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Tradeable Legendary Items - Discontinued

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


has it been said that the new legendaries themselves will be bound on acquisition, or only the new precursors?

Perseverance and Hero of the Wastes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


I really feel like the VW buff & perseverance should stay if switching between instances, and only be lost upon actually leaving SW altogether.

Hell, it would be cool if HotW lingered for 30mins-1hr after leaving, just so that you can actually take advantage of it in a setting where most mobs do drop loot.

Economy vs dungeoneers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


No whiteknighting nonsense!

  • The gold from completing a dungeon is getting nerfed not removed.
  • The TP will take on a new equilibrium for the majority of its items, high priced stuff like charged lodestones and giant eyes are surely to fall with map rewards while others are going up due to demand with HoT recipes.
  • The demand for t5 materials is getting improved to get closer towards silk’s price with new HoT recipes.

Why shouldn’t silk price be reduced to the price of other mats? Why is the high price of silk desirable for all mats?

Silk has been forced to artificially high demand for way too long. I don’t understand the rationale behind it at all.

Economy vs dungeoneers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


I do hope they nerf SW Chests when HoT goes live though.

Won’t be needed.
With other endgame maps for competition, the number of people doing SW events will fall → the number of available shovels drops → the chest train stalls.

Bandit skeleton keys cost more crests?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


5 each, 25 for 5 is how it’s been since time out of mind (sometime last year)

Dailies and other dismal failures

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


Jeevuz people.
So you’re fine with the new dailies, great. A significant portion of the playerbase aren’t. What’s it to you if the dailies are made more appealing to them, without making them less so to you?

Dailies and other dismal failures

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


I still hold out hope they’ll address dailies in HoT.

Just give pve two extra choices, extend gathering to be worldwide, and extend events to be region rather than area specific.

Then we can all be happy.

ToT farming - the real endgame (rant)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


The thing about trickbags is that their value is totally player driven, and anything that reduces the viability of farming them will only increase their relative worth and probably also the g/h efficiency of farming them.

The essential problem is that to make these things exciting, they have to contain rare and interesting things (skins/minis) and to prevent it being an overwhelming grind, they have to be tradeable.

As more gold enters the economy through actual goldfonts (SW or similar) the total gold available increases, with a disproportionate increase for the richest players (who have the most interest and highest available playtime and could easily have 10-20x as much money as the average, if not even more)

It’s these players, the completionists, who drive demand for things like ToT bags. The high price isn’t even strictly a bad thing – with the TP cut, a high volume of relatively high-price items moving in and out on a regular basis drains gold from the economy very efficiently, preventing inflation from becoming crushing – which is what would likely happen if more goldfonts were added or the efficiency of the existing ones was increased.

TL;DR – it’s good for the economy to have selling items to other players be the most profitable way of making gold.

Legendaries on the TP with sigils?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


If it’s on the TP, it’s unbound. I’m not sure how you would apply a sigil without binding the weapon, but it’s certainly safe to buy.

As to the stat selection thing, that also will bind the weapon, but it’s not a one-shot thing with legendaries. You can freely reselect stats out of combat.

Healing Power problems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


Toughness is the problem here. If they would increase its effectiveness and start giving resistance as a stat combination then things would be fine. Basically zerker is still ‘king’ because toughness does not do enough, not because heal scaling is broken.

I know that the effectiveness of toughness goes down the more armor you have, but I still like to build it on my characters. I think it has done a pretty good job at keeping me alive. :P I wouldn’t be against a toughness rework if it really is a problem though, but with whatever problems toughness has, certain skills still need to scale better with healing power. Some seem the scale kind of decently while others are just too low.

actually, i’m not so sure it does diminish. if you have 2000 base armor and increase your toughness by 1000, you’d see a 33% decrease in damage taken, which works out at a 50% increase in EHP. 500 toughness will only decrease damage by 20%, but that still works out as a 25% EHP increase, which is a linear progression.

Please bring back 50% WvW Booster?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


the new xp booster gives +50% exp in wvw as well.

