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yeah, a lot of the people from that tool are… not that good, gw2lfg has better playerbase, and the description isn’t really obvious in the lfg tool.
Most if not all groups I joined in using the tool got no issues running any dungeon from AC to HoTW. Of course not including the crazy broken/bugged paths like AC p2 or TA F/U. Maybe getting a good or bad group is a matter of luck, but they generally don’t suck like you’ve said based on my experience.
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It’s a steampunked version of the Nightmare Tree.
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The people that just dismiss this are totally wrong. Rank is tied to certain armor skins and in the future you never know what rewards A-net might add to the game that are tied to rank or glory. They have mentioned numerous times they will be adding more rewards to spvp. Any kind of exploiting is wrong and should be rectified.
This. If these glory farmers get away with this whole bullcrap once decent PVP rewards and achievements are released, it’s over.
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You’re meeting new people, whom you will then see again. You’re rescuing a village that will stay rescued, then remember you – Unless I turn my back and the event comes rolling around again within 10 seconds. Dear fishermen of Viathan Lake, I think you should just relocate..
I loled so hard but yeah, this is one of the things about Dynamic Events that irritate me. Sad but true.
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LFG tool is awesome! Although I only use it for dungeons for now. Hopefully everyone will make use of this wonderful long overdue feature be it in open world PVE and PVP.
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Too tired to read the whole thread.
GW2 is still casual friendly.
Just play as if Ascended Gears never existed. Just play as if Legendary Weapons never existed.
You still have a LOT to do in-game without these things. When you think about minmaxing stats based on the best gears available, then you are definitely not a casual player. But that’s just my opinion.
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Sword/Focus is always equipped when in dungeons. Secondary may change to Staff or GS depending on the situation though. But mostly GS for DPS.
Dungeons is basically DPS. So..
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5 – Gale – reverted the knock-down duration to 3 seconds.
Or they could standardize it with updraft an lower it’s CD to 40s, but the original 3 seconds knock-down was what made Gale distinct. With other proffessions having their stuns buffed to 3 sec, Warrior’s Skull Crack and Mesmer’s Sig of Domination, I don’t see why ele wasn’t treated with as much love.
Gale’s KD seems to last for 3 seconds even if the tooltip says 2 seconds. I say this because people take a longer time to get up when I use Gale than when I use Hammer 5 on the Warrior or Bull’s Rush.
I agree with Flamewall becoming bed of coals though.
Gale KD duration has been nerfed a few eons back. I’m pretty sure but I’m too lazy to search.
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You forgot to add some of the general updates that affect us as well.
All duration stacking boons(Aegis, Fury, protection, Regeneration, Retaliation, Swiftness, and Vigor) and conditions(Blind, Burning, Chilled, Cripple, immobilze(now stacks duration), and Poison) now stack to a maximum of 5 times.
-This could hurt as a bit when it comes to chill, burn, and regeneration. And I guess it affects stoning too, but no one uses auto attack anyway :p
More importantly, it can really affect how well we work with other classes.
I’m not sure I’m getting this. I mean how does it work right now? And how will these changes how these buffs and condis work in game? Is it a buff? Nerf? Can someone please explain? >.<
And yeah, ele support is getting some love. Excited for Earth Shield buffs. But yeah, eles still suck at the damage department without dying at the blink of an eye though.
Diamond Skin SUCKS. :P
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Focus Fire and Water need some love. No, LOTS of love. Healing in water, moar damage in Fire.
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It’s also interesting that you mention Risk vs Reward by incorporating Endurance, because the old design of GW2 actually incorporated it. And you can see it when looking back at the history of Charge skills . In the case of Charge Skills, these skills did more damage the longer they were charged. In the case of the “old” Arcane Blast and Churning Earth and Obliterate (replaced with Crushing Blow); these skills actually did consume Endurance/Energy and therefore made Offence a necessary sacrifice of Defense.
You can see the legacy of some of these skills in Churning Earth and Killshot today – long channeling, highly obvious animations that root you in place for a return of terrible terrible damage . I believe that the game can be much improved by bringing back some of these mechanics that were originally discarded, if only in a reduced state.
