and style to turn them into craters and dust.” -Tonn
Number-crunching for ecto salvages – periodically updated
Can’t say no to free inventory space, but Vials, Globs, and Shards already have collectible slots in our banks. They’re in the same section as lodestones/ectos.
So you don’t want players to use waypoints because it ruins immersion… What if people don’t care too much about immersion, especially when they’re hopping between world bosses for loot? You’re damaging their play experience when you can satisfy your need for immersion by simply not using waypoints.
I like how if I want to hit a specific boss, event, NPC or even help a friend, I don’t need to spend half the time running there.
Dulfy’s site is heavy on your system. I’ve noticed considerable framerate drops, anywhere from 5-15 while having Dulfy open in the background. I suspect it has to do with the sheer volume of data on any page of that site. I attempted to reproduce your issue to no avail even with Dulfy and another game (not all that resource heavy though) in the background.
If you don’t mind, could you elaborate as to what specific i5 you’re using? GW2 is supremely CPU dependent from my experience. My AMD 1055T (3.5GHz OC) with a 560ti is mildly outperformed by a Q6600 with a trash GPU. I’m no expert, but it may be an issue of your CPU unable to handle the quick open/minimize that is attempted when you double-click on GW2.
Edited to add: Are you experiencing this problem only when your character is in resource heavy areas like LA or is it anywhere?
I was suspecting this, and it’s nice to see I wasn’t being stupid :P On top of all that, people will actually flock to kill the champ abomination at the end of the Plinx chain rather than leaving it to roam forever. Then Plinx can reset for more loots.
I really hope this is as good as we’re speculating
Took a little digging to find it, but it’s been reported as a bug and will be fixed in the next release:
Doubtful. Those champs will probably drop T1-T2 mats. Orr might see a comeback if lodestones and other T6 mats become common drops on the champions. I’d love to see the old three camp zerg come back.
I was laughing waaaay too long at this. This is just pure gold.
It’s found only on dropped weapons. People then salvage and put them on the TP. By now I think it’s safe to assume the wiki has updated all craftable sigils’ pages with their recipes, so doing a quick search there will almost always give you a reliable answer.
Power leveling via crafting leaves you with almost no discovered WPs, which will turn out to be a pain in the behind later on.
This 1000×. Do some exploration, if not all map completion, and then craft the remainder of your levels. If you’re finding yourself under-leveled for the next zone, craft a little to boost you up.
The problem with this suggestion is that you’re nerfing the class the way Izzy did with Smiter’s Boon in GW1. These changes would make the class beyond sub-par compared to others.
And the GS combo you mentioned, it’s great for PvE. I dare you to try it in WvW or PvP. Anyone with half a brain-cell will dodge out of the way. It’s only deadly if you stand in it for it’s full duration.
I agree completely. Let’s nerf their damage since they’re a support class. We all know every class is built around a pre-defined role in this game. And since they’re hard to kill, let’s also nerf their defensive capabilities since I don’t have a brain with which to learn to play. Hodor.
Run the -repair command on GW2 to repair any potential texture errors.
If that doesn’t work, try reinstalling/updating your graphics drivers. They may have been slightly corrupted and causing the issues you’re seeing.
If neither of those work, bump this thread and hopefully someone else has some ideas. This thread would probably be better placed in the Tech support forum as it seems more like a graphical problem on your end than a bug common to everyone.
I’m still getting normal-ish drop rates on actual rare items. Before the very last bugfix update (which broke Melandru again), I’ve been farming the Melandru second beacon defend event every time it pops up and consistently getting ~2 rares on average, even with all the support tickets and occasional kite fortunes dropping.
I’m almost positive these event items (like the dragon coffers, kite fortunes, etc.) are on a separate, additional loot table that doesn’t affect your regular mob/chest drops.
Clear your mailbox. If it’s full, new mail won’t go through until there’s space.
Sometimes there’s no excuse for dying/getting downed. For example, I almost always state at the start of phase 2 on the Claw of Jormag fight for people to stay off the ice until the event text says he’s stunned, otherwise the deadly ice debuff will be applied to them and probably kill. Guess what? 10+ people end up dead on the ice repeatedly, and then ask in chat “wtf just happened?!!11?!”. Those are the only people I specifically don’t revive.
