(edited by Kagamiku.9731)
Isn’t the whole point of increased adrenaline levels to make for stronger bursts. If it’s “nuts” to use AS passed stage1, then isn’t something clearly wrong with AS scaling?
You mentioned that skills similar to OC exist and did not list any. Please explain.
I’m pretty sure OC is the only knockdown I am unable to dodge due to there being zero tell. It’s one of the main reasons that make engineer OP. Along with IP and the three second shield block.
(edited by Kagamiku.9731)
Well, this was beaten to death and we’ll never agree so I’ll just leave it with this:
Just to make sure, you’re saying that stage 2 and stage 3 AS should only provide 5 and 10 more seconds fury uptime and no other benefit? Why does stage two and stage 3 even exist?
OC needs a tell. I’ll be content when it does. Until then, its ability to initiate a chain stun combination is ridiculous. And if they fail to kill you with it, they’ll decap your point regardless.
The only way to dodge it is to get lucky, and no knockdown skill should have that kind of perk. Especially not one on a 15sec cd that’s attached to a weapon skill resulting in zero sacrifice to use it.
If you ask me self-knockback is sacrafice. On top of that getting close to target using weapon that should be ranged is another one.
It’s not a sacrifice when the engineer is not knocked back the same distance and he also is able to get up before the player he knocked down, providing him enough time to chain something off. It’s annoying enough that they can force a decap with it, but they can even kill you with it if you lack stab or a stunbreak.
Engineers can fight on point, being in melee range is no problem. If the person fighting you is off point, then you’re just going to cap the point anywyas.
The fact that it cures movement impeding conditions is icing on the cake.
(edited by Kagamiku.9731)
The thing is, it can’t execute anything with its current damage. It’s less than two auto attacks when foes are above 50% and a little more than two auto’s when foes are below it.
It will still do less damage than eviscerate even if the damage was increased to 100% damage to foes below 50% health. And unlike eviscerate it is situational, in that you can only use it half of the time for it to deal good damage. There is no reason why AC shouldn’t scale with adrenaline level. There is zero reason to use it beyond stage 1 adrenaline and that makes it a poorly developed skill that is lacking compared to other burst skills.
And I see no one using this skill in pVp, so I don’t see how peple are coming around. While some players use GS, they always use their other weapon set for the burst.
Edit: Also, the mobility benefits have nothing to do with Arcing Slice, that’s GS as a whole. Which happens to be far less popular than shoutbow or hambow or axebow anyways. Due to it being a very clunky weapon that requires an opponent to be immobile to land anything. While GS may be the highest damage weapon of warrior, its skill set is also the hardest to land. Rush is completely worthless for dealing damage, HB requires the opponent to be immobile, bladetrail has a long cast time and it’s slow moving, and GS auto atacks are terrible. Whirlwind attack is the only good skill on the warriors GS for pvp.
(edited by Kagamiku.9731)
OC needs a tell. I’ll be content when it does. Until then, its ability to initiate a chain stun combination is ridiculous. And if they fail to kill you with it, they’ll decap your point regardless.
The only way to dodge it is to get lucky, and no knockdown skill should have that kind of perk. Especially not one on a 15sec cd that’s attached to a weapon skill resulting in zero sacrifice to use it.
(edited by Kagamiku.9731)
I don’t miss earthshaker on a flat surface, but it’s really annoying trying to use it on stairs or a ramp, since it misses every time.
Warrior isn’t master race in pve, they haven’t been in a long time.
Thief and Ele DPS is so much higher that you can’t put warrior on the same level.
(edited by Kagamiku.9731)
AS does the same damage as Eviscerate at one stage of adren, against up to five targets all around you, with less telegraph, and an extra 5s of fury in there for good measure.
Only when they are at below 50% health. The difference in damage just becomes massive when you compare AS to stage 2 and stage 3 eviscerate. I consider the cleave to be almost worthless, and the fury to be redundant, that’s why I don’t think AS is even a remotely good f1 skill. You should be using eviscerate at stage 3 anyways since you will be receiving the extra damage from burst mastery and the extra bar of adrenaline, not to mention the higher burst damage that comes with stage three.
Mace provides a 1s stun at that level, as does hammer, sword provides a 2s immobilize, and longbow does a max of 6s of burning in a 3s field if they stand in it.
The whole point is you’re not supposed to waste your burst skill at stage 1.
Even if stage one AS isn’t complete trash, stage 2 and stage 3 AS is complete trash, and it becomes far inferior to any other burst skills after getting past stage 1.
The other weapons get these huge improvements to their burst skills with each added adrenaline bar, and AS gets a measly 5 second increase to its fury up time.
AS stage 1 can stay the same, but stage 2 and three needs buffed. Do you really think a full bar of adrenaline is only worth 5 more seconds fury uptime? It’s garbage.
