Showing Posts For ChoChoBo.6503:

Competitive Ruling: Car Crashed and Vermillion

in PvP

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


i don’t follow the proLeagues. did Abjured wonnered already?

Can someone help (fractals)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Can someone teach me a way to sort/organize my fractal dailies list?

Am I the only one confused whenever I first glance at it?

I just want a simpler way to sort and visualize the different tiers of achievements in the fractals dailies.

I’m super old, 28, and a super grumpy (cat). I don’t got time to sort out which fractals I need done and which ones I don’t.

Correct me, if I’m wrong, but aren’t fractals meant to be quick/fast (in & out) 5-man content? I feel like I spend just as much time organizing my list of daily fractals and then getting into the appropriate lfg party as I do in a single fractal. C’mon, what is this? PvP, spend as much time in queue as you spend in a match.

[Suggestion] +1-2 more bags or...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


They gave us account wide inventory slots. I’m happy. For now.

Machined Staff Collection?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Sadly, the machined collectibles are only available in Noxious Pods after a successful meta completion.

Actually there are anywhere from 3-9 pods available at any stage of the map, Even the empty ones. You just need to look around for them. There usually will be at least 1 or 2 in the south lane, Other lanes are harder to look for as they’re more open.

Lies, I’ve tried this method before and with nothing to show from it. Wiki also backs me up on this one,

  • Found in Noxious Pods and Mordremoth’s Chest after the successful completion of the meta-event in Dragon’s Stand

(key word, after)

I got some machined collection items from opening pods on maps while the meta’s going. It doesn’t have to be successful. There’s about 10 or so pods in each DS map you get into before meta completion.

You might be right on this one, more noxious pods start showing up as the meta progresses, and I vaguely remember getting my first piece in the middle of the meta. But I’m inclined to believe the pods that are available at the start of a map with no progression done are devoid of the machined parts

Airship Oil - Destroyer of space

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Just be glad you can deposit them into your collections. (I’m looking at you, scribing materials!)

Just fork over your hard earned dough and increase your max storage in collections.

Once you’ve done that. Just wait. They’ll eventually release an item to eat them for you. I’m hoping it’s Mordremoth’s mouth, because why not?

(edited by ChoChoBo.6503)

Poison Mastery Point trolls

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


or.. you just use your mouse.. hover over the mastery point.. left klick it once..then press f.. and wish the downed guy a nice day…

That would work, except, like OP said, it screws it up for people without the mastery.

Therein lies the whole problem.

Huh? Isn’t the problem, “the trolls don’t have the poison mastery”? The OP should already have poison mastery, if he doesn’t, then it’d be pointless trying to get the point anyways. He should definitely be able to just manually hover over and find the ‘commune’ interaction with his mouse cursor.

This type of trolling is pretty harmless, I’d rather encourage harmless trolling over toxic trolling.

Question about classes.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


My advice, try engineer or elementalist.

They’re some of the more versatile professions, meaning they have more variety in their builds that are viable. With much more complicated kits than the other professions.

Trying to get DS map, with population...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


My usual times to go to DS on those days when I do a run or two tend to be in any of the cycles from 1:30 pm eastern to maybe 7:30 pm. Not quite prime time but I don’t recall that I’ve ever had a map be empty or fail the meta in those times.

That’s pretty much NA prime time bud, at least the first half of it. It’s a few hours before the daily reset (players trying to get stuff done before reset logs in) and a few hours after daily reset (players trying to get stuff done as soon as possible once dailies reset). You’re pretty much playing during the first half of NA prime time. Probably why you don’t have the empty map issue.

Prime times are pretty much around and during dinner time in the 4 different zones, NA, EU, AUS/OxC, SEA. There’s not a big gap between the different zones, only about 2 hours. But I play on NA servers (live in the US) but can only really log in during EU prime times, so I don’t see much action on NA servers. Which is sad, for me that is.