If you’re too ignorant/overconfident to follow basic instructions to avoid hampering your team, stay dead. Otherwise, I’ll gladly revive you as long as it won’t get me killed in the process :P We’re all human, we can all make mistakes.
As Esplen said, leave the invite/ignore it. Don’t decline or accept it. You should no longer receive any invite notices even if they are doing something against the rules/botting/whatever.
Preview dyes on the TP. Use the wiki’s dye page as a guide. I’d start with vibrant/yellow dyes which are categorized there. I’d guess maybe Redemption or Daffodil might work? Experimenting through preview is the best/cheapest way to do it though
Not really a rare/unknown item. It’s a set reward for the Massive Achievement Chest. Due to the dat-miners, all the available chest rewards are listed on the wiki here: Achievement Rewards. Each chest “cycle” repeats after the 5000 AP one (Massive), and the only additional reward is the new title every 5k AP.
Here’s your answer from recent similar thread by a developer:
This is an intended effect for the Superior set. For balance reasoning we cannot have 3 sets of 15% boon duration.
When I try to access the guild bank the dialog says “I only work with guilds. If you wish to use my services, you must first seek a guild to join.”
Although it’s something different in your subsequent post, that statement appears when you aren’t representing any guild. Try swapping guild rep back and forth if you’re a member of multiple guilds?
Otherwise I’d send a support ticket in addition to this thread. My guild that I built just for storage still has working storage, and so does my current guild I’m representing. No one in map chat in LA claims to have or heard of a similar issue either.
Forgot to add: Check if the guild’s upgrades currently show as the guild storage/vault being completed. That might clarify the issue if you’re hopping between servers and losing storage as you move (which is normal as each server has independent upgrades).
(I know, double post/bumping early, but good update to the topic)
If anyone is still having this problem, re-log completely and do tier 2 again. It wouldn’t update last night, but first attempt this morning doing tier 2 (solo) again counted for the achievement. It may be a bit odd, but at least you can get it completed.
Same issue here but with Evon. Did the Candidate Trials for Kiel first, 1+2. Did tier 2 for Evon first. Then did tier 1&2 multiple times with no progression. It seems if you do it out of order it bugs out :/
Edited to add: Resetting the instance doesn’t help either. I just finished resetting the instance and redoing tier 1 then 2 with Evon and I’m still at 1/2 for the achievement.
(edited by ExTribble.7108)
No. .
1) This would destroy server loyalty/identity.
2) No longer WvW, but more like a random arena.
3) More disorganized groups, less strategy involved.
I could go on and on… WvW as a whole is insane karma farming whether you’re flipping SM every 5-15 mins or flipping towers/camps nonstop.
Okay, let’s get specific here.
Charge and Call to Arms do not remove all conditions, nor fear specifically. No tooltip change is required.
Mending and Signet of Stamina have cast times, and since fear is like stun, you can’t use anything other than instant cast skills while feared/stunned. No tooltip change is necessary.
I don’t have a warrior, so I’m not sure how Cleansing Ire works in practice, but from its description and your complaint, I’m guessing you can’t burn your adrenaline while stunned/feared? If so, again, working as intended. No change needed.
Fear is like stun, but it’s different. It’s a condition rather than an effect. You can only use skills like shouts and cantrips which activate instantly, regardless of whether you’re stunned/feared. Key word there is instantly.
Since it seems you’re a warrior, “Shake It Off” works just fine for getting rid of fear. Skills granting stability prevent the fear from even being applied, so taking something like Balanced Stance can help as well.
The skills you labeled really don’t need fixing.
WvW might be it, each borderland needs to be mapped out. One doesn’t count for all three. You’ve got all the skill challenges done, so I’m guessing you’re probably missing most of Divinity’s Reach. It is one of the few (or only?) zones that won’t show completion when you mouse over it.
