4 Warriors, 3 Rangers, 3 Mesmers, 2 Engineers, 2 Guardians, and Necro, Thf, Ele
-Beastygate Beast Milk, OG BG Veteran Native
Lol eu servers.
Only a wvw player blast finishes static fields in lions arch.
Only a wvw player jumps off cliffs, intentionally taking falling damage, so they can weapons swap for buffs and adrenaline.
Only a wvw player gets daily conditions applied with skills that apply 0 conditions.
(edited by WhiteAndMilky.2514)
Only a wvw player says “this game has pve?”
Only a wvw player knows the significance of the number 695.
does it need a nerf?
Warrior can stack 25 on a person easily. And keep it there…
It’s a place for war not PvE bunnies hopping around chasing butterflies.
Problem solve
Then why are there mobs, bunnies, birds, moose, spawn hangouts, tp, vendors, boats, pve events with quaggans hylek skritt centaur boar worm jellyfish spider tree spirit grub and Mosquitos? There are even cats chasing mice!
(edited by WhiteAndMilky.2514)
If your server mates are so blind that they miss the obvious black powder fields inside your keep….. The problem isn’t the thief, it’s the intelligence of your server mates and friends. And anyone that plays with sound can hear them a mile away. Those who choose to play without sound are not permitted to complain about it.
I dare you to try and hide as a thief inside a keep or tower in tier 1.
Esc is very far out of my finger range I established.
I know righ?! And thief is op. we need more pve in wvw. I think the thief would go away then.
(edited by WhiteAndMilky.2514)
Stun breakers, cc, stability, kite ability, Any of these basically full counters them and renders them useless. It’s a gimmick build for abusing bad players that don’t carry stun breakers, etc. It’s also not advised to duel them unless you know how to counter one trick ponies.
You people have no idea what kind of imbalance you are asking to be brought into the game…just because you are lazy.
Quit looking at your short term personal gain and look at the bigger picture.
16 level 80s. No wvw abilities for me, even though I am a hardcore wvw player. Nice reward system anet.
16 seems pretty big picture to me, and what do you mean “you people”?
Wouldn’t be imbalanced at all. It currently rewards people who play only one character, that is unbalanced.
1)You’re on the wrong server
2)WvW is pvp, expect to fight and get killed
3)You’ll get yelled at on every server, doing what you were doing
What am I sposed to be doing then hm? Running around like a monkey smashing anything I see??
What? Arenanet doesn’t like wvw players? But they give us support tokens!
And another thing, if PvE is so easy, why don’t you do it? Because you enjoy PvP more? Well then play PvP. I play both and it’s never bothered me that they are separate.
Just summed it up for me too.
Quote quote
Yea sor needs their teamate
Bg also needs to team up with waha because bg’s SEA force doesn’t outnumber sor enough.
Well BG needs more umbrellas to protect us from SoR tear storms!
I dnt have any messages
These guild people are gathering together and killing everyone that is trying to get their dailies and harvest mats. All they care about is killing people!by grouping up they are making it unfair for everyone that just wants to explore.
I joined SoR because everyone said they were rp server in wvw. And now they yell at me anytime they see me harvesting or wearing my pirate costume on the boats inside bay!
I’m confused what are we talking about?
Sorry I was a bit distracted, what does this have to do with a rune?
This what happen when we let Milky take a vacation.
Babies don’t need a vacation, but I still see them at the beach… it kitten es me off! I’ll go over to a little baby and say ‘What are you doing here? You haven’t worked a day in your life!’
I like speed busts.
I’m confused what are we talking about?
Sorry I was a bit distracted, what does this have to do with a rune?
I’m still perplexed, please explain.
Stealth needs to be looked at, All it really takes is playing a Thief to realize its bloody stupid.
I agree, it is stupidly easy to counter thief stealth. They have no chance against someone with half a brain.
If you fight a half way decent thief on most classes, You’ll die..
Its only a matter of time.
Hell I’ve taken my D/P build out every now and again, Just chain spam stealth till someone comes long, Pop my 2 signets for the 25 stacks of might total.. and then backstab someone for 15k followed by a massive 5k Heart Seeker
Yeh you’re right, thief is pretty good at killing bad players who don’t turn their camera or play with sound on. Thief is also way too strong against uplevels, they need to nerf thief to save those poor uplevels.
I’m confused what are we talking about?
Stealth needs to be looked at, All it really takes is playing a Thief to realize its bloody stupid.
I agree, it is stupidly easy to counter thief stealth. Thieves have no chance against someone with half a brain.
Nope, bad idea. Rewards for what you play. Not what you don’t play.
If what you play is more challenging than the other content in the game, then it should reward you commensurately for it.
Okie doke, so I have over 3k hours of almost exclusively wvw, and I don’t afk. I deserve 5-6 legendries then by your logic.
Edit: I should also be rank 50-60 in spvp for the work I’ve done.
(edited by WhiteAndMilky.2514)
Fortunately levels don’t apply to spvp! so you never need to pve, ever!
Yes but see how most of those are not capes? Only 2 of them are. They are sashes. I said sashes are okay.
Heavy armor pole arm or pike man please.
Nope, bad idea. Rewards for what you play. Not what you don’t play.
Yea sor needs there teamate
I think everyone’s tired of Blackgate, tbh
Winner winner chicken dinner
Oh hey look another person who knows nothing about thief is making a thread about how they’re op.
