Here is the most simple way to fix the stale matchups.
If you come in first you move up, if you come in second you stay, if you come in third you drop down. This way you will be fighting two new teams each week.
This would even apply to both T1 and T8. The top 2 servers stay in T1 and the bottom 2 servers stay in T8. Gives incentive.
Dump the stupid glicko, win move up, lose move down. Simple.
And what better way is there than to see how you could do against better talent than having to prove it. If you’re down by 8K on a Thursday night (NA time) then wouldn’t it be more fun to have to fight to stay or fight to move up? Wouldn’t more people wan to come into WvW if there was a chance to move up or at least a new matchup the next week? And how about giving the winner something silly like a few laurels or silver or some sort of token that could be traded in after enough are acquired to make it even more lucrative to want to win in WvW?
What do you think?
I think all that does is trade what you deem as a stale match up for unbalanced matchups that I feel would be boring.
I will never understand why people hate conditions so much…
Passive play.
1. Apply condition
2. Kite
3. Enemy clears condition after x damageRepeat until 3. isn’t longer possible because enemy is through his condi clears.
I do not think passive play means what you think it means. You have to land a skill to apply conditions.. Precisely like you have to land a skill to apply direct damage.
It is a very simple concept.
Landing a skill/Taking a button press action = Applying Damage
I think part of the issue here, is a fundamental lack of understanding of how the game works.
Step 2 makes no sense in a direct damage scenario, because it does not benefit damage output in melee situations. Condition damage however, still hits the enemy regardless of application.
No, condition damage does continue hit the enemy.
Direct damage attack lands and does 5000 damage instantly.
Condition application skill lands, does 1000 damage per second for 5 seconds. That’s 5000 damage over 5s.
It is true that you need to apply it once. But after you have done that (and your condi has a sufficient duration), it requires no further action of the player.
Example given: trap ranger. He drops his traps, waits till you walk in them and then all he has to do is wait till you drop dead. It requires no further activity on the trap ranger’s end. Of course usually you have at least 1 or 2 condi clears, but once you’re through these, it’s simply a waiting game.
If you die from ranger traps alone, it is a L2P issue. If your a poor enough player that you continually stand in a red circle damage field long enough to reapply conditions. Very bad game play is not a reasonable argument for nerfing anything.
If your build is poor enough that you cannot cleanse, and traps alone kill you because you have zero vitality, and no traits to cleanse or cleansing skills, your playing a poor build. Running a poor build is not a reasonable argument for nerfing anything.
It was an example, learn to read. A condi build can kite while causing damage, as soon as a power build starts kiting, he stops damaging. Simple fact. It’s where the “passive play” idea comes from, and no matter the stats, traits, foods and cleans (and skill) it’s why a condi build is slightly easier to play.
You cannot declare “learn to read” when your stating misinformation that contradicts how the game actually functions.
It appears you are suggesting that ccondition builds can apply damage without button presses to cause an attack or action. The fact is, condition builds cannot do any more or less damage then direct damage builds while kiting. Both damage types need to land a skill or attack to do damage, in relatively equivalent ways.
You have to press a button and land a skill to apply direct damage. Equally you have to hit a button to apply a skill to do condition damage. Equally, in most cases, dodging said skill of either damage type, negates the damage application. In most cases, blocking the skill that applies the damage of either damage type negates the damage. Giving equivalent value to blocking and dodging, against both direct damage and condition damage applying skills.
If you cannot kite and apply direct damage, that is an issue with something you are having a provlem with. I kite and do direct damage perfectly fine, as well, I see other doing it on a daily bases. There are plenty of videos demonstrating that.
(edited by coglin.1867)
The changes on 8/25/15 to how HgH effects elixir skills, added the might to Elixir Shell on the mortar, but is not lowering the cool down or extending the duration, as it is for all the other skills.
Shouldn’t the HgH trait be lowering the cool down of “Elixir Shell” and and increasing its duration?
