False. Try playing an Engineer and using that website, you’ll wait for hours to get a group.
I joined two different groups last night and I was the only warrior… had an engi, necro and ranger in one of them (last person was a guard)! That group also went on to do 2 more runs with each other as it was smooth and relatively quick.
Whilst the website might be plagued with lf zerker warrior/mesmer, joining groups in map chat has mostly landed me in diverse, non zerker war stacked groups. At least on my server there are lfms going every few minutes. Or better yet, start your own!
Well, from what I can tell it’s because it’s not fun and doesn’t have any rewards. I just got my scepter pre-cursor and I will likely sell it since I don’t see much of a way to convince anyone to do that dungeon with me again and it’s nearly impossible to do. No fun/too difficult + no rewards = no people to play it. Storm for sale here . . . thanks . . .
Start your own lfg and just do path 1 here and there. Path 1 is a faceroll for the most part. I have 3 pieces of armor on my warrior alt (the most costly ones) and have my Gift of Knowledge. It’s not that bad, keep trying.
If anyone is on a European server and wants to run it, feel free to add me as I’ll run it if I’m not currently in another dungeon.
I’m certainly hoarding some bbs myself.
Couldn’t you just autobestow yourself any skin you wanted? ^^
I’ve had that problem as well.. my character was clearly hitting it but not picking it up. Thankfully on my full bauble run was the one time I did get it..
What I would like is events that are for everyone… not just for people who like these things. April Fools, Christmas, Halloween… people who play the game but dont care for jumping puzzles should be included in the holiday festivities in a meaningful way and not be made to work at something they really dont like in order, not just to get the rewards, but to actually participate with other people in the game society.
Hmm… I do seem to recall doing more than jumping puzzles in the previous two holiday events….
People need to read their mails a bit more closely. It was written out clearly that the open-world chests were a one day thing.
I’m of the opinion that if you want the rewards then you need to do the content associated with it.. or I guess grind money and buy them off the TP. But really, there are no hard jumps at all with zone 1. Run that with your characters and you get two bubbles per toon… that’s at least 10 per day if you have 5 characters. Even zone 2 requires no difficult jumps. Neither zone requires you to do any fancy dodging or fighting of monsters.
I loathe using the TP. Not only in GW2, but in any other game I’ve played that has an auction house. Sure, I’ll use it when needed, but I think that this game has a wonderful world that is a lot more interesting than the TP. I mean, I’m playing GW2 to do combat, exploring, socializing, rather than slave away at than the slow loading, clunky TP screen. Do you enjoy using the TP? Great, more power to you – but I don’t.
Still, I feel that the only (or vastly more efficient) way to acquire certain items is through the TP. I’m not talking only about precursors, but any other mats for legendaries. Tier 6 materials, lodestones, silver doubloons. Ask anyone and they’ll tell you that it’s better to save gold and buy them from the TP than to go through the trouble of farming them yourself.
As other people have mentioned in this thread, for once we were able to actually farm through combat something efficiently – ectos – but it was shot down immediately. I find it frustrating to rely so much on the TP and to be left behind the inflation curve if you’re not some kind of TP wiz.
This is precisely how I feel. I just saw the precursor I want double in price. There were two available.. now suddently 15 but at much higher prices.
I feel like I’m fighting a losing battle right now. I feel like I’ll never be able to achieve what I’m working towards all because I don’t play the market. I have to say that is completely wrong in my opinion. I should be able to work towards rewards by actually playing the game, not the economy.
Honestly, I’m getting really frustrated and irritated by how much I have to obsess over making money in this game to get the cooler stuff. It’s the complete opposite of my experiences in other MMOs. In those, I earned stuff from beating a hard dungeon or raid and never had to worry about money in order to get the shinies. For me Auction Houses have always been a shortcut if I was feeling too lazy to go out and get my own materials. Often I wasn’t. I’m the sort that would rather go out and get things for myself rather than paying someone else.
