Showing Posts For Wolfey.3407:

Separate PvE from WvWvW Players (Full Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


I believe there are better ways to handle this situation then to exclude players or creating game type only servers….

The following would have to be created to minimize the QQ:
-Role Playing Only (TC would probably win this hands down)
-PvP Only (Just Heart of the Mists or open world pvp)

A more simplistic solution:
Your WvW rank allows you to jump ahead in Queues

Billy, Sue, Jannet, Crysta, Nicholas, and Bobby are in a Queue for server kitten kitten

Billy is rank 140
Jannet is rank 80
Crysta is rank 4
Nicholas is rank 340
Bobby is rank 69
Sue is rank 22

Lets say that current queue system shows:
Crysta in spot 1

Under my purposed system the queue would work based on your rank:
Nicholas – Spot 1
Billy – Spot 2
Jannet – Spot 3
Bobby – Spot 4
Sue- Spot 5
Crysta- Spot 6

An old saying goes “Rank has its privilege” let it be the case for the queue system.
If you are a new player, you should hop over to Edge of the Mists and dabble around in there for a little bit while you wait in queue. Eventually, you will rank up enough to play with the rest of the crowd at a faster pace.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Queue times are too long, nothing to do

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


Yay this thread again, I knew i forgot one on my list of topics that appear every 24 hours..

Reported on, waiting on devs response, etc. etc. etc.

Congrats on this being the 35th thread (i think) within the 2015 year. Here is your celebratory beer hat. Enjoy.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


The game in general has become a little more hostile, from what I’ve noticed here are some underlying reasons:

-Toxicity from other games that require a subscription has spilled over to GW2, games like WoW. People think HoT will be the next thing so they buy GW2 and jump ship, they believe all games are the same and bring their toxic attitude from their previous game to this game.

-People are understandably frustrated at ANET for the lack of ANYTHING to do while we wait for HoT. We don’t even have a release date or season or year…. We are just stuck doing the same thing over and over again until a holiday pops up. For some of us, with the exception of dailies, there is nothing at all to do. Like me, I have every legendary for my Ranger/ Druid, I have Dragon in PvP, I have Dungeoneer and every collection achievement except BLC Weapons, I’m Silver Soldier in WvW, i’m sitting at 21,275 AP.

-Demeaning newbies, generally the real Guild Wars players, those who actually played since GW1 and even read the novels (yes there’s novels) does not care or wants to listen to how cool your previous game was or how the next mmo will destroy GW2. We just don’t give a kitten kitten kitten kitten about other games and quit kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten comparing it to GW2 we just don’t care. It’s like that annoying girl in school who moves from a different city and keeps talking about how awesome her old city is and how kitten kitten garbage this place is.

Then of course, you do have the minority that are overly toxic and troll way too much. The Guild Wars 2 community, the real Guild Wars 2 community, not the Wild Star/Archeage/ WoW crowd that jump ship every time a new game is flavor of the month. But the actual players who play even when the game has nothing to do, aren’t really toxic.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Daily Engineer Winner

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


Nice catch; however, this should be posted in bugs.

Couldn’t hurt to report this in game as well.
If you do, please make sure you include a screenshot .

Cog Icon top left of screen → Support → Report a Bug → Fill out form → Click Take a Screenshot. → Click Submit.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

PvP forum in a nutshell

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


The PvP forums in a nut shell:

-Remove Daily Class Wins
-Ranger is OP
-Engineer is OP
-People are too mean

rinse and repeat every 24 hours

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Where in the world is Gaile Gray?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


Guys — so sorry for the long period of non-communication. No, I wasn’t abducted by aliens.

I have been traveling in Europe and return tomorrow. I miss all you guys immensely, but the Internetz on the cruise ship (it was a European river cruise) was sooooo terrible that every time I tried to post the entire thing disappeared. After throwing a dramatic hissy fit about the disappearance of another long (and of course worthwhile, well-written, and pithy!) post in the alleged-computer-lounge (where you might load one web page every 4 minutes, IF you were lucky) I decided to spare my fellow passengers further drama and determined that I should simply fire the forums back up (figurately, NOT literally ) when I’m back in the USA.