(edited by Kagamiku.9731)
Again, it’s a matter of playing to the situation. If your mob is almost dead by the time you’ve used hundred blades, built up your adren, etc, then you should use AS to put them down before you lose your adren anyway for being out of combat.
I said earlier that was one of the only two reasons to use it in PvE.
I may have stealth edited you there because I added a note on how I’d decide between those very things. ES does less damage than AS, but has more utility in a fight that will carry on for a while longer, has more people in it (possibly not around you), or your rotation isn’t in CD. But it has a bigger telegraph, and AS can put down one or more enemies following your rotation, thereby taking them out of the fight. Just depends on what you’re up against.
If there is an opportune moment to use AS, then sure, it could be beneficial to your rotation. I’m only saying that the skill could be a lot better.
Excluding Kill Shot (because, well, you know), AS does the greatest single hit damage of any burst skill after Eviscerate, it hits up to five targets instead of just one, and it does it with one stage of adren. If your enemies are at low health, using that to potentially take them all out of the fight is likely the smart move.
Well, kill shot and eviscerate are the only damage oriented burst skills. That put AS at the bottom of damage-based f1 skills.
Mace f1 provides a 3 second single target stun, hammer provides a 2 second AOE stun, LB provides a large fire field that inflicts several seconds of burning to people inside it, and it’s also a fire field that can stack might Via warhorn, earthshaker and arcing arrow. Sword provides a 4 second immobilize…
ShanksNow a 10% damage buff would be a 20% damage buff on targets below 50% hp, right?
It’s still 10%. It’s just 10% of the larger damage provided by AS when foes are below 50%.
(edited by Kagamiku.9731)
I didn’t say you have to spam it, and what you’re talking about is a decision to use a burst at all vs keeping your adren. If you’re simply talking about AS or the auto with max BP, then you’re still better off with AS by the numbers.
If you’re referring to AS vs a single auto with BP, then yes. But how many auto’s do you think you will get in between using AS and having a full bar of adrenaline again? Not to mention the hundred blades and whirlwind damage bonus from BP.
With my current set, a rotation could have me using AS shortly after Earthshaker (ES->Fierce Blow->Backbreaker->Hundred Blades->AS->Whirwind), and AS is the only burst you can do that without losing DPS (i.e. without a full bar). If I’ve got my full rotation in, the target’s typically dead. I’m not spamming AS, rather I’m using it situationally and playing to its strengths.
Could be worth using on a foe below 50% health, but using an adrenaline bar on AS means less use of earth shaker.
You keep thinking in terms of a full bar and as an either/or proposition. As mentioned above, I’ll use Earthshaker , hit my rotation, and then AS well before I have a full bar. Skullcrack is the same thing – use it, Hundred Blades, AS, Whirlwind for crazy damage. Skullcrack isn’t even off CD before you’ve pulled that off.
Even if you use it as part of your rotation, how is AS still not a bad f1 skill? It’s only purpose is to stack fury, and fury is something warrior is not in a short supply of. It’s mediocre damage for a burst, and supplies no form of CC. The fact that it can hit 5 people instead of three is hardly meaningful considering it’s unlikely to even be hitting three people with it. It certainly wont happen while roaming in wvw.
With Burst Mastery, it’s Eviscerate -> AS (immediately) -> Whirlwind, assuming you don’t just want to stay on the axe auto. Really depends on the situation but, if you land those (including the attacks used to get to a full Eviscerate), your target’s in real trouble.
Using bolas? It’s the only way they’re going to stand still long enough to land both eviscerate and AS.
If you’re using it at the first stage of adren, the loss from Berserker’s Power is 5%, not 15%, and only for the period of time it takes you to recoup your adren. If you don’t have perma-Fury, the gain from the 20% crit chance should more than offset that loss. And that assumes you’re using Berserker’s Power… if you aren’t, there’s no loss to AS, only gain.
How is it only a 5% DPS loss? It’s a full 15% DPS loss. You gain no bonus from berserkers power until you have a full bar of adrenaline. If you’re using the burst as soon as you have one bar of adrenaline then you effectively never gain any bonus from berserkers power. Well, you gain a couple seconds of 5% damage boost until you use the burst skill.
You have it backwards, if you only used arcing slice when you have all three bars of adrenaline, then you would receive some bonus from berserkers power. But since that would make arcing slice less spammable, that really isn’t any better.
In a pve environment, it’s better to not use arcing slice at all. The only exceptions is if you’re running a phalanx build that doesn’t trait for berserkers power, or arcing slice deals the finishing blow to w/e you’re fighting.
The reason someone wouldn’t use Combustive Shot is because they aren’t packing a longbow. Sure, you’re more likely to have one in pvp due to the large field, but they’re considerably less useful (though still good) in wvw.
