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Why is there no Exotic Shaman's Armor?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


Those are only the weapons, which I already knew existed. However there is no armor.

FURTHERMORE, I just noticed that the shaman’s in PvE is not even the same as Shaman’s in sPvP. In sPvP you get toughness but in PvE you get vitality. What the heck?

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Why is there no Exotic Shaman's Armor?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


This makes no sense. Why am I not allowed to have the build that I have in sPvpP in PvE and WvW? As far as I can tell there is no way to get the toughness, healing power, condition damage build in PvE unless you use pre-level 80 or non-exotic gear (since Shaman’s armor mysteriously drops off the face of Tyria at level 80). Is this an oversight or something? Or is there a different named armor set that provides the same stat combo?

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Possible to bring back Halloween Minis until 15th?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


I was under the impression all of the Halloween stuff was going to be staying in the gem store until the 15th since it was announced the skins would be staying until then. I was kind of flip flopping on whether or not to buy the minis, but didn’t think there was a big rush to decide. I decided tonight that I’d get them, but alas they’ve just disappeared from the store along with the outfits. It seems kind of inconsistent that the blc skins and personalized ToT bags are still there but not the others.

Anyways, it’s not too big a deal, but it would be nice if you brought them back for a few days for us procrastinators.

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Projected Profit wrong?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


Has anybody else projected profit seems off? I sold 250 candy corn for 3c and it told me my projected profit was 5s, when in reality I got 6s38c (85% of 7s50c).

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What was the point of the 2 PvP events?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


Glory is for competitive PVP. It’s purpose is to create prestige for people who are good at killing other players on a level playing field. Activities, on the other hand, are a grab bag of mini-games that shake up the gameplay for a bit. Yes, it’s—**gasp** —fun. The fact that the glory bar is even displayed is just a side effect of us leveraging our awesome competitive PVP framework to host them. (It is really cool by the way. For example, did you know that you play activities with players from other worlds?)

But now that we’ve got that straight, I’m super interested in learning what you guys think you should be getting out of activities. Trick or treat bags were sort of a trial, but I think it worked out pretty well so we may do similar things in the future. Keg brawl doesn’t have anything like that, but it does have achievements. Would that compel you to play? Something else?

Thanks for your time!

Glory is for people who are good at pvp? That’s the best joke I’ve heard in a while. No, glory is a measure of grind time and greed, that is all. Winning doesn’t even give much glory so people who lose 90% of the time can still rack up glory by farming it (point swapping). I don’t see why we should be forced to play only one type of pvp for glory if it isn’t inherently any more difficult.

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I lost my hair!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


Maybe they changed it to prevent clipping? I noticed some of those long hairs clip the shoulder’s pretty bad.

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Custom Music won't play in Cities or Orr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


Ok, it seems that there is never background music in Orr period… so there is nothing to replace. Is this a bug? If not it seems silly. It’s pretty pointless to have this custom playlist feature if you can’t even use it half the time.

Additionally I managed to get city music to play in Hoelbrek, but the interval of silence (even with interval turned all the way down) is so long that it’s worthless. There should be the option to have no interval, so we can have non-stop music like a normal RPG. Back to my ipod I guess…

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Make the Endless Halloween tonics tradeable!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


Been saying this a while, and I’d say furthermore make ALL endless tonics tradeable. I have the endless halloween (2 actually, so I could trade one of them) and the tree endless mystery tonic, but I know I’ll probably never be able to gt the others, since the odds of

1. getting another endless mystery tonic (took me 350 blcs to get the first one)
2. Not getting the duplicate (2/3 chance, will be only 1/3 if I miraculously manage to get the second of the 3)

are very, very low. Point is, collecting all the tonics is nigh impossible, and it shouldn’t be.

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Custom Music won't play in Cities or Orr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


Just found out about the custom music feature and tried it out… to some success. Main Menu works, my ambient and nighttime music plays in Gendarren Fields, and my battle music plays in Orr when there are large numbers of mobs around, but other than that, nada. City music doesn’t play in Lion’s Arch or Divinity’s Reach, ambient music doesn’t play at all in Orr (where I want it most), and battle music didn’t ever interrupt the ambient/nighttime music in Gendarren Fields. Frustrating…

I’m using wpl playlists by the way.