It’s funny that the people you see with legendaries are the people who area also sporting full T3 cultural armor dyed in abyss and celestial. This game is most rewarding to those who are day traders BY FAR. I feel the gap is far too wide and that you, Mr. Smith, are a bit out of touch with those of us who want very little to do with the economical side of the game given you find it so interesting (at least I assume so since it’s a career you’ve pursued :P ). I just want to play and earn stuff. I want that scavenger hunt. I want drop rates of t6 mats and lodestones to be a bit more forgiving. I want to earn my way to achievements without the entire process being so money focused. I know legendaries were meant to be more rare, but at this rate, I’m not sure I can ever attain it even though I play quite a lot.
(edited by Lothirieth.3408)
I don’t think the drop rate of these lodestones is too low.
You can “easily” farm them in cursed shore, by killing sparks.
If the Dwayna event chain doesn’t bug…
I have most of the time 2-4 lodestones an hour, and that’s pretty nice.
That’s a pretty insane drop rate. Loads better than I’ve ever had there.
I have this problem as well unless I’m using minimal graphics. It’s like the chests are affected by culling sometimes.
I didn`t know about the announcement but I don`t think it will make that much of a difference. I hope the price will now stabilize around 26-27s instead of dropping further and further. The spike might be caused by a combination of both.
Given what happened to the price of Final Rest in a few hours.. I think it’s fairly obvious the spike was due to the announcement.
This will stop the lag for sure. Awesome awesome awesome
I’m happy
I think you’re kidding yourself if you think lag is going to get better. It was there before the chests were revamped after all. I predict overflows still as well, especially for Claw.
Martin, I have a question: Since you’re now limiting us to one good chest per boss a day, will your team be better at fixing bugged events? There are at least two Orr temples that regularly bug.
Did anyone notice Final Rest?
Started at 10g, now it’s almost at 40g
Lol, I suppose that solves my dilema as to if I should use or sell the one I got. ^^
I hardly doubt this will help overflows for some of the dragons. You couldn’t guest on servers to get multiple chests on a single event on a single toon anyway. Also, you can only guest on two servers per day so it’s not like people were hoping servers loads.
I’m getting a bit tired of ANet telling us how we can play… too much daily stuff in this game or DR. If someone wants to grind a certain mob for a certain drop until their eyes bleed, well more power to them. We finally get a reliable method of getting rares (as we all know how great the drops are in dungeons/fractals), especially if you don’t feel like farming CoF tokens for rares.. and now it’s nerfed.
RNG is a troll, I did lvl 46 frac and only greens, then did lvl 10 daily and guess what?
2 exotics, 4 rares, 2 lodestones.It’s a gamble
Me and a lot of my guild mates have commented more than a few times how loot seemed better through 1-9 than it does 20+… which seems totally wrong.
It’s funny how some rejoice.. yet I see the crafting bit and get really irritated. :p I wish they’d extended choice to monthlies as well. I’d greatly prefer to do fractals and dungeons over crafting.
I’m sort of ambivalent about these changes. I do agree it makes the dungeon more engaging. But I have to wonder, did it really need to be? I think there is some value in having one low level, easier, introductory dungeon. Plus it’s nice to have an easier dungeon in general for everyone, especially one that offers pvt gear which can be a bit of an intro exotic set as well.
I only did path 1 and 2 and didn’t find it as hard as some here are making it out to be, though I did go with a guild group.. though we did have one lvl 35 with us. He got downed a bit more but not too much.
My only issue was on path 1.. Holy Knockbacks Batman! Seriously, a bit overkill with those. It got irritating. Getting chained knocked back whilst protecting an npc isn’t fun.
Path 2, ghost eater.. points for creativity. Once we figured out the tactic, it was fun enough, but I’d seriously hesitate doing this with a pug. Coordination is all good and well, but with this game lacking voice communication I’m not sure it’s the best idea. One bad point is him getting stuck on the traps.
I hope they fix this and give out the rewards retroactively
According to the reply to the ticket I sent in on their support page, they say they have no way to do so.
I don’t care about the coin or karma.. it’s the laurel I’m pretty angry at not getting, given things have such high time gating now.
Same thing just happened to me. Went from 4/5 to 6/5 (completed daily events and leveler at the same time.) No reward chest was spawned even after I’ve done extra for it.
Really hope you credit all of our accounts that are reporting this!
So you say that you lodestones are needed, but they are not. I presume you are talking about crafting legendaries, in which case you are going after an item that is purely cosmetic.
