So I am not an uberplayer, with some coordination and critical thinking issues, and I like to have a mix of valkyrie and knights with all zerk weapons and trinkets so that I have a little more survivability in my build.
This would automatically exclude me because I choose to run a build that helps deal with my personal, unfixable, flaws.
So basically the OP and others like him would exclude me from the game.
Thats just excuses, most dungeon encounter doesn’t require supernatural reflexes or whatever it is you think you lack. All it takes is practice and being open minded for ideas and suggestions that have been provided by players from the beginning.
Also, in pugs, there are little coordination to be had even in zerk groups, all you need to do is provide the dps and survive, thats it. Straight forward stuff.
I mean if i could play with 400 ping constant (australia) while drunk and still do dungeons fine in zerk, so can you.
While engi passive is definitely strong, even OP, what people fail to realize is that almost every passive in this game is so broken, they can swing the fight in their favor if given the luck. you wanna talk about counter play?.. what about start rebalancing/removing passives from every class. There have been times where the CC immune passive single handedly won a fight for a condi ranger by blocking a crucial CC just because it randomly popped up in the middle of a fight. Same thing for warrior signet, while warrior has been nerfed to what people would consider balanced, the healing signet is still a big issue and frankly doesn’t add anything to the gameplay experience of both the warrior and the opponent and lack serious counter play (no poison isn’t a counter as HS still has the highest hp/sec vs other heals while poisoned).
There are also other glaring issues with the class design besides the passives that will ensure that this game will never really be esports even if anet had billions of dollars to shove at this game. Things like endless sustain that alot of class seems to possess which makes fights drawn out and feels POINTLESS to both watch and play. Then there are the other extremes, where mesmer/thief shows their face for 1 second and half an opponents life is gone with hardly any tell other than a little pulse that unless you look closely, won’t know its a mind wrack etc. Ofc another issue where dodges are given out too frequently which also further increases the sustain issue, since all a sustain spec like d/d ele needs to do is dodge in between sustain cd (can be randomly too) and they will outlast almost anybody.
(edited by Lifestealer.4910)
Right now the way the story is told and progress is quite underwhelming, the dialogues are horrid and alot of the story just makes no sense. Frankly in comparison, it would make skyrim’s story look like shakespear.
Obviously this is all a matter of opinion but its quite hard to find motivation to care about the story when everything feels so cheesy, its hard to take anything serious.
Highest skill ceiling:
- Engineer
- Thief
- uhh mesmer?.. i guess
Lowest skill ceiling:
Lowest skill floor:
Out of those 3 i think elementalist is the most forgiving and thus Lowest skill floor though.
(edited by Lifestealer.4910)
Rabid and sinister set are used in dungeon solo, so add another 2 stat combo to the list ty.
Pure elixer build is weak no matter what, if you want to run elixers, at least use one or two kits as well so you aren’t as handicapped.
Thieves isn’t just a bit popular, thieves are actually mandatory for almost any speedruns.
To whoever said necro has good dps, they have the lowest dps of all the classes in dungeon atm, even mesmer does higher than necro and thats saying alot.
(edited by Lifestealer.4910)
I don’t think its possible to do lupi phase 3 without energy sigil on guardian unless you get ridiculously lucky with RNG or you pin him to wall for a 10 minute phase 3 solo. The problem with guardian in that phase is that most of your blocks are made useless due to multi hit spells so if lupi becomes relentless then he will exhaust all of your defenses rather quickly.
From my experience and this is coming from a person that exclusively play zerk, its usually the “ping gear X+ ap” arah parties that would kick during a run. Most of the people in these parties think they are hot kitten and knows the dungeon well when in fact they don’t know crap, they have to range the ooze in p1 through glitch, fail to properly CC tar when his moving back to geyser, and then wipe on lupi. It was one of these parties where i got kicked because when they all died at lupi, they did not want me to solo it.
Events are debatable considering the design is extremely flawed, it encourages running around tagging stuff and semi afk ranging bosses while watching pr0n. I would say the quest/event system is only fine when people just start out and aren’t wary of the many problems with this system.
i love it when people complain about dungeon selling, do these same people complain about restaurants selling people cooked meals?.. oh how everyone should only cook for themselves or it will devalue the accomplisment of cooking food.