I haven’t had time to test it, the duration, but the cool down certainly doesn’t change.
Honestly, healing bombs was always a terrible build and wasn’t good for anything. It literally offered nothing no other class couldn’t just do better. We now have Bunker Down instead, which is a fantastic trait and works well with a lot of builds.
The purpose of this thread isn’t to discuss the loss of healing bombs anyway, so please take this talk elsewhere.
A. It is illogical to express an opinion on a subject, just to go on and chide others for discussing the same topic. You specifically asked “is it enough?”, which means if people feel the answer is “yes, if we had elixir infused bombes back”, they are answering your question as they see it.
B. No one is asking you to run elixir infused bombs. Nor did they ask you if you liked it as a build. So why are you against players having options they enjoyed? Why are you against others having access to a trait, simply because you do not feel it is optimal?
(edited by coglin.1867)
What’s also really annoying is most classes playing condi (especially with trapper rune) have no need for secondary stats like power so they can go full vit/tough/condi. Op dmg, op survival.
Can you post your damage break down you did to determine that it does more damage then a power build with equal vitality and a toughness?
So what makes the runes OP all of the sudden, when they havn’t been for the previous year? The fact that the question can be asked, says a lot about the complaint in my opinion.
Personally, I don’t feel the runes are very problematic at all. I havn’t had a great deal of problems with trapper ranger or thief one I got used to fighting them and learned how to adjust how I fight a trapper build.
I think it is a good diversity from LB zerker or thieves using no traps at all.
i think healing bombs has always been a bad trait. I really don’t miss it but i prefer actual bunker down , so please no healing bombs again …
Agreed. It was a cute trait to use whilst playing around, but at the end of the day, you were essentially giving up DPS to provide substandard healing.
Autodefense Bomb Dispenser really should go though.
Then what is wrong with bringing it back in place of one of the “healing” traits that as far as I am aware of, no one uses? I would rather have what you consider subpar healing with a kit I use, then even less healing and su par damage on bunker down.
Not able to check patch in the moment: did Arena net fixed conditions: Burning ?
Nothing to fix. There is nothing wrong with the condition.
The only possible issue, are some skills or traits, subjectively applying too many stacks or too long of a duration. Making it a skill and trait issue, not a “burning” issue with the condition itself. I feel it is important to distinguish the two.
I’m sorry that you can’t group heal by spamming your autoattack. Times must be hard. I’ll see if I can find you guys a Zima.
Since your sorry to hear it, I guess we can assume you would appreciate the return of the trait as well?
Thank you for your support on the matter.
Elementalist get to do it without a trait just be spamming auto attack with staff when in water attunement.
As well, you appear to be a little confused about how it functioned. It was not a trait that was relative to your group. It was AoE, not group restrictive.
which brings me to another thing, make anotehr cap, this one not a map cap, but a “total players in wvw” cap that would be lower then the sum of all 4 map caps. so people can float as it is needed, at least a 20 or 25 man group.
No, absolutely not. That’s not the LARGE SCALE combat I and many others enjoy. That’s why I say AGAIN, there needs to be Tiers with differing populations. This thought of, every server has to be minimized and equaled, has to die and die fast. A 20 or 25 man float group is nothing but boring.
Couldn’t agree more. That was once of the worst ideas as I see it. Forcing everyone to have the population of the lower population servers is an abysmal concept that would, in my opinion, harm the game mode more then almost anything could. I have more guildies on then that at any given time on a daily basis. Making it so one map can only hold half of my guildies that are on strikes me as very unreasonable.
There’s a block function.
No, the concern here is Anet takes mass reports as an evidence of hacks. Which is NUT.
Ed: One Ebay player is banned for several days.
I doubt that’s not true in the least.
They only suspend someone if a clear video was used when reporting them, or the game logs, after being reported, substantiated accusation.
Do you have any evidence to support your claim? Or are you in the habit of making unfounded accusations with no factual support?
