Please don’t say the pugs that advertise as “speedrun” is actually a speedrun group. Most of those groups are just wannabes and does things really slow. Also, if you do not like speedrunners, make your own group its as simple as that.
I have pugged dungeon for a while and haven’t experienced this toxicity that some of the forumers seems to proclaim. Maybe its something that you guys are doing repeatedly that is netting you with the result.
Like I said, Im only buying the traits I need for the build I use on them, like 7 traits, but those master traits cost quiet a lot
cant you unlock those doing the events mastery traits should have other high level people that want the same aswell right?
How many people will bother wasting their time grinding out those traits?.. like seriously especially when you have some traits that require an entire zone completion. By that time i could of done multiple dungeon paths and bought all the traits I needed and be done with it.
Some people will and some people won’t. The fact is, there are people who enjoy completing zones. I have world complete on four characters so far, and don’t mind completing zones.
You’re making an assumption that more people like say dungeons than zone completion. I’m not sure that’s a fact.
I’m not saying more people like dungeon, i am saying however that most people would know that dungeon is more efficient if you want to get gold and even skill points which are the two things you need for traits. Me assuming that most people would know is an opinion but dungeon being a faster way of obtaining traits compared to just hunting them out in the world is a fact.
Its just open world content…. just whip out your bearbow and auto attack while watching TV. No teamwork required.
Like I said, Im only buying the traits I need for the build I use on them, like 7 traits, but those master traits cost quiet a lot
cant you unlock those doing the events mastery traits should have other high level people that want the same aswell right?
How many people will bother wasting their time grinding out those traits?.. like seriously especially when you have some traits that require an entire zone completion. By that time i could of done multiple dungeon paths and bought all the traits I needed and be done with it.
Can we please get this feature?.. its really obnoxious how each time after a dungeon run i have to click so much to open and salvage everything. I feel like i am going to get carpel tunnel syndrome at this rate.
I really scratch my head and wonder why Anet makes build that are centered around AI. In many games, competitive ones especially, AI are used as a supplement for a build or an extension as some call it. A build or class or whatever it is should not be centered around AI, it is bad design since it ultimately removes player interaction which is detrimental in pvp environment. If anyone plays league of legends and remember the yorick incident then you will know what I mean.
If Anets goal is to make a competitive scene then turret engineer needs to be gutted even if it isn’t top tier. This build is a perfect example of how not to balance in pvp. If however Anets goal is to allow anybody to come into pvp and have a blast owning people while watching tv then by all means leave the build alone. The second option is actually what Anet is doing and is the truth, if any random can come into pvp and have a build like this make them feel like a good player, they will stick around as a customer and even buy gems.
Don’t need to teach stacking actually. Most dungeon encounter require very few stacking, its only that pugs still think stacking helps when it really doesn’t.
Saying people who wear zerk can dodge… well… It also says they cannot play well cause If they need to dodge the party is doing things wrong, dodging is loss of DPS. Why wasn’t target reflected? blinded? wasn’t aegis used?
I had a very nice full path a short while ago in AC, with some Pugs and i was on my staff ele,100% glass with scholar. I lost the bonus once at kohler all other moments of the path I was perfectly shielded party comp: warrior, thief, guard, ele scepter, ele staff. I had 43 minutes on my food before start, I had 5 when all paths were done. 38 minutes for AC 1 till 3…. Bosses under 5 seconds with full bomb. except for spiders and kohler. Good stacks, good use of food, and buffs…
That is definitely an ideal situation, but keep in mind, pugs may not always do what is necessary to protect the party. In that situation a zerker has to dodge attacks. Its definitely not ideal but then again most things people do in pugs aren’t ideal anyways. That is why the meta for pugs vs speedrun guild is vastly different in terms of strategies.
The thing is most zerk players (I can’t speak for all of them) do have their own guild and do form their own groups in the lfg. We play with like minded people. PHIW people (again i can’t speak for all of them) insist that we must play with them, and that they should be entitled to any group they want. Most lack the initiative to form their own groups, we “elitest jerks” form our own group all the time.
