Showing Posts For ChoChoBo.6503:

When will Ogre Wars Meta Event Get Fixed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


A lot of times players will do the trigger events and assume the event is bugged when it doesn’t progress, but in reality, the event is just on a cooldown from just activating.

Commonly, players will activate both trigger events but only the first one to activate will trigger the full chain. So players will be at the Maybri/Charr event when in reality they need to be at the Finley/Human event trigger, so when the Human event fails it resets the timer, even if the Charr event succeeds. I recommend having a player at both events to make sure they both succeed.

The only time I’ve ever seen the event chain really bug, is when Maybri is leaving the Charr settlement and at the gate, the NPC’s that spawn to break it spawn inside the camp rather than at the gate. this prevents the progress and the event won’t reset.

If the event is really bugged, you can report it in game by typing /bug in the chat command and reporting so the developers have more information than what you can post on the forums.

I do this event about once a week when I have the time, so it doesn’t bug as often as some may think.

more team oriented skills

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


I think GW2 has a lot of group play/strategies. Its just that its at the higher skill level, so you don’t see it much in day to day with pugs who play with the meta.

An example, the thief has more functionality than just stealth. A thief can provide a steady source of blast finishers that can support the party significantly.

Combo fields and finishers are at the higher level of skill play in GW2, its sad really since they are so easy to learn/master. And they really do add a new level to game play that you see used more in WvW than anywhere else.

To be honest, it sounds like you’re just bored with the current weapon skill set of all the classes and just want some new ones to play with. Here’s hoping that HoT will provide us with some new weapon skills.

Saddest memory in GW2

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


What’s your saddest memory while playing GW2?

So mine is back when I first started playing GW2, back in June 2013. It was the first month of playing, and the first time I ever did a world boss after getting to level 80 on my thief. It was Shadow Behemoth, and it was the most epic thing I had done in GW2. I got an exotic greatsword that I couldn’t use on my thief, so I pinged it in map chat. People left and right where offering me hundreds of gold for it, and at the time I thought it was just trolls, joking around. Granted, it was in my first month of playing and I didn’t really know much of GW2. So I ignored the trolls and sold the GS to a NPC merchant.

About 2 weeks later, I joined my first guild. They where talking about legendaries. And my heart sank when they mentioned Dusk. It was the very first drop I got from my very first world boss, I remember the look and name clearly.

Its been nearly 2 years since that day. I haven’t had a precursor drop since.

That was the saddest moment I ever had in GW2.

What’s your saddest memory in GW2?

Black powder .....

in Thief

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Wow, this thread kind of blew up.

BP is very op. Spamming it is hard, yes, but not impossible, especially on point with targets around you. This made it so you could keep a point contested almost indefinitely. So its not about targets/enemies being in the BP circle, but about the thief being able to stay on point.

And the revealed debuff was introduced so thief’s couldn’t spam C&D on walls/bridges for perma stealths. But I feel it’s now needed in PvP because of how well general players have gotten with the thief. So I feels it would’ve been introduced because to balance in PvP eventually.

Drools at the thought of p/d without reveal debuff.

Ever use Long Reach?

in Thief

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


I use it from time to time. When I’m running stealth with steal, I like it. Increases the range of my stealth.

But like everyone else, there are more traits with better utilities/support that I prefer.

Thief Ascending: Vitality vs Precision

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


I usually don’t need to invest into Precision on my thief. At least in my gear.

I can easily trait out my thief to have close to 50% critical chance with just my traits alone. So i tend to invest into other stats with my armor. Vit is nice for survivablity in PvE and works well in WvW against condi players. So the Pow, Vit and Fer is what I’d use.

Returning player with a few questions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Map completion appears at level 15.

And I’m confused by ‘challenges’. I’m assuming, like Jedi, that you meant achievements. Then I don’t know what you mean by ‘local’. Achievements are divided into 3 sections; PvE, WvW and PvP. In PvE, achievements are now region base, rather than global base, so you have to go into a specific region to complete them, which isn’t that hard.

And you can still PvP and WvW at any level, its just they tell you about them at level 18 and 22. I’ve gone into them with my lower leveled toons before. I don’t know why you’re having troubles entering.

Old toons are grandfathered in, but only if they’ve already unlocked the traits. If they haven’t already unlocked the traits, then they’ll be updated into the new system. The only reason to keep them would be to get your ‘birthday’ gifts. Every toon gets one after a year from when they where created. Birthday gifts/boosters are a great way to level new/old toons.

