You would still fight against those better Players, while you’re getting Qed with average players.
Oh, you don’t mind to have them in the enemy team.
These question comes up in the forum from time to time and normally the questioner don’ t want blocked in his matches (excluded from own team and enemy team).
There is a good Reason why i do have people on my Blocklist. Mostly because they’re antisocial.
I don’t have to play with them in PvE or WvW….but in PvP you’re getting forced to do so.
I don’t care if I get higher Q-times.
Well that would be easy to abuse. Just block everybody who is better then you and get easy matches.
Hell no .. HoT made me quit the game.
So, you quit the game but still read the game forum and write in it?
It seems that you haven’t found anything better.
Is there a list of ones I can solo in new hot maps?
I have done all 40 HoT HP on all classes and have done each one at least on one class solo. Some are easier or harder on the different classes but normally you can solo them.
If you search for the ones where you only need to channel use dulfy.
I mean, undoubtedly premades DO have an advantage over 5 people chosen solely based on their mmr.
If that’s “undoubtedly” mind to explain to me way the win rate of five solo players is above 50% against five-person premade?
Only 1% of all Ranked matches played in season one were a full five-person premade group vs. a group of five solo players, and even then, the win rate for those five solo player teams in those cases was consistently at or above 50% throughout the entire season.
I like HoT, (I love gliding and the 3-dimensional maps.) so definitely, yes.
Good for you
I do what I can and I get between 15-20
Next time try this:
Every Pod gives at least 1 Crystalline Ore.
And getting 15 of them after playing DS for more than one hour is just a complete nonsense.
15? Then you are not opening all pods. I normally get about 50.
Nope, I got one.
Edited to add: please do post the video, Shylock! Especially if you managed to grab the game history at the end.
You have a PM with a Google Drive link to the video. The game history is at timestamp 19:49.
Lord and beasts are not gimmicks,
So you think an NPC, sitting in a castle where some classes can jump over the walls and with bugged warning so that you sometimes get a warning AFTER he is dead, and giving roughly 1/3 of the points needed to win a PvP match is a good mechanic? Beasts where only the last hit counts, which makes it to a lottery in favor of some classes, are a good way to decide tight matches?
Shall we remove trebs and channels?
I’m not against “Secondary Mechanics” but in general they should be skill based, no gimmicks, not in favor of some classes, no RNG and of course they should be SECONDARY and not giving a such big advantage that they dominate the whole match. So channels are good, trebs are a little bit problematic because they take only direct damage which is a big advantage for power builds.
Lets have maps that offer nothing but different terrain. That will make for a fun game mode.
I hoped the game designers of anet would find better ways to make matches fun and interesting than gimmicks and PvE.
If I want to kill mobs I go to PvE, there are thousands of mobs to kill. ;-)
- Remove grind based League/Leaderboard and give us back the old skill based Leaderboard.
- Improve skill based rewards, maybe by bringing back tournaments.
- Do frequent balancing patches.
- Ban people AFKing or throwing matches on purpose.
- Remove gimmicks (Beasts, Lord etc.) from the maps. This should be PvP not PvE.
Yes, HoT needs to be harder. I was sad when Chark Gerrent was nerfed to easy mode.
I mean, it’d be nice to see failure once… just once… 100% success rates are so boring.
The worst thing is Chark Gerrent is so easy now that even on the most casual random maps everyone knows what to do and kills him in 2 phases, making it very hard to get the achievements.
So basically I just need to lvl a rev to 80 to get the pieces via unlocking all the skills?
Nope, you have to do a collection for each part.
i have been playing this game since beta and i did not get any precursor is that part of the game design or is it because you want us to buy it always coz i feel realy lost !
RNG isn’t tied on time, it is tied on tries. So if you play a lot in short time you have better changes than playing very little over long time.
and the cooldown is only 10 seconds,
Maybe bugged CD like similar bleeding Rune.
You should test it over a longer period.
i would highly recommend watching the video booms linked
Backpacks video is great. For some more basic info you can watch this.
Id like to add that… if you want to solo lord, please make sure you have the correct build for it…
If you dont know if you have the correct build for it, try that build on forest beasties first. If you can kill those beasties without using up all your cooldowns and in a short enough time, you have a chance at it. If you dont…. please dont even attempt it.
Why ???
There is a lord with guards in the HotM. If you want to try a lord kill, try it at a lord.
You need to separate between downed and dead.
Rezzing downed is great and everyone should do it.
Rezzing dead is bad. It takes way more time to rezz a dead as to rezz a downed. While this long time everyone rezzing can’t help at the event but is upscaling the event. So if you rezz a dead you are helping one but are hurting dozens.
Therefore downed should be rezzed and dead should wp.
Anet, please go back to the original “play as you want” philosophy that gw2 started out with.
Wow, that I want everything but don’t want to work for it argument disguised as “play as you want”. There was never a “play as you want” philosophy in such a way.
When exactly was the time when you could progress PvP Reward Track while playing PvE, or get Dungeon Tokens while playing WvW, or earn a Prototype Fractal Capacitor in Dungeons … ?
If you wanted something you always needed to earn it in a specified way.
But someone who wins more than loses should progress. Right now that may not happen. A win ratio over 50% can still get you stuck.
If you win more then you lose you progress. You can get 1 or 2 pips for a win but only lose 0 or 1 pip for a defeat. So it is easier to gain pips then to lose them.
That makes 425 wins to legendary regardless of loses. That would mean that if you get at least 7 wins per day over the 56 days the league is up, you would still get to legendary, even if you lose other 7 times per day.
Leagues are not a reward track. Not everyone is entitled to progress.
Why you post unofficial post notes after the officials are posted in this forum?
So, when we’re exploring, and we run into a hero challenge we can’t complete because he keeps dying, or I can’t keep the aggro to keep him alive,
You don’t need every HC. There are many where no combat is needed and you only need to channel. Some are quite easy and only a few are more difficult.
I was under the impression that new players could also enjoy the game after lvl 80.
Fractals aren’t the only content after 80, and getting enough AR for low- and mid-level fractals is easy.
If all else fails, reroll condi mesmer. I didn’t encounter a hero challenge I couldn’t solo. I think it is the best solo class for doing the hero challenges.
I haven’t tried condi Mesmer, maybe I should try that too. On mesmer I used a power shatter build, which was quite easy too. In my opinion necro was the easiest, basically just facetank and kill the mob. This may change after I tried condi Mesmer.
Since doing them on thief was so difficult.
I solod quite many on my thief and didn’t had much problems. Sometimes I changed to p/p for ranged burst.
Time for me to go home. I’ll be monitoring this thread again tomorrow, so feel free to post anything you feel should be on this list but isn’t.
Ranked PvP not even counting certain matches
Thank you for merging the threads.
An answer or a notice that you are working on this would be nice, because doing a season and then not counting games and don’t giving earned pips isn’t cool at all.
If this is helpful I can upload the whole video of the match.
I hate to break it to you, but HoT is very much group oriented.
You can do it easily solo. Nowadays many people know the mechanics, so if someone pop a commander most of the times everything works smooth.
The wast majority of hot hero points requires goruping to get it down.
It is easier in a group but not required. I have done all 40 HoT HP on all classes and have done everyone at least on one class solo. Some are easier or harder on the different classes but normally you can solo them.
And the hot mainly relies on large, map wide meta events.
That’s true for the meta but you can solo event chains. For example you can solo the event chain of a camp in VB or TD. I have done this for a couple of achievements.
If you don’t try to facetank every enemy or run into zergs of enemies the HoT open world is quite easy it just isn’t faceroll on the keyboard easy as core Tyria.
Luckily I had ShadowPlay running, as you can see no change in Pip on the League Screen.
5 Minutes ago I won a ranked match on temple. I didn’t get pips for it and it isn’t in my Game History. :-(
Many of my blowouts where because some player get discouraged very easily. I had matches where players gave up after the loss of the first teamfight.
Leagues are not a reward track. Not everyone is entitled to progress.
Dulfy has many HoT Guides:
I have never seen that and I play HoT Maps quite often. So I would say that is very rare.
I wonder if the „Kill the Hydra Queen“ achievement is still bugged, or bugged again? According to the wiki it was bugged till 4/15/14.
But in the wiki are bug reports after that date.
I didn’t got the achievement a while ago and I killed Admiral Taidha Covington again at the weekend. I got gold participation in the event and a drop of “Mistward Coat Panel”
so I must have tagged her but again no „Kill the Hydra Queen“ achievement. :-(
bump. This happened again — two people left form a five-person party, and then the rest of us tried to LFG. I couldn’t, another couldn’t
Had this two times on the weekend. Someone leaves and you can’t relist.
How can elementalist chain buffs endlessly while other professions have them under long cooldown skills?
Revs have much easier access to boons then Eles.
Guards have protection boon on their auto-attack.
If you are placed on a team made up from bottom 10% players, your chances of the other team being better are 90%. And i hope some of the people i got teamed with were that low (because i’d dread to think that what i’ve seen was average).
Of course in the lowest tiers are the bottom of the player base, but that also holds true for the enemy team. So both teams get recruited from the bottom 10% or 20% of the player base, which means one good player has big impact in the game if he puts in effort and carries his team.
But the last point is really meh until they add a functionality that saves the Sigils in the stat slot. Because it’s true, you can swap the stats but why would you when going for another build usually requires you to use different Sigils as well. Being able to save (or at least ‘unlock’ a Sigil on the item by consuming it) Sigils (and then Runes for Legendary armor) I could see them having a much bigger incentive for players.
Legendary Sigils and Runes with swappable stats would be really cool. With that Anet could also raise Jewelcrafting to 500 to craft them.
since 90% player run zerker for 100% of their time, this is not a thing
Since the introduction of raids this is no longer true.
being place on team with no clue
If you are with 4 clueless against 5 clueless it shouldn’t be hard to carry them. So put in a little effort and get out of this low tiers. You get better matches in higher tiers.
(edited by Shylock.4653)
I even crafted Ascended breather and underwater weapons just for map completion.
Why you needed “Ascended breather and underwater weapons” for map completion?
I greatly support this endeavor and am posting to leave my endorsement. I realize it will take a month of effort for Lawton, but it is a month that carries more value for me than the other low hanging fruit you might be working on. Either way, thank you for the effort!
I’m on 4/17 all through WvW, wouldn’t be so bad if Elites were account bound, some of us do have 3-4 of the same class
I have 26 characters and know that problem. A better solution for altaholics would be nice.
Now people are getting PvP legendary backpack
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Shylock.4653
300 000 dollar wasted on E-sport tournement. I don’t call that ‘ignoring pvp’. They are addicted to pvp.
The prize pool is 200,000$.
GW2 earned over 81 Million Dollar in 2015.
200K is 0.25% of that. I wouldn’t call that wasting all their money in PvP, or addiction.
And now with HoT out, even more grind are needed just to unlock the new specializations
If you have done many Core Tyria Hero Challenges that took you 15 minutes, if not it took you about 1-2 hours.
Now people are getting PvP legendary backpack
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Shylock.4653
Time to stop ignoring the rest of the player base that doesn’t enjoy PvP
Is this a troll post?
Only a very small part of the game is PvP. If you want to learn what ignoring really means try PvP or even worse WvW.