbon, etc.) They could set it so that the cleanse triggers a few moments after allies are hit with the shout depending on their range. Since the most powerful aspect of shouts cleansing is the instantaneous effects with low cast times.