Then use that guild to form your group with all the expected criteria met. As I’ve said, the moment you PUG you forfeit your right to care about who joins your group, because it’s not like gear makes a competent player in the first place. Your inability to grasp such a basic level of understanding doesn’t magically rid you of accountability for the tools you use or the illogical reason behind your discrimination with those tools.
Actually the moment i form a group, i don’t forfeit anything. If a person does not fit my criteria i can always kick. LFG descriptions are used to clearly set up standards for the party, if you PHIW don’t like it, you can always go make your own group like i did. Don’t pollute our party with your nonsense.
Maybe its you that do not understand, you call it illogical but i say that is just your opinion in which most people don’t share.
Explain to me how it’s illogical, then. Use reasoning. It’s as basic as it gets:
Zerk != Skill
The inherent risk of inviting anyone with LFG doesn’t matter if they have Zerk gear or not, because Zerk gear doesn’t automatically equal contribution. You instead want the community to foot the bill of your grievous failure at being socially approachable. You have inherent risks with any PUG, you forfeit your rights to discriminate when you PUG but you maintain your right to leave/vote to kick. Your incompetence is not logical, in fact – it’s the exact opposite. I am not accountable for your ineptitude, so please don’t shovel on bullkitten like it’s my responsibility.
zerk does not equal skill but it shows the players mindset, which makes a big difference. When a guy goes zerk, he obviously wants to complete the dungeon as fast and as effeciently, whether he has the capability or not is irrelevant as i said its the mindset that matter. I don’t look for skillful pugs but i do look for zerk because guess what?.. in most situation a zerker who does dps and dies in 5 second contributes more than a pvt guy who survives the entire fight.
As for the rest of your post, its just a bunch of nonsense that tries too hard to personally attack me. Also nobody is discriminating, just because i do not want to play with the likes of you does not mean i am discriminating, its as simple as i just don’t play with you.
EDIT: Why would i want to befriend with people i don’t want to play with?.. You say i have social problem because i do not want to party with a particular group of people?.. and i wonder whose being “illogical”.
(edited by Lifestealer.4910)
The thing is most zerk players (I can’t speak for all of them) do have their own guild and do form their own groups in the lfg. We play with like minded people. PHIW people (again i can’t speak for all of them) insist that we must play with them, and that they should be entitled to any group they want. Most lack the initiative to form their own groups, we “elitest jerks” form our own group all the time.
Then use that guild to form your group with all the expected criteria met. As I’ve said, the moment you PUG you forfeit your right to care about who joins your group, because it’s not like gear makes a competent player in the first place. Your inability to grasp such a basic level of understanding doesn’t magically rid you of accountability for the tools you use or the illogical reason behind your discrimination with those tools.
Actually the moment i form a group, i don’t forfeit anything. If a person does not fit my criteria i can always kick. LFG descriptions are used to clearly set up standards for the party, if you PHIW don’t like it, you can always go make your own group like i did. Don’t pollute our party with your nonsense.
Maybe its you that do not understand, you call it illogical but i say that is just your opinion in which most people don’t share.
(edited by Lifestealer.4910)
Given Anets track record, i bet they will make sure the components in this collection are locked away behind ridiculous RNG just like the treasure hunter collection. I would love to be proven wrong.
Besides, something I’ve never understood about these kind of discussions is the intellectual laziness of crowds sweeping in and telling “PHIWs” to “find a guild that is willing to share their interest.” When you’re pugging, you pretty much forfeit your right to give a kitten about what somebody else is wearing. If you want a full zerk meta group – join a guild. It’s like the laziness of pugging should only be detrimental to “PHIWs” and not “meta-gamers.”
I use these quoted terms loosely though because against what someone previously mentioned in this thread, someone wearing zerk isn’t automatically a credible fountain of experience. It just means they’re wearing zerk.
The thing is most zerk players (I can’t speak for all of them) do have their own guild and do form their own groups in the lfg. We play with like minded people. PHIW people (again i can’t speak for all of them) insist that we must play with them, and that they should be entitled to any group they want. Most lack the initiative to form their own groups, we “elitest jerks” form our own group all the time.
