Showing Posts For Orion Templar.4589:

Black screen and GW2 stops responding

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

A few times when the screen goes black, the game comes back a moment later, but with reduced FPS. If I go to the character select screen and select my character again so that the map reloads, then FPS is back to normal again. (Until the next time the screen goes black for a moment.)

Black screen and GW2 stops responding

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

I’ve really had no technical problems with GW2 up until the last release or so. Right about the time the update for Bazaar of the four winds was released I’ve been noticing that GW2 will run fine for a couple minutes and then suddenly goes to a black screen. The mouse cursor is still active, but the game itself stops responding. I can press ctrl-alt-del and get back to the desktop and the Windows host OS itself is acting fine. When I open Task Manager I see that the GW2 application is “not responding”. I can terminate GW2 and launch it again and it is fine for another few minutes before going to a black screen and hanging again.

In the course of troubleshooting what I’ve tried is:
1. Rebooting
2. Reinstalling current GeForce video drivers
3. Validating GeForce settings for FXAA are set to application-controlled

I don’t think it is a system overheat problem since the host OS is fine and only GW2 locks up. Out of curiosity is anyone else seeing a similar issue since the last update or two?

Speed stacking

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

Indeed – more info here too:

Festival hat vendor

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

Thanks, Vahkris. Glad I wasn’t overlooking it. Hopefully they’ll have not only this but a larger more comprehensive unlocked skin wardrobe feature in a near release. I know the skin wardrobe idea has been discussed in many threads already so I wasn’t trying to rehash that. It just became more obvious a need with the recent special event items that have light/medium/heavy variants that can take up a lot of space.

Festival hat vendor

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

In GW1 there was a festival hat vendor so you wouldn’t need to take up a lot of Vault space holding your unused festival items. As long as you had unlocked the item, you could get it back from the festival vendor.

I don’t think a similar vendor is in GW2 yet but maybe I’m overlooking it. Anyone know if something like this has been mentioned as in the works? I suppose for GW2 it would be more than just festival hats, but any festival items/skins you unlock.

This thought came to mind as I realized I had the three dragon horn items that I wanted to keep for “someday” but didn’t want to use them right away. I’d prefer not to take up three Vault spots if I didn’t have to.

Day/Night Cycle

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

Agreed – I’ve long wanted a way to show the Tyria time of day. The UI options are there for server time or local time, but not Tyria time.

Unhappy about the strictly single player

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

It sounds like flexibility is what people are after. Having dungeon/instance content that scales with the party size from as small as one up to a max party size would be ideal. But if that isn’t feasible, then having the option to fill out a small party with dungeon henchmen might be an option. Either way, some people like solo, some people like a partner, and some people like a group/party. The point is that people should have the option to enjoy content the way they want. Forcing solo or forcing group appears to be what causes the angst on both sides of the issue.

Horrible Targeting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

Some improvements would indeed be appreciated. I’d like to see the “target closest” function actually target the closest foe, regardless of which direction I’m facing. It seems like the feature currently only targets a foe immediately in front of the player which a much closer target might be 45 degrees off dead center. Also the right-click targeting really needs to be an option we can toggle off. I use the right button to control the camera all the time, and when the right button lifts if a foe was under the cursor I’ll often start targeting that foe. I never want to use the right button to target.

World Map Completion/WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

I agree that WvW shouldn’t be part of world completion. That being said, if I had to list what I thought were the top five most commonly repeated thread topics, I’d say this would be somewhere in that list. This topic comes up very often. Does anyone know if there has ever been a red response on any of them? When a topic comes up as often as this one does, and often has a broad (and passionate) base of support, I’d guess the development team would want to weigh in with a response?

Living Story: Lost and Found working?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

I noticed the same thing. I got the three items in Diessa Plateau and two items in Wayfarer Foothills pretty quickly. For the third item in Wayfarer Foothills I guested in multiple servers over three days. On the third day the last item finally appeared. It was a little frustrating, but at least it finally worked.

Target closest to work as intended

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

Agreed. This suggestion has been posted a few times, but it is very valid.

An option to disable right click targeting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

Even Lesh, One Day Ago

1) I agree that targeting has been a point of contention around here since everyone has a different opinion on how it should work. We have not forgotten about this issue, but it is pretty low priority, unfortunately. This polish would fall under the umbrella of a combat team.


Implying the Devs don’t know or care about this situation… but then I guess following the Dev tracker takes a lot of work for some people.

I think folks are primarily just asking for a toggle for the behavior. The quote says “everyone has a different opinion on how it should work” which is true, but if a toggle option is implemented, then everyone can have it set the way they prefer.

Molten Alliance Pick [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

Now if it was a full set (pick+axe+sickle) it might have been worth the $10/20gold.

Hear hear! I might have paid ten bucks for that.

Agreed. I’d spend for this on two conditions:
1. It was a full set of gathering tools
2. They were account bound rather than soul bound

As it is now? No.

super adventure mmo

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

Similar experience here. The kids gathered around the computer to watch me play in the Super Adventure Box and really got into it. When I felt like leaving to go play the normal game they were disappointed. I think the Super Adventure Box was a great addition – kudos to the development team. Also I wanted to pass along thanks for making it solo-friendly.

What is with these Dailies?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

I like the new dailies a lot. The recent one involving eating food though was a bit of a turnoff since as mentioned above, the completion of the daily means you need to eat food faster than the buffs would normally last so you’re essentially wasting food. I picture my character standing there forcing food into his mouth as fast as he can.

Why are your Tooltips so vague

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

Agreed – not just the tooltips, but the traits too need specifics added to them. There are so many traits currently that say vague things like:
“lasts longer” ? how much longer?
“increases damage” ? by how much?
“burns foes” ? how long a burn?
“effects are improved” ? improved how and by what degree?
“…heals you” ? how large a heal? any internal cool down?
I’m sure most players go to the wiki to find out the specifics, but we shouldn’t be forced to do that. The details should be in the game.

If you could add one elite to each class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

Guardians – Summon Spirit Army (spirit weapon) – summons 3 random spirit weapons that can be used alongside your regular ones. High CD.

I like that one and would love to see it in game. Honestly the Guardian elites as they are now are rather meh. The elite I’d add to the game is:

For 20 seconds your pet has a 50% chance to cause knock down.
CD 60 seconds

Dailies: Thank you Arenanet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

Agreed – the new dailies format is a lot of fun. On weekdays I don’t have much time to play, and the dailies are just the right amount of time commitment to log on for 30 minutes or so and have fun, earn a reward, and logoff until the weekend comes and more game time is available.

Why no extra rewards for doing 9/5 dailies?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

The new pick your own system is very nice. I hope they don’t add any more rewards for 9/5 because as others have noted above then 9 just becomes the new daily and it’s no longer a pick your own system. What they’ve got now is a good approach.

100% map completion not going to happen.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

Speaking as PvPer/WvWer I think you have a legitimate gripe. I actually don’t want players in WvW that don’t want to be there, aren’t contributing to the fight and are just trying to reach a vista or PoI.

Well said. I’m one of those people you don’t want in WvW. Whenever I have a toon I want to collect some WvW world completion items on I take off all armor, equip running skills, and see what I can do. It takes up a spot in WvW that would be better served by someone who wants to be there, and it isn’t fun for me either. When an invader spots me they have an easy kill. Maybe that is rewarding for them, but if I was in their spot I don’t think I’d feel any thrill of victory for squashing some poor pedestrian trying to snag a POI.

I think it’s a problem of definition, WvW is technically a subcategory of PvE which involves open-world team-based PvP.

I’d disagree at least on the definition. Since you are fighting other players, it is definitely a PvP game mode. Any PvE style elements to it are secondary. I think the GW2 wiki defines it well: “World versus World (also known as WvW) is a Player versus Player game mode…”

Poll: Race/Gender/Profession demographics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

Human – Female – Ranger
Norn – Male – Guardian

Do you really like the daily as it is ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

I like the new dailies, and am looking forward to the “choose your own daily” feature that is planned to be released soon. That being said, I’d love to see some mechanism introduced that would allow other ways to earn laurels that weren’t based on logging in every day. I’m thinking something like the Zaishen quests from GW1 where you could log on for two minutes to accept a quest but if you didn’t have time to play that day it was no worries. You could queue up to 3 quests and then when you had a block of time to play you could go knock them out and collect 3 quests worth of Z coins. I’d like something like that in GW2 for Laurels too.

Setup auto loot in WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

I’d really love to see this option implemented too. I’d like to turn on auto-loot and have items go immediately into my inventory without me needing to press a key. The incoming items should briefly show on the right side of the screen and then fade out like they do today. Having to press the key to pick up the loot doesn’t add immersion or fun – it just adds a small annoyance and adds a chance I’ll overlook a loot drop and miss something.

Revive Daily, Aggroing Mobs into Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

One option they could implement to help prevent the daily healer achievement from becoming a source of grief like this is to have the game damage your armor as usual when you go down the first time, however if you are rezzed and your keyboard and mouse haven’t been touched and you go down again, armor isn’t damaged. No special approvals, popups, or tags are needed that way. If you rez someone you don’t have to worry about whether they are AFK or not, since if they are you aren’t doing them a disservice since their armor won’t break past the first time.

Stopped Getting Kill EXP

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

Usually when I see a mob not give XP it’s for one of two reasons:
1. It’s a mob I just killed and it has respawned and I kill it again in a short timeframe
2. It’s a mob multiple people were attacking and I didn’t do a large enough percentage of the damage to get credit for the kill

Would you pay a subscription to play GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

I’ve really enjoyed my time with both GW1 and GW2 and they are really the only video games I’ve spent real time with over the past half decade. That being said, I wouldn’t pay a subscription fee for any game – even one I enjoy as much as GW.

Where Chickens Drop Better Loot Than Dragons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

in the case of Jormag’s Claw, many people wait another 5-7 minutes and WP in at the last stage of the fight to be a part of the mindless DPSing zerg and loot the chest. I don’t think this should be something that is rewarded by rares+.

I know what you mean. I’m wondering if they should adjust the percent chance of better loot from the chest based on the time a player was involved in the event. It shouldn’t be based on damage done to the boss, since you might be strategically fighting the mobs or ice pillars or whatnot to help the fight be successful for everyone overall.

In the example of the Claw of Jormag fight, I’d recommend that if you’re involved from start to finish, you should have a fairly high percentage chance of getting top loot from the chest. If you arrive only at the end of the event you should still have a chance to get top loot, but it should be a proportionally smaller chance.

/pose emote

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

I like this idea too. Sometimes when making screen shots I fire off a weapon so I’ll get an action shot. Sometimes I wait for the toe-tapping idle fidgeting animation to kick in so I’ll get a shot of the character looking around. It really depends on the scene and mood I’m trying to capture. Having some fixed poses would be valuable.

Underwater combat & Downed skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

Avathor, I must respectfully disagree with your post. I’ve spent a lot of time with the ranger as well and find the profession to be very strong in underwater combat. And in terms of the downed skills I won’t say the ranger is the strongest but I won’t say they are the weakest either. When lick wounds works, I’ve had my pet save me from being defeated more than once.

A new approach to transmutation

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

A skin wardrobe for armor and weapons has been suggested a few times before – I know I’ve seen it in more than a few threads. But it’s still a good idea and would be nice to see it added to the game. It’s always a downer when you have an exotic item with a skin you want to save, but you have another skin you’d like to apply to it. With today’s transmutation stones, you end up losing one of the skins. I’d rather see a system where you “unlock” skins by equipping them, and then they are available to apply to future items. It would be similar to how the dye system works now.