Yeah, one thing I liked was dropping bombs when I moves my force in a back peddle. We will lay marks, wells, boon strip fields, and what not as we back peddled to bait the enemy into them. I could spam bombs, doing both damage and support. Now, with bunker down, you absolutely have to be moving forward to get then heal, and now only one person can get the heal. So now I heal no one, if I am using bunker down, and I do what, 1/4 the bomb auto attack damage?
I would love to see what happens if the map cap got reduced to about 30-40 players per map.
Not me. I have more guildies then that on one map regularly. I have no desire to turn large scale WvW into mediocre scale WvW.
even is YB climbed to tier 1 i can assure you from someone who is tier 1 you will have the same problems if a tier 1 server gets put in tier 2 but worst. Sucks i know
I agree because the T1 servers have better off-hours coverage than YB. That doesn’t bode well for YB either.
I am not entirely certain you are aware of why they are even competitive enough to be put in the T1 discussion. The entire point is that there are both alt accounts and full guilds that were giving that coverage on T1, are now supporting YB with it.
(edited by coglin.1867)
It doesn’t really matter much these days with the mega server system unless you are speaking in terms of WvW presence.
Yeah, well logic would dictate that because the question was specifically posted in the WvW subforums, that he is asking about a WvW presence.
Last I saw Op it was medium. I have no idea why several posters chise to give you a lesson ib=n megaservers that you never asked for, and specifically avoided answering your question.
Solution to mesmers in keeps?
Count to 60.
Then they are exposed, all spells timed out.
Nuke and stake.
That would incorrectly assume you can see every possible square inch of the area at once, inside the walled area of a keep. That is a poor assertion on your part in my opinion.
This is the build I run as map or guild pin on T1 NA.
6 blast finishers.
3 water field
Low cooldown condition to boon conversion for team with fumigate.
6 of 9 combo fields.
Changes happen to give a more and enjoyable explerience overall, not just to do the same with other name, im not telling either it should be balanced.
Creating diversity is a good thing.
I understand what your saying, but diversity and balance are completely different thread. This thread is about balancing. If you wish to discuss diversity, perhaps you should create a thread on it.
Change for the sake of change, is not even remotely balance for one.
More mechanics and options is more mechanics and options, not balance, that is diversity.
Can you supply any dev or official language that suggest “balance” is intended to exist in WvW? Because I can show you multiple dev post and official explanations that specifically state that WvW is not intended to be balanced on neither a profession to profession comparison not controlled population.
The title of this thread, and its point are a logical contradiction to the design and concept of WvW. What is with the obsession of trying to “balance” and unbalancable game mode? Why does everyone incorrectly believe their idea of balance is actually balance?
So many posters confuse their subjective opinion with that of objective fact in this area in particular. I agree rewards need to be rethought and reworked, otherwise, every suggestion that is mentioned as a “balancing improvement” in this thread, does as much harm as it does good.
I was actually going to make a thread today asking if anyone had taken all of the healing traits, just to see how they actually effected the output with all the possible traits taken in one build. I have yet to test it myself, so I was rather curious.
Well in my opinion, the took away from gadgets value as well, when they eliminated the one gadget trait we had and put some pseudo version of it in.
Hey guys, i was just reading up an earlier thread this morning and I actually posted in it.
Thread name was something like Pu mesmer wvw
Anyway i cant find any history of it and just wanted to remind the admins to politely provide reasons for deleting such threads without notices and reasons(no reason because no notice).
Basically what happens is posters get off topic, rude, intentionally dishonest, or breaking various forums rules. Once it derails so far, they just shut down the thread, rather then delete half the post. Basically it is simply because the discussion goes off the rails or people get too rude.
By the way, those same forums rules state that they do not owe you an explanation.
Also, sometimes the original thread creators will go back and change a thread name to fit the discussion better.
Anything that puts a bad light on something or is too close to the bone gets ‘moderated’, whereas clearly over optimistic posts and threads stating that everything is great and there are no problems whatsoever in wvw will be allowed to continue.
