Showing Posts For NumenorLord.6539:

Story Driven Class Change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


Rytlock was able to use a gun and a sword. Don’t think he was a warrior. Just saying.

What's Wrong with Raising the Level Cap?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


New level cap means new tier for gear. Gear that players have worked hard to get (Dungeons, FotM, Laurels, Guild Commendations, etc.) would become useless. An expansion has to be about content, not about grinding again to get BiS gear. I’m so glad level cap is not increased.

Guild Wars helped me keep fighting irl. TY!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


God bless you I will say a prayer for you. I sincerely hope you get better. It’s sad to read your story but it’s encouraging to know that you have the strength to carry on and keep on fighting both in Tyria and IRL. Keep it up!

AA Tests

in Guardian

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


Hello, thank you for sharing. Do you mind telling us what build you were using for the tests? I’m asuming you have traited Symbolic Avenger because of the Hammer results.

BWE 3 Dragonhunter Specialization Changes

in Guardian

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


Hello Karl, it’s nice to see that this is a step in the right direction, I see a lot of the suggestions and ideas in the forums being implemented. I’m still going to ask once more to consider to turn Traps into Symbols: This will bring a lot of synergy when a DH decides to use Symbolic Exposure, Symbolic Power, Symbolic Avenger and/or Writ of Persistence. Please consider it.

Pets for Dragon Hunter

in Guardian

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


Ok, I accept it’s a stupid idea :p imagine how epic would be to become a bearbow… But at this point I’m willing to post stupid ideas in order to have some light in fixing the spec. Changes for next beta event look more promising thou…

Pets for Dragon Hunter

in Guardian

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


What if, once the Dragon Hunter enters the Heart of Magumma he finds that he can tame some of the creatures that are in the jungle or, even cooler, that he can use his knowledge of dragon minions to control them and make him serve him? The whole point would be to have pets that Rangers don’t have, like Pocket Raptors or Mordrem Teragriffs.

I know pets have always been a controversial part of Rangers. Do you think the DH gameplay (PvE, PvP and WvW) could be improved by having them?

Dragonhunter is a joke...

in Guardian

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


The main problem with dragonhunter.


Been thinking about that too, we could have Spirits, Survival skills or even Pets (could be cool). Problem now is that we are sticking with traps. Good news is that the Dev team is reading these posts and a lot of the changes coming for next BWE3 were some place in the forums (reducing trap CD, changing Hunter’s Fortification, slowing Deflecting Shot, among others).

Now, we can keep on complaining or say what we want to see. I know I’m not the only one saying that Traps must become Symbols to have synergy with other traitlines. Also, LB skills must get a damage and speed increase. Virtues problem is already been adressed. Remember this is Beta we can help them improve with ideas, that’s the whole point.

BWE 2 Dragonhunter feedback thread:

in Guardian

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


Logged in. Realized that, as been said, none of the changes announced by Irinio and Carl had been implemented yet. Played a few PvP matches with Carrion amulet, same problems as before. Logged out and went testing Berserker in the new map (beautiful map btw).

I’d have to wait til BWE3 to write anything new. I know Devs are reading these posts because some of the things we’ve said have already been implemented. IMHO we still need ground targeted traps. Also, traps to become Symbols to make them work properly and boosting LB speed and damage.

Do any Celebrities play Guild Wars 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


Donald Trump plays… As an NPC, he’s a separatist in Diessa Plateau. Those kitten Charrs, they took ’er jobs!

Dragonhunter Changes for Next BWE!

in Guardian

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


I like:

  • Virtues problem being adressed. You should really consider adding Taunt for Spear of Justice because right now it’s subpar compared to VoJ. Also, the heal from Wings of Resolve should be insta-cast
  • Symbol of energy becomes a Symbol I asume, so it’s also nice.
  • Damage increase to traps buff to trap effects.
  • Deflecting shot but I will have to test it, was the least appealing LB skill and think it will be hard to make it work.
  • Hunter’s Fortification is now worth it, will serve the players that will play bunker and has interesting synergies with Aegis and Block related traits and skills.
  • Piercing Light trap CD YES! now we only need to make traps ground target.

Did not like:

  • You don’t adress Puncture Shot (auto attack) that is slow and can be kited just like Scepter. This needs to be fixed/buffed.
  • No changes to Cooldowns for LB skills such as Hunter’s Ward and this is one of the main issues with DH.
  • Buff to Dragon’s Maw is nice but needs to be increased to compete with Renewed Focus and Feel my Wrath.
  • If Traps could become Symbols we’d be abble to find the synergy that a lot of other specializations have already found. I will keep insisting on this.

Good work overall, kudos to the Dev Team, still a long way to go but this is a start.

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


To be honest, I don’t care if it’s called Carlos as long as it’s not the abomination it is right now. It needs a serious review from the devs.

Nice Torch you got there Warrior!

in Guardian

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


Guardian WAS in a good spot. You can see that because most specs got something from him:

  • Bezerker: Upgraded Guardian’s Torch with useful #5.
  • Herald: Shield skills that we’ve been asking for ages.
  • Reaper: Greasword pull and good AoE damage.
  • Tempest: Giving a ton of boons to your allies with increased duration (remember when bunker Guards mixed Monk and Water runes to have this before it was nerfed?)

The question here is: Why are we getting one of the least appealing set of skills in the entire game as our spec (traps) while everyone else (except Tempest prehaps) is getting buffs?

I hope we can be heard, that the suggestions we make are at least read from the dev team. Already got my account suspended last week for writting too much about this but I won’t stop, we have to let them know we are not happy with Dragon Hunter

Angel Tybalt!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


Nicely done. +1

Guardian VS Warrior solo PvE...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


I main a zerker Guardian but love to play on my Warrior (mainly PS/EA). Both classes are great, Guardian can be a bit more challenging for solo PvE because of low HP pool but Warrior is usually faster to clear content with.

If it’s your first time trying to solo I suggest Warrior because of mobility, regeneration, invulnerabilities and DPS and extra dodges on GS #3. After getting the grip of content and solo tactics switch to Guard and keep the one you like the most.

IMHO Warrior if you prefer burst, Guardian for a more strategic and a bit harder approach.

Mystic Forge - 2 Questions.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


Question 3
Mystic Forge: Y u no give precurser to me?

Nice Torch you got there Warrior!

in Guardian

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


First the Shield with Herald
Now the Torch with the Warrior
Behold, this week is Staff

Don’t forget after this comes Engi with Hammer… No surpprise if they can trait Glacial Heart or similar skill without messing their whole build.

Describe the Dragonhunter in 3 Words

in Guardian

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


I ususally don’t like to bring posts from other forums here, but this is just sad.

MediGuard Question [Conquest]

in Guardian

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


I say if it suits you better, just go for it. You’re losing the ranged attack but if you can deal with it and feel comfortable just do it.

Don’t let your Builds be Dreams. Do it Man!

Ok, seriously, Metabattle or cheese builds are not mandatory, less in PvP where seasoned players kinda know what each class is capable of.

What about Scepter/Torch+Hammer? You’ll get nice burning and CC. Problem with Hammer ATM is that Glacial Heart means no condi cleanse from Absolute Resolution. Go test and tell us how it was.


An anti 'Meta' rant.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


Message Body length must at least be 15.

"LB skills were generally well received"...?

in Guardian

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


I post to state I disagree, LB and DH are awful, needs to be rethinked and redesigned.

What needs a nerf?

in Guardian

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


It’s hard to say what needs to be nerfed when every other class is getting buffs. You might find that Medi healing is unnecesary in PvE but it’s the core of PvP Medi builds. I don’t use AH so I might say “nerf AH” but WvW frontline Guardians will jump out of their chairs. I don’t think it would be wise to say nerf this but buff that, it’s not the path to follow in this moment. So, the right question to ask IMHO is what can be buffed, especially refering to Dragon Hunter that has been proven to be the most dreadful and trashy Elite after BWE1.

3 Fastest Dungeon Paths

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


AC 3 in 1
Message Body length must at least be 15.

