(edited by Moderator)
Thank goodness there was a work around for this. Some of us were not running the 64-bit client for a reason.
It has always auto crashed upon start up and it still does! The issue still hasn’t been fixed.
For all of you whinging about this happening on Reddit: an AMA (Ask Me Anything) is a specific Reddit thing (https://www.reddit.com/r/iama) so of course it makes sense to do so on Reddit. This sort of thing would be very difficult to try to carry out and read on traditional forums due to the format. The Reddit format makes it incredibly easier to identify questions and then have the answers to each question be attached to said question instead of randomly on page 24 of a 49-page thread in the forums. It’s far, far more organised and keeps the different topics of questions clearly separate. So really, just quit with the indignation that (shock! horror!) a Reddit thing was carried out on Reddit.
A user was kind enough to make a summary, so you can easily read all the replies: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/490u3k/missed_the_ama_heres_a_summary/
(edited by Moderator)
No idea why you’re yapping in the first place but I’m sure with your months in game you could easily afford to buy it, I paid nothing for mine.
So cheap.
Lol, yet another person who doesn’t realise that using the item instead of selling it is indeed “spending” money. You’ve literally “drank” away hundreds of gold.
The thread title is misleading. The video is a rant. The video poster acknowledges it as a rant. Rants are not analyses. An analysis includes pros and cons. Maybe the video poster actually offered both sides later in the vid. I sat through a fair bit of his anti-story rant and that was all I could stomach.
The video does include “pros”. He specifically mentions how he thinks Revenant is great, enjoys some of the elite specialisations, has been happy with raids, thinks Verdant Brink is a good map, enjoys gliding and I know he mentioned more.
Maybe you should hold back on your own “analysis” of a video until you’ve actually watched the whole thing so you can keep from posting false things. Your post was quite hypocritical.
I don’t agree with cheating/hacking but the amount of schadenfreude and glee in this thread is disgusting.
(As a GW veteran and official Life of the Party and Incorrigible Ale-Hound, I’m thinking about going for the beverage thing myself.
I’m betting you didn’t gather all those items and imbibe them in 4 weeks though….
Oh thank goodness!!! So happy this finally happened.
And maybe he’s just fine with doing that. Everything has an opportunity cost. Maybe he’s just fine giving up the opportunity cost that comes with not selling the mats and comes from not buying the precursor straight out. I know I am.
Please point out to me where I made any sort of judgment on that person’s play style? I only corrected the notion that they are getting their precursor for free as that’s blatantly false. Otherwise I made no other comments, so I’m not sure why you felt the need to tell me this.
You are complaining about how I (and others) choose to do a legendary? That we are not doing it the way you feel is best? Too bad. I will do the legendary how I feel like. If I want to craft everything without selling all my mats and just buying the precursor then I will do that and you can’t do anything about it. I am over 18 and I will do it how I want.
Literally no one has made any comment on the way you play. (seriously, what’s up with the incredible defensiveness in response to slights that aren’t even there? No one cares that you’re a woman. No one cares that you’re over 18. And for kitten’s sake, yes you can play how you want And no, no one wants to do anything about that! ) What people are doing is correcting yours and others’ lack of basic economic knowledge and spreading misinformation that somehow your precursor suddenly becomes “free” just because you gathered the mats.
You can get the mats however you please. I’m one that prefers to gather them myself as well. But I’m not going to go off spouting that obtaining one in that manner has made it free.
It’s primarily that giant wall of text paragraph that shoots off on a completely irrelevant tangent and effectively derails the post. The way that Eirdyne tends to interrupt himself so he can violently veer off into something unrelated also doesn’t help. The final problem is the overwrought language that makes the writing feel unnatural. In the industry we refer to it as purple prose and it’s generally frowned upon.
And whooooooooooooooooooooosh went the sarcastic joke over your head. :P
Pepsis was quite literally comparing OPs post to the tangled difficulty of the Hot maps and the responses people get when they criticise said maps.
