Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
I wouldn’t mind something to throw aetherium or favor at. now you’re talking about that. :p
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
I think the badges of tribute need to be come down in price, and fr some reason I don’t feel like I get as much Badges of Honor anymore either. I don’t know if this has changed or anything, but if it has then changes should be made there.
The 100 badges of tribute for the WvW decorations (that’s what I call those statues really) is alright, if only acquiring the badges of tribute was just alot easier through getting more badges of honor or cheaper with only 20 or 10 badges of honor per tribute.
Ornate armor is an obvious prestige thing, and tbh it’s not even that pretty. Personally I like the tier1 version alot better.
There’s alot nicer decoration out there than the statues anyway, and I don’t mind that the statues are the prestige things to show off in the guild hall. Makes me think of the hall of monuments.
Anything beyond that shouldn’t be prestige unless it’s something really impressive like the halloween cauldron, uzolan’s orchestra or the globe of whispers (which imo isn’t even that expensive, but okay.)
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
I meant “you” as in the hypothetical player that fits that if-condition.
I thought that was obvious. :/
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
Plants need a good look in my opinion. Re-potting every single time you upgrade a plant makes plants way too expensive to make considering their size, since that basically means making another ceramic plant pot. I kind of want to make more plants, but the added pots and added evergreen lodestones every single time make it too expensive to be enticed by that. I don’t mind that they are small, but their price definitely should reflect that. Like Pillar Candles are a molten sliver and a basic candle. Then a potted plant really should be at the max 1 evergreen lodestone (or maybe even slivers) a pot and a special item.
That or at least make every multi tiered plant stand in a pot in a pot in a pot in a pot, so we actually don’t use up all those ceramic pots for no reason. (or better, use up a pot and give back a pot.)
The elegant square pillars, and the elegant pillars seem fine for their size, I don’t really think they should become bigger. Perhaps lighter and more contrast added to their texture, as they feel pretty dark which basically hides the amount of detail they have. They are actually really pretty. (I tried various graphics settings) If anything, maybe only use one essence of elegance, because 12 adds unnecessary value to these pillars. The rest of the pricing seems fine.
tl;dr: I don’t think bigger is better. Variety in size is nice, pricing should take in the size/functionality.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
Ehh, okay. Not to disagree with you, but you’re about 8 months late with that nor does this specifically have to do anything with small guilds, but okay.
But I mostly agree. I still think that all these supposedly “new” boosts and “new” features aren’t really new features and should (have) be(en) accessible for non-HoT owners.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
That kills most of what I like about gw2: spontaneity.
There hasn’t been any spontaneity in GW2 for years. It plays like a bus schedule. Next scheduled stop: Fire Elemental.
If you look at timers and do world bosses. I have always played Guild Wars 2 as a spontaneous game, even in HOT. IT’s a choice. I don’t need to find a meta to enjoy myself in the open world.
If you like more than the generic event chain, and need to do a boss for some achievement, then at some point you will need to look at the schedule. You can avoid it and not do any of things tied to all the worldbosses, ofcourse.
There’s very little larger event chains that end up in a boss fight that is not tied to said boss train. Which is a shame, no matter how much other content there is to distract you from it.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
Spring Update: Did We Get Our Game Back?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: FrizzFreston.5290
- Thanks for the information on Scribing
- Hostility isn’t helpful, but just to be aware there’s no single source of information on
Guild Wars 2 so… ya, easier to ask players who are playing.
- There was a time when people thought answering another human being, however briefly was just what communication (forums) are all about. I guess communication could be used for diaper rash (directed a certain others) but who wants that in their mouth?
I never said anything against communication nor anything for being hostile, I just meant that that ALOT of questions you’re initially dumping on people. It’s alot of time to answer all the questions. Some of those have alot of bias to them, and people are going to argue against those biasses, thus confront you about the additional baggage within the questions. At least that’s what I meant with being confrontational, I don’t mean being rude or hostile.
Just imagine walking into a room full of people playing the game and then you ask all those questions in before anyone can reply. You got to admit that is alot to take in and answer. Though on a forum that is a little more practical, it’s still alot of questions not anyone is likely to answer in one go. Plus it seems to me you’re looking for the most elaborate information as well.
Concisely said.
- WvW has regular player polls on what developers should focus on.
- Alpine BL is back, +5 supply is the first boost instead of the last.
- Scribing is many times cheaper. who pays depends on the players. Some are better at p(l)aying together than others.
