Showing Posts For azurrei.5691:

Thank you Anet! Really

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


They made events worth doing…but something must be done with scaling there is no challenge – especially the low level events. Way too many people (and lag!)

I wonder this new monthly achievement.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


Sorry but wrong.

1) Level 3 crafter
2) I don’t craft
3) I only WvW, monthly/daily are supposed to be able to be done while I play, this cannot be
4) I don’t craft

For those that love to craft good for you. For those that do it because you don’t care, great you get your credit. But there is a very large PvP (sPvP and WvW) player base that has not lvled crafting at all nor do we want to. That isn’t why we play and we should not be forced to do something we get no enjoyment out of.

So you do fractals and dungeons then? because anyone who doesn’t has not been able to complete the monthly since September or October…and anyone who doesn’t WvW on top of that has never been able to complete it.

We need choices just like the daily.

March Monthly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


If true I will be dancing in LA (tips accepted!)…though I wish they would just give the monthly the daily treatment…complete 4 out of 6-8 things and include dungeons/fractals/WvW for those people who actually enjoy that stuff.

Daily bug? :O

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: azurrei.5691


This happened to me as well. Completed veteran kills and levelling at the same time, completing the 5/5 daily achievements, and recieved two chests.

Think I received two chests as well.

My last two were Ambient and Leveler and it got it on an ambient kill. Leveler wouldn’t give me ambient so it must have went the other way around. I must have gotten ambient then immediately gotten xp, but then I shouldn’t have gotten xp from an ambient kill, so that doesn’t make sense either. Not sure what happened. Think I got rewarded twice so I’m reporting it.

It would seem that people are getting two chests when they achieve the daily from levelling off of the experience from a daily achievement.

In other words, each part of the daily, when completed, gives xp. If that xp levels you, you can achieve the ‘leveller’ daily as well. If you complete the daily from the level achievement by levelling off of a daily achievement, you get two chests.


Just did champ/events at the same time on my second account and only got one chest…so maybe the issue lies with the leveler achievement. The first daily of the day I completed was the leveler achievement, so it probably is not causing people to not get anything (as far as that issue goes.)

(edited by azurrei.5691)

Daily bug? :O

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: azurrei.5691


I got two chests as well – to help with the debugging, I was at 4/5 then got TWO daily achievements at the same time (champion,leveler) – maybe that is the culprit. I have a second account I can go test that on here in about 30 min or so.

Will the hero system make a comeback?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


GW2 is not designed that way since much of the game can be soloed.

except for the most rewarding part of the game, dungeons – which is where heroes would be awesome.

Final Rest - Current Theories

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


So please Anet give us some more info.

No no no. This is the stuff guilds, and communities build themselves on. Secrets, discovery, experimentation. You young’ins may not recall, but the popularity of Mortal Kombat was largely built on top of kids trading info on the latest Fatalities, or hidden fighters. Earlier Final Fantasy games had a special mystique because there were hidden weapons, summons, or party members that could be completely missed and word of mouth or vague hints in magazines were your only real clues.

It already sort of sucks that we can just preview any armor or weapon in the game for any class at any level. There is no “wow” factor when finding a new skin because they are all available to window shop from level 2.

Game needs more things like this and more mystery. Get the players thinking and working together instead of following a list of instructions to get the thing they want. If you want specific, explicit instructions to duplicate in order to get a prize, then bake a cake.

This. So much this. Final Rest reminds me of Ashbringer in Vanilla WoW, in fact, there were several threads on the nexus before launch asking for things exactly like this! Please don’t remove the mystery!

As far as I am aware, Ashbringer was never obtainable by Players, it was considered a GM weapon. Also if it was a true player weapon no one has ever gotten it and its been out for what, 10+ years? Honestly, it annoys me. Why put an item in the game that is close to impossible to get.

Correct, Ashbringer was never obtainable by players…however Corrupted Ashbringer was obtainable.

So much for the bag/bank slot sale!!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: azurrei.5691


Think of it this way. The government can print as much money as they want, that doesn’t mean your bank account has access to that money. The currency exchange does not have access to gem creation. It has a limited stock that players add and subtract from.

So does that mean that there could theoretically be a situation where players would be unable to exchange gold for gems?