So…. back with you very soon, and thank you for your kind words! <3

You are going to post a photo of you and the frog relaxing pool side right?

I’m sure the consortium will be more than glad to keep the crowd away

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

why are people scared of playing ranked?

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


A lot of people I know refuse to play Ranked because of the attitude most players have. The whole “you play our way or gtfo” mentality. The gtfo part being a very very very mild version of what is actually said in Team Chat. Usually with a lot of death threats, sexual comments, and hate speech.

Granted they can turn team chat off, but still.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Underwater PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


I would love to see it return; however, it will be too much work for the developers:
1) Re balance of skills
2) Addition of the weapon in the build gui
3) Water skills being added for PvP builds

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Blocked players in queue

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


I do not believe this will be a good idea….

“I’d be really happy if it was made so that if I have someone blocked that he can not be put into queue with me.”

If I’d want a guaranteed easy win, i’d just block everyone in the top 500 in the leader boards as well as any streamer or any known hardcore PvP’rs.

You may think this is far fetched or stupid, but there will be quite a few people who will do this to have an easy breeze for their Dragon or their reward track rewards.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

People constantly afk'ing or quitting.

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


I just wanted to know if anyone else has this issue and if it has gotten worse? I’m still learning pvp and I usually go into practice matches to learn new things but every time I go into Unranked solo queue or with a friend or I choose ranked and go in with multiple friends I always seem to end up in the team where someone AFK’s the whole game or just logs out and doesn’t return. At the weekend it happened to me 7 games in a row and it’s kind of thrown me off of pvp but I don’t wna just stop doing pvp I want to enjoy it but this is ruining my experience..

I know the easiest solution is to go into pvp with a full team and everything but I don’t actually know many people who do pvp they are all PvE snobs

Anyway I’m not here to wine I just wanted to know if anyone else keeps encountering this issue a lot lately?

This is a very well known and documented issue via forums and weekly reports.

The best thing you can do until the devs give us a better option is to report them for LFG abuse and wait for anet to deal with them. If you feel it is something more urgent(someone constantly doing it) you can record the match via video or screenshots and send them via the website support.

Practice or “Hot Join” I wouldn’t worry or even bother reporting for, it’s more of a sandbox play around area.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

PvP dailies fix

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


First let me say, this is NOT what i suggested as a fix, I suggest win X-amount of games.


Hopefully, this is just a bandaid while the QA monkeys figure out what we the players actually want…. even though it’s been stated numerous times on these forums and reports…..

This “band-aid” is like the one you have after spending the entire day on water rides at an amusement park: yes, +1 for having a band-aid, but it’s still pretty useless and barely helping the issue…

This is more of a case of a cat scratching your leg, it hurts and it stings like hell but it does not merit a trip to the Emergency Room. Lets deal with the stinging for a little bit and nurture the wound with what they gave us; instead of treating it like we were shot by a cannon in the middle of our chests.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Why do people NOT run meta?

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


Simple question. Why do YOU not run meta, if you do? Are you aware you are crippling your team? Do you think that you are NOT actually crippling your team?

Just a random question, after 3 matches with/against SD engi, Fresh Air eles, GS warrior, healing necros (this one actually surprised me so much I took me more than a few moments to understand it was not a normal necro) ecc.ecc.

Within Guild Wars 2, that question is really a true Catch 22.

If you run meta, you’re instantly called a newb and harassed throughout the game.

If you do not run meta, you’re called greedy/bad and harassed throughout the game.

I do NOT run meta on my two main characters, I run something that is totally different and have great success with it. The main reason i do not run meta with those two characters is because no one knows what to do when they face something they are not prepared for.

Using my Ranger as an example:
“Oh it’s a ranger, he has a Longbow/ Greatsword. This will be Ez”

I don’t run any of those weapons and it throws people for a complete loop when they don’t know how to respond. They become to familiarized with Longbow skills on Ranger that they forget what the other weapon skills and animations are. So for me, it’s a nice advantage to be able to do quick kills and steals.

inb4: ranger bad, ranger op, nerf ranger lb since i run a youtube build from 2k13

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

This game needs TEAM creation Help

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


Not really sure where you are going with this….

The title is misleading, it’s like you want a tool just based on the title.

The first paragraph is talking about a drive to hold teams together.

The 2nd paragraph is talking about soloq which really has nothing to do with holding teams together.

Are you stating that:
As a solo Q player you are encountering team mates quitting in matches?

if not, can you clarify a bit more?

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Thank you for Vampire runes fix

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


LOL! I’m not gonna lie, I laughed out loud when I saw how fast they jumped on that fix. It’s a welcome surprise as opposed to the long wait for the turret engi fix. :P

Which makes me wonder why immob in air is not fixed yet. -_-

There are different axis to deal with

You have to be careful with how sensitive you make it or you won’t be able to immol anyone who is on top of a pebble :P

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

i dislike courtyard

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


Instead of the whole “I HATE IT REMOVE IT CAUSE I SAID SO” mentality, why don’t we have one of the two options purposed before.

1) Queues based on game type
2) Allow an option to select saved builds

Or Both.

As people have suggested already, you can play Ranked if you do not want to see any of those maps. There is nothing to be scared about Ranked unless you really have bible thin skin and are easily offended.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

PvP dailies fix

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


I waited till Reset to post my two cents on this, just so I could see.

First let me say, this is NOT what i suggested as a fix, I suggest win X-amount of games.

After playing two games, It is a step in a right direction….

Before you only had two classes, now you have 4 classes.

Today is:

just need 1 win from any of those 4 classes.

Hopefully, this is just a bandaid while the QA monkeys figure out what we the players actually want…. even though it’s been stated numerous times on these forums and reports…..

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Suggestion: Change the PvP Titles

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


I’d rather Glorious ____ be used for a second series of titles.


Glorious Druid
Glorious Dragon Hunter
Glorious Reaper
Glorious Chronomancer


Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Pvp Poison community

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


Thought I posted on this one, but I guess not… sort of hard to keep track with all the threads of the same subject that are created. Anyways, it’s been reported on along with at least 15 other threads with the same subject and context. Ideas on fixing this have been submitted, just on a wait and see type of thing.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Yay, profession dailies

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


Ah cool this thread again, must have been 48 hours since i’ve seen this same topic posted.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

PLEASE recycle older content

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


It really is not as hard as it seems, they’ve recycled Wintersday and Halloween with out much issues. A couple minor glitches from someone forgetting to remove an NPC that was part of an obsolete quest.

There may be some Lore issues as to why some of the content can’t be recycled (Zephyrs ) However, a lot of the fun aspects can and probably should be re-used while we wait for HoT.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Racial Skills

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


I really would not have a problem if they did delete racial skills.

All Races should have that is different is:
-Armour Set Styles
-Weapon Set Styles
and NPC interactions

E.g. how npcs react to Sylvaris in Lions Arch.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

If you won a million dollars

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


Id buy every legendary and delete them and repeat it over and over again till Legendaries became account bound on creation.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Why do people hate EOTM?

in WvW

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


Remove rewards -> Farmers leave to farm something else (they are crazy with this, see OS farming or any PvE event they farmed) -> WvWers will slowly play eotm as it was meant to be played

Also a reason why WvW can never have too good rewards

There does need to be some rewards or it becomes pointless.