- HoT maps are more casual friendly, drop ~4 times the loot
- Little fluff events showing changes in the world that lead up to living world 2.
- Fractals are pretty much the same, Cliffside made shorter.
- New raid wing been released since Gorseval, and still the same-ish difficulty. Ascended gear has already been proven to be not necessary by others.
- Dungeon rewards have been buffed with 5 gold per 8 paths (or something like that), and dailies reward 2 gold.
- Any grind, time-gate and other things were never a huge issue and thus haven’t been changed.
- Any relationship status or gender generally has little effect on ones ability to play the game or ones opinion of the game. I don’t even…
I probably missed load anyway.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
(edited by FrizzFreston.5290)
Unlikely at first. Though if every city has one in, and the inns get their own icon, that might be more visible, also as to where to go for more information about the current state of the world. I just picked the inn because for me that’s just the typical place for an adventurer to get their quests. And since these events are obviously not the main course and just there to keep us entertained and the game world less static, I would say that a huge announcement would just be silly. I remember how Flame and Frost was like that and then players were like… “Is this it? :s I expected way more.”
Obviously even then not everyone will even notice that. and for how long would Inn Gossipers talk about the current events (how long do current events stay current)
I wouldn’t want to see a towncrier/inngossip have this huge list of events to talk about.
Then again, you could have more than one NPC in these Inns, like a Shining blade agent, aor a Priory scholar and some Asura Leyline Scientist. (This is almost sounding like a joke lol)
I dunno, I would find that pretty cool.
I really think that people just need to get used to this idea of events taking place every two weeks, and would follow more close attention to the patch notes once this develops. Obviously an ingame version of this would be pretty nice too.
Edit: That idea could potentially actually make Inns filled with a few more players.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
(edited by FrizzFreston.5290)
Spring Update: Did We Get Our Game Back?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: FrizzFreston.5290
No one is going to fill in that questionnaire. I mean, I have opinions about all the things, and then you might just brand them stupid because you disagree, so that would be a wast of my time, and yours. Plus some people are always going to be confrontational, including me, it doesn’t say anything about the game, if anything people are still people and you won’t like every single one of them
The best thing to do is to log in and play really. But since you keep asking about the state of the game itself, I would say it’s mildly positive because of all the changes. You can easily look those up yourself, and make your own judgement.
The cheapest way for scribing is about 500 gold btw. And that’s not counting the new resonating sliver recipes that make them into 3 Finishing kits (once per account per tier), and Basic Decorations for everyone with a workshop, which IMO are pretty huge.
Just to correct that first reply there.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
Actually a town crier or inn gossip would be really nice. Or some other form of daily/weekly/biweekly news outlet that people could check. A single line in an event pop-up, or mail would just clutter either someones mail, or event windows that would be missed if someone doesn’t play for 2 weeks or longer if they are removed after that.
I think it’s wrong to assume that players never ever will pay attention to it, but in time players will know there’s some little events every two weeks. Players need to be taught to pay attention first before we can say that this is too obscure right now.
Either way, if there’s something else that only encourages to interact with the game world rather than blindly follow some schedule message or running in a scheduled farming champion train, I’m all for that. But other than that I don’t think it’s that obscure that people will never find it. You just have to kill bandits/dragon minions to get started, which at some point will happen anyway.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
Yeah, I wasn’t going for rewards either. But a situation where some people do get a useful reward and others don’t just feels bad if you do notice it.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
I guess this is sort of you asking us for feedback on this?
Personally speaking, I didn’t like the huge waiting mobs at each of the locations. The events became too short and unimpactful. This does also have to do with needing to wait for the event to spawn. Perhaps some more active way of spawning?
If these events are more hinted at they would be swamped with players. And it’s just something small and enjoyable. And really adds to the game feeling more alive.
The risk of messaging these more openly is that they become something that is expected to be bigger and much more an attraction that needs to be completed rather than the natural development of the game world.
It’s a fun small content and it really doesn’t hype if it’s screaming in your face telling you to do it. It would be majorly anticlimactic.
If it fits the event addition I would maaaybe send out a mail to those characters that would be affected by it. (Priory events messaged to priory affiliated characters for exemple)
The tyrian XP reward for the achievement is nice, but void to those who are maxed out. Being able to pick a small karma reward instead of the XP or additionally to the XP would be nice.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
(edited by FrizzFreston.5290)
We can discuss this all we want, but it’s ArenaNets game. They can kick ban suspend you all they want, provided they have a reason.
Just read the EULA and such things before accepting them. If you ignore that and make up your own version of what is, should be or shouldn’t be allowed, then by all means do so. But you will possibly get banned.
Other than that, complaining here doesn’t do much, going to support will. It’s literally yourword against theirs in a situation ArenaNet has all the rights and you don’t. They don’t even have to prove it, unless you want to bring them to court over it.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
Was I mistaken?
Am I the only person annoyed by this?
Yes and no.
I would say it’s obvious that the individual teams at ArenaNet are really great at making amazing stuff. Except that they are completely working parallel to eachother and don’t combine their efforts to make Guild Wars 2 a rounded game.
Like balance changes that don’t mesh well with all the modes, rewards that are obtained much easier in one area but not in the other. And ofcourse skins that have alot of potential as guild goals, but are instead put up in the gemstore.
Not to mention the world boss event schedule that completely destroyed any natural chain of events that concerned these bosses. Like the initial map shape was okay, then mega servers came, and they just took it apart, ignoring all previous design and copy pasted it on a schedule. Just to illustrate the point, as it’s possibly necessary to some extend.
Then again, I don’t think it’s always that easy either, but it’s definitely one of those things that they could improve on. (Maybe even should perhaps)
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
Can you get more than one set of Orders in a day? I got one, which led me to a bandit in Kessex, but no more seem to be dropping. So now I’m trying to find the locations sans map guides (got one in Brisban, one in Queensdale, one in Kessex, no idea where to look in Gendarren/Harathi/Bloodtide).
The achievement seems to suggest it’s one order per day. (3 Daily bandit bounties)
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
Yeah, I’m not entirely sure how much I like this idea of rich trading post people making stuff more expensive because they think it’s a good idea.
All the more reason to not sell and just keep hoarding I guess.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
In retrospect, this is actually causing the daily login reward to be worth significantly more to players who wish to convert mystic coins to gold.
Or annoyingly expensive for those wanting to use them in order to reach specific goals. Just a matter of perception really.
I wonder them not being consumed having to do anything with not having enough, rising prices
and perceived scarcity.
Stupid flipping players. :p
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
Just need to know what to do.
Plus 100gold is 50 days of dailies divided by the amount of members. And I wouldn’t call Dailies a huge amount of playtime. You’re very likely to get loads more.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
This is a useless discussion.
Guild Wars 2 is a sequel of Guild Wars 1 as perogative of the creators.
And I’m not going into this mindnumbing discussion which one will outlast live longer last longer or whatever version because it doesn’t say anything other than GW2 came after GW1. (By Ogdens Hammer! What Logics!)
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
Hi AGamer.3168 good point you made on this tropic ! Respect !
Some just don’t get that wanting to play and be in a queue
and wanting to play and then go play without being in a queue
is not the same !The server merge was a flop !
pvp players have screamed about queues in pvp for a long time
players don’t buy and join a game to spend time in a queue
but anet don’t seem to have the iq for things like this
and so they did make sure there came queue times in wvw too.
I don’t think the server merge can be considered a flop if there’s so many good experiences with it as well as some negative sides that annoy other people.
Though I can understand that mixing lowest tier with highest tier would cause a culture clash. So to speak.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
Guild permissions for Decorations and Scribe
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: FrizzFreston.5290
Yea. Id say C definitely.
People still might want to donate those.
I would just talk to your guild leader though. I know I would totally let any members that simply ask to decorate and scribe do exactly that.
Just all the silent members who want to and are still in the new member rank I have no clue about so if they really want to they need to speak up really.
If your guild leader doesn’t let you, I would nearly say to just leave and find another.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
I was at high WvW servers, quitted as hardcore player and went to underworld server were i can enjoy peaceful gaming without any pressure, the situation now brings back old memories, but still, i’am totally against this merging.
Reasons are:
- getting stomped once i walk out anywhere at WvW.
- unnecessary attitude and childish behavior.
- lags sometimes due to server issues.So my answer will be always No, in my eyes, the merging failed, and i really wish Underworld server will be back the way it was.
The merger was a reason for me to play more WvW more seriously.
Then again UW to the way it was is pretty much the position it is in now. At least for me. There’s alot of older UW guilds on Far Shiverpeaks. And apart from the occasional nutjob there’s actually a fairly nice community going on.
I am perhaps biased that I see people I know, and maybe lucky when I’m on there’s not any drama? (I don’t know) But it feels to me UW and Far Shiverpeaks seem a good match.
PS. Also. Right before the merge it seemed to me some UW commander and some random complaining person were being as rude and childish to eachother for a good hour. So if what you experience there is happening I would say that that is pretty much inherent to all of WvW. Not many cooperate in any server and there’s childish players in every server. It’s definitely not because of the merge. Though you might see it more often because there’s more people. More people means more people that ignore you and more that annoy you.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
(edited by FrizzFreston.5290)
I think I did this one with help from 2 guildies. In two different map instances.
So I can’t say if I was lucky or not but I definitely got it right away that way.
The API is down exactly for the reason this method works.(covering multiple map instances/opening a new one) Since map instances aren’t hard locked to servers anymore there’s no easy way of determining what the API is showing. At least not until the API works per server IP.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
Here’s the thing, we have a prefabricated map that we can upgrade and put decorations in… That’s not creative.
I’m not going to post a bunch of videos from other games here, but there are games that provide much better building tools and more creative freedom.
Surely that doesn’t tell anyone that you can’t be creative with the Guild Wars 2 decoration system. Maybe you have more freedom and more tools and maybe better tools in other games and more decorations and whatever else. This all is not saying you cannot be creative with the Guild Wars 2 decoration system. In fact one might argue you need to be more creative with the limited tools we have in order to decorate a guild hall. That’s why I linked those pictures. Because there are people who can be creative with this system. And that was obviously my point.
There were and are better ways to do this player space stuff.
There’s always room for improvement. Yes. I don’t disagree with that there’s alot of things the decoration system needs to improve on.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
What is really annoying with this upgrade is that Cullen continues to sell everything at 50s even if after you get the upgrades. -_-
Agreed. I don’t understand why you need 2 NPCs who sell the same things at two different prices at all. It’s like they want you to mess up deliberately.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
and things you buy with guild commendations should go into your inventory not the guilds. Especially when you are use to the items doing that then u puchase a lattice and dont read the fine print and get screwd. lol. Other guilds i’m in have a larger daily purchase , so i thought i’d hop on theirs and buy an extra things and bring it back to my other guild. NOPE I’m wrong. Guild commendations wasted!
Well, I would say that would basically be leeching. I don’t think that should be encouraged.
As for your observations on the cheaper basic decorations merchant. This has been changed in the April quarterly update. At first you needed to buy the unlock but you don’t have to anymore, now it just makes them cheaper to buy at the market merchant.
Just to repeat:
ALL basic decorations are available from the scribe NPC “Cullen” as soon as you build the workshop restoration 1. The Decoration Merchant upgrade unlocks a cheaper option in the market NPC for half the price.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
I’d say every MMO has their own unique things. If you don’t care about them that’s obviously going to affect what you think about the game.
I mean, I said unique because that’s what draws me to GW2. I really like the dynamic events and the way the story pans out over the game world. The downscaling and keeping all of the game world relevant (to some extend) feels really nice to me. Just the amount of detail in this game is unique if you know where to look for it. And the game doesn’t require me to grind too long for viable gear. Plus the jumping puzzles and other such intricate vertical areas in GW2 are just amazing imo. The combination of features of GW2 is definitely unique. Surely there’s other games with similar features but it’s never going to be GW2.
What you should ask yourself, why are you playing GW2 OR posting on the forums of GW2 if you think it doesn’t have anything worthwhile or is just more of the same? Surely you’re not all here because GW2 is the same as every other game, otherwise you’d be playing those games.
And because it’s unique, there’s going to be people who like it, and those who don’t and want to try other games who fit more with their preferences.
It’s really just that simple.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
To be honest, I have no idea. xD Same with Bandit chests. There’s apparently a few unique exotics that drop from it, checking wiki.
I know I usually just run them until I’m out, otherwise they stack up, and it is annoying on alt characters.
I just think, that if it’s easy enough to change, then definitely might not be a bad idea. Other than that I think I pretty much agree that it’s not completely necessary. I just fail to see any downsides to it, if properly done. So why not if it’s easy enough to add.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
Thus there’s no downside if the price is set right. Just to clarify what you’re saying.
That’s barely an issue at all.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
Some of the upgrade requirements are hillarious. It feels like the devs were brainstorming in a meeting, guessing about what could be used to get upgrades for guildhalls. The answer is always, more flax. I have a huge list of things I want to craft, but I cannot, because the guild eats linseed oil and kegs in stacks. Not to mention the scribing. We want to decorate the guildhall so we need to level a scriber, but guess what. To level up a scribe, you need certain (= useless) upgrades in the guildhall. Our guild is spread arround 20 servers or more, for what genius reason we had to build this stuipd WAR ROOM? Now we have to do WvWvW upgrades only to be able to get the scribers a few more levels up.