I only see the concept of Charged Skills now in certain environmental weapons, I can’t remember anything specific. I think it really was an awesome concept especially to those listed in the link you gave. I don’t know the devs reason to scrap this concept entirely in weapon skills and utilities but I think these are what the skills in game should be like. Risk/reward are there and not the spam and forget type of gameplay we see for most of the popular existing builds. I hope we see the return of these types of skills in game.
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I meant Transmutation Crystal in my earlier post. Not Fine Transmutation Stone. Where the hell did I get that? o.o
Anyway, yeah. Please let us Mystic Toilet these Transmutation Stones together with some other materials to get Transmutation Crystals. Pretty please??
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So this isn’t really a new content patch. It’s just an update of old content. Just like the last patch. It was just an update to old content.
Which, IMO is badly need to most of the existing content especially open world dynamic events. Adding new stuff is nice. But improving/fixing existing stuff first to make them better before adding new stuff is nicer. But that’s just me.
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They could give us the option to Mystic Forge a handful of Transmutation Stones together with some other items to get a Fine Transmutation Stone. Hopeful penguin is hopeful
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Destiny’s Edge. Goodie! I thought they were long gone and forgotten. I just wish for a more coherent story. Maybe everything is all but a mess since we don’t get the full picture, but I really wish that this Scarlet LS will still lead us to the revelation of the next dragon since I was extremely disappointed this was not the case with the GW2 anniversary surprise.
It would be cool to see Destiny’s Edge team grow like Braham and Rox joining them and also Trahearne.
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I second this. Moar to more serious permanent content. Although I don’t like steampunk that much, I’d rather have this than ballons and parties. Enough with festivals. Mad King and Wintersday are only a few patches ahead. This is good stuff.
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I was expecting a revamp on existing paths in dungeons, but I wouldn’t complain about an additional path to the existing dungeons.
This is awesome content like the Teq one.
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When will they make all these achievement backpieces available in the AP rewards panel thing (where Zenith weapons go)????
Yeah, the technology is there. I wish newly introduced and previous skins will also have the chance to be like AP skin rewards than ca be reused as much as you liked. Give us reuseable skins like Zenith weapons!!
On topic: new rewards isn’t bad. Yeah, it’s always a backpiece and a mini. I mean, what else can they give as rewards? o.o
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Nah, I wouldn’t expect a fix. That path is fine.
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Got frustrated by my ele also. He’s now a full-time dungeoneer and a retired PVPer.
So far, having fun with condi mesmur. I can’t play burst shatter that well. XD
And then last weekend, I rolled a cookie-cutter S/D thief just for fun. I was dominating sPVP within minutes. Like seriously.
And D<rps, I too need your help. I still want to play ele so bad, it’s just so frustrating playing an ele right now in PVP. PM me too.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
(edited by Gallrvaghn.4921)
i think that in this meta survivability is key. so going 20 water 20 air and 30 arcane with some defensive utilities is the way to go i think. Fresh air with all arcanes is too risky
LOL. That’s a good one. HAHAHAHAHA
My zerker or carrion mesmer can survive far longer than a tank ele through blinks, stealths, and invulns without even speccing too high on defensive traits while doing decent AI damage through phantasms.
When you can’t even have the same output as other classes whilst performing twice the effort even when specced similarly like those classes either defensively or offensively, then something is off. And when your class has no other option available to become a wee bit competitive other than pigeon-holing into two traitlines, then something is really really off.
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(edited by Gallrvaghn.4921)
They just need to add more unique rewards to completing a chain of dynamic events to somehow force players to spread out more and do these events since story, adventure, and lore are obviously not doing anything to make these events more appealing to the majority of the GW2 community. Like what they did to the daily bonus chests for World Events. You’ll notice that a lot people go to gw2stuff to tick down each and every world event for their homeworld and their guesting world every single day. They’re not doing it because they love to see the event over and over again. They’re doing it for the quick rewards. More loots, more gold, more buying power, more shinies. That’s what the majority of players in GW2 care about, really. And since most if not all shinies are readily available through TP, the best way to get your shinies is to formulate the most efficient way of earning gold and this is through Champ Farming, World boss dailies farming, and dungeon dailies farming.
