I liked the part when the OP completely skipped Water Magic.
Lol! Good one. :P
If I run a thief with Deadly Arts, Trickery and Acrobatics… I would be a DATA thief.
And yeah… those trait lines are seriously overpowered xD
- Sepent’s Touch: stealing inflicts 2 stacks of poison, attacks in downed apply 2 seconds of poison
+ Mug: Deal damage and gain life when stealing.
- Lotus Poison: Weaken targets for 4 seconds when poison.
+ Panic Strike: Striking a foe below health threshold: 2,5 immobilize
-Exposed Weakness: 10% more damage if target poisoned
+ Improvisation: When you steal one skill category is recharged, can use stolen items twice.T:
- Kleptomaniac: Steal gives 2 initiative
+ Thrill of the Crime: Steal gives fury, might and swiftness (10s)
- Preparedness: 3 extra initiative
+ Trickster: Reduced recharge on tricks, remove condi on trick
- Lead attacks: 1% more damage per initiative, 15% faster steal recharge
+ Bewildering Ambush: Steal applies 5 stacks of confusionA:
- Expeditious Dodger: 2s swiftness on dodge
+ Pain Response: 10s regen and remove conditions when struck below 75% health
- Feline Grace: 2s vigor when successful evade
+ Swindler’s Equilibrium: Succesfully evading with sword reduce steal recharge with 1s
- Endless Stamina: Effects of vigor 50% better
+Don’t Stop: Effects of cripple and chill reduced by 50%DATA might well become the new thief meta.
Overpowered until people learn to dodge steal. Then the spec loses quit a lot of it’s significance.
What’s this dodge steal you speak of? Does it also give you fury, might, swiftness, recharge utilities, give you two fast attacks, drops 5 stacks of confusion on foe, deals damage, heals you, poisons foe, weakens foe (oh and I forgot it also converts and steals boons from enemies if you take another trait instead of trickster)?
Face it… Data thief OP.
Haha, UW, love you guys.
If I run a thief with Deadly Arts, Trickery and Acrobatics… I would be a DATA thief. And yeah… those trait lines are seriously overpowered xD
- Sepent’s Touch: stealing inflicts 2 stacks of poison, attacks in downed apply 2 seconds of poison
+ Mug: Deal damage and gain life when stealing.
- Lotus Poison: Weaken targets for 4 seconds when poison.
+ Panic Strike: Striking a foe below health threshold: 2,5 immobilize
-Exposed Weakness: 10% more damage if target poisoned
+ Improvisation: When you steal one skill category is recharged, can use stolen items twice.
- Kleptomaniac: Steal gives 2 initiative
+ Thrill of the Crime: Steal gives fury, might and swiftness (10s)
- Preparedness: 3 extra initiative
+ Trickster: Reduced recharge on tricks, remove condi on trick
- Lead attacks: 1% more damage per initiative, 15% faster steal recharge
+ Bewildering Ambush: Steal applies 5 stacks of confusion
- Expeditious Dodger: 2s swiftness on dodge
+ Pain Response: 10s regen and remove conditions when struck below 75% health
- Feline Grace: 2s vigor when successful evade
+ Swindler’s Equilibrium: Succesfully evading with sword reduce steal recharge with 1s
- Endless Stamina: Effects of vigor 50% better
+Don’t Stop: Effects of cripple and chill reduced by 50%
DATA might well become the new thief meta.
I have actually seen many great thief commanders. Most using tanky builds based around group support.
While some may argue that thieves fail at commanding cause they can’t soak damage and can’t spearhead… well true, but they have so much utility in stealth and they’re very mobile. Of course the typical zergling will have trouble following their thief commander, but I guess it depends on the zerg more than on the commander in that case. Most commonly though, there’s thieves as second in commands, next to eles, because they can stealth their commander and core.
Class-wise I think this is my hierarchy of what’s worst-best:
- Ranger
- Necromancer
→ usually egoistic builds, not extremely strong or tough, lack mobility
Hard but viable:
- Mesmer
- Thief
→ stealth and deception utilities
- Engineer
- Elementalist
→ heal fields, might fields, tons of group support
- Guardian
- Warrior
→ utility, swiftness, tankiness… they have it all
Haha, so my options are still quit or grind. Yay. :P Guess I’ll need to go play PvE for some weeks. >.<
This is not a matter of entitlement. It’s a matter of rewarding loyalty and being fair to people.
Four of my friends have recently transferred from Fissure of Woe to higher tier servers because there weren’t many good fights around. I personally do not have the stomach to grind 300+ gold just for a simple transfer, nor do I feel like paying $20 for a transfer because that feels like a rip-off. I’d rather quit than do that to be honest.
Any suggestions for a desperate WvW player who likes WvW but can’t play it because his server is not populated enough? Free transfers: I am all for that. Only reason to transfer is WvW anyways.
Bad change in my opinion. More power creep and more grind.
We have heard, and loudly and mostly in all caps, the voices of the entitled generation, the folks who believe… actually, I dono what they believe.
Now, here is the voice of the other side, the side that feels that Anet has set a fair price. The side the believes it is not just a novel idea, but ground breaking to release an expansion with the base game (They were not first. Distant Worlds did it as well… but certainly in the MMO side I think). The side that do not feel they are being robbed because someone else is getting something they did not get (Not even sure how you logic that out). The side that supports the game and acknowledged that Anet employees do not work for charity (Gasp!).
The side that will… Buy 2 copies of HoT!
Yes, I will do that, and I will gift one copy to a friend, and bring someone into the game I would not be embarrassed to see talking in map-chat.
Cheers Anet. See you in HoT!
You forgot the side that doesn’t care that new players are getting the game for free but feel that HoT is too little content to warrant a 50$ price tag and that the only reason it has a 50$ price tag is because they bundled the value of the core game into the price of the expansion. All these people want is good value for their money but so far they aren’t seeing it. Entitlement has nothing to do with it.
Pretty much this.
Get better jobs if this is too steep a price.
It has nothing to do with being too expensive to afford. $50 is basically nothing to someone with even a mediocre full time job. I have seen this faulty argument at play a ton of times over the years, and it has never made any more sense than the first time I saw it.
Indeed. It’s not so much about price, it’s about worth. I could throw money at anyone at all and not be broke, yet I don’t do it. Because I don’t think they’re worth the money.
It’s like going to a portable shop and buying an iPhone because it’s cover says “iPhone”, but in quality there’s models available for half the price and just as good or fancy. But, by all means Pimsley, throw your money at Anet, I’m sure they’ll thank you for it by ignoring your favourite game mode for 3 years (~hint~ wvw ~hint~).
Not going to pre-purchase.
1. I don’t need another copy of the core game.
2. The base price is too high for an expansion that features a ton less of content than the core game, yet costs the same.
3. There’s other games that cost half that, and are a full multiplayer game
4. While I was very hyped for GW2, only a few features of HoT interest me: guild content, specialisations and revenant. So I’ll wait until this game goes on massive sales, or price gets adjusted.
5. Current info about the content HoT will give us is shallow at best.
(edited by Sirendor.1394)
Looking for an inter-server guild that fights in EotM, my own server is pretty dead so can’t find fights in there. However, very much interested in PvP cross-server, zerg-busting and whatnot.
@Insane & Arioso:
Fair points, I didn’t look at it that way. Of course if they rename these skill types and completely change the way they’re perceived (what Arioso calls “themes”), it could “mechanically” be a chargeable mantra gadget for example. Like now we got some elixers doing similar stuff to magical spells, but “working techy”.
Still in my opinion the feel wouldn’t be particularly mantralike, and it would be kinda contrary to what Anet are trying: to add distinctive skill sets which repeat in several classes: shouts, wells, traps being examples.
Even though of my personal stance here, it’s food for thought. Thanks for the reaction.
My thoughts:
1. Engineers do not rely on magic, so all the spellcaster classes are improbable: no mantras, manipulations or glamours (mesmer); no cantrips, conjures or arcane (elementalist); no meditations, consecrations, or spirit weapons (guardian); no wells, curses or minions (necromancer).
2. Nature is the complete opposite of technology, and so ranger is also out of the field.
3. That leaves open pretty much anything related to the non-magical classes being warrior and thief: stances, physicals and shouts (warrior); deceptions and tricks (thief).
Out of the proposed, I really think physical skills are the most appropriate, combined with a really physical weapon, the hammer.
Those are just my 2 cents.
I loved playing monk with smiting.
