people are always going to take the easiest path deliberately. I didn’t. I handicapped myself going solo rofl.
I say rofl to you thinking that going in solo is deliberately handicapping yourself when it’s the easiest way to do that instance. ^^ You also camped spawn points and ran to the back of the island.. not exactly playing it the way it’s meant to be played… though that’s the fault of the devs really, not yours. But, I see nothing to brag about here unfortunately. :/
I think adding so many achievements and making a majority of an event minigame based can kill the mini-game for a lot of people. Instead of people just playing for fun they are playing for other means which keeps tension and emotions high.
Quoted for truth. Very well said.
T4 is a great challenge its fine how it is to much of you people whine about everything get a good group find a strategy and DO IT! (:
I don’t really think a good group strategy is hanging out in the back, not aggroing most of the mobs and quickly burning down plunderers. Yes, this is what you have to do to get it done, but honestly, it seems that this isn’t scaling well. You’d think the intention of the instance is to have us actually fight, not hide out in the back. Of course I could be wrong.
Ok… I did it once on t4 solo.. but then tried it again and failed at 1 min. When I succeeded, I was able to shake the mobs that aggroed on me (even though I was standing at the mortar spawn point) by running backwards and also plunderers only spawned from one point. I never had two up.
But when I tried it again to get the other achievement, I couldn’t shake the mobs off me so was permaslowed by the grenadiers (not the ones operating the mortars… I had those knocked away and they were standing there) and I had both spawn points going. I survived fine but simply couldn’t move back and forth fast enough to kill.
Seems like there’s still luck involved.
After failing with a group of 5 we did T4 with a group of 3 on first try. Number of mobs and vets scales with number of party members and T4 with 3 felt like T1 solo.
Interesting.. just tried a t4 duo.. and it was pretty bad.. though we did t3 fine. I did t3 solo fine, but scared to try t4 solo due to the right-hand spawn.
My other gripe with this is that the trials aren’t very… Fun. They just throw an arseload of vets at you faster than you can realistically kill them, without any actual difficult mechanics or an executable strategy. At present, the current strategy is to literally try and ignore as many mobs as possible, and from a design standpoint, if people are having to do that then the content isn’t balanced right. I do not know of a single 5 man group at the time of this post that has completed tier 4 without standing by the plunderer spawns and ignoring the mobs for as long as possible.
I agree with this completely.
And yeah.. the rest feels a bit too grindy.
Omg, I don’t like the new content that was absolutely free!
Heaven forbid anyone give the developers any feedback.
I dunno if I’m disappointed.. but for me personally, far too much emphasis on pvp for a pve story.
Thing is, those first 20 levels tend to be the most enjoyable for me. I think +10 levels that you can use at any point would be more useful to the population as a whole as it would give people more choice and help get past whatever bit they might personally find the most tedious. I’m certainly not complaining, just giving some feedback.
I used to get them semi-regularly from the Dwayna temple event, but not anymore. I’m hoping it’s a temporary bad luck spree. :P
So iv been standing in LA the past 2 days “LFG” to get the final kite in Fractal. No such luck. Now im wondering if anyone know if its possible to solo?.
Im getting bit frustrated. =(
I know it sounds silly, but try saying ‘lfm’ instead of ‘lfg’. Also don’t bother with trying to find a full group. I duoed it with a friend on level 1 and it wasn’t hard.
Nope, you MUST be a 400 Armorsmith…
You also have to be level 80 to learn the recipes (and pay silly amounts for all those recipes.) That’s the part that has me annoyed.
Personally I feel it’s way too much trouble for something that’s not that great.
Someone who has say Minstrel or even say Meteorlogicus… I would notice people who got Zenith weapon than these people. Legendary weapons are to show off what you got. You might as well have a 2silver level 10 skin than have these legendary’s really.
It’s easy enough to see Meteorlogicus, but yeah.. those of us that have it hope that ANet revamps it to match what other legendaries have. I did get the windcatcher backpiece which imo is the type of effect the scepter should have had.
