If you found out the expansion just contained “Verdant Brink” as the only PvE map being released with the expansion, what would your reaction be?
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Stark.1350
Buying Ultimate.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Stark.1350
Save your money and buy Witcher 3. THAT game is worth $50, and you get to play it now.
Yes, pay $50 for a game that actually ends after, what.. 60 hours?
How many thousands of hours have you gotten out of GW2?
I want to hear why this change was made – you’ve completely reversed your position on tiers now.
How is this a reversal of position on tiers?
They aren’t creating a new tier. All the current ascended gear you have will be buffed accordingly. You don’t need to go get all new gear.
They simply are making it a bit stronger than it was. Along with all the other gear that is getting buffed.
Which now forces you to get ascended to compete, especially in WvW. What if they nerf a build that you built an ascended set around?
Exotic gear will be just as good as it was before, maybe even better since trait stats are now re-balanced onto gear. All I see is a buff to a largely unused tier of armor, which nobody should be complaining about. But alas, you guys will complain about anything…
It’s not largely unused and after this change anyone not using it will be farming for it because it will be required for pretty much everything aside from sPvP.
It won’t be required. You will be just as strong (if not more) in your exotic gear. It was simply buffed, so now there is an actual reason to get it when there wasn’t before. Don’t get it if you don’t want it.
This doesn’t make sense. Ascended is now 10% stronger than exotic.
I want to hear why this change was made – you’ve completely reversed your position on tiers now.
This is a poor change. And it’s a big enough one where now you’re going to be forced to craft it.
Just once again boils down to putting out content and features over a huge time frame every two weeks and then turn the faucet off, to terrible drip fed information about the beta.
Have you played since release?
Blah Blah Blah
We get it, you’ve said your piece and then followed up with one short snarky post after another. You instigated the last few posts which showed that you haven’t done everything and what you really mean is that you want Anet to cut out everything you don’t like nor have any interest in and only have the content you want to do and forget everyone else.
There’s not a content drought, there’s too much for most people to catch up on, if there’s a problem it’s that what we currently have doesn’t have the daily draw that content in some older games might have had us rushing home after work to play. WvW isn’t the open pvp world people like myself expected to live in and sPvP hasn’t held on to enough competitive teams to make that a thing and much of pve doesn’t allow for much ‘hanging out’ with people, it’s all a very rapid check list. I enjoy the game and have my goals at the moment and I have my own gripes but I’m not going to make broad statements and assume I speak for everyone else.
Assuming I speak for everyone else? I myself said I was bored. I said people in my guild were bored. And currently there’s a massive post on reddit about it. That’s all.
Missing out on a couple of achievements is most everything. Doing repetitive things like making multiple legendaries or map completion is not content.
I have all the dungeon paths done, all LS achievements but a couple, all JPs and zero interest to do repetitive map completion or complete another set of ascended or legendary.
Oh i was just stating what i still had to do ^-^ Not what you had to do. But why that i still had plenty of stuff to do in this game, i know not everyone has interest in the same thing, so for some people this is a content drought(probably for alot of people) But for people like who still have so much they want to do, its a nice break to allow them to catch up, nothing more! Though i do want the expansion to come, sooooo bad.
Yeah I got it, I was just comparing. Just don’t have much to catch up on. Just frustrating.
Yes, I read that wrong. I’m curious what you still need to get done if you’ve been playing that long and how often you play.
Well, ive been playing since then, 1008 days now, with almost 4000 hours on my account. I still need to do most of the dungeons(story mode and all paths) I need to get all the skins unlocked for those as well. (Have AC done, almost done with COF, and then CM is next) Still need to do map exploration on all my characters that dont have it(11 of 12). Need to do the Human, Norn and asura story lines still. Have a few LS achievements left to do(Screw you centuar, let me dodge your attacks
) need to get the Luminescent set completed. Craft an ascended light and heavy armor set for my two other characters i Main….finish off “The Dreamer” and “The Flameseeker Prophecys” and make my second “The Minstrel”
I do have all the JPs done but the WVW ones, gotten 100% map exploration, finished off all the other explorable achievements, i need to do the ones for reading all of history of ebonhawk still and a few odd ones that i have yet to look up how to do…But yea i still have alot of stuff left to do, that would take up so much space to type id hit the text limit!.
