Showing Posts For Sizzle Hint.1820:

Thief was OP? Check this out...

in Thief

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

7k/10s regen, chain stun, 3 cantrips and a pet.
NO eles aren’t OP. we all just need to l2p

The people in the video do in fact need to l2p. You will notice that he slaughtered numerous other DD eles in the video.

What’s the point of linking a video of two really good players taking on 18 guys? One could just as easily link a video of lolthief:

And claim they’re OP. Nope. That’s not skill there, that’s the class being OP. Yup. Two instant accesses to stealth + blind, double stunbreaker and condition cleanser in one utility. Oh, and stability + projectile reflect with no aoe limit as an elite. 17k HP 2.6k armor and rolling out 6-7k backstabs with ease. Yup, not OP at all.

But then, you might notice, he also kills a ton of thieves, so one might start to wonder “hmmm maybe this guy is good, and it’s not the thief class that’s OP” just like you should consider “maybe these guys are really good and it’s not the ele class that is OP. Oh, and their opponents were inexperienced and upleveled judging from the lack of focus and CC use”.

I’ve noticed that from thieves being called OP a lot of you guys have defensively started to look at other classes and call them OP. You’re no better than those who whine of thieves being overpowered without bothering to do their research now.

Funny, because the build yishis plays in that video has been nerfed… lets guess why?

The best Thief players

in PvP

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

imo tPvP / sPvP thiefs are not as good as WvW thiefs…

dont get me wrong they do their job very well (jumper for example) in tPvP and i would agree that it takes skill to play a thief in the higher skill lvls of tournament play but its in no way comparable to 1vsX that some thiefs do in WvW enviroment consistently.

Watch some Yishis videos for example

In hot, steamy love with Withdraw

in Thief

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

yea great skill too bad it doesnt remove conditions, pretty much the only reason why i pick HiS

Thief was OP? Check this out...

in Thief

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

i will make a D/D ele

Uncontested Temple Of Grenth

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

open on kodash eu

Video: S/D & D/P solo and skirmishing

in Thief

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

Problem is you would be much better off using D/D playing like that, as that weapon set does it way better than S/D.

My thoughts on thief post patch...

in Thief

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

I have around 1,3k hours on my thief and played a lot of different builds (my main being 0 / 20 / 30 / 20 / 0 Sword Dagger build, which is still viable) and i have to say a nerf was justified, stealth builds were really really strong and needed to be toned down.

But i disagree in how it has been nerfed, 4s revealed cripples fluid gameplay and that is never a good thing. Combat was really really fluid before this and a lot of fun but thats not the case anymore. Dont get me wrong i still love my thief and it’s definetly not broken now but it feels unfinished.

I think we all would rather have...

in Thief

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

…revealed apply to us even if we leave stealth without doing any damage.

That wasn’t as much of a nerf as this was.

Disagree completely.

That change would have destroyed a thief’s ability to turtle and play defensively, which with this change remains entirely, 100% intact. Taking that defensive ability away from the class just to preserve a little bit of offensive capability would have been a huge mistake.

Frankly, I’m ashamed that so many thieves on the forums are so short-sighted to think the 4s revealed is a worse nerf.

4s revealed nerfed S/D dps, daze uptime, healing capabilitys, condition removal, mobility and managed to even kill the basic rotation of that set. It pretty much slapped an already subpar build / weaponset in the face…

instead they could have fixed spamming CnD over and over…

I think we all would rather have...

in Thief

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

…revealed apply to us even if we leave stealth without doing any damage.

That wasn’t as much of a nerf as this was.


patch note: nerf snowballs to more

in Thief

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

This is my first post on these forums ever. Infact, it is the first time I have logged into them but I feel it is now necessary to voice opinion.

This nerf is so short sited. In the recent state of game you mentioned revealed regardless of attacking, this would have been fine. It seems like you came up with a last minute change without thinking it through.

Anet, PLEASE revert the revealed change and THINK about what this will do to the class. I have spent months saving for my appearance based around my sword dagger build, I spent £40 buying your GW1 and 4 days to get hall of monuments fiery dragon sword, I’ve just now finished my t3 cultural set AND tomorrow when I finish my world completion will have incinerator, all this work is ripped in half because of a short sighted nerf.

