Showing Posts For eisberg.2379:

Frost gorge train ruined

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


Even though I did not care much for champion trains myself, the fact many people come here just to say how happy they are is pretty deplorable.

“Play how I want you to play” at it’s finest.

Maybe if the champ trainers weren’t so rude to those who kill champs out of cycle, then people wouldn’t be so happy about this change.

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


Read these, it is talked about it in there, and was posted about 24 hours ago.

Frost gorge train ruined

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


WHY ANET? My only source of income is gone. Life is not worth living anymore. But seriously, this was not even in the patch notes. This patch went ahead without the approval of the community. I’m sure this is devastating to everyone! How can anet change something so drastic and not include it in their patch notes?


They did talk about the new schedule that the world bosses/champs are on.

Also, what makes you think that patches are supposed to be approved by the community first? This is not some kind of democracy, lol.

the new ui is horrid

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


The UI looks the same to me. /shrug

The game is called Guild Wars 2...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


It’s quite normal that people expect GvG in GW2 considering there was GvG in GW1.

“Lore reason” doesn’t cut it. It’s not a argument at all, it’s an excuse.

There are a lot of things that Guild Wars 2 doesn’t have that Guild Wars 1 does. Guild Wars 2 and 1 are completely different games, the only thing they share really is being RPGs and the lore. But Guild Wars 2 is an MMO, and Guild Wars 1 is not. Anybody who bought this game thinking there was going to be GvG did zero research into the game.

Anet said that there would be GvG in GW2.

When did they say that? Got a link to that news?

Half my gold is gone! Poor Design to blame?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


Hey, just wanted to drop in and Thank you for the gold, I really appreciated all that gold you gave me. You are an awesome person.

Just kidding, wasn’t me. Anyways, that sucks you accidently gave away so much gold.

The game is called Guild Wars 2...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


It’s quite normal that people expect GvG in GW2 considering there was GvG in GW1.

“Lore reason” doesn’t cut it. It’s not a argument at all, it’s an excuse.

There are a lot of things that Guild Wars 2 doesn’t have that Guild Wars 1 does. Guild Wars 2 and 1 are completely different games, the only thing they share really is being RPGs and the lore. But Guild Wars 2 is an MMO, and Guild Wars 1 is not. Anybody who bought this game thinking there was going to be GvG did zero research into the game.

What is your song of triumph?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


The game is called Guild Wars 2...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


inb4 lore reasons

holy crap dude good call LOL

But who gives a hoodle about lore. GvG and guild halls made Guild Wars amazing.

Its the true response to what your asking. Name is just a lore thing as in most games.

As a consumer many years go I bought Guild Wars to do pvp with my friends. I was pleased with Alliance battles at the time but I bought the game because the title told me I was going to be at war with other guilds. That excited me. Guild Wars 2 provided WvW, a amazing pvp mode at that, but it was limited due to ballance issues. Sure its fun to go around and destroy other players with a green up arrow by their name but what I enjoy most is a good struggle. The developers stressed over and over about how ballanced sPvP was going to be but it didn’t even come to proving the feel of Guild play that Guild Wars offered. Guilds in this game seem to be more of a methods of narrowing down your search for others doing similar interest to just 4 people.

I bought Guild Wars 1 because of the PvE, hated the PvP. I wanted to play through the PvE storyline and found the lore to be great and loved the aspect the lore played in the game.

The game is called Guild Wars 2...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


inb4 lore reasons

holy crap dude good call LOL

But who gives a hoodle about lore. GvG and guild halls made Guild Wars amazing.

Good call? All he did was give you the Arenanet official answer as to why the series is called Guild Wars that has been said in all the other 100+ threads about the same exact thing. You didn’t post a unique thread at all

Give me ideas what to do :(.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


I say take a break. My self I play for a few months, then I end up taking a break for a few months, and then repeat. Works for me.

Why is there still no dueling?

in PvP

Posted by: eisberg.2379


Sure, but they need to keep it at very low priority to be put into the game, perhaps right above player and guild housing. Lots of other quality of life features, and game play features like new stories/maps need to be top priority.