(edited by Lifestealer.4910)
Each system change is designed to make the game worse and worse, stuff like megaserver, npe and trait change all serve as annoyances rather than benefits.
Basically game is alot worse than 2 years ago.
is the most cancerous thing ever. Spam all the buttons and never die and its just soo boring to watch, long drawnout and meaningless fights that goes nowhere. Idk why the camera was always on the eles, its a good way to lose viewers.
Anet should of just gut the celes ele build already if they don’t know how to balance it, its better dead then alive especially of how disgusting the spec is.
Would it better if the meta was zerk?..where fights would end in 2 seconds?.. where thief and mesmer pops out of nowhere and 2 shots someone off screen that the shoutcasters can’t even place their camera on them before the fight ends?..
It doesn’t matter what meta in this game, its gonna be ridiculously boring to watch either way, there is already lack of big plays even between the so called “high skillcapped specs” like d/p thief or whatevers, alot of the issue has to do with the way the skill system is setup and how visual unappealing and how the tells are so miniscule unless you were staring at your screen with your eye balls touching, you can’t see kitten.
I wouldn’t mind the turret build getting crushed by nerfs since its only used by bad players as a crutch.
However, it seems these days it doesn’t matter which build engineer uses, there will always be people thinking they are broken, rabid build so stronk bcuz IP mang! (even tho pretty much every class has OP passives for their builds), or “celestial rifle sooo OPPP” the last one is the one i will never understand since celestial rifle is about one of the easier build to 1v1 since all their combos can be easily predicted, the only advantage celestial rifle has over other viable engi build is that it has better teamfight potential and body cleaving power.
MMO is one of the oldest genre.. The only new genre that has been made in recent years is moba.
You brought over a vertical progression based person (IF IM NOT THE BEST IM NOTHING) to a horizontal progression based game. It’s not surprising they think there’s no end game since to them, there isn’t.
In addition, you encouraged him to think badly about the game.
(That place is awful
I wish they didn’t mess up the story
Well, it was too complicated for new players. I’m not joking. So ANet revamped everything and dumbed it down
But then, that kind of kills it for people who do know how to play mmos -.- )Telling him this before they go there “tells” him how to feel about it ahead of time. After all, if that’s how you feel it must be right. He never got a chance to encounter it without already knowing “that it’s bad, that it killed it for people who know how to play MMOs” (Which means if he did try it and like it, he is one of the people who doesn’t know how to play MMOs. It’s a way to subtly encourage someone to never like something as they won’t want to be seen as inferior). Your conversation with him makes me wonder what else you told him that was negative and put him off the game.
One person, who is used to and likes to play vertical progression games and who was told by his friend that the story line and EOTM is bad (and no telling what else you told him was bad), is not a good sample to base your analysis of the NPE.
What is this horizontal progression you speak of?.. because from what i noticed this game has no vertical (ok barely with ascended) and no horizontal progression at all.
Finally, someone understands that whether the person got his values worth is up to the player. Gaming hour vs time spent is an inaccurate representation of how much fun someone had at a game. An extreme example is if say i played a game for 1000 hours, 995 of those hours were spent brainlessly grinding to get to the point where i could enjoy the last 5 hours of playing either because of the carrot at the end of the content unlock or whatever. would that be money well spent?.. will I look back and be like WOW kitten that was one fine experience?.. no i won’t.
Personally when i first started playing, i jumped straight into ac story and explorable dungeon when i met the min level requirement and found little to no trouble finding groups to complete the dungeon with, sure sometimes i would wander into a party and be immediately kicked but it didn’t really matter much. At that character level, even if you have to slog thru an ac explorable path for half anhour, that is still more reward than an multiple hours of wandering in the open world on a low level.
(edited by Lifestealer.4910)
Considering asura’s already have the technology to destroy a dragon within a few shots from an airship, there is no reason to endlessly pad the story out. Just have the player escort the ship to its destination and kill off all the dragon and move onto another better and more in depth story ty.
Going back to traditional MMO like roles will just butcher what gw2 was designed to be.
I also don’t know why you expect to kill fast in tank sets, obviously you are going to do less damage, this is a given. PVT sacrifices damage for personal survival.