Basically think thought police, ‘you must adjust your thinking’ and you’ll be on the money as to what posts are allowed to remain.
Mentions of declining guild activity, activity on maps, stale maps, stupid ‘events’, hackers to state just a few will be moderated in the interests of projecting the ‘everything is fine’ mantra.
Nah, as far as I can tell, your being fairly dishonest. For one, I have almost never seen them delete a post/thread, unless another poster reported it. I have never seen them delete a thread until posters started breaking forums rules. For example, this whole thread violates the forums CoC. Because it says discussing
" •Do not post about locked, deleted, or otherwise moderated threads or posts. Moderation happens for a reason. A staff member or moderator may lock a thread before posting in order to promptly curtail continued comments. If you have yet to see a comment by a staff member on a locked thread, please wait for the comment to appear and do not post a new thread on the subject. If you have questions regarding forum moderation, send an email to "
(edited by coglin.1867)
I dunno, I think the problem is stealth itself, and this thread just discuss one situation that it is a problem.
I have come around to the idea that once you come out of stealth, that you should have a specified amount of time that you are under the reveal effect, preventing back to back spamming or chaining of stealth. The problem with that is the fact that they would need to rebalance Mesmer/thief, to adjust for that.
Yeah, It is kind of backwards if you ask me.
They built in traits that you may not want, and completely too out some of what I thought were well liked traits like the bomb cooldown/range trait. They could have metrics that show they are not as popular as I believe, but it feels a bit backwards to me.
Makes me feel like this :
Still that’s not the point. What i’d like to have is a chance to have meaningful discussion and provide positive feedback like Revenant subforum…Rev has bugs and in many places is undertuned too, but i do not see harsh talk there. Instead there good discussion that will make class great…all i want is the same chancefor our amazing class!
Necro here. Would just like to point out that Engineers are by far not the only profession with bugs. As mentioned, the professions getting the dev attention right now are the ones that have had their elite specializations revealed. This is due to Anet focusing on getting these specs polished up and finished with help from player feedback. And like most professIons, Engineers are in a good spot and not in need of emergency fixing.
There are a large number of bugs that prevent whole kits from being used. If they have time to make the balance changes they have they should fix large bugs.
What kit are you declaring “cannot be used”?
I used the EG/Mortar/Bombs tonight and they worked well. Some tPvP teams were streaming with a FT build and that kit seemed fine. A recent PvP tourney was won with an engineer using TK, so that covers them all. I am curious how you define “cannot be used” when it comes to a kit? Extreme hyperbole?
Bow, and we can be an old fashion “sapper”. A classic demolitions trope in fantasy lore that would fit engineer well.
Still that’s not the point. What i’d like to have is a chance to have meaningful discussion and provide positive feedback like Revenant subforum…Rev has bugs and in many places is undertuned too, but i do not see harsh talk there. Instead there good discussion that will make class great…all i want is the same chancefor our amazing class!
Hey guys, i was just reading up an earlier thread this morning and I actually posted in it.
Thread name was something like Pu mesmer wvw
Anyway i cant find any history of it and just wanted to remind the admins to politely provide reasons for deleting such threads without notices and reasons(no reason because no notice).
Basically what happens is posters get off topic, rude, intentionally dishonest, or breaking various forums rules. Once it derails so far, they just shut down the thread, rather then delete half the post. Basically it is simply because the discussion goes off the rails or people get too rude.
By the way, those same forums rules state that they do not owe you an explanation.
Also, sometimes the original thread creators will go back and change a thread name to fit the discussion better.
Even necro is getting more attention than Engi now. That’s just WOW.
Well Duh.
Because they are working on changes for the Elite Specialization. Once the engineers is out, it will get some attention as well.