You’re correct when you point out you can get full exotics by doing dungeons and buying with tokens or ascended stuff through fractals. But thing is.. the ultimate goals of this game, the real shinies, the things people want to work towards.. it’s all cosmetic. ANet has equalised things so that everyone can be fairly easily well geared and has instead placed rewards and incentives in looking awesome. But.. they’ve made it where you can really only get this shinies (mainly weapon skins) through making money. It’s not possible to just play the game and get some of the more desirable skins and I believe this is the main issue.
I tried for the first time flipping some stuff the other day.. I did manage to do a bit, but with the time I spent I could have made more running a dungeon. I’m not so good at it and I’m too adverse to risk I think. Also I found it really boring to be standing there waiting for orders to come in so I could sell immediately or monitoring my buy orders.
I just want to play the game and earn/work towards my big goals. That’s all. I can’t help but feel Mr. Smith is too into the whole economics thing that he fails to recognise the perspective of people who aren’t. He asked someone if they’d prefer a bad economy.. well.. I think some of us would rather have hardly anything to do with the economy at all. I think that’s a perfectly valid playstyle but ANet isn’t allowing that. More things to work specifically towards, with challenge of course!, (like lodestones for dungeon tokens and drastically increasing crafting mat drops) would make me one happy camper.
Great news Robert. I’m all for difficulty but a dps check isn’t a very good mechanic for that I think. Thanks for listening to us!
I’m also curious as to when this will be implemented?
Wow. That’s a disappointment. And here a lot of us were hoping that ANet had actually done something to make lodestone acquiring a little less painful.
ANet HAS “actually done something to make lodestone acquiring a little less painful.” I converted a metric asston of karma sitting on a character unspent to a batch of Orrian jewelry boxes, which yielded quite a few lodestones. Fastest and least painful lodestone farming I ever did.
Really? :P It’s nice they put a chance for them there, but it’s no where near any sort of fix. I spent 400k karma and got 2 lodestones, luckily one was the sort I needed. But when you need 100…. better to still go to the appropriate dungeon most likely. Prices have dipped some, but nothing much has changed.
So what if it’s not in tune? Some content should be harder than others, read: Legendaries.
But Simin isn’t harder. It’s a dps check. That’s it.
Example: Me and my guildmates haven’t had trouble acquiring materials for any piece of gear that we wanted to be crafted, except for these stupid legendaries! The grind, RNG, and farm is so out of tune compared to all the other craftable items it’s ridiculous. And the stats aren’t even better! Nerf!!!
What is this? This is terrible and makes no sense.
Yeah, Simin is harder than other bosses. The fact is, you don’t have to do Arah path 4. No one is forcing you, just as no one is forcing me to get a legendary, so get over it. As I said before, some content is for some players, some is for others..
I have to do Arah path 4 if I want my Dungeon master title. I like achievements. I like seeing lots of completed stuff. That’s my thing, which is why I want to get this done. So just stop with this forcing stuff. It’s such a tired, stupid argument. And given that I can complete every other dungeon path in the game, I’d argue that this content is for me. I’m a serious raider in other games and I really like doing dungeons in this one. I like a challenge, not faceroll content.
And just keep in mind people are completing Simin on a daily basis. Trust me, it’s far from impossible..
I never said it was impossible. My problem with it is that its requirements are so different from the rest of the dungeons. In the rest of the game, any sort of combination of professions and trait setups will allow you to complete a fight. It might take your group longer, be a lot more painful, require more control and teamwork.. whatever.. but you can get it done. But this one: there’s no room for anything different which I believe goes against what ANet promoted regarding group play.
Wow. That’s a disappointment. And here a lot of us were hoping that ANet had actually done something to make lodestone acquiring a little less painful.
Just count 1-1thousand, 2-1thousand, then dodge.
Thank you so much for this advice. Tried it for the first time tonight and it worked brilliantly. I actually quite like Alpha now. Intense, but fun fight.
Theres a theory floating around about permanent DR.
People who play alot hit this cap, to keep them at the same pace (financially) as someone who plays casually. The dude who plays 12 hours a day will get the same amount of exotics a person who plays 1-2 hours a day or less.