The game is now using the Megaserver system. So that might be new and interesting for a returning player.

Lvling with exp boosters?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Farm monsters on lower level maps. You kill them faster and the EXP is scaled up to your level. In Caledon Forest, in the mini-dungeon for Tears of Itlaocol, the room is filled with Veteran mobs that are easy to farm for massive EXP.

If you get high enough, start farming the dungeon, Sorrow’s Embrace path 1. Get in a group that’s okay with farming all the elites in the beginning (there are plenty of people who farm it daily) and get your EXP and loot.

Personally, I find general mapping faster than killing when it comes to leveling. I know I can level a toon from 2 to 80 in 20ish hours just by mapping.

Ele or Necro

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Make both, take them into sPvP and fiddle with them a bit in there. sPvP is the only place where you can effectively gauge a class without having to go through the grind.

Play with a few traits/builds. And learn a couple of combos. See which one fits your style more.

Ele’s are beast. Necro’s are beast. But Thief’s are number one ;p

Rally mechanic and elitist behavior

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


The elitist behavior is fine with me. What’s wrong with guilds who spend a certain degree of time working together and getting better together, not wanting to play with random militia men? People join guilds to play together, not to play with random militia. I know in PvE, I only like to dungeon/fractal with guild members, so it makes sense that I do the same when I WvW, right?

The rally system is a little broken, I’d prefer that the downed state be removed completely. You die, you die. End of story. Most broken with the thief, who can rally off of 3-5 different players just because their downed auto-attack bounces. Don’t get me started with the staff guardian who manages to tag every enemy player before he downs, so he’s almost always guaranteed a rally.

How about making it so you’re only able to rally off the player that down’s you?

What Disabler/Trap/Siege do you want?

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


What would you think they should add to make it more interesting?

I’d like to see:

Whiteswords Disabler – prevents whiteswords from showing for 5 mins. Requires 30 supplies to activate.

Waypoint Disabler – contests a waypoint for 8 mins. requires 50 supplies to activate.

Critical: Damage Boost vs Defense Pierce

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


The problem might be you’re crit’n too often. Try and make a build wit no ferocity and precision. See how much damage you do with just regular damage. Then see how much damage you do with critical hits. You’ll be astonished by the difference.

Again, if you want to ignore armor altogether, spec out for conditions.

Critical: Damage Boost vs Defense Pierce

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Ah, my bad. Its 3 am and I can’t sleep. Comprehension isn’t a thing for me right now.

You want a way to remove boost from item defense when attacking?

This is really simple. Every time you kill a player their item/armor is kinda-broken, when it is completely broken, the stat boost they get from the item is gone.

Hmm… OH! You don’t like going up against tanks in PvP! I think rather than removing the item stat when crit’n. They should just allow every class to equip any armor (light, medium or heavy).

But I fail to see why you need critical hits to ignore item/armor stats. Its not like critical hits are magic or conditions that can slip through player armor. I mean, most of my heavy dps toons have 210% ferocity, that’s double the regular damage on a critical hit. That’s a lot, at least in my opinion. Are you not getting enough critical hits to see the difference in damage? Try getting your critical chance/precision up.

There’s already a way to bypass armor in the game (condition damage), having a second way to do that doesn’t really make sense.

Critical: Damage Boost vs Defense Pierce

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Sounds like you’re asking for a debuff that removes toughness/armor to increase your damage output on your target?

Or are you looking for a type of damage that ignores toughness/armor altogether?

I’m a bit confused. Is this mechanic something you want for PvE? Its sounds a bit broken if you apply it in WvW or sPvP. People already rage a lot about Thief’s, if you added this, then everyone would rage about every class. In my opinion.

A way to deal with wvw trolls

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Trolls exist in every MMO, these days. Its a style of play and you just have to live with it for the most part. I personally hate trolls, I block them and follow them through my block tab so I can avoid them.

Spamming useless siege isn’t a big deal. Opponent servers, will at times, spam rams up top if they think the opposition is trying to siege AC while they’re trying to take it. I’ve seen an entire wall spammed with ram sieges to prevent us from building AC’s up top.

Though, queue upgrades for the sake of draining supplies seems a little spy-ish and sabotage-y. That kind of play should be banned, or something. Its as bad as when an enemy guild gets a guild member on your server to move all 16 golems out of your spawn so they can destroy them. When mega servers rolled out, server loyalty ceased being a thing, in my opinion.

Almost all EU Matchups totally broken

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Aren’t match-ups determined by how well the servers preformed in the previous weeks match-up? Not by ranks?