I believe ANet is trying to capitalize on that in a way. I’m liking how they’re doing it to the world bosses like what they did with Teq. I wish they do the same with the normal Dynamic Events. They are just not worth doing anymore, IMO.
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I am actually talking about an ele running 0/30/0/10/30 and yes he is still using cantrips but his burst hits like a truck since my entire team can stack 25 stacks of might easy peasy.
25 stacks of might makes anyone hit like a truck.
Okay it hits like a rocket ship then… Not too mention eles have better team support through better blasts and combo fields.
Blast Finisher=Team friendly
Leap Finisher=selfish….
You can’t support your teammates if you’re dead.. like all the time. I play both ele and mesmer, and I feel the huge difference in performance vs effort between the two regardless of what spec I use in both classes. I’m not saying I’m pro. It’s just that aside from condi removal, mesmers are in a much better state compared to eles. Ele burst is a one trick pony requiring macro and stars to align perfectly well for it to kill someone in like once every 30 to 45 seconds. Ele bunker with 30water/30arcana equipped with all the condi removal and regen they could get, can still melt within seconds versus a necro+engie combo like any other class or spec, or have you ever heard anyone complain recently about how well eles counter the condi meta or its survivability against conditions after the hard, unmerciful nerf to the bunker ele a few patches back? I don’t think so. So yeah, mesmers and eles suck, but I find that I feel more useful being a mesmer in solo or team arena than I am being an ele in this meta. But that’s just me.
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s/d fresh air ele does the best burst in the game. The only issue with ele is how you have to constantly swap attunes/ no stay in attune build diversity and the attacks on focus and staff. Thats really it. Eles aren’t in that bad of the place its just how the meta is.
Fresh Air damage from Electric Discharge and Lightning Strike is one of the cheesy kind of bursts that should be removed from the game. It’s instant, unpredictable, and only counterable by luck.
They should’ve improved the fire department if they wanted a damage oriented ele instead of this gimmicky build that, as you’ve mentioned, requires constant swapping to capitalize on the GM trait.
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both spelled incorrectly
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Wait for next year for Shatterer update like that of Teq.
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Play an ele and be frustrated in every match you play. Ele right now is suited for masochistic players only.
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Well, that sums up the Gw2 PvP. Nobody is playing anymore.
That’s two. They can still scrim each other. PVP is not yet dead.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
Elementalist is for masochists. Ranger is for 5-year olds. Engie can be specced for either of the two. GW2 caters for all types of players dude.
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I call hoax.
But yeah, don’t know anyone who has access to it or maybe they’re not aware of it unless there’s some sort of in game message to tell you that you got chosen to try out the LFG beta. Who knows.
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Now when i think about it, why must there be sync between the servers, why dont just do it like the temples in Orr, i think none of them has a timer and there is no problem, the world bosses before the patch had no timer too.
Timer was added for the extra challenge.
I totally agree with you, but ill personally w8 untill they nerf it or someone find a new (or at least better) way to defeat him, because for me now its just waste of time with 0% chanse to beat him + no reward.
Black Gate beat him. It’s not impossible but will require effort as it should always have been. It’s only been a day. Relax. Giving up won’t get you anywhere. We were just so used to the brain dead spam auto attack encounters that most of us are struggling to actually work together to beat a dragon.
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I believe the increased HP and some added mechanics here and there like for the Fire Ele vortex are just placeholders until they iron out unique and challenging mechanics like that of the new Tequatl for the rest of the world bosses. If this is not the case, then:
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In my opinion the ele is fine. It is a balanced class.
We might be balanced against players that are afk…
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Stop, they’re going to just nerf it instead of buffing Ele’s like they should by adding a cooldown on aura’s you can receive or something.
They’re always very eager to immediately nerf, I mean fix these kinds of stuff.
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Jeez people it’s only been a day, be patient, give it a few weeks, people have to learn the fight, it’ll get faster in time, why do you want everything given to you for simply logging in.
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I support this. Tired of the same old cycle:
1) People complain that the game is too easy
2) Anet promises harder content – Aetherblade Retreat, Candidate Trials, Liadri, SAB, world bosses
3) Players don’t believe Anet “Bring it on, it is still going to be easy, GW2 PVE is so easy”
4) Players don’t finish the content on 1st try and cry for nerf.