Again you are mistaking viable for optimal, fractal 30+ can be cleared in pvt, in fact speed clear groups have sometimes used cleric guardians in their composition. Optimal setup is obviously zerk but it doesn’t mean all the other sets are suddenly not viable, and as you said you just want to clear content so not completing dungeon fast isn’t an issue.
EDIT: forgot to quote the OP
yhea but it’s not about speedruns. it’s about just completing content. speed runs are the consequence of one of the game problems. diversity isnt needed in the game for 98% of the content just for speedruns. and what about all the armor, you are not going to tell me you are doing speedruns in power touhness vitality armor
Speedruns aren’t a game problem, in any game where the mechanics are memorized and tactics are refined to maximize reward, there will be speedruns.
If you are talking about just completeing content then guess what?.. any gear set is viable. When i first started playing this game and had no clue of whats going on, i still went through most of the dungeons in pvt gear just fine, i can definitely say that after a while, doing anything in pvt is not a problem at all, in fact its usually easier than being in zerker. The only reason people don’t do it is because pvt kills slow, which is fine, a survival set shouldn’t outdps a full dps set.
Another thing many people fail to point out is that gear isn’t the only thing that defines your build, traits and weapon set also plays a huge parts. It doesn’t matter if zerk or whatever gear, a d/f ele will play completely different from a s/f or a staff ele for instance, all with different stengths/weakness/utility etc..the diversity is there, all it takes is for people to actually go seek them instead of wanting the game to go the direction of WoW and butcher the gameplay that people have to come to love in this game.
(edited by Lifestealer.4910)
Supports are heavily favored in pve, in fact, each speedrun parties has of 5 supports, consisting of: blind from either guardian or thief, hard CC via deep freeze from elementalist, stealth for trash skips, condi clear and stability provided by the guardian, dmg amplifiers from warrior banners and ranger frost spirit + spotter. The people who say there are no diversity and that everything is dps obviously haven’t done their research.
Not only that, the dungeons actually encourages consistent trait changes which or may not alter the playstyle completely of the class during that encounter, thus adding into diversity. I have noticed that the people who say that there are no diversity are usually the people who stick to one or two trait setup and the same weapons for everything, even if the weapon or trait isn’t optimal for particular dungeon encounter.
(edited by Lifestealer.4910)
what exactly do you think can be accomplished by wasting developer time implementing mounts? what possible good would it do in this game? Please explain this to me. What is there to gain by adding mounts???
The same thing accomplished as making living story, aka nothing.
Don’t get me wrong, i don’t like mounts all that much especially since i like to look at my character and not have the mount constantly be in the way. But if i were to pick something that i can customize and progress my character horizontally vses a living story that can be finished in 10 minutes and forgotten after, i prefer the former.
Living story, like it or not adds content, maps, skins, advances lore and storyline, how do you compare that to something that would be so completely out of place in gw2 like mounts
Most of the content, maps and skins can be added without a “living story” . As for advanced lore and storyline, i don’t play mmo for its story because they are all terribly written and gw 2 is no different.
DA: inquisition is out for anybody who actually wants a story and lore that is worth caring about.
what exactly do you think can be accomplished by wasting developer time implementing mounts? what possible good would it do in this game? Please explain this to me. What is there to gain by adding mounts???
The same thing accomplished as making living story, aka nothing.
Don’t get me wrong, i don’t like mounts all that much especially since i like to look at my character and not have the mount constantly be in the way. But if i were to pick something that i can customize and progress my character horizontally vses a living story that can be finished in 10 minutes and forgotten after, i prefer the former.
(edited by Lifestealer.4910)
People really shouldn’t be accusing others of exploiting when they clearly aren’t. Pets always put players in combat, this is an intended mechanic, and when players are in combat the game obviously assumes that you aren’t afk. Its all working as intended.
There are no hackers in Gw2.
You have lagged.
I really hope you don’t believe that statement. Living under a rock is not a good thing.
This game needs less brainless grind ty. Before someone say things would be bad if it is only awarded by skillful play, how is things being only rewarded by grinding like a zombie any better?
Never forget this travesty
Are you going to tell me it takes just as much effort and skill to afk in zerg trains in open world compared to doing fractal 50?..
Again, effort, skill, two completely different things. It does take exactly as much effort to do a zerg train (I’ve never seen someone able to AFK a train, so I would find that especially impressive). Fractal 50 does take more skill, but who cares? If you have the skill and interest to do fractal 50s, then do fractal 50s. If you don’t, then don’t, but there’s no reason you should be penalized for that.