Does the economy need more gold sinks?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: azurrei.5691


A vendor cor lodestones would be exceptionally aweful imagine lodestones costing 1 or 2 gold each… every other item that would be required would increase at an unimaginable rate ^^

Since players would not have to bother for LS anymore they’d start farmjng and buying all the t6 stuff. And many more players that consider lodestones too expensive and too volatile would be encouraged to go for a legendary or an exotic weapon which makes it just worse for the other mats that are not fix priced

I believe we will have many more gold sinks introduced as the game progresses. Like guild halls (converting gold to influence), more armour and so on.

You mean all of the more common T6 materials (blue crafting mats, gatherables, etc) would be more in demand? How is that a bad thing? Everything can be farmed at a reasonable rate except the kitten lodestones… 1 lodestone every 1 to 5 hours is not reasonable when you need 100+

Solo Dungeon option - end forced grouping

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: azurrei.5691


I would love solo or duo options. That’s right, OPTIONAL – just because solo/duo versions exist doesn’t mean people can no longer group! Or heroes / henchmen

Does the economy need more gold sinks?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: azurrei.5691


How about put all the lodestone types on a vendor for 1g each – awesome gold sink and wayyy less annoying!

Berserker back in orr

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: azurrei.5691


It is neither here nor there, it is everywhere! Berserker jewelry is only available where it should be, the Trading Post – making it available elsewhere (minus Ascended options through laurels which takes time to acquire) would marginalize JC even more than it has already suffered.

February monthly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


I wish we could have choice between pvedungeoncrap and www kills.
Dungeons are such a pain for me :/

As a PvE person, I’d rather do WvW than dungeons or fractals, no contest.

February monthly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


I really hope in the future they add the “choose 4 out of 6” for the monthly as well as daily achievements. They are essentially a reward for playing the game, and this game likes to tout “play the game your way.” Thus, dungeons or PvP(oriented) activities are NOT the way I would play the game…

At least it is not fractals…I might actually convince myself to begrudgingly run the dungeons,

accessing Guild Bank on different server

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


It is intended its right in the patch notes.

too bad people had to xfer BEFORE the notes were posted…

accessing Guild Bank on different server

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


I had a personal guild vault on my original server. I transferred this last week to play with more active friends before the free transfers ended. After I did so, I realized I left items in my guild vault. I figured that once guesting came in, I could just guest back to my original server and access the vault again. So I just remembered to try this and I can’t access the guild bank on my original server. I made sure that I tried it while representing that guild, and even made sure it was the same toon that created it just in case, but nothing. Does anyone know if this is intended or a bug?

I’m in the same boat and it is intended. You have 3 choices…

A) Xfer back to your original server, clear guild bank, xfer back to current server: Cost, 2k – 3.6k gems depending on server + 2 weeks of time

B) Buy a new copy of GW2, set home server as original server, invite new toon to guild, grind towards 80 on a throw away toon/allow time to pass as they have anti hack prevention limiting the value of goods that can be mailed: Cost, $40-60 + time

C) Let stuff in your guild bank rot: Cost, free + tears

I’m not super happy about not being able to guest and clear my personal guild bank…

If they raise the level cap...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


Legendary’s are nothing but a skin, why would they continue to buff them? -An expansion (with a level cap raise) would bring NEW legendary skins.

Revamped Orr = more fun for this player!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


I’m digging the revamped Orr, myself. I did have a really strange incident where a Risen aggro’d onto me from nearly the full draw distance away, but that has only happened the one time. Went through the Grenth fight last night, and the changes are awesome. Despite dying a ton, the fight felt a lot more exciting. Looking forward to checking out he other temples this weekend.

The changes get a thumbs-up from this thief.

It was probably one of the kitten Acolytes – they aggro from a million miles away!!

Revamped Orr = more fun for this player!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


I agree with you OP, I’m not a huge fan of risen stuff BUT I always thought Orr was extremely well designed from an artistic point of view. And now, I can actually enjoy the zone in small doses – good job Arena Net! Time to get cracking on the SSC revamp and more new high level zones!!!!

Orrian Jewelry Box

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


Why is this the worst business ever?

Many players who didn’t care about getting a legendaries had tons of karma stocked up. To them, karma is a pretty worthless stat. I’d say it’s great that they’re giving these players an outlet to spend their karma on.