Stealth - Combat feedback making it more Fun

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


I find these threads fall into two categories:

-People who play a stealth character, asking for buffs
-People who do not play a stealth character, asking for nerfs

To the second camp, i have to say: Play as a stealthy character. You may see stealth as this overwhelming advantage – which it is, you’re totally invisible and untargetable! – Except that it’s still somehow not (except maybe for mesmers).

I dislike the whole ‘L2P’ thing but, unlike most games which incorporate stealth, it really is simply a matter of being outplayed. A thief who you outskill will not be able to beat you by relying on stealth – they may be able to escape, perhaps, but if you know what you’re doing even that is unlikely.
On the other hand, skillfully playing a thief (in pvp, at least) is utterly dependent on effective and strategic use of stealth. Thieves are already one of the most badly undertuned, high skill professions and further kicking their class mechanic while it’s already down is bordering on sadism.

Healing power

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


They are looking into it


Its been long enough- Fix Dry Top Crystals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


They were novel in the bazaar, and interesting in dry top with the time limitations.
I agree, though, the glitching is really quite irritating.

Is crafting Legendary weapons this expensive?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


You can’t craft the mats, you can farm them though.
I think ready made legendaries are pretty cheap considered how much effort it takes to craft them.
As an example – the wiki is really good to look up what you need for each legendary.

But are legendaries that expensive? How did you craft whatever ones you have? Give me an example. How much gold total did it cost you to do it?

I had dusk drop & I sold it for 1300 (less 15%) and bought dawn for 900. With what was left over I was able to get most of the remaining components for the gifts of might & magic. The 450ish ectos on top of that I had amassed myself, along with all the common materials for the gift of metal. The gift of light I had about a third of the lodestones for, but the 100g for the icy runestones is unavoidable.

Salvage Kits ( lvl 53 bags )

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


Yes, up to lvl 64 items use crude kits.

I’m pretty sure that the %chance for rare materials refers exclusively to things like ectos/dark matter/exotic insigs. Lvl 80 items are the only ones which have a chance for different common material tiers, and even then, only the dropped pieces.

This discussion does not apply to rares or exotics. The kits actually say RARER materials, not Rare. Rares and exotics lower than 68 do not produce ectos or dark matter.

That is why it is advised to salvage blues and greens with crude or basic kits, rares over 67 with mystic forge kits and Exotics over 67 with black lion if available free.

Rarer & Rare amount to the same thing when there are no ‘rare’ salvageable materials with a rarity lower than exotic (that I am aware of). The game doesn’t regard higher tier materials as rarer than their lower tier counterparts – lower level materials being statistically more rare thanks to frwer players killing the creatures capable of dropping them – and my personal experience from converting karma has led me to believe that every salvageable item has a common tier material specifically associated with it.

In short, the salvage kit quality doesn’t matter a whit as to which common rarity materials can be salvaged from it. All that matters is the item’s type and which set it belongs to (embroidered cloth always salvages to jute despite lower level fine-quality cloth breaking down into wool)

Skills that root you shouldn't exist

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


Most if not all self-root skills are quite powerful damage or utility wise or both. Self-rooting is just another mechanism to balance these skills without having to make them useless or less powerful while another layer of strategic element is added.

Same goes for offensive rooting of enemy players. It’s a counter to speed and dodge mechanics, which is essential in an active combat game such as GW2.

To ask for roots to get removed is to take away a significant strategic aspect of the combat system, no matter how frustrating it can be. So no, I disagree that we need more streamline in this department.

I don’t think he’s asking for the removal of the immobilize ‘condition’, just for skill activation not to force immobility.

Warrior or Guardian main?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


They’re pretty much a mix of the two, albeit with less spinny

Is HoT pay to win?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


Well, I think you’re simplifying things slightly. In WoW, at the very least, you get the new skills free because they frequently overhaul the skill system completely, and the old skills simply have ceased to exist.
You certainly do have to buy the expansion in order to play the new classes, and I’m inclined to view the new specs in the same light – as an expansion to the base profession. Which you have to own the expansion to access.

Salvage Kits ( lvl 53 bags )

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


I’m pretty sure that the %chance for rare materials refers exclusively to things like ectos/dark matter/exotic insigs. Lvl 80 items are the only ones which have a chance for different common material tiers, and even then, only the dropped pieces.

Teleport miners...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


Latter more likely. I see it fairly commonly at the static rich nodes (and nowhere else at all)

Skills that root you shouldn't exist

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


I’d very much like to at least be able to spin in place while using, for instance, flurry or hundred blades

how popular do you think revenant will be?

in Revenant

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


All the popular.

…until people realise that it almost entirely lacks the customisation of the other professions.
Then it will get shelved by a great majority of people until it’s given more utilities/someone figures out how to implement racial skills so they’ll work with rev.

Glint's voice...

in Revenant

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


Please remove the “growling.” Absolutely HORRIBLE and not worthy of a legendary dragon.

This exactly. It adds nothing, and detracts greatly.


I would be really happy if they tweaked these voices a little bit to make them sound more like some sort of a distant echo.

Also a nice idea!

(edited by Narrrz.7532)

[suggestion] Minor GS 3 buff

in Necromancer

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


Death spiral is a very nice skill for burst-applying vulnerability, but vuln isn’t particularly hard to come by, and in a group is probably going to always be max stacked anyway.

I was thinking it would be nice if the skill gained an additional interaction with vulnerability, causing it to do deal (significantly) more damage for each vuln stack already on the target at the time of the skill’s cast, but maybe also increasing the cooldown.

the numbers i had in my head were something like 5% extra damage per vuln stack and 0.5sec added cooldown.

Herald's horrifying ground effect

in Revenant

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


It could do with being less invasive, perhaps show as it is now to other players who highlight you? If it’s that essential that other players know what upkeep skills you are maintaining

Healing Power problems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


“He has a point. Heals scale better with Toughness then they do from Healing Power (in terms of EHP restored). I think Anet is worried what will happen when both are combined”

Nomad gear

AKA the war of attrition prefix

Full stack of luck, any tricks?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


i use autohotkey to register each ‘click’ of my mousewheel as a left-click. I ran into two issues doing that, though:
-The game will suddenly decide that you’re actually trying to scroll your inventory rather than click the stack
-I would randomly link the stack of items in chat (???)

It still works well, though.

Healing Power problems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


I’ve long suggested that healing power needs a rework or simple removal.

New class icons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


It would be cool if the elite spec icon was like a different shaped outline around the normal class icon. I found it really confusing in beta areas too – i have to look at what skills someone is using to guess what class they are (and good luck with that with all the new weapons ~)

What is it with this face? o.o

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


I think it’s because it’s the most “human looking” face option.
My personal favorite is the second one in the following image:
I like the big eyes.

same! my necro rocks this look, but with the headpiece that gives cat-eyes. She looks very alien, it’s lovely.

what headpiece gives cat-eyes? O.o

Demon Masque- it’s one of the starter headpieces for necro.

It’s most obvious on races with large eyes, like Asura and Sylvari.

It doesn’t have teh same effect on humans. my mesmer wears it as well, and it’s just like… red makeup that she’s smeared around the side of her face a bit

So the canopy is real!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


I just found a bouncy shroom which took me up!

Does this mean the underside/undergrowth/‘down-below-bit-whatever-it’s-called’ is ingame already too? how do we get to it?


What is it with this face? o.o

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


I think it’s because it’s the most “human looking” face option.
My personal favorite is the second one in the following image:
I like the big eyes.

same! my necro rocks this look, but with the headpiece that gives cat-eyes. She looks very alien, it’s lovely.


What is it with this face? o.o

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


Sylvari are human-enough to be subject to sex appeal. Most people will go with the option that’s most appealing.