Doesn’t this just mean the ranks haven’t caught up to how well the servers are preforming?

[Suggestion] WvW Armor

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Or introduce a Karma/Badges extractor that only works on WvW/Karma armor.

[Suggestion] WvW Armor

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


So when I leave WvW, my armor un-equips? or does it work like the old pvp set-up, u have a dedicated armor/trait set that you swap to in wvw? How will the wvw armor mix wit wardrobe system?

Karma armor can’t be salvaged, but I think that’s to protect economy so players can’t directly convert Karma to Gold.

The WvW armor is probably the same thing, Anet should either make WvW armor bought via ONLY badges and keep the armor unsalvageable. or keep it the same but make WvW armor salvageable.

Knockdown when ported out of Airship

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


So everyone knows how when you’re in the Havoc Heir Airship when you log in, you get re-logged/ported onto that platform?

Whenever that happens and I walk off the platform and around a bit, I get a random invisible knockdown/back. Happens once and then everything is okay.

I wondered if this is happening to anyone else?

Movement speed problems - an easy solution

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Mesmers can run Mantra of Recovery for heal and Superior Runes of the Centaur or Air.

Use heal skill, gain 12s of Swiftness, after 10s use heal again. The skill has a 10s cooldown so you can have perma-swiftness on a mesmer.

Combine that with blinks and you’re good to go.

edit: forgot Air only grants you 5secs of swiftness, so just stick with Centaur runes

[PSA] About PPK

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


I see a lot of thread out there about wanting to keep PPK.

PPK is a thing in WvW. That’s what Borderland Bloodlust does.

Your Server gains a point every time you perform a stomp while you have Bloodlust. In addition to the stat boosts.

Just in case you guys are crying about not having PPK anymore. It was always there.

Shout Guardian vs Shout Warrior

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Guardians keep everyone alive and moving with protection and stability -
warriors keep everyone alive and moving by clearing soft CC like chill, cripple immobilize, condition conversion, as well as securing kills with flurry.

they are just different.

A melee train that can’t lock down enemies with warriors is a dead or a useless melee train.

also – in CORE, our ascended warriors run 2900 power and 2900 armor with 30% crit, not sure we’re going to loose much DPS…..

Only 2900 armor with 30% crit? What kind of gear are they running? Clearly power primary, but what would reduce them to only 2900 armor? Mostly valk with maybe a mix of cav? Full soldier’s would get them a lot more than 2900 armor.

I thought 2900 armor wit 2900 power was very impressive. Its easy to get one or the other over 3k, but for both of them to get that high, doesn’t that make them really balanced? I thought the meta for warriors in groups was going towards balanced stats versus Zerky/Glass or Tanks? I’ll be honest my war sits at 2700power and 2900armor, but its crit chance is 44%, I’d like 2900power and 30% crit chance to what I have now. Since fury can boost u to 50% easily.

Shout Guardian vs Shout Warrior

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


But this is out of topic. I am interested in knowing if any other guilds are running with Shout warriors and if so with what analogy to the guardians of the group.

The only shout warriors I know of in WvW are commanders/group leaders. I don’t know why though. They tend to be in the middle of things, putting their tag where they want the group to hit. So it makes some since to run shouts, for themselves rather than as a support for the group. Probably to maximize their chances of surviving a skirmish, really sucks when your leading and you get stun/immobilized and can’t effectively lead the group.

I don’t usually see random militia warriors run shouts, rather its best to divide parties with at least 1 guard in them that can provide the support.

(lols, me trying to stay on topic, hope that gives you some insight)

Game Over!

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


With that logic, get rid of Mesmers, Rangers, Necromancers, Elementalists, and Engineers while your at it.

I’ve seen half decent Mesmers, Rangers, necromancers, Elementalists and Engineers all solo, 1v5 and keep them all occupied for 5-10 mins.

5 decent players would not be tied up for 10 mins by any of these classes, you must have seen some newbies getting farmed.

A Mesmer traited for stealth can run for awhile but its not nearly on the level of a thief, and could still use some balancing imo.

True, my point is any decent player can handle another other decent player. If your getting farmed/gank’d by a thief, its not that the class is broken, its the skill level is too far apart.

The thief’s have been nerf’d and ‘balanced’ so much since launch, how much more do you want to take away from them without removing them from the game.

A thief traited to run around is vulnerable to burst condi’s. Especially with their low health pools, just burn them down. Thief’s that run around at best have 2-4 cleanses, I run around beastly with my thief, but get 1 good stun/immobilize on me then burst condi and i’m down. But MOST will try to burst dps me after a stun/immobilize and fail because I’ll be able to recover and reset easily. So its not that my thief is broken, its that my opponents failed to recognize my weakness. (and yes I know my thief has tons of stun breakers, which make it hard to stun/immobilize me, but its not impossible especially if its a 1v5, it happens more often than you think. A 2sec stun/immobilize isn’t enough to dps a thief down but its long enough to get a good condi burst off)

higher tier server they understand me.

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


don’t most servers have a dedicated Mumble or TS that players get on for WvW rallies?

My server is mid tier, t3-5’s for the last year or so now, I don’t know how it is in the bottom tiers.

Double Standards in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


WvW is massive, running away is a tactic, resetting is a tactic. Anyone should be able to use them in a massive zone like WvW.

If they flame you for resetting, tell them to go play sPvP where it’s harder to reset.

Shout Guardian vs Shout Warrior

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Guardians keep everyone alive and moving with protection and stability -
warriors keep everyone alive and moving by clearing soft CC like chill, cripple immobilize, condition conversion, as well as securing kills with flurry.

they are just different.

A melee train that can’t lock down enemies with warriors is a dead or a useless melee train.

also – in CORE, our ascended warriors run 2900 power and 2900 armor with 30% crit, not sure we’re going to loose much DPS…..

Pls explain “secure kill with flurry”. I am not suggesting not to use warriors at all. I am just saying to use them more offensively. Keep the warhorn, keep the 4 points on Tactics to secure Quick Breathing, keep For Great Justice to give might+fury. But hell, trooper runes and shake it off? That’s crippling your dps for very little payoff.

Flurry imobilizes and aoe damages, so its a kind of secure kill when the target can’t run aways from the group.

And most WvW players I play with make sure to get all their stacks before engaging in any skirmishes, isn’t that basic? so shouldn’t it be basic to include those stats in your calculations? Unless you roll with a group that doesn’t care for stacks and doesn’t want to maximize their chances of coming out on top of skirmishes.

Shout Guardian vs Shout Warrior

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Why would you want a shout warrior in WvW raids? isn’t it better to have Hammer tanks? Where Endure Pain and Balanced Stance are a must, no room for shouts. Multiple and well-timed Ele Water Staff Cleansing Rain is more than enough to cleanse an entire group of condi’s and the occasional Purging Flames from Guard’s.

Game Over!

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


It sounds like there are a few people here who would prefer that all classes are nerf’d in WvW and overpowered in PvE.

Being gank’d in WvW isn’t fun. But there are plenty of traits/skills that prevent being 1-shot. Either take the time to learn them or get used to being gank’d whenever you roam. WvW is a PvP zone, you get players in every MMO who speck out for burst damage like the thief. Its why they’re so appealing. Don’t try and ruin the PK experience for others.

That’s only part of the problem …

We usually have 3 enemy thieves in Golanta … all those skales around make it hard to select them in the few seconds they are actually visible. When you try to follow them the skales will get you into combat and you will move much slower – so the thieves will get away, heal and get rid of condis while in stealth and re-attack while you’re still trying to get rid off the skales.

In a tower – every half decent thief can solo it. So when you have one inside after capture … how many people does it take to flush that thief out?

You call that balanced? One guy tying up 5+ people for like 10 minutes?

Another line I’ve come to hate is: Oh, you have to gear for WvW … yeah .. if you’re not a thief. THEY can go full glass cannon and still have a good chance to survive if they know what they’re doing everyone else has to adjust of course.

I have a thief as well (was my 2nd characer) and I say now what I said 2 years ago: Broken class – get rid of it.

With that logic, get rid of Mesmers, Rangers, Necromancers, Elementalists, and Engineers while your at it.

I’ve seen half decent Mesmers, Rangers, necromancers, Elementalists and Engineers all solo, 1v5 and keep them all occupied for 5-10 mins.

I can 1v5 on my Warrior, even if I can’t win I can at the very least keep the 5 occupied for 5 mins easy, so take the Warrior away too.

Just about every class is broken when you go against someone whose practiced a bit and experienced with 1v2+. Just happens most of the time its the thief, if I remember right, a while back, it was the mesmer and necro’s that where solo ganking everyone in WvW

Game Over!

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


It sounds like there are a few people here who would prefer that all classes are nerf’d in WvW and overpowered in PvE.