Describe the Dragonhunter in 3 Words

in Guardian

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


Worst Especialization Ever

To Fix DH I would...

in Guardian

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


BW1 is over. Big conclusion: Dragon Hunter s-u-c-k-s in both PvE and PvP. Some ideas to fix this abomination:

  • Traps are Symbols: This will finally bring some synergy to traps with other Guardian traits and weapons. Also Symbol of energy (LB #4) is now… a Symbol.
  • Increased attack speed while using Longbow: Pretty much like the Lead the Wind Trait from Rangers. Have in mind DH don’t have Opening Strike and Pets so I would suggest 15% increased attack speed if traited in Grandmaster.
  • Deflecting Shot: This skill has potential but it should be fired at enemies and not targeted. It could move slower to increase its effectiveness.
  • Hunter’s Ward: Reduce the cooldown 60 seconds is way too much. Ranger’s Barrage (pretty much the same) has a 30 second cooldown.
  • Traps Trait: A Major Adept trait pretty much like Ranger’s Trapper’s Expertise that increases condition and boon duration when caused by traps also makes traps ground targeted. Remove Piercing Light.
  • Dragon’s Maw: The trap also grants Quickness to nearby allies for 3 seconds upon activation.
  • Virtues: Don’t know where to start… Well, effects are instant cast, Wings of Resolve should be a stun break. Spear of Justice (when traited with Big Game Hunter) should apply Taunt (yay Taunt for Guardians!).
  • Hunter’s Fortification: Remove this, rework it, rethink it, go take a bubble bath with candles and wine. Don’t think there’s a more useless Grandmaster trait in the whole game.

My thoughts on Dragon Hunter after BWE1.

in Guardian

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


Stop trying make Dragon Hunter happen.

Dragonhunter and Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


Dragon Hunter is a subpar Ranger. Period. And I hate Rangers, it’s the only class I don’t play.

All other classes I tried during Beta weekend were, in one way or another, an improvement but DH is downgrade as the OP states. Main problems IMO:

  • Long bow speed. It’s way too slow. All skills are clunky. Besides it hits like a wet noodle.
  • Virtues. There’s a whole post about it but animations are slow. Besides that, benefits from activating virtues depend on the animations to end. Awful.
  • No synergies at all with other trait lines. It’s like you threw a LB to us and said “there you go, you wanted another ranged weapon now bugger off”.
  • Traps. No ground targeting and cooldowns are way too high. A lot of traps with similar effects. No trait to lower CD or to improve damage. Bad.

The concept of a Witch Hunter that uses ranged combat is cool but seriously, DH is just a Ranger with heavy armor, awful skills, bad damage and bad speed. Nothing new. May I suggest you to look into Blizzard’s D3 concept of Demon Hunter? You might get some ideas from there.

Dragonslayer theorycrafting

in Guardian

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539



Knockback and burn all the things!


New Legendaries and Materials

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


Create a guild, invite no one, invest on the vault and fill it with materials if you’re running out of space. Be patient. We don’t know what changes will come to legendary crafting and gift of metal is a huge investment to gamble, you might (will?) regret crafting it if you’re not gonna use it.


in Guardian

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


Using staff in dungeons where it’s not needed is a good way to get kicked. If you have a phalanx strength warrior or a might stacking ele then there’s no need for staff unless you were using it to kill volatile blossoms in TA.

Of course it’s up to you but like I say you may get kicked from pug groups if you do, use at own risk.


Bringing staff to dungeons is like going to war with water balloons.

Gifts of Exploration going forward

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


I think we should get the choice of purchasing one time and if you already have done map completion. I’m not sure about laurels I would say to charge gold instead or even to complete a collection (a kittene, something like the one you need to get the Dungeoneer Achievement) but running everything again is quite boring (talking from my personal experience).


in Guardian

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


There are two sides of the story to increase your survivability:

  • As been said, time dodges, blinds and blocks that comes with practice and time.
  • Run with other people who are metabuild users too. If you use the metabuild and pair up with snowflakes expect to always have low health. So my advice would be check out what are your guildmates running because if they’re Sentinnel bearbows you’re being used as cannon fodder.

3rd Anniversary is Soon.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


Wizard hat
Message Body length must at least be 15.

TP access seems illogical to me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


Step 1: Enter PvP lobby
Step 2: Look for the BLTC NPC there
Step 3: Leave the PvP Lobby

Not that hard it is?

Hammer effectiveness spvp post patch

in Guardian

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


Last patch left 2 abandoned childs:

  • Sword for PvE
  • Hammer for PvP

Medi builds right now work a lot around condition damage. I don’t like GS because with no Crit chance (Carrion Amulet) it’s unappealing to me and it telegraphs most of the attacks to seasoned players. Right now I’m using;0NFF30E3cF-90;9;4OnQ;0146147248;4Rs06T;91i
That is basically what everyone is using now. It has a nice burn burst, feel free to leave me your comments.

Suggestion: custom keybinds for classes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


as title states, I would like to see this implemented as a feature/option, reason for this is simple: different classes have different playstyles and class mechanics – a warrior for example has only an F1 burst skill but quicker weapon swaps, an ele has 4 attunements on F1-F4 that might require constant swapping and would likely require a more accessible set of keybinds (be it changing to 1-4 or ASDF or w/e) and a guardian only has 3 virtues that some people might prefer to bind to the side mouse 1-3 key on a Razer mouse.

keeping a global account based set of keybinds makes playing a different character more of a hassle, I’d love to see the option for keybinds being separated by classes/characters.

You could go F11 and change the setup everytime you swap classes if it’s a big issue for you.

Another thing you could do is buying a gaming keyboard or gameboard where you can upload different preset and change them fast. I use the Logitech G13 but only change the presets when playing with Engi, Mesmer or Ele because of the F4. You could check that out.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


Little change of subject, do you think we’ll ever get legendary Armor? ^^

I really hope we don’t. I have all the classes except Ranger (might make one if Druid is good) and only 1 with full ascended, another one halfway, the rest is full exotics with ascended trinkets and let me tell you it feels sorta grindfest with all the timegating and low level materials that we used to throw away before. So I’m just taking it slowly, transmutating at the forge the ascended armor pieces or weapons I get (great update btw) but I know I’m nowhere near gearing all of them in asended gear, Legendaey armor will mean starting all over again and lots of complains from the players. GW2 has not that much grind and most of us are pretty happy the way it is (talking gearwise).


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


I was thinking, since we work so kitten getting everything we need to craft ourselves a legendary weapon and the only advantage it gives us is a nice skin, but the stats are the same as ascended weapons that kinda made me think, is a skin worth the trouble?

So i was thinking, what about we slightly increase the stats so there is an actual difference to the other gear making it (to me) deserve it’s name as Legendary

what do you guys think?

You can chose the stats on Legendary weaopns while OOC so there is an advantage if you use it in different scenarios like PvE and WvW or use it on different characters that have diverse builds.

Why should you level Up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


Message Body length must at least be 15.


How bad is my DPS kitten if I use Sword(PvE)?

in Guardian

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


Sword dps lost explained here

Credits to Obal, Dekeyz and DNT

Selling Paths and Fractals:Issue or no?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


Supply and demand. As long as there are players willing to pay for paths or FotM (Really???) there will be sellers. I f they forbid using the LFG tool people will use some webpage, if you are old enough in this game you might remember using this: before the LFG tool.

I used to run and sell Arah P4 when I made the run with 2 guildes, people are willing to pay for several reasons, like titles (Dungeoneer and Dungeon Master) or for the skins. It’s how the world works, some persons work, others have money and pay.

New to GW2, not having fun

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


Message Body length must at least be 15.

PVE Might Stacking Build (Zerker)

in Guardian

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


Is might stacking for a guardian even worth it now with the specialization changes? I feel like it has been nerfed now as I can only sustain maybe 8-15 stacks on my own. We’re not like warriors who can pretty much support a party with a full 25 stacks with phalanx strength, forceful greatsword, strength runes, and strength sigils.

It never was worth it. Empowering Might which a lot of “might stacking” guardians used is a strait DPS loss for your team because of how poorly staff performs and even the might from it is pretty weak.

That said, I think we actually received a buff because Honor is a much better PVE line such that we can utilize Empowering might and contribute ~5 stacks without feeling guilty about going into a poor line. You can run a hammer/Mace+torch 11010 build and you lose ~500dps off your potential or about 3% off of the 14k possible with GS rotation.

We certainly can’t and never could match an Ele/Engi/War in might production.

^This. Guardian’s contribution before and now is more in terms of active defenses (blocks, reflects, blinds) Condi cleansing (Purging Flames, VoR) and damage, now with a nice addition of Feel my wrath (party Quickness and Fury every 30 sec) and Symbolic Avenger.

