Showing Posts For Stark.1350:

December 10th Balance update

in Engineer

Posted by: Stark.1350


Hey Jon, I was wondering – do you guys at Anet feel that giving things such as turrets, ranger pets and similar things 85% to dodge AoE makes them too overpowered? That is what “that other game” does and currently turrets are absolutely 100% useless in WvW and PvE, due to the fact they just can’t stay up. What are your thoughts on that?

Any news on our new fractals?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Stark.1350


We were supposed to get Thamonova Reactor (I know that’s spelled wrong) at some point before the end of the year. Also I know the Flame & Frost dungeon and the first Aetherblade dungeon were supposed to be added as well. Any updates on when these are going in?

Guild Management Tools - any updates?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


Yeah, that’s why I posted this here. Even just adding “last online” would be a huge benefit. The rest I can live without for a while yet.

Dec. 10th Balance Preview - Updated Nov 6th.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


Hey Jon, I was wondering – do you guys at Anet feel that giving things such as turrets, ranger pets and similar things 85% to dodge AoE makes them too overpowered? That is what “that other game” does and currently turrets are absolutely 100% useless in WvW and PvE, due to the fact they just can’t stay up. What are your thoughts on that?

Guild Management Tools - any updates?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


One of the biggest drawbacks for me in this game is having little to no guild management tools. Last online, officer chat, things like that. Considering that people can represent multiple guilds, it would be nice to have a notification message or something like that be sent to everyone in your guild and them able to see it even if they are repping someone else.

Also, the one checkbox that says “only officers can start missions” and such like that doesn’t do anything. Still anyone can start them.

I’d also like to see an in game guild tool, similar to Everquest 2, where people looking for a guild can go, see who is recruiting and what their guild is about.

Just wondering if there were any updates to when guilds can be a bit easier to manage.

Possible solution to gear?

in WvW

Posted by: Stark.1350


Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but I’ve always seen a lot of complaints about gear creep and such like that – people not wanting ascended gear in WvW, etc.

Would a possible solution be just to make WvW like sPvP? Where you only get a necklace and everyone is on the same page in terms of gear?

Next update: Tower of Nightmares

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


Does Scarlet have anything to do with this? How does this tie in to the current living story plotline? And why hasn’t Destiny’s Edge or anyone else assembled a team to go put her down?

Pink Day in LA from Ehmry Bay!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


Anet was doing a Pink Day in LA for Breast Cancer Awareness and Ehmry Bay wasn’t on the server list, so [HOME] decided to do our own. Thanks to everyone that came out, gave away a lot of pink prizes.

State of the Ranger (After "major" patch)

in Ranger

Posted by: Stark.1350


I don’t understand the uproar personally. Not one ranger in my guild is complaining about anything. We have pvp nights and the rangers hold their own. I ran the new TA dungeon with two rangers in my group and we completed it just fine. I’ve done just about every instance (including Arah), fractals and everything in between with rangers and have not seen any added difficulty or problems.

As for pets, they should just do what “that other MMO” did and give all pets/turrets/minions an 85% chance to dodge AoE’s.

Anyway, I find the “rangers are dead” and “quitting my ranger” to be outright silly.

Good PvP Patch

in PvP

Posted by: Stark.1350


And here all I’m reading is “wahhh, pvp is broken/ignored” or “wahhh, my build can’t kill people in one hit.”

Are you in a guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


It sounds like some of you have had or are having a poor guild experience. That’s too bad.

Collaborative Development

in CDI

Posted by: Stark.1350


RNG has and always will be in every MMO, ever made. There’s no point in discussing it, as it’s not going away.

[HOME] on Ehmry Bay - WITH VIDEO!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Stark.1350


I think this about sums up what our guild is about. If you have any other questions, I’d love to talk to you – my in game name is Maksyn.

hit the HD edition, crank up the volume and enjoy! Also, pause it right at the end.

A poor engineer's guide to an MMORPG dungeon

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Stark.1350


I’ve beaten TA with two rangers in my party and I was an engineer. Anyone who doesn’t want these classes in their group don’t know what they’re talking about.

Some tips for TA

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Stark.1350


Having troubles with TA? Here are some tips that might help out:

Slick and Sparki:
I’ve found it much easier to do a fast burn on Sparki first. Killing Slick takes longer, and Sparki’s output of damage once Slick is down is much higher. Slick almost does no damage by himself, people just need to pay attention to where the oil spills are and getting the ooze to them as fast as possible. There is a plant pod in that room that lets you get the pheromone for yourself – the ooze will follow the person closest to it at that point.

Hologram Generators:
Stand behind them and draw the holograms back to you. Makes it more certain they explode near the generator.

Stay spread out on him. If you need health, the room is big enough to where you can get out of combat and regen. Once the foreman starts spinning, if he runs into his axeblades on the ground, he will stun himself and the axeblade will be removed. You can exit his gravity field if you get caught in it with an invulnerability potion or something that prevents damage. You can also fire through it from the outside if you stand far enough away from it. If someone goes down, it’s easy enough to kite him away and get them rezzed.

Major tip for this guy – if someone stays within melee range of him at all times, he won’t throw gears. His melee damage is minimal. Have someone lure him into a corner and put their backs to a wall, preferably someone who can eat the frontal cone if they don’t dodge or block it. Do a lot of burst damage to start, then start luring the holograms to him when his shield goes up. If you can’t get the hologram fast enough over to him, watch where his stacks are and if they hit 30, just get away from him – his four-pound attack does less damage from a distance. It’s not hard to get people rezzed here if he’s not throwing gears. I was able to tank him as an engineer.

Tired of Empty Server

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


I don’t understand where these “empty server” posts come from. Ehmry Bay is nearly last on the list in population, but everywhere I go, I see people.

TA F/U path is being removed

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Stark.1350


If Anet nerfed the path, someone would complain about it. If they improved the path in a different way, someone would complain about that. If they removed it as they are, obviously people complain about that.

I ran it once for the achievement, swore I’d never do it again.

Some ANET interfered with our GvG

in WvW

Posted by: Stark.1350


This thread needs to be locked.


in WvW

Posted by: Stark.1350


I just don’t see players getting mad they lost the buff? If they have the buff, it makes things more even. If they have equal players, then things are technically even. What if the buff dynamically scaled the closer it got to even teams?

The "things that could use help" thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


Since I started the “things that are done right” thread, I thought it was only fair to start this one as well. While there are things in the game that we love, I know there are things in the game that drive us crazy too.

Please keep your comments respectful in nature and apply constructive criticism here. If you feel there is a problem, offer a suggestion to help fix it. If we can keep all of our stuff in one post, it’ll be easier for everyone to follow and read. Again however, these are opinions and are subjective, not necessarily facts.

1.) World bosses – some of these still need some additional buffs and help. Shatterer, Shadow Behemoth and Maw are still yawn fests.
2.) Guild management tools – Even adding last online would be of massive help.
3.) WvW – while I enjoy WvW, there needs to be a way to add more incentive for people to join and to somehow balance servers more easily.
4.) sPvP – again, I enjoy this – more game modes would be nice though.
5.) Living story – While I enjoy this as well, and I know it’s being worked on, but keep it up with the permanent content. This is needed.
6.) Why aren’t ascended weapons you craft sellable? Ugh.


in WvW

Posted by: Stark.1350


I’m mostly a noob when it comes to WvW (only rank 31), but just wanted to throw this out there and get some thoughts:

Why not put the current bloodlust buff on the outmanned buff instead? I know some people mentioned that might inflict trolling on the person who zones in and has it removed, but technically you’re “even” at that point. Wouldn’t that make things more “even” for servers that clearly don’t have the player base to keep up?

And why not change the bloodlust buff to a magic find/karma buff? Especially since a lot of the threads in here mention that WvW doesn’t quite have the rewards as regular PvE. I’ll be honest, I REALLY enjoy the ruins, have had some very fun/unique fights there and think they should stay.


The "things that are done right" thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


While some people may feel it’s pointless to list things that are done very right in this game, I would tend to disagree. I think you can look at things you’ve done very right and build off of them.

So with that said, this is an opinion thread. The thoughts here are subjective. I made a new thread for things that could use some help:
I think everyone can at least admit one thing they enjoy.

What do you feel this game does 110% right?
1.) Music
2.) Graphics
3.) Jumping puzzles
4.) Cityscapes
5.) I thought the two dungeons in the living story were magnificent
6.) Holiday events
7.) Guild missions – I’ve really enjoyed these and I hope they expand on them
8.) Epic fights – I don’t know about you, and while I think Tequatl will need a nerf in the future, we were all cheering on vent when we downed him the first time.

(edited by Stark.1350)


in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Stark.1350


No, I mean the patch preview on the main page.


in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Stark.1350


I find it hard to believe given the pretty big update last time (buff to world mobs, LFG tool, WvW ruins) that one single dungeon path is all they have in mind. I’ve seen all the preview notes before, and this one tells us almost nothing.


in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Stark.1350


Not that I’m trying to get my hopes up, but do you guys feel like they’re being ultra tight lipped about this update? That had to be the weakest “preview” I’ve ever seen. And not one dev posting in this forum yet, which is rather odd for updates.

Twilight Assault !

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Stark.1350


And given the dungeon is part of the living story, that means it’s temporary. Again. Given all the defense I’ve given of this game over the past couple of months and how the next update after this one will just be a rehash of Halloween, my enjoyment of this game is waning, quickly.

Teq is nice, but..

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Stark.1350


This encounter can never last as it stands. Requires -way- too much coordination to be viable down the road. I like the challenge, but it can’t be sustained.

End of the year: What to expect?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


Just out of curiosity, is there a developer willing to share what the timeline from now until the end of the year is? Granted, we have Halloween and Wintersday and I know we’re getting more fractals, but any other major things you can talk about?

The Shatterer is too easy to kill

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Stark.1350


Shatterer does still need help. As well as Maw/SB. I still don’t think SB’s buffs were added in.

Questions for the Community Team/Mods

in WvW

Posted by: Stark.1350


How dare any of you ask for “punishment” if the Dev’s get a little snarky. With the amount of hate, vitriol and absolutely ridiculous comments I’ve seen flung at the dev’s, you should point your fingers at yourselves before pointing anywhere else. Respect is a two way street. If I were a mod, I’d have banned half of you off of here.

Maw/SB/Shatterer still need help

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Stark.1350


I felt these fights were relatively the same, but they just had more health. On that note though, I’m not sure Shadow Behemoth got buffed at all – I failed to see any number of vets or champions spawn out of the gates and his health bar went as fast as it usually does.

I really enjoy the new Golem, Fire Elemental and Tequatl. Fought Jormag, but didn’t see much difference there.

I’m enjoying the difficulty guys, keep at it.

[HOME] is where the cookies are! (Ehmry Bay)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Stark.1350


FTL forums! Man things move quick around here. =P

How are the other world bosses?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Stark.1350


All the rage about Teq is making me laugh so hard – how are the other world bosses?

[HOME] is where the cookies are! (Ehmry Bay)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Stark.1350


Ask yourself what you value in a guild. Are you looking for fun? Getting involved in things? Custom events? Completely silly moments? Yet still doing the “tough” things?

Consider [HOME] on Ehmry Bay.

Not long ago we went from leading a 100+ server zerg on all the temples in Orr and the enraged Karka Queen, to clearing all of our guild missions. Then we all turned into jellyfish and ran around WvW for fun. Followed by a 10 vs. 10 guild pvp night with lots of friendly trash talking on vent. All of this was done over the span of 4 days.

In the end, this guild is a casual bunch of semi-crazy (and I use the term semi loosely) people that enjoy hanging out with one another and having a fun time, while still kicking booty when we need to. And in the times when the game gets the better of us, we just shrug, smile and move on to the next adventure.

In the end, we’re looking for people who really want to be part of this guild. It’s the reason why we ask for majority representation. The only other requirement we have is that you be on vent for guild missions. Otherwise, stick with the unwritten rule of “don’t be a kittenbag” and you’ll fit in just fine.

We’ve done other events like jackalope hunts, costume brawl races, naked beach parties, naked kite parades, belcher’s bluff contests and all sorts of whacky things, all for prizes.

Other guild benefits include us having a facebook page, vent, our own private pvp server and the fact we all work together to help each other get our legendaries. (That last part will come when you’ve been in the guild a while).

In the end, I hope you’ll consider us – feel free to message me anytime in game! My name is Maksyn.

[Merged] Updated Bosses?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Stark.1350


I want all the world bosses harder. I want them all to have fail conditions. I want them to be as difficult as Grenth and I wish the Scarlet event would stop dropping loot if you fail it.

Standing there firing my #1 button and yawning isn’t my idea of fun. These are WORLD BOSSES. They should be DIFFICULT with the APPROPRIATE REWARD for defeating them.

And frankly, I don’t know what you people are talking about with the Orr temples. Ehmry Bay is one of the smaller servers and people are ALWAYS doing them. In fact we’re doing a run tonight. Keep in mind the reason why you probably see them locked all the time is that they reset in like 2 hours. In face out server is doing a raid this weekend for them and against the Karka Queen and next weekend as well.

I really wish people would stop saying, “But my server does Orr Temple Events! We clear them at least once a night!” Guess what? Doing them once a night isn’t enough! Are they on farm like the world bosses are? 9 times out of 10, no they’re not. Just because some servers do them (and maybe Karka Queen) once after server reset doesn’t mean kitten, considering alot of players will miss out on the completions if they aren’t logged in at the appropriate times. And 1 or 2 guilds clearing things once a day DOES NOT count either. The Orr Temples are STILL a failure by those standards! If the temples aren’t being completed MULTIPLE times a day, every single day like the world bosses are, then Anet has failed.

So stop saying kitten like this. Unless your server is clearing temples every single time they become contested, then this excuse holds no weight whatsoever in conversations like this.

People are lazy and take the path of least resistance. If all bosses were of Grenth difficulty, would you do Orr temple bosses more?

[Merged] Updated Bosses?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Stark.1350


I want all the world bosses harder. I want them all to have fail conditions. I want them to be as difficult as Grenth and I wish the Scarlet event would stop dropping loot if you fail it.

Standing there firing my #1 button and yawning isn’t my idea of fun. These are WORLD BOSSES. They should be DIFFICULT with the APPROPRIATE REWARD for defeating them.

And frankly, I don’t know what you people are talking about with the Orr temples. Ehmry Bay is one of the smaller servers and people are ALWAYS doing them. In fact we’re doing a run tonight. Keep in mind the reason why you probably see them locked all the time is that they reset in like 2 hours. In face out server is doing a raid this weekend for them and against the Karka Queen and next weekend as well.

[Merged] Updated Bosses?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Stark.1350


Any insight on what to expect from the other world bosses? The preview notes says they’ve been updated.

Will all bosses be as grand as Teq?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Stark.1350


I’d definitely like to know how the other bosses were updated as well. I’m really, REALLY looking forward to some intense fights.

Wizard Feif in Kessex Hills

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


Okay. What are you doing with this? I’m dying to know.

Guild Mission Update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


I was curious – do you guys plan to add more to the missions at hand? Or add new, different missions on top of the ones we already have? Also, are there any plans to add more rewards to the commendation vendor?

It's My Party and I'll Cry if I Want To.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


What did you pay for the mini again? Oh wait 0.


Since we all had to pay for the game, I’m pretty sure we did pay something for it.

You paid for the game. What Arenanet was obligated to give you was five character slots, the ability to make characters to put in them, and all of the content that the game had as of its release (with bigfixes and balances as necessary).

Arenanet was not obligated to give us Halloween, Wintersday, Living Story, or even birthday gifts. NOBODY bought the game expecting these things to happen.

Prophecies had nothing but a single zone added to it and the first batch of green items for its entire first year. Maybe also the Titan quests. I’m unclear when those were added. And they got a Halloween event and a Wintersday event, but I do not believe they had any other holidays, not even ones which became staples later on, from April Fools to the two Canthan festivals to the special drops for Easter, Thanksgiving, and St. Patrick’s Day. No, none of those existed for the game’s first year (I just checked).

In comparison, we got a LOT more in our first year. Arenanet could have just did what they did with GW1, and take their time. We would have considered it our money’s worth either way.

I don’t know about you, but everything above and beyond the game itself came free. Other games would put in two, maybe three major holiday events, but charge for any actual new content.

And saying you “paid for” a birthday gift? That makes it sound like Arenanet was obligated to give you one. If they didn’t, what then? Would you demand a dollar back from the purchase price?

Arenanet didn’t have to do this. That, right there, is why it’s free. They put in extra effort and provided something they did not have to. It was a gift, given freely.

Even knowing that they did it in the first game doesn’t make it incumbent on them to do it in the second. And what’s more, they gave us MORE than a mini! They gave us an extremely potent booster item, plus a scroll that can fast track an alt to level 20. All of that? Also free.

The duplicates… yeah, it’s kind of odd. But, I get the feeling this was meant as an ACCOUNT birthday present, and the fact that people GOT multiples prompted them to make it by character. At the last minute, with no time to design more minis; their artists were busy on new SAB material, probably.

I am a proud, loyal, GW1 fan, having over 7000 hours invested, and my view isn’t really different. We were not even absolutely sure we would receive birthday gifts, or if we would be remunerated in some other way, or not at all. I suppose, when people’s expectations are not met, there is a feeling of disappointment. I expected nothing, and was pleasantly surprised at receiving 3 gifts (or more) per character. =)


^ This one gets it.

New Tequatl: Please Consider the Rewards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


Please keep in mind that everyone will soon be running account wide 300% magic find. When I run that high of magic find in gear, my drops greatly increase.

Forcing crafting for progression is bad

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


lol @ this post.

How about you wait to find out how rare they are before complaining about it? Since you CAN get them out of chests via any mode in the game, no one is forcing you to do anything. Ridiculous.

[HOME] is where the heart is. (Ehmry Bay)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Stark.1350


We just did a level 2 naked asuran race from Rata Sum to the reactor for prizes.

[HOME] is where the heart is. (Ehmry Bay)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Stark.1350


Some other events we’re doing? How about a costume brawl race? Or a jumping puzzle race for prizes? Or a naked Asuran triathalon?

[HOME] is where the heart is. (Ehmry Bay)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Stark.1350


Hey everyone, Honestead (yes, our guild leader can’t spell =P) of the Tyrian Misfits is recruiting!

What do you value in a guild? Having fun? Being involved? Casual, (if not completely deranged) members?

If these are things that are important to you, message me in game and chat with me about signing up!

We’re a fully upgraded guild with guild missions completely unlocked, our own custom sPvP arena, and we have WvW nights, dungeon nights and nights where we do things completely fun and irrelevant. For example, you may have seen or partaken in our Lion’s Arch guild beach party. And just the other night, we had a naked kite parade through LA as well!

So if you’d like something really different and enjoyable, come check us out. You won’t be disappointed!

We do require representation a majority of the time and you must have vent for guild missions.


Been gone for 4 months

in WvW

Posted by: Stark.1350


The way some of you act is ridiculous – let me call your mommy’s and get them to burp each of you or change your diapers.

I’ll never pay a monthly fee for an MMO again. I like getting one expansion of content a year, where I burn through it in a month. Good call.

Well done!

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Stark.1350


I enjoyed the world boss event, nice work.

Please show some respect..

in WvW

Posted by: Stark.1350


Devon Carver, Arenanet staff, who has posted numerous responses in the WvW forums.

I agree with Skylight that many of the responses to him have been childish and disrespectful.

kittening, moaning, complaining and whining… the normal nonsense of any discussion. That’s one thing. But personal insults are quite another. A lot of the comments I’ve read would result in bans if I was moderating these forums. They’re also counter productive. There’s a lot of dev teams that never post on their own forums because of nonsense like this.

Frustration is no excuse.

I disagree with you. Frustration is a legit excuse. I don’t care what you would do. Bow down and show respect for your authority figure. I will stand here and continue protesting.

And what are you protesting? The hundreds and hundreds of hours you’ve gotten out of a game you’ve paid 60 bucks for? When most single player games can’t even come close to that? Or the fact that you’re not paying monthly and can take a break/walk away at any minute? Or maybe another MMO where you have to wait an entire year before any content is released at all in the form of an expansion AND you’re paying monthly for it? The entitled garbage on these forums is becoming an epidemic.

Anet doesn't care about WvW edit pg3 INFO

in WvW

Posted by: Stark.1350


The way some of you people act makes me fear for the future of the human race. Just absolutely ridiculous.