I wouldn’t mind it if the sword dagger set had ANYTHING to compensate for this. You nerfed dancing dagger, ok no problem it was kinda OP especially on pet classes. Flanking strike has been broken since the beginning and with one stone you killed cloak and dagger and my main source of damage (auto attack).

As it worked, auto attack has stealth attack + three strikes – the final being the main damage dealer. This timed perfectly with revealed, allowing me to chain 5/1/1/1/1/5/1/1/1/1.

With this nerf, I have an extra second of time where I have NOTHING I can do. Flanking strike is worthless, Infiltrators does nothing, dancing dagger is poor. The only thing I can do is first auto attack (which is bad damage) until revealed is up and I can cloak and dagger.

You have ripped this game from under my feet – I was having so much fun, I have found my non-cookie-cutter-glasscanon-hs spam build and built my appearance up from this.

To top it off you add WVW progression and then destroy it for me by making me want to stop playing my class.

And to the people who play other classes and don’t use this skill, DO NOT REPLY. You cannot understand how this has messed things up unless you actually play the class, this is ridiculous. I have tested this for the past hour or two and tried altering my build but it is dead.

Thanks for Reading, if you did. I would be more than happy to talk to a dev and walk through my build/playstyle and why I think this should be reverted if you would like.

Sword dagger has taken a bit hit i agree…

would have preferred revealed whenever leaving stealth over this…

Violated PvE thief, no change to Wvw thief.

in Thief

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

I just logged in after the patch. Absolutely nothing has changed.

Yes it has, revealed lasts now 4 secs and quickness is nerfed a lot.

have to play a bit to judge if i like it or not, definetly kills a lot of thief rythms. S/D got nerfed a lot with that change, i wish they would have put in the change they talked about earlier, because it would have prevented bad play. (CnD spam) while this one kittens with rythms a lot.

Fractal Reward System Seems Broken

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

Farming for a specific skin is a slap in the face, yes.

(Video) Double Glasscannon Mesmer WvW

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

Watching someone spamming “1” for an hour on an AC would have been more entertaining than this :/

Fractal Skins

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

Someone posted some math a while ago about this

It takes 386 daily runs on average untill you get ur desired skin… good luck and happy grinding

Yes, it’s insane but i guess devs like to give u the middlefinger everytime a skin drops that you dont need. (Talking to you stupid harpoon >:( )

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

Kodash i have to say.


in WvW

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

Yea it’s really starting to get frequent after the last patch.

Several second skill delay lags is the common these days, very sad.

Wanted to do a bit roaming in EB before i log off but it’s unplayable because there was a fight at SM going on, had to massacre my keyboard trying to get any skills off but i failed so logged out.

That stealth nurf you've all been calling for

in WvW

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

I don’t see how this fix anything. The only problem now with the stealth is the culling not the skill. I think anet is making a big mistake here. (I play a guardian as a main)

This is to fix permastealth/stealth stacking. Currently a thief can just cloak and dagger more or less indefinitely and there are many videos on youtube showing it. Mesmers can use decoy, then viel, then mass invis one after the other. The idea is to put a cool down in between stealthing again. There will be a “revealed” status (though I don’t believe anyone mentioned a duration).

This is a problem with the skill because even in a 1v1 mesmers and thieves can disappear for a long time. In fact, trying to take down a perma stealth thief is really tough unless you have the right build (in mesmers case at least because our aoes are very limited, iLeap fails regularly, and there aren’t many ways outside of ileap to keep opponent pinned). Even if you do get immobilize, cripple, etc when they stealth I believe (and I might be wrong) they can lose a condition every few seconds. So really, while you might not lose to one, killing one is a real pain in the kitten – cuz the ones who can’t beat you just run away stealthed.

As for mesmers, we can easily use a trait to cloak at 25% hp, then if we have regen we regen up to 26-27% and the skill will activate again, plus decoy, plus veil, plus mass invis, throw in 3 clones at a time and it’ll be a pain in the kitten as well (though I’ve never seen a mesmer run a full cloak build since you’d be sacrificing utilities that are actually needed to take down your opponent). Not saying we’re OP as I don’t think any particular profession is OP. But it’s highly unbalanced they way it currently is.

So yes, there is an issue with the skill. Culling is an entirely separate issue.

Erm, stealth stacking / perma stealth will still be possible…

You do realize this thread is about the devs saying they’re changing stealth so it’s Revealed status activates at the end of stealth no matter the condition right. Which means the CnD trick will become impossible.
I’m curious how it’d effect Smoke Field > Heartseeker but that’d now be harder to do in combat at least.

Where did i mention CnD? Stealth stacking / perma stealth will still be possible…

That stealth nurf you've all been calling for

in WvW

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

I don’t see how this fix anything. The only problem now with the stealth is the culling not the skill. I think anet is making a big mistake here. (I play a guardian as a main)

This is to fix permastealth/stealth stacking. Currently a thief can just cloak and dagger more or less indefinitely and there are many videos on youtube showing it. Mesmers can use decoy, then viel, then mass invis one after the other. The idea is to put a cool down in between stealthing again. There will be a “revealed” status (though I don’t believe anyone mentioned a duration).

This is a problem with the skill because even in a 1v1 mesmers and thieves can disappear for a long time. In fact, trying to take down a perma stealth thief is really tough unless you have the right build (in mesmers case at least because our aoes are very limited, iLeap fails regularly, and there aren’t many ways outside of ileap to keep opponent pinned). Even if you do get immobilize, cripple, etc when they stealth I believe (and I might be wrong) they can lose a condition every few seconds. So really, while you might not lose to one, killing one is a real pain in the kitten – cuz the ones who can’t beat you just run away stealthed.

As for mesmers, we can easily use a trait to cloak at 25% hp, then if we have regen we regen up to 26-27% and the skill will activate again, plus decoy, plus veil, plus mass invis, throw in 3 clones at a time and it’ll be a pain in the kitten as well (though I’ve never seen a mesmer run a full cloak build since you’d be sacrificing utilities that are actually needed to take down your opponent). Not saying we’re OP as I don’t think any particular profession is OP. But it’s highly unbalanced they way it currently is.

So yes, there is an issue with the skill. Culling is an entirely separate issue.

Erm, stealth stacking / perma stealth will still be possible…

Upcoming changes to stealth (SoTG)

in Thief

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

You guys realize this will change pretty much nothing? Thieves will still be able to stealth more than 50% of the fight, perma stealth will still work, etc.

The only thing that doesnt work anymore is CnD → Wait untill Stealth runs out → CnD → repeat

But that wasnt what people have been crying about before, so quote me on that, people will still complain as they do now… untill they might realize that they are just plain bad at the game and it has nothing to do with the thief being overpowered but oh well…

fantasy match: NA tier 1 vs EU tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

Well EU has the better guilds by far…

That stealth nurf you've all been calling for

in WvW

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

Wont affect me because i never used CnD to chain stealths

Will not affect the crying on stealth either because thiefs will still be able to hide more than 50% of the fight, prepare for more nerf whine threads.

That stealth nurf you've all been calling for

in WvW

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

what exactly is that supposed to mean?

does that mean if i dont damage something and let my stealth run out naturally i will get the revealed debuff?

If not then what exactly is changing?

Sick of thieves having advantage

in WvW

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

I agree, Mesmers are OP. I don’t know any of their skills and they always kill me. D/D eles too.

I also can’t do any damage to guardians.

Oh wait… theves you say? Nope. Easy and predictable. I just count to 3 and dodge when the thief runs at me after that. Or if they’re stealth, dash skill or block or count to 4 and dodge. If I’m low health they may finish me, same as any other glass cannon burst build, but that’s about it. The glass D/D theves die in seconds or are forced to run. If they do get their spike off I’m still half hp and nothing left for them to do except die or run.

The permastealth D/P theves do low damage and/or low survivability and use all their initiative staying hidden all the time.

Oh and culling sucks. Hopefully will be fixed in the update this month.

Might be the cause…

Sick of thieves having advantage

in WvW

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

Thieves can kill 30+ zergs with one single strike if you see one in the open fields type /bow and move on, but you should be aware that the thief can teleport across the whole map infinitely whenever he wants so you might not be able to escape.

also they have a ability that kills you when you get into their LOS.

Bow to the masterclass and leave in awe !

Red Ring of Death name change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

I always thought it was kinda funny xD sad to see it changed

People with more than 5 legendaries...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

dropping 15,000$ in a mmo i used to play was commonplace. if you think people aren’t buying legendaries think again.


i used to play ragnarok online on private servers where spending thousands of dollars was the common practice.

My feedback on stealth WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

Dont think i ever lost a 1on1 to a thief when playing my condition mesmer.

But maybe because i played the thief for 1k+ hours and know the class inside out…

Impossible achievements?

in WvW

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

I just want to bump this up and ask, has anyone been even CLOSE to completing any one of the achievements under WvW. I mean i’ve been playing since release and I’ve got 1k+ wvw kills playing casually. I imagine more hardcore players are probably at least 20x my amount… so lets say 20,000 kills/250,000 is still another 6 years before anyone gets the killing achievement? Likewise with everything else. Anet really wanted to make these achievements as close to impossible as possible eh.

Red Guard guild leader has around 170k kills.

Desolate Volume 1 (Ranger/Thief Movie)

in WvW

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

Really good.

Makes me want to play Ranger, mind sharing ur build?

State of the Game w/ J Sharp & Tyler Bearce

in PvP

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

I’d like to know what they are doing regarding Build diversity.

Thief has only one viable high lvl tourney build (25 / 30 / 0 / 0 / 15) which is depressing. I would also like to know if they are happy with the current burst bunker meta or if they intend to change it a bit, because it’s very boring.

Fractal Weapons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

I feel you TC. I used to run dailys for the dagger skin but i gave up, not worth the time.

The problem is not the droprate of skins in general, they should be rare. The problem is that once you are lucky enough to get a skin drop, it could be one out of the 19 available. So you could be farming dailys for months and not get the skin you want.

They should implement a recipe at the mystic forge that requires:

1x random fractal skin
1x Gift of Ascension
30x Pristine Relics
250x Orichalcum XXX (for example Swordblade to craft the Swordskin)

Thieves needs a nerf

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

Skilled thief can kill zergs? What… i dont even…

So you’re saying a thief can 1v20 and win? Maybe if the 20 are afk for 5 minutes…

People these days…

Koroshi - Thief vs Thief duels [Video]

in Thief

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

So you are thinking of switching out the Short bow for a Sword, even though you never swap weapons? Personally I don’t see any thief build that shouldn’t have Short bow, it’s just too kitten good.

Also by playing warrior and mesmer you still should know that a WHITE CIRCLE doesn’t mean the thief is stealthed there, rather the contrary.

And like I said, wasted dodges. You should re-watch your own video because you excuse it being dodges trying to predict enemy movement when you are using them as movement itself.

You’re new to the thief class right? Never played S/D + D/D or S/D + D/P ? And those are just a few very viable builds that dont use a shortbow.

Koroshi - Thief vs Thief duels [Video]

in Thief

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

I’ll have to say you should really improve in various aspects

I agree he does.

…Dodging – TOO MANY wasted dodges. Dodge is your lifeline, DO NOT use it for movement. It’s somewhat excusable IF you have swift/might on dodge and by having that you also have that extra dodge…

Wrong, dodging is used to position not just to evade, especially as a thief where positioning is everything. (Not saying the TC didnt mess up a lot of dodges)

…Shortbow – USE IT! Most of the time its better than the daggers themselves…

Wrong. A 9 sec delay (weapon swap) untill a thief is able to use CnD again AGAINST A BURST thief is crucial. The only thing you could do on ur shortbow would be spamming 3 to avoid the enemys burst. Clusterbomb spam, really? One backstab of the enemy thief will do 3x as much dmg as u did to him with ur cluster bombs (if u even hit him, if you dont you just wasted a lot of initiative while you have accomplished absolutely nothing)

…Too much stealthing…

Wrong. Perfect thief play would be getting into stealth EVERYTIME revealed wears off. You cannot stealth enough especially as a stealth built thief.

Lets see some stats pic!!

in Thief

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

Heres a pic of my Thief’s stats.

Your stats are what I strive to achieve :O! If you don’t mind sharing, what gear do you use? and what is your trait setup? I’d really appreciate the advice

Armor is all Valkyrie with Emerald Orbs.

MH weap is P/T/V
OH weap is Valkyrie

Acces are all Knight with Zerker Jewelry except for the amulet which is Zerker Ascendant. Backpiece is Koss on Koss i think its P/V/T but not sure right now.

Build is 0 / 20 / 30 / 20 / 0

cleric thief

in Thief

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

I recommend taking a look into this

The thief and its gameplay - Your feedback [Merged]

in Thief

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

Have u played a thief for more than 5 minutes?

Lets see some stats pic!!

in Thief

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

Heres a pic of my Thief’s stats.


Fractal Weapons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

Finally got a fractal weapon last night. The fractal warhorn. Not much use on my Engineer.

Even when winning I still feel like I’m losing. lol

Exactly how i felt when i got my fractal harpoon lol

love that phrase… fits so perfectly.

S/D, A Love Story

in Thief

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

One of my favorite builds is the stealth “dancing” S/D build. It’s generally low damage, but huge longevity and lots of AoE means it’s perfect for 1vX in WvW.

General traits:
For crit: +7% crit from sides/behind, +5% vit from precision, and 20% more damage under 50% on target
For shadow: -2 initiative on a stealth move, remove condition every 3 seconds in stealth, and the grandmaster heal in stealth trait
10 in acro for +might on dodge

Armor/runes: even mix of zerker, valkrye, and PVT – mix and match as you see fit. Runes of Strength for improved might duration and stacking, and +5% when might is active (the idea is, with constant +2 might on every stealth, you can easily hit ~11-13 might stacks solo and sustainably). Main hand I use a fire sigil, offhand a +stun duration sigil in WvW, +damage in SPvP.

Secondary weapon should be SB, because Anet made it way too good.

Utilities: these are up to you, but my favorite combo is Shadow Step, Blinding Power, and Shadow Signet (I’m addicted to 25% speed…). I usually run thieves guild for ultimate.

The basic strat to this is making the combo CnD -> tac strike -> #1 combo (all 3 hits) -> CnD, repeat. Infiltrators strike is godly for condition removal and positioning. Kinda boring in the sense than all your damage is from auto-attack, but you can nearly daze lock any build while healing ~15-20% of your HP per stealth with good AoE.

Currently I’m running the newby-lolz burst spec for TPvP since that’s our only real good one for 5v5’s, but this sword spec is probably my favorite for WvW/PvE/Hotjoin, and it’s extremely underrated.

If u like 0 / 30 / 30 / 10 / 0 you should try 0 / 20 / 30 / 20 / 0… you will love that even more

VI / X
V / IV / XI
VI / X

If you run D/P as sec set

VI / X
V / X / XI
VI / X

Fractal skins droprate

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

I got three skins in three days in a row. ^^


I have done 28 and 38 a bit under 100 times now and the only skin i’ve gotten is a stupid trident.

I only ran fractals for the dagger skin but i’m not bothering now anymore, it’s frustrating and i rather spend my time doing something else now… not worth it.

Profession Tier List

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

Thief A in WvW? I disagree.

WvW is not about small scale ganking its about Zerg vs Zerg which the Thief is lackluster in. It’s definetly the best ganking class but again, thats not what WvW is about.

Fractal Weapons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

This topic has been brought up many times in the past but so far no answer from the devs. I guess they like the current system which makes u farm for months untill you get the desired skin… or not.

Fractal Weapons buyable with Pristine

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

What I’d like is a method to convert one fractal weapon to another. I’ve gotten a few weapons I can’t use on my engineer (I just really want a rifle!), so perhaps adding a ‘Fractal Inductance Chassis’ as a drop (instead of fractal weapons) could be a solution, and players could take it to the mystic forge! 250 [weapon component 1] + 250 [weapon component 2] + [Fractal Inductance Chassis] + [gift of ascension] or something = boom, fractal weapon! ‘Cause I want a rifle. Super bad. I can’t use a dagger. I can’t use a sword. I can’t trade them. I could give them to alts, but uh.. I just use them to run CoF 2 more times each day. Or maybe my suggestion, but instead it’s a reforging? Turn one weapon type into another. Idk, but something!

This is actually a really good idea.

The current system is just very flawed, you could be running fractal daily for months and not get the skin you want. It’s frustrating.

Bringing balance, and PvP players, to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

Most builds amount to the spvp amulets anyway.

This isn’t true. In sPvP you can’t have half a healing build, and half a beserker build. It’s all, or nothing.

This so much. The gear choice is so limiting in sPvP. WvW actually offers a lot more variety.

Other MMO's make me realize how good GW2 is

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

The worst thing about the Neverweinter MMO is, i have to pay 190 Euro to play a Drow character… i love drows =(

Jade Maw Chest is how a Chest should be done

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820


Dragon Events, Temple Events and all the other DE’s that grant big fat golden chests at the end are really cool and a lot of fun. But those Chest drop crap 95% of the time which is not very motivating to do them.

I think the Jade Maw chest we get after finishing the bonus fractal (note: im not talking about the daily chest, im talking about the golden chest that drops cores etc.) is very well made and the loot it provides is not over the top, but rewarding (unlike Dragon chests for example).

IMO Dragons, Temples, etc. should provide a chest with the same loot table.


Purchase Fractal Weapons with Pristine Relics

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

I believe you should be able to purchase Fractal Weapons (like all other dungeon sets) with the dungeon tokens. In this case I would prefer Pristine Relics over the regular relics (because then less people would be able to get them which is I’m assuming why you don’t have this implemented in the first place). Although, make it possible to purchase a single Fractal Weapon for like 30 Pristine Relics or something difficult like that. I know how hard it would be to obtain them, but isn’t it already insanely difficult?

On that note, they really aren’t obtained via skill, but rather luck. You have to be lucky enough to get the chance for that drop. I’ve done Fractal dailies for well over a month straight and haven’t seen a single Fractal Weapon skin drop. Only once have I’ve seen someone else obtain one in my party (and we’re on FOTM 30)!. No longer am I obtaining any Ascended rings either which is a shock considering the level I’m at. I think the whole “luck” thing this game has become so highly dependent on is kitten I spend so much time playing this game but I can’t even afford anything I want? Not even a simple Fractal Weapon that I have to grind everyday just to have a chance at it? A LOW CHANCE that is.

The current items for the relics do not interest me nor many other players, so they’re just sitting in our banks waiting for something better to be implemented. Please ANet, do this one thing to Fractals instead of nerfing it further.

The only problem i have is, that once you are lucky enough to get a drop, it’s a weapon you dont need at all.

I would rather see something like “skin tokens”, you can trade a fractal skin you dont need for that skin token, and then exchange tokens to get the desired skin.

Seriously where is my loot?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

i think devs at anet don’t understand what good loot means. With last patch they said events will be worth doing… worth doing my *. Worsd is as deserted as it was before update and you 2s per event, TWO SILVER haha whoever came out with this idea should be fired. The *minimal reward. Worsd is as deserted as it was before update and you 2s per event, TWO SILVER haha whoever came out with this idea should be fired. The minimal reward from events should be 10s and scales up to 25s if the event is long. Their system suck and looks like they don’t know it.

I always wondered why they didnt just create “champion marks” that you get once you defeat a champion. Those marks can then be traded for skins that you can only get thru those champion marks.

I would definetly go hunt down some champs if the skins are cool looking.

The Dreamer, Thief or Ranger?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

Huh? Never seen any power precision sb builds I take it? Ranger’s sb is mostly a utility weapon with a spammable evade cripple and stun which makes it infinitely more effective for skirmishing. Thief has to spam sb from a safe distance and brings ZERO utility for your team. Think before u speak.

Zero utility? Thief SB can cripple, perma Weakness, and has the best blast finisher in the game…