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


How? This seems like it adds people to my map from other servers but not my own. If people from my server were not in the map before, why would they be there now?

Because before they might have been forced into overflows, that took no consideration of home-server/guild/friends/whatever.
The new system takes all that into account, and thus it is much more likely that you will play with more of your server than before.

I’m talking about the emptier maps that don’t have overflows.

Then you will be playing with who ever would be normally there, though if it was emptier then I would guess that means there wasn’t many people to be there to begin with. Anyways, would see who you would normally see there plus probably lots more from other servers. Instead of playing in a nearly empty map, you’ll be playing in a map with more people then you would have normally.

GW2 starts in China on May 15th.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


Is it actually going to be for sale in China, and not a Free to Play game with micro transactions? For some reason I thought MMOs are never sold in China, rather they have given for free.

Feedback regarding Conditions

in Profession Balance

Posted by: eisberg.2379


Condition damage can be reduced, there are skills that get rid of condition damage.

Megaservers and RP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


All together with a different chatcolor than plain white it would be perfect, yes. , But obviousely never going to happen as anet ignores RPers strictly…

Just like any game developer ignores the “minority” in the game. Honestly, a lot of the changes made to games, not just gw2 specifically, are NEVER intended with roleplayers in mind. If you cant adapt, you get left behind. That’s all there is to it. There’s always going to be groups of players that are going to remain an afterthought.

Yeah, if a very small group of people are going to be affected by a change that is better for the vast majority, then so be it.


The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


I am so excited for this new mega server system. I always believed that having separating players by servers was always a bad idea and created more problems that any advantages that segregation of players might have wasn’t worth it. This should make for a better playing environment in all zones no matter the time of day. Thank you Anet for doing this.

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


People have been asking for mega server for years in pretty much a lot of MMOs. It is something that all MMOs should do for PvE at the very least, it creates a better playing environment for everyone regardless of play times. If anything, something like this could bring even more people into the game because they know they can have a better chance to be able play with other people despite the time of day they play.

As to your questions.

1. no idea
2 and 3 are answered in the article.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


Thief (Eidos game) game has an april fools joke that was no doubt put in by a disgruntled employee. Everyone saves seem like they are broke, you try to leave the clock tower and it puts you right back in, or you are put in a loop where you can leave an area or your saves are reverted back to a previous chapter. Changing the windows clock to April 8th fixes the problem though.

April Fools: Bobble Heads

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379



have you actually gone ingame or are you still just on character screen?
The reason I ask is because mine is back.

I logged out again and while they look normal in the character screen once you get in game they pop on again

I have actually gone into the game, everything was normal size.

April Fools: Bobble Heads

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


I simply don’t understand why people are getting so worked up over this.

Take a deep breath; it’s a joke in the spirit of April Fools and will come to pass shortly.

It’s a cool joke – I give them that, but a prank lasting one entire day sucks. Imagine your friend doing a prank on you continuously for the entire day. It transforms from funny to annoying, unless you’re a masochist or something.

It’s only a day.

This is a video game, not real life.

Well, some people have limited time to play so this argument really only affects people with so much time on their hands.

Again, it’s a cool prank. Only what’s cooler is that if they had an on-off switch for it.

Please don’t try to be a White Knight on ANet’s defense, I’m not saying they did a poor job – just saying it’s nice to have some options.

It’s funny that you call me a white knight because lord knows I have a lot of issues with how ANet runs this game and I’ve definitely vocalized a few of them.

However, this harmless joke is not one of them. I’m beginning to think that the “ermahgerd mah character is so oogly halp” spam is the real prank. Thank you ANet


All we’re asking is a fair deal. If people like it, turn it on. If people don’t, turn it off.
I am sure it’s already late for that and whatnot, but a simple planning could have easily included that – not like they coded and tested this before they went home last night.

I know, world is not fair, but if we could make it closer to “fair” – that would be awesome. And again, like you said, it’s a video game, not real world – things could be worked out easily.