Corner stacking is so 2014, there is like only a really handful of situation where that is beneficial. But then again pugs are always slow with adapting to changes.
Beserker being meta is fine, risk and reward. Other set shouldn’t kill fast given how easy it is for them to survive. Also no matter how powerful you make mobs hit, zerker will always be optimal. I mean people go full zerk in fractal 50 as thiefs when anything can one shot you.
(edited by Lifestealer.4910)
I suggest using the dps meter software as a way to inspect peoples gear if you are trying to organize a full zerk pug. See that guy with more than average health?… you know he isn’t zerk.
The issue isn’t really that people don’t look at videos. You shouldn’t need to look at them, its simply the average player don’t seem to pose the capability to adapt or learn the encounter by themselves, most people have to be told what to do like sheeps.
There are people that find the living story episode difficulty, and there are people that don’t even know how to dodge after level 80. It kind of show the standard of the people who plays this game.
I meant a reward that is tied directly to your skill instead of luck; those were the two parts of the equations
challenge <—> reward; in this case it is
challenge <— lots of luck —> rewardSo .. the faster you can click your mouse the more gold you get ?
Because what is “skill” mostly in a game like GW2 ? You need to be fast on your mouse
and keyboard .. if your old and have never learned typing and thus are a mouse-clicker
you simply are less skilled.I am pretty sure thats how all the games work. Being slow and “mouse clicker” means you get left behind, this goes with anything in real life as well. Theres is no reason why games have to make their content near idiot proof for those type of people.
Knowledge + prediction + reaction are what dictates skill in games and it has done a good job so far.
Ever heared of chess ? Or old round based RPGs? There strategy was more asked
then just be a fast clicker.And in real life beeing a fast typer is maybe usefull as a secretary .. so yeah you can
show your leet skills there.But of course it would be nice if the secretary drives a Ferrari while her boss only
drives a 20 year old Ford ^^
Ya but in order to succeed in this game, you don’t have to be a fast type or clicker. Most of the “skill” required are knowledge of the encounter and how you react to it. I think most people prefer it that way as that is how every pve are done in games nowadays.
Also while im sure that i was wrong to say “every” game requires you to be fast, Gw2 is by design a fast paced game. Anet should capitalize on it by releasing contents that actually makes good use of it instead of these big zerg afk farm fest that is seems to plague every open world content they released so far.
I meant a reward that is tied directly to your skill instead of luck; those were the two parts of the equations
challenge <—> reward; in this case it is
challenge <— lots of luck —> rewardSo .. the faster you can click your mouse the more gold you get ?
Because what is “skill” mostly in a game like GW2 ? You need to be fast on your mouse
and keyboard .. if your old and have never learned typing and thus are a mouse-clicker
you simply are less skilled.
I am pretty sure thats how all the games work. Being slow and “mouse clicker” means you get left behind, this goes with anything in real life as well. Theres is no reason why games have to make their content near idiot proof for those type of people.
Knowledge + prediction + reaction are what dictates skill in games and it has done a good job so far.
I like how people try to use failed MMO as example of why raid is bad. I can play this game too. Look at games like WoW, FFXIV and Tera, all are very successful because of raids.
The problem there is that one could just as easily claim that those games are successful in spite of having raids.
That logic can be applied for all the fail MMO’s that you mentioned.
(edited by Lifestealer.4910)
lol look at this.
“players aren’t interesting in conquest game mode”?
you guys are not being reasonable.
there are thousands of players enjoying conquest as we speak you know…
having a mixed pool and being able to vote on which map to play is the best option FOR NOW.
if you want stronghold exclusivity, again, there are custom arenas for y’all. but those who’ve been enjoying conquest all that time shouldn’t be penalized. simple
You do know there is only roughly 400 active conquest player per region right?.. that is pathetically low.
There is a good reason why game modes are seperated in every single game out there. Anet is the only one that think its a good idea to mix game modes together.
I like how people try to use failed MMO as example of why raid is bad. I can play this game too. Look at games like WoW, FFXIV and Tera, all are very successful because of raids.