I got Meteorlogicus because scepter is what I use most and like on Necro and I actually think it’s a gorgeous weapon. I’m not at all concerned with looking like a stereotypical necromancer. I didn’t pick the class for the whole death thing, but because I liked its playstyle and toughness (I tend to gravitate toward tough casters with aoe and lots of dots.) I joke that I’m one of the most un-necro necros. :P So I was lucky the choice was quite easy for me. ^^
I’m sure I would like GW1. But to play that would mean drastically cutting back on playing GW2. How does that make sense?
If someone joined GW2 1 month behind you, he is already behind by few hundred points which he will never get back. How does that make sense? What, he should have joined earlier? Well, then maybe you should play GW1 earlier as well?
And where did I comment on the fairness/unfairness of so many points being tied to dailies/monthlies? Oh wait… I didn’t.
I’m all up for ANet giving more rewards to 50/50 Hom…in GW1, because that’s where you earned it.
So … is this turning into “I don’t have those points so you shouldn’t either”? Cuz that’s what it looks like to me…
No, I think people just want a level playing field in this game.
Do other people having more points than you hurt your rewards? NO.
Its awesome how as soon as rewards are introduced people start crying and trying to take things away from others. I never played GW1 and I could give a kitten if people who did get 500 or 5000 AP from them. It doesnt hurt me at all and it rewards longtime fans.
Have you missed the part where people were having friendly competitions? It seems so. I personally wasn’t though know people who were. I also fail to see any crying, but pretty reasoned and measured posts. Way to be hyperbolic?
So … is this turning into “I don’t have those points so you shouldn’t either”? Cuz that’s what it looks like to me…
No, I think people just want a level playing field in this game.
And they can have it by going and playing GW1. There is a Hall of Monuments in GW2 and GW1. Fill it in GW1 and reap the rewards in GW2. It’s pretty simple, not to mention it is a GREAT game. People that haven’t played it will be doing themselves a favor by playing it.
Did you miss the part where I said “this game”? People shouldn’t have to go play another game to earn points in the game they are currently playing. Seriously, that’s a bit absurd.
I’m sure I would like GW1. But to play that would mean drastically cutting back on playing GW2. How does that make sense?
An alternative to this would be, dare I say it, a free Precursor for all whom made 50/50? I did mention that our feats are legendary. So why not a gift to showcase this legendary status?
Personally I find this to be quite greedy.
could i receive 3/5 of my charged lodestones the next two days?
It’s really funny how you think 300 badges of honor takes the same amount of time to get as 60 charged lodestones. ^^
Light Dash stops your Autorun, you must hold down W to keep on moving. If you don’t want the final awkward roll at the finish of your Light Dash, cancel it after the majority of the speed boost.
I’m holding down W all the time yet I still have my movement halted sometimes after using that skill.
I agree, the new skills are fun as is the course, but definite polish is needed.
Thanks, I learned some things to hopefully make me quicker (sooo many 2nds, 3rds here :P)
If you happen to get in a race with me, when I get to the finish line first, I wait for someone to cross the line first since I already got the achievement and there is not much difference in chest reward no matter the race placement. I met other people who do this as well. During one race, two other person and I were waiting just before the finish line for the next person to cross, lol
That’s really kind of you! Unfortunately I’ve seen the same person winning several times, so not all have such a giving spirit.
I’ve had less problems with luck regarding what the OP is talking about, but bugginess of the skills. Now that is frustrating.
So … is this turning into “I don’t have those points so you shouldn’t either”? Cuz that’s what it looks like to me…
No, I think people just want a level playing field in this game.
I find it funny that when I exactly emulate what Dulfy did for one of the crystal (numerous times), I’m still not making the jump. Quite frustrating when it seems to have nothing to do with my skill but random luck.
