Aeneaaa – 80 engineer
Aeeneaa – 80 Ele
Seriously, has anyone ever used lightning hammer for anything other than its auto? Or used ice bow for anything other than hitting 4 + 5 and then dropping it?
Conjures should be about getting access to cool new skills to complement your weapon skills. Not summoning it and going 11111111111111111111111111111 until the fight ends.
That said there better be some sweet buffs to compensate (hopefully to all 5 conjures), otherwise
Imo, the “real” problem isnt fresh air in pvp, it was the fact that eles did so much damage in pve that no other classes were ever needed, except to give eles buffs, which lead to anyone on a necro/mesmer/ranger/ect. being almost instakicked from groups (I know only bad pugs do this, but its still something that got complained about a lot)
Seriously, if air attunement is being “nerfed” specifically for one part of the game, its the one where groups typically run 2-3 eles per party (pve), not the ones where people barely ever run them except for cele/bunker specs (wvw + pvp) who didnt even spec into air in the first place.
The fact that conjures are being nerfed at the same time makes this seem even more likely, though its all still just a guess.
The punchline is that when you get in the beta the thing you will be testing is the new precursor drop rate, which will be increased from .000001% to .0000012%!
So excited for this!
Sounds like someone didnt read all of the changes before they made this post.
Look at what geomancers defense does and then get back to us, k thanks.
It comes out to more like 5-10% when you look at it closer (depending on how much the water gm gives per boon), so its not exactly running the spec into the ground. It still sucks though, especially when you cant grab renewing stamina anymore, so you have to grab an energy sigil or go without extra dodges.
Also please get rid of whoever thought of a ferocity from healing power trait. Like seriously. Healing from precision is mostly useless, but that one is even worse.
Pve isnt the only game mode, a lot of people play an ele for more than just facerolling your keys as fast as you can to see big numbers pop up.
Besides we dont even know all the changes, so dont freak out just yet. You could easily end up with more damage than before.
Who cares about EA. Assuming these changes go through you can now run lightning rod + tempest defense in one build. Not to mention that ridiculous 20% damage reduction from the earth minor + stone heart at the same time.
What other classes get will prob cancel it out and make it a lot less OP than it sounds, but itl be interesting, and at least the “meta” pvp build will no longer be 0/0/2/6/6.
I cant even keep track of all the times I killed someone because they were too busy being distracted by the rainbows shooting everywhere from my bifrost. Like seriously, what more of an advantage do you want?
The ironic part is that the second lfg posting in your screenshot states everyone is welcome. Well maybe not ironic, but it shows that people selling groups are not 100% of the lfg postings out there. And ofc, like others said, you can always make your own group and not deal with it (thats how I got dungeon master and my bifrost and didnt have to pay for a single run)
That said im still disappointed that selling runs in lfg is endorsed by the devs in this game. Nothing against the players doing this, since they arent actually breaking any rules, but its one of the bigger flaws in how the game is run imo.
Havent played it yet so I cant comment for sure, but I can imagine a glass cannon staff ele would destroy things in that map (as long as the thief doesnt get you first, but if nothing countered you it wouldnt be a very balanced game would it)
Monday: Play ranked pvp matches
Tuesday: Run high lvl fractals
Wednesday: “farm” silverwastes and do LS achievements (solo if you want some challenge)
Thursday: Speed run dungeons
Friday: wvw in a guild on a T1 server
Saturday: Guild missions + work on map completion/personal story
Sunday: Either roleplay or do more pvp matches. Also spend some time on the forums complaining about how often people complain about things in this game
There. Something “new” to do every day, and I guarantee it will take you months before you run out of content
I assume you know you have to get credit for all 3 defense events to get all the chests, but if you didnt that would be why.
Otherwise its probably a bug, ive had it happen before. Not much you can do about it (you can try submitting a ticket, but its probably hard for them to check something like this), but if it makes you feel better the chance getting a hoard is like .00001%, so its really, really, really unlikely that the one you missed had it.
Run a hgh build with elixir U+B and spam the crap out of the tool kit auto. If anyone complains bash them in the head with a crowbar. Works (almost) every time!
Id be all for it. Once youre more than like, 16 years old, you realize that $15 a month for something you can easily play for 20+ hours a week is nothing compared to other things you can spend your money on.
But since like, half the playerbase is 16 (or acts like they are), it wouldnt work, so i dont think it will ever happen.
If this happens can my ele quadruple wield daggers? Or dual swords and dual daggers at the same time? Or something. I mean harnessing the power of the elements to wreak havoc is fun and all, but if we could do it with 4 arms, then it would be so much better.