So instead of giving us new weapon types in the expansion, they took the lazy way out and just gave necro a gs and mesmer a shield?.. how does those weapon even fit the class thematically?
So what if people put raid on farm, everything is already put on farm. There is no content in this game that isn’t on farm mode. Saying after people mastered raid they would just farm it to use as a reason for not adding it is not really lets just say, good one.
Everybody is not a dps variation, only the pug community that still believes warriors are top dogs in dps believes that. If people had understand the real meta they would know that dps/support/control are used plenty in dungeon encounters. I mean if dps is everything, then the meta party comp would consist of 5 eles but we all know thats not true.
I agree though that the dungeons in this game, at least most of them are not well done. But that isn’t because of the meta, that is due to negligence from designing the dungeon and improving it. Many bosses are either buggy or are too easy. If Anet made bosses hard enough that people would need to interrupt attacks, CC and condi clear etc. The real meta comps would continue to do what they always do while the pug comps will be forced to adapt or fail. Suddenly people will understand that the combat system and class design are not as flawed as they think.
Anet has said they would implement raid but obviously i have no faith in them implementing it properly, since this is the only mmo company that design really fail bosses. Most of the world bosses are a joke, just look at shatterer, nobody is in any danger fighting him, same with pretty much every other world bosses outside of triple wurm. Also another issue with open world raid is its a nightmare to organize with guildies because there always randoms popping in to take a freebie ride etc.
Thats a no brainer, nobody wants to spend hours organizing and breaking sweat to master something and not get rewarded appropriately for it. That goes with anything and not just raid. Thats why i find it hilarious that people demand that raid have subpar rewards, as if them brain afk farming in silverwaste should be just as if not more rewarding than an organized raid.
Aren’t the easy as kitten to acquire the exclusive carapace piece to brain dead afk farmers enough to sate you peoples desire?.
(edited by Lifestealer.4910)
Do you enjoy making people scream at how low their fps drop when you are around?
Do you enjoy playing piano?
What about being able to do anything and everything?
Do you like to run around like a madman?
if the answer is yes to all those then engineer is for you
(edited by Lifestealer.4910)
Well i guess its a success when thats all you look for in a story. I’d say the story is a failure because given the short amount of time, they couldn’t possibly come up with a story that is worth caring about. The characters are forgettable, in fact i don’t remember any of the major characters because they aren’t interesting or weren’t developed enough given the short timespan. The dialogue is terrible, the story makes hardly any sense, i mean if asura has the technology to almost one shot zhaitan, why are we still fighting on foot 99% of the time and not just blowing up plant dragon i can’t remember his name.
If you find the mechanics Gimmicky what is your proposed alternative?
How would you design a boss fight so that
-The player can’t just stand still
-High damage does not allow you to negate the fights difficulty/mechanics.
-The fight takes longer than an average trash encounter.
Bosses along the line of lupi would probably be a good start. Obviously it shouldn’t have 1.1 million life. Maybe a boss with 500kish hp with multiple hard hitting attacks, some easily telegraphed and some not so much. Have the bosses move around when he wants to use a certain attack might get the player to move etc….
Basically make reacting and proactive gameplay as well as knowledge be the deciding factor of bossfights.
Also while we are at it, make the bosses actually failable too. The last boss in the living story can pretty much be body zerged which completely eliminated any sort of tension with it.
I will never want to party with people that do what you do. Because at least with people who run cleric guardian etc, I can understand that they want a different playstyle, to support etc. When i hear people mixing valk with zerk, it really only screams “I cannot survive with zerker, so i am going to take valkyrie so i can make more mistake and not get punished”. Valk isn’t a different build, it plays out exactly the same way as a zerk build except you do less damage and thus conrtibue less to the team.
You realize that attitudes like yours are why there’s so much ‘zerker hate’ at all, right? Nobody hates a block of stats that just sits there being numbers. They hate the pointlessly elitist, self-aggrandizing arrogance of those that say things like…well, this which you said here, honestly.
I’d golf clap for you, but you wouldn’t get it.
And why should i care exactly?.. most of the toxicity that i have seen are from the “PHIW” people so i honestly couldn’t care less what they think about “elitest jerks”.