I am just playing and getting the things I need for all the legendaries. I will NOT stop playing just to suit you. I am a grown woman I can do what I want and there is nothing you can say to force me to stop playing and having fun. They are not costing me any gold or real money. Nor will I pay for them. So you telling me I can hurry up and get them and that’s wrong and how much they will cost if I rushed is just stupid and then going on and on about how it’s too expensive is again just stupid. Just because you want to rush does not mean everyone will do it. And just because it’s costing you lots of gold to rush is your problem and not mine.
What a silly post. I guess you’re living up to your name. :P Ignoring your strange “I’ll do what I want because I’m a biiiiig girl!” rant… these precursors sure as heck are costing you money. All those mats you gathered? You’re choosing to use them and not sell them. You are effectively spending money. It will cost you less than someone insta-buying them, but it’s still costing you plenty.
OP claims to make 50g/hr in another post. I tend to think that’s an exaggeration. It’s also going to be a lot less once people read this post. More people will do it and flood the market, dropping prices.
People already are harvesting lots of wood and ore…
This doesn’t address the problem with communities and the other problematic HPs, but the HP in question can be gotten to without leyline gliding and without spiders. Go there before the meta event completes and follow this video:
Hard to choose. :P But definitely a new dungeon cluster.
Tangled Depths Map Completion Playthrough
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Lothirieth.3408
This is very helpful, thank you.
Dungeons, as I’ve heard, are going to be completely removed, and the team behind them might’ve already been disbanded.
Where did you hear this?
In the game. Everybody’s talking about it. I think it was talked about on Reddit.
For something “everybody” is supposedly talking about, I’m not able to find anything written down via Google, the Dungeon forum or the GW2 reddit.
Got links?
Gosh, this happened a long while ago.. like back during Flame and Frost. Of course the search function on this forum doesn’t work. :/ There’s this old reddit thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1zt5wl/what_ever_happened_to_dungeons/ in which someone quotes “we will disband the dungeon team and incorporate them into living world so that dungeons would be updated as the story passed through.” They didn’t reference it though, sadly. Everyone’s not talking about.. anymore.. as it’s old news.
Tigaseye, you’ve been making some really great posts. Sadly the daytraders are incapable of understanding your points. They’re rich, so kitten you (in many ways the economy in GW2 and the arguments and insults here seem like a microcosm of the real world economic issues, with the well off throwing around words like lazy and entitled. And to me that’s one of the biggest flaws in this game. A lot of us struggle with finances in the real world. Who the heck wants to log into a game and have the same worries!?) I honestly think some of them possess zero empathy (laughable for someone who thinks he is an expert in psychology), are unable to understand that people have different interests and that a good game should cater to multiple interests (regarding fun, rewards, etc.) They’ve got theirs and since they enjoy that method of money making, which also happens to be the best, then everyone should too. It’s ludicrous.
And honestly, I wish they would just go and play EVE already…
You don’t need minions to tank for you when you have something like 95% damage reduction up 100% of the time, with passive heals out the butt.
Necros don’t need minions tanking for them either… nor need soldiers gear. :P I play a zerk reaper and have found it to be quite good for the new areas.
Some of you need a stronger sarcasm detector!!
Are you playing for rewards or for fun?
What a useless question considering the dungeon lfgs are largely empty. It doesn’t much matter what someone plays for if finding groups is very difficult.
Instead, explore the maps
Yep, and after that?
play the adventures
Tied to the kitten meta.
participate in random smaller events
Done that, not very appealing.
do a fractals instance
Done plenty of those.
hang out in LA
What? Why?
level crafting
Finished that ages ago.
chat with your guild
That’s what I do while playing.
do some sPvP
head over to the EOTM
do some world bosses
Yeah, when I’m disgusted with the itinerary play of the new HoT zones, I’ll go do some itinerary play I’ve been disgusted with for years. That makes sense.
Ahahhahaha, this was just epic and hilarous. :P It was the perfect response to the tired “here’s all the things you can do!” posts that list out loads of stuff we’ve already done or decided we have no interest in. Honestly all of your posts in this thread have been pure awesome. Too bad some can’t be bothered to actually read and understand them.
