(edited by Grok Krog.9581)
Traits: 0/20/30/10/10
Earth: III/V/X
Water: I
Arcane: V
Equipment: Knight’s Armor, Vaklyrie Jewelery. Knight’s Scepter and Dagger. (these will all eventually be exotic)
Runes: None yet
Utilities: Glyph of Elemental Harmony, Arcane Shield, Glyph of Storms, and Glyph of Elementals or my Asura Defensive Golem
Right now, Elementalist survivability comes from using certain traits, and all your skills properly.
Currently on my Ele, running Rare Knight’s armor, and Masterwork Vaklyrie Jewelery. Using Knight’s S/D. Rock Barrier currently puts me up to 2800 some odd armor (which is only 500 points off of my Warrior’s). Utilities are Arcane Shield, Glyph of Storms, and Armor of Earth
0/20/30/10/10 is my spec. Air: III/VIII. Earth: III/V/X. Water: I. Arcane: V.
You get lots of Protection or Regeneration with this build, always use Glyph of Storms while in Earth attunement if you can.
Note: This is what I use for PvE, I have no idea what to do in PvP
With S/D, in a perfect world, I like to 1st, getting several enemies surrounding me starting in Air Magic.
Switch to Earth when fighting begins, and drop Glyph of Storms for long AoE perma-blind. Then I cast Rock Barrier (sometimes before Glyph). Churning Earth is my next skill, followed by Earthquake. Then I switch to Water and use Frost Armor for protection, use Water Triden and Cleansing Wave if needed, then I go to fire and use Fire Ring>Dragon’s Tooth>Pheonix>Fire Grab. I don’t always get off that combo because they’re usually dead.
Glyph of Storms Earth Magic version is my favoritest skill.
For Staff I’d say Flame, it’s already doing AoE damage and if you’re focused on Crit it would do even more.
As for S/D, I don’t know. I’m running S/D right now, focusing a bit more on defense but I still have decent crit chance and damage from Knight’s armor (rare) and Vaklyrie Jewelery (masterwork). Force might be good on both weapons for a 10% damage increase overall
@Psybunny: I know it can be pretty powerful combined, even more so with regeneration.
Combined all together with the Regeneration I get from Banners, Passive effect from Healing Signet, and Adrenal Health (when at full adrenaline), is about 750.
Problem is, many adrenaline skills are good to use. In my case, Earthshaker and whatever the Mace one is called. As they are very effective stuns.
That’s why I say it should either have full effectiveness at 1 stage of adrenaline, or lower it’s power and make it always tick every second.
I wouldn’t mind seeing Healing Signet’s passive effect made more powerful, or just make it scale with Healing Power better
Mouse 1 = Target
Mouse 2 = Turn Camera
1-0 = Skills
F1-F4 = Profession special skills
QWEASD for strafing and moving
The reason I use my Adrenal skills is because they’re stuns. I use Hammer and Mace/Shield
I really like Healing Signet, but I agree it could use a buff. I think instead of increasing the amount healed, the passive affect should be stronger. say heal for 300, or scale more with healing power.
On a side note since Adrenal Health was brought up, I like that trait alot too but the problem is adrenaline is rarely full . I think it should have maximum power even at stage 1, or lower it’s power over all and tick every second
I’m a very defensive/support specced Warrior. My traits are 10/0/30/30/0.
Strength: III
Defensive: V, IX, X
Tactics: II, V, XI
Full Tough/Vita armor, Cleric’s Jewelery. Hammer (knight’s), Mace (knight’s), Shield (pact shield).
Healing Signet, Banner of Defense, Shake it Off, Endure Pain, Battle Standard
Gives my party 220-225 health a second from regen, and I can tank 1-2 Silver foes in dungeons. I also give a large amount of blast finisher’s which are great for skills like Healing Spring. I do wish Shouts and Banners could heal at the same time
@Centrix: Pretty much the nail on the head. Even in PvE it can be hard to hit stuff, especially melee foes when you need to constantly be moving so they don’t slug you. Ele skills take too long to cost/too long to come around for the damage they do, in my opinion (my Ele is level 80 with magic find green equipment right now, but this is going based on my experience).
