Showing Posts For Stark.1350:

At this rate...a big let down.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


This argument is like arguing over how much you hate Burger King’s fries, but everything else is delicious.

They’re called dynamic events in game. Whether you believe that or not is irrelevant. It is one part of a very large game. I enjoy them for the fact that I’ve been playing since launch and there are STILL events I’ve come across that I haven’t seen before.

Once again, if you are still here, trolling about the “manifesto” and other garbage, you need to just leave.

At this rate...a big let down.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


This entire thread reminds me of the end of Pirates of the Caribbean. “Two immortals locked forever in combat.”

I see the same people, day in and day out, arguing back and forth over subjective opinions that can neither be proven factually true or false.

Give it a break. You either like the game or you don’t. I enjoy the game a great deal. To you naysayers, it’s unfortunate that you don’t. That’s all there is to it.

100+ chests opened, no fossil

in Living World

Posted by: Stark.1350


The only grind in this game is the one you force on yourselves. I can easily make 100+ gold a month simply by playing and cleaning out my bank of all the stuff I’ve collected just by running around. This content is permanent. I.E. it’s not going anywhere. So 5 years down the line, you can keep coming back to it. Burning yourself out by only doing these events over and over again is your own problem. The amber weapons have been out for three days. Three. However, I’ll actually agree with you on one point – I’d prefer they weren’t account bound.

RNG has been in every MMO since the dawn of time. I killed Onyxia in WoW 50+ times and never once saw my Warlock T2 helmet. In a game that does not have a monthly subscription, RNG is a necessary evil – unfortunately it’s how it keeps the gem store going and the game funded for more releases.

Shelve this game all you want, the grass isn’t greener on the other side.

It’s funny how you try to blame the player, instead of the actual game design and thought process that was put into it. RNG isn’t a necessary evil. It’s just “evil”. It’s terrible game design, without a better algorithmic process.

As one poster above mentioned, it could be programmed to increase the chances of obtaining an item, by caculating the amount of tries that the chests were open. It actually gives the players more control of their time. If someone wants to spend more time to get something faster, then he could have that choice, and if the casual player wanted to obtain that item, over a year’s time, then they would have that choice too.

Speaking of WoW, i thought people like you didn’t want GW2 to become WoW. So now, since Anet does it, the RNG is a “necessary evil”. Fanboys sure are funny.

Ah, the fanboys argument. How cute. Are you really comparing WoW’s RNG with GW2’s RNG? Okay, sit there a moment while I explain the difference. I’ll use pictures and small words.

I had to raid Onyxia. If I didn’t have the proper gear for the next level, I was a liability to my team. WoW was on a monthly subscription. If they didn’t put armor and weapons on RNG, you could get them very easily. When you have everything, suddenly you have nothing to play for, don’t want to play anymore and may just cancel your subscription, losing WoW money.

I don’t have to have the skin. It does nothing for me. That’s why I love this game. Sure, it’s a pretty skin. I don’t need it. But I might want it. So the inability to control your own wants over your own needs is the PLAYERS own problem, not Anet’s. And as I said before, I think it should be account bound. I was lucky enough to receive a bug. I would love to give it to a fellow guildmate. Anet’s RNG is locked behind the gem store, because that is how they fund their game. Unfortunately they know how people can’t control their wants over their needs, so they put stuff behind RNG so they can make money. Without that, the updates no longer come. But hey, congrats – nothing on the gem store is NEEDED either. It’s just WANTED.

See the difference now, tiger? “Fanboy”? Please. Learn to read logic.

100+ chests opened, no fossil

in Living World

Posted by: Stark.1350


The only grind in this game is the one you force on yourselves. I can easily make 100+ gold a month simply by playing and cleaning out my bank of all the stuff I’ve collected just by running around. This content is permanent. I.E. it’s not going anywhere. So 5 years down the line, you can keep coming back to it. Burning yourself out by only doing these events over and over again is your own problem. The amber weapons have been out for three days. Three. However, I’ll actually agree with you on one point – I’d prefer they weren’t account bound.

RNG has been in every MMO since the dawn of time. I killed Onyxia in WoW 50+ times and never once saw my Warlock T2 helmet. In a game that does not have a monthly subscription, RNG is a necessary evil – unfortunately it’s how it keeps the gem store going and the game funded for more releases.

Shelve this game all you want, the grass isn’t greener on the other side.

100+ chests opened, no fossil

in Living World

Posted by: Stark.1350


Nevermind all the other rewards you got from opening all of those chests.

Sorry, this just screams entitlement to me.

How does my character know Mordremoth?

in Living World

Posted by: Stark.1350


Alright, use this link instead.

“The only surviving records exist in dwarven legends and jotun stelae, and according to these records only five sentient races battled and survived the Elder Dragons’ last rise with knowledge of them: dwarves, jotun, forgotten, mursaat, and seers.”

“However, the records surviving from the previous cycle mention only six dragons.”

How does my character know Mordremoth?

in Living World

Posted by: Stark.1350


So I logged in yesterday...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


Can’t you just not post here anymore?

How does my character know Mordremoth?

in Living World

Posted by: Stark.1350


There’s a book in game that details all the elder dragons by name, save the underwater one. i.e. everyone knows about them because they can read about them. Ever heard of history books?

Do your research before spouting off people.

First Impression: Entanglement!

in Living World

Posted by: Stark.1350


You know there’s a book in game that details the dragons and their names, right? It’s not like the races DON’T know about them. Geez.

Turret engineer. No, I won't apologize.

in Engineer

Posted by: Stark.1350


I play solo queue a lot. I run a turret engineer build.

And the comments/hate directed towards me when people die against it, happens every other match.

I’m not sure I understand it. I know exactly what builds/classes will march over me before my turrets can do anything, yet those that can’t haphazardly throw themselves at it in hopes of victory.

I’m not going to apologize for running an AI build. I enjoy it, it’s a strong build in it’s own way and I’m best helping my teammates with it.

How do the rest of you engineers feel?

Half Off For New Players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


Stop feeding the trolls please.

Guild Wars 2 China Sales

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350



Give me a break.

If you want to win solo queue....

in PvP

Posted by: Stark.1350


No offense, but if you’re struggling against a turret engineer, you need to learn to play. And I run a turret engineer. I know exactly what can completely own me without batting an eye.

Why so quiet on what is being done for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Stark.1350


Just curious.


July 1st - anet's last chance for you?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


lol @ people uninstalling a free game.

PvP Timeline

in PvP

Posted by: Stark.1350


I’m a casual pvper – only rank 31. But I do enjoy it and it’s a nice break from the pve scene. Even playing casually, I feel the pain of those who play pvp at a much greater pace – playing the same maps over and over is getting to be cumbersome.

I really like the reward tracks, but I was wondering if a developer was willing to comment on when new games modes/maps might be added?

Anti-Hype Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


I see Corpus is still at it.

New map confirmed.

Don't expect a new zone - Whoops, I'm wrong

in Living World

Posted by: Stark.1350


New zone’s been confirmed.

Can GW2 be saved?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


Doesn’t need to be saved, but I wish the forums could be saved from nonsense posts like these.

Release schedule for LS Season 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


Just curious what the release schedule was for Living Story Season 2. Is it in two week blocks again?

I thought I read somewhere, that the living story part would be two weeks, then after that, you guys would release a small feature pack, then back to living story, feature pack, etc, on a rotating two week schedule.

Also, make activities playable in custom arenas. That is all. =P

14,000+ champ bags. No precursors.

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Stark.1350


I don’t see the problem. Sell what you got, buy your precursor.

Paying for past content?

in Living World

Posted by: Stark.1350


This argument has become really moot now – devs have confirmed in their interview on reddit that you can “guest” friends into the content for free, if you have it unlocked. They just can’t earn the achievements or specific rewards.

Paying for past content?

in Living World

Posted by: Stark.1350


I’m not sure what the problem is with people that have one.

How it is currently:
If you show up during the two weeks, you can play it. If you don’t show up during the two weeks, you will never see the content again and will never get to experience it. There is nothing you can do.

What it is going to:
If you show up during the two weeks, you can play it. If you don’t show up during the two weeks, you can still play it by choosing whether not to spend 200 gems. Now you have the option of doing something. (And keep in mind gems can be bought with in game gold and you never have to pay a dime of real life money.)

Someone explain to me the problem?

Guild Missions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


Just curious – do you guys plan to add anymore in the near future?

Will I have to pay for micro-updates ?

in Living World

Posted by: Stark.1350


As long as they keep the updates flowing and don’t sacrifice forward movement for permanence.

OPEN world CONTENT is going to take a HUGE hit. Expect LESS things like the MARIONETTE encounter, and more like the personal storyline-like instanced content that NO ONE even REMEMBERS.

Not to mention how, IRONICALLY, they’re killing the concept of a LIVING world. If the changes to the OPEN world won’t disappear, what’s the POINT in having a STORYLINE? Imagine how it would be if players defeated SCARLET but her ARMIES never stopped INVADING a given map? Or if she NEVER stopped appearing in the MARIONETTE content even after we had DEFEATED her?

ArenaNet DOESN’T know how to AVOID extremes. Having the ENTIRE season 1 based around TEMPORARY content was Bad. Having the ENTIRE season 2 based around PERMANENT content is BAD, too.

I love conspiracy theories based on no facts at all.

Deep Cave

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


And how are people supposed to see what’s in the bank if they only have permission?

You move what you wouldn’t miss to where they can see it or they ask if you have it and you decide to give it to them.

What a completely useless timesink that is.

Deep Cave

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


And how are people supposed to see what’s in the bank if they only have permission?

Deep Cave

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


Is there anyway to put a password on the guild bank?

Deep Cave

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


So the point of a guild bank is.. ?

Deep Cave

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


For the LOVE OF GOD, can we get separate rank access for the Deep Cave in our guilds? These hacked accounts are completely out of control and we’ve lost our important stuff twice now.

GW2 releases Story Journals: Feedback/Questions [Merged]

in Living World

Posted by: Stark.1350


“This means that going forward, all of the content and all of the rewards for Living World will be permanent.”



in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


OP has been posting for months on the forums with nothing but negativity.

What takes so long?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


You have 6 maps for pvp.
Don’t confuse EotM with WvW.

WvW still is very active and enjoyable.
Bar brawls are active, not sure how much, but those Funny Game Mods have their own use.

There is so much to do in game, that I doubt that you need more instances and other fancy features.
Guild missions are available to Guilds which can do them. And you can get an awesome rewards for their currency. So if those aren’t popular, then it’s the fault of Guilds, not devs. Feature is there.

The only thing I agree with this topic would be need of GvG.

I’m not sure what you’re talking about here. 6 maps of the same game mode. Gets tiring after a while.

We do guild missions. Once a week. But after you’ve done them for over a year, we can do all of them in our sleep.

I’m really confused by the rest of your message.

If you can't beat em, join them

in PvP

Posted by: Stark.1350


I run a turret engineer.

Learn how to beat them.

1.) Extremely weak against conditions – water turret only cleanses two at a time.
2.) Has one or no stun breaks.
3.) AoE the turrets down – once turrets are down, has very little else to deal with.

Geez people, L2P.

What takes so long?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


I’ve always been a die hard fan of this game. The guild I’m in runs strong and we always have a lot of fun. I’ve always found the game beautiful and I enjoy playing it.

With that said, I’m not sure why it’s taking so long to release content, when other MMO’s seem to spit it out like clockwork.

I get that you have your living story team and they’re releasing content on a regular basis. Which is great. I enjoyed living story and I’m not about to argue the merits of it. And that you mentioned you want to release feature packs in between seasons. But do we really have to wait another six months for another feature pack?

1. ) You have games that are setup and built doing nothing. Bar brawl in Divinity. Target shooting in Divinity. Other mini games. And for the love of all that is holy, why not utilize custom arenas so guilds can play these mini games with their guild? Just turn off progression! Do you know how much money you could make on custom arenas if this happened?

2.) Are guild missions completely forgotten? Any new ones planned? Additions to what we have? Help spread guilds out?

3.) One PvP map after 2 years? And you removed one on top of it? Really? Where are the other game modes?

4.) Edge of the Mists was neat and some of the fights there can be very entertaining. But what else is going on with WvW? I know you have separate teams for this.

5.) New dungeons? I hate to assume, but with new zones inbound, I’m guessing these would be coming at some point too.

6.) Guild halls?

I love this game and I love playing it, but you guys have got to find ways to get things out faster. It’s taking WAY too long.

Skritt King in LA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


Skritt took over the hooligan’s hideout in the NW corner of LA.

Skritt King in LA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


We were told there would be hints to Living Story Season 2 in this update – is the Skritt King one of them? He really wants to build a ship..

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


Hello all,

Just a quick note to let you know that we still have a dedicated team working on improving the megaserver issues.

Hey Danicia, if you don’t mind my asking, what issues are they specifically trying to improve?

ETA on Last Online?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


Any call on when this is going to get fixed?

any one else bored with gw2 ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


I’m disappointed in GW2. Especially after the newest patches. Previously I would come back every time there was a new living story but now the last update left a really bad taste in my mouth. I was in several different MMO betas and only one stuck on me. I’ll be playing the MMO whose headstart begins at May 31st and the one that fully releases at June 3rd.

Enjoy the community of 12 year olds that filled “that other MMO”, but now have access to bunnies and swearing.

Top signs the population of player is low ..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


1.. when you found no Commander tags and 3 players in the “Crown Pavillion”
2.. when your zerg has a size less than 30 in Eternal Battle ground
3.. when you could not find a zerg in Orr
4.. when you could not find a tag in Lion’s Arch
5.. when you only see two guildee’s online
6.. when you see players quitting on the forum
7.. when you could not gain an skill point after hours online
8.. when you see unbalanced WvW scores
9.. when you spend more time on the forum than in the game

10.. when you uninstall the game

1.) Everytime I go into the pavilion, it’s packed. People aren’t understanding the concept though.
2.) I’m on Ehmry Bay, one of the smallest servers. We always have zergs going in every zone.
3.) Orr is always packed.
4.) Why is a tag needed in LA?
5.) My guild is growing – what is yours doing? Better leadership maybe?
6.) Happens in every MMO.
7.) How in gods name are you not gaining skill points after hours online?
8.) lol at every WvW week?
9.) That’s your own problem.
10.) Why would you uninstall a free game?


Are we back on schedule?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


Just out of curiosity, how long does the Bazaar/Pavilion last? Is there another update in two weeks now?

What happened ? I just don’t find any real reason to play

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


I play every day. I lead a great guild that’s constantly growing. We have guild events every other day. Always find something to do.

What sort of stuff do you guys organise?

Arah nights for Dungeon Master runs. Diving Goggle runs. Mini dungeon runs. Guild pvp night. Guild WvW night. Dungeon nights. Silly things like costume brawl races or beach parties. Event nights for alts. 1v1 tournaments. No UI nights (that’s a riot). World boss nights. Guild missions every Saturday. Jumping puzzle nights. Jumping puzzle races. Guild hide n’seek. Edge of the Mists night. We’ve had a costume contest. Last day in L.A. party. Pink Day in L.A. for breast cancer awareness. Belcher’s Bluff nights. The list goes on.

state of the ranger?!

in PvP

Posted by: Stark.1350


I have a ranger in my guild who is pvp rank 40, over rank 300 in WvW, first and ONLY person in our guild last year to kill Liadri, level 50 in fractals and Dungeon Master.

i.e. Learn to play.

What happened ? I just don’t find any real reason to play

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


I play every day. I lead a great guild that’s constantly growing. We have guild events every other day. Always find something to do.

[Feedback Thread] New Crown Pavilion First Impression [merged]

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Stark.1350


Pull your heads out people, this is clearly a bug.

Patch Next Week!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


Why would you uninstall a game that you’re not paying monthly for? Free up HD space?

Festival of the Four Winds!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


Recycled content? Hell yeah! Way to go with a stagnant, 2-year-old game! /sarcasm

What’s the problem here? Would you rather get nothing until Living Story 2 releases? No content they have re-released has ever been exactly the same and I doubt this one will either. Take a breath and enjoy it. My god.


in WvW

Posted by: Stark.1350


Hey all. I’m only level 160-something in WvW, but I blame that more in the fact I like to play defense and scout vs. running around capping things.

I’ve been in WvW a lot and wanted to pop out some ideas and thoughts and get your feedback on them and see if the devs take note as well.

1.) Camps. Would you guys want camps to be harder to take? Or to have more upgrades? Indig is nice on the supervisor, but it’s easy to just walk them around in circles. Maybe the supervisor with indig should charge at people? Also the supervisor doesn’t level when the camp is upgraded to level all the guards. Is this on purpose? It also seems too easy to pluck one guard at a time.

2.) Scouts/Checkpoints. These poor veterans seem to just be cannon fodder for anyone that comes around. Would you guys want to see these able to be upgraded? How about adding a patrol of guards in that area, or going even further to adding a scout tower or something like that? How about a warning system that goes map wide when it’s being attacked? Or NPC’s in general that shout out warnings that you can upgrade too?

3.) Towers seem too easy to flip. What would be a good way to solve this? Or do you guys prefer it that way? Perhaps limiting rams to just one ram per gate? Or maybe two? Being able to upgrade guards that maybe you have a guard that uses an arrow cart? Or guards that auto attack with seige or something? Maybe have multiple capture points in the tower or keep that will split up a zerg, but they have to capture all three to take the keep?

4.) Bloodlust/Outnumbered. I’m not sure what to do with these. Bloodlust seems a little pointless, or am I incorrect? I think outnumbered could be added where the guards get ultra buffed or something. What do you guys think?

5.) Mercenary camps in EBG seem a little silly sometimes. What more could be done here? If anything?

6.) EoTM – would you guys want to see keeps and towers here being able to be upgraded? What from EoTM would you like to see in regular WvW?