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Will the mini-games stay after Halloween?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


I really want Reaper’s Rumble to come back (or stay if it hasn’t gone yet… I assume it has though). It was probably more fun than the current point capture pvp that we currently have (not that I dislike current spvp). The only thing is I’m not sure about is if I want them to keep the default weapons for everybody or allow standard class pvp skills (the button 5 skill shot was so fun and powerful, and the field was certainly even)… I would like both actually.

Lunatic’s inquisition was also fun, but I don’t think it was as well balanced and I can’t see it getting as competitive. Reaper’s rumble was just plain old pvp fun.

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Who thinks the Greatsaw Greatsword skin got too much attention?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


Yeah, there are essentially no really good looking dagger skins (the only one that looks pretty decent is incinerator and that will run you almost 1000g). Fortunately I like the focus to be on my character so I don’t care too much what my daggers look like… as long as they aren’t giant rambo knives, which is the case far too often (but transmute fixes that). Still I think they need to add more daggers with particle effects, which is really the only way to make a non-giganto dagger that stands out (somehow anet feels giant greatswords which already stand out require more particle effects than daggers… go figure).

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Mad King's Backstory too Dark?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


I don’t see how my post and title are dissonant. In the title I ask if it’s too dark, and in the post I ask if it’s too dark (considering his character). Seems pretty consistent.

Anyways, I guess as a psychopath he is entitled to all the mood swings he wants. I don’t have a problem with it, I was just curious what others thought. Seems nobody can have a discussion these days without being branded something or another…

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Mad King's Backstory too Dark?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


Did anybody else feel like the Mad King’s story (told by the ghosts in the Mad Memories quest) was a bit too dissonant with his actual character? It seems like the quest was trying to make him out to be a total monster that we should revile (hanging people and putting rotting pumpkins on their heads, killing his wife, etc etc), but than he comes out and plays Mad King Says with us and sounds genuinely sad about dwarves being gone. Seems like they couldn’t decide which direction to go with him…

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What kids received the most candy?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


CD (CANDY DAY) got the most from me. He’s a smart one, loitering outside the trading post. Although I still went out to give some to ghost quaggan just because he’s the cutest thing in existence.

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Emissary of the Mad King 4/5

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


It only worked for me when I exited the whole client and relogged.

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The witch hat

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


I agree, helms/hats are completely worthless when they make you bald. I’d much prefer clipping, or even just giving everybody a generic hairstyle with a hat equipped.

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Attacks Against Norn and Charr in the Tower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


At first I was very annoyed with norns and charrs, but once I started getting better I realized that they don’t matter much. You can take the beginning clumped part real slow, and just go a bit faster after that. After that 90% of people will drop off and you will have no more vision issues. The people who complain are the people just starting who fall off at the part right after the building collapses most of the time (which is unfortunately most). It’s not fair to norns/charrs to harass them every round, considering it can take 10 hours to beat this puzzle (10 hours of harassment… ouch).

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Endless Halloween Tonic

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


I opened like 15000 and then got two in the last 500 or so (didn’t even notice til I went to the bank that I got more than one). I believe both came from personalized, but I opened regular ToT bags to get the corn to trade (from the kids in Lion’s arch), and sold the mats to npc vendors. It’s about a 75% return if you do that, so you don’t lose TOO much money (but it takes an ungodly amount of time to trade with those kids running around willy-nilly).

However, my point I made a few days ago still stands: ENDLESS TONICS SHOULD BE TRADEABLE! I would love to give my extra tonic to somebody, and I would love even more being able to buy the furniture endless from somebody. I’m something of a tonic collector, so the ridiculous lengths you must go to to get the endless ones in this game is infuriating. If you think the halloween one is bad, I spent over 100g on gems to get my tree endless from a blc, and that was a MONTH ago (when gems cost half what they do now).

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(edited by Jabberwock.9014)

[Clock Tower] Blatant Speedhackers

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


I thought the air speed buff was a decently powerful advantage in the sections before the leap of faith. After that it might have made things slightly more difficult precision-wise, but overall it was a great asset. It still took me an ungodly amount of time to complete, but honestly I might not have completed it at all if not for the boost.