1. Lordkrall… just stop. This is both about WvW and about bugs, so it doesn’t really matter. You are not a forum moderator, so don’t order people about. If a forum moderator moves the thread, so be it, until then, no need for your griefing.
And yet it is the place where it is most likely to be seen by the right people.
Fact remains that this is a thread that is supposed to be over there rather than over here.
2. On topic, this is not a light bug, there have been dev posts stating they were trying to get to the core of the problem, and as of yet, it seems they haven’t managed to find it yet. I agree with the OP however that exactly because it’s such a big bug, it’s also game-breaking. Fix for this should be high priority.
Awesome. Looks like an extremely active build requiring a lot of thinking and very dynamic movements.
Nice channel for anyone who’s not familiar with necro. Thanks!
IF YOU HAVE LESS THAN 3 PEOPLE ON YOU THEN YOU ARE INVULNERABLE – this is to prevent commanders using 50 man zergs to chase roamers.
GG, you won this thread.
Because… dps is king.
In a real war no comm would be dumb enough to either be so easily spotted or be out front all the time.
Besides, why even bring it up, it’s not like they ever change anything in wvw anyway…
Nothing more to say.
I am sorry, what? So, because you are so bad in PvP that you die when your oversized dorito dooshebag dies, commanders need to be buffed? If you die, because your dorito dooshebag dies, that means one thing and one thing only: you are an even bigger dooshebag. Learn to use your brains, please, and step out of the zerg.
If someone out there is assassinating commanders… please do invite me over to the party. I will happily participate, solely for the joy of annoying the aforementioned dooshebags.
Removed the Orb
Removed Buffs
Removed Quaggan event for stand in circle Ruin event
Nefed stand in circle Ruin buff
Removed Players Upgrades to keeps and campsSeems we’re getting there, there is not much left going for this boring BL map.
You only need to remove the kitten map! …Oh wait, you are going to remove the map.Victory at last! Map defeated.
I lol’d. Seems the only kind of WvW change ArenaNet knows is removal of things.
Ironic, considering fortitude and strength was added to WvW (without anyone ever requesting it).
Ah Ah! But before anything can be removed there has to be something “added”. It’s just curious that we didn’t really see many additions, but a lot of things were removed (orbs, storm isle, now ruins, bloodlust, applied stacks…), while in most other games there’s continually expansion on existing content.
Reasons why I stopped playing WvW:
- Balance: there’s no balance between servers and the match-up system is flawed (coverage is king).
- Boredom: no new “WvW” (no EotM) maps or other content additions, siege weapons are still the same, objectives are still working the same etc… it’s boring
- Guild content: while promised in the launch of the game, WvW saw no guild-based additions. Capturing keeps/towers means nothing, because flipping them is so easy and guilds can’t customize anything.
- Zergs: require zero strategy and very little skill, yet they are promoted by the game: more tagging, more loot. Coordinated players can take on these zergs, but it’s always a two-sided sword: become a zerg or be killed by one.
- Loot: loot is abysmal compared to other game modes, ’nuff said
- Roaming: while one of the most challenging areas of this game, there’s just not enough support in-game for it.
Removed the Orb
Removed Buffs
Removed Quaggan event for stand in circle Ruin event
Nefed stand in circle Ruin buff
Removed Players Upgrades to keeps and campsSeems we’re getting there, there is not much left going for this boring BL map.
You only need to remove the kitten map! …Oh wait, you are going to remove the map.Victory at last! Map defeated.
I lol’d. Seems the only kind of WvW change ArenaNet knows is removal of things.
Been waiting for this. GADGETS FOR PRESIDENT!
Heheh. A while back I saw the biggest norn possible, with no hair and a huge moustache. Talked to the guy and then joined him and his partner for a couple of TPvP rounds… size doesn’t matter. He just rolled through everything, even though he was so big. I guess he blotted out the enemies’ screens with his bulk.
I haven’t bought anything but applied str/fortitude.
You remove them and I prolly wont even spend 1 point.
Exactly. Not everyone likes sitting on a ram and pressing 1 button, or on balli, or on cata, or on treb, or etc etc etc. Thanks, but no thanks. Can we exchange our WvW exp for something please?
Greaaat… now there’s nothing in the ability system I even want. GG WvW abilities useless.
When everything is useless, it’s balanced. Look at the elementalist elites.
Sure, but then there’s no point in using them anymore either. Who uses elementalist elites? Nobody, unless they take the FGS for a quick rush with #3 and #4 and then drop it..
Play the game for another 2 years, and you’ll soon change your opinion to “leveling is slow”.
It’s not like “levels” is a concept of this time and age. In my opinion, their worth has been compromised long ago. I simply do not care about seeing a number go up every few hours. Games should be a lot less about metrics, and a lot more about “playing the game”.
Greaaat… now there’s nothing in the ability system I even want. GG WvW abilities useless.
It bums me out to see so many folks dismissing wells entirely without considering (1) the different game types and (2) that they are an easily swappable part of our utility set and not the entirety of our utility set.
(1) I only play PvP unfortunately> blink & decoy are superior
(2) That is completely true. Maybe I’ll take them for the elite, but can’t see myself taking heal or utilities.
The other parts of chronomancer I really look forward to using though: shield and the new shatter are pretty amazing. :P
great idea!
It seems like shield wielding warriors get boring skills.
Guards have AoE protection + push back / absorb projectiles + heal detonate
Engineers have reflect projectiles+ detonate push back / AoE Stun or double daze
Now of course warrior does have a 1 second stun and a 3 second block…. It just doesn’t FEEL as good as it should. A warrior, the master of close range combat, and it seems like all the other shield wielders get way more out of it.
All the cool downs are very comparable with engineer having slightly longer ones, but they do get a lot of different mechanics with their shield so it makes sense.
Do you guys think warriors should have their shield skills buffed in some way? Perhaps a reduced cooldown or a better effect? Heck even more damage on shield bash would be nice.
Heh. Guard shield is underwhelming in any situation. Warrior has so many blocks on there when you combine with endure pain x2 and greatsword for running.
Play another game, or enjoy your free time in another way, and come back when you feel like it.
It’s a rather hard question. I have played female characters, though most of my characters at the moment are asura (they don’t feel gender-divided but are rather cute and epic). I have one male human and one female norn.
The reasons why I tried female characters are diverse:
- curiosity as to how different outfits look
- more aesthetic in several ways than males: they are more elegant and their animations are kitten
- to break the stereotype of playing a heavy muscled male who looks like a tennis player or hollywood star (or both? ;P)
- to have a go at skimpy outfits, yes I couldn’t help it, sorry for being human xD
On necro they really seem rather one-sided, a little like guardian’s consecrations but even more so (guard has WoR, bubble, Condi removal field and Stability field).
I can’t really see myself using wells because they don’t seem to stimulate active combat but rather are all around placing an area and sitting back, till your foes fall dead or you do.
This mainly from a PvP perspective. What about you guys?
\meditations which implies sustain and mobility.
Personally i’m hoping for a fast paced mobility build to replace my d/f build. I just find staff so boring, but it seems like the only viable build so far.
DId not think of meditations. Would be absolutely in the clouds if we got meditations!
Cantrips are our oh kitten buttons. conjures take too long to be used when really needed. lose the 2nd drop, make it instant cast.
Lava Axe- all the skills are fine but the last 2. this weapon should want to keep enemies at 900 range. making instant cast and getting a much needed burning retreat makes all the difference.
ice bow- this is a heavy chill/heal conjure. deep freeze needs to go. replace it with an on demand water field like staff 3 in water. reduce number of hits with the 4 skill. reduce the radius and add an aoe chill affect. frost fan-increase the arrows released to x14 and widen its arc.
earth shield- gimmicky auto attack. many of the raidus skills dont get much use. increase their radius to match the radius of a meteor. punish people for being near you.
Agree completely with instant cast. Rework of fire axe & earth shield mandatory. Ice bow, #4 is overpowered, but the others aren’t that well imo.
Just a few suggestions:
- Instant cast when equipping them (like engineer kits)
- Time limit removed, limit on charges can stay
Agreed here. Conjures have enough drawbacks in general.
- Flame axe, Earth Shield, Lightning Hammer need a buff in utility, only Frost Bow from the utility skills is in a really good spot right now (they don’t need to nerf Frost Bow, I play against eles often and I never had a problem with these).
Lightning Hammer is kinda perfect the way it is now, dunno what you’re talking about there. Flame Axe could use some tweaking, and Earth Shield is in desperate need of a makeover.
- Make FGS a real elite: it’s nowhere near as powerful as Guardian’s Tome of Courage/ Renewed Focus, Engineer’s Supply Crate, Necro’s Lich Form, Thief’s Basilisk Venom(really strong for having such a small cooldown).
Let’s start with the Fiery Rush leap doing the damage it’s supposed to.
Mhmm I’m kinda aiming at PvP with the hammer statement. I have not seen anyone running lightning hammer (or fiery axe/earth shield for that matter) in PvP since like 2013. It is not a viable utility compared to using cantrips. I might be wrong though and just never see elementalists using them. ;P
And yeah Fiery Rush could use a buff. And #5 should maybe just be made into a fire field which applies a medium duration burn.
I really don’t know. Tempest sounds like a mix of air and water, which would be dps/heal-themed? Sword might be rather offensive (can’t really think of anything else). Condi on sword would be a bad idea in my opinion.
Utilities? So many possible choices. Wells and traps are not possible, so that means no utilities that necro or ranger have atm, so possibly:
- Guardian: consecrations or shouts: both seem interesting
- Warrior: physical skills, shouts, stances: stances / physicals
- Thief: trick, deception: tricks would be interesting, but cantrips are kinda like them
- Mesmer: mantra, manipulation, glamour: mantra a good pick
- Engineer: gadgets, kits, turrets: gadgets but don’t see a link
I think my top 3 is: physical skills, stances, consecrations
(edited by Sirendor.1394)
I don’t know if this is possible, but i’m suggesting it anyways..
Can’t they make an algoritm that measures a combination of standards?
Firstly it could measure unique account log-ins in World vs. World during last match-up. <> problem: some people log in long some only play 5 minutes and don’t log in rest of week
Secondly: Add in average time spent in World vs. World by individuals, so you don’t have high rates even when there’s nobody online for long. <> problem: some people afk in the war zones.
Thirdly: average events completed by players (on this server). <> problem: some people are just sieging up towers → okay but those people will be involved in events when the battle comes to them, so shouldn’t influence it too much.
Now if they combine all of these (rate A, B, C) and compare these rates for all the different servers, they could make transfer prices relative on them.
Just a few suggestions:
- Instant cast when equipping them (like engineer kits)
- Time limit removed, limit on charges can stay
- Attunement-bound. Make these weapons temporarily replace your current fire/air/water/earth attunement. They only disappear when you [switch weapon] or the number of weapon charges runs out.
- Flame axe, Earth Shield, Lightning Hammer need a buff in utility, only Frost Bow from the utility skills is in a really good spot right now (they don’t need to nerf Frost Bow, I play against eles often and I never had a problem with these).
- Make FGS a real elite: it’s nowhere near as powerful as Guardian’s Tome of Courage/ Renewed Focus, Engineer’s Supply Crate, Necro’s Lich Form, Thief’s Basilisk Venom(really strong for having such a small cooldown).
Traps are the most useless, most boring utility skills in the whole game… As far as I know there’s thieves and rangers who have traps right now, but I never see a trap thief (like I haven’t seen one in the last 2 years most likely), and trap rangers are useless since they just drop condis, then have to run because all their traps are on cooldown, gg.
Guardian specialisation:
Name; Executioner
Weapon; Axe mainhand
Skill set; Physical
Playstyle; choppy-choppy
Anything but Dragonhunter… waaaw, did these guys watch too much Game of Thrones or something?
New warrior specialization is called Weaponuser.
Sure, we all use weapons, but the warrior /specializes/ in it.
I laughed. Well done, though I am afraid that you may have inspired ArenaNet to actually use a name more creative than what they are capable of producing on their own.
No actually.. Warrior specialisation will be game-changing. It will be called the “Converter” and it will automatically convert your Warrior into a Dragon Hunter when you equip it.
Why specify guardian as a dragon hunter when every one of our characters, which can be any of the playable profession in Guild Wars 2, is technically hunting dragons? It’s part of the main plot aside from S1 of the Living World, and even then it eventually lead to us hunting Mordremoth. It just doesn’t make much sense to me is all…
It’s a subtle way to say to us one thing and one thing only…
This is pretty true in any game mode already. Medi zerk guard OP big-time.