Step 1: learn your own profession.
Step 2: learn their profession.
Step 3: murder them with knowledge.
I’ve seen much more fight out of TC than I ever saw out of JQ. If anything we would like for TC to be #3, not JQ. Also we are tired of fighting both JQ and SoR. It’s gotten very bland.
Engineers have the highest amount of aoe boon stopping potential. Much more than any necromancer or Mesmer can dish out. Add extreme tankyness on top of this with some really awesome traits, gear shield, shield skills, multiple blast finishers and bomb kit fields…… One of the strongest and most useful classes in the game…. Secret op. don’t tell anyone.
But if you want to do anything other than that… Yeah other classes can dps, etc, better. But engi has best boon strip and disruption.
Throw Mine is one of the single best boon removal skills in the game, however the other boon removal we have access to is interesting at best. I’ve tried acidic elixirs for this reason, however the application is clunky at best. Mesmer with the shatters remove boons trait and Necros with well of suffering and its pulsing effect are hard to compete with, especially considering the potential number of boons each of those can remove in a short time against a lot of enemies. Don’t get me wrong, with proper Mine Field placement and a bit of luck we can remove a lot of boons as well, however not with the consistency and potential of either of the before mentioned skills. We can however efficiently and effectively apply significant AoE CC pressure to a lot of targets, which is a very large plus to our usefulness.
Not even talkin about the new elixir remove. Purely throw mine and mine field. Able to strip up to 30 boons every 19 or so seconds, without any gadget or tool belt reduction. Fully dependent on n experienced player though. Positioning is vital.
(edited by WhiteAndMilky.2514)
Engineers have the highest amount of aoe boon stopping potential. Much more than any necromancer or Mesmer can dish out. Add extreme tankyness on top of this with some really awesome traits, gear shield, shield skills, multiple blast finishers and bomb kit fields…… One of the strongest and most useful classes in the game…. Secret op. don’t tell anyone.
But if you want to do anything other than that… Yeah other classes can dps, etc, better. But engi has best boon strip and disruption.
Do I need to throw a few more thousand gold at some guilds to get them to transfer?
Let me get my fancy new wallet out.
These Destroyers in the Crown Pavilion are harder to kill than RK, maybe you guys can get some lessons off them? <3
Aww someone mad because [irun] was doing some irunning last night.
Come here let me give you a hug , don’t worry youll be ok : )
Naawww you have to come up with excuses because you know im right, much love
Then is it because you field more guild members alone than any other guild in this match-up?
Wrong. TW can field a full bl zerg unlike Iron who can only field about 30-40.
And TW is darned proud of their Zerg balls!
Yeah I know, this has been exploited to no end. Thanks for pointing it out milky.
Gw2 endgame pve content:
1. Make a legendary weapon.
2. ….that’s it.If you don’t wvw, spvp, or rp, there is nothing to do once you hit 80. You could do fractals but it’s ithe same thing over and over, so boring.
Pretty much the same thing from GW1. End-game=get your Obby Armor, Chaos Gloves, and <insert random rare weapon set>.
How’d you do it? By running Fissure of Woe, Underworld, and Domain of Anguish. It’s nothing new. You hit cap relatively fast ( could hit it in 6-7 hours in 1 ), then start your title/gear grind. Guild Wars in a nutshell.
GW1 had teamwork, party compositions that encourage different roles… GW2 is a joke for MMO… players could’ve easily been NPCs in a single player and it would’ve been the same… Running repeated content in GW1 was fun because of that, doing it in GW2 its not. There are so few skills and everyone runs exactly the same gear (zerk) making repeated content a repeated experience (which doesn’t have to be this way)… this is what makes the game old fast.
Yeah it’s true, so many pve players think there is only one gear set in the game, zerk. It’s fun to watch them try to dps from down state.
“I hit you you’re dead”
“no you didnt!!”
“did too!”
Try swimming with a greatsword, let alone using it underwater.
Would turn underwater combat into larping.
“…the full reward for individual dungeon paths will be on a one-day timer….”
-Isaiah Cartwright
This is a joke right?
Also, the endgame for a lot of us is WvW. This game is called Guild Wars, not Dungeon Wars. WvW is where the guilds across servers do battle. This is very clearly a PvP-centric game. I do agree that they could add more PvE content, but the vast majority of players in the game do not want a gear treadmill, so if you want something like that, this is not the game for you.
It’s a game whose most redeeming quality is wvw. Yet they don’t release anything for it, these wvw masteries are just an insult, like thats enough for us after a year of this game and nothing to replace orbs… They treat their wvw community like a bunch of children who can’t have any cookies from the cookie jar. They continue to add pve content that no one even cares about.
I don’t want to see pink greatswords.
CAn confirm on charr. Also sword sticks out really far in hand.
That’s because there are no t3 light shoulders. When you wear the t3 body piece it overrides it.
Account bound daily. Intended.
Sword warhorn for cleansing, weakness, vigor, savage leap. Helps you survive. Final thrust is a good execute.
Great justice and signet of might are a must. Third slot cold be signet fury, endure pain, dolyak signet, balanced stance. Healing signet/surge. And signet of rage.
Capes are needed.
Nope definitely not needed
Run a separate loot key if you don’t like picking up banners.
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