Aside from that, get the POI in the Chantry of Secrets instance in Bloodtide Coast if you haven’t already, and double check zones again :x
Options→General Options→Team Colors→Pick anything but “Everyone” as that includes you too.
(edited by ExTribble.7108)
Correct. That’s how people get armor skins from multiple orders onto a single character, and move gemstore or otherwise rare/expensive skins between characters.
Considering the time-gated nature of celestial items, I’d advise you save it on your elementalist as they can use celestial decently, unless you’ve already transmuted a fancy skin onto them.
Not possible. The items you transmute must be in the same armor category (light/med/heavy) and slot (chest, gloves, etc.). Weapons as well.
You can transmute skins between chars by transmuting the stats of a white or blue quality item onto the skin. That will make it account bound, and then you can transfer it to your other char through the bank. Again, must follow the above criteria, which won’t work in your case :/
Also note that because of this, you can’t transfer an item with stats between characters, as you lose those when you make it account bound with a white/blue quality item.
Or ya know, kill the moas so the enemy group doesn’t just rally on them?… You can’t just expect a “Target that thing I want by reading my brain” button
No one’s asking for that. It’s just a suggestion for a QoL improvement where players are prioritized over useless NPCs and structures. I don’t see the big issue here.
Your entire argument is based on the elementalist’s damage output being pitted against a person wearing no armor and purposely eating all the meteors.
By your logic, we should also nerf Hundred Blades since that can kill someone in a single channel if they stand still in front of it and don’t move. If Meteor Shower somehow prevented people from escaping it, I could definitely see reason for a nerf, but so far your arguments are pitifully weak.
Yeah, let’s cycle through a bunch of moas until you finally land on a person. And then you hit it one too many times and accidentally target someone a mile away.
Does hitting the next target button work as intended? Yes. Does it serve the purpose the OP wants it to? No. Am I just being trolled here? >.>
Never seen this before, and it sounds pretty weird. I’d suggest you send in a support ticket if you haven’t already. This is definitely not normal :S
Hey, lets argue instead of clarify the post! (/sarcasm)
The OP is asking for target nearest enemy function which would exclude idle (yellow) enemies (moas and such) and objects (like siege). It can be troublesome in WvW if you’re trying to use targeted skills on a player and instead aggro a few braindead moas.
Assuming I got this right, definitely supported :P
Unlike GW1 where zones were designed for full parties to explore, the open world in this game is designed to be balanced for single roaming players. Yes, Group Events require people. That’s the point, to draw people together. In lower level areas, these group events are doable solo.
Bring heroes/henchies into the mix and the open world now has to be made more difficult to balance it out. Then people want stronger henchmen since they’re dying constantly. See the trend?
I’ve gotta ask, how does adding NPC helpers make the zones feel less barren of players? If anything, it’ll make people see small groups of players as a single person with heroes/henchies (at a glance ofc), which would make the zones feel even more barren.
The mount suggestion has been beaten to death, so I’ll skip addressing that.
Get an invisible bag for your minis. I like that I can store them as collectibles so they aren’t taking up valuable bank space. Invisible bags prevent sorting, depositing and are invisible to merchants/TP, so you can also store secondary gear sets, weapons, etc. safely as you get them.
Boss chest or the bonus chest? Or both?
Are you camping the events on alts? If you are, you need the alts to move around and do something else in between the boss events (or do 2+ boss events on the same alt) or DR will prevent you from getting the chest.
Also note that if it’s the second (or more) time you killed the boss since server reset – same time as Daily Achievement reset – you won’t get the bonus chest.
I’ve gone over everything. Checking websites and going back and forth between toons but nothing. I’ve gotten map completion already but it was a long time ago. Any insight?
The account’s achievement is based on a single character’s furthest progress in map completion. Character A can have all but 9 hearts completed and character B can have those 9 hearts completed, but you won’t have 100% map completion. It all has to be done on a single character.
I have 100% map completion, but Shiverpeak Explorer says I have 174/175 areas and Maguuma Explorer says I have 166/167 areas.
I’ve gone to Deadend Waypoint and went inside the cave and through the instance. Still have 174/175.