It’s to keep everyone equal and prevent the casual players from complaining that hardcore players are ahead. Which happens in every game in existence. I too see very few rare+ drops on my main character (650 hours) but on my alts see a crazy amount of rares out of dungeons.
The part that worries me is the fact that so many players come up with this theory on their own. It’s not people preaching this theory, many people feel it and think it’s happening without being told about it from others.
Nah, I have a friend who plays more than I do (and I play a fair bit) and always gets more rares/exos out of dungeons and fractals. He has better luck with the Mystic Forge too and has gotten rare stuff during festivals. He’s become one of those people where it’s getting tiring saying grats and I sorta want to say “oh shut up already” (as a friend :P) as he’s continually getting more than me. It’s frustrating to say the least. ^^
Remember, story mode is created for people not willing/able to skill-up to the difficulty of explorable dungeons. You should go ahead and stick to story mode or even different paths if something is too hard for you..
You don’t see me over here crying about not being able to get a legendary, and hell I think that’s way harder than killing Simin. Some content is for some players, some content is for others.
My guildmates and I can take any profession mix to any dungeon and have been able to complete every other explorable path and boss.. until this one. We’ve read these threads and guides and watched videos and every time we just don’t seem to have the dps. This isn’t about explorables in general. It’s about this one fight not being in tune with the rest.
Edit: For example today – Had one person leave the Arah group right before Lupi, so we were stuck with 4. Couldn’t get another in (due to patching and people having a different client version). Ended up four manning Lupi, the Guardian and Elementalist friends were pretty bad at the fight (ended up dying during P2). My ele friend and I then proceeded to 2 man Lupi, no problem.
Wasn’t very kind not to rez them.. which is completely possible on that fight.
I havent ran this fractal since the patch yesterday but from reading all the posts in this thread, I don’t quite follow what exactly is new compared to people only realizing now.
An area of the ground gets littered with red circles, that touching for even a milisecond gives you agony…I think much like the cliffside boss’s red circles, except that those actually give you time to get out of them. These appear underneath you and immediately inflict agony which there is no way to dodge. So once you’re out of heals, you’re screwed.
A group of us from our guild tried doing the lvl10 daily as we’re trying to get our rings.. we can’t get AR without doing 10 and getting a lucky drop or enough to barter for a ring. We couldn’t do this boss. We would immediately dodge out of the circles and survive that agony attack.. some of us might survive the 2nd, but none of us lasted past the 3rd. Nearly every other fight has AVOIDABLE agony. This one doesn’t. At level 10 it isn’t a matter of “go get more AR” as that’s precisely the level where we’re supposed to be earning it!
for my opinion grenth is a job for guardians/wariors
Yeah, because the game totally needs more of that. [/sarcasm]
I’m not against having more variety, but I’m not enjoying that it now takes me longer to get my daily done. Though I do agree the combo killer needs to be reworked entirely or never show its face again. That was horrible to get done.
Challenging can be good. But being one-shot-defeated by massive aoe that you have little or no time to dodge? That’s just frustrating.
If you watch the priests animations it is easy to avoid. If you see the red circle on the ground it is already too late. I love it.
(ugh.. do not know what’s going on with this post and why it insists on duplicating what I’ve written.. I cannot figure out how to fix it. sorry )
Okay.. but how are you supposed to know where he’s going to put those huge red circles? It’s all well and good watching for his animations, but if the ground ends up being littered with the circles, you still end up in the same situation, no?
Okay.. but how are you supposed to know where he’s going to put those huge red circles? It’s all well and good watching for his animations, but if the ground ends up being littered with the circles, you still end up in the same situation, no?
Waaay overtuned. Hardly any time to get out of insta kill, red-circles-of-doom.
Whilst the lower prices are welcome, I doubt they are here to stay. Once people run out of thousands of karma to blow, there won’t be such a huge surge in the numbers introduced into the market. It would be nice if this would continue, but I have my doubts that it will. :/
Gold being the be-all and end-all of a fantasy game is an utterly abysmal system. It is a fantasy game for God’s sake, people are sick to death of the controlling nature of money on life let alone in an escapist world.You constructed a world with the freedom to envision it as you liked and somehow you managed to make it as shackle snaring and mundane as real life.
QTF, well said.
People refuse certain classes in other dungeons as well you know. :P It might not be as bad but it certainly does happen.
how is your drop rate 0.5 a month? Go to dungeons time to time. 2-3 per dungeon run.
I’d love to have that sort of luck in dungeons.
You’re not entitled to all the best stuff in the game just because you spent X hours playing.
That’s fair enough, but I do think people are entitled to have different roads to take towards earning stuff reasonably and not be funnelled down one road of making loads of money. Different stroke for different folks and all…
Hey, I’m curious about something. For those of you who feel the activities of active traders is negatively impacting your game… what exactly is it that you’re doing that is being impacted by this activity? I only ask because I honestly can’t figure out what the TP is for for those of us who’d rather avoid that sort of thing, given there are supplies of very good items that have nothing to do with it (karma, tokens, etc).
I don’t directly blame the power traders/manipulators. Other games I’ve played have had these sorts of people, but yet I was still able to obtain the stuff I wanted in a reasonable amount of time/effort. I’m more irritated at ANet for making drop rates so bad to the point we have to rely on making money to get things.. yet with the tactics of some on the TP we keep having to attempt to make more and more money. Basically I’m one of those who would rather use my time and effort to earn items than generically grind money to buy them from others. I support multiple routes to items but I don’t think ANet has realistically provided them in anywhere near an equal manner.
John Smith thinks we can just go get anything. I’d like to seem him gather for some of the special skins without using the TP and compare that process with people who can play the markets.
In sum, while I don’t think there are vast differences strong enough to bar any group compilation from progressing, I do think the public opinion is quickly trending in that direction… I just don’t know what we can do to stop it.
Mostly it’s not about people being worried about not being able to finish a dungeon with certain classes present, but more wanting a quick faceroll. Some seem to believe that this is only possible with a certain setup.
I tried this for the first time with a guild group today, people who have finished several of the other paths so we weren’t Arah noobs. The dungeon up to Simin went quite smoothly and quickly, but we ended up having to give up on this fight after 2 hours due to dinner and a guild event.
Now admittedly we were low on dps as we had 3 necros, a warrior and elementalist (I ended up being quite surprised at the amount of dps we ended up pulling out, hurray for vulnerability) and didn’t stack guardians nor had a mesmer, but I truly think we could have done this if it weren’t for the utter stupidness of the sparks. We had zero room for error.. yet got to watch the sparks randomly head off to someone else not trying to lead them in or dance around the spot we were trying to get them into.
I also think it would be nice to nerf Simin’s regen just a tad to be more forgiving for those groups that aren’t composed of warriors, guardians and mesmers. ANet advertised that there was no holy trinity and that any setup could complete dungeons.. and from what I’ve seen this has been true (ofc certain setups make things more of a faceroll), but not in this fight due to the stupidness of the sparks and dps needed.
Eagerly awaiting the patch as no way I’ll try this again until then.
I for one, can burst up to 25k~30k in like 4s and give a constant 5~15 stacks of vulnerability while also stacking bleed and confusion but nobody knows.
This. People don’t have an understanding of all the profession… just hurr durr 100 blades haz big numberz. No necro may not be as good as a warrior for burst but it’s certainly good enough for speed runs. They don’t seem to realise a necro can help boost everyone else’s dps (if they are to inflict vulnerability.) I’ve been refused spots in CoF and CoE. I never ran into a problem in TA, but I have noticed the LF warrior/guardian is becoming much more prevalent. It’s stupid and it’s boring.
finally approaching the end of full week piken zerging. Seeing some more gandara guilds moving to Piken, good luck with that.
Saw a couple of CoExist people (if I spelled that right) on Piken’s side.
So tonight, 3 of us went to hopefully go cap a supply camp as our guild group needed supply and as we entered the cave through the left tunnel we saw there were 2-3 Piken’s there. We went for it anyway and had a bit of a back and forth for a few minutes. Finally we gain the upper hand, push in to kill off the NPCs when then from the right tunnel the awaiting zerg hiding behind the corner finally decides to come and finish us off.
We spent most of the night outnumbered and were pushed back more than often than not, but that experience in the supply camp was the only one that left a really bad taste in my mouth. Running into a zerg that’s camping some place is fair game, but purposefully baiting and taunting and stretching things out? Really unsportsmanlike behaviour. There’s just no need for that. Here we were thinking we were having a somewhat balanced, fun fight for a few minutes.. but nope.. crunch Just get rid of the three of us you see immediately and get it over with. I’ve just never gotten the need to mess with people like that.
(edited by Lothirieth.3408)
Lately, the few times I’ve done Jormag, I don’t see most of the enemies and probably around half of the players. I’ve given up helping on the first bits of the fight with the wall and join in on the second half.
Exactly. I prefer to spend my time doing activities. And it’s precisely why I went after dungeon armour. I also made some coin whilst not paying for my exotics. But this is the only way I make money in the game: run dungeons (use tokens to buy armour to use or rares to salvage), gather mats, and sell anything I can. I can manage a few gold per day, but it’s still gonna take me ages to save up enough money for legendary items and fight against inflation as there are those than make lots more gold a day. Though if I didn’t want a shiny skin, I’d be completely set and have no need of the money I’d made. But that’s sort of the point of this game: shiny skins and working towards a look. I just want to play the game to get them, not the TP… yet keep everything buyable for those that do like to play the TP.
So again it’s not hard to make money, just many people are too lazy to apply themselves.
I’m getting so sick of people saying this. Look, ANY skill is not easy for everyone. If it was, we’d all be billionaire, concert pianist, oscar-winning actors who designed the latest and greatest piece of technology and cured cancer…. [/sarcasm] Human beings all have their strengths and weaknesses. Not all people can play the economic game, just as not all people will be good at sPvP. Not all people want to. I have zero interest in playing the TP nor am I really able to. I can’t compete against the people who have that interest and the knowhow to do so.
I don’t begrudge people making hundreds or thousands of gold off the TP. Good for them and I’m glad they have fun. I just don’t like making exorbitant amounts of money a requirement to get anything shiny in this game. I want to earn it through game play. That’s why I went after dungeon gear. I enjoyed working for those rewards.
There should be different (and reasonable!) avenues to suit different playstyles.
I’d love to be able to get Lodestones with the tokens from that dungeon. Ex: CoE tokens can be used to get a Charged Lodestone.
I think with the right token price it could work well. It would encourage more people to do dungeons also. Right now I never get a group for a dungeon that is solely from people within my own home world server.Also, it would drop some of the prices for them on the TP, especially the ridiculous Charged Lodestone and give people a way to obtain them rather then simply buying them or hoping for the RNG to favor them that day. It would make the progression of actually getting all the lodestones you need actually feel like your progressing towards your goal as you would KNOW that you will get another lodestone by getting enough tokens rather than hoping for it to drop randomly.
This! This would be awesome: specific dungeon tokens for specific lodestones. People could do dungeons to earn them to use or sell and people could have their choice of grinding a dungeon or grinding general money to buy them on the TP.
(edited by Lothirieth.3408)
So many complaints yet none about the Swampland? Wow, that was unexpected. ^^
I admit 15g~ per day is not casual anymore, but anyone should be able to get 7g per day from completing 2 dungeons every day. For example AC is about 1g per path if you don’t skip moneymobs/bosses and get only bad blue drops, more if you get some decent drops. If you’re finished with ectos, you can use tokens from CoF and upwards to buy 6 rares per day, get some ectos out of them and sell them. For the “useless” tokens, save them up, buy 4 exotic weapons, MF and get min 2.5g or so out of that. Also a free shot at a precursor and some named weapons sell for quite a high amount.
If you’re not going after Sunrise/Bolt, then definitely do CoE p1 for profit aswell, that’s faceroll and should be doable for anyone. Cores are still like 1.5g profit, lodestone up to 4g. If you’re going for one of those 2 legendaries, then just cry yourself to sleep when you calculate how much potential money you’re wasting by keeping them.
Thanks for the advice. I recently tried full AC and CoF clear. I made almost 3g from AC but only 2.5g from full CoF clear (not counting any rares and globs I got as I need those :P). I guess if you run enough dungeons you can do 7g a day but it still seems a bit of a high estimate. I’ll be able to do this a couple days a week, but not every.. I’ll burn out. ^^
And other legendaries than Sunrise/Twilight take those lodestones. :P Luckily my precursor is “cheap”.
(edited by Lothirieth.3408)