Regarding the timers, I actually do appreciate them, but I have much longer to play and I’m fine with scheduling gaming time. So for me I think they’re incredibly helpful because they allow me to join the start of events or the boss fights.
What I think is bad though is the length of these event chains in each map. Verdant Brink is two and a half hours, iirc. Two and a half hours. That’s just faaaaaar too long. I really sympathise with people who don’t have so much time to game or are unable to log in at specific times. Personally I feel ANet made a mistake in only offering these event-only zones with very long event chains. I wish there was more variety.
You still can’t ‘choose’ to do whatever events you want whenever you want in Silverwastes like you’re QQing you can’t do in HoT
Wat? Sure you can. Silverwaste keeps and the escort events pop frequently. And at nearly all times of the day can you find a map well on its way to the Breach. Only the legendary bosses would be the problematic events to find.
And to be honest, there’s not exactly a variety of events to choose from. Keep defending is keep defending no matter which one you’re at. Same for the escorts.
That may be true. Still it’s not many people complaininh. And i dont understand the people that do. You cant get all on a silver plate. Put some effort in IF you want something fancy.
Did you even bother to read their posts? They don’t want anything shiny. They just want to see the actual content of the meta events. Good grief people. You guys are ascribing too many things to them that they’ve simply not said.
(edited by Lothirieth.3408)
It is a potential issue.
People can say it’s not, as much as they like, but the truth is that if something like this is available, most people will require people to use it (especially for PUGs, or whatever) and it’s a slippery slope.
It’s the same with DPS meters.
If they are available, even if only to the player, people will require people to post their DPS.
Sometimes that might be a good thing, with certain unfairly maligned classes, but more often than not, it will not be.
I’ve been through all this in WoW.
Allowing inspection, measuring and third party stuff never seems to end well and turns the game into paint by numbers.
Maybe people want to play paint by numbers – that’s not your call to make.
Telling people they have no right to express their opinion isn’t your call to make.
And where precisely did the poster do that? He’s saying that the other poster has no right to dictate how other people play. And that’s completely correct.
A couple of fixes went out with today’s build:
- The crash that happens immediately upon launching the client (error code c000001d) should no longer happen.
Well kitten .. I’m still getting an insta crash with that error.
So much QQ. Feel free to send me your items and go play another game. HoT is a great expansion, hands down. All of the “I’m burnt out” is only coming from those who didn’t get handed everything immediately with a bow or from those who blaze through everything and no have nothing to do.
No it’s not. And if you’d have bothered to read this thread, you’d have seen that. A lot are simply unhappy with the type of content. Personally, I burn out waaaaaaaaaaaay faster on event-only zones that I do on dungeons and fractals or world bosses. This is what the OP was expressing. It’s the type of content, lack of variety in the new zones (as in, it’s only events.. no new dungeon cluster to work on masteries in) that has burned them out.
Bored? Seriously? Have you done all the achievments both for maps and story? Collections? Beaten all the meta events? Started working towards new legendaries?
There’s a HUGE quantity of things to do, maybe you just dont like what you have to do. GW2 was always about events and achievements.
Actually there’s not and this is one of the complaints in this thread. Those collections are not content! And all those collections revolve around the same 4 maps/meta-events. To do those collections and achievements involves repeating events over and over and over and over and over.. and over some more. That’s not a lot of content. That’s a smaller amount with a lot of repetition.
We all have different things we can repeat a lot. For me it’s instanced content such as dungeons/fractals (which we see how that’s going.. ), for others it’s spvp, or WvW, or meta-events.
This has nothing to do with the time it takes to work through things, or difficulty, but rather the lack of new content and the lack of choice for people who don’t want to do events all day long.
That’s why I’m such a lover of instanced content: you have control over who you play with. Want to be casual? Great! Want to be far more serious? Also great. But these event maps.. they just lump everyone together, people who have differing skills, different goals, etc and there is no way to control getting in maps with like minded people (people who want to explore, do hero points, etc or those who want to just focus on the meta.) It can cause hostility and frustration from all sides. It’s a glaring problem right now due to it being nearly all Hot is offering us.