Even if you don’t reduce cast times, for skills like Dragon’s Tooth, make the ability instant but change it so you’re casting the whole time and can move. I don’t know how much that would help but seems like a step in the right direction
I think what would help Elementalist the most is faster cast times. Been running around with S/D for a while, I can do decent damage but fighting can be hard because it takes so long for skills to hit and when you’re running from melee foes to keep them from beating the heck out of you skills like Dragon’s Tooth will never hit
Stability might not be the best thing for it but it’s all I could come up with.
Mayhaps Retaliation? 3-4-5 seconds, maybe more
Edit: @Wiser with Age: Warrior’s would be the only ones able to use these Adrenaline skills. It would give the Warrior who planted said Banner more reason to pick it up for a bit
(edited by Grok Krog.9581)
Maybe the stability is a bit strong, but it’s an elite skill. They’re supposed to be really elite, which most aren’t
While running around with my friend and perma-swiftness from banners gathering Orichalcum nodes, I was thinking it would be nice if banners had an Adrenal skill. It would make them a bit more interesting I think. My ideas for each are:
Banner of Defense: Gives 1-3-5 seconds of Protection to you and nearby allies
Banner of Strength: Grants 1-3-5 stacks of might (10 seconds) to you and nearby allies
Banner Of Discipline: Gives Fury for 3-5-7 seconds to you and nearby allies
Banner of Tactics: Heal yourself and Nearby allies for 700-1000-1200 (can scale with healing power possibly)
Battle Standard: You and nearby allies Gain Stability for 2-4-6 seconds
20 seconds of invulnerability would be a bit OP, or however long it is. However, it is rather lackluster, a damage increase or 50% less damage taken while in it would be good I think
On my Ele I’m debating. Thinking of going full Carrion’s Armor/Jewelery/Weapons. Or possibly Rampager’s Armor with Vaklyrie Jewelery/Weapons. Leaning toward’s Carrion though
I use a Hammer and Mace/Shield, I’m set up for pure defense. It’s really good in my experience, in dungeons at least, for ranged mobs and blocking an attack back for 3-5K depending on how much damage they would do. Can really nail a ranged boss.
This is all if you got Reflect Missiles of course
What builds and armor sets should I be looking at if I mostly do WvW?
in Warrior
Posted by: Grok Krog.9581
I’d like to just make a correction that banner’s only use ~10% of healing power. If it was 100% my banner would be doing about 800 a tick where as they only do about 220-225. All my healing power comes from a full Cleric’s (rare) jewelery set, and when I have it equipped my Pact Shield (rare)
Forgot to say you could switch On My Mark with Signet of Fury to get that Adrenaline going
I’m not straight up Longbow user but if I was going to I’d do something like this
Arms: Deep Strikes, Blade Master (tell you why later), either Opportunist or Last Chance.
Tactics: Stronger Bowstrings, Burning Arrows
Discipline: Inspiring Shouts, Signet Mastery
Utility Skills: Healing Signet, On My Mark, Shake it Off, Endure Pain, Signet of Rage.
Weapons: Longbow (duh), and Dual Swords (this is why you have Blade Master, I say Dual Swords because while Burning foes from a long range with a long bow, if they get in close or you get in close, say after getting the most effectiveness of the 2 skill, you can pull out Dual Swords and cause some massive bleeding).
Armor: Either full Vaklyrie Armor and Rampager’s Jewelery or flip it.
Sigils. Bow: Sigil of Fire (with Arcing Shot youll be hitting and hopefully critting alot of foes, so you should trigger the Flame Blast). Sword 1: Superior Sigil of Earth. Sword 2: Sigil of Agony.
Runes: This one’s hard to say, looking at em alot would be good because of the Condition damage, but to narrow it down either Rune of the Flame Legion or Rune of the Undead
Don’t think I forgot anything, long post, and I kind of put this together on the spot but it’s what I would do, before you go following my every word I’d let some other people reply too that may have more experience with this
Dual Axes can put out some nice damage, I love it for mob tagging in Orr specifically.
To respond to the poster above me, I find the off-hand Axe very nice even though it’s lacking utility. The 4 skill is a very nice adrenaline builder and can give alot of fury considering it can hit up to 6 times. And Whirlwind Axe can be used while dodging, which gives it some defense/offense qualities.