As if I want to buy a car in RL. And to get that car I have to get a house, a garage, a pair of ski, diving equip, soccer goals, an italian coffee-machine, learn russian, learn portugese, learn swedish, adopting a dog, adopting a cat, adopting a cow, milking 2,000 liters of milk out of the cow, opening a lemonade stall, finding a lucky clover, get a teddy bear, an ice bear, a swimming pool which however is not compatible with the diving equip from the beginning, one barrel of oil, one barrel of gasoline, 10,000 needles, a package of chewing gum, a pair of scissors made of wood, back-hair from a three-headed-monkey, a bungee-jumping-rope, a flight-license, a chinese restaurant, 5 aligators, 1 siberian tiger albino, a horse, a wallaby, a chimeny, a coffin, a package of screws and 10 white marbles. And once I’ve collected all this, I get my car TIER 1. Which I cannot drive, which does not look like a car and not even sounds like a car. It is just a photograph of how a car is made in a factory and ofcourse the list for TIER 2.
Well, arguably, you don’t “need” the WvW upgrades. Especially when planning to decorate your guild hall, going the slow way can pay out. And the free 6 finishing kits (well 3 scribing 3 finishing) each tier help out really nicely. Other than that, with the scribe rebalancing all the basic decorations are available once you get the workshop. So technically you “only” need guild level 3 to level up a scribe and start decorating.
Obviously basic decorations still are 50 silver each.
Also there’s also a way to not just level your guilds WarRoom and let your scribe ask to join other guilds who already have said WvW upgrades in order to level up your guild.
I definitely check every once in a while incase some scribe is on LFG in order to level up and use our guild hall stuff.
Edit: My guild is a medium sized guild btw.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
Guild halls should be about fun and creative expression… Not gold sinks on rails…
You’re wrong. People can be very creative with guild halls. Especially after the SAB update. Just because it also involves investment doesn’t mean it’s exclusively gold sink.
Just some examples (in random order):
The [nA] Guild
Reddit Thread
Their Guild Hall picture gallery
Their SAB floating island
The [HC] Guild
SAB picture gallery
The [ARR] Guild
Reddit Thread
And that’s not counting all the guild halls seen in Wooden Potatoes’ videos where they go even crazier.
Our guild hall currently looks like:
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
I have a guild that functions with roughly 5 active players at our peaks. We have been around for years and we do not wish to be forced to either join a larger guild or grab our credit cards just to get the BASIC upgrades.
We are guild level 29, and running out of available upgrades. We will be forced to make the Tavern tier 2 soon…but this is not viable. This singular upgrade that grants absolutely nothing in itself costs a horrendous TWELVE THOUSAND flax seed piles if farmed.
This is seriously BS. Please, PLEASE. Fix the expensive upgrades! Find a way to flood the market with Flax and Flax fibers. SEAWEED AS WELL, it only has like 12 spots it spawns and it’s VERY irregular.
I agree.
Guild Halls are Guild Gold Sink Halls.
These are not places for freedom of creation, they are prefabricated areas that require gold and resources to build up. Decorations and trophies are the only things that can be added, but still at high costs.
You’d figure with Anet being so creative, they would give players the freedom to build a truly personal space and be excited to see the unique creations from the tools provided…
As is with any goal in this game. Decorating your character is also a gold sink. That’s the whole premise of the game. Farm and get materials to achieve your goals.
The reason Guild Halls aren’t complete freedom of creation is because it’s also progression based.
If you put in a bit of effort every once in a while you can make quite a bit of stuff.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
Well you will hit the bigger goals the further you go up.
Just buy a part each day and within a month you should be able to get past anything. I would definitely not farm all the seeds yourself.
It’s a big goal now but chipping away on it slowly but diligently works. I know how it feels standing before that big wall and thinking it impossible. Eventually my friend got to putting in a few kegs every day and before we knew it it was done, especially as it kept the goal actively progressing.
It’s definitely not fun though.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
It’s really no different than the chestruns in Silverwastes. I don’t see why this suddenly is a weird thing or completely silly.