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Post here if you have BEAT the Tower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


Finally beat it, and then beat it again about 10-20 tries later. Human Elementalist with 10% speed boost trait (did feel a little cheaty with most folks running slower than me, but with how hard it is I feel no remorse)

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(edited by Jabberwock.9014)

Clock Tower JP - Make everyone skeletons

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


People are missing the point. Anet could make everybody BUT you a skeleton. Or better yet plastic spider. Then you could always tell where you are.

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I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


He shouldn’t be banned, this is hilarious. Maybe if repairs costed more, but as it is it’s just a funny prank (and you can’t get fooled more than once). Way to get in the spirit of the season XD

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To people who complain about Norns and Charrs

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


What I’m getting from your post: Only the hardest and most oft-repeated part of the course (the beginning) is made harder by the presence of Norn/Charrs. Yeah, that’s a bad thing.

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Please be fair for everyone.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


This is seriously making me want to quit the game. This is basically the ONE day this week I didn’t get a chance to play and I missed out on half a years worth of gold. If what I’m hearing is true, I could have farmed like 100 exotics and now with the patch sold them back for almost full price a few days later… the gap between rich and poor must have jumped up many magnitudes this day. Way to go anet, your rushed updates finally screwed things up big time.

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MadKing Costume in the Mystic Forge...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


Outside of these seasonal costumes, you can at least buy gem shop costumes again. Default clothes aren’t some seasonal special or souvenir: they should also be available to buy year-round. And they look so much like trash armor that I can easily see destroying them by accident.

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MadKing Costume in the Mystic Forge...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


Speaking of throwing town clothes in the forge, Anet really needs to add a way to buy your default town clothes back. I’m really afraid that one day I’m going to accidentally delete or MF them and be screwed forever.

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Hey I like the daggers

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


The only way to make daggers stand out is to add particle effects, so it kind of boggles my mind that this is one of the only Halloween skins that DOESN’T have any. In my opinion they should have just made some glowing orange jack-o-lantern themed daggers. As it is nobody will ever see that you are using that skin.

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Quaggan Pirate Plush?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


If I could get the ghost quaggan as a mini complete with vocals (when talked to) I could die a happy man. Although they would have to make the interact button different from default so I don’t always talk to him when I try to loot (now that I think about it they really need to add a loot bind)

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The smile for the witches outfit.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


Yeah, I really hate the face on my female human when riding the broom. It just looks so unnatural. Although if they fixed the rolled back eyes it’s slightly better. She still looks high though.

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Suspiscious Locations not giving Personalized Trick or Treat Bags

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


They removed them because people were exploiting it.

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Endless halloween tonic from non-personalized ToT bag?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


Thanks. You’re absolutely sure it was non-personalized? I don’t want to waste time possibly opening thousands without actually having a chance.

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Endless halloween tonic from non-personalized ToT bag?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


Is it possible? And more importantly, is there any difference in drop rate between the two types of bags? My observations seem to be that the non-personalized ones have worse drops, but I could be imagining it.

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More Halloween Goodies

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


Throw them out, they’re terrible, and I doubt Anet will create another recipe. I actually get ruined logs/ore with them sometimes in Orr. Biggest waste of space in the game.

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23,000 Personalized Trick-or-bags, not one Endless Tonic

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


Has anybody gotten one out of a non-personalized version? They seem to have even worse drops than the personalized ones…

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23,000 Personalized Trick-or-bags, not one Endless Tonic

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


Ok, I can’t take this anymore. I’ve lost track but I’ve certainly opened over 2000, and might have even reached 3000 bags, and still nothing. For the love of god Anet, if you release something with such an abysmal drop rate at least make it tradeable! I seriously just can’t wrap my mind around the logic of having tonics account bound. If there’s any item which epitomizes “one man’s junk is another man’s treasure”, tonics are it. The market EXISTS for this kind of item!

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Secret Cauldron Chest

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


Is there a point to it?

And also, another victim of the endless halloween tonic? This is getting obscene. Have mercy on us Anet…

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23,000 Personalized Trick-or-bags, not one Endless Tonic

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


Well, that will be a good use for the incredible amount of temp tonics and boosts I have… but there is no indication halloween tonics will be in there. Anet, if you are reading this: PLEASE make endless halloween tonics a (not ridiculously rare) drop from the mad king chests… or as I’ve said make them tradeable.