Difficult content should always provide more reward than easier content. If you want to brainlessly farm then go ahead, let others get the rewarding content that they want.
What about people that want rewarding content but that don’t want difficult content?
I think that when there is talk of “hard content,” there are two types of people. There are those that want more difficult content, and there are people that want better rewards than other people. If you genuinely want more difficult content then you shouldn’t need better rewards for it. If you just want better rewards than those you consider your “lessors,” then tough.
Its funny that you try to separate them into groups, there are also people that want BOTH challenging content and better reward.
Also by your logic, if tomorrow anet removes all the reward from world bosses and champion mobs, you are going to tell me the exact same thing right?.. that people who afk zerk train should continue to do so and that they don’t need rewards for it?.
Just watch as those zerg trains die out completely if it follows through, same thing with challenging content, if there isn’t any reward to justify it then expect it to be ghost town in days if not weeks.
The people who want rewards but not challenging content already has them, its called the zerg afk train in silver waste and other crappy living story location. Its time the people who dedicate themselves to challenges gets something as well.
(edited by Lifestealer.4910)
Except most good games reward people appropriately for the effort they put in, for thats what good game design is.
You’re confusing gameplay styles with effort. You can put in just as much effort doing easier content as harder content, it’s just different content.
Not only that, people will pick the path of the least resistance to get the reward, so if the reward involves farming like a zombie, most would do just that.
If that’s how they enjoy playing, let them. Play how you want, don’t try to change how other players enjoy playing.
Are you going to tell me it takes just as much effort and skill to afk in zerg trains in open world compared to doing fractal 50?.. yea its different gameplay style but at the sametime, one is clearly much more difficult and require alot more effort from the team to succeed, whereas sitting in a farm train there is almost no effort involved at all.
Also did i say anywhere that i want to change how others play?.. i am asking for an alternative, where hardcore players get rewarded for doing hard content, so that they don’t have to mindlessly farm and spamming 1 to get good stuff?.. because atm doing difficult content gives jacksquat for reward, and when that is the case people will say this game is unrewarding and its definitely not something others would want to hear from a game.
Difficult content should always provide more reward than easier content. If you want to brainlessly farm then go ahead, let others get the rewarding content that they want.
What would be the point of a hardmode if there were no unique rewards for beating the challenge?
People claim that they would enjoy it more. If this is not true, then why bother having hard mode at all? If people just want better loot, why don’t they just ad better loot to the existing content?
Its post like this that makes me wonder how spoiled this community is. People expect to be rewarded equally showing up to a world boss or champ train spamming 1 as doing something extremely difficult and/or require skills to execute.
It’s a game, so long as everyone’s having fun, why should some people get bonus rewards for playing one way over another? If you enjoy hard mode content, great, play it. If you want better rewards, tough.
Except most good games reward people appropriately for the effort they put in, for thats what good game design is.
Not only that, people will pick the path of the least resistance to get the reward, so if the reward involves farming like a zombie, most would do just that. If thats what a dev want then sure but don’t kid yourself into thinking thats healthy for the game.
When are we getting back what was taken from us?
I would be fine with them adding a “hard mode,” but ONLY if there is no additional rewards attached to it. There can be zero-point achievements, and there can be titles attached to hard mode completions, but there should not be any bonus MF, any unique drops, any reward unlocks, or unique reward tracks. You should receive no better or additional loot for playing content on hard mode than you would on default.
If you wouldn’t want hard mode without having bonus candy for playing it, then there should not be a hard mode, full stop.
Its post like this that makes me wonder how spoiled this community is. People expect to be rewarded equally showing up to a world boss or champ train spamming 1 as doing something extremely difficult and/or require skills to execute. The so called “casual” and i use this term loosely because real casual players are not this pathetic to make excuses to justify how they don’t want to improve as a playe, already get so much reward for doing barely anything. You can even get legendaries by just the swipe of a credit card.
The hardcore players who constantly strive for harder content gets barely anything to show for compared to the people who spams 1 while alt tabbing and watching porn in farm trains. Its time anet properly balance risk/reward in this game for once.
No you couldn’t.
My main is Guardian.