Forcing players to complete dungeons = bad I think

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

I empathise with the OP, I hate dungeons as well, not because I don’t want to do them (I want the rewards) but because getting into a group can be hours and sometimes days in the waiting… (I’ve only managed to get into a few groups and they were my WvW Guildies)

I know what you mean. For me it’s not that dungeon content is hated, but being forced to group up to engage that content that is frustrating. And not just being forced to group up, but that the group size is fixed. Sometimes I want to solo, sometimes I want to run with just one or two friends. I’d love to see dungeon content scale to any group size or else allow dungeon henchmen to fill out a small group up to the mandatory party size. Sure players who choose dungeon henchmen over real players will be at a disadvantage (AI issues) compared to a party of full players – but for most solo or small group players this disadvantage is worth it (not forced to rush, not be belittled by aggressive players, etc.)

I agree with everyone who is telling the OP why he’s wrong. If we cut out everything from a monthly or daily that someone didn’t like, we’d have nothing left. People are even complaining about the crafting part of dailies! In my opinion, anything and everything that is a part of GW2 is fair game for dailies and monthlies.

You’re correct in that personal likes/dislikes for certain activities shouldn’t necessarily be the deciding factor, however once they get the “choose your own daily” feature working that will surely help. Hopefully that mechanic will be added to the monthly as well. I’d like to add though that the achievements really are more focused on what you have achieved. I think any achievement that requires you to work with another person should either be removed from the daily/monthly, or else move it to an entirely new category of “group achievements” or something like that. Per my point above, I don’t mind grouping, but I dislike forced grouping in order to enjoy specific game content.


in Ranger

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

Agreed. I used to run Signet of the Wild on my skillbar a lot but I found that I rarely activated it because the cool down was just too long to justify the loss of the passive effect for an active effect that wasn’t all that great.

Need help with Daily Dodger please

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

I’ve not had a problem with the daily dodger with my Ranger. My pet only holds aggro half the time anyway so quite often the mobs are aiming at me. I dodge at the appropriate time and proc an evade.

Also as noted above, there are some mobs like the adult wurms in Frostgorge Sound where setting up the evade scenario is fairly simple.

Developer patch notes

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

Does anyone know if GW2 has regular developer patch notes similar to what GW1 used to have? I don’t mean the normal patch notes that describe what changed in a patch, but the more detailed developer discussion where the team described their thought processes on not only what they changed, but why they changed it and what factors led to the decision.

I found those developer patch notes to be highly valuable and I read them regularly. I’ve found that often if a patch introduces a change that a segment of the player base is unhappy with, knowing the reasons behind the change and developer plans to fine tune the change even more in the future can offset a lot of angst.

We’ve had some articles posted by the development team about large changes such as down-level adjustment, etc. and these articles are appreciated. But what I was thinking of were the more specific developer patch notes where every skill adjustment and line item was delineated.

Guardian Spirit Weapons were OP, apparently.

in Guardian

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

Make the spirit weapons skills go on cooldown as soon as you summon them, problem fixed!

Downside is that they die too quickly to be useful.

I would therefore propose the following:

  • increase the health by 25%
  • make the CD start when the weapon is summoned and not on death.
  • (this is actually for all pets) reduce the AoE damage taken by 75%

I’d like to see the weapons hang around now — not die after they timeout. This would compensate for the fact they can take damage.

I like all these ideas. There likely were some good reasons they felt the need to make Spirit Weapons take damage, but along with this patch they really should have reworked the trait lines and overall Spirt Weapon mechanics to compensate for such a major change.

How are Spirit Weapons doing?

in Guardian

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

Now that Spirit Weapons take damage I’m also seeing them hold aggro for me which is nice, but they also die fast. I see what you mean about Battle Presence, but honestly the passive from virtue of resolve is not that strong. I was thinking of the need for a trait something like the Ranger trait natural healing which in many situations makes a pet a lot more survivable.

How are Spirit Weapons doing?

in Guardian

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

I liked using Spirit Weapons too and am finding them to be less than stellar after the patch. We really need a trait that gives them natural regeneration or something.

"Kill" stealing with dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

From my observations things aren’t painfully bad, but it is interesting to note that in a group event if a player or NPC goes down, it’s not uncommon to see folks stop fighting and swarm over to revive. I’m guessing if some people get to the person/NPC too-late to participate in the revive they may feel “cheated”.

I’m not too concerned about it though. There are plenty of others to revive and getting that daily is not a problem.

Slough of Despond event cannot be completed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

In Frostgorge Sound there’s an event where you break the siege at Slough of Despond by destroying 3 dredge siege mortars. For the past day or so I’ve observed that this event has been stuck at 2/3 mortars destroyed. When you go there, all 3 mortars are destroyed, however the event thinks only 2 are destroyed so it cannot be completed. Server is Borlis Pass.

It’s not just today, but in the past I’ve observed this event get stuck in the same place.

Pet Names

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

Would it be possible that instead of storing the data for this on the ANet servers, that it could somehow be stored locally on your own PC?

That seems like a good idea. Since the game already doesn’t have name conflict checking for pets, why not store the names locally?

Pet Names

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

This suggestion has been around a few times before, but it is good and is worth bringing up again. I’d like to see the pet names stick even after swapping to a new pet in the pet management console too. As it currently is, sometimes when I want to have a specific pet out just for a little while I leave the name alone as juvenille pet since typing its name in again is a drag.

Alerting downed players help is coming

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

True, but that’s when they are already there reviving you. The OP is talking about a way to let a downed player know that someone is coming their way to help but hasn’t gotten there yet.

Option to Remove "Overflow" Message

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

Agreed – the “you have been moved to an overflow server” message should just be the normal colored text that appears for messages like a new build is available or when you discover a new area. It just appears on the screen and fades out in a few seconds. No button click to acknowledge the message is required.

When on an overflow server we’ve already got the notification on the mini map so having a modal window to notify of overflow status needs to be removed.

Dungeons for Casuals

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

Preferred possible solutions:
1. Scale dungeons to accomodate smaller or larger party sizes – solo or small group players want to enjoy dungeon content, and some have asked for larger group content too
2. Add dungeon henchmen to allow solo or small group players to fill out their party – sure they’d be at a disadvantage (AI issues) compared to a party of full players – but for most solo or small group players this disadvantage is worth it (not forced to rush, not be belittled by aggressive players, etc.)

WvW & Map Completion Alternatives [Merged Threads]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

If such a flag option was implemented, it might need a long cool down before it could be toggled again, or else if you flag into non-combat mode it would be permanent until the next WvW weekly reset.

My preference would be to just remove WvW from world completion.

I think the wiki is spot-on in the WvW article when it says “World versus World (also known as WvW) is a Player versus Player game mode…”

How do you get out of the Mists?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

Don’t you just click the PvP icon again and click the button to leave the mists?

Profession Gear Boxes (Laurels)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

We probably need to wait to gather more sample data. Possibly your results were at the bottom of the spectum in terms of luck.

Passive speed increases a poor design

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

If every profession has it, then you feel gimped when you don’t use it. But if everyone uses it, you might as well just get rid of it because it’s not a real advantage.

I know what you mean, but to be clear not every profession has it. I spend the most time with my Ranger and my Guardian. On my Ranger I’ve gotten quite accustomed to the passive 25% movement speed increase from the signet and it makes moving around the world feel more fluid and engaging. I’ve also found that I no longer need to use the warhorn just as a tool for getting around the map faster. I use it more often as what it was intended for during combat.

When I switch over to my Guardian, I feel very sluggish. It likely doesn’t help that my Guardian is a Norn, and all movement animations on the larger characters feel sluggish anyway. I find myself using the #3 on the staff a lot just to move around the map which feels like a waste. Even though the Guardian probably does not need an in-combat passive movement speed increase, I would love to see an out-of-combat passive movement speed increase.

Human Bias

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

The characters I spend the most time with are Human and Norn, but that isn’t because I liked the other races less. It was because during the betas I tried all the races and professions and it happened that when I was trying Ranger I picked Human for that one. (Had a Norn Guardian, Sylvari Elementalist, Asura Thief, etc.) After playing them all my two favorite professions were Ranger and Guardian. When the game was released, I just stuck with the profession/race combos I had from the betas and thus the characters I’ve now spent the most time with are Human and Norn.

Revamped Orr = more fun for this player!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

I’m liking the changes too. I like the new look for the Risen Abominations – they even look like they should be tougher than they actually are.