Zhaitan seemed to be trying to destroy us. So was Jormag.
We can see the ascended weapons already?
No. She’s just evil.
It was easy to do, but annoying how they don’t mention “oh, it’s in the actual Pavilion, not the instance”.
It wouldn’t make sense to not bring them back. Although, I’m wondering about what new skins there will be.
Ugh. Tired of Orr. Let’s look elsewhere. Southsun Cove, maybe? Or are there champion hunters there too?
There is a champ skelk above a camp (the one that has a bank and tp npc) in mount maelstrom
Ooooh, this one? Pretty sure no one goes after this thing. It picked a great hiding spot.
I fought and killed it to find out it was part of a dynamic event to kill it before it escaped…to where, I have no idea. It pretty much is just a regular skelk with champion stats, no special attacks or anything, so a relatively easy fight compared to other champions.
(edited by Nilkemia.8507)
Are you just listing champs or what?
Both the Baron and the Giant were farmed extensively during anchorage farm.
Well, like I said, I don’t ever see anyone fight them often, if at all..I’m just on one server, so I can’t really say anything for the others..
Anywho, here’s a pic of the Charr version of the Risen Vigil Tactician.
(edited by Nilkemia.8507)
The Champion Risen Megalodon, in the water just west of Shipwreck Rock Waypoint. A poor lady was shipwrecked by it and shall never rest in peace.
Anywho, champion bump!
The Champion Risen Baron/Baroness (Noble)
That one at the skill point in Gallow’s Hang. Back before the change, no one tried to kill this thing, it’s much easier to sneak around it, kill the jester, then get the skill point and get out. And even with the change, I don’t think many would try fighting it now.
What are you talking about?
I noticed that Warrior’s off hand sword (Impale) inflicts Torment now instead of Bleed. With even Warriors getting it, I think it might be possible for all the classes to inflict it in some way or another eventually. And I think it could help guardians, since all we’ve got is burn.
Ah, thanks. Still, can I even bump it now? It’s been a while..
Yes, but her’s was a mesmer shield of sorts, which served to just keep the Separatists out until we got there.
Hmm. let me think….no.
Not sure about the minstrel. Hobo-Tron is all but certain to be evil though.
During a dynamic event chain in Frostgorge Sound dealing with the Sons of Svanir, there are some Corrupted Vigil members that spawn in downed/dead when you break into their base. Despite being corrupted, they can be revived and will fight for you.
Not sure how they broke free of Jormag’s control, but more power to them. Some must fight so that all may not become ice trolls!
For better and worse.
1. The Blazing Gun makes the mistake of being near a bandit camp.
2. The Whirling Edge getting the sheep by the horns.
3. Might wanna deal with the centaurs first, don’t you think? Also, good job killing Sister Liz off-screen.
I noticed that Scarlet was also shielding them during the instance, when she couldn’t be bothered to do so for any of her troops. Hmm, could they have turned to her side?
This. Seriously, we need a three way battle between the centaurs/Seraph/minions throughout Kryta, the legion forces fighting to push out the twisted as well as the branded, the pirates in Bloodtide Coast conflicting with the Aetherblades, the jotun and ogres fighting against the Twisted in their regions….need I go on?
If this is meant to be an invasion, it needs to look and feel like one. While I like what they were trying to do, it doesn’t really feel like an invasion.
Yes, I know I made this thread before, but it didn’t show up in the search, and I don’t feel like searching 20 or so pages to find it, so…
Do you think guardians being able to inflict torment would be neat? Necromancers, mesmers, thieves, and even warriors have access to it(that I know of). Considering that all the other professions can inflict quite a few conditions, while all guardians have is burn, burn, and more burn, (a little freeze, if traited for it) maybe having another condition they could use would be nice. I think, anyway. What are your thoughts?
Where’s Mini Caithe and Mini Snaff? What about some of the members of the three orders? I’d like a Mini Seiran, Mini Forgal, or a Mini General Almorra Soulkeeper, and I’m sure quite a number of people would like a Mini Tybalt Leftpaw and Mini Hobo-Tron. I’m a little surprised Scarlet isn’t a mini yet either…they’re probably saving that one for later.
There are a lot of potential minis here. Feels like a letdown, this Set 2. Then again, I’m not really into minis, but still…
I second this. It was annoying having to choose which alts to give them to, because it means I’d better want to keep that character. In addition to that, new characters I make won’t be able to use it.
Fastest growing faction, sure. Most powerful? Not really, when you consider how many times they lose.
In response to the Cerberus thing, they were experimenting with indoctrination by that point, so that could explain that, while with the Aetherblades/Molten Alliance, we’ve yet to see why they’re still following Scarlet after dying in even greater doses than before. (Unless they too are brainwashed and/or clones.)
“Have you met my Aetherblades? They work for me, you know. Because, they like living. Never mind the fact that I send them off to stand in random spots and get zerged to death, but hey, who cares?”
Me neither. I just think that while it’d still be nonsensical as Scarlet is, it’d be a little amusing. Maybe. Kellach does have red hair, so there is that.
But…wouldn’t he hear all that shooting and screaming? I think the tradeoff for being blind is that they detect via sound and would have good hearing, though the gameplay doesn’t really show that…
Even before the fight against Zhaitan, the 3 orders were already dealing with threats that could undermine their fight against the dragons, and threats to the peace in Tyria. And with an insane sylvari at the head of it all, I’m surprised we’ve heard nothing of Trehearne during all this. I’m sure if he knew about this, he’d want to do something about it.
Pretty much the last thing any of the Pact ever did in the Living Story was in Flame and Frost…and that was just one undercover agent from the Order of Whispers (who didn’t really find out much) and the Vigil (who also didn’t do much besides get the audio logs and find the facilities for us to break in).
I just find it hard to believe that they just threw her out afterwards, and no one, not the Order of Whispers, not the Arcane Eye, not the Durmand Priory, tried to keep an eye on her or recruit her afterwards. We just let her sign up with the bad guys. (The same bad guys who up to now considered sylvari little more than walking kindling, in Zojja’s words.) And she managed to avoid being found by hanging out in Michotl Grounds? Really?
And finally, while her teacher may have had good intent, letting back someone who has worked with the Inquest and is already going off the deep end isn’t the best idea.
Can’t say I didn’t see that coming. Once again, a professor was killed and it doesn’t come up at all?
While I’ve been okay with the invasions and achievements and the events for the most part, the story behind all this is really nonsensical and inconsistent with her actions after revealing herself, if she is indeed behind the Molten Alliance and the Aetherblades.
(edited by Nilkemia.8507)
Note to any other snipers out there: Yelling out “Another death!” over and over next to a zerg capable of melting champions like butter isn’t good for your life expectancy.
Maybe he’s a Risen dredge in disguise?
Why would she turn on the Queen after all this time? Or do mean that another way…. >.>
The Grey Terror wanted in on the action. But he got too overzealous.
It’s the “No no no! No no no! No no no!” all over again.
Unlike Koptev however, you can shut him up..
While a somewhat interesting read, this once again begs the question of why it couldn’t be found in-game. It would’ve been a little neat to have a side-quest from Vorrp or the Order of Whispers/Durmand Priory to look into her background and find this out, see it in cut-scene and voice rather than just read it. I still have a hard time believing that they just kicked her out and no one bothers to keep an eye on her at all. And I don’t see what defying whatever “system” entwining the Dream and Nightmare has to do with..well, anything she’s been doing up to this point. She probably just went completely insane and just imagined what she saw.
And yet right after taking over the pavilion, she doesn’t bother to invade the rest of Divinity’s Reach like it implied she would, and instead sends her hordes of minions to stand around in random zones until we kill them.
Oh well, lots of loot for me, so I’m probably looking too much into her sudden shifts between being smart and being inept.
Yep, I’ve seen this too. It’s always the little things..
Do they work against Aetherblades? Also, do Potions of Flame Legion/Dredge Slaying work against the Molten Alliance?
Is it really just mee?
It happens when you go through an asura gate or get into an area with lots of players and the game’s still loading stuff. Still, it’s annoying that it only happens to us and none of the other races…
If I preview transmuted items, the preview shows the appearance of the item whose stats were carried over, rather than the actual skin itself. The actual skin still shows if you equip it, so this isn’t too bad, but…eep, it does bother me a little. Has anyone else noticed this?
Hobo-Tron’s okay. Except for this bit during the Scarlet fight:
Hobo-Tron: “I-miss-Southsun-Cove.”
Sorry Hobo-Tron, but I doubt many others miss it.
I also noticed that he and that minstrel were also shielded like Scarlet was. Could they be evil too?
Removing the Champion loot boxes will just revert us back to the days when no one ever fought them. I’ll admit, they did have some..unexpected side effects, but the game is better with champions actually dropping good loot.
Also, I feel that Queen’s Gauntlet actually brought out the worst in all of us.
Do we even need a new “Destiny’s Edge”?
I think not, but we’ll have to wait and see.
The Queen actually fighting when the Aetherblades came down was nice….then she does nothing during Scarlet’s invasion. To be fair, she was the primary target for Scarlet at the time, but still…
And Anise just keeps burning Logan time and time again..heh.
The reason is that Veteran, Champion, and Legendary enemies are all size scaled compared to their normal counterparts. This is done presumably to they can be spotted easier amongst normal enemies. (Big monster here, watch out.) Either that, or they’re taking growth steroids.
Scarlet is back at her normal size in the dungeon, I think.
If you’ve experienced some strangeness with the flythrough cinematic during the Queen’s speech, it’s likely related to system specs and graphics settings. Due to the length of the flythrough, lower spec machines may notice the caption timing and lip sync misaligned, graphics anomalies (like Scarlet’s gun floating in the air), or other weirdness.
This shouldn’t affect the painterly cinematic (with Lord Faren and Queen Jennah), as the VO is “baked in” with the movie file.
We apologize for this inconvenience and will be looking at ways to solve this issue in future updates.
Ah, thanks for the reply, I also noticed the floating gun, heh.
So? I thought champion farming was the farm to do nowadays. It was bound to happen sooner or later.
There’s another thread of the exact same name here. This might get merged into that..
Still you do have a point. It is implied the Zephrites came form there, but little else.