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23,000 Personalized Trick-or-bags, not one Endless Tonic

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


The toilet paper thread ( talks about it, and if you google it you’ll find a pic of it. It is akin to the 3 endless tonics found in BLCs (which ALSO have obcene droprates: I opened over 350 a month ago and finally got the tree one on my second to last chest… it’s not really even possible to do anymore with how high gem prices are).

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23,000 Personalized Trick-or-bags, not one Endless Tonic

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


Yeah, that’s what I’ve been doing too, but it still costs like 15 silver per candy corn stack since the stuff inside the bags is only worth about half what you spent on it.

I really don’t understand the tonic system… why are they account bound? Most people hate them and so they just throw them out, but the few people who actually really want them have to spend legendary amounts of gold to get them. It’s a lose-lose for everyone involved.

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23,000 Personalized Trick-or-bags, not one Endless Tonic

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


God, I’m so sick of the tonic drop rates. First I spent a fortune on BLCs for one (yes, probably 100g), now this. I’ve opened over 1000 without one now, and seeing this post is just disheartening. Why must you torture us tonic lovers Anet?! Just make them tradeable and end this madness, or make the drop rate sane!

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(edited by Jabberwock.9014)

Endless rolls of toilet paper

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


Good lord that tonic is rare. I’ve probably opened more than 400 now and nothin… and I’ve only gotten 1 roll or toilet paper too. You just got the ones from the kids right?

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Endless rolls of toilet paper

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


wait you can get endless tonics from ToT bags?

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Can Gem Shop costumes only be used on one character?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


Nope, it’s all account bound (at least the witch costume)

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Anet working on making BLC drops convertable into halloween items.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


I DO hope we can convert the tonics, as opposed to the tools. I threw out all of the tools since they take up SO much inventory space (since they don’t stack) and are worthless since they are worse than orichalcum tools. The best solution would probably be to not require any bottleneck ingredient which people may have thrown out (ie. allow us to convert only mystery tonics or only tools, in addition to combinations).

Anyways, although I’m biased I do think it makes most sense to use tonics since it is the most reliable way to keep track of chests opened since you get a steady 3 per chest (unless you get an incredibly rare endless tonic), unlike tools which you might not get very many of. I really don’t know why everyone throws them away anyways since they barely take up any room and are pretty fun…

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Elementalist weapon swap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


Has this thread been deleted? I was hoping for more discussion on this…

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Is the MF rune recipe time limited?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


I second the above question. After all, you need 40 elonian wines for the exotic weapon recipes, so I’d probably like to save that whole thing for after Halloween.

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Halloween Achievement Woes (possible bug)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


I’m also curious about this since it shows 0 for me as well for events. I thought maybe the book thing would count as an event, but maybe it’s only talking about DEs of which I haven’t seen any (although killing the gargoyle that comes of some haunted doors gave me a gold and karma).

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Level 80s, Haunted Door Campings, Lower-level farming, and problems with level scaling

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


Ironically this event IS doing something good, which is taking level 80s out of the pigeonhole that is Orr. Anet created this big beautiful world but at the end of it all you’re stuck forever on this ugly godforsaken island killing zombies eternally. Fun.

What Anet should be doing to fix the problem is NOT to send high level players back to their cursed shore prison, but rather fix scaling so that they don’t have such a huge advantage in lower level zones. This way they can also make it so that rewards are better for level 80s (since it is no longer a steamroll better rewards are justified), further increasing incentive for endgame players to spread out from Orr.

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22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


I really, REALLY hope they don’t require the black lion tools. Those take up so much inventory since they don’t stack and they’re actually worse than orichalcum tools so I threw them all out. Anything else, especially tonics (since they stack and barely take up any room I kept them all), would be awesome.

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Beautiful work relegated to town clothes...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


The only thing that stops me from agreeing is the completely stupid transmutation system we have. If I wanted to use these skins in battle I would either have to transmute it over my current armor, erasing my current look, or buy a whole new set of exotics to transmute over. At least this way I can enjoy the skins without spending an extra 10k gold…

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