It doesn’t really matter what weapon you pair with GS, the other weapon will have the better f1. If you’re running a skullcrack build then you need to land the f1 mace to land the hundred blade. If you’re running hammer, again, you’ll want to use the f1 stun to land a HB. Especially since back breaker is one of the most telegraphed attacks in existence.
Honestly, mace/hammer and LB are the only three weapons I can think of that can be paired with GS effectively. Sword/GS is just to troll and run from people, but it can’t actually kill anyone At least anyone even half competent. If you decided you wanted to pair GS with axe for some reason, axe still has the far better f1 skill.
(edited by Kagamiku.9731)
I mostly play wvw, where GS has high utility when roaming, and there you are getting 5-8k against up to five targets. I run full zerk gear, but have 300 in the defense tree. My auto on GS runs from 1800-2500 per hit, maybe slightly higher.
Arcing slice has 1.2 coefficient on foes above 50% health and 1.8 on foes below 50%, while the GS auto has a .7 coefficient. So a GS auto will be a bit more than half damage or a bit less depending on the hp of foe.
And, again, you only need one stage of adren to get max damage out of the skill. It is most definitely not a DPS loss.
It is a DPS loss, in pve.
You wouldn’t use berserkers power in pvp, so it’s not a DPS loss there, but I don’t understand why anyone would use arcing slice over combustive shot.
(edited by Kagamiku.9731)
You’re not gaining another 5-8k on up to five targets, it takes the place of an auto attack.
Also, you’re losing the permanent 15% damage boost from Berserker’s Power.
Arcing slice is in-fact a DPS loss
I hope you’re not actually referring to PvP, as it’s even worse there. Who would use GS f1 for condition cleanse when LB f1 is better in every conceivable way? It’s a guaranteed condition cleanse that doesn’t even need to hit the target and it isn’t affected by blind.
You aren’t going to hit for 5-8k with it in pvp either unless you’re running full glass zerk build…And it’s painful to even think about trying to land GS f1 while running a build like that. The only reliable skill on GS in pvp is whirlwind attack.
(edited by Kagamiku.9731)
Quick question: wheres that 75 coming from? Max stacks of might is 25, and if you take 5 power away from each stack that leaves you with 125 total… right?
because of sigil of battle nerf, you lose three stacks of might = 75might. realistically, warrior is usually going to make it to 20stacks of might, not 25. So the real number is probably closer to 5×20 + 75 = 175
That calculation still looks wrong. The Sigil of battle is there to stack might, not part of the calculation for power lost.
Current might bonus: 20 Might = 20×35 = +700
Sigil of Battle (3 might stacks) = 3×35 = +105
Weapons swaps needed: x6.66*Post balance bonus: 20 Might = 20×30 = +600
Sigil of Battle (2 might stacks) = 2×30 = +60
Weapon swaps needed: x10Difference @20 stacks: 700-600 = 100 power/condi lost
So it’s a rather big nerf to Sigil of Battle since players can’t be as reliant on the Sigil to stack might. However if a class can still effectively stack might through blast finishers or buffs, they ain’t losing as much.
The class can’t really hit 25might stacks on their own, even with pre-nerf sigil of battle, so you have to factor in the three might stacks lost from sigil of battle into the equation.
If pre-nerf, sigil could reach 20+ stacks with sigil of battle, and post nerf they can only reach 17+ stacks, then it’s effectively a 35 × 3 = 105 power/cond loss. Though for some reason I was thinking one stack of might = 25 power, not 35, so my math was wrong there. Explains how I originally got 200 overall power/cond damage nerf and not 175.
20×5 + 35×3 = 205.
This is the end result if you’re soloing someone, it’s still easy to hit max stacks when you’re with a party, but sigil of battle nerf is a large hit to warrior might stacking in a solo environment.
(edited by Kagamiku.9731)
Quick question: wheres that 75 coming from? Max stacks of might is 25, and if you take 5 power away from each stack that leaves you with 125 total… right?
because of sigil of battle nerf, you lose three stacks of might = 75might. realistically, warrior is usually going to make it to 20stacks of might, not 25. So the real number is probably closer to 5×20 + 75 = 175
A couple things- I would say that ele and engi are both effected by the might nerf more than warrior. I would also argue that the might nerf was not specifically pvp based and was more targeted at the dominance of might stacking in pve, thus equally effecting everybody. Furthermore, youre only losing 125 power/condi damage with max might stacks (5 × 25 = 125)
Ele, yes. Engineer, no. Engineer only uses sigil of battle to stack might, while warrior uses blast finishers. An engineer can maybe hit 10-12 stacks of might on their own, while a warrior can nearly reach max stacks.