5) Anet nerfs content.
6) Back to 1) and repeat cycle.
I say good work Anet on the new Teq. Can’t wait for the rest of the World Bosses revamp like this.
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Now when i think about it, why must there be sync between the servers, why dont just do it like the temples in Orr, i think none of them has a timer and there is no problem, the world bosses before the patch had no timer too.
Timer was added for the extra challenge.
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I like that they are making the dragons actually formidable like they really should have been from the start. Can’t wait for the others to be updated!
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There is an upcoming change that will allow custom arena owners to enable or disable these commands. When enabled, progression will be disabled.
Awesome. What bothers me is how players still insist in farming glory points. I have some pile eating dust in my account, I wouldn’t mind giving some for these poor guys. I mean, like, seriously?
People farm for the rank that comes with the glory, broku
Plus for the future reward changes. They have been talking about things such as glory to gold conversion etc etc
Well, that changes everything. I believe they should nerf glory gained in custom arenas in half compared to tPVP in addition to the glory gain disabling stuff they talked about introducing. It should be that custom arenas are for hotjoin or practice mode or something and the big league should give way better glory points in the long run because right now what is happening is otherwise.
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This is what the dragons and boss encounters should have been like in the first place.
Not yet touching the final piece of my Personal Story since I’m still waiting for a Zhaitan encounter revamp.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
There is an upcoming change that will allow custom arena owners to enable or disable these commands. When enabled, progression will be disabled.
Awesome. What bothers me is how players still insist in farming glory points. I have some pile eating dust in my account, I wouldn’t mind giving some for these poor guys. I mean, like, seriously?
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
The balance in PvE vs PvP will always be different, but there are certain tools that will help make the swap less jarring once they are complete. What I’m talking about is templates. If you played GW, they had templates that you could create and share with friends both in the game and outside of the game.
These templates would save all of your characters stats (armor, weapons, traits, skills) so that you could click a button and everything would swap over. This is something we would like to do in GW2 to help players swap between different areas of the game.
Oh God please yes! Templates! Now! Now! Now! <3
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He sounds cool the first few days yeah.
Waiting for some sort of option to change the voice to a Japanese Anime dubber of some sort. Or Britney Spears.
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So lets see, you rly think taht thief can one shot ppl right now? especially d/p build.
Backstab dmg agaisnt warrior,guardian is 5k at best, both of em have sth like 20k hp.
Agaisnt engis,rangers is sth like 7k, i dont think i need to say anything about rangers. Against engis d/p thief has equal chances.
Necros…..nuff said. Mesmers are out of meta so it does not make a difference if they get owned by d/p or s/d and eles can beat d/p if played correctly.
But all of these classes (except mesmers) have some form of invulnerability which helps em avoid being BSed, so where is your problem agaisnt d/p thieves?
Stealth? Why do you feel the need to cry so much about it? Use AoE and the thief will run away, yes you wont kill him but you will be able to capture the node and he will just run away being useless. Grow up ppl. Yes back in 2012 bs builds were broken but now they are just fine, just out of condi meta.What Guardian has 20k hp?
Those numbers made me lol too. Move along now. Nothing to see here folks.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
Tactics are awesome for non organised PvE pug metas!
This is like a sarcastic way of saying players are so stupid it’s totally not right to give them something that gives them the opportunity to encounter something that stimulates brain activity and player coordination once in a while and what they need is more faceroll zerg-fest content.
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You still dodge around like a kittened monkey dealing 3k crits without having to deal with the same risk other glass cannons have to suffer.
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On the other hand d/p is squishy and not so viable against good players since they can predict when your burst is coming and pop defensive abilities
Wow, how unfair. Devs you must remove this horrible design right now.
Yeah, burst should always come from stealth and the target should have no idea when he’s going to get 1-2 shotted. It’s totally unfair to give some sort of chance to react at all before he’s downed.
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I like how Arcane Thievery keeps coming up. Like it still isn’t buggy as all kitten.
I don’t feel like it’s bugged at all.
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