How does money/mail cap work?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Anet just needs to implement a P2P trading function in this game already. They just want to prevent shady players (gold sellers) from exploiting the system, but not having the system just creates more room for shady players to operate.

Flax Farming... 4 or 5 hours daily? Um...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


I have 9 toons, yes this takes up all my play time if I need linseed oil for anything. I’m a very casual player these days, 1-2 hours a day, capping out around 5-8 hours a week.

This is really stupid, I’d rather pay gold on the trading post, if it wasn’t so gosh darn expensive. A lot of that has to do with flax seeds you need for linseed oil and how much linseed oil you need for everything else.

Farming sand and shovels in SW is more fun than this kitten, and SW is so… played-out? Is that the word I want to use? “played-out”… And you don’t even have the option to buy shovels.

kitten flax. I hate it. Their last ditch attempt at getting players to spend gold in HoT, when a majority of it is played with specialty currency because they put the game’s in-game economy at the end of their list.

Gonna vent a little bit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


How was this venting? When you vent, you need to RAGE with specifics and details. Where’s all the drama I wanted to read.

kitten click bait title.

Here, let me help you out.

Why do I have to do a 1-1.5 hour meta event to get access to to vendor? (Dragonstand) That’s just stupid. All I want is the vendor, so know I have to wait for a day that I have time to do the events when all I need is a single item to complete my collection.

Why is it that I spend more time trying to get into a map (aka taxi’ing) instead of needing to organize to do the events? Most of your meta events are boring AF, their not difficult at all once you learn the mechanics, so no organizing is needed for the majority of them. Most of the time designed for players to organize, players spend taxi’ing instead. Now that’s some dumb design.

Why do I have to farm all the other maps to buy machetes so I can farm Noxious Pods? That’s just stupidly obnoxious of those pods, it’s not like the rewards are 3x better than the other maps combined.

Smokeskales… How stupid are these things?

Why the kitten are adventures locked? You spend X-amount of time unlocking them, and only get about half as much time actually getting to do them.

Why is the Open World so freaking static?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Why is your game so freaking static?

You guys are doing seasonal patches now right?

Can’t you guys also do season versions of the open world?

Spring/Summer/Fall/Winter Fractals – you have a set of fractals and achievements for each season netting a different colored legendary back piece.

Spring/Summer/Fall/Winter World Bosses – I’m not asking for massive changes, just have each world boss synergize with a season. example: Shadow Behemoth during the fall gets somewhat more difficult with a set of achieves, and goes back to normal during it’s off season. Modniir Ulgoth could synergize with Spring. Etc.

Reknowned kittening hearts. Can they change? I know coming up with 3-500 unique characters is a freaking impossible challenge. But how about 60-90 unique reknowned HEROES, that are spread across the world in multiple zones to add up to 3-500 challenges. For example, a Iron-legion general collecting raw materials in Plains of Ashford can also be found in Blazeridge Steppes repairing the wall. You could get him to have different dialogue depending on how many times you’ve interacted or completed his hearts challenges and race the player character is. And these challenges and characters change every season or move around.

Open World/PvE is to freaking static, it feels so boring. Fix it somehow. At least try something, gosh.

My wishlist...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Anything they can add to the gem store they will, so don’t worry too much about getting anything cosmetic. They probably have that stuff on the fast track with a huge development team working 24/7 on that.

And that reward system for gem store users, they have a system in their Chinese client. You pay X-amount for a membership thingy, you get gems every month and every consecutive month you’re on you get bonus rewards and a leveling/title system.

They mentioned a little while ago, armor/gear is the most expensive/labor-heavy content in the game. Because so much goes into all the details. So you’ll probably not get those anytime soon, since all their dev’s are working on gem store items, which is the most profitable content they make.

Constant Disconnects

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


SERIOUSLY!!! is my problem the same as this guy?!

What’s wrong with my client?!

I gave you guys a day to figure your kitten out Anet.

I get into the character select, and I can’t even load in without that stupid network error message.

My connection is very stable. Wired/Ethernet. 200Mbs down. 25Mbs up. 15ms ping.

Your kitten is messed up.

Time to look into BDO.

Trying to get DS map, with population...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


I feels your pain, DS is a map designed for players without IRL responsibilities. It’s nearly impossible to go into a DS map, CASUALLY, right before or after the start time and get into an organized map.

You go in before the timer, you get placed into a low population map, so even if you squad up, you’ll still get put into a low population map just with the same people.

It’s real crap if you can’t play during any of the prime time hours.

The events themselves are a drool, 1-1.5 hours of 111111, change target, 111111, change target, etc. All that running around seems completely pointless, they could’ve just put us all in a big room and had the enemies funnel in, and it’d still be the same 111111, change target, 111111 change target, etc.

Constant Disconnects

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


what’s up with all these random disconnects? just started this morning, saying its my internet. trust me, it’s not my internet. why you lie’n?

How Do Builds Work?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


damage <—> tank
heal <—> support
control is in a league of its own.

that’s pretty much all there is to it. you can’t have the best of both worlds, no one perfect build. it’d be a pretty lame game where one build rules them all if it didn’t have a little bit of this balance.

when you think damage/tank in this game you can’t think tank as in the traditional mmo. you need to build a damage/heal build if you wan’t to play the style you’re probably thinking about. it’s what most players resort to, and why you see so much passive healing in most meta damage builds. being tank in gw2 is about sustaining your hp, with either high toughness or an excessive amount of healing. players that run those high toughness/tank builds along with healing skills are normally referred to as (unkillable and should be banned) bunkers.

if you’re complaining about necromancer corruption skills. it’s more of a L2P thing, sorry, but that’s pretty much it. necromancers have a great deal of condition transferring (their magic is all about manipulating conditions). you power yourself up while applying conditions to yourself and then you transfer your conditions all to your target in a huge condition bomb/burst. it’s pretty op once you get it down, because no build in this game has enough condition cleanse to counter it.

if your friend’s condition was healing him, and your’s wasn’t. then you guys were definitely using different builds. he had 10% of his condition damage healing him, it’s a trait in curses (assuming you guys are necromancers).

if people are dodging your aoe’s, then you need more control (or maximize on a teammate’s control). when you make your build (damage/heal or whatevers), leave a little for some control skills. one of the reasons why necromancer main-hand dagger is so popular is for that 3 skill that immobilizes.

long cast time skills are uber power (normally) and are made intentionally easy to see and dodge. that means landing one takes more skill on the user and getting hit by one means you’re a scrub. all you normally have to do is pressure your target while keeping track of their dodges and heal skill and then bomb them when they don’t have a heal or dodge left (timing basically). and if you’re on the other side of it, you can’t panic and save your dodge/heals as much as you can because you know they’re gonna drop that bomb soon.

Very addicted! Yet.. very newbie.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


I hate to tell you this bud, but warriors aren’t really the best for PvP. You’ll probably learn this on your own. They’re not bad, but they’re not really any good either.

You’re probably better off asking your guild mates to help you get started on a good build.

But if they suck, is a great place to just get started. pick up a build from their and work it to fit you.

A disappointed user (WvW esp)

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


You know what really ticks me off?

World transfer costs.

500, 1000, and 1800 gems, respectively.

World transfers only directly/immediately effects WvW, which represents a THIRD of the game.

Shouldn’t they had slashed transfer fees when they implemented mega servers?

Couldn’t they had introduced some Guild Hall upgrade/mechanic to allow guilds to all transfer servers?

This was more of a pet peeve of mine.

I quit WvW back when they just flat out ignored player concerns about the changes to WvW in HoT.

Anet has a terrible track record when it comes with communicating with the WvW community. And in a heavily community based game-type like WvW, being unable to communicate well with the community was the biggest reason for me to quit the game-type. (still got me PvP and PvE)

Mushed Spore Samples, why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Is there a reason why it’s so god kitten difficult to harvest Pristine Toxic Spore Samples?

Can they just add in some conversion method to turn Mushed Spore Samples into Pristine?

Have a trader just straight up, convert X-amount of mushed samples for a pristine.


Some lame mystic forge recipe. X-amount of mushed plus other kitten to get rng 3-6 pristine?

Why it’s so hard to get pristine samples anyways?

Most profitable meta maps?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


5-10g in DS?! What have I been doing wrong? I consistently only rack in around 3-4g per DS run. Considering a good DS run is about 1-1.5 hours. A DS run for me is around the same as I would get when I used to run dungeons back before their rewards was nerfed. DS is just one long, tedious run, and I get bored of so fast.

I spend most my time in AB. I just do adventures til tarir pops up. I make a little less than in DS but it’s more enjoyable for me.

Empty maps

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Another thing I want to note, I don’t mind farming IG. Spending countless hours looking and working for something IG is kind of rewarding for me.

I dislike the new maps because to effectively farm, I need to be on active maps. And putting me in empty maps and having me spend pointless time LFG’ing into active maps. That kitten annoys me to no end because it isn’t progressing to my farm.

Empty maps

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Let the OP rage if he wants. No one here needs to be constructive here


I got better things to do (in-game and irl) than stand around for 10-15 mins trying to taxi into full/organized maps.

Fine. Then let me point out you don’t have 10 mins to look for something IG, but surprisingly, you have 10 mins to post this on the forum…

Seriously, taxis are not an issue. Getting one to VB / AB / TD is fairly easy: you will almost always find one to a non-full map (and if you don’t, just do the meta another time). Admittedly, it can be trickier in DS – but then again, you know when the event starts, and all you have to do is to show up 5 mins before to join a squad before the reset. I have never spent 15 mins looking for a taxi. And the fact DS event lasts 2 hours is a completely different topic.

What the OP is talking about is the fact that the megaserver tends to send him to an empty map (pretty bad luck, most likely, since I often end up in event maps), and that he doesn’t seem to understand how taxis work. He’s not alone in that case: I see a lot of new players completely confused about the megaservers.

I have a pretty easy IRL job that let’s me, from time-to-time, peruse the interwebs and forums and spend several minutes doing nothing. I’m extremely grateful for that.

The point I wanted to make was that the system for taxi’ing around is pretty much crap. There wouldn’t be a need to taxi people if the megaserver did it’s job and put players in active maps. So they should either revamp the LFG tool or fix their megaserver system.

My problem might be the fact that the times I get to log into this game, maybe on low/non-prime times. But I have an IRL job, so there really isn’t any helping that. I’ve spent plenty of times in LFG looking for taxi’s in all the new maps (outside of AB). Again, I wouldn’t have to be LFG’ing all the time to taxi into active maps, if the kitten system just put me in active maps to begin with.

The time gated events suck too, because of IRL responsibilities, I can’t always schedule my game time with the new maps event times. Because I’m a casual player and log in whenever I can to play the game, it’s even harder to get into active maps for me.

Again, these new maps are designed for high population players and players with more time to dedicate to the game (basically, non-casuals). HoT is a crappy experience for a casual player like myself.

Machined Staff Collection?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Sadly, the machined collectibles are only available in Noxious Pods after a successful meta completion.

On the plus side, they’re pretty common to get after a successful run. On the downside, its a total waste of time for a single item.

To save time, you’re better off doing a few of the machined weapon collections and trying to get them all in one go.

Empty maps

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Let the OP rage if he wants. No one here needs to be constructive here, it’s not like the dev’s actually read this stuff.

The OP is right.

The new maps are garbage.

They’re catered to players who can dedicate 3+ hours at a time.

I log on infrequently for maybe 1-2 hour sessions, nearly everyday. If I show up 5 mins late to a meta event, then its nearly impossible to get into a full/organized map. Ef’n Dragon Stand.

I’m trying to farm events in Verdant Brink, but every map I get into is nearly empty during the day cycle. What is up with that?

These stupid maps were designed for high population and absolutely suck with low population.

Is it the map placing mechanics screwing things up and putting players in empty maps by mistake?

Or is it, they designed maps that don’t attract players (non-fun maps)?

I got better things to do (in-game and irl) than stand around for 10-15 mins trying to taxi into full/organized maps.

The system they had before Mega-servers was much better than this, which is really sad. They should just go back to it, split the servers back up, and have players guest on higher populated PvE servers to get these events done. At least that way, I don’t have to rely on this broken map placing algorithm they designed.

Why can't I salvage this?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


That was just stupid, I had over 100 pieces of them and roughly 80% of what came out of the MF was the same thing, that I couldn’t salvage.

Why can't I salvage this?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


There are some items you can buy that are unsalvageable. They also made a change to starting armor to make it unsalvageable as some people were making chars, salvaging the armor, deleting the char, rinse and repeat. The old armor was also sellable. If it’s starting armor you bought that was put up for sale before the change, then that’s why you can’t salvage it. You can mystic forge them to get something back.

TY. I guess I’ll MF them then. And the item in question was level 53 armor, so I don’t really know why I can’t salvage them.

One element missing from gameplay

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


In traditional RPGs (non-MMO’s), when you die you pretty much have to restart from scratch. All the mobs/npcs respawn/reset and you have to keep going till you’re “good” enough or figure out the “trick” to make it through.

This makes progression in traditional RPGs feel more accomplishing.

And I don’t really see a way to replicate it in the open world of a MMO, sadly.

I wish at the very least, in story, dungeon, and fractals the entire thing would reset to a check point. Without that “hard” reset after a full wipe, finishing these things make this game feel very easy. Even if the content is considered hard.

Though, I think it’d be really cool if events threw out or cycled through a set of instabilities to make them a bit more interesting and less stale. Like the “every crit grants random boon” or “dodging losing all your boons”. I think it’d shake things up a fair bit, especially with world bosses.

But just scaling up the number of mobs or their class (vetran, elite, champion) would make it that much more difficult or fun.

I think in HoT, adventures are a great and mimic that progression blocking feeling you get in traditional RPGs, and hope they’ll add more to core Tyria with more variety.

Why can't I salvage this?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


I bought some light armor gloves from the trading post to salvage into raw materials.

I do this all the time.

But this time I bought a bunch of gloves, and it won’t let me salvage them.

Spent 5+ gold.

This hasn’t happened to me before.

Is there like a salvaging limit that I hit?

cant find story green star

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


I had the same problem, after a month of just ignoring the story, it finally reappeared and I could progress. But now I’m uninterested in the story and no longer in the mood to continue.

My advice, ignore the story and it’ll eventually fix itself.

Noxious Pods makes me feel noxious...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


I want to open pods.

But have to spend an hour completing the meta to do it.

Noxious Pods are suppose to be the reward system after completing the meta isn’kitten Like the chest room in AB and TD after the meta right? It’s meant to feel like a reward for you after accomplishing something, right?

Then why is it that they spawn around a ton of enemies?

Why is it that they spawn so far apart?

Why is it that there is not enough time to kill the enemies and run from pod to pod?

Why do I feel punished after completing the meta?

Why is the most rewarding thing to the meta, being able to access the merchant?

Why are Noxious Pods so kittening noxious???

Why can’t I just kittening farm pods on empty maps? My god, they’re already surrounded by enemies, spaced apart, and somewhat hidden. And on empty maps, that makes things that much harder. C’mon, it’s not like they’re rewarding to get after finishing the meta.

Disable Random NPCs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


And leave the NPC’s alone! All they want to do is use the bank and trading post! Being annoyed by pesky adventurers day and night can’t be fun either!

#RP4life #Kappa

Disable Random NPCs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Don’t remove my immersion!

I like seeing the people of Tyria in their day-to-day lives. If he/she wants to use the bank, then he/she has every right to access it, just like you or me.

There are multiple bank and trading post tellers because of this, if one is being used, then by all means, use the one adjacent.