Being gank’d in WvW isn’t fun. But there are plenty of traits/skills that prevent being 1-shot. Either take the time to learn them or get used to being gank’d whenever you roam. WvW is a PvP zone, you get players in every MMO who speck out for burst damage like the thief. Its why they’re so appealing. Don’t try and ruin the PK experience for others.

What do your servers call your bl keeps?

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


its Garri, bay and hills.

but on EB, red keep is called the ‘death star’ XD

Tomes and Scrolls of Knowledge for badges?

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Tomes are available in sPvP because in sPvP regular EXP isn’t available to level players.

In WvW, there are more than enough options to earn regular EXP to level. Its a grind, but what game doesn’t have a grind? You grind in PvE for EXP to level. You grind in PvP for Tomes. So its either, you grind in WvW for EXP or Tomes, you can’t have it both ways, well you could but Anet won’t let you have it.

I normally spend badges on siege and the occasional set of exotic armor.

Change ooze from Aetherblade path

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


You just need a bit of communication to do the ooze bit. Which is rare in dungeons, and why people avoid aether.

Kite/pull all lavas to one side/corner closer to the door, begin escort of oozes, when they get close to lavas, kill them then, oozes will make it to the gate before any lavas have a chance to respawn. What you have to communicate, is NOT to kill the lavas till oozes get close to the group (which is normally half way through)

If you’re having troubles, it means either you, the rest of your group/party or both just don’t have the skill level/patience to actually do it in one go.

Did something change?

in PvP

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


It could just be, they have a few bugs with the matchmaking system after tweaking it for the last patch. I haven’t had the chance to sPvP since patch.

Did something change?

in PvP

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


What’s your rank? You’re now paired with players that have the same exp/rank as you. If you’re getting more noob players, it just means you have to grind up your rank and leaderboard ranking before you see more experienced/ranked players.

White Swords are back!

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


I wasnt thrilled with the constant karma training, and lack of upgraded keeps during the event, but it did have its advantages. Maybe tweak it say have white swords as part of an upgrade. Scouts have always been important, but making it as part of an upgrade will make it easier to defend upgraded keeps/towers, give incentive to put in time and gold to actually upgrade, and make karma training harder, because leave that crap in eotm.

Ah, lucky. I was stuck in T3 all four weeks. T2 servers that got stuck with us steamrolled us and kept most of the keeps upgraded.

White Swords are back!

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


I loved the no white swords. I’d recommend the devs rework upgrades to accomodate a system with no white swords and then implement it. It would do miles for improving the WvW experience. The last few weeks have been the most fun I’ve ever had in WvW.

That’s an interesting idea, rather than an upgrade for white swords, a trap/siege that you can deploy next to the keep/tower/camp that will hide white swords.

White Swords are back!

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


I am going to miss ppk a good bit though i think ppt should be nerfed some holding object should not be the end all be all thing in wvw object should be value as staging points and not point generators. Much like holding the top of a hill dose not win you a war but it helps you win.

PPK is still available, if your real has Bloodlust, then you get PPK.

T3 NA completely broken

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


I meant to add, right now this should remain player-driven solutions. T2 and T3 will eventually get balanced out by the players just doing what they already do: quit or transfer. Dev-driven solutions should not try to interfere with this process, like they did with offering free transfers before Season 2. Instead they should be spending resources on solving the issue of player attrition and game mode staleness.

That’s what Anet wants you to think, Player-driven solutions are to transfer servers, that equates to more $$ in Anet’s wallet. If you keep this mentality up, Anet won’t do anything to expanding or bettering the WvW experience for fear of losing out on all that $$. And right now T3 needs to be fixed, the experience is just horrible, even if the players in bottom servers of T3 move, it’ll just keep repeating itself with new servers.

T3 NA completely broken

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503



I think IoJ and NSP have pretty much given up. They’re tanking and its not deliberate.

It was even more devastating because of the Sneak Attack, everything felt more hopeless in T3 against big brother Green.

Rather than merge servers, maybe a merge Tiers would be a better option. T1+T2 where T1green and T2blue are allied in one corner, T1red and T2red are in another corner and T1blue and T2green are together in the last corner. And you do this for all the other Tiers. T3+T4, T5+T6, etc.

This allows for weekly alliances where you team up with higher Tiered/“skilled” wvw servers and lower Tiered/“ranked” servers.

White Swords are back!

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503



Now that Sneak Attack is done with. What are all your thoughts? Was it interesting? Or was it just worthless and Anet has nothing to show for it?

Personally, I prefer that they don’t mess with the White Swords. But if they did, I’d like it as an upgradable option that you can buy called ‘Signal Fire’ or something, rather than removing them completely.

2 yrs+...Guild vs Guild, will it happen?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Rather than ask for GvG after 2+ years, I’d ask if there will be new dungeons after 2+ years.

Its unheard of, for a MMO to not release a new dungeon after all this time. Afterall, dungeons/raids are the core of MMO’s. Its why a party is formed, where friendships are forged, and its that bond that creates a Guild. And it all revolves around dungeons/raids.

(Suggestion) Ranger Rapid Fire

in Ranger

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Changing number of hits for Rapid Fire would change the amount of times you can proc. with the skill. (Less hits = less chances for proc.) That would be changing more than the aesthetics of the game and cause more of an uproar than keeping it at 10.

I say, don’t let the unrealistic/inhuman speeds it takes to launch Rapid Fire ruin your gaming experience. Its a fantasy world, let fantasy take over your imagination for a bit and leave the real world behind when you log in.

Top 5 things Anet got wrong

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


People shouldn’t complain too much about the living world story gaps. You’re being a bit unreasonable if you think you can create that much content in a short amount of time. Especially, content designed for hundreds of thousands of players to play simultaneously. There are tons of other MMO’s who’ve tried in the beginning to keep up with new content but give-up soon after because of how insanely difficult it is.

Though, I completely agree about the things about WvW. WvW is where ‘hardcore’ gamer’s gravitate to, they’re the type of players that don’t mind spending cash to enjoy the game. Instead of catering to those types of players, Anet decided to focus on attracting new/‘casual’ players by enhancing NPE, but I can’t blame them for that, there’s a bit of dough from new players purchasing the game. Wish they didn’t destroy the best thing they had for the ‘hardcore’ gamer’s. The moment they did that, I started looking for other games and stopped buying gems. Its unfortunate for me that I can’t find anything that can replace GW2, but I’m waiting for the day I can uninstall GW2 without ever looking back. Until that day comes, I’ll enjoy whatever new content Anet comes up with next, no matter how little it may seem/be.

(edited by ChoChoBo.6503)

Magister Izzmek? Temple of Melandru.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Ok, its been an hour now. I’ve reported it via in-game /bug

I think that the events aren’t syncing with ‘Temple of Melandru’ status.

At defense event for Gaveberon’s text should be ‘The Pact are building up strength at Gavbeorn’s Landing.’

But text is stuck at ‘The Pact are preparing to attack the Temple of Melandru.’

At first I assumed this was because the timer had not reset. But I have a hard time imagining that Anet would set up an hour long timer for this event.

I’ve let the defense fail and reclaimed it hoping that this would solve it. Alas, this didn’t do anything.

Magister Izzmek? Temple of Melandru.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Anyone know for sure where Anet stands on this?

I’ve waited here at Gavbeorn’s Waypoint for the last 45 mins waiting for him to spawn his event chain to reclaim the Temple of Melandru.

Is he bugged? Or is the event timer around an hour after defense fails?

Why does the search of this forum not work?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Do what everyone else does.

google it. “search topic”

Works fine and afterwards make sure to bow down in gratitude to our future rules. All hail Google!

Warming Grawnk's Heart never get ornaments

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Collect the missing ornaments. Chests in the world will have bonus loot of Mysterious Grubby Package, of which will contain the relative ornament. Although these packages have a high chance to drop the items, it is not guaranteed. Further, in order to receive the ornaments, you will need to have acquired the Holiday Display Case (from Grawnk Munch) and unlock the collection prior to opening any of the chests.

Basically its all RNG. If you don’t have the collections unlocked then its a guaranteed broken ornament. With the collections, its a chance to getting it.

If you feel like you’re not getting it at all, maybe you didn’t activate the collections. Did you double click the Display Case? If its still in your inventory, then you didn’t activate the collections and everything you get will be guaranteed broken.

That jump in Troll's End

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


That whole puzzle is easier with a plush griffon potion or anything that can shrink/transform you. (I us the box of chocolates to shrink myself)

Daily quests completed no reward chests.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Daily Completion only rewards you 10 achievement points now.

You won’t get a chest for it, the points are awarded directly to your account.

Like Inculpatus said, laurels and mystic coins are rewarded through daily log-in.

If you look it up, you’ll end up with more laurels than you would in the old system, so its not a bad set-up unless your desperate for that 1 laurel you’re missing for that special item.