With this gif
On a serious note: Mounts (RIP dead horse gif) and elite specs again don’t seem to add something exciting to the game. Last time we had a new class, specs, new leveling system and gliding (smart answer to mounts). I’ve been playing less lately and I’m not hyped at all with the announcement.
What would make me want to return: Dungeons redesign and at least 2 new dungeons located in HoT maps.
Power Ps Warrior. Basically spam hundred blades and arc divider, swap to mace shield when it’s time to break. All gear is easy to obtain. Plus you’ll always be welcome to all raids.
Try this it uses gs and m/sh it is melee and direct dmg oriented.
15% from target the weak
50% from decimate defenses
20% from fury
8% from discipline banner
7% from spotterIt’s been proved several times that optimal damage comes from maxing precision no matter what bonuses come from other players. In the hypothetical-perfect-scenario where a Necro runs alongside a Warrior and a Ranger there’s no way to upkeep Fury 100% of the time and Banner of Discipline has a cooldown interval, also target the weak has a 13% crit chance cap.
What you’re saying equals to say that Elementalist meta should run Valkyrie instead of Berserker because he can obtain 100ish% crit chance from other sources and that is absolute nonsense. For my part I think that this stat has no place in the game, talking PvE wise.
Is this a troll? We are talking about raids and not pvp or something right?
If maxing precision is always optimal, everyone would run full assassins not berserker. And yes, everyone create’s power builds which hit 100% crit chance, and no higher under some of the given assumptions. Look at meta builds, they bring 1 or 2 pieces of assassins on certain classes to do this, and no more.
No way to up keep fury? lol wtf. Ill screen shot my next kill with bgdm and show you fury uptimes over 90%.
Banner of discipline has very little down time if you have good alacrity up time.
I said maxing, not over capping as crit chance cannot go higher than 100% learn to read please.
Maxing crit-chance is different than min-maxing your crit-chance to the optimal value.
You can have 70% crit-chance solo, then you get over 100% with group buffs. Learn to write please.Well you still got the idea. I’m glad you can stand up for your girlfriend. Cheers.
Honestly, no, I have no idea what you are talking about in half of the things you write.
Then why do you answer? I wasn’t even talking to you in the first place. Now sincerely and on topic, you really think that a P-F-CD stat would be meta? Even when you get 100% crit chance from other sources in raids it is absurd to think anyone would use this over Viper/Sinister where you can get 100% condi duration through Expertise. The suggestion is unviable but think it could apply to special snowflakes that are the kind of players that make pug raids fail the way they do.
15% from target the weak
50% from decimate defenses
20% from fury
8% from discipline banner
7% from spotterIt’s been proved several times that optimal damage comes from maxing precision no matter what bonuses come from other players. In the hypothetical-perfect-scenario where a Necro runs alongside a Warrior and a Ranger there’s no way to upkeep Fury 100% of the time and Banner of Discipline has a cooldown interval, also target the weak has a 13% crit chance cap.
What you’re saying equals to say that Elementalist meta should run Valkyrie instead of Berserker because he can obtain 100ish% crit chance from other sources and that is absolute nonsense. For my part I think that this stat has no place in the game, talking PvE wise.
Is this a troll? We are talking about raids and not pvp or something right?
If maxing precision is always optimal, everyone would run full assassins not berserker. And yes, everyone create’s power builds which hit 100% crit chance, and no higher under some of the given assumptions. Look at meta builds, they bring 1 or 2 pieces of assassins on certain classes to do this, and no more.
No way to up keep fury? lol wtf. Ill screen shot my next kill with bgdm and show you fury uptimes over 90%.
Banner of discipline has very little down time if you have good alacrity up time.
I said maxing, not over capping as crit chance cannot go higher than 100% learn to read please.
15% from target the weak
50% from decimate defenses
20% from fury
8% from discipline banner
7% from spotter
It’s been proved several times that optimal damage comes from maxing precision no matter what bonuses come from other players. In the hypothetical-perfect-scenario where a Necro runs alongside a Warrior and a Ranger there’s no way to upkeep Fury 100% of the time and Banner of Discipline has a cooldown interval, also target the weak has a 13% crit chance cap.
What you’re saying equals to say that Elementalist meta should run Valkyrie instead of Berserker because he can obtain 100ish% crit chance from other sources and that is absolute nonsense. For my part I think that this stat has no place in the game, talking PvE wise.
I combine the ascension with Illumination Dye on my armor and it goes along pretty well so that would be my bet. I would attach kitten for you but I’m at the office right now.
What do you want ferocity for if you’re not gonna have any critical chance?
It is viable…
… But it is 0 functional and has a really high chance to fail.
- Fall of Abaddon
- Defense of Ascalon (the other side of Urban Battleground). End of the fractal would be the curse of King Adelbern after being overrun.
- Destiny’s Edge and Glint vs Kralkatorrik (don’t know how they could make it but would be such an epic fractal!) Note: Must include Logan fleeing.
I find condi necro pretty boring
This is because you might have been playing it wrong. Once you team up with only condi damage dealers and at least 2 more necros you’ll see that Epi bounce (well executed) is one of the coolest mechanics that makes you just wipe through FotM. Viper Necros might not be the highest damage output but they’re extremely functional in the right parties and rarely go get downed, even at higher level fractals.
I was just wondering how well a power necro is in higher tier fractals all the way to CM 100.
Power necros are underlooked. We all want them to be a thing but that’s the reality even with the GS buff. If you show up to a 100 CM pug there’s a 90% chance people will ask you to swap or vote kick you (can happen different if you’re running with guildies and/or friends).
I have never been kicked for it. I have the title and potions so beyond that people don’t care what you bring in my experiences.
Guess you’re part of that 10%
Seriously. In power compositions asking pot and title it won’t be an issue. I normally run with condi only teams (with viper necro or condi ps) and power necros are not welcome there. Seen this also happen in PUG raids where people are asking for condi necros (VG and Gorse) and a power necro joins. Guess it has to do people not reading descriptions in LFG.
I run 100 CM every single day, and never have an issue with pugs that didnt specify condi before hand.
Your made up stats are exactly that, made up.
If by stats you’re referring to statistics, then yes.
-Sell lvl 80 boosts and individual tomes of knowledge: No I have 1025 tomes at this moment sitting on my bank and every class in the game leveled to 80. Leveling is really fun in this game and every time I used tomes I felt something was missing.
-Map completion packs, per character only: No Everyone who has already done map completion will feel ripped off and Legendaries would become (in part) payed weapons. Tyria is beautiful, explore it!
-Sell each booster individually and in packs: The feature to make packs is already in the game https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Boost_Enchantment_Powder
-Race change. This would work really really well coupled with having dwarves as a playable race. No because huge contradictions will arise in the Living Story (I’m here to defend Ascalon and kill humans but all the sudden I became a hippie tree who is friend with animals). Also would bring issues if you change race while equipping cultural armor.
-Sell laurels and various in-game currencies. No that is is a pay 2 win model. No thank you.
-VIP monthly sub with perks. NOOOOO And become like all those korean MMO’s where people wastes thousands of dollars to be on top? GW2 is Casual AND hardcore friendly, devs have worked hard to be that way and many of us love this game because of that.
I find condi necro pretty boring
This is because you might have been playing it wrong. Once you team up with only condi damage dealers and at least 2 more necros you’ll see that Epi bounce (well executed) is one of the coolest mechanics that makes you just wipe through FotM. Viper Necros might not be the highest damage output but they’re extremely functional in the right parties and rarely go get downed, even at higher level fractals.
I was just wondering how well a power necro is in higher tier fractals all the way to CM 100.
Power necros are underlooked. We all want them to be a thing but that’s the reality even with the GS buff. If you show up to a 100 CM pug there’s a 90% chance people will ask you to swap or vote kick you (can happen different if you’re running with guildies and/or friends).
I have never been kicked for it. I have the title and potions so beyond that people don’t care what you bring in my experiences.
Guess you’re part of that 10%
Seriously. In power compositions asking pot and title it won’t be an issue. I normally run with condi only teams (with viper necro or condi ps) and power necros are not welcome there. Seen this also happen in PUG raids where people are asking for condi necros (VG and Gorse) and a power necro joins. Guess it has to do people not reading descriptions in LFG.
Gets kited in wvw. Better make a post saying Warrior is garbage.
My first world completion was with my Guardian and yes, it was painful. Besides what you have been already told I can suggest to equip a GS and a Sword traiting Right Hand Strength for using Symbol of Blades as often as you can on targets that are off range and then disengaging so you don’t go in combat. F2 can also cover some distance.
For equipment your best bet will be to transmute your light ascended equipment via Mystic Forge. This way is cheaper than crafting or buying from FotM or PvP, even if they tried to fix this on last patch. The procedure is described here https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ascended_equipment (changing attribute prefix).
You still will need to craft Viper’s Orichalcum Imbued Inscription for your weapons and Viper’s Intricate Gossamer Insignia for your armor, but it’s way cheaper than crafting ascended from scratch.
Now for backpìece, earrings, amulet and rings you might take some time but your safest bet is to complete and daily farm the new maps (Bloodstone Fen, Ember Bay, Bitterfrost Frontier and Lake Doric) BF seems to be the fastest one. You can also get them from raids or some story instances (look for them on the wiki page). In the meantime you can always run exotic Rampager but optimal condition damage and duration will be the Viper (and some Sinister) build that you’re talking about. There’s no alternative due to the lack of the new stat (Expertise) and the distribution of the attributes.
I find condi necro pretty boring
This is because you might have been playing it wrong. Once you team up with only condi damage dealers and at least 2 more necros you’ll see that Epi bounce (well executed) is one of the coolest mechanics that makes you just wipe through FotM. Viper Necros might not be the highest damage output but they’re extremely functional in the right parties and rarely go get downed, even at higher level fractals.
I was just wondering how well a power necro is in higher tier fractals all the way to CM 100.
Power necros are underlooked. We all want them to be a thing but that’s the reality even with the GS buff. If you show up to a 100 CM pug there’s a 90% chance people will ask you to swap or vote kick you (can happen different if you’re running with guildies and/or friends).
How does it not make sense? It’s the definition and it’s what each of those stats do, you’re pretty wrong.
You still fail to get the actual context of what those stats do. Slavishly sticking to the wiki definitions doesn’t cut it.
A typical full berserker guardian will have (all values rounded) roughly 13,000 HP and 2250 armor. Armor scales in a way that doubling it reduces direct damage taken by 50%. Hence, to increase your survivability against direct damage by 100%, you can either double your HP or double your armor. Doing so requires 1300 vitality or 2250 toughness, respectively. Observation: vitality is much cheaper for this purpose, because guardian is a low-HP class.
Now toughness has one innate advantage in case of direct damage: it simply reduces damage taken, therefore lowering the amount of healing needed to get back to full health. Since condition damage usually does not put up that much pressure in fractals, the weakness of toughness is less relevant there. That would, in theory, probably balance out the “cheaper” price tag of vitality if you are healing-restricted.
However, for toughness to become superior, you actually need to be restricted by the amount of healing which is available over a long period of time. In my fractal experience, that happens rather rarely and most nasty situations could also be overcome by a larger health pool. As long as you can heal the damage taken, it doesn’t matter whether you take less damage or have a higher buffer to take it. That is why vitality a) does help against direct damage in content like fractals and is b) surprisingly efficient.
Additionally, there is one very practical reason for marauder stats, if berserker is too squishy for someone: there simply is no equivalent with toughness instead of vitality. All toughness-based stat combinations will either yield substantially reduced offensive stats for the same defense or vice versa.
Well, what I see here is a lot of assumptions made from personal experience and a derailed conversation from what OP is asking. If someone wants to run Marauder I couldn’t care less, will they be optimal? No. Will they still down and make his party down due longer fights? Probably. But if in your experience that works, as I said before I couldn’t care less. Yes it’s probably cheaper to build vitality than toughness but that does not change the fact that toughness negates direct damage while vitality denies condition damage, sorry but it is what it is even if you want/need to justify using marauder. Ever thought that maybe if you survived longer running FotM with Marauder it’s because Agony has a lower impact since you have more vitality to withstand it?
Vitality does not “deny” condition damage. Vitality does not “deny” or reduce any incoming damage. It simply increases the size of your health pool so you can sustain more damage before being downed. This obviously applies to both direct and condition damage.
It does, what you wrote actually is the definition of denying damage, having less impact is denying and no, it does not apply in the same measure to direct damage, which is negated by toughness.
One more thing, focusing on what you assume I said wrong won’t make your invalid arguments, that come from personal experience, right.
Keep the S/F and throw a SC/T into the mix. Works wonders when Radiance is traited and the extra burns are great source of damage.
Glad you’re having fun, those maps are really enjoyable as a DH. The only one that I won’t touch again is TD.
Hey OP I feel sorry for that, we all had to learn at some point. Raids in GW2 have mechanics that make the whole raid fail if players don’t follow them. My guess is that you failed to do this or maybe you weren’t fulfilling the role you were expected to accomplish (i.e.: playing a Warrior and not giving Might to others with PS trait). Please note that even training raids are meant to complete the raid.
So my advice would be, if you still want to pug raids, to do the following:
- Check sites such as qtfy.enjin.com or metabattle.com to compare what are you running against what is listed there. I’m not trying to force you into meta but please note that the more efficient you are, the less probability you’ll get to be kicked out of raids.
- Watch some videos. It will take literally 5 minutes and will improve your performance.
- Don’t jump to any raid. My advice would be to start with Stronghold of the faithful on ground team (escort) or Vale Guardian
If it’s your first I strongly recommend Guardian due the simplicity of the class, this does not mean it’s lackluster at all. Guardians have very high survivability through blocks, reflects and blinds (active defenses), you’ll be using a lot of symbols that will boost you and your teammates and damage your foes. If you’re into the Paladin gameplay (heavy armor, light magic to protect yourself and damage others) Guardian is your class.
Revenant is a class that channels legends (references to GW1 lore) to asume different fighting styles. They act as a constant boon provider to their party and have some really cool looking skills. Unfortunately, they have been recently underlooked and some of their most powerful mechanics were redesigned or changed, some people refer to them as Nerfenants. The playstyle can be somehow a bit more challenging to master than a Guardian for having good rotations.
Engineers are the jack of all trades of the game, they can’t weapon swap but they use kits to compensate this, kits will give you a whole set of new abilities. They’re a strong class for all around content but are hard to master if you want to have optimal rotations and damage output. They rely somewhat on random effects of some skills but are not as chaotic as Mesmers.
TLDR; Guardian if it’s your first time around GW2 to get used to mechanics and the game, beginner-friendly class. Engineer if you’re up to a challenge and are willing to invest some good time reading forums, watching vids and learning. Revenant if you want to complain at some point (but you’re gonna look really cool!)
Note: Remember you have 5 character slots if you bought the game and 2 if you’re in F2P so you can try them all, even in F2P you can erase one to make another.
Necro: Because of Epidemic. And most of all Epi bounce with other 4 Necros while running t4 fotm
Warrior: Because PS (power and condi) are always needed in raids. Also because I can equip 2 of my legendaries while playing condi PS (Bolt and Rodgort).
Ranger: Because sometimes nobody wants to play healer in raids and you’ll have to.
Guardian: Because it is my main, my gatherer and the one I run LS with. I wish this class was buffed and became what it once was.
Warrior: Because I love to hear people complain and getting hate salty messages from the kitten.
A bit of history
Anet meeting pre-HoT:
- Ok guys so we need to make something about Necros, nobody wants a Necro in a dungeon or be even near them in any PvE content and they’re becoming the emo class.
- No worries, once we launch HoT Necros will be able to equip a GS and become Chuck Norris Necrocopter.
- Dude, a lot of people actually would like to see condi damage becoming a thing… But I also like Necrocopter idea!
- It is decided then, Necros will specialize as Necrocopters AND we will boost condi damage, also we will have a new stat that will make condi damage viable.
1 day later….
- Abort! Abort! Necrocopter is killing everyone in PvP and WvW everyone is complaining they’re 2 STRONK Chuck norris Necrocopter is an abomination, get rid of him! All other classes are now becoming the emos!
- What we do with necros now?
- Don’t ask me! I dunno, buff something they don’t use!
- Hey guys, we’re gonna buff Axe, mainhand Dagger and Gs because reasons. KTHXBYE.
February 2017
(edited by NumenorLord.6539)
Save your gold. Having 500 doesn’t mean that you MUST spend it. If you do I guarantee that the very next week a cool item will come from the Gem Store and you will have to use your credit card because you manage your finances like a Quaggan.
This is becoming a tradition
That can be alot of text, sry
however, here:
Its not 100% “optimal” gameplay, but it is “generally” good.GL and if you have more specific questions after this, ask again
Thank you for the vid, wow 1 hour, will take some time to watch it.
1. Yes. Sw/wh traited I use occasiobally, like on KC or sab. More a matter of preference than a matter if u kill the raidboss yes or no.
2. No I use the healing glyph in most raidfights. I use traited healing spring at sloth and sometimes at sabetha when I’m not on flakk shot.
3. Yes there’s a better rotation for in celestial avatar.Kinda dependant on where you want to land your heals. Near you: #4, #3, back to #4, if it’s on cd drop a #2. Not near you: #3, #2, #1’s if 2 and 3 are on cd. Try to end your celestial avatar with a #2 so when it pops u proc your CA-bar again.
4. Tiger always for fury uptime. If you need CC: electral wyvern or daze moa. Blue moa if you want more or other protection than stone spirit and a heal. Sylvan hound for regeneration thus faster CA-bar filler.
5. There are fights like sloth I don’t use spirits if we do wall tactic, sloth has a lenient enrage timer so we don’t need the dmg from the spirit and because of the movement of the raidgroup spirits don’t have much effect. Most other bosses I tend to predict where the fight will take us or where we will be most and place them there. Like last fases on VG I tend to place them in the middle.These answers are about wing 1, 2 and 3. Cleared those tons of times. Wing 4 killed only first 2 for now, just so you know
TYVM for the input! Really helpful
How does it not make sense? It’s the definition and it’s what each of those stats do, you’re pretty wrong.
You still fail to get the actual context of what those stats do. Slavishly sticking to the wiki definitions doesn’t cut it.
A typical full berserker guardian will have (all values rounded) roughly 13,000 HP and 2250 armor. Armor scales in a way that doubling it reduces direct damage taken by 50%. Hence, to increase your survivability against direct damage by 100%, you can either double your HP or double your armor. Doing so requires 1300 vitality or 2250 toughness, respectively. Observation: vitality is much cheaper for this purpose, because guardian is a low-HP class.
Now toughness has one innate advantage in case of direct damage: it simply reduces damage taken, therefore lowering the amount of healing needed to get back to full health. Since condition damage usually does not put up that much pressure in fractals, the weakness of toughness is less relevant there. That would, in theory, probably balance out the “cheaper” price tag of vitality if you are healing-restricted.
However, for toughness to become superior, you actually need to be restricted by the amount of healing which is available over a long period of time. In my fractal experience, that happens rather rarely and most nasty situations could also be overcome by a larger health pool. As long as you can heal the damage taken, it doesn’t matter whether you take less damage or have a higher buffer to take it. That is why vitality a) does help against direct damage in content like fractals and is b) surprisingly efficient.
Additionally, there is one very practical reason for marauder stats, if berserker is too squishy for someone: there simply is no equivalent with toughness instead of vitality. All toughness-based stat combinations will either yield substantially reduced offensive stats for the same defense or vice versa.
Well, what I see here is a lot of assumptions made from personal experience and a derailed conversation from what OP is asking. If someone wants to run Marauder I couldn’t care less, will they be optimal? No. Will they still down and make his party down due longer fights? Probably. But if in your experience that works, as I said before I couldn’t care less. Yes it’s probably cheaper to build vitality than toughness but that does not change the fact that toughness negates direct damage while vitality denies condition damage, sorry but it is what it is even if you want/need to justify using marauder. Ever thought that maybe if you survived longer running FotM with Marauder it’s because Agony has a lower impact since you have more vitality to withstand it?
I have a fix for these rings and for Mystic Forging the armor submitted. I can’t say when it will make its way to live, but the fix is on the way.
We also should have the League title situation resolved by the end of the week.
Thank you for your reply!
Well, I think that you must ask yourself what you want to do in the game. If you want to have fun, run your own way that is perfectly fine and it’s a way to approach the game. On the other hand, if you want to have an optimal performance you’d have to focus what the power necro is meant for. In both cases you must realize that power necro is far from the highest classes’ DPS so you might get a hard time running endgame content like Raids and high level FotM. That being said, there are ways to optimize your damage, that are those I told you and I repeat here:
1. Build Vulnerability on your foes fast.
2. Constant Chill, that will inflict damage and Vulnerability. Chill can also be spread to nearby foes.
3. As an option, you can build Might for yourself.
That being said I answer your questions:
1. Power and melee means to be near bosses, foes. You must learn to dodge and use your utilities to mitigate damage (Wells will help you doing so when traited reducing 33% of incoming hits).
2. Dagger will be your best melee weapon because of its speed and its cleave, that meaning that you can hit multiple foes in one swing, GS is slow as you state and Axe is a single target weapon. Dagger offhand is a Condition weapon, you’ll be better with WH for breaking bars or Focus for faster Vulnerability application and a Chill.
3. As you’ll see, with the build I suggested you’ll have a TON of life siphoning (Wells, Signet of Vampirism and Vampiric Presence) that will help your health to constant regenerate, therefore having the Rune of the Scholar bonus constantly activated. Signet is for this and for a slight DPS increase when activating it (no, it’s not weak at all), the Signet Siphons enemies’ life when hit, it will not cure more than what you have been hit.
4. About necro’s shouts you were mislead, Viper Necro (closer thing to a Meta we have) does not use a single shout. Shout are not our top utilities (except CTTB in Power builds). You can always keep Rise! if you are having trouble surviving.
Now, all this is to be ignored if you want, as I said before, just to have fun and run what pleases you most or feels right for you. Hope you have good luck with your research and, most important, that you have fun with the build you come up with.
Hello Ranger forum! I just finished gearing my Magi Druid for Raids, never played Ranger before but want to multiclass for Raids. I’m still looking for some advice and it would be great if you guys could give me some answers to the following questions:
1. Is double Staff still viable for max healing with Quick Draw? Or would it be better to go Sword/Warhorn?
2. Is Healing Spring (traited) the Druid’s best heal or is choosing a heal more situational depending on the Raid/Boss?
3. In Celestial Avatar should I cast Rejuvenating Tides (for CD reduction with QD) and then spam Cosmic Ray on allies with low health? Is there a better rotation?
4. What pets are more useful on each Raid/Boss?
5. Where should I cast my Spirits in fights where the boss moves or is moved around a lot? (i.e. VG)
Any other advice is welcome, thanks for your time!
Of course!
Message Body length must at least be 15.
The way top make this is:
1. Make dungeons harder, boost all bosses and adds’ toughness, vitality and damage.
2. Boost the rewards (more tokens or more gold).
I would suggest to go full berserker and drop the Valk+Zerker trinkets. You could also equip some wells (specially well of suffering) alongside Vampiric Rituals instead of Transfusion for maximizing damage (vulnerability stacks) while granting Higher survivability (-33% damage from Protection).
To maximize Bitter chill I suggest going with Chill of Death, Chilling Nova and equipping an off hand Focus (Vulnerability stacking and Chill).
Would drop Axe (no cleave) and use Dagger/Focus-Dagger/Warhorn (The CC is great and fast). You can still keep GS to pull enemies and Dagger/Focus on the other hand.
What I’m telling you is that you can do a lot better if you drop Axe, also drop so many shouts and go for Chills (Vulnerability on chill and exploding Chill), Wells (For more vulnerability stacking+Protection). For heal I strongly recommend Signet of Vampirism.
If you don’t have Might stacking on your party you can always change Decimate Defenses for Chilling Victory. If you are doing so change Runes of the Scholar for Strength.
Here’s a draft:
(edited by NumenorLord.6539)
How come this is still not fixed?
From the wiki:
[…]Before you quote something from the wiki, please think about whether it makes sense. In this case, it doesn’t.
How does it not make sense? It’s the definition and it’s what each of those stats do, you’re pretty wrong.
From the wiki:
Toughness is a defensive character attribute. Each attribute point put into toughness increases the armor of the character by one, which improves the character’s ability to withstand direct damage. Toughness has no effect on falling damage.
Vitality is a defensive attribute. Each attribute point put into vitality increases the maximum health of the character by ten hitpoints. More health allows a character to better withstand burst damage and degenerative damage.
(that’s the reason Marauder gear/amulet are popular choices for Guardian in WvW and PvP)
On Topic:
OP I Suggest to make a Viper Necro or a Burnzerker if you are looking for something different. Condition damage builds are really fun to play and on high demand.
Are you playing a mesmer? My mesmer always gets stuck in combat during fractals, even when everything is dead. Its extremely annoying
Necro here
Well there are two ways to approach FotM as a Guardian if you want to run Meta builds (meta being understood as max DPS or max utility for your party). Both builds can be found here: http://qtfy.enjin.com/guardian
I can say that Hammer build will boost your patty’s survivability by giving constant Protection, downside is that you can mess up some fields with your symbol and that you practically will be camping hammer auto attack with ocasional CC on bosses.
