Grind money. Buy them. Sad.. but that’s sorta it.
1 piece of Ascended armor likely cost more than an entire new rune set. Unless you mean something like Strength, then 2 pieces of armor. If you can’t afford more BIS runes again, why would you craft Ascended?
Perhaps he used up all his money crafting said ascended armor and also wasn’t aware of this change. Seems like a logical and easy answer to come to.
Sadly, so many people get so caught up in getting the perfect group composition for a fast run, they fail to realize that they wasted a ton of time just getting exactly who they want.
Because of this, I’ve seen plenty of mixed build/prof groups clear through dungeons faster than perfectionist speed run group leaders.
I was in a run like that the other day. The LFG said zerker only but mentioned nothing about pinging gear, yet we who all joined were immediately prompted to ping. I pass ed their test, but others didn’t or didn’t understand pinging or didn’t do so fast enough or apparently had the wrong skill or weapon slotted… I dunno how many people we went through. And each person was ridiculed by the rude person asking for pings (yeah in fairness, the people should have read, but mocking and ridiculing isn’t cool). Meanwhile I saw numerous other LFGs filling up fast and starting the dungeon. When we finally did get the perfect setup that person wanted, a full CoE run went smoothly and quickly.. yet a good 10 mintues or more was wasted so that’s gotta average the times out. Honestly I’m disappointed in myself for not leaving and instead in a round about way silently condoning that one person’s behaviour by not saying anything. Next time, I’ll not do that again.
(edited by Lothirieth.3408)
Say you have…
1) harvesting and selling – 6gph
2) crafting – 12gph
3) doing dungeons – 10gph
4) world bosses – 12gph
5) PvP/WvW rewards – 7gph
I dunno if those were meant to be actual estimates but all aside from the harvesting seem fairly off base. 12g per hour doing world bosses? Um wat? I’d halve the dungeon rate as well.
Also harvesting has been severely nerfed due to the dumb megaservers.
There is a reason many people call the game gold wars. Its not just because people are rich, its because the game is designed so that the endgame is designed around wealth.
Why is it that the business mans skill set is so much more valued in the game world than the adventurers? Why is being able to read spreadsheets, and patiently sell and buy items and look for deals/ineffeciencies the best means of progress in the endgame?
One would think people would be telling people to learn to explore, or save the world, or fight an insanely difficult boss to succeed at playing an adventure based game. Why is the answer learn to merchant if you want the flaming sword of power dipped in dragonblood of an ancient, passed down from generation to generation.
Well we have come to the conclusion here. Essentially the end result is, the endgame of gw2 is gold hunting, the field of battle is merchanting. And this is the way people should learn to play if they hope to succeed.
Wealth distribution between play styles is not relevant, because you should just learn to play in whatever way earns the most money.Well in my opinion thats a bad reward design for a game about saving the world and killing dragons.
That was a really great post phys.
I don’t understand. How does some one get wings of dwayna at rank 1 in pvp?
PvP achievement chests. Though that’s technically not in PvP I suppose. :P
Only rank 10+ should be able to do tourney’s IMO.
If that had been in place, I’d never been able to join team queue with some guildies who are really into tpvp and actually learn some tactics. They had the patience to teach and actually wanted to teach. Through them and tournament queue I learned a lot.
actually i just want the ascended stats.
i will just slap free skins onto them anyway.
Fractal skins have no stats. They’re just that.. skins.
And huge lol to people thinking PvEers have it “so easy” regarding getting fractal skins.
A track for ascended items? Sure, why not. Fractal skins, just no.
Here’s the major flaw to your point. You can afford to get any item you want, you just don’t want to put in the efforts to be able to afford them. Anyone can be poor. Anyone can be rich. The difference here is one is due to non-effort, and the other is due to serious effort.
This is a bunch of bullkitten. Why is TP flipping the only “serious effort” that counts? Why must everyone learn how to do that in order to have the best income possible? As others have mentioned many times, I didn’t buy this game to play John Smith’s Trading Wars 2. I bought it to actually play the game. Quite frankly we need way more stuff like the Queen’s Gauntlet or SAB Tribulation mode.. challenging stuff that where we can put in effort to earn rewards that can’t be bought off the TP.