Chestruns in SW are still really popular to this very day.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
Good luck with that then. I found WildStar too straightforward to the point it was boring me, maybe you have better luck with it.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
“For the last 6 months, I’ve been told daily by players how great and well designed ABL is/was.” – Tyler Bearce, Game Designer ANET
So, now stop complaining against ABL. You are not the majority…
Freedom of speech wants a word with you. No matter which side is the majority, everyone has a right to express their opinion.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
I think Core Game- HoT should be add to gems store. I own the base game (not a free player) and now i completly stop playing cuz i really dont want to invest money on “secondary” games while i am paying sub elsewhere. Is very discourage to know u will not be able to really try the full game when u enter a “f2p”. All those “extra bussines models names” are crap, things are F2P , B2P or P2P. Gw2 is still B2P and u get a “long beta” when u play it for free.
How is that supposed to convince anyone? Either they follow your suggestion and don’t get paid or they don’t and they still don’t get paid. You don’t want to spend money, you don’t get to play any expansions. It’s not even unfair.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
When in an event chain you don’t get more than are in the map. I usually do an event chain, and then run a handful of extra and Im out of crowbars again.
You just need to keep your eyes open, and possibly backtrack a bit to find them all, but it’s definitely not hard to run out. At least if you know where to find most of them.
I guess it’s a matter of taking your time to find them, but when I enter I generally have many lying around and I keep doing those as I progress towards any active event if there is any. It’s basically like gathering, times alot more. If you see it that way then 250 crowbars run out really quickly. I’m pretty sure there’s at least that many in verdant brink once all the events have been successfully done.
I don’t think I have ever been in Verdant Brink where I ran out of airship drops to open.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
(edited by FrizzFreston.5290)
In PvP I can understand. But in PvE, what exactly do you “win” ?
But to be honest, there is always a huge advantage with any expansion. Just having access to all the skills is a huge advantage. Being able to play with and having experience with the new things is a huge advantage.
What you are basically saying is that any future addition should be free otherwise it’s pay to win.
Personally I think you’re using the whole HoT specialisations are stronger argument as an excuse whenever you fail in PvP.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
I’m a Daredevil, but i tried Ele, Ranger and Engie with all similar issues, i played GW2 for a year and a half and just returned two weeks ago because i purchased Heart of Thorns in a sale at EB games…
I very much regret it now and am considering looking for more casual mmo over GW2, its no longer enjoyable.
Maybe find some friends to play with, use LFG, join a guild.
Problem is, there’s no game that has the same quality as Guild Wars 2. GW2 is pretty unique and plays and feels unique. Once I switch to other games it’s never the same.
Maybe great if you want something completely different, but not when you want a more casual version of GW2.
But hey, I heard Runescape upgraded its graphics engine once again. (no more Java/browser) If you want casual and something entirely different.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
This just shows how mixed opinions are in the WvW community.
Personally I don’t mind either. A rotation would be best by the looks of it. And there’s definitely some whiners who make unnecessary drama on both sides.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
Good Job WP. Show us more!
It would be a community favour to crash a market every day.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
Stuff that could be added to guild halls without actually breaking the game:
If only that were true. ^^
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
Really enjoyed those events. I was a bit bemused by the Mastery XP rewards automatically applying to my already maxed XP line. Would have been nice to be able to stash those to use against (presumed) new masteries in the future but I guess in Central Tyria we’re never short of XP.
But, yes. Nice surprise. More please!
I was hoping to stash mine also as I’m mastery locked now in Tyria. But no, it was automatically applied, and therefore it was a worthless reward for me.
Anet already confirmed they are not adding new central tyria lines, like ever. This reward was to give new/slow players a nice buff to help them out.
This is just a small lore/fluff event, it isn’t supposed to pay out amazing rewards.
There’s a difference between not supposed to be an amazing reward and potentially no reward at all.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
Impossible due to technical limitation. Probably because each item goes through the processing system, which doesn’t allow multiples atm.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
Well you say that. But once you want a few decorations that cost multiple basic decorations. Like a row of candles. Then its “only” 166 rows of candles you can make with 1500 basic decorations. Or with god statues, only 60. (because 25 basic boulders)
Not saying that that proves anything. But it can go fast once you go deep.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
You don’t need to buy the merchants anymore. The upgrade just buys it at the market for half the price.
All basic decorations are available at the Scribe Master NPC Cullen.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
LS is so dead that it’s mobbed with the tiniest event coming out today.
Oh wait, that doesn’t mean it’s dead after all. Oops.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
Not to be demeaning but in this case the whole “Dulfy has a guide” is just taking the fun out of it.
I would strongly advise to explore this naturally rather than by a guide. It’s really not necessary.
To start the little journey: Begin by killing dragon minions and work from there. It literally tells itself.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik