Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Sirendor.1394
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Sirendor.1394
Since raising the level cap in GW2 wouldn’t make any sense like in other MMOs xpacs, Anet have decided to add new specs that we will be able to unlock ( level up) with HP.
Just consider HP as the new XP and elite spec the new level cap.
Interesting way to look at it Nausicca! There is indeed a striking resemblance between this and traditional level cap increases. Do you evaluate it possitively because of this or is this rather a criticism for pushing a “hidden level cap” on the players?
They are not removing wvw rewards, they changed the 250 one you get to a 20 miniute booster of sort.
Right and we know how useful boosters are… lmao. I rather just get my 250 WXP.
It also seemed that the main objective of the designers was to slow down players from obtaining these desired items rather than to create a satisfying feeling of achievement.
I honestly believe the entire mastery system is a layer of grind and on top of that grind, now we have map and fractal grind, and on top of that WvW grind, and it does not end there, sPvP grind for shards of glory.
…adding layers of grind to create pseudo-content?
Agree totally. This is one of the reasons I am turning away from this game more and more. It was a lot more enjoyable to play at launch then now. Now we have to grind to be able to do a grind to be able to play the way we like. Oh and to top it off here’s some more grind, 200 hero points in your face bish.
Also this is not me bashing on GW2. I really love the combat in this game, the class mechanics and the visuals, and I wish I could say this is a great game that allows you to play the way you wish, but truth is it doesn’t. Sure, it’s better than some other korean grind games I wouldn’t even want to touch, but ArenaNet has long abandoned the no grind statement, and I don’t wish to support this kind of game.
(edited by Sirendor.1394)
I don’t get these types of post aren’t all MMORPGs inherently built so that the players will grind for something? If there was no grind and everything was given to players, what exactly would you do in this type of game for end game content aside from PvP? Also what do you define as a “satisfying feeling of achievement”?
No… there’s games where players are allowed to PLAY the content they like without having to grind x then craft y etc. to then finally do the things they like. Sadly those games are rare because they’re not as lucrative as a massive grindmill that keeps players working their kitten off.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Sirendor.1394
they are different people is it that hard to understand?
im fairly new to the game, ive never made a too easy post or anything.
im just a little disappointed that i wont get to experience nearly 50% of the new maps without the spec i basically stayed around the game to get into.im sorry i didnt mean to offend anyone im just saying how i feel.
and that is disappointed.You have to play the expansion’s content in order to unlock the expansion’s mechanics. Is that too hard to understand?
Well.. the devs misunderstood.
-> Players: “Too easy”
- Easy = not hard
- Players: “Hard = challenging!”
- Devs “Hard = timeconsuming!”
- But: timeconsuming =/= hard!
- Timeconsuming = grindy
-> Players: “Too much grind”You do know how to read right? I clearly stated hero points, and you do have to grind hero points for each and every character you want to unlock elite specs for. Masteries aside.
Grind is not “time consuming”. Grind is not “playing through the game’s content multiple times.”
Grind in the context of video games refers to the repetitious act of repeating the same singular activity over and over.
Doing 40 different hero challenges? Not grind.
Doing 40 different hero challenges on multiple characters? Not grind.
Doing the same singular hero challenge over and over? Grind.
Doing the same singular event in hopes of getting that RNG drop called Sam? Grind.
Please people, get your dictionaries out and know what the words you are using actually mean!
There there pats shoulder
In the context of a video game like GW2… making the game timeconsuming (but easy) is the same as making it grindy. The game is timeconsuming in the fact that it requires you to repeat easy actions countless times (= grindy).
I didn’t want to include all hidden premisses, thought it was clear to everyone? But yeah I wouldn’t mind doing different content each time, but repeating hero challenges PER character is obviously grindy in the sense that it’s timeconsuming, and timeconsuming in the sense that it’s grindy.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Sirendor.1394
I have to say I don’t understand the forums.
Previously: Everything is too easy! We have nothing to do! Give us something, anything to do!
Now: OMG! You want us to do stuff??? This is uncalled for! Way too much to do!
Poor Devs.
Well.. the devs misunderstood.
→ Players: “Too easy”
This is why you should never pre order.
I actually am happy now I didn’t buy and don’t intend to. :p
Not buying for several reasons: steep price (not sure if it’s justified by the content it gives), lack of WvW changes (borderland change is free anyways), elite specs either ridiculously OP or UP atm (nerfs/buffs will be coming, then we’ll see what’s really viable), PvE content doesn’t interest me, a lot of my guildies are skipping it.
Will I play? I currently do not, but might hop back in if there’s an influx of old and new players through HoT.
My biggest kitten moment: when I realised I had been playing PvP on a thief with a completely wrong amulet(carrion instead of marauder) for 2 full days without noticing it.
The leader. No more needs to be asked. Anyone below leader rank can make no claim to “ownership”, though they may have their share of work involved, yet that was a choice, nobody forced them to work for their guild.
Hahah. I can see why some people hate roamers, because usually they make their builds to be able to fight 1vX and therefore beat other players who are less versatile and who run ‘easy’ builds.
Roamer builds require a player to focus on different playstyles the same time: basically being able to kill, survive in the heat of battle and run when the odds are turning. Because of this, playing as a roamer usually requires a lot more competence then playing a zerg build, and that’s exactly the point of roaming. The biggest pleasure of solo or group roaming is to fight a competent enemy, and usually the most competent enemy is another roamer.
(I am not talking about condi builds, those don’t have much to do with competence, though playing a condition build doesn’t exclude it.)
“It will no longer be possible to be in a squad and a party at the same time…”
This makes no sense.
I agree.
First off: I agree some combinations of stealth and condition are overpowered. For example PU confusion mesmers, trapper rangers… can’t be countered unless you build your whole spec around countering them (I sometimes run a shout guardian with trooper runes for a lot of condition removal). And even then you can’t kill them 1v1.
However! The right course to balance this is not to nerf either a) stealth, b) conditions, c) certain skills or traits that apply conditions. To achieve balance there’d need to be a thorough investigation into what precisely is “overpowered” in relation to condition damage, stealth, traits, skills, sigils, runes…
Tuning down conditions only will make certain skills of specific classes underpowered. Tuning down stealth will hurt classes and builds that use stealth without conditions. Tuning down skills might nerf certain builds too hard, while still allowing others to be overpowered.
A good balancer will notice that he has to check on each of the points in this complex system, i.e. a holistic approach. I however, am not the one responsible for this, but merely an observer. So I really hope the developers will see the reason behind such an approach, and instead of ignoring the problem or handling it in the wrong way, consider it as the solution.
All is vain.
I see what you did there.
Only veteran forum users will understand this one. :P
Ahhh please don’t QQ about condi being too strong. I don’t run condition builds often, but it’s true that against some specs, conditions are too strong. But what about builds that are made for condi clearing? Maybe it’s time we redefined the meta.
The same is true of SPvP. Meta defines there, but when me and a friend ran a double burn guard spec, it was countered hard by 1 single shout condi removal guardian on enemy side.
What people need to do in roaming is accept that some specs will always beat others, so they need to adapt.
(edited by Sirendor.1394)
I have done this before, but that’s years ago. Our tactic was 2 thieves, both using dagger storm. Opening, one of us used his SR. We then used the DS in Smoke Screen, comboing for blinding projectiles. Smoke screen has a 7 second duration, and will also reflect any projectiles. After the initial attack (downing several enemies), we would then shadowstep out and enter another shadow refuge. Then we’d just hunt targets who had dropped low and continue downing and stealthstomping. Weaponsets s/d – d/d or d/p.
Mists of Pandaria
This is something really deserving attention. Particle effects should definitely be scaled or reduced in some way. If the current scale of particle effects is “100%” please allow us to make them smaller by at least 50%.
Just my 5 cents:
TLDR: If you don’t like doing something, don’t do it. What you like, isn’t necessarily what someone else likes.
15 charrrrrr dancing in a row
I will never understand why people hate conditions so much…
Passive play.
1. Apply condition
2. Kite
3. Enemy clears condition after x damageRepeat until 3. isn’t longer possible because enemy is through his condi clears.
I do not think passive play means what you think it means. You have to land a skill to apply conditions.. Precisely like you have to land a skill to apply direct damage.
It is a very simple concept.
Landing a skill/Taking a button press action = Applying Damage
I think part of the issue here, is a fundamental lack of understanding of how the game works.
Step 2 makes no sense in a direct damage scenario, because it does not benefit damage output in melee situations. Condition damage however, still hits the enemy regardless of application.
No, condition damage does continue hit the enemy.
Direct damage attack lands and does 5000 damage instantly.
Condition application skill lands, does 1000 damage per second for 5 seconds. That’s 5000 damage over 5s.
It is true that you need to apply it once. But after you have done that (and your condi has a sufficient duration), it requires no further action of the player.
Example given: trap ranger. He drops his traps, waits till you walk in them and then all he has to do is wait till you drop dead. It requires no further activity on the trap ranger’s end. Of course usually you have at least 1 or 2 condi clears, but once you’re through these, it’s simply a waiting game.
Aww on FoW my corpse got danced on yesterday. I invited the dancer and we had a nice chat, expressing mutual respect for another good player.
P.S. Can you be banned for excessive use of smileys? Please say you can.
Yes please. Getting headache of reading
Is the hacker still active btw? I haven’t seen him today.
Tsssh Aurora Glade. I remember fighting you in Gandara back in 2013 before it became a bandwagon server, you were always worth fighting. ^^ If RoF fights against Aurora Glade, it’s a good pick.
Pls Klaus.
Stop justifying, everyone knows that not the whole server Blacktide is hacking, and that it’s usually only 1-2 hackers. But your “it’s just players” argument isn’t really valid.
If there was a hacker on FoW taking everything, I wouldn’t go join him in his caps and profit from it. Some blacktide players did this, and it isn’t good or right. I’m sure some players from other servers would do it, but again, that does not make it the right thing to do.
And (of course) don’t blame the players… it’s not you managing the game and allowing this kind of kitten to happen. If ArenaNet had more active moderators (like 1 per server) that would already make things a lot better.
Hey hey. This last half hour a guildie and me have been following the underworld hacker.
He started with flipping the blacktide keep in Eternal battlegrounds. Then he tagged FoW keep, but stopped. Then he took Langor tower, then Bravost, then Jerrifer’s (blacktide side), then Aldon’s, then he returned to take FoW keep.
At Langor, one of our server was waiting outside the walls while suddenly the tower got flipped, he hadn’t seen ANYONE at all breaking down walls or gates. So that’s proof that it was the hacker. At FoW keep we climbed on rocks in the area and saw NOBODY standing at the lord room, yet it was being capped and a few seconds later it switched to Underworld.
Please come and monitor the match-up of Fissure of Woe, Blacktide and Underworld! We’re trying to get recordings of this right now.
I don’t have problems with the dmg output from my enemys in wvw (both power and condi). My pet has sometimes though, but this is more an issue with ranger/petdesign, not a problem with dmg in general.
Passive play.
1. Apply condition
2. Kite
3. Enemy clears condition after x damageRepeat until 3. isn’t longer possible because enemy is through his condi clears.
1. Apply direct dmg
2. Kite
3. Enemy healsRepeat until 3. isn’t longer possible because enemy has no heals anymore …
Step 2 makes no sense in a direct damage scenario, because it does not benefit damage output in melee situations. Condition damage however, still hits the enemy regardless of application.
I will never understand why people hate conditions so much…
Passive play.
1. Apply condition
2. Kite
3. Enemy clears condition after x damage
Repeat until 3. isn’t longer possible because enemy is through his condi clears.
I also encountered this problem. I was dyeing my armour blue and red (don’t ask why) and it showed up blue even though I had red slots.. it’s not a gamebreaking bug, but still annoying.
Temporarily fixed.. you mean we can now load a toon into a map but then sit waiting for it to crash any second.. or take our chance and try changing maps to go do something usefull, only to find your stuck back in the same loading screen you have been waiting to load for hours previous.. nah it aint fixed, far from it.
Well yeah that’s true. What I ment is that if you’re lucky you can stay on for a longer time. :P I managed to do 2 full fractal runs without dc, but later dced anyways, so I am very happy it didn’t happen during the fractals runs.
I have had it too!
For me it’s linked to this new error a lot of people are receiving, that makes the game crash, makes loading screens take 5 minutes or more and crashes on loading screen.
After I first dced, my character was moved from the fractals of the mist portal in LA (in southern part of the map) to the bank and mystic forge in LA (which is in the northern part of the map).
I personally thought that I imagined it, or forgot where I first logged out, but this thread confirms that it is all connected somehow and something is askew in ArenaNets servers.
Update: finally managed to log back in, hope it stays that way..
In case you (ArenaNet) haven’t noticed: there’s an ongoing problem at the moment of people (including me) unable to connect to the game, disconnected several times in a row and then unable to get past loading screen.
There have been mentions both on reddit and the bug forum, but no reaction yet.
So please, address this issue. It’s obviously on your side, because many at the same time are experiencing it.
Same issue, kicked in fractal run. Tried logging back in (now over 5 times), stuck on loading screen then crash.
Error code:
Update: I tried relogging another 4 times now. All times I stay stuck on loading screen.
Two times I have gotten gray screen after a while and a message saying:
“The game client lost its connection to the server. Please wait a few minutes before restarting the client and trying again. (Code=7:11:3:191:101)”
Thanks, arenanet, I have just been kicked out of a fractal run. And yes, my connection is fine and has not been affected by anything, because I can post on these forums without sudden connection drops.
I can’t log in either.
I have it too… just dced 3 times in a row. Then I try to log back in and it takes 5+ mins. I have closed game 2 times already.
Premature community backlash.
Being lonely fanboy
Back to Work
- for the devs
Srsly though; tempest brings nothing elementalists can really use…
Record him, send to anet. Then they should track his original account and ban that one as well.
One of the big guild leaders on FoW (Psychotic) has made a thread and posted 2 videos with clear evidence of hacking activities… what more do they possibly need?
Well looks like my transferring options have suddenly become a lot better. Thanks guys! Maybe now I will be able to experience a vivid wvw experience!
I won’ t buy the expansion becouse I’ m a ranger.
But but rangers get to be druids using staffs and nature magic and stuff. How can you not want to buy it?
I was always going to hold off on the expansion, but I don’t like to burn bridges.
Could be a while, could be never, it’s up to them.
This has me curious. Didn’t you, as forum specialist, get selected based on favoritism towards the game and it’s developers? The obvious answer based on this is, no. I see that as a sign of honesty on ArenaNets side, but they really should just listen to the wishes of their customers more, that way people are happy with the game and buy expansions because they want to.
that’s not what I am talking about, guilds would form alliances not Anet, guilds within would have control over alliance composition, so it would strengthen the ability to play with whom you wished not weaken it.
What happens to people who are unguilded, but an integral part of the existing community? I know tons of people who are in small or solo guilds and losing them in the shuffle would not be good.
Actually look at it this way: an alliance is an open structure, meaning it could contain 4 guilds of each 100 players, or it could contain 20 guilds with 20 players.
Often, players that are guildless BUT work together with guilds often see themselves as a an integral part of their “server”. In an alliance they could just be categorized in a sub-group of the alliance like “lone wolves”, that doesn’t work like a guild (no ties, no guild chat…), but allows them to have a place in the alliance anyways.
Though I don’t know how far you’re willing to go (e.g. potentially untie WvW from servers or make it work another way?), but I believe this to be a step in the right direction.
Transfer prices are definitely out of line, and population indication is horrible.
Remember this post from Devon Carver? It’s been over 2 years and WvW is pretty much in the same state it was back then. Actually, if possible, it is in a worse state.
I cry when I read that post from Devon… it sounds like he really wanted to make this a better game mode, but I believe he never actually got to it because he didn’t get the chance: restricted funds, no say in things… sad really.
I agree with most of your points aswell.
Took a break from the game and played for the first time this year when the major patch was released last week.
It overwhelmed me and the matches that ensued were pure chaos, but in a fun way. All professions were present as people discovered viable builds to play.
As things began to settle, I’ve noticed a huge decline of engineers and rangers in matches. It became noticeable in the last 2 days especially. Engineers had a bigger decline. Today, there were no engineers present in 6 straight matches.
I only play light armored classes but was aware that they used a bug with grenades. The bug is only a problem if I’m against a premade team. Otherwise, they weren’t a big threat even when they used the bug because most wouldn’t even land.
After the fix, why can’t engies play a different build? Are they really that dependent on grenades? Or is the class messed up?
I don’t know about rangers declining numbers.
The current distribution of professions look something like this:
30% guardians
20% mesmers
20% eles
15% warriors
5% thieves
5% necros
3% rangers
2% engiesNot healthy for pvp at all
Classes I see most to least (based on my PvP playtime since the patch):
You should probs post this on engi forum aswell. And I agree.
My ele hits about 1.5x more, but it is still weak compared to other classes because now it can not even survive in fights that have more than 3 players in it.
So yeah, damage decrease would balance the game a bit, cause right now having toughness and vitality makes a marginal difference, only thing that works is active defense.
Ah, I see, well I don’t want to derail this thread (cause I really like the idea of naming classes by their specs). It might be possible to dodge it, but it’s instant cast and a shadowstep.. so I don’t think it’s easy to dodge. Maybe if you’re blocking/dodging right at the moment the steal hits… but it would be very hard to predict.
/continue nomenclature discussion
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