@CelebrityX From moment megaservers went online it will alway be like this (as long as developers wont find solution for this issue). All waypoints that can be contested are always seen as contested if you are sitting on another map. Game simply dont know what map you will end up if you teleport. You can end up on map where one waypoint can be contested or on map copy where it’s not.
The game has the means to allow you to move you from a waypoint you’ve ported to if it becomes contested whilst you were loading in. I don’t see why they couldn’t utilise this existing method.
Oh, you wanted to be able to see the ground at the Golem so you can quickly see where the electric floor is coming? Well, tough luck. :P
I’d love to see more non-Gem Store armor. You know, stuff we could earn through playing the game.
is it that hard to do something else until the temple is contested? Is Tyria to small?
Please explain how we’re supposed to know when the temples are actually contested and the events are available.
I managed to get the Karka Queen on two alts in two days. That doesn’t sound impossible to me at all, since I did it 2 out of 2 times. Once with a mesmer, and once with a thief.
So maybe if instead of assuming " it’s impossible." you re-evaluate your gameplay you may have better luck.
One quite large fact you’re missing: the karka queen is a scheduled world boss. Temple events and Arah gates are not.
So I’m afraid your post isn’t at all helpful.
This way no matter where you are in the world at least 1 spawn time should be at prime time.
Except that it’s not.
I think some of these should have multiple options for completion though. And probably some should have had unique or themed quests according to the profession you are playing. Thats probably more work than they are willing to commit to though.
That would have been better imo.
Have you all seen this?
I can’t believe what I’m seeing. I can’t believe what they’ve locked traits behind during the whole leveling process.
Multiple story modes, multiple events around the world, multiple world events (some that have no schedule such as the fire shaman and dredge commissar) all the temples and the best:
Complete the Obsidian Sanctum jumping puzzle.
You have got to be kitten kidding me ANet devs.
I am not a casual player or a solo player but I find that list terrible. Personal character progression should NOT be locked behind unsoloable things!
And seriously: how on earth are we supposed to know when these events are up considering the megaservers and the removal of API?? Most maps I’ve been mapping into in Orr have had all temples and Arah open. How am I supposed to know my server is making a Balthazar attempt when I’m no longer being put on maps with primarily my server?
I’m sorry that this is worded so strongly, but this is just an absolute mess and I honestly can’t believe how you thought this would be good for the majority of your players. Yes, people enjoyed skill hunting in GW1 but it could all be done solo. That’s the type of system you should have emulated and put in place: personal skill challenges that could be done whenever the player chose to do so.
I suppose maybe this is yet another push for players to use up their gold in order to try to make them buy gems and convert to gold and completely drain them of skill points.
(edited by Lothirieth.3408)
GW2 NEEDS an expansion and I am afraid that if it isn’t delivered soon that many players will be bored and leave.
That sorta already started happening months ago I’m afraid. Now it might get worse.
Anyway, awesome posts OP.
4) I dont think much changed with orr temples
Fyi, whilst nothing has changed with the fights and I’d suppose how frequently they’d be up, there’s actually no way to tell when a temple fight is up unless you camp on a map. So a lot less people will be doing the temple events now. I was lucky and saw one today when I’d normally get to do all but Balthazar.
While people were waiting for the pre event to finish for 12-15 minutes, i got 200 kills, including 2 rares and an exotic.
That’s because people don’t know a lot of the pre events, especially the more lengthy ones like the Destroyer and Ulgoth.
Well to be fair TP flippers aren’t creating money (instead moving it about.. moving income from other players to themselves) but farmers do. But still your point stands. Why are people who are actually playing the game continually having their money-making ways nerfed yet the flippers don’t have to worry about this. ?
To anyone who just wanted to focus on the ‘positives’ and saying “wait and see how the guild consumable it will work”, I have four words for you:
We Told You So!
This. So this.
And meh.. I’m not going to be able to make most of TxS’s runs now as the organisation/spawn times fall directly in the times I have to cook and eat dinner. GG ANet.
Hunting for skills as we did in GW1 was something that was asked for I think during the horizontal progression talks in one of the CDIs so I appreciate that the devs have tried to do something like that with the needing to unlock the new traits. Unfortunately I feel the activities they are making us do to unlock said traits aren’t great. In GW1, we had to find a specific boss (though there were usually several bosses that we could get the skill from so we had choice) and kill it in order to get a specific elite skill. As far as I know this was soloable. But here in GW2 they want us to kill world bosses… and pain in the kitten ones like Grenth… and this is after they removed our ability to be able to know when temple events were running.
These traits to unlock should have been locked behind personal skill challenges like skill points. Find a certain mob in the open world and kill it. I was lucky to get Grenth done on one character last night, but oh dear was it horrid with SO many people there also trying to get it. It was a very unfun start to this patch.
That second video. Impressive. :P
You guys that are exclaiming “Good!” might not be so happy if this makes t6 mats, cores and lodestones increase in price since people won’t be opening near as many boxes. :P
I’d honestly like to know how they expect us to kill Orr temple bosses now that we have no way to see when temple events are running considering everything is contested and we can’t use gw2stuff anymore.
How many of those people have not reassigned their traits, because they don’t realise they have been refunded?
Since when have traits been necessary for killing him? Highly doubt that’s the difference.
Looking at the Matt Visual video GW2 linked to on its Facebook page, just unlocking the ability to spawn world bosses will cost 100! merits and 50k influence. Then EACH world boss will cost 20 guild merits and 10k influence to start! Mighty high price you set there ANet.
And you continue to suggest that there aren’t any players left in the whole world who are going to learn the fights. Someone could have joined 2 weeks ago, or a month ago, or 2 months ago, and they will be heading to these things for the first time to learn the fight. Just because you and your guild knows it already, doesn’t mean everyone else does, or don’t deserve to learn them since they havne’t already been playing for 2 years.
I suggested no such thing. It would be helpful if you read my posts a bit more clearly.
However I see you are completely unreasonable to debate with. you think everything you say is fact as if it is set in stone already. No one can argue with someone like you. I may or may not be right regarding my views, however I wont sit here and act like i’m 100% certain that I am right, nor act like that I’m 100% certain that you are wrong, unlike some people here. So bye.
Strange, I was actually quite reasonable, ie using reason and logic and also advocating for solutions to help the majority of GW2 players around the world. I also like to back up my opinion on a matter (that the megaserver will have a more negative impact than positive on the population as a whole regarding the Tequatl and Three-Headed Wurm fights due to limited spawn times outside of many working adults’ gaming prime time hours) with facts (the spawn times the blog post listed, usual work/dinner/sleeping times of adults, lack of influence to allow the megaguild to spawn at will) that support it. (and that is precisely what a debate is: To engage in argument by discussing opposing points. ) If you choose to ignore those and instead get upset that another person has a strong opinion, will back it up and challenge your own, that is your prerogative. I will call out mistakes, misinformation, an uniformed opinion or offer counter opinions as this is an issue that is important to me. I sincerely hope the devs are reading this and will consider increasing the spawn times and consider other measures to help facilitate the playstyles and timeframes of many of their players around the world.
(edited by Lothirieth.3408)
“prime time” is going to be irrelevant thanks to the new megaserver system. Maybe you should apply more logic and less reading. Just sayin
You just suggested for someone to read less.. ie be less informed? That would be the opposite action someone would do if they wanted to utilise logic whilst discussing a topic. So, sorry, but your retort doesn’t quite fly. :P
Please go read the blog post about the mega servers and world bosses. It is located here: An important part to the discussion:
“Hard-Core, Mega-Organized Events—(Thanks for naming this, Colin.) This classification currently includes Tequatl, the Great Jungle Wurm, and the Karka Queen. Since these events require the greatest amount of organization between players, they all occur within a three-hour window that begins approximately every eight hours. This is weighted towards regional prime times.”
Instead of these bosses (aside from karka) spawning every two hours which let every single area around the world regardless of timezones pick a time which suited them best (multiple timezones spanning the US and EU, plus the Oceanic areas), these bosses will now spawn 3 times a day. We’ve been told that these times have been weighted toward regional prime times, but unfortunately they’ve missed the mark regarding most of the EU. Also humans as a whole tend to follow standard times for work, eating and sleeping, which means that yes, a “prime time” does in fact exist. Megaservers have nothing to do with this facet of human life. I’ve also already explained to you why the mega guilds will not have the ability to spawn these bosses at the time most convenient for their members.
This is why people are asking for the frequent spawning as we currently have to be kept in place so that it is convenient for the vast majority of people around the world. That would go a long way to solving some of the problems that the megaserver will create.
edit regarding your edit: So you think nobody new is joining guild wars 2 Because that what it sounds like youre saying here.
I would never expect to experience an established fight as a new one in any game when joining nearly two years after the games release, unless I was in an instance with only people who had never experienced the fight. This may be an unfortunate thing, but to expect otherwise is sadly unreasonable. But this is off topic, so I shall not be continuing this aspect of the discussion with you.
(edited by Lothirieth.3408)
The system isnt even out yet and you already think you know exactly how its going to be.
“Yet ANet isn’t making the system conducive to organising said challenges.” how can you say that when you dont even know how well their placement system is going to work?
To me this sounds more like a “I DON’T LIKE CHANGE” thing at the moment.
Not saying definitively that there wont be a problem, but from the way people learn how to farm trains and dungeons so efficiently, my guess is that it might not be as efficient as guilds who do it daily, but I dont think anyone is not going to be able to get it done at all.
Have you seen that they’ve released a World Boss schedule? If not, you should check that out. It has Tequatl and the Wurm placed too early to be in proper prime time, not to mention they are drastically reducing the amount of spawn times. TxS normally does 2, sometimes 3 Tequatl runs a day. That will no longer be possible.
Also, the guilds won’t be able to spawn the bosses at a time that’s actually convenient for the majority of people in our guilds due to having influence spread over many servers and us never having done guild missions together as that’s not the point of the guild.
So, yeah, regarding these things, we do now “exactly how it’s going to be” because we possess the ability to be able to read. And not all change is good.. just sayin’.
edit: regarding your edit, players have had the chance to learn the fights in the manner you speak about, you know…. back when the fights were released. And what’s up with the “barked at” language? You’re assigning a negative connotation to the leadership and teaching being done which isn’t at all fair.
(edited by Lothirieth.3408)
I don’t see a problem. Your guildies relied on you to organize the events so that they could get the events done. Now they’ll simply be able to do the events whether or not you organized the events. (you are assuming that all the other players in the map are completely useless when it comes to these events for some reason.) Just because you don’t have control of everyone doing the event doesn’t mean you cant get it done anymore.
There’s no issue here other than people not having to depend on you guys anymore. (Which to everyone else is a boon, not a curse)
So very wrong. Getting 100-150 people to guest to the same server is not where the leadership and organisation ends. Far from it. If all it took were numbers, then every server would be constantly defeating the Three-Headed Wurm. And yeah, extra people who aren’t on TS or following instructions can in fact seriously impact events in a negative manner.
The whole point was that these fights were made for the “hardcore” or at least people who wanted a challenge. Yet ANet isn’t making the system conducive to organising said challenges.
I kind of liked doing collecting as many AP as I could. Too bad that will be diminished.
If you’ve not reached the 12k mark yet, you’ve got many, many more months of being able to do all the dailies possible.
I’ve a little over 13k points and I’m not even to the halfway point of 10k daily APs.
This is what confuses me. if you are at 13K haven’t you exceeded 10k daily APs?
Please explain.
Go to your achievement panel. Hover over your points. You’ll then see a breakdown of where all your points have come from.
To be clear: before tomorrow’s patch you should open all of your tournament chests, spend all of your glory, and use all of your PvP crafting materials.
Think X armor doesn’t fit your character’s appearance? Craft it anyways and put it in your locker.
If only you’d have let us buy item tokens with gold. Then I could actually use up all my pvp mats.
I kind of liked doing collecting as many AP as I could. Too bad that will be diminished.
If you’ve not reached the 12k mark yet, you’ve got many, many more months of being able to do all the dailies possible.
I’ve a little over 13k points and I’m not even to the halfway point of 10k daily APs.
And here’s a lovely side effect from mashing different languages together as experienced today. I’m so looking forward to more of this!!
Out of curiosity, I understand your feedback, but what are you hoping for? The Megaserver isn’t going to not be implemented. Too much time and money has been invested in it.
I think the most important thing they could change is the spawn times, or actually not change them. Every two hours as they are currently works best for the population as a whole regardless of timezones.
Then we’d have to cross our fingers and hope people could still manage to gather together on the same instance of the map.
Please remove the daily cap achievement. Youre basicly teaching new players to cap with multiple ppl.
This ^^
Same issue for me. Happening more frequently this past week.
Probably because someone on your team decided they wanted to eat some fries.
That’s just so sad I have laugh.
Not getting removed but still getting nerfed and thanks Khairiya that ones faster then the one I’m using atm.
How is it getting nerfed? Cities will still give a charge. 1 charge = 3 stones and cities currently give 3 stones. So… unless I’m missing something, nothing’s changing?
4. T6 nodes
This is one of the things I’m angriest about. How about the devs enter a new Malchor’s map and time how long it takes them to find all the ori/sapling nodes. Then go do that two more times with two more maps. Then tell us how much fun that was. T6 nodes gathering is one of the few decent money makers that solo players have. (I’d not catagorise myself as one) Personally, along with some dungeon running, gathering those materials has helped finance quite a lot of my two legendaries amongst some other things. I also have to wonder what’s going to happen to the prices of those materials once they turn into such a pain in the butt to find since we won’t be able to collaborate with others through the materials maps.
Dungeon running should not be the only viable source of good income for PvEers.
Solution: all version of the maps have the same spawns. This can change after ever patch, just has it always has done if need be.
I’m just really at a loss as to how a megaserver will benefit the majority of the population. I just see a lot of different playstyles getting kittened over. I see far more negatives than positives. Any player on a low pop server has always had the option to guest for events so that was easily solved. Regarding having loads of people on a map, well, sometimes that’s not so fun. I’m on a server that was free to transfer to recently and we’ve seen a population boom. I suppose it’s good to see in places like cities, but world events have become worse. More particle effects, so we can’t see the bosses, lots of mobs absolutely melting so tagging becomes very difficult, and there’s absolutely zero challenge with so many around. Really, I wish this wouldn’t be implemented at all and it’s frustrating to see no acknowledgement of all the negative comments. It smells like server merge as well.. and to that, well, merge the servers then. There’s no shame in that. It happens to all MMOs. But I don’t see how this is going to get your playerbase playing more. I’ve a feeling it’s going to hurt activity, not improve it given so many new restrictions will be put in place and choices taken away.
(edited by Lothirieth.3408)
It’s probably too late to be posting this, who knows if any ANet devs are still reading this, I’m probably wasting my time, but better to have spoken up than remain silent, I think.
I’m fairly unhappy with this incoming change. One of the things GW2 always seemed to champion was giving players choice in the activities they wished to participate in. I see this whole thing as reducing players’ choices. What’s also really frustrating is seeing the immediate, mostly vociferous response to this change, yet seeing Colin on the ready up stream, still hyping it, saying how it’s going to be exciting and great or whatnot. Then we get that dev post saying they were “glad and excited” with out “overwhelming responses”. There really was no acknowledgement whatsoever to the extremely negative reaction which makes me wonder how much they listen to us or if the incoming nerfs/problems that will be created are actually intentional.
I am thankful for the work that ANet staff does and them seeming to come up with some solutions but to this whole megaserver thing, I’m sorry but…
1. Boss Schedule
This is the antithesis of the “Living World” that’s been touted so much. Yeah, I know up until now, with the API or larger bosses such as Tequatl and Great Wurm, the world isn’t wholly dynamic, but it still retained some level of perceived randomness. This new schedule though is just bad. The prime time does not match up with EU prime time. As it stands, I wonder if I’ll ever see the Karka or Tequatl again, and potentially not the Wurm either given preparation for that would start during dinner time for me. And people an hour earlier in the UK have it even worse. I won’t touch on the whole mega-guild issue as that’s been thoroughly debated, but small guilds will be equally out of luck. My guild would likely have the comms/influence, but not the people to trigger those events.
Also, let’s say player Bob can only play from 8-10 CET, because he’s a normal personw with a spouse, kids and a job. With this new schedule there are several bosses he’ll never see again. He’ll not be able to see as many as he used to in the same amount of time or even have the ability to choose which one he’d like to fight if say he found Taida Covington an unfun fight or something.
Solution: More bosses spawning at the same time and more frequently to allow more player choice. Keep Tequatl and Wurm at their 2 hour spawns so as to not kitten over the mega guilds. Leave the karka as is.
2. Waypoints
All contestable waypoints contested all the time. Srsly? You must realise what an annoyance that is not to mention the added gold sink by making people waypoint twice within an area (intentional added sink?) How will my guild ever find an open CoF/CoE/Arah waypoint?