Since Glint’s Lair? Someone hasn’t been paying attention. Chapter 2, the Fort Salma fight: that last mordrem has a shield and only Marjory’s golems can bring it down. That was pretty gimmicky, even if you could generally take the thing down quickly once the shield was removed. I’m pretty sure every final boss fight in the living world had some mechanic that made it different, and unlike every other instance of bosses pre-Living World. Don’t make it seem like this started last November.
Yea your right, its way before glints lair but either way its not a well done mechanic at all unless Anets goal is make mind numbing boss fights.
I know some of you are going to disagree but the recent boss introduction ever since the glints lair have relied on really gimmicky mechanics to drag out the fight. What usually happens is the player ends up spending most of the time not actually fighting the boss but instead running around sort of like a headless chicken doing menial tasks like luring an AI to a pylon, or running around with a light up my kitten just to lure the boss up to beat on for 2 seconds.
Now don’t get me wrong, i prefer a challenge like everyone else but this isn’t challenging at all, its boring and needlessly pads out a boss fight. I firmly believe that bosses should stand on their own merit when it comes to the fight. Anyone who played dark souls would know what i mean. In that game, boss fights consist of you and the boss in the room and nothing more.
Its probably due to lupi having maxed out on his swarms. He has a cap on how many units he can spawn so example, if you trap all his swarms behind the wall, he cannot summon anymore swarms or grubs.
Anything as long as it replace the garbo living story.
Can you guys just revert the trait changes back to pre patch?.. i don’t understand why you guys feel the need to completely the butcher the system for something completely inferior. Just let us use the previous system where we just buy 3 books and don’t have to worry about grinding for THE VERY BASICS OF OUR CHARACTER.
The legendary gs doesn’t look serious enough as a legendary as well.
Berserker stat’d gear is overrated IMO. It provides a slight increase in DPS for a huge lack of survivability. You’re not going to lose the dungeon or PVP simply because you have slightly less power.
Personally, I prefer to do a little mixing and matching. Valkyrie is a decent substitute for zerker with decent power and a lot more vitality.
I would pay no mind to the groups who insist you have to be level 99 with mandatory full legendary/ascended/zerker gear and a quaggan backpack to be cool enough to play with them.
I will never want to party with people that do what you do. Because at least with people who run cleric guardian etc, I can understand that they want a different playstyle, to support etc. When i hear people mixing valk with zerk, it really only screams “I cannot survive with zerker, so i am going to take valkyrie so i can make more mistake and not get punished”. Valk isn’t a different build, it plays out exactly the same way as a zerk build except you do less damage and thus conrtibue less to the team.
There are 8 minute fights in other games where people can watch videos, and know exactly what to do, and still need to build skills at executing it. So still requires skill, if its well designed.
These are the types of fights I like the least…not because it requires skill. That’s not my issue.
I don’t love going out of the game to have a watch videos to do things. I prefer to solve things on my own merits. I still don’t have all the badges in Silverwastes, because I’m missing one and refuse to look at Dulfy.
Memorizing what to do and practicing it till you can do it like a trained monkey might be challenging to some people…but I personally don’t see it that way.
Being the first guy to figure out what to do, or figuring out a different way to do stuff is far more challenging.
my point is skill isnt just about knowing what to do. Its about learning how to do it well, and its not really all about being a trained monkey. Is every sport ever about being a trained monkey?
well perhaps you see it that way. Regardless whether you use a guide or not, skill exists
A video game is not a sport for a lot of reasons. At very least, PvE in a video game. Talking about players is something different.
The reason it’s not a sport is because someone programmed it and there’s nothing in it but that program. Juggling requires hand eye coordination and it requires practice, but I wouldn’t call it a sport.
Here’s the difference. When facing a human you don’t know what to expect. You really don’t. Let’s say the best, most accurate fast ball pitcher in the world is facing you. He can still throw one over your head. It’s happened.
When you’re facing AI, you know what to look for specifically and what to do specifically eventally. Half of it is memorization, half of it is reflex. Maybe not exactly half but you get the idea.