Maybe get rid of Karma and lower the EXP obtained by 33%

So the only things of value that are earned are random drops, badges of honor and WXP.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Why do people hate EOTM?

in WvW

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


I’d still argue that the biggest fail of EotM is the fact that it builds absolutely zero sense of teamwork, belonging or “nationality” to a server and each other for the players. Regular WvW manages to keep its sincerity because the players have a home server to feel proud of, to fight for and form a tight community around. EotM, with its system of throwing everyone into a mix creates nothing for players to actually care for, so it turns into a mindless farm.

To my understanding, EOTM was meant to be a playable queue for players to mess around and earn wvw stuff while they wait. Since it’s a queue with multiple over flow maps, it would make no logical sense to have it award anything of any major importance to normal wvw.

If anything, I do wonder how playable it would be if the Queues were restricted to your current match ups only. But, I think that would make the map unplayable for servers like Kaineng and other low tier servers who have a hard time keeping a queue on EB or their BL.

Maybe remove karma from event completion?

or Restrict it down to tiers?

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood


in WvW

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


I got this whisper from a hambow warrior (yes hambow in wvw ^^) who tried to tag our guild group from behind thinking he was John Rambo. It’s sad.

That awkward moment when people like that hambow pretend to know what Rangers skills are and give the wrong number.

The complaint is on Rapid Fire which is skill 2 not skill 1

But this has been addressed numerous times and the thought of these threads make me want to stab a new born quaggan in front of its mother.

ill take my infraction now moderator -_-

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Why do people hate EOTM?

in WvW

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


I personally love it, I just hate the whole mind set of:
“This was made for low levels only gtfo”
“why did you kill me? this is meant for low levels only”

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Cost Reduction

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


One concern is something similar to what happened to Guild Wars 1.

The almost every other day patches…..
There were patches for patches for the patches for the up coming patch to fix the patch that happened two patches ago that was meant for the patch to fix the patch for today.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Am I am idiot, or were they just salty?

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


I feel like I have to tell the while story first.

So I was playing ranked Temple of the Silent Storm with my trap ranger, I capped middle then grabbed both ferocities in time to run back to defend mid. After that I pretty much stayed mid because I had a near constant flow of enemies trying to take it, with me jumping off during lulls on combat to get ferocity as it spawned for the extra points on kills. We won.

So as the game ended, one of the losers kept saying how it was the ranger daily, as if him having 2 rangers was why he lost. I commented I was a ranger, and having held mid for most of the game without a single death I could remember. That’s when I got flooded with messages saying how score doesn’t matter (I had highest ) and is probably proof that I’m garbage that doesn’t rotate enough.

My team seemed to be having no trouble taking other points, and certainly never asked for help. Should I have just let the enemy have mid? Should I have done something completely different? Or is everyone just salty because rangers?

For the most part, it’s just people being salty since they are too lazy to change their build they got off youtube. They have become so accustomed to doing the same thing for months after months they can’t be bothered to learn how to dodge or bring an anti projectile skill or some type of Interrupt.

For the most part, you did the right thing. Just make sure with that map you are keeping an eye out for the two special points that spawn. If you see no one heading to one of them, you should move over and try to take it. There are exceptions to this but generally its better to be safe then sorry.

Unless it’s an organized team, never assume that someone is going to do something. Can’t tell you how many times i’ve been on a team that just neglected stillness or tranq and just focused on mid or home only…

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

How do you get into PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


Welcome to PvP, do not be scared or shy of the community, there are a lot of heated attitudes; however, it is not nearly as bad as other games.

Since you have tried practice, I would recommend you trying UNRANKED Arena, there is a Queue you have to wait through but you end up with even number teams (not counting rage quitters.)

If you have a couple of friends or guildies, ask if any of them want to tag along with you for the first couple of games. Make sure you’re comfortable with the environment and your classes. If you do not have thick skin (can’t take rude comments or insults or jokes) you should turn map chat and say chat off so you are not dealing with the other teams comments.

Make sure you are talking in team chat /team or /t

Try to communicate clearly and quickly, do not type out articles in a middle of a game, just something simple like:

3 heading home

or 4 @ far

pwr nec @ mid

just something that can be glanced at and make logical sense for the rest of your team to react to.

If you do not know something, ask your team, speak up.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Lets be nicer to Anet guys :D

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


This is a double edged sword issue.

There are some instances that ANET needs some slack given and there are some issues to where they deserve the flaming they are getting. For developers, if you are not obtaining criticism you or your Player Management Team is not doing their job correctly.

If you are not obtaining criticism as a developer, one of three things is going on.
1) You are God and have finally unlocked the secret to eternal happiness
2) Players are bored of your content and don’t care about your work to comment
3) The PR staff is not doing their job by shining light on the negative issues.

More time then not, it’s number 2 with number 3 sprinkled in

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

New PvP reporting system options

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


Agreed, I’ve brought this same idea up in my reports and I really hope they will give us some feed back on it… It will make the GMs jobs a lot easier knowing what the report is actually about instead of guessing under “lfg system abuse”

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

You know you're going to lose when...

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


… Team starts stereotyping other players but get rekt badly within the first 3 minutes
…. Team member throws a temper tantrum and refuses to leave spawn
…. Team member stalks you for the rest of the night for playing a class he didn’t like
…. You end up carrying the team and still listen to them QQ the whole game.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Remove Profession PVP daily ASAP

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


This has been brought up at least three times a week by different people since the daily change. I have reported this numerous times and I’m sure gates has as well.

Just stuck in a wait and see situation….. sadly..

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Shortbow improvements?

in Ranger

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


I’d just be happy with Short Bow being added to Read the Wind….

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

[Suggestion] WvW achievements

in WvW

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


eh pvp titles are much better

and they are realistically achieveable (except 10k wins maybe?)

In regards to pvp, 10,000 wins is a lot and not something that can be done in a year or so ; however, it is one of the few exclusive mile stones left to go for.

But yes, I do agree that PvP titles are a bit more achievable with the exception of the ones that correspond with the animal ranks, those are way to easy to obtain and should be a prime example of what WvW achievements should not become.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Seeking WvW Forum Specialists

in WvW

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


I did read the things posted about marmatt;however, I did not know anything about the guy so i kept my opinions to my self and let the wvw community do their thing.

Things could have gone differently on both sides, I personally really did not like how he tackled the situation on day 1. From a community stand point, I think it would have been better to give him a week before tossing him in a ditch.

The problem was that one of the requirements was and still is someone who is active not only in the game but also on the forums.

Marmatt dud not meet either:


Total hours: 2,500
WvW rank: 300
Total AP: 8,500
Total Kills: 5,700

As you can see his stats were lower than yours (assuming the example are your stats) and you agree you wouldnt be suited/accepted by the WvW community, so why did Mark?!

Well after dozens of concerned posts, Mark threatened us once again, so we kept quiet and decided to see what would happen. And all our expectation were met! In fact Marmatt surpassed our expectations, not only was he a really bad choice he disappeared and couldnt even be bothered to let anet know!

So the next question we want answered is if Marmatt was to send [b]weekly] reports, didnt the WvW dev he was supposed to send them to ask where they were?!
not only did Marmatt miss one week’s report, or even 2; he didnt make 10 weeks worth of reports!

The stats are mine sadly lol

In regards to the forum reports, we as forum specialist do not know what happens to them after we submit them. The process is as follows:

Read The Forums → If there is a questions answer it honestly → Move on.
If there is a suggestion or feedback → Read through the comments→ Take note of it within a word document with the format Gayle has provided. → Add our recommendation → Send to a email address provided by Gayle.

Once we hit send, all of our reports go to the same inbox and what happens from there is a mystery. I’d theorize that Gayle or someone else goes through them and send them out to the correct departments.

With heart of thorns/ support tickets/ everything else going on…. I’d imagine our weekly reports are a “when we can get to it” type of priority. Again, I don’t know so i really can’t say for sure.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Looking for a North American Server

in WvW

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


You’re more than welcome to join us on Fort Aspenwood. The queues are a little long withing North American Prime Time; however, they only last a max of 20-30 minutes. This is not accounting for reset night, which is really a crab shoot on whats going on in real life during that particular friday.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

AFKs in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407



I was wondering if there is anything that is in the pipeline from Anet to address this issue.

Personally, I am so tired of players AFKing as soon as you make a move that they disagree with. Some people don’t care about their ranking and still play ranked (why? that is a good question) and for some reasons they just go AFK. Sometimes they rage quit but most time they just sits there and do nothing.

There used to be a “condition” to exclude such players if they did too many rage quittings half way through a game. Is there any chance we will get something that manages such horrendous behavior?

This is happening wayyyyy too much!


Only thing i can tell you is that I personally have reported on this issue numerous times already. The only thing you can really do at the moment is report them for LFG abuse, until anet decides if they will or wont address this issue in more depth.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

PvP ranked rounds info

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


This is actually a very nice idea!
How would you purpose this would be displayed?

Yellow text in the chat box?
In your total stats at the end of the game?
Yellow/ White text on your screen?

What does everyone else thing/ purpose on this idea?

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Seeking WvW Forum Specialists

in WvW

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


See now this is (for me at least) the example of a (almost) perfect FPS: Someone who comes to the forums and even posts in forums that are not really connected to his ‘expert’ domain, and even gives people a fair warning. It means he cares about the game, community, but mostly importantly the forums. That’s what I kinda hope comes out of the FSP. I sincerely hope for wvw, that the people chosen can act as objectively as possible, but mostly try to connect with both NA and EU wvw playstyle wich vary to some degree.

Thank you for the kind words!

Oh we know that, but those of us who do are unable to apply for one reason or another. The problem is that many of those who would have been well suited for this position have been banned from the forums already. Anyone who cared for WvW would have complained continuously and gained enough infractions for it.

When marmatt was chosen you should have read the immediate reaction by us, we all said he was not suitable based on his forum history and even his WvW activity and rank. He even boasted about his rank, and we laughed cos PvE ktrain players in EOTM would have had a greater rank than he did!

Trimmed down your quote just for the sake of space, please don’t take offense to it.

I really do not know exactly what Gayle looks for within a Forum Specialist, I know within my own history i had a lot of small infractions from heated debates. Hopefully she can clarify a bit more on the ban issue and see if it will be an auto deny or not. I’d hope as long as it’s not within the last 30 days it should be fine to apply.

I did read the things posted about marmatt;however, I did not know anything about the guy so i kept my opinions to my self and let the wvw community do their thing.

Things could have gone differently on both sides, I personally really did not like how he tackled the situation on day 1. From a community stand point, I think it would have been better to give him a week before tossing him in a ditch.

Who is/are the “Guild Wars 2 Forum Specialist – Profession Balance” folk? That’s a position I’d be interested in.

The current Guild Wars 2 Forum Specialists are as followed:
Rising Dusk.2408: Dungeons and Fractals
Riku.4821: PvE
The Gates Assassin.9827: PvP
Wolfey.3407: PvP

For everyone else:

For anyone who does apply for wvw, do consider posting your accolades and criteria within the WvW area. Even if they are pointless or not really something to brag about, list it for Gayle and others to see.

What is your WvW Rank?
569 Bronze Champion
Do you command a lot?
I command roughly two-three hours a week
What achievements are you close to finishing within wvw?
Realm Avenger i’m 45,456/250,000
Everything else is T3

Looking at mine with regards to the wvw community, you can see that is pretty laughable on how low most of that is. But, its done in a way to where they can quickly pull out some of the information and see that I play wvw somewhat frequently, i command very little but i do know how to command. That may be enough information to have my application be tossed into the “maybe pile” instead of the “auto reject pile”.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

(edited by Wolfey.3407)

Seeking WvW Forum Specialists

in WvW

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


The only thing i will warn you guys,
If you do not want to be bugged in game this is not a job for you
You also need to have thick skin as you will be singled out and harassed for your opinion or input on a subject. Some people are very defensive about their ideas and do not want to hear anything negative about it.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Engi MOA ?!

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


@Wolfie Keeping the integrity and spirit of a class is certainly a valid argument. The Devs themselves used it repeatedly in the livestream,

It’s Wolfey…. it’s even on the screen for you to copy and paste…that’s my #1 pet peeve sorry…

Anyways, back on topic.

If we are going with the “spirit of a class” should thieves and warriors have their bows removed since it takes away from the spirit of a Ranger? Bows are the one thing that most people associate with Rangers. Granted this is a bit of an extreme comparison but still.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

[Ranger Spirits] Post Feedback Here!

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


Do you have ANet’s secret plans? I didn’t know ANet told you that Spirits won’t have large enough defense or hp.

After all, if ANet wants to balance their game, they would do that or something else. So pretty much, your “It won’t work because you don’t think anet would do x, y, z” is dumb.

Here is why

I stated twice: “I highly doubt”.
Not “I’m rather sure” not “I’m positive” nothing that confirms anything on Anets plans which no forum specialists knows.

My ideas <- again another term that is not absolute, is that the range will be around if not slightly larger then their current range which will not really be enough to escape a well placed AoE.

Currently the passive radius of the spirits is 1,000
The Active is 240

Passive Radius is 240
The active is 600

You are only getting half of the use out of a spirit if you’re only going to use it for it’s passives. Keep in mind that they can not move, all you have to do is learn which color = what spirit and kill the ones that benefit the most.

To give you a better perspective of radius, Log on a Ranger and use Long Bow Skill 5: Barrage, look at the green circle, the radius of that is 360. That’s 120 larger then the spirits active range and the elites passive range. So if you wish to use spirits for their actives, 1 Barrage will hit them all.

So the radius needs to increase or they need more hp/ defense then what they currently have or its just 1 barrage and slash and dice away while the ranger is waiting for the CDs to go away.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

(edited by Wolfey.3407)

[Ranger Spirits] Post Feedback Here!

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


I highly doubt the new spirits are going to have a huge range of placement and still be effective, and i highly doubt they are going to have a large enough defense or hp to survive one good sized aoe.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

[Ranger Spirits] Post Feedback Here!

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


I’ll leave this here


Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

[Ranger Spirits] Post Feedback Here!

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


Unless you are going to be a bunker ranger or a bunker druid spec i don’t really see a point in taking them, unless the cool down is really low.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Engi MOA ?!

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


I understand the frustration; however, the argument of “taking away what makes classes special” based on one particular thing is not a good argument….

Mesmers were not special because of Turning people into moas, they were special because of their clones and phantoms and their ability to destroy them.

The concern about it being utilized with other classes immobilizes and dazes on the other hand is an interesting point that should be looked into and discussed a bit more.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

[Ranger Spirits] Post Feedback Here!

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


Spirit Rangers are a rare breed as it is, unless the spirits have a massive health pool or defense they will continue to be a specialty flavor within the rangers kitten nal of builds.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Do the WvW commander colors mean anything?

in WvW

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


As stated above, they mean something different for each server. It also matters on what is going on exactly as well and where you are. In edge of the mists, i tend to see the main tag being corresponding to what side they are on and any secondary tags being the side they are focusing.

FA = Green (atm)
Main tag = Green
Alt 1 = Red, focusing red side
Alt 2 = Blue, focusing blue side
other tags = randoms

main wvw, varies to often, best place to ask would be your communities website or team speak 3.

PvE is generally objective based, such as 3 Headed wurm, the tags usually correspond with what Wurm.

nothing official or set in stone

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Server choice?

in WvW

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


I would say join TC but good kitten-ing luck ever joining this server. FA is a good server.

<3 I miss fighting you guys

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood