There are some junk items that show up in a steel chest. For exampe, if you’ve unlocked the Dreamer tier 3 collection, killing boars (even after completing the collection and crafting the precursor) drops a boar bristle in a steel chest. Could it have been something like that?
I got a key from completing Silverwastes a couple of days ago, so yes, they are definitely still dropping.
If it’s not Spark, it’s Nimbus, who’s in the same spot. You need to talk to each, just not sure which way round.
What does it say top left for your next story step? It might also help to post a screen shot.
The first thing it should ask you to do in Dry Top is talk to a few NPCs and use each of the different types of Zephyrite crystals. The first NPC (Spark I think) is right by the portal from Brisban Wildlands, so you could try talking to him to see if it moves your story on.
I think they’re also available from the final chest in the PvP and WvW reward tracks.
I’m not clicking on the video either, not lazy just reading this on my phone.
What you’ve described sounds like the ghost effect you can randomly get after eating certain Halloween foods.
They said that new content, specifically new expansions, would give new Elite Specs. I can find comments on various sites referring to this statement but the actual quote must be on a video as it’s not pulling up.
The new elite specs will be tied to weapons new to the classes so they won’t be that difficult to add. Give thief a rifle for example, and you’ve got an elite spec for it.
It was from Mo during a Reddit AMA back in March.
There’s an option at the side of the mini-map to toggle this on or off, you’ve probably clicked it by accident.
4. Ends on 10th January.
it’s “get 500K exp in one map without dying”
If I were you I’d do events/hearts in one of the three post-HOT maps
Bloodstone Fen would be the best of the three, as you can buy a permanent exp boost for that map.
The participation bar fills several times as you go up tiers of participation – each time it resets, it means you’ll be getting more reward track progress every 5 minutes. When the bar stops at 100%, it’s because you’ve hit the top tier.
Learning the mastery has nothing to do with actually using updrafts. You train updrafts the same way as any other mastery – earn experience in the appropriate maps by any means (kills, events, harvesting, etc.) until the bar is full, then spend the required number of mastery points.
Once you’ve got the mastery, using updrafts will be automatic – as soon as you glide into one, you’ll go up, and your energy bar will get .refilled.
That looks suspiciously like a negative number that’s wrapped around, so I think the real question isn’t how are they ticking so high, but instead, how badly are they doing to have a negative PPT?
You damage him via the grubs. Lure him on top of a group of grubs, kill the grubs, and as they die, they’ll damage the boss.
There will be some tedium with the dungeon runs. Be prepared.
Some tedium = 5 runs of a dungeon’s explorable mode.
Or if you’re into PvP or WvW anyway, complete the dungeon’s reward track 3 times.
You’ll need to have a guild rank that has the Guild Mission Control permission set (it’s the bottom permission on the left if you scroll all the way down).
To launch the mission, select the mission you want, and there should be a ‘Launch mission’ button at the bottom of the window.
I had this earlier today, with 3 instances of the item that teleports to the high-up area in the new map. The second item got replaced immediately, but the third didn’t. After another couple of chests (none of which contained the item), the third item went and I got the keys. So it looks like if you carry on opening chests, it may catch up with the duplicate and sort it out eventually.
If you’ve bought the Bloodstone Fen exp boosts, that could be the quickest way – I did the dailies there, and that was enough to fully train the new mastery.
Guild chat not working half the time, and tonight the Guild button wont work, many times you cant get to the guild hall. Its hit and miss thing same with guild chat, sometimes it works..other times it wont. TP is acting funny as well, many times it wont come up and after a bit it does. Last night you couldnt log on, if you got tossed, it wouldnt let you back on. tonight i havent had that problem but the chat doesnt work all the time or guild hall button.
There was a DDOS attack yesterday, and it seems to have started up again today. You can put pretty much any of the strange behaviour over the last two days down to that.
The coalescence achievements are a bit misleading – you need to do the pre-event where you have to prevent the destroyers from absorbing the magic, not the coalescence event itself.
I think you’re misunderstanding what I’m saying. I ran this instance last night and had the same problem, where the rift didn’t make him vulnerable, and he had the buff you described, but we managed to finish it anyway.
You’re only able to damage him after you remove his break bar – the blue bar below his health bar. Use skills with CC (dazes, stuns, etc) until the blue bar is gone, and then you should be able to damage him for a while.
(edited by Stitch.1794)
Are you saying you can’t do 1% damage, or that you can’t move the blue break bar 1%?
You’re not supposed to be able to do any damage until the blue bar is cleared, and it’s a known bug that the rift sometimes doesn’t break him, but not being able to move the blue bar sounds like something new.