I recommend second build (Scepter-Sword /Torch) because is our highest damage output while lot of survivability by staying ranged with Scepter. The Radiance traitline adds some good burn damage with your torch. I f you’re having a tough time surviving you can always equip a Focus with your Sword.
About gear: I’d say to stick with zerker. Guardian is one of the classes with highest survivability via blinds, blocks and reflects. Full Viper (with some Sinister) will go a lot better with your Warrior. Remember crafting Viper gear can be expensive while Berserker can be purchased from some dungeons or easily crafted. All the condi damage you’ll need will come from your traits in Radiance. IMHO Marauder loses too much damage in exchange of a small boost to Vitality that is not “that important”. Remember Toughness is for negating Direct dmg while Vitality is for negating Condition dmg (you won’t have lots of condi pressure in most fractals).
About GS: kitten I wish GS could comeback so we would have a more versatile rotation. Right now GS will bring less damage than Scepter-Sword/Torch and less utility than Hammer you can still go along with it but just know this. You might also be called out by some players in FotM and Raid Pugs.
Can confirm. Happened to me when when I tried to equip a condi removal for cleansing the immobilize at the end and was stuck in combat, there was no way of getting OOC. Anet please fix this.
You can always equip Superior Rune of the Trooper for extra condi removal on allies if that is the purpose of your build.
We know they can defeat Jormag.
Sending positive vibes.
Problem with GS is that every attack is highly telegraphed so anyone who has some idea of the class will easily kite/dodge.
Hammer was a great weapon with lots of CC when we could trait Glacial Heart, but when the trait was was moved to Virtues traitline and you had to chose between Absolute Resolution and GH all hope was gone for hammer. I remember Hammer/scepter+Meditations being a very powerful build pre HoT. Awesome burst.
For melee, right now, we have Sword, the symbol added on #2 is a nice touch, this weapon will shine if you trait Radiance and RHS. It’s not much but it’s what we have til GS, Hammer and Mace get a buff/rework.
Torch: fine
skill # 5 is just the most useless weapon skill that the guardian has.
Yes you can, I have them on my necro. Would attach a screenshot but I’m at the office atm.
Recently I was making the Lion’s Arch Exterminator (late, I know) and found some kind of office with a printing machine (where the karka is behind a flag). The guy crying on his desk while the others work really made my day.
i keep hearing necro is trash in raids/fracts/wvwvw now which IMO wont make him a viable main
how true is that statement?
The statement is totally wrong. Necro have a place in Raids (shining specially in Gorserval). Fractlals have some parties asking for only condi Necro. Since Viper and Sinister gear was introduced alongside Reaper esp. and Condi damage buff Reaper Necros have an easy time running PvE content. WVW is something I don’t play a long time ago.
NumenorLord.6539, it is, but thats the balance needed to make guardian gimmickly as other classes have their gimmick options as well.
Guardian w/o traps or meditations it is a bad build cause it gets killed easilly so players need to play with what Anet enforces.
I main a Guardian and LOVE the class. Don’t get me wrong I’m not trying to put down anyone who plays a Guardian in PvP. You argument is good, it’s what we have so we use it. But we all have to admit that having more than 1 DH trapper sitting on one point is really annoying and a guaranteed senseless death ak.kitten. The main issue here is matchmaking, not DH.
As you have multiple character slots I recommend to make 3 characters: 1 Heavy, 1 Medium and 1 Light. Just play with them and enjoy it, getting to level 80 (max lvl) is really easy in this game.
For heavy I would recommend either Warrior or Guardian, both are fun classes to play with, Guardian being more paladin oriented, Warrior being more physical.
Medium: Ranger is pretty new-player-friendly, kinda Pokemon (you have to find and tame your pets). Thief is also awesome for beginning due its great mobility.
Light: I recommend Mesmer, since this is the only game where I’ve seen a class like this. It relies a lot in randomness, illusions and creating chaos around enemies.
For races I recommend Humans or norns Because their starting cities are pretty easy to explore BUT you should pick something you like visually, remember it’s what you’re gonna be staring at while you play so pick something that’s visually appealing to you, no race is stronger than other no matter what they say (XXXX-master race, etc)
Have fun and welcome!
15 characters