You forget the fact that sigil of battle was nerfed as well, and without it, they’re not reaching 25 might stacks on their own. True numbers are 5×25 + 75 = 200.
Saying that the rifle will still suck is being a little close minded imo. There is some potential here to work with. Lower activation times of skills means that the rifle can now potentially be used as a burst damage weapon, quickly using rapid fire, burst shot, and kill shot, and then swapping back to a sustained dps set. A lower burst skill activation time also gives it potential to be used in combination with hard cc that we also have access to, especially if we decide to utilize the quickness that we have easy access to. Im not saying that its the new go to weapon- but it definitely has more potential than it used to.
It remains inferior damage in pve, and it will never hit anyone good in pvp. Backbreaker is the only CC we have that lasts long enough to pull off a rifle burst with and that skill is hard enough to land as it is. Bulls charge is almost as bad as rush when it comes to overshooting the target and it’s a waste of a skill slot either way…Especially if you want to waste another slot with frenzy.
It’s not so much as being close-minded, as realizing that rifle is a terrible weapon. It’s slow, the damage is mediocre at best, and it lacks any real utility. Meanwhile, LB has a fire field, a nice disable, and arcing arrow that works really well when paired with hammer or the SB immobilze.
You’re just gimping yourself by using it. I look at rifle, and then I look at ranger or warrior LB and I just shake my head.
I also am not sure how you can still judge arcing slice as being so terrible. It definately can be used as part of a dps rotation on greatsword, being used while 100b is on cd and in between aa chains. Oh and you can use it while moving, has a 360 degree hit box and provides more fury, allowing for some utility bar/ traiting freedom as far as fury is concerned and potentially contributing to your overall dps.
Because everytime you use arcing slice you lose a permanent 15% damage bonus while your adrenaline remains full. Warriors can retain a near permanent fury uptime without arcing slice when soloing, it’s guaranteed to be permanent while with a group. And the two utility skills that provide fury are FGJ and SoR-Both of which are staple for every dungeon DPS warrior build. SoR because it’s the only elite that provides warrior with more damage, and FGJ for obvious reasons.
So yeah, I think the necro balance change is much more irrelevant than warriors. They made an underwhelming weapon have some more potential, raised gs dps, and promoted build variability across all classes by nerfing an overpowered boon. (note the only viable necro power builds use Blood is Power, and the DS builds get might on Life Blast use. So yeah they nerfed the best of necro builds too).
I don’t consider warrior changes to be irrelevant. Nerfs never are.
None of the warrior changes will change anything. The best builds will still be the best builds. They will just do less damage than before.
You think necro changes are useless, I think warrior changes are useless. With the added factor of them receiving an indirect nerf.
(edited by Kagamiku.9731)
Might nerf hits warrior the second most of any class, which results in a pretty large nerf. 200power and condition dmg loss for might stacking build is huge.
Rifle will still suck, so nothing changed on that front.
1.25second activation burst time activation is still ridiculously long and ridiculously easy to dodge…And it won’t compare to LB in pve or pvp. Especially not pvp.
It will still serve the same purpose as before. A troll zerk rifle build for wvw.
Fixing rush is something they should have done so very long ago considering it was borderline unusable.
Arcing slice is terrible and a 10% increase in damage won’t change that fact. They originally lied about the skill saying it will do 100% more damage to foes under 50% health, and with the buff it’s still far weaker than what was promised.
So yeah, I don’t really think necro balance change is any worse than warriors. They buffed the stuff that remain weak, and nerfed the best of warrior builds.
(edited by Kagamiku.9731)
It’s not about being bad, it’s about being unorganized. Only a few classes can deal with power rangers that use terrain to their advantage. (mostly just thieves and D/D eles) And if you have none of those on your team or the ones you do have on your team don’t know their roll, then the rest of the team suffers.
A warrior can’t do kitten to a power ranger backed by teammates in most circumstances. If you somehow make it to him wherever he may be shooting you from, he’ll just run and find another location to wreck havoc upon. They’re mobile, and between LB3 and GS3 they’re going to juke you. Unless you think it’s the warriors job to do nothing but chase the ranger all game…And in that case, you have to pray your pugs are better than their pugs.
(edited by Kagamiku.9731)
You think evis is telegraphed? Maul puts a giant roaring bear over your head, you could dodge it blindfolded.
Maul is telegraphed but rangers have a way to almost guarantee it hits. Bow 3 —> GS 5 —> GS 2 (maul) Of course you can skip GS 5 when it’s on cooldown.
Warrior has no access to invis and has to rely on a disable to guarantee that eviscerate hits. But warrior doesn’t really have any non-telegraphed disables.