Can beta characters use maize balm?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


remember, the value of the ToT bags is only what other players put on them. ANet has fully supported farming through them in the past, and one weekend of maize farming wouldn’t break the economy wide open – plus you’d have to have acquired all those balms on your main anyway, and any bags you personally get will not be in main circulation since beta characters can’t interact with the TP/non-beta accounts.

Ascended Weapon stat change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


Ooh, I’ve never thought of that before. Sounds like a very nice cheap(er) way to obtain all colors.

it is. i changed to wupwup because the skin fit my char’s dye theme better, then changed it back.

New profession: Warlock

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


OTOH, i could see it as a revenant elite spec in a later expac – weren’t the GW1 demons mist-formed?

Axe auto still bad. 10%?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


from a technical point of view, little or none, but in GW1, the deep wound condition cut mob life by 20% for its duration, resulting in an effective 25% damage increase (both direct and degeneration)

in this case the point would be for the purposes of diminishing returns – if you reduce mob life multiplicatively, the formula for damage taken is 1/((1-x)^n) where x is the % health reduction and n is the number of stacks.

On the other hand, a multiplicative stacking of increased damage taken would just be 1+x^n which results in an increasing scale – they actually work out as very close, mostly because a 0.5% reduction in health is actually more than 0.5% increased damage taken, but at very high stack count increased damage taken would win out by a significant margin.

Edit: actually, i’m wrong – there’s no difference whatsoever (lol)

(edited by Narrrz.7532)

What do you guys think about Dungeon Sellers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


So they could just shuffle from time to time and afk while rest is working their socks off? Kicking is necessary in party management and so is the ability to find someone willing and competent to fill up the party with.

I don’t dungeon very often. Are there a lot of players that troll dungeon groups like this? Seems to me they’d develop a reputation rather quickly and get on people’s kitten lists.

I think you underestimate just how many players are out there. And there are always opportunists who will exploit a system for personal gain.

What do you guys think about Dungeon Sellers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


For those people who are concerned about the scammers, i.e. the groups that kick players at the end of a dungeon and then sell their slots, maybe Anet could block any slot that has been emptied via “kicking” from being refilled. That way only slots that were left open from the begging, voluntarily vacated or as the result of a disconnect can be filled.

Then what do you do about afkers?

Really ANet? Re: Quaggan Rave

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


Well, it’s obviously a bug, but yeah, that’s a pretty cute bug XD

Axe auto still bad. 10%?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


If vuln were reworked to reduce boss effective life, it could be made to stack beyond 25. at 0.5% reduction per stack, 25 stacks would give 12% reduced life, 50 stacks 23% and 100 stacks 40%. (13.3%, 28.5% & 65% increases in damage)

ONE KEY to rule them all...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


i’d like a dropdown setting of what exactly is shown by either of these keys. If implemented it should be easy enough to allow all options to be picked for both keys, so that its possible to set either key up to show both.

(edited by Narrrz.7532)

why power block so op?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


It’s a trait, not a skill, and it requires you to actually interrupt the target – interrupts DO have cooldowns. If you dedicate your entire build to it, then yes, you can counter enemy actions at the expense of being badly kitten yourself.

Is Jormag's Breath supposed to be so...small?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


The thing is, the people who got and use one of these swords like them as they are (or else they wouldn’t have gotten and used them). It’s hardly fair to change them up after 3 years now. There would be a lot of unhappy people if they did that.

This, essentially. look at all the recent outcries about ‘fixed’ legendaries that people liked in their ‘glitched’ form…

What do you guys think about Dungeon Sellers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


What would you filter? Anything with “sell”, “selling”, “sllng”, “dealing”, “hawking”, “providing”, “exchanging”, “any-new-word-made-up-to-escape-the-filtering.”

It doesn’t seem viable to create a filter for language – people are pretty smart even if they can’t get around kittens.

What would be the motivation for people to dodge a filter though? The guys who are selling dungeons want to reach those who will buy, not those who want to shut them down. If it is designed as something that people can choose to filter or not filter for themselves, then those who are interested will use no filter and see it, and those who don’t care to see it will filter obvious words for selling dungeons.

It might just be simple enough to work.