#NPClivesmattertoo #RP4life #kappa #kappapride

New Game Director, new forums please!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


I think its about time ArenaNet gets a new forum site.

This one sucks.

It’s difficult to find and track threads.

Most threads get derailed by trolls or toxic comments.

Can they just give us a generic forums that you get on nearly any other game site or anything online?

Colin Johanson commented on the forums way back about not wanting to devote staffers/resources to the forums when they could be invested into more critical areas in the game.

I say, forums are the platform for feedback, and if the forums are terrible, then ArenaNet considers player feedback the same. To ArenaNet, player feedback seems to not be worth investing in remodeling.

The forums are a place for the community to come together and chat, ask questions and provide feedback. Give the community some control over their conversations/threads.

I want to be able to “hide” comments that derail from my threads. And close my own threads down when I’m done talking about it or if someone points out an old thread that addresses my concerns/topic.

I hate seeing my threads being ‘merged’ with other threads that are on the same topic but have different agendas altogether. I hate seeing them merged with topics 2-5 months old and being lost with thousands of other topics.

If I want to start a brand new discussion on an old topic, then let me please.

This thread will probably be flagged as not related to the game or something. Oh well. Just another infraction under my belt.

Function Gyro finish visibility.

in PvP

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Eff visibility! Give it a longer cooldown or make the stomp animation take twice as long. While you’re at it, take half its hp away!

Or at least apply team colors to it. That thing blends way too much with all the surroundings.

Make it bright yellow.

Don't play Ranked if you play only one class

in PvP

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


1 class only dawg

Revenant!!! You can’t hide it, I saw! You’re a closet Revenant aren’t you?!

Stop trying to front as a Scrapper/Engineer!

You multi-classing scumbag!


Im a bit sad about this

in PvP

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


I had a match where this guy just auto-attacked into a wall for the whole match.

Show me the mmr

in PvP

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Divisions are all that is holy and good in this world.

MMR is for the wicked and dark of heart.

I don’t need MMR in my life. Just the fact that I’m a Filthy, Unranked Casual Player is enough. Division Zero! Amber, Sapphire and Legendary can’t touch my unranked godliness in PvP.

Death to MMR!

another matchmaking post...

in PvP

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


If you were matched with the same players for 2, 3, 4+ queues you could’ve just been patient for 5 mins and done something else so their queue can pop and you can not get paired with them again, I know, genius rite?

Ya, that’s pretty much what I’ve been reduced to. Waiting around, hoping the same people I get queued up with on a long losing streak get in matches and then queuing up. And praying they aren’t thinking the same thing. Sometimes I wait a day in between terrible streaks to log back into the game to make sure I don’t queue with the same group. Maybe I should be uber patient and wait a week before I log back in and play.

kitten quit stacking warriors/thieves

in PvP

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


im 11-0 on my warrior, the statements about warrior being terrible is false. We are now average.

holy cow! what resolution do you play at for the pvp window to take up your entire screen like that?

another matchmaking post...

in PvP

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


So I get that the game matches me against a pip range, but then it also matches me with similar MMR for teammates.

Which is pretty cool.

But c’mon… I keep getting teamed with the same 2-3 players in a row. On a losing streak.

Can’t they add more variety to my teammates. I don’t care if I have to wait an extra 2 minutes in queue.

I’d rather wait 2-5 extra minutes in queue to get a different team than waste 8-12 minutes in a match that I know I’ll lose with the same losing streak team composition.

What’s the point in keeping a proven losing team together? To force us to communicate and change up our builds/strategies? If I wanted to organize in a team queue, then I’d have done it with my guild.

When I get stuck in a losing streak queued with the same group of players over and over. I just turn off the game and try again later or tomorrow.

This matchmaking system is literally forcing players to not play and hoping they’ll come back later and not get the same players. How ridiculous is that?

This isn’t a post about queuing with terrible players, but queuing with players that just don’t gel together. It’s stupid that I have to be force to play with another player, that I just don’t play well with or don’t like over and over.

