.. and it will, because PEER PRESSURE IS A kitten. :P
When will we get to see the other mini-games come live?
Cube to stay, definitely. Just remove the outside elements.
Amazing. Leave it in game. (Just remove the open world elements)
Alright, I’ll check out what buy orders are going for. Thanks!
I say make it permanent. Also, get the other mini games going!
Best MMO? No..not by a long shot….
Best Game? again no..not by a long shot..
GW2 is an average MMO, other games do things better..PvP for example is done better in both DAOC and Warhammer Online.
If you narrow it down, WvW is better then SWTOR’s World PvP, but GW2 SPvP is worse then SWTOR’s SPvP
PVE wise, This game has some pretty awful PvE…plenty of games do it better…Story/Content wise this game doesn’t hold a candle to SWTOR, and it comes no where NEAR The Secret World which is one of the best RPG’s released in the past 10 years.
GW2 should be thankful its Buy 2 Play to be honest..if it was subscriber based it would of already crashed and burned pretty badly.
Yes, comparing GW2 to the MMO’s that are dead. Makes sense I guess.
Warhammer Online is pretty dead.
TSW and SWTOR though? SWTOR has a subscriber base somewhere between 500k and 1 Million players, + 2 Million F2P accounts.. and is neck and neck on time played with GW2.
Is that why TSW and SWTOR has laid off people and ANET is hiring? And why SWTOR went f2p because it was tanking so bad?
Can someone explain to me how this game has any sort of grind? I haven’t grinded for a single thing thus far.
Best MMO? No..not by a long shot….
Best Game? again no..not by a long shot..
GW2 is an average MMO, other games do things better..PvP for example is done better in both DAOC and Warhammer Online.
If you narrow it down, WvW is better then SWTOR’s World PvP, but GW2 SPvP is worse then SWTOR’s SPvP
PVE wise, This game has some pretty awful PvE…plenty of games do it better…Story/Content wise this game doesn’t hold a candle to SWTOR, and it comes no where NEAR The Secret World which is one of the best RPG’s released in the past 10 years.
GW2 should be thankful its Buy 2 Play to be honest..if it was subscriber based it would of already crashed and burned pretty badly.
Yes, comparing GW2 to the MMO’s that are dead. Makes sense I guess.
Almost all world bosses need to be tuned in difficulty. Shadow Behemoth goes down in like 30 seconds. The temple bosses are fine.
I thought she looked fine. On the mascara bit, my cat’s eyes are black-ringed and I’ve gotten that same comment on more than one occasion.
Maybe if you people would stop spending money on them, they’d stop doing it that way. SMH.
Dragon or no, if it’s a world boss, I hope he’s freaking hard to kill.
Well, not necessarily an elder dragon. Could be like a Claw of Jormag or something.
Anyone have other thoughts?
If I had to wager money, there may be a dragon or two to fight at the end of this in April.
With that said, can we make the fights as tough as Grenth with fail conditions please? And hopefully tune other world bosses the same?
Thank you.
How the hell do people have two legendaries, let alone almost 4? Do you play the game 24/7? I’m trying to get Predator, but the precursor alone is 600g, onyx lodestones for 100 of them will be almost 200 gold, 100 gold for icy runestones, and the stacks of gold needed for 250 of tier 6 crafting items. That’s over 1,000 gold of items. How in the hell do you farm that much that often?
I’m not even sure if this is possible, but is there no way to get an “instanced” version of bounties for a guild that tracks down, then triggers the bounty? Spending a lot of time tracking mobs only to have other guilds do their bounties and kill them and then having to track them all over again.
Hey all and welcome to our guild posting.
Any guild can be a guild, but can it be a [HOME]? We have vent, forums, a website and over 100 mature, slightly (mostly) deranged members. We do pretty much everything and are usually active doing something, whether that’s dungeon runs, WvW, sPvP, guild missions or other various, random and fun events. For example, we had a jump puzzle contest for prizes. We’re pretty relaxed and enjoy having fun, even if we wipe all over the place.
Our website is www.honestead.shivtr.com, but I invite you to message me in game as Maksyn. I’m usually around in the evenings. Or you can message me on here if you have questions.
I hope to hear from you, but if not, I wish you the best of luck in your search!
In the last patch, you guys mentioned you tuned 5 encounters to make them more challenging and to scale to more players. What were they?
In my opinion, I would like to see every encounter as challenging as Grenth, Lyssa or Balthazar. This includes Claw of Jormag, Teq, Shatterer, Shadow Behemoth, Maw and every other major encounter so they’re not so mindlessly farmed with fail conditions.
I’m excited for this next chapter and the WvW update.
I should say it’d also be nice to where when you edit the guild message, it doesn’t completely erase the previous one.
I was wondering if anyone had any slick ideas to get messages easier to those not representing your guild, since they don’t get guild chat unless they are. Or do the devs have anything they’re considering? They can read the guild message, but that usually doesn’t happen.
I thought commendations were a daily thing? And we had about 12 doing him.
A week is a long time, but once you start unlocking the other missions, probably won’t be such a big deal – and you only have to wait a week to earn merits – you can still earn commendations and items.
We just killed Half Baked tonight – he didn’t seem to do anything special, just had a lot of hit points. Didn’t even have a death.
Thank you Anet for implementing these changes. I’ll explain why.
The new dailies:
I like the choices and the fact they are very random and sometimes get you to go out into the world. It’s been actually refreshing going back into the lower level zones and doing some of the events. It makes the world feel more populated and I think new people coming into the game are happy to see that. Queensdale was packed over the weekend with new people and others doing events for a daily.
Guild missions:
Tracking down the NPC’s is a bit obnoxious, but once the timer starts, man your heart starts pumping! Very fun to do. And you know what, we didn’t have enough people to do it some nights, so we teamed up with another guild and helped them do theirs as well as they helped us with ours. To be honest, the MOST you really need is 10 people and you have a very, very good chance of having a successful mission. We just did it with that tonight.
Thanks again. I look forward to the March updates.
I like how big the cities feel and the little details in zones. Like when running through grass, it moves.
1) A lot of people have praised the new dailies as “easier to complete”, but not only is this grossly untrue in many cases, it’s missing the point to begin with. The original dailies were the best model not because they were “easy” or “hard”, but because they were built entirely around the mantra of “play the way you want to”. Kills, kill variety, gathering, events. Things you could do nearly anywhere in the game. You could do them on your Lvl 1 or your Lvl 80, in any map zone you wanted. That provided a massive amount of variety that the new options are utterly devoid of. Kills in specific regions? Dungeon runs? Keg Brawl? These aren’t options that let you “play the way you want to”, they’re options that imply that maybe you’re not playing the game the way the devs want you to.
2) One of my favorite features of GW1 was the concept of horizontal progression. I had come from a lot of MMOs that focused around getting the biggest numbers, then chasing the next set of big numbers, and eventually that grind became too much for me, leading to me falling behind and quitting. GW2, I fear, is on its way towards that same fate. The devs have admitted that they like vertical progression and will continue with it moving forward….which, for someone like me who was disillusioned with other MMOs, that’s a deathblow to the game that “takes everything I love about GW2”, because it’s not taking one of my favorite elements from GW1: the fact that I never felt obligated to gear grind. I could leave, come back, and still be a competitor. Skill always felt more important than stats. Whether you consider Ascended to be a grind or not is personal preference, but the fact remains that it won’t be the end of their progression plans. They’ve said as much. And that bothers me, knowing that I could leave now, come back in two years, and be significantly behind other players in terms of performance, even if I was the better player.
3) The devs have a tendency of giving out no information, or worse, wrong and conflicting information. We’ve been told that the precursor system was actively being worked on, and then Colin comes along to tell us that it’s not even likely to happen until April (at the earliest). Colin comes along and talks about how they’re working on new rewards systems that could yield precursors (getting people’s hopes up that the laurel system would have some manner of obtaining them) and then backtracks on it within days. We’re told that the devs are working on condition damage, and yet not working on it. That culling will be fixed, and then a patch comes out and makes it worse. That AoE will be nerfed across the board, and yet on a case-by-case basis. I don’t feel as though I can trust the developers themselves any more, because they don’t say the same things, and some of the claims they do make are later revealed to be outright false or misleading.
You’ve played since beta – yet you don’t trust the company and hate the game. Makes sense, I guess.
1.) The new dailies give you far more choice than before, and I’m thankful for the variety they offer. I think it adds a lot more fun, and more importantly, spreads people out to help populate the world and not make it seem so barren. The fact I can pick what I want does equal to playing your way.
2.) There’s nowhere I’ve seen or read anywhere they’ve admitted they’re going to continue with vertical progression. I do not see ascended gear as “vertical” since it’s BARELY better than exotic. What the heck did you do in MMO’s with raids?
3.) I don’t see conflicting information anywhere at all in this point. lol?
I always thought the dungeon/fractal requirement was easy anyway. It was the cursed salvaging that always stopped me.
You get to choose which dailies you do. And this is something people are complaining about. I really wish “natural selection” worked faster.
lol, the overreaction here is making my slow afternoon at the office quite amusing. Calm down. It’s a game.
Thank you guys for all the hard work you’re doing! This is awesome!
Hey all. I’m looking for a solid build that is successful in PvE instances, as well as in WvW. I am a turret engineer, which I enjoy in WvW, but in PvE, the AoE’s are just absolutely ripping them apart and making them useless. I appreciate any thoughts, thank you.
How does this build perform in PvE dungeons?
Does this build work in PvE dungeons as well?
I think guild missions will be awesome.
I’m very excited myself!
Time gave it best game of 2012
I’d like to keep this thread positive please. Make your own topic if you have a complaint. Thanks!
I’m surprised by that. With all of the people unhappy with the game here and in my guild, and in map chat… I wouldn’t expect players to vote for it to win.
Are you being sarcastic? I never understood why people would play something they’re not enjoying. Doesn’t make sense.
IGN’s game of the year announcement is on 12/21.
And NBC awarded best art direction in games for 2012.
Congrats GW2, you deserve it!
Agreed. The work they do on events is absolutely amazing.
There are some things I agree with here, but man. Some of the people who are “quitting” have ridiculous expectations.
1. sPVP – I agree about the downed state. But you know, a certainly other popular MMO didn’t even have PVP maps at launch. Why not give them a chance to add more in? I don’t think they’re planning to just stop right there.
2. They did mention they have plans to update and improve WvW.
3. I think to fix PvE and repopulate the world, you can have dailys and monthlys completed out in the world, instead of just doing fractals and things like that.
4. I’m not sure why you only use skill 1 – as an engineer, I find myself using all of my skills ALL of the time, especially since situations vary so much.
5. This is subjective.
6. I’ve never had any issues rendering anything – though I’ve heard it is a problem and needs to be worked on.
7. I agree, some features would be nice to have added – but how many MMO’s can you name that launched with everything? At some point, you need to quit and get the game on the market and evolve it as it goes. I’m sure these things will be added over time.
In the strictest of terms, the number of people who post on the forums is a minority of the game population as a whole. The forums do provide a modest, self-selected sampling of the player population, but so do fansite forums, twitter and facebook.
Thanks for the response. Out of curiosity, for what purpose, in ArenaNet’s view, are these forums? Since you can get similar samplings from the aforementioned fansites, twitter, etc., I’m thinking perhaps ArenaNet has something else in mind?
First off, we definitely value feedback from the forums. Just because the forums don’t make up the majority, or the only sampling, does not mean we do not value your feedback.
Just because the majority doesn’t post on the forums doesn’t mean they don’t share the same views as those that do. It just means they don’t post. I do think our opinions are way to easily brushed aside. Instead of being like praise us for the game we made. It should be praise you for playing our game.
It doesn’t mean they do agree with you either. And in no way does he say your opinions are “brushed aside” – please stop making things up.
Yes, they are the minority. /endthread
I’d love to here when these games might be added.
There is no gear treadmill, please stop.
Just think – there’s still one more Act.