If the rift doesn’t make him vulnerable, you can still finish the instance, you just need to make sure you have enough CC to break the bar yourself.
Do you have “Autoloot: Autopickup” turned on? (options window, top tab, second tick box from the top)
It’s a bug that’s been around for a while – there’s a reddit post with a dev response from about a year ago:
You should raise a support ticket if you have duplicates – I believe it is supposed to be automatically replaced with 2 keys when that happens.
Edit: Added a Round Tuit. Now anet has no more excuses now that they have a Round Tuit
You could have just PMed that to a dev, but, no, you had to give everyone on the forums a round tuit. My to-do list has just exploded, and all my free time for at least the next decade is now used up. Thanks a bunch.
I tend to turn the UI volume slider up and all the others right down, which makes it really hard to miss the sound effect it makes when you get a special action.
Alternatively, TeamSpeak or similar is also useful, so if you miss all the in-game tells, you can also listen out for the other nine players saying “Poison. Poison! POISON! And that’s a wipe…”
LOL I found that this only works well if i do click with the left mouse button on top of the materials that appear in the right corner.
Is there any option that i have to turn on the preferences of the game so that it is automatic?
Yes there is – Autoloot: Autopickup.
In the options window, top tab, second tick box from the top.
Just tested this out myself, and there is a bug, but only on the tooltips.
For example, Life Siphon shows a 12s recharge when moused over, but when activiting it, the trait applies correctly, and the recharge is only 8s.
Have you tried consuming the rations?
Something that has been steadily building up in my inventory over the last year or so are Zephyrite lockpicks. They’re generally a pain to use, because the chests are only available while the more lucrative (in terms of geodes) events are active, so during the sandstorm, it doesn’t always make a lot of sense to go out of my way looking for them.
Considering we already have home instance versions of the chests from Silverwastes, Verdant Brink, Auric Bason and Tangled Depths, could we also get some means of obtaining a buried locked chest for the home instance?
Something I’ve seen suggested before, and I think is a good compromise between the pro-cap and and anti-cap camps, is an annual increase in the cap that is somewhat lower than what can be achieved by completing 365 days’ worth of dailies. For example, an annual cap increase of 2.5k would equate to only needing to complete dailies 5 days a week to reach the cap within a year.
This would allow dailies to continue to provide a means of progressing in AP, but also doesn’t bring the treadmill effect some had where they felt compelled to complete dailies every single day just to keep pace.
You may have reached the cap for dailies – it’s 15,000 combined for dailies and the old monthlies.
The Great Destroyer is the exception, can’t blame humans for that one.
It was humans who released the titans (Khilbron aided by the PC), a human who caused the jade wind and affliction (Shiro), a human who started nightfall (Varesh) and a human who released Palawa Joko (PC).
So you don’t blame humanity for when Elder Dragons rise… but you blame humanity when an evil forgotten god rises?
Khilbron, Shiro, and Varesh may have been humans, but their actions were orchestrated by demons and, in turn by hierarchy, Abaddon.
Joko’s freedom was also caused by Nightfall – Abaddon’s pull for freedom from the Realm of Torment – not really humans. Nightfall might have been directly caused by Varesh, but she (like Shiro and Khilbron) was but a puppet on strings pulled by Abaddon.
Abbadon wasn’t able to threaten Tyria directly himself, he needed human agents to make his plans work. In two cases, he found willing accomplices (Khilbron and Varesh). In another he found someone selfish enough to allow himself to be duped into murdering a man he was sworn to protect, and then risk the lives of a whole continent to resurrect himself. None were forced into taking the actions they took. In every case, the humans involved acted of their own free will, and with Khilbron, Varesh, and Shiro (when he returned), they knew what the consequences would be and acted anyway.
That would be like blaming the Disc of Chaos for threatening the world, instead of Primordus.
I thought dragon minions had no will of their own? Whatever they do is the will of their dragon, and they are really are just puppets. All the blame has to go to the dragon.
I think you forget that humanity is the race that saved the world a few times over in GW1. Not the other races.
If I had my way we’d have already offed the other races that aren’t the norn and built a new empire upon the ashes of their civilizations.Ascalon Eternal!
I think you forget that the world was in need of saving because of humanity on most occasions.
I think you are mistaken.
Was humanity the reason The Great Destroyer nearly woke up 250 years ago?
Was humanity the reason Abbadon tried to unleash Nightfall?Where exactly are these “most occasions” coming from? Did you even play the first game?