The first person just sounded like a jerk, id put him on block if you havent already.
The second sounded nicer but was entirely wrong, cleric staff ele is not ideal in fractals by any means. If they want to run a specific tank/dps/healer group to do fractals, they can (even though itd be slow as kitten), but expecting a pug to spec according to their wishes is silly unless they asked you when you joined the group (and even then itd still be silly, but at least more reasonable)
And the third one might have had a point if he was talking about a static guild group (namely one that has enough might/reflects so you dont need to run d/f), but if he means eles should never ever run dagger builds regardless of the situation, it might be time to find a new guild.
Staff has its merits, especially in organized groups, but I always run d/f in pugs (unless its something like urban or reactor where you want staff for the range), and never had a problem. Just sounds like bad luck on your part, run d/f all you want and dont worry about it.
This is what i do
- Open the tp and sort items by price. All exotics and rares worth more than 35-40s sell. The exception is for exotics with a rune/sigil worth more than the item itself, then salvage it, but ONLY if you have a black lion kit to use, otherwise just sell
- Other rares it depends on the price of ecto and how much you like rng. The “average” is .85 ecto per rare with a mystic/masters kit, so if an item is worth less than 85% the price of ecto you “should” get more profit by salvaging, but again, rng. I just sell everything nowadays because getting 5 ectos from 20 salvages every other day is tiring, but if you like rng, salvage all you want.
Anything below rare thats cloth salvage with the cheapest kits, since gossamer is garbage (though who knows, maybe by year 3 of this game higher level mats wont cost 1/6th the price of lower level ones!)
Masterwork gear (that isnt cloth) sell to the vendor, or throw in the mystic forge/toilet if you want more rng, because everyone needs a little rng in their lives. If you really want luck you can salvage instead, but it takes a lot of clicking and isnt really worth it
Any leftover fine/basic stuff leftover just salvage with a cheap kit or vendor, it usually doesnt matter.
After that sell rare sigils/runes on the tp, and vendor the masterwork ones, and sell the rest of the junk and medallions and whatever you end up with.
And there! After only 20 minutes of work, you finally cleared out the loot it took 10 minutes of chest farming to get, so now you get to do even more chest farming! FUN! (kind of but not entirely joking here).
No offense broski but i’d totally kick you if I saw you watch the movie. Do you know how important my life is and how much I could get done in the 30 seconds I have to wait for you to finish? Like seriously bro, you have no idea, I could be like, curing cancer and kitten in that time if only you would stop watching dem movies. I mean youre at 1000 ap, you should know by now that dungeon runs are serious kitten by now, seriously.
Ele is the only class I can handle for extended periods of time. Its hard to get bored when you have 12k hp and 2000 armor and 30+ abilities available at once Only other ones ive been able to play for more than a day have been engy or mesmer which still get boring after a while. The rest of the classes you just seem to spend 90% of your time auto attacking, outside of pvp ofc (and some of them still do in pvp *cough longbow rangers)
Anyway unless youre planning on making ascended armor (and if you are do it for the class you do dungeons/fractals on), theres no reason to pick a “main”. Exotic armor only takes like a week to get and once you have that just pick which class you feel like playing that day. Easy.
If you want a class that’s solid in every game mode go elementalist, thief, warrior, guardian.
These are the 4 classes that I have level 80’s of. In terms of open world PvE, where let’s face it, any build is viable, the Thief, Warrior, and Guardian are all easy-mode compared to Ele. I just hit 80 with a thief and my autoattack on sword is doing like 4k damage, not to mention I have basically a perma-blind. I don’t think the inherent squishiness of the class is justified except to the really top tier players who care enough to have like 15 skills on cooldown and spend time to get 20+ stacks of might.
Totally disagree. Yea you cant faceroll everything in melee range like a warrior that only hits 1 over and over again, but a staff ele hitting 1 and 2 isnt that much harder to play and is way more effective once you get used to having a bit less hp than everyone else (and the range more than makes up for that).
Nothing beats sandstorm + meteor shower + ice bow 4 + lava font dropped on top of a group of mobs. Plus you look cooler, because medium armor is just terrible in this game.
You must not have gotten to the 600th time you get called boss by a bunch of teenagers. The 599 times before its annoying, but oh boy, by the 600th one it finally gets good! Almost as good as that time you saved the world by hitting 1 over and over again next to a cannon and then had the credit for it go to a walking salad.
At least it can only get better in the expansion (right?)
If you really want a quiver there are some ascended backpieces with similar looks that probably will cost you 60-80g in mats (close to what a gem store skin would cost, plus you get ascended stats out of it). Quiver of a thousand arrows is one of them, but i think there are a few others too
The limited items are part of the f2p nature of the game. Artificially limited supply = more demand = more money to run the game. It sucks when you take time off the game and miss stuff, but its better than the alternative of having a monthly sub
Itd make more sense if something like this went in legendary armor (if/when it ever comes out). Sigils on legendary weapons would also be awesome.
Rampager or sinister with those new buffs wouldnt equal the damage of zerker unless they were ridiculously OP (and the rampager one is useless since the condi cap is increasing in the expansion) and then people would drop zerker and run only the new sets and youd have a new meta and nothing would change
I guess if they somehow balanced them to be equal dps it could work, but adding an overly complex stat to gear (look how confusing leveling used to be, new players would go crazy with this!) seems like the wrong way to buff condi builds
It damages around you and blasts at your targeted enemy. So if you dont have a target it “should” blast every time on top of you (if it doesnt blast at all that might be a new bug).
Not sure if its intended but you can never be sure with this game
Being squishy has nothing to do with fresh air. You can run cele amulet and 0/6/0/4/4 + triple cantrips and have a great amount of survivability, and grab runes with precision (scholar, pack, ect.) to make up some of the lost crit, your power will still be mediocre but youll do some damage
imo youd be better off running focus and zerker gear, but if you have to use a dagger you can try that. Otherwise scepter w/o fresh air is mostly only used for condi builds, so you could also look into those, but pretty sure they use focus too
The zerg exists because the game is designed for it. Take a look at world bosses. Go to a site like the following….
The fact that the bosses spawn like they do, the fact that such a website can exist, is the problem. If these spawns were random, unpredictable, and have multiple bosses spawning at the same time, this would make it harder for zergs to form.
It shouldn’t be about standing around at the next spawn waiting for it to spawn. It should be about going about your own business and OMG WHAT IS THAT COMING OUT OF THE SWAMP?!
It shouldn’t be about going on a website and finding out when and where the next boss spawns. It should be about the boss pre-event is up spread the word.
It shouldn’t be about following the order listed on the website. It should be about “what? Karka, Shatter, and SB events are all spawned at once?”.
Mix it up, shake it up, make it unpredictable, make players have to choose, etc.
That is, of course, if they insist on leaving it an open world event.
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. With the personal story you go to some point on the map and click on some green marker which puts you in an instance portion of the map.
These world bosses would be way better as raid bosses where you form a raid group, click on the map marker and face the boss in an instanced portion of the map.
As for WvW, that is a different beast. It’s all about the bigger blob and all about capping stuff. Only few places are defended for strategic purposes. Keeps for the purpose of the way points.
Camps and towers swap back and forth constantly because there is no real benefit in defending. You flip a camp and you take supplies directly from the camp. Same with towers if it has supplies in it. While taking towers that don’t have supplies, we have actually allowed yaks to drop off the supplies first then kill it.
Could not agree more.. I have always said that have an egg timer boss/event rotation is just lazy game development and it breeds lazy players that, as you say simply log onto a timer, then wp and #111AFK loot wp..
That kind of openworld concept make a mockery of it supposedly being a revolutionary concept.
Making these things random and unpredictable make the game more interesting and might actually populate maps at times other than when the daily zerg award is on or the timer bell rungs to let players know to wp there… heck to start with all they have to do is alter certain boss timer rotations to cause a clash of bosses and make players choose… but this is GW2 that kind of creativity is way of the radar.
The problem with these comments is after you go “OMG WHAT IS THAT COMING OUT OF THE SWAMP?!”, you realize there are only 10 people on the map with you and most of them are new, so by the time you get enough people at the event its already over. You think a bunch of leveled toons are just going to hang around queensdale until SB randomly pops, so they can do it for 1 rare? Doesnt seem likely, just seems like it would make it like SW, where people hop from map to map in lfg, skipping the pre’s and only doing the bosses. If you changed events to be random youd also have to overhaul the pre’s and the events themselves + the rewards and make it scale correctly so 10 people or 100 people could do it with reasonable difficulty
I guess calling it “lazy” isnt wrong since they could somehow put in hundreds and hundreds of hours designing some kind of system to fix this but seems like they have higher priorities right now. Still would be cool if they found time to do something, but i wouldnt bet on it this year
The only things “broken” are the occasional bugs (like the new lupi bug) which get fixed eventually, or boss fights that are exploitable (like mossman, which may or may not be a bug depending on who you ask)
Some people like the zerker meta and some hate it, but that doesnt mean anything. Boring =/= broken.
I just tell them they get the 9 stacks + fury and thats all my build gives. If they want more just lol and say they can bring it themselves
I wouldnt worry too much about it, outside of high level fractals or maybe arah its not worth it to change builds on every fight just to help a bunch of pugs who probably arent running the most optimal build to begin with. its especially funny when its a war not running ps or a necro who doesnt even know what blast finishers who complains
And then a thief joins the match and shows you why fresh air builds can be lacking
Yea theyre great in a lot of situations and the best eles can probably win tourneys as one (though probably s/f not s/d), but I doubt they will be “meta” anytime soon.
Really fun to play though, so for non tournament level players thats what matters
Mostly what everyone else said – get renewing stamina, use of blinds on trash mobs, get some health steal food, ect. Iris Ng listed it pretty thoroughly.
My personal advice, if you still have a really really hard time, is to run a 6/0/0/4/4 build and to swap your weapons and possibly 1-2 jewelery pieces to valk (the rest still use zerk). Your damage will go down a huge amount but your survivability goes way up, and you still can give out might/fury (you actually give out a little more might from the +boon duration). But once you can go through a fight a few times without being downed on a build like that, immediately go back to the normal 6/6/x, setup, so you dont get too reliant on the hp/protection to survive.
I sympathize with people who lost loved ones but you cant ask the rest of the world to stop for a few weeks every time something like this happens (and something like this happens every week, whether its planes or bombs or so on). The airline industry didnt shut down, game stores didnt pull copies of flight simulator from their shelves, and anet certainly shouldnt have pulled the plug on this (which was probably in the works since before the crash)
+1 to “its funny for 5 minutes but after that its irritating being stuck in this pose”
Well whatever, if this game was a monthly sub it would be something worth being kittened off about, but since its not might as well just do dailies and come back tomorrow.
This must be another part of the april fools joke
Cant imagine any other way this thread could be serious. 500 gold an hour is easy? Trolololololololol
Ive done teq probably a good 5-6 times a week for at least 6 months now, and every time (unless you get there late or miss out on some defend events) you get 4 reward chests at the end. In the last 2 weeks ive probably seen 4-5 instances where I missed out on at least one.
Not sure what other info I can give about it, been playing the same character every time (a mesmer), and almost never die if that somehow would be messing with reward credit (it shouldnt but who knows). Occasionally the defend events only give me silver credit instead of gold (not sure why on this either since i’m there for the whole 2 minutes of it), but that used to always be enough to get credit for the bonus chests, so I dont know if thats it.
I know others have had similar issues, but I dont see any recent threads and didnt want to necro an old one, so just bringing this up again.
(edited by Sizer.5632)
Did you literally take a picture of those websites with a camera?
Man is it 1999 again or what
kitten engies hitting ppl for 10k supply crates and 2k incendiary powder ticks along with being able to heal for 20k with healing turret wtf devs how u no know how to balance the game fix this plz k thanks
Im betting on a big buff to dark fields
Time for everyone to roll necros
No, it’ll end up being endless competition of who are online more often and can lower the price by 1 copper constantly. This is just stupid and unfair.
So basically how buy orders work right now?
Well at least only half of our games economy is stupid.
It depends what youre going to be doing. If youre going to be in serious dungeons runs or high level fractals (30+ is where you start to need it) make ascended zerk gear for sure
If youre going to be doing only serious wvw on top tier servers, I think soldiers is better, but not positive, the guardian forums might have more builds about what to run for that
If youre more casual and will be doing wvw/eotm, open world pve, and occasional dungeons celestial is great. Yea your damage is a little lower but who cares if some 13 year old blows an aneurism because a boss takes 32 seconds to kill instead of 30, plus you wont ever have to bother with multiple gear sets
I run cele armor w/traveler runes (awesome runes if youre lazy so you never have to bother with swiftness again, and gives + to all stats), along with zerker jewelery (not great to run 100% cele since you have low power, but its doable if you really want). Only content I dont use it for is fractals, but otherwise its been fine
The new collections will only be used to get precursors. You will still need gift of mastery and fortune to make the legendary after that. So it seems like you could do that
Not sure if the new legendaries will have different masterys needed, but I cant imagine bolt being a different recipe
I’d go with the same thing as normal D/F, with a modified rotation. Meaning 66200 or 66002 depending on dodges. Remember even if you don’t need more might you’ll still want to be blasting with persisting flames for fury, having a PS war will just make it not as crucial to optimize as your fury uptime is great with a few blasts.
IIRC the rotation was similar to the D/F as well, but with firegrab/ring of fire and ride the lightning rotated in when up. IIRC it worked out to less DPS than D/F though as well as less utility, just with more mobility with ride the lightning/updraft. I’d really suggest jsut going to D/F for the extra support, can always swap in offhand dagger for RTL during skips anyways.
Just curious, when you say it worked out to less dps than d/f is that counting the extra blasts you get in d/f? Because with 25 stacks of might on both builds it seems like d/d would be just slightly higher from fire grab and rtl, because otherwise not much else changes.
Well, one of the masteries shown in yesterday’s beta was Fractal mastery. No info about it, but it was there long with Precursor crafting mastery. So we will see something new with fractals. Hopefully it’s more than just raising the levels and making us need more AR.
Masteries will not help if the reward structure is not completely reworked. Besides, masteries will probably be like AR except it’s account based, not gear based. Once you get a certain mastery, the game becomes easy enough (like this bark skin effect).
Right now, masteries (at least maguuma ones, since some of them are already implemented) are a simple non-gear wall. You cannot kill an enemy as long as you don’t farm enough points and xp and then this enemy is killable. If anet puts their hope in this system, I seriously fear for this game so-called end-game progression.
Well yeah, they’re not ‘endgame progression’, they’re content gating. Very different concepts.
The bark ripping thing is (to my understanding of the skill) as much of a content gate as hang-gliding or mushroom bouncing is, or as much as the “you need to have X lore mastery to enter the challenge of the Gods!!!”.
Return of the good ol’ timesink… GW2s successful avoidance of that was one of the things that pulled me in to start, sad to see them abandon it in favor of easier/cheaper design of artificial time sinks.
Its that or they release content that isnt time gated, people beat it all within 2 hours of its release, and head straight to the forums to complain about how there isnt enough content
Both options kind of suck, but at least the way theyre going the forums will be a little neater.
Kind of hard to take “dungeons are serious business bro!” comments seriously when there are videos of people soloing almost all of them naked (sure, it takes skill to do that, but it still says something about how challenging they are in a full group with armor on)
Besides you get new fractals, so just down a 12 pack of keystone before you start playing like you usually do, and pretend its a new dungeon
Being experienced in other mmos means almost nothing here, and from your post you are new to this game, which is what matters. There is some difficulty in this game, but its not THAT hard if you play it right, which is nothing against you, but you cant learn anything if you think youre a mmo pro and the problem cant possibly be your skills, so therefore the game must be broken
Playing the “tank” class (which isnt actually a thing in this game), putting on defensive gear, and running into a group of 6-8 mobs to slowly wear them down might work in wow/aion/ect., but not here. Id say spend a little time on the guardian forums reading guides, and possibly getting to level 80 (you get a lot more options for gear/traits/food/ect. at 80 than 70) and then trying again. You could also try using the lfg tool to find people leveling alts who will help you out.
If it helps you can get cele jewelery from laurels, and there are some exotic cele weapons on the ah, plus you can pick it on a legendary (and thats all you need really for a cele build, people dont run it on every piece because you lose too much power). You also get sinister and nomad jewelery from LS achieves and pick them on legendary weapons
But still if you want armor in every stats youll just have to suck it up and spend a whole 30 minutes leveling crafting. Seriously with the time it took to post this youd be halfway to 400 already
Ever since the megaserver, I havent seen less than 3 commanders on this map at one time. Mostly people doing missions or farming vet karkas for gold, and ofc it gets mobbed when karka queen is up. Guess it all depends on which map the game decides to put you on, but its not empty like some of the older zones are
If you have extra character slots make one and fill its bags with your extra ore. Its really likely there will be an item that eats it like mawdrey does, so eventually it will be worth something
Unless you make more than 250 a day, if thats the case you already make the max it will eat per day (if it works the same as mawdrey), so then its probably worth throwing it out
Its not that hard to do a level 19 fractal with only 4 people, so it cant be impossible to do it with 4 in zerk gear and 1 in cleric, so thats really not a great excuse to rage kick someone at the end of a fractal.
I mean you should have been in zerker gear and using wall of reflection (still dont get why you couldnt use wor while in healing gear), but saying you need 5 people to be all out zerk dps to finish a lvl 19 or you wont kill the boss before it wipes you is silly.
So basically you werent playing that well, and neither were they, but at least you werent a kitten about it
Also you do know that jewelery is acc bound, right? So if your alt has some with ar on it you can just give it to the guard and have more than enough. So again your fault, but doesnt exactly excuse people being kittens and rage kicking someone
(edited by Sizer.5632)
Hit 80 and go to silverwastes, makes plenty of gold+karma (and you dont have to deal with dungeon kiddies raging about everything). You can also do edge of the mists, its a bit less profit but you get wvw xp from it
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