Hopefully next time they implement something like this, give us options. tnx.

Exit the game completely, then start the game up again, and the big head will be gone. There is an off switch, but they failed to put in an on switch.

April Fools: Bobble Heads

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


You are lucky, my toons still look like bobbleheads. Where is the off switch?

Don’t consider myself lucky, I want the bobblehead, I want to be a part of the fun. Anyways, sounds like just exiting the game completely, then starting the game again makes the bobblehead go away. Wish the same was true to turn it on though.

April Fools: Bobble Heads

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


Well, I got home looking forward to a few hours of playing. This nice game, where I customized my characters with great care to look just like I like them.

This game I played quite a bit already, so most my reactions to attacks are executed semi-automatically when I see certain visual cues. You know, cues I can’t see with these huge heads.

I don’t mind an april fools prank if it’s just a minor or short-term annoyance. Some can even be quite funny. But pretty much forcing me to find something else to do for several hours when I was really looking forward to playing GW2 is not quite there.

And no, I can’t take a step back and just enjoy it. This looks just wrong, stopped being funny (to me) after a few minutes, and irritates me all the time while I try to play, so instead of relaxing I get into a bad mood. So all I can do is to take a step back and not play, and get annoyed at that.

That being said, does anyone have a clue when this will be over? Can I maybe log in after a few hours of whatever and enjoy the game again or is it until midnight… UTC? EST? something-something timezone?

Well, this was funny…

Now I’d like to play without that huge head getting in my way… >_>

Sure, maybe it’s in the april fools spirit to annoy people, but do you really have to annoy them for hours with the SAME joke?

Why don’t you just take a step back and enjoy it for one day? Do you lose so much?

apparently just exiting the game and logging back in makes the bobble head disappear. At least you got to see the bobble head, I haven’t been able to see it on my characters at all, and I want to be a part of the fun.

April Fools: Bobble Heads

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


Try Re logging

I did. Still have normal head.

April Fools: Bobble Heads

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


How do we turn it on, my character’s head is normal size? Is the fun already over with? Was is available only in the early morning or something?


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


So, it seems that some people just simply can’t get enough of it – the “bobble heads” addition for 01 April – and, I don’t want to take any of that joy away from any of you: more power to you and I’m glad you’re amused.

Me, however. I do not enjoy having this forced upon me. Not giving me the option to remove it (and no, changing times/zones does NOT help me) is beyond the joke!

As stated, more power to those that enjoy it but, those that do not also have a valid point and wish to be able to flick this off in options.

NOTE Do not bother to exert your precious energy to try to tell me to cheer up – or some such nonsense as it would only be meaningless and judgmental drivel. Cheers.

hahahahaha, nice april fools joke you are playing on everyone, well done.

April Fools: Bobble Heads

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


Where are the big heads? Are they gone already? Was there only a few hour window? If so, I’m very disappointed I missed it.

Apparently there was a window, cause my character head was normal size as well.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


You are right, it isn’t funny, but that is only because my character’s head is normal size, I logged in and I got no bobble head. I want to be a part of the funny and have a bobble head, but I am stuck with a normal size head.

April Fools: Bobble Heads

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


So how do we get the bobble head? I just logged in and my character is normal size.

Why do you not play sPvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


Because PvP has no story. One of the requirements for computers games for me is story. If it has no story, it is crud.

´Are you one in a million?`

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


Nope. Don’t do Mytwitfacetube -.-

The End of Transmutations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


You are ignorant if you believe that Anet made this game so that everyone can get the store stuff for free with little effort. The main purpose of the store is to make them money, you want to get the store stuff without having to do a major grind, then pay some money for it and support this MMO at the same time. This is an MMO, the whole business model is based on getting more money beyond selling the game itself. Be grateful that you do not have to play a monthly fee for the game

Can't play any other mmo because...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


Ahh … I see the disconnect between us here. You think I have a reading comprehension problem and I think you have a logic comprehension problem. In my book, “pay more than” and “pay the same as” are pretty much the same determinant (I didn’t say equal) … there is a difference) if, as you suggest, cost was a key factor in a player’s decision not to play a pay-to-play game. Nobody is going to NOT play a pay-to-play game simply because it costs essentially the same as a free-to-play game. I wasn’t arguing that people pay more for a free-to-play game than a pay-to-play game … only that if indeed the costs are at least similar it doesn’t matter.