Solution: You have the tech where if a player ports to a waypoint that has just gone contested, to move the player to the nearest WP. Utilise that. Regarding contested dungeons, that should have been removed when you revamped dungeon rewards. The main reward is now a daily, account-bound reward so there’s simply no reason whatsoever to still have these dungeons inaccessible without a drawn out chain of events.
3. Orr
I would like to know how we’ll ever be able to run a temple event again? I would like to know how we’ll ever find an open temple of Balthazar so we can buy obsidian shards? Seriously, I would really like to know the answer to these questions.
Solution: I suppose the temples would need to be on a timer as well. Aside from doing away with the megaservers, I see no other way around it. You can’t expect people to be continually way pointing into the different Orr maps to find open temples or to hope to find an event. That’s just.. well.. dumb.
Nearly every time I encounter big fights, I start to get serious lag and rubberbanding. Whilst annoying, that’s not the worst part. Often I get disconnected as well.. today twice in EotM whilst encountering only semi large groups. Everyone stops moving, skills stop firing and I’m disconnected. I’ve had this happen during Stonemist fights and on larger zerg fights on borderlands. It’s getting quite frustrating, especially given the queues to get back into maps. I’m on Gandara.
Actually the only other repeatable achievement I can think of is the Salvage one, and guess what? It is capped.
Also keep in mind that no one is even close to hitting the cap yet, so it is not really that much of an issue.
There are more: hobby dungeon explorer and all of the mini games ‘Regular’ achievements. So technically capping the repeatable dailies is staying in tune with how other repeatable achievements have been handles.
Its going to be awesome in lvl 1-15 zones with the megaserver. Right now on TC wolfmaster evaporates in about 20 – 30 secs of spawn.
Don’t type to report he’s popped, just tag it fast.
edit: And heres the maw!
Gandara started to look a lot like that as well since we got loads of free transfers. In some events it’s so difficult to tag any mobs and has really impacted my enjoyment of them. With all the particle effects, it’s become so difficult to see the bosses and with so many people there’s not even a chance for any sort of difficulty, say on the Dwayna events. There’s been so many anti-zerg comments over the course of the living story, yet shoving us all together is what ANet keeps doing all the time. It’s confusing and disappointing.
I just got my first precursor drop today (playing since early access, more hours than I care to know :P).
It was Venom. -_-
Ah well, I suppose at least now I can say I’ve had one drop for me. :P
Hey! Someone plays a lot more than I do and have more stuff, that’s unfair! Is that your point? You ignore those who made their fortunes early with repetitive dungeon speed runs, T6 ore farming or doing the world boss tour on every single character all day. Sure the devs have nerfed those activities because they bring new currency into the game. The TP simply moves it around between players and the fees and taxes are there to siphon a portion of it.
I have a feeling the complaints aren’t really against the people who do speedruns, T6 ore farming (which has a massive nerf incoming due to the kitten megaserver) or world bosses (also soon to be nerfed by the megaserver.) The complaints are more directed at TP playing, which in itself isn’t a bad thing. The problem is this game rewards that activity the most and never nerfs it (through restrictions on how many items can be listed per day or at one time for instance as I’ve seen in other games), whilst continually nerfing sources of income that actually involve playing the game. Right now gaming skills mean squat regarding what a person can earn due to the vast majority of items being available on the TP. Then there are people like me who do the boss tours, gather mats on multiple toons sometimes and do a few dungeon runs and are doing alright, but could never compare to those folks who play the TP. In other games if you saw people with a top tier armor set or weapon, you know they did ‘x’ dungeon or raid and had the skill to complete it. Here you see someone with a kitten tons of legendaries and it’s far more likely they’re a TP player… or possible a speedrun clearer, the later I find less problems with since at least they’re playing the game.
I think some problems regarding the feelings of inequity would be resolved if we could earn more from doing specific, challenging content. That’s just my opinion on why this topic keeps cropping up and why people keep suggesting ways to tax the “rich” more.
Only someone that feels " entitled" would try to argue…" the new system is not convenient to MY schedule."
Dear kitten, really? People are trying to point out how this system will be limiting nearly everyone (unless a person can play 8 hours a day, though I’d argue it will hurt them to since they won’t be able to consolidate activites and do things in an efficient manner as they can now.) There’s no entitlement about it.