Showing Posts For fishball.7204:

Is SPvP more popular now than before

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


Doesn’t feel much more popular to me, I know it’s just my experience it’s not hard numbers but matching silvers up with platinum players wouldn’t happen if there was a sizable population imo.


Skill Rating is Accurate

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


1000 and 1400 is also a massive difference in skill.

Looking through my friends list, the guys at 1.4k are pretty solid with rotations/builds but they lack PvP experience (raid players) and the 1k guys are my friends who aren’t even raiders and just do open world with minimal understanding of builds.

We can pull numbers all day but the fact is, there can never be any meaningful rating/matchmaking if you put some people 400 rating apart on the same/other team.


Skill Rating is Accurate

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


500 rating is too far, even 400 is. Anything above 250 should be scrapped, there’s a massive skill difference between someone at 2000 and 1750.


Tradeing post limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fishball.7204


How would the total economy in GW2 change if some ppl now would be able to sell or buy for much higher amount of Gold then 10K? What kind of limits would ANet need to put on that kind of market, so it wouldn’t go out of control?

Talking about only one item like that Aura effect/Chak thing seem very egocentric in contrast towards that it would actually also have an impact for everything sold on TP. Rare and RNG based items will always have a high demand until it either get replaced by something else or that it is changed in how easy it is to get. Increasing the limit for how much Gold one can sell/buy for would only increase the bar to next level and then we are back from where we started and would again have next iteration of Gold caps on TP.

OP if you actually make use of market(s) outside of this game you are breaking the rules ANet set with you which you have agreed with when you created an account to play this game.

Allowing higher than 10k listing/orders on the TP wouldn’t make anything out of control or whatever. ANet doesn’t really have to do anything, they’re probably happy since every transaction takes out 15% gold from the economy which helps curb inflation.

I cannot think of a single reason to not support OP’s suggestion of allowing higher than 10k listings/buy orders outside of “more work” for ANet which is questionable at best.

I don’t have a chak egg sac nor do I want one. I mean if people are willing to pay 12k or more for one who am I to complain? They can spend their gold that way if they want and it has 0 impact on my gameplay.

Also you are completely wrong about trading outside = breaking the rules. There are no rules which say you must use the TP, trading via mail is totally fine BUT you bear the risk of being scammed. I’ve traded legendaries via mail before, bought a howler off my friend no problem. It’s just not recommended for obvious reasons which is why the OP is asking for a LEGITIMATE way to pay more than 10k without having the risk involved.


(edited by fishball.7204)

"Matchmaking" sucks - EVIDENCE

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


It’s the matchmaking on NA, it doesn’t work at all due to extremely low populations.

What probably happened was the other side has 2 duos and they queued for a long time and you just got shoved into that game on the other side almost instantly just to give them a game. The matchmaker doesn’t rebalance teams once they’ve formed so I’ve noticed it’s the best to not accept the queue if it pops instantly (if you’re soloing).

This happened to me the other night, I lost 20 against Vanss duo and a bunch of other high plat/leaderboard players and I had gold ranked people (not all of them, maybe but at least 1-2 were) on my team.


Condi evade thief needs to be fixed

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


DH and warrior can beat that build 1v1 and scrapper can stalemate it.

I’ve seen some top 50 players easily handle maygi’s thief but most people can’t do it.

Honestly I’d like to see it nerfed just because it’s so infuriating trying to time your stuns in those small evade frames when you have 300 ping.


Proof MMR is based on RNG, not skill.

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


I have also questioned the rating system.

For a period of time i was in the top 150-250 of the leader board.

I have never dropped below gold 3 but i have had very frustrating moments staying in plat.

Now thats me personally, i do like the friends list rating. Ive seen players i knew who are elite players. Players who ranked in the top 50 who are now both out of the 250. (ill be honest its only 2 players i know)

But all season they were in the top 150 and then boom, in the last week 3-4 losses in a row and they are now out of it. Its a odd thing to comprehend.

The rating system would work fine if matchmaking worked properly.

That’s just one example of many where the teams are way too far apart in terms of skill which leads to frustrating games and/or 1 sided stomps.

I just solo queued a game tonight and came up vs a duo q streamer, needless to say we lost drastically and I lost 20 for that. I looked afterwards and my entire team was pretty much gold. I was expected to carry that vs 3-4 plat players at least, no way.

Right now if you’re an average PvPer (aka most of us in Plat 1-2), you should just duo q because solo is a totally RNG gamble fiesta where you can fight top level duos and lose a bunch of rating despite being heavily not in your favor.


What's wrong with pushing esport

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


Esportz is a waste of money, the joke of a tournaments barely bring in a few thousand viewers and that’s with giveaways to lure people in that have no interest in the actual stream.

Other people have already covered the balance issues that revolve around ESL/pro league which makes the game unfun for the rest of us. I don’t even play Rev but I can see it got nerfed too hard outside of top tier play which is like what, 5 of you? And god knows we’ll have to wait 6 months for them to fix that because muh esportz.

Just putting that ‘esportz’ 200k budget into hiring 1 more person who actually works on PvP would be nice. It took Evan what 6 weeks to acknowledge there was an issue in matchmaking because we’re not pro league players complaining.

Why would we care about your esports when the rest of us get trash?


What the actual kitten matchmaking?

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


I’ve gotten my fair share of gold team mates. Heck I was gold and still had to fight top 10 duo before and I’ve fought teams with gold players when I had Jeff on my team. This has also happened to kdaddy and Bhagwan with many many screenshots on the forums.

AFK won’t even make a difference in those games, they’re decided the moment I load in but I get your point. It’s just a mess.

I’m 100% sure there’s a bug but you know ANet won’t ever admit it and it took so much posts with proof just to make them even look at their algorithm -_-


What the actual kitten matchmaking?

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


Did u run into the same duo again after our game? lol

I legit just went back to afking, can’t be bothered queueing just to be farmed by rank 6/10 duo. Apparently it’s a big ask to get fair matchmaking at 1.7k MMR that doesn’t put me vs people in the top 10.


WORST season yet

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


Oh you think i placed luckily in plat 3. No. I placed in low gold and climbed to 1900 with about 120 games played. Now i dropped to gold 3 with 12 lose streak. If that is not RNG then i dont know what it is (500-100 matches are obviously not balanced at all), and you think matchmaking is balanced? I played as gold vs top 10 players. But i never had top 10 players in my team vs full gold team. So what is just as likely exactly?

Should just ignore them, they have no idea what they’re talking about.

Plenty of people have had matchmaking issues around Gold 3 to Plat. I’ve watched EU streams where people like Ajax were Plat 1 and vs’d Misha/Sind duo who were like 400+ rating above him lmao.

Same thing happens here on NA, so many games where high gold/low plat players just get farmed by top 10 duos for no reason.

A while back kdaddy also posted that game where my team had 2 duos, one of which was top 10 (Jeff) and same thing as what we’re all saying now.

Then there’s the thread I posted up above made by my friend with the same stuff happening.

MM is broken on a fundamental level and creates unfun matchups for us quite often in Plat 1-2/Gold 3. I’ve given up having fun/even PvP matches.


WORST season yet

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


Matchmaking was sorta fine early on due to big population. Then once people stopping playing as much the flaws became more obvious.

The exact same thing happened to my friend as you OP:

Gold 3 and vs top 10 duo/top 50 duo.

It’s a joke, why even bother.


The things people do to be #1

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


I mean, this isn’t exactly a secret. Almost everyone on the leaderboards know that the top players are either 1. Bribing someone to throw the game for them or 2. Bribing their own team mate to leave the game when they are going to lose or 3. Have a friend that can do both on an alt account.

I thought everyone knew about this already.

there are two people who are cheating, jeffiEZZZ and ddongs. everyone in the top 50 lb hates these two.

Says the guy who paid someone 200g to “disconnect”?


Matchmaking's greatest yet...

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


Idk how this trash matchmaking gets out the door. Any other company this wouldn’t even be shipped.

Utter complete garbage system feeding us to be farmed by top 10 players in a duo when I’m barely plat T1.



Matchmaking's greatest yet...

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


Working as intended, god forbid the top players have to fight each other to climb.


Hi, I'm figuratively garbage.

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


Yep. My first 2 losses today were 501-34 and 500-169. Last night I had a 592-10. Evan can look this up if he wants.

Just ain’t fun and what’s the point?

I fully expected to get ~50% win rate once I hit my level with close games ~350+ either way but that doesn’t look like it’s gonna happen.


This needs to be said...

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


No, I’ve never felt that feeling before. I hate bringing it up, but I play on Europe (where games are a little bit closer and people tend to be less idiots.) So, I’ve never felt bad about winning because mostly all games I play are either really close or just intense because the enemy team is playing a lot better than ours.

EU is definitely a lot better in this regard. I had a game last night on NA where I lost 592-10 and lost -13 rating. There was just no way to win that but I got punished anyway.

I think a lot of the team mate grievances are more NA than EU, stuff is a mess over here and generally unfun at all levels (eg. plat and you get staff burn guards)


EU vs NA Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


NA is a joke. Half the leaderboard = alts, pro league players throwing/cheating/paying gold/q dodging etc

Not really surprised NA hasn’t won a world series in so long, EU is just better at the top level and fosters a healthier community for PvP growth at all levels.


The things people do to be #1

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204



Yep this season is trash and there’s plenty of blame to go around including the people who mess with matches by running alts through the league again and again, people paying gold to throw, people cheating, duo q offpeak farming, q dodging etc.

I played almost 500 matches this season got to around 1.8k MMR and said f this and kinda just gave up, it just wasn’t fun anymore.

It would really help if people didn’t exploit the system, nothing more demoralizing than seeing 3 pro league on 1 side and I get nobody as a solo q and THEN lose -15 because they’re alts. I mean ok you win 500-0, yay?


Daredevil downed exploit?

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


If it’s skyhammer then I think there’s a bug with that map where you can go down and your downed skills never work since you’re constantly knocked around yet your body isn’t moving. Never seen thief exploit though


"Matchmaking" sucks - EVIDENCE

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


maybe there aren’t that many players in the pool to begin with, so the matchmaking system grabs players usually outside of its normal parameters.

just maybe.

still doesn’t justify abysmal rating gains if you manage to win vs those teams and absurd rating loses

Heh I had a -13 loss last night when I had no one in the top 250 (doubt even plat) and I vs’d the #3 duo q. Lost 592-10 but I lose 13 rating sigh lol. I was under 1.7k MMR solo q.


(edited by fishball.7204)

Very important PSA

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


I think I was in that game against you lol, your team really struggled without the Ele in team fights it was probably the dumbest idea to have a bunch of squishies and a burn guard fighting mid. I was on necro and just passed all the burns back to your team rip.

Plat is full of people like this, frustrating as hell.

Also yeah that burn guard is a bad player who jumps in, tries to unload all his burns including purging flames and then dies instantly if he doesn’t kill anyone lmao


Matchmaking screenshots - you be the judges

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


Yeah this system sucks for people in the 1650-1750 MMR range on NA. You either get farmed by top players and lose 10-15 (why?) or you have to farm gold ranks to move up with piddly 7-11 gains and 20 losses if you get unlucky/mess up.

There should be a hard limit on MMR differentials, everyone in the game should be within 200 MMR limit maximum this also forces people who want to climb to fight each other at the top instead of q dodging and only playing one game every 3 days.


"Matchmaking" sucks - EVIDENCE

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


My friend lost 15 for this match against 2 legendary tier players as a 1.8k MMR guy. Can you please explain that match please Evan thanks.


Current Leader Board

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


I’d be ok with that but I’m pretty sure ANet wants people to play throughout the entire season that’s why they have decay in place :<

I’d rather just grind out X games too and just AFK after that because my rating isn’t going anywhere without significant changes (eg. my skill ceiling cap going up a lot) so I cbf.

The only actual downside I see is that there will be a lot less people playing after they’ve achieved their X games because there’s little reason to play unless they want something specific (eg. top 250).


Current Leader Board

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


As long as ANet doesn’t do anything to ban people that pay to throw/smurf etc the GW2 leaderboard will never be competitive. Having said that…

Definitely there needs to be a limit on placement, I think Gold 1 would be fine since they can climb easily if they’re really that good.

150 games at the very least to show up on leaderboard in the final days I reckon, if you look at EU they’re very active and don’t just sit there with a high rating and AFK and then play every 3 days. Like I’ve said before, the decay needs to be more harsh the higher you are. Gold and below – no decay at all. Plat – decays every 2 days. Legendary – every day or something to that effect.

The rating loss is also a big deal – I gained 5 for a win and lost 16 for a loss the other night which just kills any motivation for me to play PvP. If I was at my skill level ~50% win rate then I would gain and lose the same amount and not move up at all but right now that rarely happens. I assume it is worse for top players higher ranked than me.

Which goes on to my next point, you cannot put 2100 MMR players together with 1700 and similarly 1700 with 1300 and expect that to create any meaningful matches! I’ve watched Ajax from EU stream against sind/misha who are wayyyy higher rated than his plat 1. I dont understand why you put them together, Ajax got punished for an unwinnable match (-7, but still) it’s just stupid.


Pulmonary impact or headshot must be changed

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


Maybe increase the initiative cost a little bit, right now it feels very spammable


Hardened leather section

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fishball.7204


ANet has already mentioned that they will make this more farmable (aka cheaper) in the future on reddit. This was mentioned alongside the AB Multiloot nerf that will come.

Nobody knows when exactly but if you wanna wait you can probably save a lot of gold.


Gain +2 and lose -23?!

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


I have to agree, you almost dont want to play PvP.

Especially when you get to a rank or in the top 250.

For instance i was in the top 175. I lost 4 games out of 6. I havent been able to get back to the top 250 but i have gotten back into platinum.

This is something i want and i dont know if i want to keep playing tons of games once im at 1650+.

You can see players in the top 50 kind of not playing as much. I mean the incentive are the titles/badges and yet a person can play -20 games get a ranking of over 2k. And they guy with 200 games and a 80% win rate has fallen to 150. Something is not right here.

I think overall we should of seen this coming, its Anet and im pretty sure they have monkeys play darts in the back room with there ideas. The darts that land bam that is the new system.

Pretty much. I played around 12-15 games tonight, won around 70% of them but ended up down around 10 rating from before I started lol. Why even bother playing unless to counter decay? Stupid system.

I even had a game with Jeff on my team and I got a +5. He probably got a +3 or less, another guy got +4 at 1.8k MMR.



ELO hell climb was a complete joke LUL

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


I think you would’ve climbed with less losses if you embraced the NA “pro league” meta



I thinking of coming back...

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


There’s a few niche builds that don’t use HoT but yeah most of them run HoT elite specs.


PvP sucks atm here s why

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


- matchmaking is still broken, 5 random pugs solo Qing going vs double pro league Duo and still losing -20 , or getting 1600 MMR players in my game when I was1850+ makes no sense, fast Q times make matchmaking a lot worse

Population of the game is not high enough. With such a small sample size this is bound to happen no matter what.

The double duo could be split in both teams….

This. One of my games today was vs a duo with the #23 player and another duo with the #24 player. Surely you could’ve bloody split them up for a closer game? But no. Only lost like 8 or 9 but meh crummy matchmaker.

I’ve also had games in NA prime where I lost -6 or -8 which meant I was totally outstacked by the other side, prime time like 2 hours after reset shouldn’t be happening tbh.


Getting the exact same people in a row

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


Actually what bothers me a lot about current matchmaking is that 1. a lot of alt accounts/NA players on EU/season afkers taking top spots and not playing regularly which leads to 2. stacked teams of top 10-25 consistently facing teams of 1700-1800 rating (how does it even happen, blows my mind, no way those teams have nowehere near similar overall MMR, it doesn’t even attempt to mix the teams). It leads to absolutely lopsided matches (how the hell am i supposed to win games with people zerging 4v1 vs teams consisting of pro league players?) and even if you manage to win vs those top 10 you gain almost nothing. It happens over and over and over again and is beyond discouraging and demotivating. Would you queue if you knew you are guaranteed to lose?

I had a game like this during NA prime today. I was 1670 MMR I wanted to see how NA prime was so i queued up. First match, vs toker’s alt + 2 other pro league players + the other 2 whom I knew were on the leaderboard somewhere.

My team? Half were gold and maybe 1 guy was on the leaderboard.

I lost -8 but that’s just dumb it was legit a 0% chance to win game lol.

You can’t tell me that during NA prime there’s low population and no better matches to match me up with lmao.


Why AP for the top 250 titles is not cool

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


I still fail to see how having AP rewards for this hurts anyone. Why shouldn’t people who play extremely well be rewarded with AP as well as other benefits? How does this hurt anyone?

It doesn’t hurt anyone and the daft thing is that the achievement hunter who made the thread doesn’t realise no other achievement hunter even close to contesting him in AP will get a title either.

Numba 1 AP skilled player from NA Maguuma tabbynachos is top 15 right now


"What does 'rotate' mean?"

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


Every one knows everything in the forum , but some how i get players insta dying as warriors and guards or players that afk close.
Not possible to win such games.
God a couple of games ago i saw 1v1 close a warrior vs a warrior, they just started that 1v1, i go + 1 him, and he leaves me ro go kill chief…..
I asked him why u left me 1v1 a warriors as a necro, he said there was no point ro 2v1 a player in a point that belong to us.
And this crap is actually happening in platinium.
Its really crazy that in the same game there is such a huge gap in skill play

I just had 5/6 losses lol, 4 games I had 2 thief, one with no armor. #feelsbadman

I just wanna play some games so I don’t usually q dodge but man I really should.

Idk how these bads get to plat, I had a game the other night with some top 50 NA duo and we still lost because our ele wanted to go solo beast as d/f support lol -_-


"What does 'rotate' mean?"

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


So what does rotate mean tho? Had some1 tell us to rotate when we needed to group up….we didnt’ understand. Maybe if some1 could just explain what it means? lol. Its not explained in the pvp information on the wiki or here on teh forum or by anet themselves what it is or what it means. Its a player created term……so dont’ expect people to understand it without explaining it to them.
I mean how did u learn what rotate meant?

In layman’s terms it’s just to match numbers for fights and don’t do dumb things like 4v1 1 guy.

For example if you’re winning a fight already 4v3 and they have 2 downed, you should prepare to leave and move to other nodes/watch for respawn.

Other things include not sitting solely at home 24/7 like some lower tier players do. If you clearly see 5 people on the map AND they have no thief/mesmer, go help your team or do something and don’t afk at home, that’s rotating too.

Another one is when you open 1-4 and then you lose the mid fight (say 2 downed), best bet is to just leave the fight and/or go far try and get the decap.

Just things like that really.


Worth it to get back into PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


Not really worth it unless you find it fun to be dragged down by other players.

The only reason right now I play is for xmute stones… even in Plat one of my games had a support ele go solo beast so I give up why bother


At first I didn't believe...

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


In order to get 2k rating off of placements you had to go against top players all 10 games But certainly there should be a higher cap on placement games or a fix to how the system calculates MMR because it’s simple to exploit and all the top players are doing it.

Maybe some games but definitely not all 10 because I was in the 10th one for Timmytimtim and the opponents were at most plat with even some players in gold lol.


Scoring system is horrible

in WvW

Posted by: fishball.7204


Am I the only one who likes the new system? It actively helps your server if you have a weak timezone and don’t have 24/7 coverage, and takes the stress off having to PPT 24/7 or risk falling out of your tier.

You’re on Maguuma with 22/24 skirmishes won so any system would be ‘good’ to someone on Maguuma tbh.

Right now you guys are at 1.84 ratio compared to TC/BG – 46 skirmish points to 25 (BG/TC).

If we used the old ‘warscore’, Mag has 160k and BG/TC have around 125k which is a ratio of 1.28.

If we look at the ratios, the blowout is far higher under this new system than the old warscore so I’m not really sure you can say this system helps someone without 24/7 coverage more since the blowouts are far higher.


Scoring system is horrible

in WvW

Posted by: fishball.7204


3-2-1 is better if you wanna focus the top server though.

Right now across 2 skirmish with 2-1-1 if you focus top and trade the win both of you get 3, the ‘first’ gets last place for both = 2.

In a 3-2-1 you can both trade win and end up with 5 while forcing the ‘first’ to get last for both = 2.

You can see that 3-2-1 actually incentivizes 2v1 harder and lets you trade wins with the 2nd/3rd server to gang up on the first better since you can achieve 2.5 the points in a 3-2-1 rather than a 1.5 in 2-1-1 across 2 skirmishes.


Character slot limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fishball.7204


It’d be nice for a cap increase. I’m missing some base skins (lol starter skins) because I have 70 chars and don’t want to delete any


NA vs EU?

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


Some salty NA pro league players go to EU to troll the queues by throwing matches (eg. p/p thief) is that what you’re asking about



in WvW

Posted by: fishball.7204


The score diff last week between Mag and BG was 4.

I mean you guys on Mag legit complain about everything lol. BG ppts too hard. BG doesn’t play. BG has no fight guilds. BG stole my dog etc


Another PvP issue

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


I’m not judging you or anything like if that was me instead of you I’d be losing just as bad lol. The problem is those guys are #3/#4 on the leaderboards (2000+ MMR) and the rest of us in that game were probably 1600-1700 at best. Like when you said rotations were on point it’s because we could literally just sit on clock tower and watch you guys respawn because you couldn’t regroup when those 2 are destroying everyone.

ANet shouldn’t match them up in our games at all and if they did you shouldn’t lose 12 and the correct thing to do would be +1 or -1 at most since the teams are so lopsided.

I’ve been in your shoes a lot solo queueing which was why I nagged my friend to duo with me… the matchmaking system kinda sucks around gold<->plat.

I hope Evan actually pulls up that match and tells us how the hell that was a fair game tbh.


(edited by fishball.7204)

Another PvP issue

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


Yeah +1. I was in the game you screenshotted and the teams were no way balanced. We had a pro league duo + our own duo (we even beat the other duo the previous game) so both of our duos were > yours.

Idk how this system works but it’s a mess right now.


Nerf to bloodstone crystal nodes?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: fishball.7204


Better to hoard it by choice than be ‘forced’ to farm it out of necessity in the future (eg. new raids, wvw meta etc)


Helseth carries bronze 4v5

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


maybe not an ele hell but…matches are stacked. i cant climb past high tier gold on my alt account while im legendary on my main playing 3 or 4 games a day keeping the same tier pretty much. to me this proves there can be circumstances under which its near impossible to climb out. take for example my last game on my alt. i went druid. i won some 2v1s and supported team fights best i could. they couldnt kill kitten while my teammates were getting downed left and right. thief on our team wasnt decapping far and constantly getting downed in team fights. i went guardian half way through and we started winning. we got tranq and we looked like we could win. until i saw our whole team fighting off point near home..and lo and behold what do i see? home getting decapped and me pinging to get home, while i win the 2v1 fight against me on mid. this is high end gold. just 1 game away from platinuum. these guys are blatantly making mistakes that the other team isnt and mistakes that i know better NOT to make. i know im better than high end gold. i have a main account that i do well with in legendary. so yes under the right cirumstances there IS an ELO hell

That’s not ELO hell, that’s just one bad game. Surely if you played another 20 games you won’t have the same issue 20 times in the row if you’re really a legendary player.

That’s the point. These people are stuck in bronze with win ratios like 16-25 and are blaming the system when it’s obviously their fault they suckkkkkkkk.


Helseth carries bronze 4v5

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


This is a 4v5. Sure most of us wouldn’t be able to carry a 4v5 but 5v5? Easy since you should be winning all 1vf1s and forcing their team to commit more than 1 person to fight you meaning your team wins the other nodes.

But you guys keep deluding yourself and saying that it’s the system working against you :^)

I also lol @ people who cite that they’re vets with XXXX hours and lots of wvw roaming experience as if that matters when wvw roaming on NA is just hitting doors and sniping solo pve players doing their dailies & hours played means nothing if you’ve been bad all these years.


Helseth carries bronze 4v5

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


ELO hell? Stuck in bronze? Maybe you’re just bad :^)


Auric Basin too popular?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: fishball.7204


The easiest way to fix it would just be to put an ICD on the big chests long enough to prevent you from looting them more than once but short enough that you can still loot them again after the next meta cycle.

The craziest thing about ABML is the fact that you can loot the chests without ever participating in the event.

You can loot the pods in DS without doing anything. You can loot the caches in TD without doing anything. You can loot the airship cargo in VB without doing anything.