The best thing anet could do, i think, would be to implement a ‘tag’ system and allow us to filter by tags.

so if you’re selling a path, you tag your LFG with “sell” and players can filter out that tag; or you want to make really certain you never see a sold path, so you search for the tag “nosell” and the only results you get are the ones that have specifically tagged their group as NOT selling.

Anyone attempting to exploit such a system kindof shoots themselves in the foot, as you can quite reasonably join any group tagged ‘nosell’ and expect not to have to pay. Plus, it’s general enough that ANet could implement it without giving the appearance of directly supporting path sellers (which i don’t think they want to do, even as they don’t want to try to outlaw it)

Character position in character select

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


I think there is a lot of opportunity in the character select window.

Bump it

What do you guys think about Dungeon Sellers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


I don’t like dungeon selling as a resource exchange system.
If players are insterested in some content specific reward, I think they should try to beat and maybe eventually master that content.

On the other hand, I also dislike having a reward system that ignores if some content has been under-manned and rewards those who have beaten a greater challenge with the short end of the stick.
In this sense, I see dungein selling as a necessary evil.

I see it as a symptom of, ironically enough, content being well developed and balanced. Content in this game requires skill, or strategy, rather than gear. In WoW, the most important thing is to meet the minimum requirements – once you can outheal the damage the mobs do, the content is trivial.
The same could be said here, except for the actually difficult content that simply isn’t plausible. Instead, you must avoid the more devastating damage (skill) and find a way to unload the most damage on the boss before it has the chance to overwhelm you (strategy).

To avoid it being simply a numbers game, where geared players can simply ignore and push through the damage, the damage needs to be set quite high, which in turn ups the skill factor required – if you mistime so much as a single dodge, you’re down, and quite probably out.

The result of these things taken together is that to inexperienced players, the content is so punishing as to not be worth doing, while for the highly experienced/skilled players, the content is easy (if not trivial) to the point that they can afford to drop one or two members and bring along a carry for (extra) profit.

What do you guys think about Dungeon Sellers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


I don’t like it, but I guess I don’t really have anything against the people themselves (unless they’re abusive/exploiting jerks).

I really dislike it because it shows a very serious problem with the game, and it’s being brushed over. This is a game, it’s supposed to be fun to play. If you’ll pay someone else to avoid having to play it, then there is something VERY wrong going on. The devs need to look at the areas where this happens, and make changes to address the real problem. Yes, that would put most dungeon sellers out of business, but that’s not a bad thing if everyone’s having more fun.

What would I change?

  • Make solo versions of all story paths, so solo players can get the story and independently unlock the PvP reward tracks.
  • Implement better drops for the “trash” or frequently skipped encounters in the explorable paths, so there’s good reason to take them on.
  • Add in a difficulty adjuster for the explorable tracks. The simplest would be adjusting the player’s level downwards while leaving the dungeon itself at the same level. A timer (with several choices) and maybe a “maximum deaths” counter would be good, too. There should be some bonus (but not exclusive) rewards for beating the timer/counter as well as surviving with lowered levels.
  • Give WvW players the option to buy the PvP reward track potions with WvW currency. (Easiest way I can see to give them access to the dungeon rewards, unlocked the same way PvP players do it.)
  • If the player has cleared a story mode, let them exchange Laurels for the tokens from that dungeon.

I like all these ideas. have a +1

Allow sylvari glow change in hair kits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


Sylvari don’t get an accessory for their, er, ‘hair’, do they? all other races can config the colour of some other aspect of their hair, but sylvari just get to choose their foliage colour.

While it does affect the entire body, you still wouldn’t be able to re-select the pattern of the glow, just its colour, so it would be more like allowing a hairstyle kit to change tattoo/fur/skin marking colour (which would also be a fine addition, imo)

Sylvari don’t select a glow pattern. They select a glow color and stength, the pattern is identical for all of them on the body, and is baked in to the face and hair textures.

That’s not quite true – the body types are divided into two sets of four, each having a different glow pattern