I never suggested that cost was a key factor in in a player’s decision. Nor was I commenting on anything of that sort or alluding to it. The person I was responding to, based on his post, believes that people, in general, tend to spend more on free to play games than on sub games. I was commenting on that based on what I have read from experts in the industry.

Also, there is no logical reason to think that “More than” and “Same as” are the same thing. That very thought right there is illogical.

Can't play any other mmo because...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


Not sure where people are getting their numbers as no one seems to post sources…

but the people who actually look at this have a different idea:

On average people pay ~$25/month (depending on country of origin) in F2P games, over $15/month for subscription games.

So anyone that is arguing that they pay less, is on average, just wrong.

That’s just the facts. I’ll put my opinions in another post to follow.

I posted a link earlier to another research that showed that males spend about $74 per year on free to play MMOs, and females pay about $111 per year on free to play MMOs.

Can't play any other mmo because...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


Pretty hilarious that those who boldly exclaim “I will never buy a sub” possibly pay out more per month than those who do.

According to MMO developers and analysts over the years, a very very small number (compared to the number of people who spend money on the game shops) of people actually spend more than $15 a month on free to play MMOs. Basically the initial investment might be high, but over time it averages out to be ~$15 a month or less for the vast majority of the paying customers. Take my brother for instance, he spent an additional $150 on the game right from the beginning, so yes his initial investment was high, but now he is averaging ~$10 a month, and that number will keep going down till he buys gems again, in which he doesn’t see a need for a long while.

LOL. The average subscription-based game only costs about $15 per month as well. You’re even contradicting yourself with your brother’s example. If your brother plays the game for three years and buys gems once per year in the future, he will have averaged just over $12 per month for that entire period.

Hope you don’t vote …

yeah, before you decided to insult me, you should have comprehended what you read first. Reading comprehension is important, and people should have strong reading comprehension skills before voting.

LOL again. Please describe (specifically) what part of your post I misunderstood. And then I’ll point out to you how you composed it wrong in the first place. Trust me, my reading comprehension and composition skills exceed yours, but if I turn out to be wrong I will admit it here.

What I typed is pretty clear in relation to what I was responding to. My example about my brother goes in hand to what I stated prior to that example. The example does not contradict in any way in what I said, it is an example that supports it. What part of the post did you misunderstand? The whole thing.

How about you tell me what you think I said? Because apparently you feel that I stated something that I never actually said, meaning you didn’t comprehend my statement correctly.

Also, you have no idea what my reading/composition skills are for you to make that comparison.

You realize you didn’t say anything there, right? I mean, you really didn’t.

But to clarify what I gathered from your first post, the guy you responded to was pointing out that most people who complain about the cost of pay-to-play games end up spending virtually as much on free-to-play games (cash shops, etc). Your reply certainly seemed to be an attempt to contradict his assertion (are you saying it wasn’t?) … in spite of the fact that the costs you list for free-to-play (industry averages and your brother’s example) are within round off error of the average cost of a pay-to-play game. Your opposing contention was invalidated by the data you offered that instead supported his, and I find it really odd that you can’t understand that.

Nope, read his quote that I was responding too. Keep reading it till you can comprehend what he said, this is where your comprehensions skills began to lack.
He said more, not equal to or less than. There is this “myth” if you will, where generally people believe that most free to play MMO players spend more than a subs fee per month on free to play MMOs. I was just stating that is not the case based on what I have seen industry professionals have stated over the years in various interviews/blogs/reports, ect. What I stated was not just for him, but for other readers as well, who I responded to may or may not believe that most free to players spend more than a sub fee per month, but given his quote that I used I wouldn’t be surprised that he did since it seems to be a common belief among MMO players. I was responding to this common myth based on his what he stated in the quote I used from him in my post.

I find it odd that you can’t understand that More is not that same as equal to or less than. He stated More than, I stated Less than, those 2 are completely different. Also, you are the one that added my brother spending more money over a 3 year period to get it to equal $12 to get that “rounding error”, not me. Also though I couldn’t remember the exact numbers at the time, I knew it was a lot less than a subs fee per month on the average, and it is. $74 a year for males, and $111 a year for female. We know that MMOs are mostly males, which means most paying customers are spending ~$6 a month on the average, that is far far from a “round error” that you injected into my example.

(edited by eisberg.2379)

Can't play any other mmo because...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


Pretty hilarious that those who boldly exclaim “I will never buy a sub” possibly pay out more per month than those who do.

According to MMO developers and analysts over the years, a very very small number (compared to the number of people who spend money on the game shops) of people actually spend more than $15 a month on free to play MMOs. Basically the initial investment might be high, but over time it averages out to be ~$15 a month or less for the vast majority of the paying customers. Take my brother for instance, he spent an additional $150 on the game right from the beginning, so yes his initial investment was high, but now he is averaging ~$10 a month, and that number will keep going down till he buys gems again, in which he doesn’t see a need for a long while.

Cite those Sources. The “industry” has been going FTP or hybrid for years, and monetization is the reason. Most new mmo’s are planned to be FTP with microtransactions. The industry is not doing this out of charity, the model generates more revenue, period.

Only WoW has kept the sub only scheme. Lotro, AoC, STO, SWToR, Vanguard, Everquest, Everquest2, Tera, etc have all gone to FTP options with cash stores or a hybrid model with FTP and Sub options.

I played a lot of games pre “official” micro RMT. It was there… players themselves proved the validity of the concept by paying monthly subs.. and also massive amounts of real currency to online gold sellers, levelers, etc etc. This is the very thing John Smedley studied with his cash RMT allowed “exchange” server in Everquest 2. It was the driving force behind his decisions to take SOE games into the cash store and then hybrid/ftp model. It is why the industry is going there. It is where the money is, and to argue that is fairly ludicrous.


Also interesting in that SOE has indeed take the game economy into RL economy for some players in an interesting way. Player designed items, furniture, weapons, etc can be submitted to SOE for consideration as a cash store item.. most are very well done, popular, and the revenue is a win for both SOE and the player/designers.

No specific source to cite, stuff stated in various different interviews by various MMO developers/analysts over the years, but the general thing they said is that the vast majority of the paying MMO players in Free to Play games are not spending more than a sub.

Edit: Found 1 source that talks about it (not going to look for more since the ones I have seen were in interviews not dedicated to free to play demographics only),

Females spend $111 vs $74 for males in MMOs

And there has been more things said over the years in various different interviews/blogs/reports, ect.

The reason why more and more companies are going with a cash shop model is because they can grab more players to play the game, which creates a bigger pool of people to get to spend money. LOTRO went from sub to free to play, when they went free to play they had to add more servers, cause more players were playing than before. Even though each player may not be spending $15 a month, they make more money over all because they got more players spending money even if it is only $5 a month. Example (Game has 100 players playing $15 a month when it was a sub only game, going free to play they might have 400 players paying $5 a month, and they are making more money than they did before.

Free to Play games or even Buy to Play games are not surviving because most people are spending more than $15 a month, they are surviving because they get a crap ton more people to spend some money.

(edited by eisberg.2379)

Can't play any other mmo because...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


Pretty hilarious that those who boldly exclaim “I will never buy a sub” possibly pay out more per month than those who do.

According to MMO developers and analysts over the years, a very very small number (compared to the number of people who spend money on the game shops) of people actually spend more than $15 a month on free to play MMOs. Basically the initial investment might be high, but over time it averages out to be ~$15 a month or less for the vast majority of the paying customers. Take my brother for instance, he spent an additional $150 on the game right from the beginning, so yes his initial investment was high, but now he is averaging ~$10 a month, and that number will keep going down till he buys gems again, in which he doesn’t see a need for a long while.

LOL. The average subscription-based game only costs about $15 per month as well. You’re even contradicting yourself with your brother’s example. If your brother plays the game for three years and buys gems once per year in the future, he will have averaged just over $12 per month for that entire period.

Hope you don’t vote …

yeah, before you decided to insult me, you should have comprehended what you read first. Reading comprehension is important, and people should have strong reading comprehension skills before voting.

LOL again. Please describe (specifically) what part of your post I misunderstood. And then I’ll point out to you how you composed it wrong in the first place. Trust me, my reading comprehension and composition skills exceed yours, but if I turn out to be wrong I will admit it here.

What I typed is pretty clear in relation to what I was responding to. My example about my brother goes in hand to what I stated prior to that example. The example does not contradict in any way in what I said, it is an example that supports it. What part of the post did you misunderstand? The whole thing.

How about you tell me what you think I said? Because apparently you feel that I stated something that I never actually said, meaning you didn’t comprehend my statement correctly.

Also, you have no idea what my reading/composition skills are for you to make that comparison.

(edited by eisberg.2379)

Fine salvage kit 40%?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


I want to mention i started to count after some time using these kits. I used may be 1000 of them over time (did not count) and just noticed small numbers of recovered upgrades.

Wouldn’t do any good, people will get different results. That 40% is not a statistic, it is the chance that you have to get the upgrade on each use. Just because it has a 40% chance to get an upgrade, it doesn’t mean that 40% of the time you will get an upgrade. There is a difference between a statistic and a chance.

100 tries will be enough. I just can’t salvage 1000 items in short period of time for better accuracy. I need some help.

again, wouldn’t do any good. There will be different results every time. You can go through a 100 of them and not get any upgrades, you can go through a 1000 of them and get 1 upgrade, because that means you rolled on that 60% chance of not getting anything everytime.

Fine salvage kit 40%?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


Flipping a coin gives you a 50 percent chance of getting heads but just because you flip it 100 times doesnt mean you’re going to land on heads 50 times, of those coin flips you could only land on heads 20 times out of 100 . Same thing would apply to salvaging items

It is possible, yes. But i am not so lucky. 10% and 40% – such a big difference… Can you test it?

Wouldn’t do any good, people will get different results. That 40% is not a statistic, it is the chance that you have to get the upgrade on each use. Just because it has a 40% chance to get an upgrade, it doesn’t mean that 40% of the time you will get an upgrade. There is a difference between a statistic and a chance.

Best way to make gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


Get 1 part A and 1 part u, put them together and you get Gold =P

Can't play any other mmo because...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


Pretty hilarious that those who boldly exclaim “I will never buy a sub” possibly pay out more per month than those who do.

According to MMO developers and analysts over the years, a very very small number (compared to the number of people who spend money on the game shops) of people actually spend more than $15 a month on free to play MMOs. Basically the initial investment might be high, but over time it averages out to be ~$15 a month or less for the vast majority of the paying customers. Take my brother for instance, he spent an additional $150 on the game right from the beginning, so yes his initial investment was high, but now he is averaging ~$10 a month, and that number will keep going down till he buys gems again, in which he doesn’t see a need for a long while.

LOL. The average subscription-based game only costs about $15 per month as well. You’re even contradicting yourself with your brother’s example. If your brother plays the game for three years and buys gems once per year in the future, he will have averaged just over $12 per month for that entire period.

Hope you don’t vote …

yeah, before you decided to insult me, you should have comprehended what you read first. Reading comprehension is important, and people should have strong reading comprehension skills before voting.

(edited by eisberg.2379)

Refer a friend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


That would be a negative ghost rider

Can't play any other mmo because...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


Pretty hilarious that those who boldly exclaim “I will never buy a sub” possibly pay out more per month than those who do.