As far as the 2v1 on point argument goes, it wouldn’t be any better to have a lich form necro or Gs mesmer on the ledge freecasting. Any dps class left alone will wreck you. Also, this whole line of discussion about LB doesn’t have anything to do with class mechanics.
Lich form is ridiculous, but it has a long cd. GS mesmer relies heavily on the berserker which is so easy to dodge. Rangers seem to deal the highest amount of burst damage if left alone from my own experience. Unlike mesmers, ranger auto attacks hit like a truck, so even when RF is off cooldown, they’re still dealing enough damage to force you off a point.
How do you cancel a pewpew ranger that’kittenting you from a safe spot? Reflect is the only way, which not every class has, and those who do only have a very limited supply of it. And they’ll be sure to knock you down prior to using it so most of it hits anyways. You can pop your stability, but they made you blow your stab for a skill with a 10 second cooldown.
Eviscerate is easily dodged and it’s predictable to when it will be used. Shield bash is also pretty easy to dodge. There is nothing more annoying than a power ranger hitting you with rapid fire when you’re already dealing with another player. Since a warrior needs to be in melee range to land the eviscerate, a good player can deal with a 2v1 situation against average players. Rangers make it impossible to 2v1.
There is not such thing as save spot in pvp. Pew Pew Ranger are the best at long range fight, don’t play their game or you’ll lose. Get in their face and turn around them. Rapid Fire cancel out if the target get behind you in the middle of the attack, leaving them with only their Greatsword which have the same problem, its a long skill that will cancel if you turn around him and go behind him while he’s casting it. Without its two main burst the only option the ranger will have is to block counter attack you in one side, then leaping to the other side so he can put some distance between you and him. In that situation you would want to close the gap fast and evade the obviously incoming knockback from LB to get in their face and turn around him again. Engineer, Elementalist and Medi guardian are the best at that because they have good teleport/leap to close the gap and are doing their best dmg in close/melee range.
Its just a l2p issue. Pew Pew ranger have obviously flaw that can be exploited, but of course if you stay at a distance you are doing exactly what they need. Otherwise if you can’t close the gap fast enough, you can use the environment to block the line of sight, forcing the Ranger to go closer to you.
There are safe spots in pvp. Take forest for example, at mid. Unless you went around the long way there is no way to get to the ranger. There are other spots where it’s very hard to reach when you’re being constantly pelted by RF and knockbacks.
Rangers are not hard to deal with in a solo scenario, but when accompanied by a teammate they’re a nightmare. And yes, there is a huge difference between tryhard premade on teamspeak, and the usual unranked/ranked que games. Organized teams can probably deal with rangers np, but the amount of games that are lost because unorganized teams have no idea what to do when two power rangers are obliterating the whole team from a distance…is something eviscerate could never do.
Either way, eviscerate is not special. Most warriors don’t even use axe.
Lastly, people really need to get original and come up with something more than “l2p”. It’s starting to sound like a broken record.
(edited by Kagamiku.9731)
As someone with 2 level 80 rangers, I will trade you everything pet related, traits included, for just eviscerate.
Why? Rapid fire is better than eviscerate will ever be.
Against someone that know how to fight a pew pew ranger? Nope. Its easy to cancel the rapid fire of a ranger. If we could have a melee burst like eviscerate to punish those that approach too much of you and turn around you, ranger would be OP.
How do you cancel a pewpew ranger that’kittenting you from a safe spot? Reflect is the only way, which not every class has, and those who do only have a very limited supply of it. And they’ll be sure to knock you down prior to using it so most of it hits anyways. You can pop your stability, but they made you blow your stab for a skill with a 10 second cooldown.
Eviscerate is easily dodged and it’s predictable to when it will be used. Shield bash is also pretty easy to dodge. There is nothing more annoying than a power ranger hitting you with rapid shot when you’re already dealing with another player. Since a warrior needs to be in melee range to land the eviscerate, a good player can deal with a 2v1 situation against average players. Rangers make it impossible to 2v1.
(edited by Kagamiku.9731)
As someone with 2 level 80 rangers, I will trade you everything pet related, traits included, for just eviscerate.
Why? Rapid fire is better than eviscerate will ever be.
No thanks. I have a lvl 80 of every class and it would all have been in vain if going by your suggestion.
Also, “leveling is boring and that’s not what the game is about” are both your opinion, keep that in mind.
When it comes to engi’s, even bad builds win fights. And it still works because of overcharged shot.
It’s also why I posted multiple combos. There is an optimal rotation, but it’s hardly necessary. Neither can be avoided, and that’s the point. One skill, makes dodging the other skills futile.
(edited by Kagamiku.9731)
There are a lot of OP things about engineer in their current state, and while the shield is on that list it’s actually one of the lower things for me.