Wait a sec, you think the Achievement Points are a competition? Well that’s a new one, I didn’t know players did that. :/
Some people seem to have friendly competitions going on. There certainly is a bit of one between two people in my guild.. one friend a bit more serious about it as he wants to be the best. He was 2nd place but now has vaulted to the top due to these HoM points even though he’s achieved less in this game than the guy that he just passed. As much as I like my friend, I don’t feel it’s fair.
I’m finding all the bright graphics to be a bit harsh on my eyes… it’s like too much visual stuff distracting from the actual information. I’d rather something a bit more simple and sleeker. I also dislike having to hover over everything. There’s so much room in each of the achievement boxes.. why not put some text in there? Personally it’s a bit garish and I’d love to have it tuned back a bit.. but I know that won’t happen. :P
I think people who played GW1 enough and were dedicated enough to fill their Hall of Monuments deserve a little more than 2 achievement points per tier. This seems fair to those who were dedicated to GW1.
I completely disagree. I think achievement points in this game should come from actually playing this game. The special titles, cosmetics and minipets are more than enough to make those who spent time in GW1 stand out. Perhaps they should have done more of that stuff for you guys. But giving you more points for playing a different game? I personally don’t feel it’s right. I mean there are people who are getting more points for doing something in GW1 than I do for getting a Legendary in GW2. That’s not right.
And the responses saying “Oh just go play GW1 to get points” aren’t reasonable at all. Getting those points takes years of dedication.. and again.. isn’t playing this game.
(edited by Lothirieth.3408)
At least make WPs free if you die. If you just want to WP up to the top, then you pay up. Seems a fair compromise. But every death due to a bad jump is starting to build up my resentment as it’s taking away my hard-earned money.
If they fix those bugs, then they also need to add appropriate and similar effects to the legendaries that don’t have them. Where’s my aura and footsteps on Meteorlogicus, hmm?
As it is right now: heck no. A really horrible experience getting the 20 games done (that goes for being on either the farmed or farmers side), not even bothering with the 20 wins. It had the potential to be really fun. I like the jump pads and the ones that send you flying, but the second you have people switch to one team and outnumbers the others, or one team gets a slight advantage, it’s an absolute zergfest that the losing side is highly unlikely to come back from. Nearly every game I’ve played so far has ended up with one team camping where the others jump out and quickly farming the game to the end. The losers quickly notice what happens and just go sacrifice themselves to get it over with.
This mini game needs serious reworking (not having to go hunt down all your skills again after a death would help loads with balance and also disable all that switching stuff. only switch people if balancing is needed.)
Really boggles the mind that they’re doing this again.
Why is it worth getting an achievement when you’re not actually achieving it? Isn’t it basically cheating? I’d love not to have that one bit in the Sky Pirates tab empty, but personally I’d rather not feel I cheated.
What’s so difficult about making the intended one-time reward drop only for characters of, say, level 10 and above?
That’s a great suggestion.
I also think a better reward would be to give each character a one-time claim ticket to go barter for shoulders with desired stats.
1. RNG. It’s so often simply not possible to go out and earn what you need for an item. Which leads to..
2. Far too much emphasis on random money grind in order to go buy what you need.
3. PvE culling
If you were so good at making gold in WoW, figuring out whether or not dragon coffers are a worthy investment should be a breeze for you. Market savvy doesn’t suddenly vanish when you change markets.
Oh really? I am gonna bookmark this page then and I will be playing this game after a month (hopefully) so I can come back and quote you again. I have seen people paying as much as 50000g for a Glorious Chestplate in wow for transmog which looks totally ugly IMO and I don’t see any reason why new players or spoiled kids will not spend 100s of gold to obtain that jade skin which looks bad/good in “your” opinion.
There are two possibilities, either you have no idea or you are trying to sway people away with your comments in hopes of reducing the competition. I have dealt with your kinds (AH/TP junkies) and survived for over 5 years, however I am not here to argue and I am not gonna post anymore here until after dragon bash is over. I gave my opinion and what I think will happen, you agree with it or not its all up to you. You can’t make anything if you don’t risk anything. Do CoF p1 couple of days and be happy with it….