If you are looking for a meta taxi. Go to the LFG, look for the word vb/ds/ab/tarir/octovine/td “taxi.”
If not, log off and log back in.
Lol, I already said I did this and that I find fighting with the megaservers, trying to get into a decent map that has a high chance of failing anyway, to be pretty unfun.
Seriously.. read!
If they don’t want us playing dungeons then they need to move that source of empyreal stars elsewhere. Farming open world chests for a paltry 2-3 isn’t a good or reasonable suggestion. I’d rather play the game than resorting to SW chest farm as well. :/
I’m barely getting any now whereas I used to have more than the star of gratitude could eat in a day.
Uhm, I used to crash frequently when I had 32-bit Win7 (this was pre-HoT). As soon as I updated to 64-bit Win7, not a single crash even after HoT. Played as soon as the expansion went live too and the maps were chockablock. Just saying. I’m also not overclocking and run my graphics on autodetect (which puts me somewhere in the middle of the spectrum). I honestly don’t know why so many people are crashing.
For the last time, I have 64-bit win7. I’ve had it for a while now. No problems with crashes except in the new HoT maps. 64-bit client will not work on my pc due to the explanation from the dev I posted. He also later posted they think they can make a work around for this problem and plus are continuing to work on the OoM issue with the 32-bit client regardless.
(edited by Lothirieth.3408)
That would be because your OS is 32 bit. Unfortunately your system no longer fully meets the requirements to run smoothly. I’d suggest upgrading your OS
No it is not. I mean seriously. You really think I’m going to try to install the 64 bit client on 32 bit windows? :/ Please….
“There appears to be a bug with the compiler runtime, where it can generate code that just won’t run with certain CPU/OS combinations.”
(edited by Lothirieth.3408)
That’s why I’m such a lover of instanced content: you have control over who you play with. Want to be casual? Great! Want to be far more serious? Also great. But these event maps.. they just lump everyone together, people who have differing skills, different goals, etc and there is no way to control getting in maps with like minded people (people who want to explore, do hero points, etc or those who want to just focus on the meta.) It can cause hostility and frustration from all sides. It’s a glaring problem right now due to it being nearly all Hot is offering us.
On most of the previous maps in the game, I feel like I could really take my time and enjoy looking around, checking out the artwork, leisurely getting my map items, doing the DEs I like and skipping the ones I don’t, etc.
I too would like to take a moment to slow down and take in the scenery. This isn’t possible as frequently in the new maps as you need to be on guard nearly on the time.
I’m not finding the new areas hard per say (zerk reaper is pretty awesome! pocket raptors go poof! :P ), but yes, relentless is a good word for it. Sometimes it’s great, but other times I’d just like to relax a bit and take in the scenery. I think the zones could have benefited from more varied difficulty and some places with sparser mob population, just to give a bit of a breather.
-World Meta events take HUGE amounts of time (2 hr+ each meta), fail regularly, and the game spawns dead maps faster than then the U.S. Treasury prints money. Either I never have time to finish an event from 1 hour of map hopping to find an organized one, or spend 40mins before realizing there is no hope at all that the map is even going to make it to the end phase. Rewards like the bladed armor chest are RNG at the end, so you can go through it all and get nothing.
-General focus on world events creates this feeling that I don’t have control over my own progression, that I’m sitting here waiting on 200 people on a map to do their stuff right so that I can get anywhere. As player, I generally don’t feel important anymore. Getting anything in this game seems to be just sheer luck. Whether is getting a precursor drop or getting into a good map. There is no player control over their growth at all.
This. So this. And this is mostly what we have to do in HoT. Very long meta events in which we have to rely on lots of other strangers for progression and rewards.
I’m tired of fighting with the megaservers, tired of searching for “good” maps. I’m tired of spending 2 hours in Verdant Brink, in a map I joined advertising t4 push, where I worked really hard to do my part in advancing events and reclaiming and defending rally points, only to fail to reach T4 and yet again receive no bladed coat box. I don’t like my rewards being tied to others who can’t be bothered or aren’t capable of participating in the meta events.
