Showing Posts For TheMightyAltroll.3485:

Rank 1

in PvP

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


There is a difference between being the top no-life in a video game, and actually being the best at it.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

Power Staff -Let's Have Some FUN!

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


Now, try this in PvP. I dare you.

Sadly, I have done this in PvP, and it was somewhat effective, BUT, it wasn’t effective when I had to put 10 points just for Greatermarks, when it could’ve turned my Putrid mark into a 4k critting AoE monstrosity.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

The Hunger Games Custom Arena

in PvP

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


That’d be awesome, random challenges for players. “You can now only fight with utilities”

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

The Hunger Games Custom Arena

in PvP

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


It sounds like a very neat idea, but it should have limitations on the number of builds of a type you can have, otherwise everyone would just run bunker/Thief to survive.

Instead you should have a last man standing sort of game play going on, where it is 5v5, and players that are eliminated HAVE to spectate.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

(edited by TheMightyAltroll.3485)

Fleshwurm, and "OMG WHAT MOUNTAIN"

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


I have a build that uses both Flesh Wurm and Spectral Walk, it’s better than stability, and works quite well. You place your flesh wurm before the fight at a far away distance, as soon as you down your opponent, activate spectral walk right next to him, start up the stomp channel, then Necrotic Traversal, then Spectral Return the moment your stomp would connect. Works really well in group fights. Long CDs though are irritating.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

Fleshwurm, and "OMG WHAT MOUNTAIN"

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


You can also telestomp using Flesh Wurm/Spectral Walk, if you didn’t know.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

Tests in Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


Might have to reschedule this test, as some people are having difficulty doing this on Saturday, apparently. Applications are still open since Device hasn’t responded to my query, and Sujiro is only available after May 9th it seems.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

Down state

in PvP

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


They could make a mode that has no down state, I suppose. I dislike it myself. I have had occasions where I down 3 players before I immediately die due to the focused Down attacks.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

Jagged Horrors

in PvP

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


Would you guys mind removing the Death condition from Jagged Horrors, and just install a limit of 5 (Like Mesmer clones), because they are indeed useful at times, they just do not last at all. They’re also literally the only condition minion we have.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

Do you feel like a necromancer?

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


Necromancers in real life, are emo freaks.

Necromancers in most mythology, are all powerful sorcerers that generally keep to themselves.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

Barbed Precision, necro in a nutshell.

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


False. The bleeds you are referring to were caused by your Sigil, NOT by your Barbed Precision. You can even see at points in the video extremely short 1 second bleeds. There is no other possible sigil/skill that would cause 1 second bleeds like that, so they came from the Trait.

It has always been a 1 second bleed. Yes, I wish they were longer, but they have ALWAYS been that way.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

Do you feel like a necromancer?

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


Necro should be totally weird. They should be totally unpredictable. They should be totally illegal. They should have the most creative of builds. Their traits design should allow for much more freedom than other professions. They should be extremely hard to control, just like the MIG-21, yet shines in the hands of a master.

They already sort of are. We have more viable builds than any other class. However, I do agree with you about your second point: It’s a little odd to be a evil dark master of death helping Farmer John clear out rabbits with summons of the blood stained pits of the underworld for 20 copper.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

Do you feel like a necromancer?

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


I once felt like a frilly princess dancing through AoE dots.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

Sylvari -the sexiest playable race in Tyria?

in Sylvari

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


It’ll take me forever to reach rank 60 in PvP, but when I do, my Blue babe will look incredibly sexy imo. Snapdragon Tier 1 ftw.


Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

Do you feel like a necromancer?

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


Why not just cut the middle man out and call us “Warlocks”

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

Do you feel like a necromancer?

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


Necro meaning Death, Mancer meaning Divination. I do not feel like a master of Death as NONE of our skills revolve around death unless you consider summoning Golems made of Flesh as part of Death mastery.

No, instead I feel as though I’m a glorified Nigromancer (Black Divination) or Dark Sorcerer. A Necromancer would turn the corpses of his enemies into horrifying mindless monstrosities. A Necromancer would feed off of his connection to death, becoming stronger the closer he gets to it. A Necromancer would be IMMORTAL, undying, becoming a variable God upon actual Death (Lich).

A Necromancer would command an army of undead and loyal servants created from the deaths of others. He would command all death, no matter how big or small. Turning the internal organs of someone into undead Wasps to burst from the bodies and attack others. They would also be able to summon Demons to do their bidding as well (Flesh Reaver, for instance). They would instill weakness and death simply from their presence. The ability to bypass all mortal forms of physicality, to attack someone directly at their soul.

Instead, we get to spam Dots. Yay.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

[Rework] Elementalist skills (Staff)

in Elementalist

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


Old Spectral Claw? You mean the current Staff autoattack for Necro, right?

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

[Rework] Elementalist skills (Staff)

in Elementalist

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


I feel like Lightning Surge should do around 1,000 to 1,300 damage, and remain with it’s current Cast time, with CD increased to 15 seconds.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

SOTG Interview: DS To Get a Unique Condition

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


I know, I was just saying that incase someone thought “I’ll just use Flesh Golem or a Well!!@#” >.>

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

Tests in Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


hey im down. This sounds fun. Just let me know

IGN: Grimmnox
Skype: Dualfish. (with the period at the end)
Available anytime

Sent you a request on Skype, bro.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

SOTG Interview: DS To Get a Unique Condition

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


And what happens when you’re pure conditions? Plagueform and all?

What happens when you’re Condition based and an Engineer drops Supply Crate, or uses mass turrets. What happens when your keep is undersiege and you can’t do anything to the Siege equipment.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

SOTG Interview: DS To Get a Unique Condition

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


Disease would be cool, but it doesn’t fit well with other classes. We also are severely lacking any Structural damage as condition builds. Ever try to kill a Treb with Staff/Scepter?

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

Show yer norns!

in Norn

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


My Norn warrior Mel Gi… William Wallace.


Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

Tests in Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


Heh, happy birthday man!

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

Tests in Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


That sounds good.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

Tests in Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


Alright gentlemen. You guys need to work out a schedule for the test this saturday, if you will. Also Bhawb, due to testing of your Minionlord build I expected you to run in the tourney in a test setting with the other participants of this test. I have decided it is ineffective, and I’ll give you a roaming build exactly like the one Black Avarice (reedju) will be running. Ask him how effective it is, if you like.

Edit: Nay won’t be able to make it, so we need a replacement. :/

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

(edited by TheMightyAltroll.3485)

SOTG Interview: DS To Get a Unique Condition

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485



  • Reapplies itself when cleansed
  • Burns armor value for (0.1 * Malice) per second
  • Damage to Armor lingers for (0.05 * Level) times the duration of the condition when expired
  • Damages for (0.15 * Malice) + (4 * Level) + 8 damage per second
  • Can be applied to structures
  • Damages structures for (0.25 * Malice) + (4 * Level) + 8 damage per second

Skills that apply Acid


  • Master trait: Armor burn lingers for 50% longer
  • Grandmaster trait: 30% chance to apply Acid on Necrotic Grasp (3 seconds)
  • Putrid Mark (2 1/2 seconds)
  • Corrosive Poison Cloud (2 seconds)
  • Deathshroud 5 skill
  • Putrid Explosion (2 seconds)
  • Death Nova (1 second)
  • Spectral Wall (1 second)


  • Fumigate (1 Second)
  • Acid bomb (5 Seconds)


  • Scale venom (2 Seconds)
  • Choking Gas (1 Second)


  • Carrion Devourer: Poison cloud (1 sec)
  • Whiptail Devourer: Devourer Siege (1 sec)


  • Chaos Storm (5 Seconds)
  • The Prestige (3 Seconds)
  • Into the Void (3 Seconds)
Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

(edited by TheMightyAltroll.3485)

Tests in Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


Alright, I need 1-2 more participants, and I need existing participants to send me their Skype information if they haven’t already.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

Why is ranger pet better then Warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


- Less damage.


Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

Attention Developers: Please read this.

in PvP

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


I would rather the developers grow some back bone and make a MASSIVE change and then whatever problems arose from that could be baby stepped back down…

Rather than baby step, fix, baby step, fix, baby step, fix in the span of 5 months.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

Support Necro tips

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


Support Necro is unviable, except for one build I have that I’m keeping top secret.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

Attention Developers: Please read this.

in PvP

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


I can easily see the frustration of the Developers over a number of issues such as “There is just no appeasing these people” or “They don’t understand the process”

But so many of us with valid points are appealing to them for the sake of the game. I know many people, including myself, would be perfectly glad to explain the problems of the game better, how to fix them, or anything of that sort.

If the Developers do infact understand these problems, and how to fix them. Why haven’t they?

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

SOTG Interview: DS To Get a Unique Condition

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


Doesn’t matter. It could tick for 1 damage and It’d still be overpowered.

Nah just kidding, anything about 200 though and people would be crying for nerfs just because of me.

200 DPS, while a chilled is up, while the opp is moving (totally avoidable), being chilled a low duration condition is OP to you?

Actually its a great idea. It improves our attrition skills.

On my build, I can easily achieve 30+ seconds of chill, not to mention fear forcing you to move (Add Terror to that) I’d be pretty OP.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

Tests in Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


That sounds awesome, man. I thank you for your support Bas!

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

Attention Developers: Please read this.

in PvP

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


  • Necromancer:
  • Ratphink.4751 “Definitely in agreement that the lack of Signet change., however I think the change they made to it was to keep the passive in line with the other passive stat boosts. The problem I have with Signet of Spite is just that it’s not worth activating. The steep cool down for such a brief effect is just disappointing. You can’t even really use it as a Bleed Source. Though the buff in the Power Stat is welcomed, I’d be more interested in seeing it’s effective active ability buffed somehow or that 90 second cooldown jiggered a little, because otherwise there are far better signets to use in the meantime.”
  • krippler.9826 “I have run with epidemic in my WvW skill bar since launch, and I am still running with it. But at this point, I’m not sure if it is worth it. With all the condition removal and the nerf, it is just about impossible to get epidemic off on a walking target. I think when balancing, ANet needs to look at how often players are able to successfully transfer conditions from normal players vs downed players and NPCs. In WvW, I would bet that since they instated the nerf, 90+% of the successful condition transfers are from the latter, and it has totally taken the fun out of it.”
  • CHIPS.6018 “-Signet passive was not the problem. They are still useless until their cooldowns are reduced.
    -Epidemic still useless in WvW.
    -They buffed the health on the 2 minions that doesn’t need help. One is used for teleport. One is used for knock down. Excellent…
    -Grim Specter is still useless due to its 30s recharge. It needs a recharge of 5 seconds, zero damage, remove boons and cure conditions. Then maybe it is something to think about.”

Now alot of these can be exaggerated, and probably are, but there are GOOD reasons to be annoyed at the progress of this game’s fixes. I understand that you can’t do all of this at once and slam it down on people’s foreheads. However, That is what everyone is asking for

We WANT drastic changes, we WANT everything to be balanced, and we certainly don’t want to wait MONTH AFTER MONTH JUST FOR TOOLTIP FIXES!

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

Attention Developers: Please read this.

in PvP

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


  • Warrior:
  • Warlord.9074 “The way that its such a trade off to use either one of the new traits, doent make them buffs at all. Becasue If we want boon hate we have to trade a damage increase from somewhere else to get it. Those other traits are a guaranteed boost. Either 10 or 12% depending. So unless the other player we are fighting has all 9 boons on them were not even going to break even on the loss. The dogged march is great but if we want that we have to give up leg specialist or something. That really doesn’t solve the problem of getting kited. Becasue sure we have 33% less movement but we lack the CC to keep the target from kiting. So we still get kited even more than if we hadent used dogged march at all. I’m not really sure were your trying to go with theses buffs. They don’t seem to be helping anything except rifle warriors.”
  • Forestgreen.7981 “At the moment, even taking dogged march and 30 in discipline left me in a pretty bad position. The discipline trait line itself is awful, 30% crit damage and 3% burst damage is making me cry a bit how weak it is. I found taking the new boon hate makes me weaker against rangers and mesmers.
    Also I would try out bull charge? frenzy HB but that only worked with 100% quickness because HB itself is a 3.5s channel and bull charge being a 2s knockdown means it’s the only way you’ll get fully combo someone without getting destroyed in the process. I’m losing all faith in A-Net for even making warrior viable anymore. Dogged march is so worthless.”

  • Elementalist
  • BlackBeard.2873 “Mobility isn’t OP, neither is not dying. The D/D bunker spec was OP because its damage was too high for a bunker (I’m looking at you sigil of battle). That was all that had to be fixed. If they wanted to fix RtL so that it wasn’t a super-spammy escape in pvp, just make it 900 range on 15s cooldown. PvE-ers would be happier (almost as much mobility, but with an actual offensive air ability that could be used in combat reasonably often), while pvp-ers would whine about something else other than RtL out of combat as an oh-crap button. Please note, bunkers will continue to be complained about (and we will keep being nerfed as long as the bunker is viable), because people get upset when they have to fight sustained battles.”

  • Mesmer:
  • garethh.3518 “They should have just scrapped mantra channeling, its a bad mechanic. No one wants to channel a skill for 3 kittening seconds. No one wants to be forced to run stealth utility skills just to not have a dead utility slot during a fight or pray they aren’t fighting someone with timely CC. It doesn’t make gameplay more fun, just punishes/awards you for the enemies spec… whether or not it has timely CC. There already is waaay too much of that with stability/CC breaks/conditions/direct dmg, its a terribly niche game where only a few specs actually have everything needed to actually work, it needs less of that sort of mentality, not more. Channeling mantras is simply, a bad mechanic. Anet, seriously you can scrap things, you should scrap bad ideas in the game. GW2 was released kittenING waaaay too early and has pretty much no playerbase left. There is nothing to lose from a trial period as you get all the kitten worked out of the game, only opportunity.”
  • Entropy.4732 “Well, it happened and it’s worse than we could ever have imagined. 50% dam nerf and blinding befuddlement gutted. Glam build is dead. Other builds are majorly weakened. No fix / buff for scepters, no bug fixes for checkerboard shatters, no bug fix for clones not holding off hand weapons. No new altered / traits to replace the now useless glam traits . Glam confusion Mesmer is basically a pink paperweight now.”
Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

Attention Developers: Please read this.

in PvP

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


The patch wasn’t enough. It felt like less balance, and more filler. Warriors are still bad. Necromancers hardly got any fixes… infact we got… tooltip fixes?

Honestly! Do something risky! Drastic! Fix the problems! Buff staves for Ele and Necro! Do SOMETHING!

This wasn’t a patch for PvP at all! This wasn’t even hardly a patch. It seems like all you did was nerf the crap out of a few classes and put in some filler ‘buffs’ for others, just to kick it down the road 1 month from now and say “We will fix it then”

Most of the professions that were directly targeted with this patch are unhappy, for good reason. I talked to a developer ingame a while ago, and thought we were getting attention, I was put at ease and calm. THAT WAS A LIE.

There are still so many bug fixes and problems that need to be addressed and you’re telling us that we have to wait a MONTH for things that are completely broken now?

Let me post some of the best responses for this:

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

Tests in Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


Llaaki, I might have to test you ingame before I can accept you to the roster.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

How to make conjures less bad

in Elementalist

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


Fiery Greatsword 1 when specced properly will crit up to 6k, and it pierces, that’s far more than my Lich form as a burst Necromancer. Frostbow 4 is an incredibly strong AoE, with luck you can kill anyone standing on a point, the 5 skill is also strong, along with the burst. Lava Axe can be powerful in the right hands, but is otherwise meh. Lightning hammer is definitely somewhat weak. Earth shield is fine.

Whenever I use my Elementalist in tPvP, I will often conjure weapons for allies and myself for superb AoE damage that is more effective than my Staff. Their cooldowns are also fine, I find myself using Frostbow very often whenever I need it.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

(edited by TheMightyAltroll.3485)

Thieves Shorbow Autoattack = Broken now

in PvP

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


Shortbow is fine, and working well. Don’t like it? Use P/P.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

Elementalist Patch Notes April 30th

in Elementalist

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


Don’t forget the nerfs on Spirit Watch:

  • Ride the Lightning distance is reduced by 40% while carrying the orb.
  • Tornado move speed is now correctly reduced while carrying the orb.
  • The orb is dropped if the orb carrier uses an invulnerability skill.
  • The orb now spawns 10 seconds after match start instead of immediately.
  • Increased altar commune time from 2 seconds to 3 seconds.

All of those nerfs hit the ele really hard. There is absolutely no reason to use an ele as the orb runner anymore. Well done Anet, well done…

Maybe because there was no reason to use any other class as the orb runner? Stop whining about no longer being overpowered, just learn to adapt and play like everyone else. Get over it.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

Nice nerf.....

in Elementalist

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


You chose a class for 2 overpowered skills. Then get mad when they eventually get nerfed.

Well played. I suppose this is why I can’t take Elementalists seriously.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

Tests in Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


Bump, 3 more positions for testing. Support Science!

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

SOTG Interview: DS To Get a Unique Condition

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


Doesn’t matter. It could tick for 1 damage and It’d still be overpowered.

Nah just kidding, anything about 200 though and people would be crying for nerfs just because of me.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

SOTG Interview: DS To Get a Unique Condition

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


There is one hex in GW1 that would be fun to see in GW2 as a condition; Winter’s Embrace.

How it would work in GW2;
When a target is moving whilst chilled, they take damage.

That would make one of my Necromancer builds beyond overpowered.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

Tests in Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


Alright, you’re in.

I also added you on Skype.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

(edited by TheMightyAltroll.3485)

Tests in Necromancy

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


Bump, any volunteers?

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

Ranger Pet Res

in PvP

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


Speaking of which. Rangers with Wolves can activate Wolf Fear, while the Wolf can also knockdown.

So a downed Ranger with wolf gets 3 CCs instead of 1. Plus that god tier heal.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

Is Elementalist good?

in Elementalist

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


Elementalist is good, and will remain good. It just has a very high learning curve, is all. It would help if you find someone knowledgeable with all Ele builds to help show you the ropes (Rather than the million D/D Eles whining about the nerf). I know a few of them.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

sPvP and rewards

in PvP

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


It takes forever to rank up. Way too long.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.