His point seemed to go over your head. If you were clever enough to make money in WoW (since you bragged about it), shouldn’t you be clever enough to do the same here?
People dont like jade skins?? What?
Luckily I don’t. Has saved me a whole lot of trouble from what I’ve seen of guildies obsessively trying to obtain tickets and failing. :P
are players who sold the items prior to patch keeping the several gold they may have from this or having it removed?
+1 for that.
edit: also find it a bit amazing that this wasn’t forseen, what with the character creation farming going on in SAB and how close that WP is.
(edited by Lothirieth.3408)
This puzzle is nice.. it’s actually sorta a puzzle. My only quibbles would be that these sorts of things need many more overflows as I had horrible lag due to so many people being there. Also I second the need for a checkpoint autorez from falling for when the puzzle isn’t being ran so much in the future.
Actually, camping the caches is probably the easiest and fastest. It takes about 15 minutes per to get to 50 kills. Even if there are a ton of people there, you only need to hit each one once. It is way faster than running around maps forever taking a 50/50 chance that the holo’s will spawn the pirates.
This is grossly underestimated in my experience. I camped caches for shiverpeaks and maguuma and it certainly took longer than that. I had the maguuma cache all to myself.
That said, I still found this method preferable to running around to holos like I did for Ascalon kills.
I always have this issue in some areas of Timberline.. it’s weird.. you can see exactly the point when it triggers.
I luckily made it through without being attacked, but yes, this was a really, really bad idea. Not just for all the camping/ganking that you’re encouraging with this, but also because PvE people will be taking up valuable spots in EB. Yes, I realise that you don’t need to do this achievement, but as many people like being completionists.. this just was a bad idea.
I’d personally like Meteorlogicus’s trail to be a bit more noticeable and but more than anything it definitely needs footsteps! Really odd how so many legendaries were given unique footsteps, but others not.
Also, Meteorlogicus clips with all the skirts in the game. I’d love to go back to wearing my Twilight armor without it obscuring my legendary please. :P
If you’re going to introduce musical instruments, then I’d say you also need to introduce a separate volume slider for them as well so people don’t have to deal with harrassment.. because let’s face it.. there will always be jerky people out there who abuse this sort of stuff.
Lotro has an excellent player music system (one of the few things they’ve done right :P) and they have a volume slider called “Player Music Volume”. So you can keep all your other sounds yet not have to deal with some hobbit spamming his cowbell in your face. This is one thing I think ANet needs to copy.
I just popped on to Desolation (EU) and discovered they have it open. Many thanks Desolation peeps! Now I can rest easy as I have my shards. :P
Wow, definitely wasn’t expecting replacement kits. Thank you very much ANet.
Wow. Anet actually responded to this? Heh. There might be a panic to starting hoarding T6 mats…
I do find it sort of interesting how the main worry of legendaries (or what we hear about the most) is over the precursors, yet many people don’t seem to realise how much money all those t6 mats take. And what do they think will happen to those prices once more and more people are able to earn precursors?
More than the precursor needs reworking regarding legendaries imho.
There’s a bit more dust supply today, though it’s nothing to shout about. It’s about 2 Bifrosts worth.
Meteorlogicus needs 500 as well.. not to mention I’m using dusts to promote charged cores to lodestones for it too.
Completely agree that t6 mats need a significant bump in their drop rate. The current rate sucks so much fun out of the game.
Well this is a bit crap. I was gonna log tonight and get the last few bubbles to get a second weapon skin. Bad form removing it before April is actually over.
Two weeks in a row our guild have failed on this guy. We know the tactics, we don’t let defiant stack up, using boon removal.. we push him whenever his stability is gone.. numerous times.. the fire shield just would not go away.
Please look at this mob for bugs.
Hey guys! We’ve definitely gotten feedback on which weapons need cooler skins. We’re working hard on getting those super-awesome skins that you’re describing and waiting for. We’ve already started releasing less-prominent-weapon skins in a few of our recent releases.
Just please don’t make yet another one require charged lodestones pretty please. :P