Or when I try to join with gw2 community, spend literally THIRTY minutes trying to get in a map with them, spamming ‘join’.
I do like the meta events, but to realise this is pretty much what the game is offering right now is… deflating. When you look at all the new collections, masteries, it’s all tied up with grinding the same four maps, over, and over, and over, and over.. and over.. and over. Then add all the bother with megaservers and finding a decent map. Or crashes/DCs near the end of the events. (Seriously can we have districts already?!)
I do like this game. It’s gorgeous, I love the game play, I like the lore, but these event-only maps, they’re not what I want to do with the majority of my GW2 time. And with no new dungeon cluster (instanced group content has always been my bread and butter. I’m still doing fractals, but.. those are all old. :/ ), I’m often finding myself thinking “huh.. I’m not sure what to do”, I think because I don’t want to struggle with map finding, don’t find it so fun to play with a map full of strangers, or want to spend 2 hours straight keeping up with same events I’ve already done more than a few times now, all with a decent chance to fail and feel completely unrewarded for the effort I put in because maybe there wasn’t enough people on the map or enough people simply didn’t care.
HoT was just released. I don’t want to be feeling like this yet. :/
Thats total BS!
After release of Isengard or even after the release of MoM they stopped being good GM’s … Our raids bosses gliched and became friendly a few times and GM’s didnt help us make him an enemy again so we had to reset raids a few times. At another time our friend who we did the raid with couldn’t open the last loot chest, she looked with a GM and they couldn’t let her loot that chest. There was one time I was stuck in a wall that a GM helped me get out of it. I havent played Lotro very much since I started playing GW2 so maby it have changed now but I doubt it.
It’s not total BS. I had a GM once help me with an epic quest instance (one of the ones in Agamaur.) The instance had stalled out and wasn’t letting me progress. The GM came in.. and I got ported around a lot, and then finally got set on the right path. This was during MoM times. They did get much worse after f2p launched, which was sad.
Yep! Sick of them. 30s before daybreak hits (just was going to fail getting t4 anyway…), crash! And no, I don’t have the 64 bit client because that insta crashes on start up for me. I’m one of those super, lucky few that seems to have something conflicting with hardware that doesn’t allow the client to run (yes ANet is aware of it.)
Below are two screens I took proving your game is superior at least graphics-wise. For more awesome screens I took of GW2, check out:
You don’t say.. WoW is older than GW2, of course GW2 will have better graphics. I don’t like WoW’s style either, but this is no “comparision.”
Between the mithrillium I had saved up and that my friends let me use, my total gold sunk into the precursor was maybe 200 gold. I’d hoarded materials obsessively since they announced precursor crafting, and it paid off in spades.
Wrong. All those mats increased in value. You essentially still spent money because you chose to use them instead of sell them. Your cost was the same as everyone else’s.
Now that the dust has settled.... Masteries
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Lothirieth.3408
the other masteries, sure, the rush isn’t needed I’m fine with slowly getting progress towards things like vendors or hidden mushrooms or bonus materials, but things like ley-line gliding, poison mastery, updrafts, and nuhoch wallows are things that I feel like I NEED to rush because they block important content like map completion
I wish they would have let us have more freedom over choice, instead of this tiered business. It would have been a nice compromise so people could go after what they wanted most or felt was most important (poison lore before speed mushrooms for example ) without having to go through an uninspired tier such as Exalted Assitance.
Now that the dust has settled.... Masteries
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Lothirieth.3408
I never said anything about not repeating content. That is part of playing the game.
You said it’s only a grind if you try to do it fast. Your two points aren’t meshing well with each other.
And yes repetition is a part of the game but we have very little choice in what repetition we can do. If you want to level up Maguuma masteries then events are literally the only thing you can do. The same events, over, and over, and over. This is what the OP was complaining about. We all have different tolerances for different repetition. I find WvW horribly boring and repetitive. Same for event-only maps such as these new ones (edit: don’t get me wrong, the maps are gorgeous and I do like the events, but I tire of them after the 10th time), Orr, DT and SW. But dungeons? Fractals? I can repeat the heck out of those. If we’d have gotten a new dungeon cluster (ie, more than one raid….), I’d be spending every night in there, happily playing and progressing my masteries. But with what we have right now, I’m becoming increasingly worried about how long these new zones will last me.