Unfortunately, I don’t find that stuff impressive. First of all, it puts every single person who lives in Australia at a disadvantage, because we have no servers here. I’m almost guaranteeing an extra half second lag. So less interest because no fairness there.
And of course net connections affect things, what kind of computer you have. That wouldn’t really happen with sports (though admittedly you can have a better bat).
It’s just not the same thing.
Tell that to all the E-sports game who gets as much viewer in their world finals series as any of the top sports out there.
(edited by Lifestealer.4910)
The only reason i would support ffa in pve is because then players would actually have to learn the game.
what meta, i don’t see any meta….just some particle effects in a small place with ppl thinking they are pro players just because they still press 11111111 all the time……
I don’t bother with every of those hilarious “bash the zerker” threads. They come in pair with weekend special “nerf turret engi” or “stealth is op” season finale.
However the quoted post is one of those special when I can block the player and never play with the clown before he destroys my fun.
I think he refers to open world content, it takes a whole new level of delusional if there are people that thinks dungeon are just spam 1 all the time.
Gliders just a worse version of flying mount
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Lifestealer.4910
Cannot use glider anywhere outside of the new map. Can only use it for a short period of time and you do not get a selection of rare version to collect and rub in the face of the poor people.
l2p issue, nothing to see here folks.
OP got shrekt for trying to leech off zerker players, it is pretty shameful.
I feel pretty bad for anyone that made THIS game their lifestyle lol.
Only reason they didn’t add dps meter to the game is because they didn’t want players to see how poorly others perform, it creates drama blah blah but it still doesn’t change the fact most of the bosses are designed to be a dps race. Thats why everything is on a timer.
I would also take ToS with a grain of salt since it specifies in there that they can ban you for simply logging on or if they felt like it. Its hard to take any of that seriously even if they can and did that in the past, its not something players should go by as “rules”.
As it is, it’s only me and a buddy online nowadays, but we’d have a ball 2-manning dungeons if they were designed for it.
I’m in the same boat. It’s pretty much just me and my best friend playing this game. When we do dungeons we usually just pair up and form our own LFG but it’d be fun if we could just do dungeons by ourselves.
As i have said before, you can already do alot of the dungeons solo. If you want to learn which dungeon path to start first i suggest arah path 2, 3 and all cm paths.
That’s misleading, though. You can’t possibly believe that marginalized tactics is a counterpoint to this discussion without being disingenuous, maybe a little crazy or a min-maxing elitist. Not everyone is out to maximize performance – this discussion gets absurdly old. Guild Wars 2 is, first and foremost, a game – games should provide fun and entertainment, not just another grueling task to excel at.
Myself, my friends, along with every normal person on the face of this planet isn’t going to make a task out of Guild Wars 2 because if we’re going to put any effort into something, it might as well be a job and get more money.
When did i say you have to min-max, some of the safest ways to solo a dungeon aren’t even the most effecient. For instance, there are alot of boss fights in cm where dagger/dagger is the most effecient weapon set for a thief to solo but you can always go sword/pistol which is safer, slower and basically more lazy way of doing it.
You don’t have to min-max to solo a dungeon path, you just need to know the dungeon.
Another thing is If you and your friend just wants to find content where a casual player can breeze through, there are already plenty of content out there for you to do so, low manning dungeon in its current form is the only challenging thing PvE has to offer. Last thing Anet needs to do is make such a content a joke.
You can’t possibly solo a dungeon without some amount of min-maxing. Implying anything else is absurd and disingenuous. Please go tell your glib rhetoric to someone stupid enough to believe it.
If you mean learning how to dodge and play your class as “min-maxing” then ok you might as well say this game is all about min-maxing then.
Just about everyone against this idea seems to believe that this is going to change the original dungeons themselves. Like the concept of “seperate mode” doesn’t apply.
The only reason why finding a group for dungeons in GW1 turned into what it is is because there was no separation from original content. Heroes replaced the party but the dungeons remained. This game doesn’t have heroes and therefore there is nothing to replace the party. Lowering the difficulty and rewards doesn’t require anywhere near an overhaul.
Maybe I just don’t know what the real issue is with it.
Why do dungeon difficulty need to be lower though?.. Low manning it isn’t really that difficult, there are plenty of people that do it daily. The only thing that stands as a huge obstacle for people who prefers to run with less than full party are dungeon paths where they shove “teamwork” down your throat like arah p1 where you need at least 4 on the geysers but other than that everything is perfectly doable.
Just because a certain group can do it solo doesn’t mean that everyone wants to be or is capable of being like that specific group of people. Why not have a separate mode with a lower difficulty and reward? Why does the difficulty have to remain the same? It is pointless.
So basically you don’t want to be part of the “group” that puts the time and effort to learning how to complete dungeon with low numbers and instead want Anet to implement an easy mode where you can faceroll the dungeon like pretty much every other pve content in this game?…. well lucky for you, the “group” that you don’t want to be part of has already provided alot of knowledge as to how to complete each dungeon solo/duo or whatever. The “easy mode” is already there, just go look up on youtube as to how to complete a dungeon solo and copy them and voila, don’t need Anet to waste resources on a pointless mode.
Just about everyone against this idea seems to believe that this is going to change the original dungeons themselves. Like the concept of “seperate mode” doesn’t apply.
The only reason why finding a group for dungeons in GW1 turned into what it is is because there was no separation from original content. Heroes replaced the party but the dungeons remained. This game doesn’t have heroes and therefore there is nothing to replace the party. Lowering the difficulty and rewards doesn’t require anywhere near an overhaul.
Maybe I just don’t know what the real issue is with it.
Why do dungeon difficulty need to be lower though?.. Low manning it isn’t really that difficult, there are plenty of people that do it daily. The only thing that stands as a huge obstacle for people who prefers to run with less than full party are dungeon paths where they shove “teamwork” down your throat like arah p1 where you need at least 4 on the geysers but other than that everything is perfectly doable.
As it is, it’s only me and a buddy online nowadays, but we’d have a ball 2-manning dungeons if they were designed for it.
I’m in the same boat. It’s pretty much just me and my best friend playing this game. When we do dungeons we usually just pair up and form our own LFG but it’d be fun if we could just do dungeons by ourselves.
As i have said before, you can already do alot of the dungeons solo. If you want to learn which dungeon path to start first i suggest arah path 2, 3 and all cm paths.
That’s misleading, though. You can’t possibly believe that marginalized tactics is a counterpoint to this discussion without being disingenuous, maybe a little crazy or a min-maxing elitist. Not everyone is out to maximize performance – this discussion gets absurdly old. Guild Wars 2 is, first and foremost, a game – games should provide fun and entertainment, not just another grueling task to excel at.
Myself, my friends, along with every normal person on the face of this planet isn’t going to make a task out of Guild Wars 2 because if we’re going to put any effort into something, it might as well be a job and get more money.
When did i say you have to min-max, some of the safest ways to solo a dungeon aren’t even the most effecient. For instance, there are alot of boss fights in cm where dagger/dagger is the most effecient weapon set for a thief to solo but you can always go sword/pistol which is safer, slower and basically more lazy way of doing it.
You don’t have to min-max to solo a dungeon path, you just need to know the dungeon.
Another thing is If you and your friend just wants to find content where a casual player can breeze through, there are already plenty of content out there for you to do so, low manning dungeon in its current form is the only challenging thing PvE has to offer. Last thing Anet needs to do is make such a content a joke.
(edited by Lifestealer.4910)
As it is, it’s only me and a buddy online nowadays, but we’d have a ball 2-manning dungeons if they were designed for it.
I’m in the same boat. It’s pretty much just me and my best friend playing this game. When we do dungeons we usually just pair up and form our own LFG but it’d be fun if we could just do dungeons by ourselves.
As i have said before, you can already do alot of the dungeons solo. If you want to learn which dungeon path to start first i suggest arah path 2, 3 and all cm paths.
(edited by Lifestealer.4910)
Warrior if you don’t like to put much effort. You will bored within a week of playing because of how simple it is but the class is viable everywhere, ranger if you like to deal with poor AI pathing and delays but class is still viable, just be prepared to be kittened. Pick your poison.