Edit: Averaging 3.5 hours per day of playing ^^
I have all the dungeon paths done, all LS achievements but a couple, all JPs and zero interest to do repetitive map completion or complete another set of ascended or legendary.
Yes, I read that wrong. I’m curious what you still need to get done if you’ve been playing that long and how often you play.
Once again, this game was specifically built with two week releases in mind. Those of us who have played since release are out of content. Period. And have been beating on the same content for some time.
And again, I can’t just leave. I run a guild.
Was it? The two week releases started half a year after release after all. If it was specifically built with it in mind, why did they wait half a year before starting with it?
I have played since head-start (over 1000 days now) and I still have stuff to do. Sure, it is mainly the same stuff (I mainly play WvW) but anyone with any sort of acceptance of reality KNOWS that it is completely impossible for a company to create content faster than people complete it.
I have been “out of content” since basically a day after the last content patch. It is not something that magically happened recently. That will happen in every single game.
Why can’t you leave because you run a guild? Don’t you keep pointing out how no one in the guild is logging in due to nothing to do? So why would it matter if you left or not? Apparently the people in the guild doesn’t play anyway.
People are logging on. But there are consistent complaints of how boring the game has become.
1,000 hours over 3 years is extremely casual play.
Once again, this game was specifically built with two week releases in mind. Those of us who have played since release are out of content. Period. And have been beating on the same content for some time.
And again, I can’t just leave. I run a guild.
I’m ArenaNET’s biggest fan.. and I’m down to logins and the quickest possible dailies for my main. I did spend an hour or so wandering around Orr on the weekend (ah, sweet nostalgia) but I’ve missed the last two Wild Wednesday Tequatl – and I think I’ve at most missed one since the event was redesigned.
My angry eyes are staring at the “Xpat or death” club.
That last line is worth considering. For years (yes, actual years) the club has been crying for an expansion and now people are moaning about content drought?
Games that operate based on expansions don’t really bring any meaningful content between expansions. Did you truly expect to get an expansion AND the regular updates?
They cannot just bring back things we already had because the same people would crucify them saying that they’re lazy and bring rehashed content.
That’s not even remotely true. I’d love a WvW tournament, SAB or something ELSE to do. You can’t build the game on 2 week releases, and then stop them, expansion or otherwise.
The thing about getting bored in a game is that it will, without fail, happen eventually. There are a few ways to combat this (most of which being leaving the game) but there are a few things you can do to get your guild interested in playing. This is just a rough list that I’ve come up with on the fly, so I apologize if nothing interests you.
- Large scale map-wide guild events, such as Jumping Puzzle races. Prizes to the winners!
- Fashion contests. Who can make up the best outfit?
- Game-wide crusades. Take your guild out for a stroll from Divinity’s Reach all the way to Arah, with some mini-events in between each map to keep things interesting (like quizzes, challenges, etc.)
- If your guild is all on the same server, how about a WvW Naked Run? See how far you guys get while running armor-less! (better done in EotM)
- Hide-And-Seek. Hide some officers around the world and provide screenshots as clues, and whoever finds an officer gets a prize!
- Speaking of being naked (ooh-la-la!) how about a naked Dungeon Contest? How far can some of your members get without armor? Again, prizes for the winners!
- Spork PvP Night. Build a custom PvP arena where you set your own rules, such as no meta builds, no healing, etc.
Just some ideas I scraped off the top of my head. I know they’re out there, but I always did these kinds of things with my guild in WoW when times between Xpacs and patches were a bit long. I always had fun doing those, so maybe they will work for you and your guild? Good luck!
We do a variety of events, 4 nights a week. This includes missions, which has been stagnant for months.
You release content for two weeks for a very long time, which works because that keeps people busy for that set amount of time. You can’t just then stop. For those playing since release there has been very little in the way of pure content addons in 3 years.
Releasing no content between now and the expansion is suicide.
Once again, I’m excited for the expansion.
Unfortunately it’s release is a minimum of a little less than 3 months away.
Going to have to have something to fill that gap. Can’t keep throwing up mirages in place of the oasis – your audience will die of dehydration long before it arrives.
For those who say, take a break, I can’t. I am a guild leader and my members are bored – repetitive weekly events are barely filling the time.
I’d like to see at least minor communication about what is happening with the base game and whether or not we can expect ANYTHING until release time.
How is minor communication about what is happening going to solve your problem of bored guild members?
I’d like a simple yes or no about any possible content so I can plan accordingly.
Once again, I’m excited for the expansion.
Unfortunately it’s release is a minimum of a little less than 3 months away.
Going to have to have something to fill that gap. Can’t keep throwing up mirages in place of the oasis – your audience will die of dehydration long before it arrives.
For those who say, take a break, I can’t. I am a guild leader and my members are bored – repetitive weekly events are barely filling the time.
I’d like to see at least minor communication about what is happening with the base game and whether or not we can expect ANYTHING until release time.
Pretty please with a cherry on top?
While I’ll always want more on HoT, asking about it will get me nowhere, so.
Looking for communication on things that could be added to the base game.
1.) Better/more difficult updates to world bosses.
2.) Permanent SAB
3.) More conquest pvp maps
4.) Activities that can be done in custom arenas, achievements disabled
5.) WvW tournaments
Any of these going to be in game anytime soon?
Rank 50 in pvp, 600 in WvW, Dungeon Master, have a legendary, full ascended armor and 14,000 AP’s. Played since release.
I run my own small guild. People are getting bored, plain and simple, even with lots of guild activities.
I’d take even a WvW tournament.
So, was curious.
I get that everyone’s busy with the expansion. And this latest patch had some change to LA. Cool.
Still wondering when we might actually get some playable content though.
Wonder if there will be an update this Tuesday.
You can’t just abandon the regular game while working on an expansion.
Keep teasing the oasis and we’re all going to starve in the desert.
The people comparing those complaining about expansion vs. living story releases are missing the point completely.
LS releases and other events were neat little pockets of content that fit into pretty nice two week periods of release.
An expansion is great! But the current content in game has been there for months. People are tired of it. And given we’re being drip fed SO kitten slow on the expansion and we didn’t even get a bug fix patch today, it’s getting a little frustrating, especially when they have stuff they could put out.
I run a small guild and despite weekly events it’s been tough to get people to log in lately.
Man, went from half a patch to no patch. lol.
I guess the title says it all! /15char
The name is completely irrelevant. Man you people complain about the dumbest things.
And just because “traps” aren’t viable now doesn’t mean they won’t be in the expansion.
I think you guys are being trolled.
Patch day was last Tuesday, there will be nothing today.
For what it’s worth I think the whole way HoT has been approached is terrible. Since the announcement Arenanet have left the current players with nothing new, not even the usual spring WvW tournament. It doesn’t make much business sense to announce something so early, drip feed information with very little proper news, no release window, and simply stop producing new content which the game was originally designed for. Arenanet are a great company, GW2 is one of my favourite games of all time, but the way this has been done is crazy to me. They will be lucky to have a decent player base left when the expansion releases at this rate!
I couldn’t agree more with this post.
Waiting until the end of August without something new is going to be murder.
Anyone else getting bored? Throwing beta keys into Silverwastes, something we’ve all been half parked in for months already, is eye gouging.
My god, put in something. I don’t care if it’s another dinky festival.
Yes they are. The turret shield alone is worth it. Strategically placed, I’ve killed people bouncing stuff off those shields. Clogged up the pathway into the lords room of SM. knocked people out of towers with thumper and forced delay of spam into lords room due to bubble. Rocket and rifle on walls above to hit ram users, thumper behind doors to knock them off. Easily solo camps, upgraded or not. Easily defeat roaming thieves or run them off. Is it perfect in WvW? No. But then no build is.
Just because YOU don’t see them as viable doesn’t mean they aren’t.
No need to get hostile. I have played engineer around 2500 h and big part of that in WvWvW. I am quite often PuG commanding and holding large part of the map, even when both enemy servers double focus on us or when we have the outnumbered “buff” on us. I have several times solo captured every objective we hold (meaning every single tower + camp, which our side controls, was soloed by me). And I mean playing on busy prime time, when enemy servers have lots of large groups or even zone wide blob on the same time. I think I have a fair grasp what works in WvWvW and what doesn’t.
When it comes to roaming: mobility and dps are kings. Any profession can easily solo a camp, but how fast you can do it matters a lot, because otherwise you risk of enemy forces coming to gank you. Turret engineer lacks mobility (no disengage and takes longer time to travel to destination) and has weak condition removal, which is a serious weakness. Fair fights are rare. 1 vs 2-50+ enemies is the norm. In my experience roughly 25-33% of enemy roamers use condition builds with perplexity runes together. High mobility builds, such as GS warrior and D/P + SB thief are extremely common as well.
In large fights turrets are sub optimal choice. Yes, I have also used Accelerant-Packed Turrets to launch enemy players from tower, bridges and ledges and harrass enemy zerg back line, but this is situational at best. Siege weapons work so much better and enemy servers are also known to build ACs even when they are attacking. Pirate ship is the current meta, meaning lots of staff elementalist and staff necromancers and shout guardians + hammer shout warriors. Necro well bombs + meteor shower = adios to all turrets. Any smart enemy team can easily counter the turrets.
It is possible that you are facing completely different types of enemies most of the time.
Back to topic: Does anybody still consider that turrets are viable for any game mode? Conditions and/or hybrid builds currently destroy them very fast.
Well I appreciate your subjective opinion on how optimal the build is. There are no builds in existence that are optimal for every kind of mode in WvW. I was good at it and I enjoyed playing it. As I was in dungeons. Now some people screamed about it in PvP and the build is 100% useless everywhere.
Thanks, everyone.
Instead of removing Turrets “completely” from the game anet should have taken a bigger approach and completely rework turrets to make them viable but not OP in all game-modes.
Please explain how turrets are viable in WvWvW or pve, because they are NOT. They were bad before this patch and now they are utter garbage, except for the launch from the accelerant packed turrets traits.
I think the general consensus is: Arenanet nerfed turrets to oblivion. Some players are probably happy about it, but similarly some other players would be happy to see stealth or entire professions completely removed from the game.
It is sad that Arenanet is probably repeating the mistake with the grenade kit, making it totally subpar for WvWvW by massively nerfing the range from 1500 to 900. It is “nice” that the rarest profession in WvWvW gets hit by nerf hammer time after time (I know engineers are common in spvp, but NOT everybody’s main game is spvp). After the planned changes, why would anybody consider grenade engineer over staff elementalist, which is already much better than engi in support, burst, dps and utility?
Question for Arenanet developers: Why the turrets were nerfed in all game modes? Was there much complaints that turrets were overpowered in pve or WvWvW?
Yes they are. The turret shield alone is worth it. Strategically placed, I’ve killed people bouncing stuff off those shields. Clogged up the pathway into the lords room of SM. knocked people out of towers with thumper and forced delay of spam into lords room due to bubble. Rocket and rifle on walls above to hit ram users, thumper behind doors to knock them off. Easily solo camps, upgraded or not. Easily defeat roaming thieves or run them off. Is it perfect in WvW? No. But then no build is.
Just because YOU don’t see them as viable doesn’t mean they aren’t.
You are missing my point.
Honestly it is hard to get your point. Turret Engi were nearly exclusively used in PvP, because they were bad in every other game-mode. So there is no real collateral damage here. Instead of removing Turrets “completely” from the game anet should have taken a bigger approach and completely rework turrets to make them viable but not OP in all game-modes.
Bad in every other game mode for those that had no clue how to use them.
So, congratulations. Those who hated the turret build of engineers can rejoice. I did some testing in our guilds custom arena – turrets last mere seconds.
Been playing turrets since release. It was what attracted me to the class. And while it was a build that was slightly OP to those who didn’t understand the counter. Against those who did, they were always fun fights. I built completely around it and really had a fun thing going. For me, this was not a fix. It was a complete decimation.
Not just in PvP either. Mobs march through them like candy and I was always very good at being effective with them in dungeons and open world content. Can’t anymore.
I even ran turrets in WvW. The reflective shield at the right time was devastating. Now? As soon as they’re dropped, they are completely gone to AoE spam.
So thank you for catering to the vocal minority. There’s zero use for turrets anywhere now.
As someone who played turrets since release, I’m interested in your reaction to the inclusion of Sentinel amulet to pvp last february.
Did you already see the writing on the wall?
I mean, including the sentinel amulet was very short-sighted of Arena.net.Also, what’s your view on a fortified turret build in pvp? (and ditching the rocket turret because the cooldown is too long)
The sentinel amulet made me more tanky, but I did fine without it.
I ran accelerant packed turrets, metal plating, auto tool installation, fortified turrets, invigorating speed, protection injection and experimental turrets. The shield is complete havoc.
I ran pistol/shield with the two runes that transfer and remove conditions. I ran travelers runes for boon duration and mobility between points.
Worked really well. Without turrets able to stand up to anything, it doesn’t work at all.
So, congratulations. Those who hated the turret build of engineers can rejoice. I did some testing in our guilds custom arena – turrets last mere seconds.
Been playing turrets since release. It was what attracted me to the class. And while it was a build that was slightly OP to those who didn’t understand the counter. Against those who did, they were always fun fights. I built completely around it and really had a fun thing going. For me, this was not a fix. It was a complete decimation.
Not just in PvP either. Mobs march through them like candy and I was always very good at being effective with them in dungeons and open world content. Can’t anymore.
I even ran turrets in WvW. The reflective shield at the right time was devastating. Now? As soon as they’re dropped, they are completely gone to AoE spam.
So thank you for catering to the vocal minority. There’s zero use for turrets anywhere now.
Think there will be any content added at all between now and the surmised August release time?
Very unlikely that we will see any new content added at least.
Possible old content being brought back, but completely new stuff is unlikely.
That’d be fine!
Think there will be any content added at all between now and the surmised August release time?
I like making random accusations, assumptions and creating nothing out of thin air before I can test anything myself. Cuz that’s fun.
Starving.. of.. content..
This completely destroys the build in every aspect of the game, if these changes go in as is.
Anyone who thinks turrets need to be nerfed this bad, have zero weight on their opinion. This completely destroys turrets in all aspects of the game.
Maybe reduce their health some and when an engineer gets out of a certain range, they explode. That should be more than enough.
You seem to have missed the part where I directed my criticism at ANet and not her in particular.
Also you seem to have missed the part where most people moved away from asking when it’s done, to proposing an alternative. Because let’s be real: We know by now how you handle problems and how you love to ignore key issues for months or even years.After all, you treat your customers pretty badly so don’t be surprised if we don’t bother asking nicely.
Yes, it’s nice that Lauren joined the thread and yes, we are well aware of her not being responsible for bugfixing. However, throwing a bone and patting yourself on the back is not good community work. I thought you guys had learned that lesson by now.
Grow up. Honestly.
They’re working on it. Not everything is a simple fix. Especially when they’re trying to release an expansion. It’s one minor aspect to the game and the content is permanent. Go find something else to do and just wait until you see it in the patch notes.
Can we please make this a PvP change only? I actually run turrets in WvW – the reflect shield is incredibly dangerous when used properly. They already tend to get blown up pretty fast in big fights – putting them down now is just a waste.
I’m not a huge fan of this change in general, but I’ll see how it plays out. An engineer without turrets is near useless/defenseless and with already poor mobility, this could very well be an end to the build altogether in terms of any sort of usefulness.