A suggestion I have, if you want to try single target spike damage, is Axe/Sword
No Speed Boost
Over 20 times
I’m gonna say Human Elementalist.
Mine’s probably obvious =/
@ Edwinli: I like the name. I do wish my damage was a bit higher but I can’t complain with my Hammer hitting for 800-1200 on the auto-attack
I’m a Warrior, using a Hammer and Mace/Shield. 10/0/30/30/0
Strength: Great Fortitude
Defense: Missile Deflection, Shield Master, Merciless Hammer
Tactics: Empower Allies, Inspiring Banners, Inspiring Battle Standard
Utility Skills: Healing Signet, Banner of Defense, Shake it Off (occasionally Fear Me), Endure Pain, Battle Standard
Armor: Vaklyrie Helmet, rest is Toughness/Vitality Armor, Cleric’s Jewelery (rare)
Weapons: Exotic Knight’s Hammer, Superior Sigil of Leeching. Rare Knight’s Mace, Superior Sigil of Leeching. Rare Pact Shield, Superior Sigil of Water
Stats: 2985 attack, 11% Crit Chance, 3377 Armor, 25142 Health (no Banner’s and with Hammer equipped)
Don’t know what to call it, maybe Juggernaut or something like that
Warrior is my favorite. I’m able to Tank and still do kittenage with 800-1200 damage auto-attacks without critting and provide great support to my group
Only a few things wrong with Elementalist in my opinion besides bugs
Ele’s don’t do enough damage fast enough (at least with my experience with a staff) for their survivability. A small increase in damage or an increase in health or toughness would be good. Shorter cast or animation times would be good too
Make Air a single target spike attunement like it was in GW1. The other elements are good.
I wouldn’t mind this. No one is really over 90% health long. However, it is only a 5 point trait skill so we shouldn’t be expecting too much from it.
Maybe a toughness increase while Endurance is not full? But it shouldn’t be an amazing amount of toughness. Changed or not, it’s ok
I really love Banner’s. I’m using Defense and Battle Standard for my 2 Banners. they get 10% of healing power added to their healing. running Cleric’s Jewelery with full Toughness Vitality armor and they heal for about 220-225 each tick. Not to mention the stat bonuses are awesome
I wouldn’t mind it being changed to a defensive skill. Keep the stability, and increase health for 20 seconds. But your normal skills stay the same
Quaggan Quaggan! /chant
Dear Anet, please make a child Quaggan Pirate minipet that says “Quaggan is a Piwate. Yarr!” every now and then. The game will then be perfect. That is all
I personally think the banners are fine how they are. I do, however, agree that the Banner of Defense 2 skill should give Protection. say 3 seconds with a 15-20 second cooldown. Or if that would be OP make it longer
I’ve been using this one for a while. 10/0/30/30/0.
Strength Trait: III
Defense Traits: V, IX, X
Tactics Traits: II, V, XI
Utility skills: Healing Signet, Banner of Defense, Banner of (your choice), Endure Pain and Signet of Rage.
Equipment: Full Toughness/Vitality armor (except for helmet because it doesn’t exist), Cleric’s Jewelery, Knight’s Hammer, Knight’s Mace, Vaklyrie Shield
@seithan: I see your point, I mostly PvE so I don’t know how balanced it would be in PvP, but would like something like that.
@Graywolf: That’s a nice idea, something along the lines of 10% chance to gain 1-3 seconds of Protection when you successfully hit with an attack (?? cool down). (1 second for minor, 2 seconds for major, 3 seconds for Superior)
Another idea I think I saw mentioned somewhere else would be a Sigil that gives Toughness or Vitality after each kill.
I play my Warrior as a Tank, with Hammer and Mace/Shield, and was thinking it would be nice to have some way to get Protection. I don’t know how useful some people find Berserker’s Stance but I don’t see much appeal to it, my idea is to replace that stance with Protector’s Defense. Granting the Warrior Protection for a period of time and the stance would have a somewhat long cool down. Thinking along the lines of Armor of Earth.
Weapons I could see Warrior using are:
2 Handed Axe, which has been mentioned, would work similar to a Greatsword
I wouldn’t mind having a Pistol/Dagger off-hand.