Give me longer queues, so long as it means I don’t queue with the same losing team. Give me a chance to find a group of players that I might actually party with and play more matches with.

Players on a winning streak are just lucky that they got matched with like minded players that gel well. And the system should keep winning streak teams together to provide an atmosphere for developing higher level of skill and play. I imagine when two winning streak teams face off against each other, its a match to be watched.

But keeping losing teams together just promotes feeding. Put players in a losing streak in a longer queue in order to break that losing streak, and stop feeding players lucky enough to find other players they gel with.

kitten quit stacking warriors/thieves

in PvP

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Thieves are PvP dailies for today, so that won’t be happening.

Idk about them warriors though.

The Season 2 Emotional Support Thread

in PvP

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Look, I get it feeders, you want to 1v1.

But its not shameful to admit defeat.

So you can’t 1v1 that engi. Or that rev.

No one is asking you to.

So just, for the love of all things eSports, stop feeding.

No more of that gung ho attitude.

Look for someone else to 1v1. Wait till you can 2v1 him.

You don’t see me 1v1 that druid, do you?

Please, to all the feeders in the game. Stop. Just stop.

Work hard is nothing

in PvP

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Don’t mind me, I’m just a filthy, unranked casual player. I got my popcorn at the ready, please, just carry on.

Why am I being paired with the same person?

in PvP

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


That guy was probably intentionally lowering his MMR so he can climb up the ranks in a lower MMR pool (easier for him)

The new system matches you against players in the same division/pip-range. And parties you with players of similar MMR.

When he was dropping his MMR by throwing games, he also dropped yours and you both moved down together and stuff.

You have joined too many parties recently!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


While your at it, remove the mail limit/restriction to players. Or at least raise it high enough for me to mail everyone in my party potions/food/stones in one go. No one thought about players QoL when they put in these restrictions to prevent botters.

Please! Fight on nodes and Please Tag targets

in PvP

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


hmmm… [ctrl+click]=my F1 skill… am I doing something wrong? Kappa

I’m pretty sure its better to fight of node if you can’t safely get to the node. It doesn’t help that I run to the node but by the time I get there I’m down to 30-40% of my hp and just die on the node right? I’m pretty sure that’s what you call feeding and no one likes a feeder.

I’ll fight off point and try to push the fight to the node, if I can. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. I’m just pretty sure that it’s better than feeding.

problems with combat.

in PvP

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


lols, I didn’t know water fields removed conditions.

I always thought whirl/projectile finishers on LIGHT fields cleansed conditions. But I could be wrong.

But I’m thinking, you meant specific skills that removed conditions while applying a water field. So yes, using condition cleanses is the solution to conditions on you.

But a big problem is that condition cleanses have long cooldown, especially compared to skills that apply conditions. They could reduce recharge on condition cleanses or add resistance to all condition cleanses, that way I cleanse a condition and get a 2sec invuln to incoming conditions or something to that effect.

[Sugg.] Make PvP dailies server specific

in PvP

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


I normally play an hour before and after reset and I’m tired of stacked professions in my matches.

Make PvP dailies dependent on which servers players are in.

Server A: Daily War/Engi
Server B: Daily Necro/Ele
Server C: Daily Mes/Ranger

This way there’s more variety to a lot of the matches during prime hours. You can even have them repeated on different servers, just not ALL the same.

Please Anet. Take this suggestion seriously.

make superspeed negate chill dmg

in PvP

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


lols, i won’t lie, i read the title as more ‘superspeed negates chill effect’ not dmg.

i’d be more on board if superspeed negates the chill and slow effects.

i don’t really see how superspeed would negate damage in a theatrical sense.

i’d support more of regen negating a damaging condition though (minus poison). so like: regen negates 50% of burn dmg, 30% chill dmg, 20% bleed dmg, etc.
or make regen have these secondary effects with traits. so ele’s in water have their regen negate burns by 50%. or berserkers/guardians who mastered fire have a trait to do the same.