Anyone have the solution? I know were not going to get any help from Arnet. This is really getting under my skin not having any GM’s to contact to help with situations like this.
For future reference, start your own thread. Don’t necro something when your issue is a bit unrelated.
PoIs, WPs, etc. are not part of the explorer achievements. There are areas you uncover in zone that have none of those, so it’s possible (likely even) that you’ll be missing some when you reach 100% map completion. Compare your regional maps to those on the wiki. You’re probably missing an area on the outskirts of a few zones. Also realize the achievements are account bound, so uncovering an area another character already uncovered will not count as progress in the achievement.
Good luck
@Envy: Rarely, if ever != never. The grand majority of commanders (at least on my server) don’t ever troll, even if it’s harmless.
Have you been to any world boss events? The enemy becomes invisible behind all the particle effects. For example: Dwayna telegraphs every attack with rather long animations, but most of the time I can’t tell what the heck she’s doing since I can barely see her through the effects :/
The animations/effects need to be reduced or at least given a toggle. Definitely not increased.
I’ve counted up to 10 commanders all at the same boss event with their pins up. You can’t tell me that there’s a valid reason for that. Most of them are commanders you never see in WvW so they’re doing it purely to troll unless they’re one of the few PvE only players who got it for guild reasons, and even then they all can’t possibly be so blind that they don’t notice their pin is up. This isn’t just one night by the way, it’s commonplace to have 5+ commanders at these events, especially when others aren’t active at the time.
Toggle in options set default to show pins would be very nice. It’s better to show as newbies to some areas are sometimes guided by a commander saying “go to my pin”. If it’s default off, these newbies will be just further confused/annoyed with whatever issue they had. Obviously, no toggling in WvW as commanders rarely if ever troll there.
13-20k damage with Meteor Shower if you care to play catch with the meteors. Have fun with that. Most people will get hit by one, maybe two as they move out of the AoE. It seems someone’s peeved that an elementalist or two wrecked his AC’s he thought were safe on a wall :P
It has to do with how they set up autotargeting. In my experience, it selects the enemy closest to the center of your screen. It has nothing to do with proximity as far as I can tell. Can’t say whether this is intentional or not (so maybe it isn’t a bug?), but I agree it’s annoying at times.
You can disable this autotargeting in the options. I found binding a key (C in my case) to “Select Nearest Enemy(?)” in the controls section to be a decent remedy.
Nope. Fast-cast targeting (as you mentioned) is the closest option we have.
Same thing happens with the elementalist’s Lightning Flash. I’m guessing it’s an issue with most/all teleport skills?
It strikes me that Anet has some kind of impact limiting code in place, meaning the majority get perfect play, but the unlucky few get to ‘enjoy’ this terrible experience during high server load.
Proof? This looks like baseless speculation to me that it targets only certain players… The only “impact limiting code” (as you call it) they have is the use of overflow servers. Prioritizing player A’s connection over player B’s connection in the very same instance makes absolutely no sense when they already have the overflow system.
Back at my parent’s house, I have serious lag issues from about 6-11pm from what appears to be user load on my ISP’s network, yet here at college I have no lag issues at any time of day (different/better ISP). Try playing another game or montoring download speeds at different times of day to see if this might be the problem. This really looks like a connection issue on your end :/
In addition, we’ll also improve the functionality of legendaries, allowing you to set their stats when out of combat to any stat combo available, so you don’t need to transmute stat changes for legendaries.
Loving it.
They all drop from Zephyr Sanctum Supply Boxes so look at that for a complete list. You can of course buy them off the TP to avoid the gamble.
As far as I can tell, there’s no discovery with celestial gear. You need the recipe to craft.
What are you experiencing lag with? The only time I experience lag is during the first boss events immediately after reset, in which case it’s usually skill lag. Aside from that, the lag is either minimal or on your end (most of the time). Aside from a fluke a few days ago in fractals, I haven’t had a disconnect in months.
And no, they’re not going to “compensate” you for missed rewards as there’s likely no way to prove which disconnects were due to issues on their end and not yours. This has nothing to do with money grabbing.
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.