Scythe would be a cool weapon
@seithan. It’s in the defense line, I believe it’s the 15 point trait that you automatically get.
@Day. I got 5 pieces of the Toughness/Vitality armor but looking at all of them on wiki no heavy armor helmet had both Toughness and Vitality
My Hammer build is more defensive, and also uses Mace/Shield. I’m specced 10/0/30/30/0, have 5 pieces of Toughness/Vitality armor and one Vaklyrie piece since there’s no Tough/Vita headpiece for heavy armor users. Also full Cleric’s (rare) jewelery
I’m specced for shorter Hammer and Shield cool downs, and to reflect damage on block. In Tactics I got Banners that give Regeneration, which get’s me 3 sources of it from Adrenaline, Healing Signet, and said Regeneration.
Utility Skills are Banner of Defense, another Banner (can be any you like), and Endure Pain. Signet of Rage is my Elite
My Hammer hit’s for about 1K. Critical hits range from 1300-2K.
While the changes are nice, I still think Grasping Earth’s Immobilize effect is rather useless. Even if you run with Vapor Form dodging twice to get maximum distance melee foes will still be on top of you pounding your face in.
Only idea I have to fix that is add a knockback on Grasping Earth when it’s used to foes around you. Or give Vapor Form a 3-5 second cripple
Ele can do tons of damage at ranged, granted, it can take a few seconds.
On my level 71, almost 72 Elementalist. I like taking on several mobs at once using Eruption twice then switching to fire for Flame Burst and Lava Font. Then the foes are taking tons of damage at once. Also since I’m an Asura I use Radiation Field, which lets me do AoE poison/bleed/burning.
Interesting idea. But they’d have to program so you can’t wield 2 Shields, and I don’t know what the auto-attack, or if there would even be one, would be
I personally love Banners compared to Shouts. With Banners + Healing Signet and the healing from Adrenaline, I get about 500 health a second, and 1100 on the 3rd second.
In dungeons I find them better than Shouts. While it’s not instant healing, I can spread 2-3 Banners around the room so there’s a large area covered for extra healing, not to mention the extra damage/defense Banners give. It’s harder to hit allies with Shouts in my experience, since I have to be near them, but they can get over 30 seconds of regen just being next to my Banners
Barbarous Slice:
Damage: 500
Stage 1: Add 2 stacks of Vulnerability to your target
Stage 2: Add 5 stacks of Vulnerability to your target
Stage 3: Add 8 stacks fo Vulnerability to your target.
Since we’re talking about adrenal skills here, I’d like to see the Mace on hit up to 3 foes like a normal attack and the Bleed on Flurry last longer
While I’m not interested in the bleed build itself, I am curious as to how much the 6th Dolyak rune heals per second. (I did just kind of skim through so I may have missed it). Because right now I’m running 5 Dolyak runes and a Svanir rune for high toughness/vitality and if it gives a good bit every second I’d like to add it on to my Adrenaline healing per second, Banner regen, and Healing Signet healing per second
Actually Recently, as far Utility skills go (not counting the heal or elite skill), we get 4 signets (Fury, Stamina, Dolyak, and Might), 4 banners (Tactics, Strength, Discipline, and Defense), and 4 shouts (For Great Justice, Shake It Off, On My Mark, and Fear Me).
I would like to see an Elite shout. I don’t know what it would do but I would like it. I would also like to see Banner of Defense’s second skill to give protection for like 3-4 seconds instead of the knockback
I don’t see what’s wrong asking for a “tank”. I play somewhat of a Tank on my Warrior, using a Hammer and Mace/Shield with regenerating banners, I take 1-2 foes out of the fight so the rest of the group doesn’t have to worry as much. It makes easier for all, and I love doing it
PvE players have to do some PvP, PvP players have to do some PvE. Deal with it
I think Healing Signet is great, especially when coupled with the adrenaline healing and regeneration from banners. I was doing some calculations on it yesterday and it only takes about 10 ticks (10 seconds) of Healing Signet’s passive effect + the heal itself to equal Mending. Granted, it doesn’t remove conditions but you don’t always need condition removal
I PvE though so I don’t know the effectiveness in PvP