The Great Destroyer is the exception, can’t blame humans for that one.
It was humans who released the titans (Khilbron aided by the PC), a human who caused the jade wind and affliction (Shiro), a human who started nightfall (Varesh) and a human who released Palawa Joko (PC).
I think you forget that humanity is the race that saved the world a few times over in GW1. Not the other races.
If I had my way we’d have already offed the other races that aren’t the norn and built a new empire upon the ashes of their civilizations.Ascalon Eternal!
I think you forget that the world was in need of saving because of humanity on most occasions.
Yes there is an LFG, but what is wrong with wanting some faster an easier for people that don’t care who they run with.
You could flag for the dungeons your interested in. Once there is 5 people you are given a prompt just like in spvp.
Once everyone excepts you are ported to the dungeon.
The problem with this is you split what is already a relatively small player base between two systems. It would be a bit daft if you end up with two people sat waiting for their party to fill via LFG, and 3 waiting for the dungeon finder when with single system, they’d all already be in the dungeon with a full party.
It would be interesting to see what happens when the Forgotten’s cleansing ritual is performed on a risen of a sentient species. It’s possible that would leave you with a risen who has free will and memories and personality from before they died – so far as we know, it’s only been tried once and we can’t really tell just how much memory and personality Twitchy retained, being a chicken.
I saw someone link a chat code for a cat’s ears skin yesterday (presumably data mined from the latest patch) so there’s a good chance we’ll be getting them for Halloween.
Being able to select 4 instead of 3 specializations will surely give the game a fresh new perspective, New builds, New possibilities
There are fewer permutations when choosing 4 specs out 5 (or 6 with elite) than there are when choosing 3 out of 5/6. Going to 4 specs would reduce the diversity in builds.
Is there any way to see which numbers you still need to do?
I’ve done all 13, but the device didn’t break, so clearly one or more didn’t count, but I’ve no idea which one(s).
There was no guarantee we’d get the balance patch today. Last season’s balance patch came two weeks after the season ended, so I’d assume we’ll get the same again this time.
Then Episode 2 came, which redacted “they betrayed the others” into “they were betrayed” with questions raised.
Episode 2 hasn’t definitively said that the mursaat were betrayed, it just has the mursaat claim they were betrayed. Lying about their history to cover up their crimes and make themselves seem the wronged party is entirely in keeping with what we’ve seen of the mursaat in the past.
Of course the present-day mursaat may well believe that what’s been written is true, assuming they’re not so long lived that those seen in GW1 had survived since the previous dragon rise.
This also wouldn’t be the first time we’ve seen conflicting histories like this, with the human and charr histories differing to each make it seem like the other race was the villain.
As for the order, I think I mightve been confused, then. Because in my experience the player was quite clear on becoming impartial with the orders during the PS. But I suppose the player moves from being an order representative to an honors’ member. I’m not quite sure what happens to the players status but I always interpreted that conversation as ‘leaving the order, but staying friends’
You might be thinking of the conversation when Trahearne is appointed leader of the pact – it is explicitly stated then that the leader should have never been a member of any of the orders so that they can be seen as impartial.
Silverwastes counts as part of the core game, so will only work for Central Tyria masteries. Head west from there into the HoT maps, and you should be able to finish unlocking gliding.
One option is WvW, as it has the same reward tracks as PvP.
Another option is the repeatable achievement for completing 8 unique paths. You should be able to find 8 paths that people are willing to do, and use those to farm tokens for the other dungeons, as the achievement reward includes 150 tokens from the dungeon of your choice.
What do you mean, everytime i complete 8 different paths, i can choose 150 shards of any dungeon?
The achievement is called Dungeon Frequenter, and gives this reward:
One option is WvW, as it has the same reward tracks as PvP.
Another option is the repeatable achievement for completing 8 unique paths. You should be able to find 8 paths that people are willing to do, and use those to farm tokens for the other dungeons, as the achievement reward includes 150 tokens from the dungeon of your choice.
Do any members of Destiny’s Edge have minis, either?
Yes, they all do, with all but Mr. Sparkles still available.
Original Rytlock comes from the deluxe upgrade to the core game, and as a Revenant from the deluxe upgrade to HoT.
Logan, Eir, and Zojja are tradeable minis that can also drop from the black lion mini eggs.
Caithe is a tradeable mini, which I think can also be bought using the tickets that drop from black lion chests.
Garm is in the gem store.
Mr. Sparkles was originally available via a code handed out at a con, and then later as a reward for buying gems at a specific time (late 2013 if I remember correctly). I don’t think there’s any way of getting him now.