Over 1500 hours on it.
Make me a PvE Greatsword build that is drastically different from this one
which completely changes my play style.
It’s the same build I’ve been running since the open beta.
Utilities don’t change the way you play.
Why does it have to be greatsword?.. if you look up the meta build for guardian, you would see many variations of the “zerk” build depending on the type of dungeon. Hell you can even play a hammer guardian in fractal which has a completely different playstyle than a standard dungeon build. The diversity is there in the form of traits, unless of course you are one of those people that only stick to one trait setup, if thats the case then the problem is with you and not the game design
Its easy to spot when someone doesn’t know what they are talking about when they say everything is about dps, even for dungeons.
Facts: the reason people can go full glass is due to support abilities being extremely powerful.
For the most part anet got it right, every class fulfills dps/support/heal all in one build, thus there is no trinity.
Meta problem … Seriously how many thread you want to open and troll 20 pages long until you finally admit it’s a player issue which is generated by the ignorance of the PHIW crowd?
Well posts like this keep me going:
Let’s break it down.
1) A viewpoint you don’t like is of course trolling
2) It’s all the other group’s fault, and they’re wrong because they’re ignorant.
3) It is very specifically kitten vs. them thing.This is exactly the kind of attitude that needs to be fought.
Is it gonna help anything tho?
Nobody is going to convince either side to change their point of view, they will continue to look down upon each other. Fighting each other’s ideology or viewpoint is only going to escalate things and worsen attitude of both sides, not help it.
The solution to this issue has always being in front of the players, and no it isn’t to force them to believe what you want them to believe, the solution is to separate the group since because they all have different goals in mind.
You can succeed in pve without running optimal setup just like you can succeed in pvp doing the same. In league i win games running troll build like movespeed blitzcrank and split push suicide alistar. In gw2 i can smash a bunch of hotjoin and wvw heroes running p/p thief. By that logic, pvp has no meta.
Just because a player can make a sub optimal build work doesn’t mean the entire game mode somehow doesn’t have a meta. One can say that in order to beat the highest level in pvp, you have to run meta. Same can be said for pve, you will never achieve a dungeon the fastest no matter how flawlessly you play if you don’t run meta setup.
I’ve noticed there is a handful of players…. (about 4-5) who do literally nothing but trash talk every single update anet adds to the game.
Worse yet there’s a handful of players who do nothing but excuse Anet’s poor choices and praise them for everything they do.
You imagine there are people like that, but you are mistaken. The majority of people I’ve seen defending Anet’s decisions are in response to absurd demands from the same short-sighted, selfish individuals who are constantly whining and claiming that they alone possess the insight to guide this game to success.
Think about it… why would people jump to defend Anet without cause? I can’t think of any good reason to explain that behavior, whereas it’s very easy to explain the opposite. It’s quite unlikely that there is a group of people who are 100% satisfied with every decision Anet makes; conversely, it makes perfect sense for there to be a group of players who disagree with everything because they think they’re right all the time.
You may have guessed that I am one of the people frequently defending Anet’s decisions on here. That is not to say I do so because I agree with everything they do, but rather, I don’t care enough about the things I disagree with to throw a temper tantrum every time something changes. As long as I’m enjoying the game, I’ll play it, and when I’m not enjoying it, I won’t play it. There is absolutely no need to behave in the way these aforementioned trash talkers do, and god forbid anybody claim that they’re being unreasonable, or refusing to see reality because that would make them wrong, no, that individual that dare challenge even the most ludicrous of dissents is immediately labelled a “white knight” and therefore discredited. It’s no wonder people can’t get along on here.
This is laughable to say that the people who defend X decision of the game isn’t full of horsekitten. Most of these people defend decisions and make excuses either because they are too blind or the decision the company made, benefits them only. Ive seen people defend the real money auction house in D3 and people who defend the practice of DRM, are you going to tell me these guys weren’t making excuses for the companies poor decisions?.. some complaints have no merit but most people who defend design decisions like these are also the same.
When i say that alot of updates like the trait system change or megaserver royally screwed me over?.. what do i get?.. white knight saying i am wrong and that my experience is not true. You can’t tell me that my experience isn’t true and that if i say that megaserver royally screwed me over isn’t a fact.