You are right, except the most common reward from the boxes, minus grey vendor trash, is an account bound item (obsidian shard) who’s only use (other than a MF created shield that maybe a handful of people care about) is for the legendary’s… lol.

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


I’m really not sure why people are upset. GW2 is a western developers(under an Asian companies umbrella) take on an Asian “grinder” MMO, of course it’s going to have crazy things like rainbow bows and unicorns. You grind for 100’s of hours and BAM, a bow that shoots unicorns – seems fitting to me. I’d love to see one in person for the laughs, bu I have yet to see one in game on my new server, but there were many Dreamer’s on my old server, CD, go figure…

^ I don’t know about this. I was excited about GW2 specifically because it was a western-based company and didn’t have all the silly nonsensical color explosions that so many “asian” mmo’s have. GW1 was pretty tame comparatively.

my post was supposed to be subtle sarcasm – guess I failed :p

wooden chest loot is not dropping correctly?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


I’ve only gotten 3 chests so far, 1 green, 1 blue, 1 white – so if they are supposed to drop rares they are definitely bugged.

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


I’m really not sure why people are upset. GW2 is a western developers(under an Asian companies umbrella) take on an Asian “grinder” MMO, of course it’s going to have crazy things like rainbow bows and unicorns. You grind for 100’s of hours and BAM, a bow that shoots unicorns – seems fitting to me. I’d love to see one in person for the laughs, bu I have yet to see one in game on my new server, but there were many Dreamer’s on my old server, CD, go figure…

Has anyone else noticed Orr....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


We lost challenge in the high end zones to all of the complainers. Anything that requires team work, skilled play, or effort gets wined, complained, and cried about, until they water it down due to complaints of the vocal minority.

are you kidding me? Orr was not in the least bit challenging, it was kitten annoying, nothing more. Having to cross a map in a zerg in order to not have to not go in combat every 5 steps, getting knocked over, stunned, pulled, disoriented, etc. every few seconds because mobs have no DR on their CC and you have limited dodging is NOT challenging, it’s idiotic game design.

I’m glad they finally changed it – there are plenty of ways to make challenging content fun – Orr was the opposite of fun.

No Laurels for PvP players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


exactly, Anet doesn’t consider WvW PvP, so I don’t see the issue assuming you are referring to sPvP

Guesting is Coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


Question on Guesting regarding Guild Bank. RIght now I’m stuck on another server for another 4 hours till I could transfer back to my original BUT I’ll be at work so wont be able to transfer till I get back AND hopefully patch hasnt been implemented.

MY question, I have a personal Guild bank on my old server, If I am stuck staying on my current server, and IF I guest onto my original server where the bank resides, Will I be able to access it?

I’m assuming yes…ok, I HOPE that the answer is yes – otherwise I’m going to have to get crafty getting all of my stuff in the Gbank xferred…

Considering that you can mail anything to anyone (anywhere) and the TP is global, I can’t imagine why you couldn’t do this…

A confirmation from Anet would be nice…but I guess we will find out later today regardless.

(edited by azurrei.5691)

Looking forward to Ascended gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


It is nice that they are making them more available, but just remember that it is only rings and amulets. And they don’t have infusion slots. Infused Ascended items can only be obtained through Fractals. Which should be okay since you are only wanting the stats anyways (of course you’ll miss out on the extra stats from infusions though).

But the Ascended back slot is still Fractals only. So you’re going to have to do Fractals to get that still.

Ascended items from the Laurel system WILL have an infusion slot, they are only missing the built in Agony resist.

Today's daily achievement and the patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


My personal guess is that the update will up around the same time the daily achievements reset.

absolutely, I really don’t think they want to cause unnecessary drama…

Changing home worlds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


The guild stays on the server where it was created.

So will I be able to guest back to my old server to access the my guild bank (I have a personal guild with stuff in the bank for storage)? If not I might need to transfer back and figure out how to move it all…


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


Developers are planning to raise stats of legendary weapons so its only matter of time so my comparison is right. I count with fact that legendaries will be strongest weapons on game.

Legendary weapons are BiS alongside Exotic, and soon to be Ascended.

Legendary weapons won’t be raised to be stronger than Ascended.

That is mostly correct

Ascended=Legendary>Exotic once Ascended weapons are introduced.

Lionguard Lynns

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: azurrei.5691


I guess now isnt a good time to tell you that the weapons purchased from her cant be put into the mystic forge?

lol – yeah, bad time to tell him/her that…because it’s true.

Ascended gear at the TP pls

in Suggestions

Posted by: azurrei.5691


With the amount of ppl complaining about legendary weapons on the TP i do not think you will see asceneded and if you did you would just get more complaining lol. So kitten if they do kitten if they do not.

With legendaries available on the TP it means ascended items should be there was well. how ridiculous to have whats meant to be the rarest item in game in the TP and not ascended.

took the words right out of my mouth




Ascended gear needs to be able to be crafted, too.

So Triforge?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


i’m askin since i got 3x of them 1 on my guard,1 on my warrior and 1 on my thief.
currently an ascended ring got 39 to all stats , triforge 40 to all stats
Now ascended amulets come out, maybe for few fractal daily’s, considering that an good party make daily fractals:
in 40 minutes -lvl 10
1 h /lvl 20
1 h /lvl 30
I am going to ask, what will happen with triforge ? considering that cost stay over 100 gold – maybe 130-150
750 piles of crystaline – x8 silver -60g
750 orbs x average 5.5 silver -40-45g
750 gold ignots *0.5 siver – 4g
150 coins x 14 silver -21g
total 130 gold, at an small calculation, where an average player make 1 gold /H farming but can make 3 fractal daily easy.

You have had MONTHS of use out of your Triforge pendant…things change and if you made a Triforge in the last few months it is your own fault – you knew ascended everything was coming out within the next year (not to mention it was obvious they were focusing on accessories first.) The item is STILL unique, but I’m not sure what spec would actually make use of an item with a little bit of each stat instead of concentrated in 3 stats.

I do not really understand your point,Lis my fault that 1 item will cost 150 hours of farm, and will be less effective that an item that cost 10 hours of farm.
Maybe you want to detail.

I’ll quote myself ,“things change.” And “The item is STILL unique.” No further explanation is needed.

So Triforge?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


i’m askin since i got 3x of them 1 on my guard,1 on my warrior and 1 on my thief.
currently an ascended ring got 39 to all stats , triforge 40 to all stats
Now ascended amulets come out, maybe for few fractal daily’s, considering that an good party make daily fractals:
in 40 minutes -lvl 10
1 h /lvl 20
1 h /lvl 30
I am going to ask, what will happen with triforge ? considering that cost stay over 100 gold – maybe 130-150
750 piles of crystaline – x8 silver -60g
750 orbs x average 5.5 silver -40-45g
750 gold ignots *0.5 siver – 4g
150 coins x 14 silver -21g
total 130 gold, at an small calculation, where an average player make 1 gold /H farming but can make 3 fractal daily easy.

You have had MONTHS of use out of your Triforge pendant…things change and if you made a Triforge in the last few months it is your own fault – you knew ascended everything was coming out within the next year (not to mention it was obvious they were focusing on accessories first.) The item is STILL unique, but I’m not sure what spec would actually make use of an item with a little bit of each stat instead of concentrated in 3 stats.

January 2013: Flame and Frost prelude [Merged Discussion]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


(Please note, the ascended gear purchased for laurels will not have agony resistance built in, since that mechanic is currently unique to progression in the fractal dungeons. They are however statistically the same as any other ascended gear.)

So what you are saying is that in order to progress high into Fractals where you need lots of Agony resist you’ll have to be wearing gear FROM Fractals to ensure that you have good enough resists. Which means that if I don’t like those stats I’ll have to carry around a set of regular gear and a set of gear specifically for doing Fractals?

I hope not, because that is terrible and one of the big concerns a lot of people had back when agony was first mentioned. It’s bad enough that the customization of gear+socket was removed from these items, but now we’ll have gear that is specifically suited for Fractals versus gear from other places on top of it.

he already replied that laurel purchased gear CAN be infused with agony resist

Right, but if it only has the slot and can’t be upgraded to have the slot AND the built-in agony resist, that means we’ll be sitting with half the agony resist of Fractals gear.

If it can be upgraded via some Mystic Forge recipe like the regular rings and stuff that’s fine then.

oh I see, didn’t realize that some of it had agony resist built in, as I don’t run fractals. well, I would hope they would do a MF recipe or increase the stat variety that drop in fractals for you all.

January 2013: Flame and Frost prelude [Merged Discussion]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


Arenanet already stated that eventually in the coming months daily/monthly achievements will be changed to where you only need to complete like 4/6 ojectives of them. I believe they stated it is not happening in this next patch, but that it is coming.

I think this is starting next month for the dailies. But I haven’t seen this mentioned being applied to monthlies anywhere. As far as I know, PvE players will still always have to participate in WvW for their monthlies. If it HAS been stated somewhere that monthlies will be updated as well, please link it.

Yeah, really wish the 4/6 was being implemented along with the new rewards system. The problem with WvW is that Anet considers it PvE…

January 2013: Flame and Frost prelude [Merged Discussion]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


(Please note, the ascended gear purchased for laurels will not have agony resistance built in, since that mechanic is currently unique to progression in the fractal dungeons. They are however statistically the same as any other ascended gear.)

So what you are saying is that in order to progress high into Fractals where you need lots of Agony resist you’ll have to be wearing gear FROM Fractals to ensure that you have good enough resists. Which means that if I don’t like those stats I’ll have to carry around a set of regular gear and a set of gear specifically for doing Fractals?

I hope not, because that is terrible and one of the big concerns a lot of people had back when agony was first mentioned. It’s bad enough that the customization of gear+socket was removed from these items, but now we’ll have gear that is specifically suited for Fractals versus gear from other places on top of it.

he already replied that laurel purchased gear CAN be infused with agony resist

January 2013: Flame and Frost prelude [Merged Discussion]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


Concerning the new daily achievements…

to quote Colin J. during the MMOFTW interview “We would not want to force people to do jumping puzzles,” when discussing that they are going to be careful what they add to the new daily achievements before the ability to chose 4 out of 6 for completion.

Please DO NOT add dungeons/fractals to the daily achievement until the ability to choose how you want to complete the daily/monthly is implemented. The game was advertised as open world with dungeons as an OPTIONAL activity for vanity gear. A lot of people don’t enjoy dungeons (just like people don’t like jumping puzzles) so please, don’t add these to the daily until we have a choice.

Colin on MMOFTW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


So Colin, and I quote, “We don’t want to force people to do jumping puzzles for the daily.”

So can we also please not force people to do fractals or dungeons for the daily / monthly?? A lot of us don’t like being forced to do them (and I freely use the word force because you did :p)

Lionguard Lyns: not back yet [merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


The Black Lion Chests didn’t have items that would devastate the economy, just small rewards that make playing more worthwhile. Would it be so bad for the prices of Perma contracts to drop so people didn’t have to waste time banking or w/e?

If the contracts were Account Bound and NOT tradeable, Anet may have let it slide. As usual, people have to go overboard and get things removed from overuse.

Colin Johanson Video: GW2 2013 Preview

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691



There are two items that I am interested based on the OP’s picture.

1) 10 Unidentified dies
2) Advanced Harvesting Sickle

I wonder how many uses will the sickle (and assuming the other two tools) get?

Also seeing obsidian shards in there – I wonder if charged lodestones and other precursor materials will also be added?

That would be good!

Same, Lodestones would be nice, too… wink wink

Colin Johanson Video: GW2 2013 Preview

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


For achievement retroactivity, how about using the current achievement score as an actual currency? You could be able to buy crowns with achievement points as well as earning them through the daily or whatnot. That way, people who already have completed a bunch of one-time achievements could capitalize on that.

Guild, Achievement & Friends panel should be showing how many points you have accumulated in total in your GW2 career. Your personal achievement panel could show how many points you can spend alongside your total points.

How does that sound?

They don’t want to do that because of the repeatable “endless” achievements. Also, I’ve heard of a HoM “exploit” by where you get achievement points every time you grabbed a new skin (get weapon skin, delete, get weapon skin, delete, etc.), though since I do not have HoM points I have no idea of the validity of that rumor.

Lionguard Lyns: not back yet [merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


Lionguard Lyns will be returning in the end of January build without the Black Lion Keys in her inventory. She will then remain up for everyone to liquidate their Commendations and will likely be leaving entirely after about a month.

Yeah, I had enough commendation to get around 1200 keys. I’m begging you please to just greatly increase the cost of the keys. 500-1000 commendations per key is reasonable. Removing them entirely while you left the donation recipe still active is really unfair. You should have disabled the recipe when you disabled the vendor. I had my commendations before I noticed the vendor was disabled.

Grats on a lifetime supply of salvage kits and gathering tools!

You all just had to be oink with the commendations for BLK’s didn’t you.

Colin Johanson Video: GW2 2013 Preview

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


Why add in a new currency? Why not use Karma?

You may as well remove Karma from the game its that worthless. Just another problem ignored by the devs sadly, add it to the list.

I’m confident they are going to add new karma rewards as well as the special vendor, I would hope anyways.

Colin Johanson Video: GW2 2013 Preview

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


This all sounds very promising!

So on the token vendor, in addition to the unidentified dyes, how about account bound abyss and celestial dyes for 25-50 tokens each, PLEASE!

Guild missions = raids? hmm…

Has Guild Wars 2 become a grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


no grindfest unless you WANT to LOOK different.

AKA the point of the game…unless you like jumping puzzles, I guess. Or flipping, lots and lots of flipping – spreadsheet heroes.

(edited by azurrei.5691)

I agree with how Legendaries work in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


To all of you complaining about how long it takes to get a Legendary weapon, consider the alternatives for a moment:

  • Random drop chance – Anybody who’s played WoW knows what the Ashes of A’lar was. They also know that they have almost no chance of EVER getting that item, because it was like a 0.02% drop chance from a raid boss. I’m not saying GW2 should have no random drops of high rarity, but they only make for a certain degree of RNG-based fun. It’s nothing to build a system like Legendary BiS’s on.
  • A “massive” quest/storyline – This would either A) be so massive that it was ridiculous and un-fun, possibly taking up valuable Arenanet resources from developing/polishing the rest of the game, or be short and easy such that everybody could get it. Would you really like everybody to be running around with a Legendary?
  • Dungeon Progression Grind – There are already Exotics for this. Plus, as WoW showed us, there are 2 groups of people who fight about this, one of which is ultimately alienated. Group 1 are the “hardcore” raiders, who want their shinies to belong ONLY to them. Group 2 are the “casuals” who “don’t have time” to raid, but still want cool gear. You can’t please both groups (Badges of Justice lolol).

The only thing left is a massive resource grind. Compared to the other options, it’s really not that bad: Not everybody will get one, but everybody could get one if they wanted. People act like they “have to grind all these resources and get a Legendary.” Wait a minute. Have to? Isn’t this a video game that we play for fun? They’re not even the best weapons in game; they’re just ridiculously awesome skins.

I, for one, really love Legendaries, even though I probably will never ever have one. It gives me an impetus to play and experience the whole world. I have NEVER enjoyed gathering crafting mats like I have in this game. When I see someone with a Legendary, I think, “Awesome! That is such a cool item! I hope to have one someday.” It makes me feel better about the game in general. It’s something to aspire-to; something Legendary!

P.S.: Arenanet, more plz??

This is the saddest post I have ever seen. You heard it here folks, legendary’s must equal massive grind…or massive amount of real dollars – sound fun for like 2 people, awesome.

Option B is what it should of been.

Is it only GW1 players that find GW2 boring?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


I’ve never played GW1.

I see all flash and promises, no substance to this game.

I see the potential, but I have no idea what the devs are thinking other than they are in full panic mode.

It’s slowly become another dungeon grind fest with a few jumping puzzles (waste of development resources,) and flawed open world PvP on the side.

Where is our awesome open world DE’s with REAL rewards??

Oh, and LEGENDARY QUESTS, not hey look, you have 3000gold or 1000 hours to spend grinding and playing the TP, here is a RUSHED legendary weapon design for you (minus a few of them – I want to see a dev look me in the eye and tell me Bitfrost is finished, for example.)

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


Log in, do daily on Thief (up to 52 just doing the daily plus a tiny bit of LW)
Log in other toons and pick herbs
Check TP prices, maybe buy or sell something
Log off and go play something more fun

Crossing my fingers they fix end game zones, making them more fun and rewarding

As a GW1 player, GW2 is not for me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


After playing GW2 since early (public) beta as well as everything I have read/heard about GW1 (never played it) – I think I’m sad I missed out on GW1 as it sounded like the superior game as far as fun factor. GW2 sure looks pretty though…