Armor is passive defense against power build…. But against condi build who apply tons of condi you can’t do anything… Condi ignore armor, and are re apply since you have clean it.. And don’t forget those condi mesmer, spaming condi > stealth > hide… Wait… And start again if player can clean the condi…
Just make condi not ignoring armor and it will be fine…
Given that there are runes that negate duration on conditions, runes that remove conditions with certain actions, sigil that proc condition removal, sigil that proc condition transfers, multiple AoE cleanses, multiple traits that help with removing or negating conditions, and multiple skills for each and every profession that literally remove/transfer/convert conditions, you pretty much lose credibility as I see it, when you incorrectly declare there is nothing you can do about conditions.
So what if they can reapply them? Their cooldown are burnt. This is similar to blocking/dodging/immunity to direct damage. They can reapply hit of direct damage, just as quickly. Not to mention the fact that you can block and dodge most condition applying skills.
You need to learn to avoid the heavy application skills just like you need to learn to avoid the heavy hitting direct damage skills.
You lost me OP, when you said " there is nothing to stop it ". When I know for a fact that it can be stopped and interrupted. One poster says people have been asking for this for years, but that is only half the story, because people have equivalently been asking to keep it. Personally I like it. It is hypocritical to me that you can all focus one player down, but want to complain when enemies take themselves out of the battle to focus them back up.
Ok, sure.
Timeframe: nightly from 6pst to 9pst
Server: SBI
Borderlands: all of them
Do other games and whatnot I play lag during these times? NoYes, I want it solved. No, I don’t know what is causing this. Maybe it’s something Anet knows about. Apparently WoW had their servers attacked recently, so maybe the same happened to GW.
I can’t imagine that Anet wouldn’t already know about this. It was more of a “If devs are reading, please provide any updates if they are available”
Well I wasn’t having the issue you were having in that time frame. So if it wasn’t universal to all, the details are likely very relavent. I did experience the issue Monday evening, for a short time, but it was well outside the time Fram that your refering to. I on the other hand, do not automatically assume they know exactly why, so I offered my details in one of the existing threads. I do find it interesting that we experiences our issues at seperated times, but not the same time.
So what do you want them to do about it?
You make a complaint post, yet specifically do not offer one iota of the information they have asked for repeatedly to assist with resolving the issue. Do you want the provlem resolved or are you simply looking to complain?
No o e is suggesting you cannot do quick kills with condition builds. I am simply suggesting that you offer no evidence that you can kill faster with condition builds across the board then you can with equivalent power builds.
Are you intending to make videos in 1v1 style fight so it is irrelevant, or group fights? As WvW was stated since before release as not intended or designed for 1v1, so that would pointless to use 1v1 situation.
I think your looking at it wrong. Burning in general, and how it functions doesn’t need to be changed. They simply need to adjust the individual skills that apply burning with a balancing pass. I feel broad stroking a condition, how it scales, or how it stacks is a bad idea. That is kind of how it got to this point in the first place.
They should add +40% condition duration every skill and just remove all foods.
LOL no! Then condi users just get to be OP for free and power users have no -condi food to combat it. What they should do is remove the food and introduce a new armor set that is condi damage, condi duration, and precision. As well as making it so that all skills that apply condis only do so on crit. Then condi users will have to take 3 stats just like a power user. If you want to do high damage, you should have to sacrifice defense the same as a power user. There’s no reason someone in dire should be able to deal as much damage as a zerker.
For those of you who have never played any other MMOs, DoT means damage over time. Condi burst shouldn’t be a thing, but it is in this game for some stupid reason. Condi SHOULD be attrition. But it isn’t. I can literally 100-0 someone in 1-2 seconds with my condi trapper ranger. And no amount of cleansing will save them. Ive had guardians step on my traps, hit contemplation of purity to cleanse it and still die a split second later. And i’m mostly in dire gear with ascended rabid/dire jewelry. Im so tanky I don’t have to dodge anything. I just drop traps on myself and /sleep and wait like a spider for prey. No effort required on my part. That sort of cheese shouldn’t be allowed to exist. Yes some power builds can 1 shot you, but they don’t get to have 3k armor and 26k+ health to let them facetank anything you do.
Either the damage of condis need to be severely toned down, or if you people want condis to be able to compete with power builds damage wise, their defense needs to be severely toned down. lowering the base duration of condi skills and removing the food will make +duration a required stat on armor. Making precision a requirement and not just icing on the cake for more condi spam will help balance it a lot too.
Your making alot of unfounded claims, while failing to offer any evidence. What happens in other MMOs is irrelevant. If you prefer another games functionality, by all means, go play it.
If your going to cry fowl about a particular damage type, then break it down with numbers for us. This thread is filled with folks making,at best, anecdotal claims, yet I havn’t seen anyone offer evidence thay dire gear builds do any more DPS then a soldier gear build posted is a single post here that is crying fowl. You might as well be arguing that the sky is green.
People would just use the zoom hack and still have an unfair advantage anyway, which is probably why they gave us the FOV change.
I have difficulty grasping why everyone so blindly implies this is why FoV changes came to the game.
The had been at least 3 threads every week between PvE, WvW, and PvP forums subsection requesting and demanded expanded field of view for a multitude of reasons. To declare this as the reasoning strikes me as fairly comical to claim.
I will never understand why people hate conditions so much…
Passive play.
1. Apply condition
2. Kite
3. Enemy clears condition after x damageRepeat until 3. isn’t longer possible because enemy is through his condi clears.
I do not think passive play means what you think it means. You have to land a skill to apply conditions.. Precisely like you have to land a skill to apply direct damage.
It is a very simple concept.
Landing a skill/Taking a button press action = Applying Damage
I think part of the issue here, is a fundamental lack of understanding of how the game works.
Step 2 makes no sense in a direct damage scenario, because it does not benefit damage output in melee situations. Condition damage however, still hits the enemy regardless of application.
No, condition damage does continue hit the enemy.
Direct damage attack lands and does 5000 damage instantly.
Condition application skill lands, does 1000 damage per second for 5 seconds. That’s 5000 damage over 5s.
(edited by coglin.1867)
Since condition damage per second is entirely unrelated to condition duration and it is widely known that burning is op, your statement of conditions being irrelevant is wrong.
/edit: Actually most roamers nowadays are condition as opposed to power, since those specs are tankier, easier to play and are equally capable of bursts. Removing +/- condi duration food will either lower these numbers or (most likely) not change anything, since not all power roamers are using – condi duration food, either.
You appear to confuse your subjective opinion, with that of objective fact. For example, if you are going to declare someone as “wrong” perhaps you should attempt to offer a fact to actually support that.
I do not particularly care what you “claim” most roamers are. We have what, 54 servers? You claim to have proof of what every roamer on every server runs, with which to make your claim? You have evidence that “roamers” are the majority of players?
In my experience pure condition builds hardly cover 10% of the population that i encounter. I could over estimate and give credit for 25% and that is still not even remotely near a majority.
I would like you to present some facts of any kind to support your claim that condition builds put out equal burst of direct damage builds. Again, your making random claims with no evidence. I read a lot of post like this in the past that made similar claims with no facts, and I personally did a mathematical damage break down of many builds, and they were proved to be very wrong, and condition builds were generally well bellow direct damage builds. But that was before the changes in June.
So can you please offer some facts of any kind to support your accusations of others being “wrong” and/or to support your claims you stated?
Since condition damage per second is entirely unrelated to condition duration
By the way, this statement is factually incorrect.
If I land an ability that causes 4s of bleeding on a 10s cool down. And if I have 50% increases bleed duration, then it is a fact that after 4 seconds all the remaining condition damage is entirely because of the condition duration. It is pretty basic math, and a fairly simple concept to grasp, so I am curious how you justify declaring it doesn’t exist?
(edited by coglin.1867)
So you are implying that + condi duration food are necessary for a condition build to work at all, which shouldn’t be the case, anyway. So the logical step is to remove said food and then see if conditions itself need to be changed.
Yeah, that is pretty much what I stated in a previous post. “Conditions itself” as a whole are irrelevant. What would need to be adjusted is the specific duration and stack amount per each weapon skill, utility skill, elite skill, and trait. As well as possibly sigils and runes that have effects that apply conditions.
Which in a vacuum, as you appear to state it, makes the provlem worse. Working under the assumption you appear to imply, which is inaccurate, that everyone uses the – condition food. Direct damage becomes stronger, and condition builds become weaker.
Unless you can support a need for removing + condition duration food, saying for 3 years means jack. Direct damage was the mass majority in my opinion.
Before condition builds couldn’t compete with power builds. Now I am all for removing the food, or at least lowering the percentage. To do that, condition application skills will need a complete pass. Which would cause a base increase in condition duration or stacks in condition application skills, in many cases, or we are right back to where we started, with 3 more possible years of pure direct damage builds. Now in a few extreme cases, some skills or traits may still need a stack or two or so.e duration time knocked off. For the most part, they would need an increase, to compete, without the food in its current form.
Is resistance labeled as a boon in game?
Yeah, check out this thread.
It is similarly titled and on the same subject matter, literally 10 threads down then you created this new thread. As most subjects have been covered already, and multiple times, it may be in your best interest to look through a page or two in any subforums before making a new thread.
It will likely answer your question sooner then waiting for a reply in your own thread would.
Is the problem that you are running a pure signet warrior, that you are mistaking EotM with WvW maps or something else? Not entirely certain what the OP is getting at either.
It appeared to me, that you would get more benefit out of the healing turret then elixir H. It offers a larger healing potential, and cleansing, both in an AoE. That would have benefited your entire team in those fights at mid. That would be my feed back.
I did enjoy your video. I like watching people who view and play the profession differently then I do myself.
They didnt report you, just something a sore loser says.
This seems more likely. If your worried about what a sore loser “told you” he did something, don’t worry about it. It is known thay they have suspended players accounts for abusing the report system.
It logs all the chat, before and after a report for a certain amount of text or dialog. So if he did report you, then expressed that he did it for an underhanded reason, he just told on himself.
Easiest way to break up a zerg is to have a few suicide into them while they’re stacking, to disable/interrupt the group buffs.
Then your team comes in and wipes.
Problem with this is that it requires enough people to do so in the 1st place. So you have to basically blob to take out a blob. When you are in group of 15-20 vs 60-80 (or whatever the map cap is now), you just can’t afford those few suicides.
My idea is to reduce / eliminate a lot of the passive and AOE condi removal and replace is with individual active, more frequently available, condi removal. this will have a huge impact as follows:
1. The larger the blob the more stupid people are in it that deserve to die, they will either not be running or fail to use their active abilities, thus deservingly die/wipe to better skilled smaller groups that use their abilities appropriately.
2. It will help with condi balance in WvW in general, because small scale and 1v1 will be easier to cleanse for classes that have limited access, and be able to do so more frequently if they choose / build for it. While condis will no longer be so limited in large scale engagements due to the above mentioned, large numbers of stupid people that will no longer be able to hide in AOE cleansing spam.
its not a solution, but definetly an improvement.
No, it is not an inprovment as I see it. You appear to confuse your subjective opinion with that of objective fact.
for example, you state “The larger the blob, the stupider the people are in it.” In my opinion, thay is a rude and uninformed assuption. It spreads a lot of light on your point of view. It suggest you base a fair amount of your statements on uninformed assumption.
The other problem appear to me to be the fact that your intent is to redesign a game mode designed for large scale WvW battles to suit small scale and 1v1. If you want that, go to PvP.
By the way, what skills are you declaring as “passive” condition removal?
Why would you want to remove AoE condition removal? In my opinion that only works if you remove the AoE condition application.
If you dislike large scale combat, your counterintuitivly trying to redesign the game mode designed for it. Which doesn’t strike me as reasonable.