So it is a grind to some people and your opinion doesn’t change that.
sell those frac encryption boxes…
They are account bound now.
when did this happen?
edit: are you referring to the achieve chess, not the encryption boxes?
They are. Encryption boxes are not bound.
You can’t seriously expect same drop rate when the fractals are so dumbed down is almost no challenge at all.
Not to mention you only do 1 instead of 3 and if you are doing 3 you can chose 3 which are quickest and suit your party the best
You seem to not understand where the ascended drops come from in fractals. They come from the daily chests. It matters not if you did easy or hard ones, but only that you did the daily, same as before the expansion.
The problem being is that the overall community wants an overwhelming mob to complete the maps and for all I know, maybe that is what you need to finish the events.
I don’t taxi because I want an overwhelming mob. I taxi because I want to be with people who have the same goals, ie not to get hero points or a vista, or have a wander here and there, but to complete the meta event. I don’t taxi if I’m just puttering around the map exploring.
That’s player incompetence. I joined a map going for t4 about 4 hours ago and we were a hair away from getting it. It’s not a player population issue, there’s enough people, the issue is the players.
Okay….. annnnd? I said nothing about player population, but was refuting the whole ‘just LFG and everything is grand’ claim that keeps being thrown about here.
As was said earlier, you have to use the LFG tool to taxi into lively maps.
I keep doing this.. and I’ve yet to see a t4 Verdant Brink. It’s getting really frustrating. I joined a map just now that didn’t even make it to t3 and I was having to try to solo the rally points.
The new 64 bits client never crashes.
Install it (read the post with the Q & A).
Lol, for some of us it insta crashes upon start up (an issue they’re aware of and aren’t sure they’re able to fix.)
Why on Tyria would you ever want to salvage a legendary?
One would ask the same question about ascended equipment, yet there that is in game…
I did some research. There appears to be a bug with the compiler runtime, where it can generate code that just won’t run with certain CPU/OS combinations. My understanding is that all Windows versions after Windows 7 SP1 should be functional. Do you have any service pack installed for your Windows 7? If not, updating to SP1 may be worth a shot. It may be a good idea anyway since support for non-SP1 Windows 7 ended in 2013.
It would be great if we can ensure this doesn’t happen in a future patch, but since it’s on such a core thing as the compiler runtime it may be out of our hands unfortunately. Will have to look into it a bit more.
The 64 bit client insta-crashes for me as well whenever I try to start it. I did as you said and updated to Win 7 SP1.. and still no go.
So.. that’s just it? We’re out of luck? I crash frequently in the new maps and now the 64 bit client won’t even run.
They seem to have removed all HoM stuff. I came back to 450 less AP and the HoM points all gone.
its only a gold sink if u make it that. There are a lot of players who can’t hold on to a lot of gold and get the hundreds they need to buy their precursor but they can easily craft a few things each day and gather what they need through simply playing the game.
So farm it all yourself and it will take months and not a lot of gold to complete.
All those mats still cost the same amount of money. It doesn’t matter whether you farm it or buy it. If you farm it and use it, you’re losing out on money you could have made selling it. It’s called opportunity cost.
Where’s the PvE in this game?
It seems they think we’re all cool just running events all the time.
What I’ve seen is really pretty and interesting and I can definitely appreciate the time, effort, and skill that was needed to create these maps. The devs definitely made something quite awesome.
But I just felt frustrated practically the whole time because it’s really confusing to navigate and it seems all we have to do is events (I never spent more time than necessary in Orr, DT, or SW. I tire of events quickly.) I’m feeling quite bummed now and dreading progressing anything given I found it so hard to get to events or couldn’t complete them due to lacking a mastery. I think it’s the drive for wanting to progress masteries that’s causing stress and frustration from finding it difficult to get to events. I do hope it gets better. I really do want to like all this. :/