According to MMO developers and analysts over the years, a very very small number (compared to the number of people who spend money on the game shops) of people actually spend more than $15 a month on free to play MMOs. Basically the initial investment might be high, but over time it averages out to be ~$15 a month or less for the vast majority of the paying customers. Take my brother for instance, he spent an additional $150 on the game right from the beginning, so yes his initial investment was high, but now he is averaging ~$10 a month, and that number will keep going down till he buys gems again, in which he doesn’t see a need for a long while.

Gem store skins like achievement skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: eisberg.2379


So there is no potential revenue loss for Anet.

You’re absolutely and completely wrong. The fact that you don’t see that makes me think I’m wasting my time so I won’t reply again.

Instead of giving such a rude response, why not actually state your position and the reasons for your position. I gave reasons for my position, and all you can do is make a rude comment back. So unless you can actually state the reason for your position, it is safe to say that you have nothing to back up your position. People who make rude comments like that for absolutely no reason, cause I wasn’t rude to you and I stated the reasons for my position, have no interest in having conversations at all, and generally have nothing to backup their position.

So yes, please do not respond if you have nothing to back up your position and only have unwarranted rude comments. You did absolutely nothing for this conversation, you added nothing.

(edited by eisberg.2379)

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: eisberg.2379


And good luck finding any competitive game where people don’t complain about 1v1 balancing

In PvE no one complains about 1v1, and it should stay that way.

I hope you see that your issues are mostly personal preferences and not necessarily negative, or even effects directly attributed to dueling.

Lol what? That makes zero sense on infinite levels.

Eisberg made an excellent argument and you obviously can’t find a way to counter it. Duelling is a terrible idea for a game that is based on teamwork and cooperation. And wether or not you want to believe it, it has negative effects.

the “effects attributed to dueling”—being chat spam, 1v1 balance complaints, and bad behavior in general—already exist without dueling. Saying that dueling will only increase the frequency of these issues is baseless hyperbole. All when these issues could be easily avoided, if you even perceive them to be issues, with the ignore feature.

It is far from baseless hyperbole when we in fact experienced it ourselves in past games.

Except for the fact in my and so many other people’s experience, the ignore feature doesn’t fix the problem completely, not even close. Putting someone on ignore makes it so you can’t defend yourself against people trash talking you on the public chat, that is one reason why ignore feature doesn’t come close to fixing the issues. And I have seen this happen so so many times.

Like I said, PvP breeds bad behavior, not in everyone, but in enough. And putting a PvP component in a PvE world brings that bad behavior to that place, more so than what is there already.

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: eisberg.2379


I hope you see that your issues are mostly personal preferences and not necessarily negative, or even effects directly attributed to dueling.

I would like to think /ignoring or auto-decline duels would solve most of your problems. And good luck finding any competitive game where people don’t complain about 1v1 balancing

edit; haha, i actually went back and looked for your “negative effects” and i didn’t think that 1-3 list was actually what you were referring to.

The bleed over in the public chat, to the point that it takes over the public chat making it harder to communicate for PvE reasons is a negative effect and is directly related to dueling.

Ignoring doesn’t stop them from still being annoying to you, don’t need a chat to be annoying, plus for how often I have seen people trash talk other players on the public chats because the other player didn’t want to duel happened very very often.

And I said an increase in complaints on 1vs1 balancing. I understand there is some right now, but add dueling and those complaints will happen even more, exponentially more.

I hope you see that your issues are mostly personal preferences and not necessarily negative, or even effects directly attributed to dueling.

I must have made some good points if that is all you can say, and nothing of real value to refute it. But I’ll give you a benefit of the doubt, some people like to be abused, some people like to see PvE channels being taken over by PvP trash talk and making it harder for PvE communication.

But your logic fails hard. When people are trash talking over the public chat channels because they lost or won in duel, that is someone how now directly attributed to dueling. That makes absolutely not logical sense. When an increase of complaint for 1 vs 1 balancing happens because of dueling, that has nothing to do with dueling? Again, makes no logical sense. When people start to abuse/annoy you because of dueling, it is not directly related to dueling?

Your logic makes no sense.

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: eisberg.2379


I hope you see that your issues are mostly personal preferences and not necessarily negative, or even effects directly attributed to dueling.

I would like to think /ignoring or auto-decline duels would solve most of your problems. And good luck finding any competitive game where people don’t complain about 1v1 balancing

edit; haha, i actually went back and looked for your “negative effects” and i didn’t think that 1-3 list was actually what you were referring to.

The bleed over in the public chat, to the point that it takes over the public chat making it harder to communicate for PvE reasons is a negative effect and is directly related to dueling.

Ignoring doesn’t stop them from still being annoying to you, don’t need a chat to be annoying, plus for how often I have seen people trash talk other players on the public chats because the other player didn’t want to duel happened very very often.

And I said an increase in complaints on 1vs1 balancing. I understand there is some right now, but add dueling and those complaints will happen even more, exponentially more.

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: eisberg.2379


I’m with you OP. I’ve seen a lot of people opposed to dueling perform incredible mental gymnastics to try to argue against a feature that wouldn’t effect them if they simply chose not to duel.

Yes, because people are just imagining the effects that dueling had on other games that had it /rolleyes

I know by “other games” you mean WoW, but SWTOR also had dueling and “duel spamming” was never an issue i encountered or read about on the forums.

Duel spamming is an issue that is parroted on the forums because it’s hard to disprove someone’s anecdotal evidence of “this guy followed me around for months on end just duel requesting me!”

In reality, the people that really want to duel will message you or simply accept your decline, and the people that “duel spam” absolutely love the fact that their efforts have traumatized you so severely that you cannot even play a different game without thinking back to that harrowing experience.

Wasn’t just talking about duel spamming, talking about all the negative effect dueling has on a game, and yes it even has a negative effect on SWTOR, played that game and saw the negative effects it had as well, found the negative effects far out weigh any positives.

what are all the negative effects?

the increase in complaints on balancing the game for 1 vs 1

The bleed over to the public chat channels with trash talk because someone lost or won.

Not wanting to duel, and the other player trash talking you for not wanting to duel, or try to be annoying when you are trying to play. This happens more often than you actually think it does, probably because you do like to duel so you do not see the problem happening for much, but for people who do not like to duel this issue comes up very often. In every mmo that I have played with dueling, it happened extremely often. It is the nature of PvP, it breeds this kind of mentality, not in everyone, but in enough people to make it a real often occurring issue.

This is why I said above

I can agree with open world dueling under certain conditions:

1- Anet states they will never ever balance around 1vs1, and that they will delete all threads of people complaining about the imbalance in 1vs1.
2- Duelers are suspended from the public chat channels for 5 minutes after the duel ends.
3- They create an option to make someone invisible from your screen.

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: eisberg.2379


I’m with you OP. I’ve seen a lot of people opposed to dueling perform incredible mental gymnastics to try to argue against a feature that wouldn’t effect them if they simply chose not to duel.

Yes, because people are just imagining the effects that dueling had on other games that had it /rolleyes

I know by “other games” you mean WoW, but SWTOR also had dueling and “duel spamming” was never an issue i encountered or read about on the forums.

Duel spamming is an issue that is parroted on the forums because it’s hard to disprove someone’s anecdotal evidence of “this guy followed me around for months on end just duel requesting me!”

In reality, the people that really want to duel will message you or simply accept your decline, and the people that “duel spam” absolutely love the fact that their efforts have traumatized you so severely that you cannot even play a different game without thinking back to that harrowing experience.

Wasn’t just talking about duel spamming, talking about all the negative effect dueling has on a game, and yes it even has a negative effect on SWTOR, played that game and saw the negative effects it had as well, found the negative effects far out weigh any positives.

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: eisberg.2379


I’m with you OP. I’ve seen a lot of people opposed to dueling perform incredible mental gymnastics to try to argue against a feature that wouldn’t effect them if they simply chose not to duel.

Yes, because people are just imagining the effects that dueling had on other games that had it /rolleyes