Wow nice to see an old thread revived, but Might stacking Guard it was never meant to be unless you pugged a lot and got yourself in some “not so good” groups.

good counter to burning guard?

in Guardian

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


Mesmer: Perma stealth, shatter with mantras (if they’re being used), go stealth, rinse and repeat (Guardian skills have really long CD)
Warriors: Time Berserker Stance for the Guardian burn spike (Purging Flames, JI, Torch 4, etc.), as said before Shout builds with Trooper Runes can neutralize really easy.

Stop Players from Dungeon Exclusions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


D — Create your own LFG party where you accept PHIW players.

Worst Elitist Pug you've met?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


I like to run over every corpse. And I grab all the shinies on Aetherblade fractal.

P.E.T.C (People for the Ethical Treatment of Corpses) is the new Meta and we’re not part of it you leave those corpses alone capitalist caveman!

Worst Elitist Pug you've met?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


I like to only run on zerker groups and more likely with my guildmates so we don’t get to tell any of the stories that are on this forum. Anyway, one day I pugged Arah P1 and 2 (none of my guildies was online) with my Warrior (PS) and got vote kicked for stepping on a corpse O.o it didn’t reveal stealth, didn’t kill anyone but guess there’s people who has such a narrow mindset in this game, joined another zerker pug, made the runs with no problem as usual.

Bored As Can Be

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


What to do:

  • Go for a specific look-Fashion Wars 2:In your Bank (Wardrobe) you can preview several armors and weapons. Combine how you like the best, take a screenshot and then go for that look (some are easy to obtain, others take a lot of effort and/or money).
  • Go for a title: I love my Dungeoneer title, some people settle with the Dungeon Master but there are a lot that you can follow in your Hero panel, some easy, some hard to get and pretty unique like Legendary Champion.
  • Go craft a Legendary: You don’t like any? Then craft it and sell it. Legendary weapons are the result of patience, hard work, mastering caftmanship and exploring all of Tyria.
  • Farm gold: Via dungeons, trains, flipping. This will let you buy things from the BLTP and convert gold to jewels, you can go for a more specific look or whatever you want to spend it.
  • Dungeons: Personal Favourite. So you don’t like the Zerker Meta? Don’t join such groups. Use the LFG tool to state Everyone welcome. Soldier gear only. I don’t care if we take 45 minutes to run COF P1. Make your own parties, there are Guilds (a lot!) that don’t follow the Zerker Meta and do dungeon runs, FOTM that take 3 hours, Guild missions and everything other guilds do.
  • PvP: It’s not as easy to master any class, know how to react in each situation and againts other classes and builds. There are ranks and paths that will give you rewards for unique looks, loot and the likes.
  • WvW: Just like before but at a larger scale and in bigger groups, no paths but you have access to siege weapons
  • Roleplay: Don’t know much about it but there are still huge goups that can be found most likely in Queensdale. You might ask to jin if that’s your thing.
  • Make an ATL: You know every Race has a specific begin for Personal Story? This will give you AP, AP gets you rewards every 500 and account bonuses. I recently surprised myself enjoying a Mesmer I made after 2 years and a half of playing this game.
  • Help new players: TBH, and I don’t want to be mean here, I doubt that you are veteran in this game if you think that finishing Personal Story Mode is “beating” the game. I might be wrong, and if you are profficient at anything, help the newbies. It’s challenging and rewarding because not many people does this.
  • Create and run your own guild: Hey, it’s Guild Wars and it’s pretty entertaining even if you have few members.
  • Explore Tyria: Really, it’s beautiful, full of details, talk to NPC’s, do Jumping Puzzles. The design team made a huge effort here. Don’t rush in.
  • Uninstall: If you need immediate reward for everything you do and like to be told what to do pretty much like any console game, unistall, maybe this game is not for you and there are a lot of options out there of more linear games like you’ve been told before.

Stronghold Feedback [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


Change trebuchet’s location. Otherwise they’re going to remian unused.

How to Improve Revenants ideas

in Revenant

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


Guess Sword/Pistol and the Shiro legendary stance will boost it.

I thought it was going to be Sword/Sword for Shiro. Please don’t tell me they removed that!

Just asumed that because of Ritlock was always seen using pistol offhand. Don’t trust my words, Sword confirmed, Pistol is speculation from me.

I think that pistol offhand is for Warriors, no?

Unconfirmed ATM, some say psitol some others say torch. We’ll wait and see. I f you ask me it will be torch, specialization will be some kind of besieger (ok, maybe I’ve been watching Vikings a bit too much lately).