In the past, games with huge problems were fixed due to outcry from the community with forum filled with complaints demanding change. The people who defend the game blindly (98% of the people) are the real ungrateful and/or selfish ones.
(edited by Lifestealer.4910)
Are people seriously complaining about one of the most powerful downstate ability in the game being weak?
I don’t even..
Its facts that i have been screwed by these “updates” many times now.
funny how ppl still hate on ranger even tho they have about 10% more dps then warriors
they bring 2 unique buffs that boost the dps of the party really good it seems alot of people like to write about stuff they have no clue about
Ranger only outdps warrior assuming speedrun setting where everyone has 25 might, but in any other situation where the might isn’t capped a warrior will outdps a ranger.
So for all my talk, I guess I"m not really proposing a solution except ‘tough it out’/‘make your own group’/‘you might be happier if you didn’t fixate on meta’ (the last one being a little controversial :p)
The last one isn’t controversial.
If you aren’t following the meta, you don’t need to fixate on the meta. Just know roughly what it is so you don’t join a group that’s obviously one.
The controversial part is ‘the meta probably isn’t helping your run as much as you think it is, live a little’ :p
Obviously its up to the player to execute the meta run well for it to help your run, its like picking top tier champions in league, you still have to know how to play them or you will get rekt.
This game is updated by unpaid interns, this is why each patch makes the game worse.
Do you even play the game anymore?
Do you?
Last i checked this game is still littered with bugs, broken features from patches like the trait change and NPE completely screwing up the personal story. Megaserver that sounded good on paper but was implemented extremely poorly etc.. the only update that was a universal positive is the wardrobe but lets be real here, even unpaid interns can get that right. Oh and lets not forget the complete removal of the human female idle animation just because..“insert ridiculous reason here”
This game is updated by unpaid interns, this is why each patch makes the game worse.
Would be great not to nerf all the other classes who use might just because ele is broken with it. A direct nerf to ele is far better solution than adjusting might across the board. I suggest nerfing co-effecient of the many fire abilities like drakes breath, either that or cut the ele sustain in water by reducing the amount of healing they get.
Since you run mighty swap, you can add tonic swapping into the rotation as it triggers the trait for extra might.
Mesmer definitely isn’t anywhere near the top as far as pve classes go. Warrior and ranger can solo open world the fastest and effecient. Thief and warrior are the top when it comes to dungeon solo. As far as dungeon groups go, mesmer is only wanted for the utilities it brings, they have the worst dps unless they have 3 phants out for an extended period of time, but lets not kid ourselves, that pretty much never happens.
Now that’s the problem, I find it very hard to maintain 3 phants for a long time.
And people usually don’t even consider taking me on a dungeon group (for the fact that people in pve want pretty much only dps).It’s a shame the PVE META leaves the mesmer out like that.
I remember a time where people didn’t only care about dps in PVE and you didn’t have hard time finding groups just because you’re a mesmer/necro/etc.
You can still find group easily with mesmer, as long as the party doesn’t already have another mesmer, even pugs would be willing to take you on board.
The utility mesmer brings are still really nice, its just situational because alot of the things that they does, guardian does better all while providing alot more dps.
My personal gripe with mesmer since their dps is so low (literally the only class they beat in dps is necromancer) is that it becomes more of a chore when being in disorganized groups due to the fact that pugs tend to not use proper dps rotation so the overall party dps is really low and even if I play mesmer optimally, I won’t be able to bring the dps up. Not only that, soloing in open world is just soo slow, kill slows and they also roam slow.
18 minute for cm is reasonable and healthy?.. in a full group?.. wut. My solo times where i screw up and die is about as fast as that LOL.. a full group that actually use proper tactic and setup can finish a cm path in under 5 minutes.
Because it is a game. Expecting a dungeon in a game (much less, an mmo?) to burn around 20min of time is reasonable.
I ask you this, would you want the devs to, in the future, design all dungeons to be completely in only 10 min or less? Do you know how easy that would be to demolish? And do you honestly think you should be guaranteed a decent reward for that?
cm was designed to be an easy dungeon, ofc finishing it in under 5 minutes if people utilized proper strategy is much more reasonable than 20 minutes. We already have arah which is done in 15-20 minutes if everyone is full zerk and executes the run well. When a pug group takes 18 minute to finish cm path, it is quite embarrassing tbh.