I am very storngly against skills with no tells or countermeasures and IP/Overcharged Shot are huge offenders. Sure, let’s make near perma-burning and a knockback you can’t avoid a thing. It becomes even more frustrating when engi’s combo other knockdowns that could have been avoided, if not for overcharged shot that can’t be avoided.
It goes something like this:
Overcharged shot —> magnet —> bomb kit —spam nades —> game over
Overcharged shot —> magnet —> slick shoes —> spam nades —> game over
There are many other CC combos, but they all start with overcharged shot. It’s a completely ridiculous knockback on a ridiculously short cooldown, with zero activation time. Nerf that kitten.
IP speaks for itself and needs some major toning down.
I personally do a lot better with hambow. Something feels off about shoutbow. The lack of CC and stomping potential really just kills the build for me. The extra mobility with sword/warhorn is the only perk that makes me consider using it…But each time I do, I end up going back to hambow.
Engi wasn’t nerfed hard enough. Only took a hit from the nerf to might and everything else was left unchanged.
Shrapnel Grenade: Bleed duration on this skill has been reduced from 12 seconds to 10 seconds.
Feel free to continue complaining if you want, just pointing out that they did get that nerfed.
Too insignificant to even consider.
Engi wasn’t nerfed hard enough. Only took a hit from the nerf to might and everything else was left unchanged.
For the 100 win-streak, I think the community would not be very nice to “lesser-experienced” players if they have 90+ streak and they claim some new player to be the problem that they lost
To even think of managing a 100 win-steak you would need to always que with experienced players. It is physically impossible to win 100 games in Spvp while solo-queing. No one is that good.
Hambow is the only build I find that still works in pvp…
SwordWarhorn/Bow is apparently the new mets, but I fail to see what’s so great about it after playing it. I guess it has decent team support, but I didn’t like the feel of it.
I doubt anyone has won 100straight teamque games without a single loss.
100ranked games without dieing is more sensible, but then again, there is a huge downside to it. If you never die in PvP, then you’re doing something very wrong. Running from a fight is not always the best solution.
i have one of each class lvl 80, main thief d/p + SB, i burst warr but on 25% he become imune (6 seg with trait), then he heal 10-12k, block and stum, if he stum me my hp just desapir.
when i play with my warr i hit 26k+ with hammer + GS, just jump with earthquake (4k damage 3 seg stum +20% all damage) hundred blade(22k in 3seg), and all play in this area just die.
I’m going to assume you’re trolling, so instead I will mention the fact that your post is barely readable.
Some things to note though:
Endure pain lasts 5 seconds with trait, not 6.
Who uses healing surge over healing signet these days? So obviously he’s not going to heal 10-12k all at once. Healing Surge is a bad heal, either way.
Even if the warrior is zerk, they’re not going to hit for 22k with HB in pvp. It might be possible in wvw against someone with zero toughness.
Earthshaker is a 2 second stun at full adrenaline, not three seconds.
Well aren’t you a wealth of misinformation.
(edited by Kagamiku.9731)
“Killshot is one of the most power skill in the game”
^^ nice I give u a 12/20, you’re in a good way keep it up !
At 3 bars of adrenaline, it is the highest single-damage single-hit skill in the game next to a thief backstab (yes, even more powerful than Evis).
0/20 for not knowing this. You also misquoted me.
If by powerful you mean “one of the highest damage” sure. But that’s the extent of it. The activation time of it is ludicrously long, and anyone with half a brain and at least one eye— will dodge it.
I’m just saying that its impossible (AFAIK) to get these stats altogether on the other classes.
You have amazing group support, healing, physical damage, condition damage, mobility, condition clear, etc. etc.
That’s because other classes have blinds and aegis spam, invulnerabilities, protection. And so on.
Yeah, but for heals, it sacrifices the ability to constantly disable the enemy team. All that time I have the other team disabled, they’re not dealing any damage!
Also, it gives subpar shouts at the expense of amazing stances.
(edited by Kagamiku.9731)
Why sword/warhorn is the new meta is beyond me. I spank them every time with hambow.
I argue it is not. I never asked for log in rewards. Rewards should come from killing mobs, beating bosses and opening chests. In other words play how you want and get properly rewarded.
So wait, you said “play how you want”, and then you cite “killing mobs, beating bosses, opening chests”.
Which of the two? Play how I want and still get the rewards, or do specific things which I may not want to do, like you listed?those are examples of how I like to play. You may wanna do different things than me.
What if I just want to PvP for an hour a day? Would my hour be rewarded less than yours? What if I only like doing fractals? Should I just not get daily rewards? It is very rare under the old system to complete even five dailies in a fractal run.
Why should the dailies be structured around what YOU want to do at the expense of others instead of quick and easy but requiring a tiny amount of additional effort from everyone?
Moot point. Fractals/dungeons already get their own reward. Frankly, they are rewarded much better than PVE already. (ascended) This is an ancillary part of the game so it’s an absurd request to make. But hey, ask for it if you want. I hope you get it. It won’t effect me one way or the other.
Fractals/dungeons have terrible rewards. You’re rewarded more for simply joining a champ train and mindlessly pressing 1.
Dungeons do not give you ascended gear, and fractals it’s all RNG…Unless you just want ascended rings which are practically everywhere.
Fractals gives you a meager 1 gold for a 40minute minimum task, whilst you can easily farm 8-10gold an hour doing open world content. Dungeosn are a bit better with g/h but they’re still inferior to PvE unless you have a very organized group. And yet, while I won’t say dungeons are particularly hard, they take a lot more understanding of game mechanics than anything open world has to offer.
(edited by Kagamiku.9731)
gg, Anet, no re.
So if I need one laurel to get my ascended weapon done I may end up wait for few more days,
Wintersday dailies provides a laurel.
That’s one problem solved.
New new Dailys suck. Completely and utterly. I’m not going to waste 3 hours of my time on a kitten Fractal for a ONE PART of a frickn’ Daily achievement. I have a life, and 1-1 1/2 hours a day is should be MORE THAN ENOUGH time to get a frickn’ daily achievement.
Lets hope someone at ANet realizes what a kitten colossal screwup this is, and fixes it post-haste.Have you actually tried the new daily system? You can do it in 10-15 minutes easy.
Claiming that it takes 3 hours to complete is an utter fabrication.Try it before just making stuff up about it.
You better kitten belive I’ve done them. Hated every kitten minute of it. And as far as taking 3 hours, I could care less what YOU think, I know how much time it takes me to run one of those PITA Fractals. With a family, job, and kids, you better BELIEVE I know EXACTLY how long it takes.
I can only hope you’re trolling.
Why use the fractal achievement as an example when you can avoid it entirely? Go chop some lumber, trade in 25 badges for some siege weapon(s)…And finally, take a sentry or view a vista. 5-10minutes you’re done. Stop with the fabrications, please.
PS you sound kittened using caps to stress certain words.
Less kittened up than you do having an issue with someone who doesn’t choose to play the game or see things exactly the way you do.
I do have an issue with them when they make things up for their own agenda.
He didn’t even provide an opinion. He claims it takes hours to complete the daily achievements when in-fact it can be done in 5-10minutes. Excuse me for coming along and telling him that what he said is false.
(edited by Kagamiku.9731)
I definitely agree that the choices feel restrictive, hopefully they tweak them a bit for future dailies. Overall I think players will be satisfied, as this change is exactly what a lot of us asked for.
I sure as kitten didn’t ask for this change. And I was too busy playing the game to lurk on the forums everyday to even see if they asked us. Because I would have been thoroughly against this change.
I think some of you are missing the forest for the trees, so to speak. At worst, if one absolutely does not want to complete the dailies, they’ll lose out on 10 AP. Not a big whoop either way.
On the other hand, we’re getting loads of amazing stuff just for showing up!
Seriously, you just log in and collect stuff. How are you guys not psyched about this?
I guess you missed where I posted that I was doing the dailies for the exp on my alts, you know, not level 80 yet. Due to the NPE grind. And that I absolutely detest PvP. And prior to this fiasco, it didn’t matter what level you character was at, you could complete the PvE dailies.
You now receive tome of knowledge for simply logging in. Far better than trying to level up using dailies. Just saying.
Really, really …./sigh. You know what I got for logging in today?
Two coins, because I was playing after 4pm yesterday doing my dailies, crafting, and various other things.
Sure, but by the end of the 28 day period, you will have 16 tomes of knowledge (if you decide to take the tome chest at the end) otherwise it’s 10 tomes. Still, 10 tomes you invested zero time into.
(edited by Kagamiku.9731)
I definitely agree that the choices feel restrictive, hopefully they tweak them a bit for future dailies. Overall I think players will be satisfied, as this change is exactly what a lot of us asked for.
I sure as kitten didn’t ask for this change. And I was too busy playing the game to lurk on the forums everyday to even see if they asked us. Because I would have been thoroughly against this change.
I think some of you are missing the forest for the trees, so to speak. At worst, if one absolutely does not want to complete the dailies, they’ll lose out on 10 AP. Not a big whoop either way.
On the other hand, we’re getting loads of amazing stuff just for showing up!
Seriously, you just log in and collect stuff. How are you guys not psyched about this?
I guess you missed where I posted that I was doing the dailies for the exp on my alts, you know, not level 80 yet. Due to the NPE grind. And that I absolutely detest PvP. And prior to this fiasco, it didn’t matter what level you character was at, you could complete the PvE dailies.
You now receive tome of knowledge for simply logging in. Far better than trying to level up using dailies. Just saying.
New new Dailys suck. Completely and utterly. I’m not going to waste 3 hours of my time on a kitten Fractal for a ONE PART of a frickn’ Daily achievement. I have a life, and 1-1 1/2 hours a day is should be MORE THAN ENOUGH time to get a frickn’ daily achievement.
Lets hope someone at ANet realizes what a kitten colossal screwup this is, and fixes it post-haste.Have you actually tried the new daily system? You can do it in 10-15 minutes easy.
Claiming that it takes 3 hours to complete is an utter fabrication.Try it before just making stuff up about it.
You better kitten belive I’ve done them. Hated every kitten minute of it. And as far as taking 3 hours, I could care less what YOU think, I know how much time it takes me to run one of those PITA Fractals. With a family, job, and kids, you better BELIEVE I know EXACTLY how long it takes.
I can only hope you’re trolling.
Why use the fractal achievement as an example when you can avoid it entirely? Go chop some lumber, trade in 25 badges for some siege weapon(s)…And finally, take a sentry or view a vista. 5-10minutes you’re done. Stop with the fabrications, please.
PS you sound kittened using caps to stress certain words.
People really will complain about anything.
The achievements are vastly easier to complete post-patch. I did mine in 5 minutes! What a grind!!
Also, I got 10AP compared to 3AP and I also got better rewards. Problem where?
Warrior is one of the classes on game, u just need to tune it and learn its rotations, you should lose against any meditation guardian.
how that can be a fix?
P.S i dont play for quite some time, did anything change drastically????
Yes, warrior took constant nerfs and now they’re terrible at any kind of dueling. Still ok-ish in team play for their utilities, but most classes deal with them now without a problem.
Can’t remember the last time I lost to one in wvw…
“The thing is, there is no good or evil……”
lol. lolololollollol. mwhahhahahahhahaaahaa. BAHAHAHHAHHAA.
I shouldn’t laugh as it’s kind of sad. To each their own.
It’s rather empowering, isn’t it though?
The shackles of all sentient action being struck off by such a liberating philosophy!
See, son, there’s not really good or evil, it’s just a preference thing; one man’s evil is another man’s ice cream and cake.
I made a mistake by posting my laugh. In response to:
“The thing is, there is no good or evil……”
I should have simply said this:
You are wrong.
No, morals are a human invention and are passed on from generation to generation by education from parents, religion, school, politicians etc. So is what is considered “good” and “evil”. If you look at the human history, the things considered “good” and “evil” change all the time, too.
Nature does not know good or evil. Ask a cat if it thinks wether killing for fun is evil or not. Or the old romans.
Good and evil are just inventions to justify certain actions by other humans.
Whether or not the cat finds it fun to kill is of no concern… A cat acts on instincts, we have the ability to use rational thought.
Killing for entertainment is evil no matter how you slice it. There are grey areas, but if your only intent is to harm some one without rhyme or reason, you’re no better than something truly evil. You can’t just throw the term out the window because you want to be philosophical. It does have a meaning and it can correlate to a persons actions.
(edited by Kagamiku.9731)
It is fun occasionally, but not all the time. I think it worked well for one episode. However I do wish they gave us a different weapon set or that we weren’t so kitten as thieves.
Are thieves really that weak all the time?
Caith’s moveset was OP as hell…I don’t know what you’re talking about.
What do you normally main as? Caithe did about 1/10th the damage as my ele and had no second weapon set.
For reference my ele and necro can each do what caithe’s stealth backstab damage did, except in an AOE, while moving, with much better positioning.
Uh, I did the LS on both my warrior and my thief…My damage was far lower on the thief who was using dire gear, while my Warrior was using zerker. so I half suspect Caithe is somewhat affected by the gear/class you’re playing. Even if she is not, I did not notice the issue you were having. She could take a hit and her move set was so insanely good that I rarely even had to. Her 2 skill was a complete evade that reflected projectiles and damaged for two seconds (on a short cool down.) She had a nice gapcloser (heartseeker)… Caltrops pretty much stopped every AI in radius in their tracks with long bleeds and cripple.And finally, the cream of the crop; her elite skill, an 8-10second (not sure on times) invisibility that persists even after dealing damage. So you’re essentially invulnerable to damage (because the AI is too dumb to use AOE skills) all while being able to attack…And the cooldown is fairly short as well.
Though a quick thing to note…Make sure you hit them from behind, it deals just about double damage. Back stab and all.
(edited by Kagamiku.9731)
It is fun occasionally, but not all the time. I think it worked well for one episode. However I do wish they gave us a different weapon set or that we weren’t so kitten as thieves.
Are thieves really that weak all the time?
Caith’s moveset was OP as hell…I don’t know what you’re talking about.